I Beat NIGHTMARE Difficulty in Minecraft! (NEW Hardest Difficulty)

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so you all may be familiar with the impossible difficulty challenges I've beaten recently you know my craft but lava instantly kills you water instantly kills you every mob is extremely Opie it hurts the punch of tree your tools randomly break at any time Enderman and Pigman are always angry at you and just so so much more well funding has gone and released the final challenge for us all to beat the nightmare difficulty it includes all the rules from the previous difficulties but there's a bunch of new stuff that's also been added eating any meat will kill you a large fall will break your legs water is no longer viable for the nether your arrows have a chance to shoot in a random direction and the most annoying rule yet when walking there's a small chance you will trip and drop your entire inventory everywhere come on now I have to say funny this one is actually hard and spoiler alert I did die a fair few times but if this video gets a hundred thousand likes I'll beat it in hardcore mode in a future video I know I can do it also this challenge took me so long to beat so if you do go on to enjoy this video please consider subscribing and joining the hua hua army and this video shout out is coming from discord thank you to this person you're an absolute legend get a guys my name is woodsy and welcome to nightmare difficulty that's right one final challenge from Fundy himself we're trying to take on nightmare difficulty this is actually gonna be insane so the rules still remain the same from the last two difficulties personally I kinda need to find food right now I'm kind of happy we're in this forest because we can find sweet berries I'll please show me sweet berries yes I saw so it varies okay okay okay let's go that's only slightly annoying wait a minute oh dude I just found out how to count a funny stupid you can't break wood with your fists without taking damage but if you just hold an item doesn't have to be any sort of tool you just hold any item and you take no damage however only just found this out so there's only really one rule we need to worry about at the side of this challenge and that's the fact that we have to eat a strictly vegetarian diet obviously the easiest way to get food in Minecraft is by killing animals but by eating meat it will literally kill us so today we'd have to rely on what fruits and veggies we can gather and our first mission will be to find a village so we can get wheat for bread let's get ourselves some cobble so right now we're kind of in a rough spot we do need to find more sweet berries or some sort of food source that isn't meat I think finally a village would honestly just be the easiest thing right now I still want to find some sheep for a bed show me the Sheep show me the Sheep come on this is rough please give me a village okay no village I'll take some sheep though at least give me the Sheep or neither you know neither's fine this is not looking good this is gonna be a rough one I can't lie pretty much without a village it's it's game over I need to head back this way I need a if I can I need to get back to that forest get more berries village village village village village oh gosh this is a very rough start one village will change everything for us right now at least we've got some more berries and it's turning nine that is perfect okay no this is fine I've got a plan oh yeah there's another rule I forgot to mention whenever you go to sleep now you wake up early from a nightmare forcing you to still survive the last part of the night guess that's where the name comes from huh got no one to blame but myself for this one really all right so we're about to find out why this is called nightmare mode and I'm about to share with you my Big Brain strategy it's still no worries you know I've studied the rules and I've devised the plan and this is how I'm gonna put up with the nightmare there's our bed okay well that is oh no way not okay okay I've been I've been counted okay this is not that bad you just need to wait for all that stuff to float back to the surface how are you I'm underwater can you oh my gosh dude it better not be another drowned coming for me there we go anyway we're set up here in the middle of the ocean we can go to sleep you had a nightmare now when you wake up there's still a little bit of night left which means mobs can still spawn however that's why I've come out here to the middle of the ocean in the ocean mobs can't really spawn besides these stupid drowned so now we just wait out the night and then we can row back to shore it should be daytime which should be fine you may be beginning to understand just how time-consuming this challenge really was we see any mobs the coast seems clear trying to play this game as a vegetarian it kind of sucks oh my god jackpot oh this is so good come on we've got to find a village back here we've got to found a lava pit we're gonna remember where that is that will come in handy I need this village so bad though maybe we should cross the ocean try and find a village maybe that's a good idea dude I'm sick I'm sick saying these biomes [Music] yes dude this is so perfect got a village it's directly next to an ocean but not ask for better luck now it begins first of all hey this is why we needed a village this is our food source there will be no better food source than bread damn that's a lot of bread the other thing we need to do is when they didn't sure oh why why why I wanted to ensure that we keep three villagers safe and alive this is a lot of villages all right one of you just go in the hole just one of you go on with the villagers now secured in my inventory filled with bread night was now approaching so I had to head back into the ocean and try to sleep I was soon going to find out though that the ocean isn't as safe as I had first thought okay so we got way more night this time around okay for the time being what I'm actually gonna do I'm gonna stay away from our village but I'm gonna scout around and see if I can find just some like stray spiders or anything because the most fun thing about this challenge is always trying to get those spider eyes oh gosh oh gosh oh I'm totally dead I'm dead no yes good shield me I'm gonna die I am guaranteed dead yep huh maybe the ocean isn't as safe as I thought it was all right not to worry we just need to get back there let's get ourselves some more wood hope our stuff's still floating around out there I'm kind of lost there it is there's still a trident zombie there I just have to go for it I guess do that again go go go go go go go go all right lesson learned all right we still got half a day left let's return back to our village at this stage my focus was on doing some initial trading with some villages you guys know the drill chopping down trees making sticks trading for emeralds and so on I wanted to trade for some bows and arrows to begin with because I felt that would help me with the next parts of my journey I think now would be a good time why did i shift-click it wasn't long though until night was coming again so I had to go back out to the ocean and get some sleep now it's time to chop down more trees alright so as I was trying to do earlier I've now got myself mez we'll just get three stacks of arrows our next job is to get iron and I know I could probably kill this dude right here for iron but I feel like he'll probably save my life later on ok what is this this looks good this looks safe oh hell yes these iron are you all right and I guess while that smelts we can go back to chopping down trees so we now had iron which was great because we could make all the important tools we would need to progress further in this challenge a flint and steel a bucket and most importantly a shield shield there we go now I feel also slightly safer and now we wait once again there was one final preparation I wanted to do though before I head into the nether so I head underground to do something around Oh bars alright now I know it's super boring but I'm actually gonna get a strip mining for a little bit I hopefully want to find some gold the other thing is I want a lot of blocks for when I go to the nether I know it's boring but hey when the challenge is this hard you got to do what you have to do 2000 years later that's some gold but that should be all we need for gold honestly that's that's gonna be it we're done and now this challenge was about to get a whole lot harder this is absolutely perfect just where I remembered it being alright so to make things more annoying funnies actually made it so if you want to make a nether portal it has to be a 4x4 so this is kind of annoying dude I swear if I buy a trip right now and my stuff falls in lava I'm gonna be so mad slow and steady wins the race dude I'm so anxious right now just about everything alright let's head into nether let's see what our spawn is like now the portal created okay I feel a little bit closed in but I feel like we can we can find our way to a fortress and get maybe best if maybe I go this way well this is fun well that's our fortress also you may notice that I haven't brought any water and cauldrons to the nether this time and there's a good reason for that Fundy made that strategy pretty much impossible with every time you trip or take damage you spill some of your water so instead I was just not going to get set on fire at all but if I do it will be certain death okay well made it this far I'm not super happy with the amount of skeletons around here right now okay invisible gassed over there skeleton with enchanted bow on the roof up there that's fun okay no no that's not fair okay we lost some stuff we lost our bread oh no we need to get that bread we need to get that bread dude I knew this would be the most annoying part of it all and that was blaze there okay tell you what here's what we need to do when you start fighting back still need our bread back I'm just gonna do it oh god no no no thought that was a thing oh no I didn't get my bread so I berries I guess I love berries the plenty of blocks and get our bread we can get our bread right now huh whoa come on I was fully blocked in oh hey there thanks for coming to this video wow you've already watched about 10 12 minutes or so that's a fair bit of time you've now reached the water checkpoint do yourself a favor pause the video right now go to your kitchen or wherever get yourself some water and stay hydrated Cheers so now that we've done that you got to do me a favor if you actually went to your kitchen just now and got some water and you haven't already press that subscribe button it's literally free it'll take you two seconds just do it just just do it so yes I had died again but that was a little unfair how was I to know pigment can literally hit you through blocks and also to make matters worse I did my best to gear up and head back to the nether as fast as I could but when I got there all my stuff had already D spawned so I took a massive L telling me all my stuff is already gone on piste oh and my shield dude this is not fair I already have no shield so without a shield I was forced to waste more time and go all the way back home because there was no way I could take on a fortress without a shield and not get set on fire [Music] [Music] maybe in a little bit of trouble here we can make it work I don't have that yeah I don't know if leis can shoot through it but I'm kind of scared without him I don't know for sure I need to find a spawner dude if I could just find a spawner inside here okay Oh God we did well to survive that it was after that close call that I decided to finally head back home and actually make a shield and then I could come back stronger than ever ready to collect these blaze rods and I was coming with a plan this time I'm just going for it if I trip a trip being way too scared of all these random events that it's stopping me from just you know doing what I need to do so anyway this is a good opportunity okay - blaze roads just like that 8p8 kill me please please out here please out here please out here I can't buy fine underneath new strategy new plan when it's deep underneath so here's where my plan comes into play obviously trying to fight blaze is a real risk because if they set me on fire at all I am guaranteed to die so my plan was to tunnel underneath the spawner and set up a blaze trap so I could easily kill blaze with zero risk of being set on fire and the plan worked great except it took so much time it's just a matter of time now and these players will come down here and we'll just keep picking them up here we go this works don't you sit on fire don't break my shield please now we gotta get out of here that plan worked really great it was slow as anything but it allowed us to get the road safely that's all that really matters all right screw it we're just gonna run we just gotta run swear if I trip I'm gonna be so mad I'm gonna be so mad please we're good it's good look honestly what did I expect neither rods give me the roads just down there they just down there we've got this okay wait we can't take full damage the little break our legs okay we've got this we don't have food either [Music] come on yes yes give me everything give me everything don't set me on fire that's it gonna play okay okay we're on the clip but everything I care about which is just the blaze roads anything else we can get again oh please do not be nighttime please we just have to go we just got to go get the ocean we get the ocean we're in the clear we made it we made it we made it we made it yes oh we actually did it oh what a relief we had finally secured the blaze roads which meant we had completed probably the hardest part of the entire challenge only with one extremely unfair death might I add now that we were back in the overworld it was time for us to chill out do more villager trading and make those final preparations to defeat the dragon well the next thing I kind of want to do is make my potions of invisibility I'm starting to notice I don't have a carrot here so that's kind of bad I was hoping I'd find a carrot in here please don't make me have to go find another village that's how it is I guess we need a head off and find another village so I set off traveling and looking everywhere I could for a village it took me so long and many attempts traveling in different directions but in the end we eventually got there oh my god is that a village Oh finally I've been travelling for so long it's ridiculous and we gotta make we gotta make this quick it looks like it's about to turn night as well please have carrots for me please give you a farm oh ouch that's seeds carrot yes again - carrots - carrots three carrots I think that's more than what we need just go make sure not to eat those suckers how long ago we got a bit of time before it turns night let's grab as much hay as we can need this for more food I think instead of sleeping this night I might just go out onto the ocean and hunt for spiders on the way back home so yeah I'm gonna head I'm gonna head home now and look out for some spiders on the way there's ever been a chance to kill a spider this has got to be it come here come at me please okay that's a spider right go go go go go go yes okay maybe we've got a chance here but pretty much home I mean this is a beach where usually hunting up there we go that looks like an eye I think we can get this eye okay okay we got it we got it we got it just run just run just run we did it all right let's head out to our bed you may be wondering why I got to spider eyes this time around yeah that's right I'm making six invisibility potions that's a total of 48 minutes of invisibility I cannot and will not be stopped oh okay I guess I'll just sit out here anyway Lynette so um I was just f cane waiting for the night to finish I was not even looking at the screen and I come back and this has happened so that's that's sick so despite this minor hurdle I was easily able to get my stuff back and start preparing for the final battle to beat the game all I had left to do was to trade for ender pearls and I've done this so many times now I'll just skip ahead but all you guys need to know is that this took 10 times longer than it usually does because every night I'd have to wait around in the middle of the ocean for it to become day again alright well it took an eternity but we've got the inventory sorted let's do this that way oh I hate to do this but I might like I might need a wait to get a full day in because his own with only half the day I could get stuck out in the open with mobs and I don't need that see all right and the sun's coming up for what could be the last time we got a brand new day oh it's taken me so long but let's go and fight this dragon that way right I knew it oh this is always gonna be fun isn't it feel like we could be close to it already like we've traveled pretty far from spawn to get to this village so it might be nearby already yeah I'm curious I'm curious okay still that way come on dude we're getting a bit of a bit of water here let's see still across that way oh it's like directly behind us come on it's gonna be like here where they go across here there we go straight down all right down we go I'm kind of nervous here we are the big bad stronghold or a drink some envious I still don't know if the envious helps or not but for safety measures we're gonna keep doing it if spiders fun I'll fight a spider does it not see me see invisible working wait [Music] jay-j we're here [Music] all right this is it this is it the final battle let's just do it we're gonna win we're gonna win easy I can't wait to trip like a million times in this battle and my stuff's gonna go everywhere so yeah there's a brand new mob that spawns in here when you break the crystals now they're fine because they don't target you when you have invisibility and we have five more potions of invisibility on us so I think we should be just fine okay don't won me my that worked that worked as well you wanna be every shot okay dragon get out of my way come on hit that yes okay just one more one more one more one more that one come on I love this this is great Thank You Fundy it's definitely where I want my arrow to be shooting okay and we broke a bow this is why we bring like a million bucks what I might cry oh gosh another boat broke No there we go alright now it's just me and the dragon let's do this there we go there we go oh gosh all I gotta say is Fundy thank you the slow falling thank you I really appreciate that dude my bows are breaking so fast this is not unfair I mean this is so unfair luckily I got these power two bows from the villagers so I'm kind of chillin there we go look at that damage warm warm we have three bows left two of them are power too we got plenty of arrows I'm sure come on I'm choking I'm choking oh god oh god don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me all God is so close huh that's all you got that's all you got huh I've got five minutes left of invisi right now I am chilling I'm chilling dude Oh what are you even trying right now oh you're so dead you're so dead you're just so dead dragon spitting at me stop dude look how low it is oh my god we've actually done it come on yeah come down come down come down oh you're gonna regret this my favorite all right come on dragon come on come on show yourself show yourself I can never tell if my shots are missing because I can't aim for come on dre one hit one hit that's it that's it yes yes we did it we did it well this was unexpected you actually beat the game here I was thinking it was impossible good job kiddo Fundy the creator applauds your victory click here to claim your prize hi it just links to my youtube there is no prize I went after all I did all that and that's our surprise Wow fun D Wow so that was it that was me baiting the new nightmare difficulty from fun D which is potentially the final challenge in this difficulty saga to wrap this video up I wanted to do a quick breakdown of our run today firstly something to note which I found really interesting is we didn't make a single piece of armor for this entire game and we were still able to beat it now again if you guys want to see me beat this in hardcore next a hundred thousand likes and I'll do it yes we did die a few times in this run but if you actually think about the deaths we did have they were easily avoidable firstly to the Trident drowned in the ocean with just being a bit more aware of my surroundings and maybe even having a spare boat that definitely could have been avoided the second death where I got wallbang by a pig man honestly totally unfair and shouldn't count as a death but knowing what I know now I could have easily lived in that scenario I just thought I was safe behind those blocks and I mean the third death I was literally not even playing I was watching YouTube I don't think I even need to explain how that could have been avoided so overall I think math strategies are very solid and with a bit of persistence and patience I could easily beat this difficulty in hardcore so if you want to see that video make sure to subscribe and join the wha-wha army until you won't miss out and as always I'll catch you in the next one Cheers what was that you've just finished watching the video and you don't know what to watch anymore well why not head over to my second channel what to eat where I post wacky blogs and stuff and some videos yeah I'm I'm just self-promoting that's all hope you enjoyed the video
Channel: WadZee
Views: 4,658,602
Rating: 4.9708591 out of 5
Keywords: I beat nightmare difficulty in Minecraft, new hardest difficulty, nightmare difficulty, fundy nightmare difficulty, impossible difficulty minecraft, Minecraft Impossible Difficulty, Minecraft Nightmare Difficulty, Fundy Impossible Difficulty, WadZee, WadZee Nightmare Difficulty, beating nightmare mode minecraft, nightmare mode minecraft, so i made nightmare difficulty in minecraft, minecraft baby mode, Fundy, minecraft fundy, minecraft challenge, wadzee impossible minecraft
Id: xR7V-m5XN_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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