I Played the WORLD'S HARDEST Minecraft Modpack..

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sup how's it going let's do this I'm going into ro Croft general ro Croft is it's meant to be the hardest mod pack in Minecraft and I think I'm ready I've almost completed minecraft hardcore so I think it's my turn to try this out that's it single-player create a new world what should we create the new world this is gonna be I'm gonna die lots oh my goodness were in Hoorn the seconds horn the second things are happening right I need to go working on this so I think I need to smack grass I just want to there we go it's gonna break you think so you even pick up things it's different buttons and then you can shift you out to pick stuff up but apart from that everything's way different what do I need I need flint find gravel so gravel is the thing I need right oh look you can like uh yeah yeah it happens I should have known I let you saw it just a minute ago okay that's one rip when you respawn you respawn in a random location I need gravel let's find gravel yeah you respawn in a random location anyway why was trying to show you is look you can like pause the breaking of blocks that's quite cool I like that but let's see what earth is going on over here I'm gonna take these sticks actually is take those I mean these are gonna be handy so there's a chest up here I think we're gonna try and grab it can I grab some dirt though I just want to build up for that chest that looks like it could be pretty good I think this is the battle tower I'm gonna quickly go up or even that's different that's kind of cool right let's grab this stuff and get out of here oh I'm out I'm out Oh I've stolen successfully whether I get bricks string we've got a fishing rod oh wait I'm thinking fire oh there's a temperature system isn't there I need to get out of the desert pretty fast I see trees in the distance I'm just gonna go over here find some gravel and get situated I can drink this that's great something's hurting me I'm gonna die on I I'm already gonna die I need to get out of here run as fast as you can come on you can drink in this you need to watch your temperature as well I think you need to wear certain things the temperature but luckily you can drink from the water with your hand how do i cool down oh just jump in water I feel like all of this is a trap let's go and just bathe in the water real quick that's nice that's real nice there you go look the arrow on the blame is going down there's great news right Newhouse okay we got a hoe Cole and seeds that's good going I think oh yes this is perfect I need to be so careful the water nearby all there's gravel down here too right what do we need from here this is definitely gravel is it gonna work under the water though I'm not seeing any of the bits I need someone give me the bits I need please don't say it doesn't work underwater whoa oh that was some major lag holy cow okay we got some Flint that's good I think the first thing we can make is Flint tools I think that's one of the things they said in the started guide I think is where I can reap it down the gravel see we get some more gravel from this no gravel Flint you know what I mean there we go that's some more I definitely need to remember you need to shift to pick stuff up I feel like I'm gonna leave a lot of stuff behind what is that please don't kill me I do remember reading that if something looks like it's gonna kill you it will that was literally in the tutorial I feel like I need to make something flinty before I can get some ink from the grass right I need to right-click this on something right all right let's do yeah here we go oh I got Flint shards beautiful right it's getting to night time which is good there we go I already died once the manage to sleep which means our spawn is now set which is perfect Flint knife one stick and a Flint shard and Flint knife let's go right we got a flint knife I think we can now yeah plant fibers we need those deaf meanie plant fibers I also don't want to use all of my Flint knife straight away and then you do this oh there we go new recipes let's make some flint tool shall we we need for flint shards two sticks and a string before we get that we need wood though right axe axe axe mean acts right there you go Flynn hatchet not even an axe so now oh food as well we need to be careful I need to chop this down now one thing I have seen is the tree animation is amazing watch this watch this with your very own beady little eyes watch it what's your for what's your for okay here we go yes big yes timber coming down that's my favorite thing about this game so far this is great okay we're full of water we're a good temperature food it's gonna be an issue though if we don't find anything quickly but now I think you have to swing especially with wood as well you can't just make it into planks craft together two-by-two to turn into a cobblestone a stick and a cobblestone makes a dagger alright alright let's do that it's set to punch oh just rocks okay there's rocks down here right you grab these yeah give me these and then two of these make cobblestone or four I think it's gonna be four isn't it there's different types of rocks golden NIM okay I'm gonna go towards this if this kills me I'll come for you oh yeah look regeneration there you go I think we've been blessed blessed by a golden NIM right let's do this one club was through it and they say cobblestone and stick dagger watch out my friends look at this dagger I wanna I'm gonna stab stab real nice we've actually got a decent sound guys we put a house we've got sheep over there not sure where they'll be useful dinosaurs to make friends with we've got nymphs nearby we're doing all right next thing I want to find out though is how do i make logs though i think that's something you have to do this and then a soaring you need to do with this about karma and what it is I'm afraid that I might broken this now maybe there's another tool but we need a crafting table how could making a craft great I've wasted one wood fantastic oh okay yep that worked nevermind oh I have to be close okay that makes sense I could actually turn these into into planks if I want to now we can make a crafting table so I there we go beautiful snow boots down here in our makeshift house okay now we have this I also need to grab rocks to be able to get cobblestone for a furnace right most of it is gonna be getting these crafting recipes in my noggin not sure how that's gonna work alright let me grab as many of these rocks as possible I need to find a safe way down to that ravine but I always need to make a pickaxe I got three cobblestone from that well just well how much we're gonna need for a full full furnace or how many rocks we got what there we go we got enough let's see if this works Oh guys look we've got it a furnace let's go as cook some food why am i burning up all the furnace I'm getting in here I didn't get in getting it in that work I don't know if this is what it works actually works amazing I can't drink this that's a problem luckily I've got a little pond down here I can drink from it's probably isn't the most sanitary of thing I'm gonna do it anyway I'm doing sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip sip what do we do next we could try making a pickaxe I think I'm gonna do that next let's see what the recipe is for nope we can't do it that way oh here we go we can make that already right through sticks and string and for Flint shards we certainly can Bam Bam Bam but I sells a pickaxe what could I mine with this though I'm assuming it's not most things I want to make a little staircase down into here alright here we go let's try the pickaxe - the first time boom oh we can get rocks from this oh that's great we are making massive progress can I mind call I come mine coal let's go and I'm almost at level 5 assault is awesome when we get to level 5 we're level 5 already here we go right do we want mining crafting or combat we get more XP from or more XP from crafting or more XP from mobs I'm gonna rule out combat okay let's do mine in a boom done is that yet oh here we go stone cutting or even listen to that so reverberating super weird yeah what I want to youtube I'm streaming so like 30,000 people there's no way I can oh wait what what is that what is that let me out let me out oh my guess I'm gonna die I'm gonna die oh I can't jump bro I'm gonna stab you with this are you kidding me oh that's coming in place in heart at least I respawn here okay a Minecraft or just killed me and all my stuff is down there I need to grab all my stuff I've lost my levels as well bro what did you ah I knew is gonna come back oh he's added weight to me so I can't act oh you're you're you're annoying you're so annoying and now all my stuff is falling down the crack it's ain't good I didn't realize he was adding weight to me that's so annoying what do i do that's three deaths three deaths already did that come out of the or is that what that did that's so mean and now my stuff is gonna disappear if I don't go and grab it I'm gonna grab my stuff oh yes some of its still here boys the perfect give me give me give me let's go I'm out I want to keep my stuff there we go sweet I want to keep the valuable stuff I'm gonna go down and like grab it I want to keep these away has put everything in here okay let's not put the dirt in there cuz I'm gonna need two nerd Paul back up I'm gonna keep my dagger though pretty cheap to make let's even go and save our stuff before it D spawns I just grab this grab the hat [ __ ] got my cobblestone okay I think he's gone I just need to remember that I can't jump maybe fine stool stairs I'd be a good idea okay we're back we're back panic over right I'm gonna leave my hatchet here and go and try and grab some more but I need to be prepared for stuff coming to just kill me I have no we're out of ores I don't know why that has to be a thing right it's gotta make myself another pickaxe I'm also aware Neeta mine stuff and make some armor six fibers some sticks and our shards to make a pickaxe I'm gonna see if I can make all mine even some high end let's see if we can do that right can we mine this I need to meet level 4 requirements how do I do that though Oh hold on a second increases stone harvesting speed 30% per level level cost 5 so I can increase my mining for 5 level with by 30% plus 10% chance of flint from gravel that's actually sick ok I think we need to find some more coal actually it so I'm gonna go down here this is where this is where I'm gonna go please no more all monsters that was terrifying we just need to get levels to be able to level up our mining skill Banshee great that means there's one nearby oh there it is kill kill kill kill it kill it connect it oh I've got fear I'm moving by myself yo are you kidding me ok we need to make another dagger are you freakin kidding me ok how can I get this thing to go away I don't to lose my levels so I think they're important in this I don't take my things and going oh I can go through blocks look I'm not doing anything and it's moving whoa dudes no this is weird I'm so close to the edge don't kill me don't kill me no no no stop screaming stop screaming I'm so close to the edge ravine I don't want to get hit by him yo stop get out my gamma room good dude ok I'm gonna kill you because you're very close I'm losing levels I tree Jenning it's definitely returning bye-bye like yo this pack is crazy no no no right yeah I got it get out of my face you may have killed me twice but that doesn't matter oh that was horrible the screaming and stuff too not appreciated this is what we need oh wait it's in my inventory okay sweet plus now I've got a skill point oh it costs levels so now I'm on four I'm a fledgling minor I should be able to get an iron pick after this let's see how much we can grab Oh No do we need a different pickaxe for this Oh stone pickaxe dude why deny why didn't I think of that of course idiots let's see if this works this could be way better then I don't have to get Flint and stuff let's see what happens it should be almost broken as well hey big upgrades let's try not forget the basics there now we've got a good start so far you know really good start let's grab some are you joking we all made a flint and steel to light the torches how do these torches work lit torch yeah we need a flint and steel I'll do that so mean make yourself a flint and steel right here we go don't make things all troll it down here this here and then muck what what is that hello what is this hey buddy this is amazing okay not everything is scary in this pack he's blowing me back to the power of music look how talented he is what a beautiful beautiful man I don't want to kill him I just want to keep him here I thought that did it the exact same time that I lit the torch I thought that the torch was trolling me somehow oh you can say he doesn't hurt but if there's lava around how okay does hurt you started to get aggressive I'm grab to take him down give me your shrub bit boy give me your trumpet oh I think me a trumpet I complimented your skills trophy the scale was amazing I didn't know what's going on then but I'm glad it was cut it was nice that's mine up here shall we we're making some decent progress guys yeah I'm actually please do our progress I thought this is gonna be a death fest to be fair I think we got a pretty decent spawn at the beginning that's why I want to cross that shown across armor how many iron do you need to be able to make a full set of Oh No great great a golden Jian ash it's okay I've got a stone dagger I need that stuff dude I had some add some good bounty on me there's two there's two whoa you jump less please great that kills me straight away um okay give me a challenge what do I do now it's a golden when it can kill me in one shot I'm gonna go get my stuff it's just run let's go get the stuff stab the thing that's the motto get the stuff stab the thing no all the daggers right there oh great great yeah now I'm dead now I'm dead great what they both gone I am about that life I think they're both gone let's go it's at least try and grab our dagger though that's what I'm talking about dagger obtained did everything come back oh yeah we got our roars is Cole here as well sweet let's take our stuff and go right we can make a chest plate let's go so we've got 15 locational armor and defense is up by eight I don't meet the requirements are you kidding me are you kidding me so what level do I need to be to oh man really and how am I supposed to cool down if I can't cool down in this wait I've got an idea do I want to do this yes let's do it I'm making a small hot tub that's better than the cauldron let's see if this works but there we go hopefully that brings the temperature down we can drink from this too which is pretty cool yeah there we go that's better sweet I'm gonna drink from my own bathwater haha it's alright to see what your next upgrades are requirements defense eight I guess it does then defense a oh it needs to be a that's not bad leather you need nothing Shane is only four but how do you get Shane all you can craft it iron nuggets oh I can craft chainmail okay that's what I'm doing next okay I can make chain mail and that is only defense level 4 what is gonna do next all make chain armor I need to find some iron so I can make some more iron nuggets that's nine iron nuggets and then you make one chain maille plate with four that's two that's a good start and we've got requirements defense Forks it's three now yes so this iron chestplate I should have made oh I should have made I had nine no way at eight 8rn that used on this can I reverse can I give it back please okay it looks like we go and get some more oh why do you feel like going down here actually yes I said that should gasps see one piece of iron is actually a lot right I'm pretty sure but yeah every two pieces of iron brings you two pieces of chain mail I'm pretty sure that's how that goes down I mean eight pieces of chain mail okay that's good that's good going that's really good actually this is probably a bad idea to go down here it's not gonna be an easy way out but I feel like there's gonna be something nice also Ignasi down here whoa that's the back of soaring that I don't want to see okay never mind just gonna give me some levels I knew that was gonna happen there's two there's two ah get him get him get him I broke my is there - dude why is there toe oh I had my iron down there as well no okay I think I can go down and beat those so let's go back they've got my pocket of water now that's just no that's just not acceptable you can't be having that oh yeah you were still with holy yo yo yo no can it get it yes I win I've got more Jewpacabra me not sure what I'm gonna do with it no come on run back I need to go get my staff room real quick I'm gonna risk it I'm going I'm going down it's probably a terrible idea but it's pretty lit down here so it should be fine I think the things have gone they've despawn it's good to know that they D spawn I'm going back up I've got iron on me right I got three iron that's that's at least some armor and we can make nuggets out of these so make those nuggets and then make chain mail please BAM six I got eight I can wear chain mail now I'm gonna be balling BAM I am now wearing this oh wait and wait listen I jungle that's great where we're gonna go I think we should go this way because this has a bit of a deeper cave how was that he hit me with something hit me something special look how they move they move so cool well that's that Wow um Wow he destroyed my life properly destroyed my life let's go and reclaim what's rightfully ours he's Opie I know what wanna this isn't you're just like normal skele boy where is he oh there he is how did you get there ro he's like head showing me and killing me straightaway that's not fun so yeah I probably shouldn't come down here let's go make some more armor right we now have nuggets read to be careful how many of these we make I think right let's make some pants there we go pants a quiet mute and we need one two three four five okay we only need a little bit more iron to be able to to max out this armor oh we're doing great what is so good I got ten hold up hold up fine a mix - I only need two more of those and then we're good let's go and grab what is down here and that should should do us right always have to be down there though any iron lying around so it's gonna be a no oh wait it's a big fat yes it should give us what we need for full iron armor which I think for the first two hours of playing this modpacks am bad considering it's like the world's hardest mode back then too bad saw we now have full chainmail which is absolutely beautiful I think what I'm gonna do I should put a craft like a sword right ion's awed me to tak level eight stone sword doesn't need anything at all it's a one point six attack okay stone sword is better let's quickly make one of those there we go retiring the stone dagger it has a slower attack speed though it is pretty interesting just a little bit exploring here we go here's something something's going down that's a dragon that looks interesting though I really want to go there I don't want to get killed by this y'all hold up he's opening his mouth he's regressing towards me yo he's actually coming for me yo he spotted up he's burning up the forest that's where the flames are coming from Jack and I could run past I'm going I'm out I want to go to that interesting structure Oh leave me alone buddy I mean no harm I come in peace I come in peace oh wait this chest oh I'll take all of these things thank you golden nuggets is that gold this is gold whoa we found treasure ah oh I knew that wasn't gonna come for free dude no not the cockatrices no no no oh great yeah he's shooting me from afar this is great why can they shoot from so far away oh there's another one oh I definitely come the wrong way are dead so dead so now I'm dying of hypothermia he just part of my stuff II just part of my stuff he just brought all my stuff oh my goodness I can't believe that that's what my stuff gone that I had on me oh I've got make the chainmail armor again man no guys it's not over we will get our stuff back I'll have to go back and see what we lost I don't think it's much guys thank you so much for tuning in and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,103,707
Rating: 4.9322333 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.15, rl craft, rlcraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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