100 IRON GOLEMS vs WITHER (in survival minecraft...)

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this isn't clickbait I swear you read that title correctly I'm going to make 100 iron golems just to fight the wither and I do it all 100% legit in survival this video took me over a week to make but it will only take you one second to like it so if you could do that for me I'd really appreciate it okay sweet enjoy the video it's all coming down to this moment right here oh no going up no what a disaster get it guys my name is what Z what's up gamers my name's woodsy right that's insane right g'day guys my name's awti and welcome to another episode of Minecraft playing a bit off camera for once for a change but as you can see we're here in the nether we found ourselves a little nether people these guys with a skeleton I've seen a lot of comments recently telling me to basically fight the wither and basically I've been planning to but it takes a lot of time to bloody get the skulls to do it um so that's what I'm kind of here for at the moment and I was gonna do this entirely off camera but I thought since it's such a big part of the journey and the experience I'd bring you guys along with me so I made the mistake of earlier getting a wither skull and not recording it so I thought now on I'm gonna record it and hopefully we can get these skills pretty fast right around all around here have been expanding the area in which I guess these guys can spawn just by building some platforms and then I've just been wandering around infinitely just hoping to see them spawn and you can see I managed to get a few skeletons to spawn which is I guess a sign that wither skeletons could have spawned I don't know I think it's a good thing all there's 100 is 2 3 oh my god I'm literally just getting lucky now my camera speaking of luck no way we have to wither skills now that's unreal ah I'm gonna put on the screen now there chance of these things popping up hopefully I do my research so with the looting 3 sword this is the chance that a okay here here one boy no way three I really am getting lucky well we have the skills now that's good dude that took no time at all you kidding me I've been recording for less than five minutes and I've just got two skulls I've been here for like at least an hour well anyway now we can plan on doing what we want with the feeding the weather okay I've returned home and something you may be able to see something a little different around here as I said I've been playing a bit off off camera off record I've started trying to design this interior a little bit this is whack go upstairs now see my bedroom is looking nice well it's a time to address the title I'm gonna defeat the wither with 100 iron golem and that's not just for clickbait well it is there's a hundred sounds awesome in the title but I'm legit going to do a hundred iron golems let me organize moment or ehi real quick I'll be back okay so if you don't know how to build an iron golem it looks a little something like except this is a pumpkin and these are all iron block now do the math there are four blocks of iron in that structure and in each block of iron there is nine pieces of iron so well that's pretty simple we're gonna need four hundred blocks times nine we're gonna need three thousand six hundred individual iron pieces we need 56 stacks of iron your fun that I actually do have a fair bit of iron but I'm probably gonna need more another thing we're gonna need is some pumpkins because we don't actually have any right so now mission for iron and mission for pumpkins all right this bit never gets old oh I love that so much loot first journey we're going to find pumpkins and if I remember look I've spent a lot of time at this melon farm I mean a lot of time so yep I knew I'd seen a lot of pumpkins around here somewhere not even gonna cut this just to show you guys how good I am at farming out of the all my expertise [Music] and stop there we go pumpkin farm success all right game is time for the second mission to get iron and we could go into our strip mine and collect both the iron we already have as well as just strip mine for all the iron however that's also extremely boring so instead I'm gonna get all the iron from scratch in a fun game called caving - I'm gonna go caving and I'm only allowed to pick up iron can't pick up coal I can't pick up redstone I can't pick up gold I can't even pick up diamonds if I find them I can only pick up iron all right we've flown too far away but I think we've found our cave well at least I don't know I hope this thing ends into a cave alright here it is I'm number one higher number two number three few minutes in ready at 20 iron not bad but not good I need more that oh yes here we go this is the good stuff [Music] [Music] there we go dammit I want to mind this stuff so bad [Music] twelve seconds later nobody way that's a joke meant to just be recording off-camera for a little bit and all of a sudden hello another mob spawner nice we currently have four stacks of iron oh I feel like we're in diamond territory now and you know I said it fine diamonds can't mine them only iron gold come on that no way another skeleton spawner alright we're now on six and a half stacks of Jesus Christ it's Jason Bourne that we've traveled across to a different biome yeah we have a brand new cave here so far it's not looking too promising that's what I love to see iron baby I am guys we did it again we found another skeleton spawner what's that three now this is ridiculous alright so I've just been mining on my own for a little bit and I've made some good progress we're about 15 16 stacks of iron and everything was going good at least I thought it was until I found diamonds and yeah I did say that I'm not allowing myself to mine anything but iron in this challenge and you know I'm sticking to that so it saddens me a lot to do this but [Music] I'm a man of my word over that's not all it gets worse hello there god damn it not again we're gonna have to get rid of you oh we ended up I get the feeling I've fully explored this cave now my may have just spoke too soon on no way another one anyway we're nearing the end here where oh my god this is is ridiculous at this point [Music] dah alright it's time to fly home okay let's get down to our smelting room and get this cooking I'll start Pauling I mean all right all our furnaces are done too let's select all of our iron Wow and we still have a bit more smelting I went and did a bit of branch mining well while I was waiting and I ended up finding a heap of diamonds okay that's a fair bit of iron let's see how many blocks it makes we've only managed to make two and not even a half stacks of iron blocks when we're gonna end up needing I think about six oh the gamers have been doing some more iron mining just off-camera and just hit up that you all bout it I don't think I am blocks Ian ah there we go we're gonna need over six stacks of iron blocks to finish this off and we're currently sitting at Forester Messing's is a lovely little setup for everything we're gonna need for this video but majority of these videos going to be getting the supplies did I get the feeling that it's the whole biting the wither thing is gonna get quite quick yeah so we need like another 20 stacks of iron or something ridiculous one eternity later hello again to update you all on where we're at right now we're in the final moments of preparing of the battle and I've just figured out that with the pumpkins you actually have to carve them in order for it to work when you're making the golem so now I have the job turning all these pumpkins into carved pumpkins I'll see how those shoes go on this there we are we now have instead of the 100 or so pumpkin we now have over a hundred carved pumpkins I've also gone ahead and a mind a bit of obsidian to help us set up for the Battle of Matt a few potions and you know golden apples in case things go wrong and we actually need to fight the weather ourselves hopefully that doesn't happen all our final bits of iron are now smelted now let's make the last set of iron blocks alright we've collected all our iron oh wow almost another two stacks on top of what we already have now if I've done my math correctly we now have way over enough supplies to make 100 iron golems and I don't know if you guys understand but that is like serious overkill this is a serious waste of my materials every single one of these blocks contains nine iron we've got seven stacks that's seven stacks set to 63 stacks of iron and we're gonna use it all just to beat the wither stupid all right so I've decided since it's such a momentous occasion the first iron golem we build is gonna be here in our house so here he is where we should name him you know I'm gonna name him Hamilton ah there you go Hamilton [Music] all right I'm all geared up and ready for battle I'm ready to go set this thing up see you later Hamilton all right so that I want to go away from my house a little bit just in case things do go wrong I'll just do this and our first job here is going to be biggest their way down to bedrock all right so we've made our way down to bedrock and now our task is to actually dig out a huge room big enough to fit a hundred iron golems and a Willie and I'm going to be here for so long no bloody way thinking out the remember managed to find some diamonds and yeah it's a good sign 14 put it out not that you're actually dragging a second round of diamonds I'm not even looking for diamonds and I just found another 15:30 diamond profit already not bad not bad good toys alright so we've currently dug a medium sized room and we've got it set up with I think 20 funny-ish columns ready to go but obviously I will heap a work left to do [Music] yeah boy we got some more diamonds in fact you guys can be here with me while I do this I guess selected an area here in which we're gonna set up the the wither this would be the withers starting point you know we want a bit insulation around this area I wanted to get two destroyed so I'll fill it in with obsidian let's go get yeah let's go get the the widow I like that okay all right and that's a setup is quite good take a look at all this all these iron golems ready to go off and the best part is this is only 50 of them I think we're gonna go ahead and actually bring these guys to life [Music] [Music] all right there you have it 50 iron golems all in one room you know the title says 100 and I don't click that on this channel so we're gonna add another 50 or more just think about how much iron I'm actually wasting right now this is ridiculous every single one of these golems is like half a stack of I'm ready right there that's one one stack of iron two stack of iron even do we even have a count for this how many do we have I'm not even gonna know by the end of this I know we'll have over 100 because we will have used over a hundred cards what are we saying oh my lord this is ridiculous man I imagine them more cramped up I probably made the room a bit too big but look at this monstrosity [Music] this is the last column last column we have enough I in full and that's it I can't even see what I'm doing we've got all the golems over 100 golems one room alright I've gone ahead and hacked my gamma to make sure it's bright enough and we don't miss a thing but also organized movement Ori so I'm ready for a battle in case the weather does for some issues yeah I'm ready to see what happens thousands of hours it put into mining actually runs at thousands tens of hours put into mining and it's all that's not a great start it's all coming down to this moment right going up know what a disaster it's gone up just get him on golems yes yeah get him boys get him oh there it is another star we've got it all that time and effort all for that and now we have a room full of a hundred iron golems what am I going to do with this who knows you all were telling me Oh what's evil oh you're such a noob yeah well it may have taken me about 200 stacks of iron to do it but wasn't that hard alright cue the choir music [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have a bacon oh yeah that'll be good Chiqui level level two bacon oh there we go I missed it what do we want speed jump boost jump boost oh there we go oh yeah to all you people that were telling me I need to put carpet on my fences look at me now huh who needs carpet yeah that's right it only took me seven stacks of iron blocks and a lot of my time but now I have a beacon and I don't need carpet on my fences who's the idiot now alright videos over time for a comment question rhetorics asks are you ugly in real life hell naw let's reel it under K baby this video took me over a week to make and it only takes you one second to like it and if you watch this far you might as well anyway that's all I have to say I'll catch her in the next one Cheers [Music] [Music]
Channel: WadZee
Views: 6,010,669
Rating: 4.9145007 out of 5
Keywords: 100 iron golems vs the wither, iron golems versus wither, beating the wither boss with iron golems, defeating the wither boss in minecraft, minecraft wither boss fight, fighting the wither in survival minecraft, iron golems fight the wither, 100 iron golems, WadZee, wadzee minecraft lets play, Wither, funniest minecraft lets play, funny minecraft survival series, easy way to beat the wither, fight the wither minecraft, fight the minecraft wither, Funny minecraft survival videos
Id: 12r-XsJuDgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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