Minecraft, but I Downloaded TOO MANY MODS!

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something I've always loved about the game of Minecraft is its simplicity there aren't too many rules with this game you load into a world punch some trees gather some blocks and face the occasional mob but for the most part minecraft is known for its relaxing gameplay which you could play for hours but that was all about to change as today I downloaded every single mod Under the Sun and I was about to play them all at once this is minecraft but I downloaded way too many mods if you go on to enjoy today's video consider subscribing it's absolutely free and you get to join the wha-wha army and here if you're in the Wawa army this is for you but only you high five and this video shout out is coming from Twitter thank you to this person you're an absolute legend ok woah hello hello g'day guys my name is woodsy and what the hell is my skin today we're playing some modded minecraft and we have just literally too many mods installed everything looks kind of normal from where we are here but trust me there is so many mods installed today I don't even know what we're going to be doing to be completely honest the plan is just to explore hopefully discover and do some cool stuff I'm not too sure okay we've got some recipes for some things here as you can see by this list here we just have way too many items look how many items there are in this mod pack 129 pages of these items one let us hear an explosion before we can do anything though of course we need to get stone tools we just need to equip ourselves so we're ready for whatever this modpack throw is it is what is this there's just so many ores fortunately we found coal which is you know safe this is what I'm used to but we've already found dense coal ore time - okay so we just get more coal that's cool got magnin Matt try again manganese manganese ore potage or alright let's let's start exploring it what have we got here we've got what was that hello we've got some Apple cows oh no oh no no no no no it's not a happy cow II are you mad you look you are not very happy I have taken a lot of damage this llll a cricket okay well now now we're starting to see some just insane stuff I'm just gonna ignore that let's explore let's just let's just see what we can find this looks beautiful what is this what is this why do I keep hearing explosions Oh what the hell is that you don't seem that bad oh my what the hell is that what is okay I'm out of here I'm out of here oh no that that does not look good no I don't want to go that way either this way it is this way it is yeah I can see on the map they're going this way is a lot more friendly that that is not a nice guy I'm leaving I'm out of here look what is wrong with everything wants to kill me let me alone ouch stop this stop this madness why am I getting a little no there's a tree why does this tree want to kill me why I'll chop you down copper coins I guess that's good what frankly I am overwhelmed what is that thing what is that thing okay this does not seem friendly okay no thank you no thank you we've got more Apple cows what are these so Golden Apple cows okay Oh we'll definitely take some golden apples I don't know why that noise is playing I don't know what that was I'm sorry yikes it's turning night this is not good we do not have a bed we have there's still stuff exploding that does not look friendly over there sewage oh that's a that's a demon this is a literal demon I'm no no no no oh there's just stuff every none of this looks friendly oh no there's ghosts things Oh No that what I'm dead I'm so dead a giant killer butterfly yep yep okay okay oh I'm so screwed I'm so screwed I think we're clear you don't look friendly okay okay this is this is peaceful again just strollin strollin through we found a village this is perfect let me it wait wait hello villages these are not your typical villages are they here zombie you're gonna have to alright let's find a bed these guys freaking out where's the beds please why my blind why my blind all that II know I don't like this villages protect me Thank You villages there's so much going on there's literally so much going on why is it no beds please I just want to bed oh yes that makes perfect sense all money oh no no I'm so dead I'm so dead you're telling me in this whole village you don't have a single bed for me this can't be true there's more demons I don't want to fight demons a few moments later wool finally make our bed now what have we got in here we've got blades with different swords nothing I really understand there's no way I'm actually ever gonna learn and understand what this stuff is I just need to keep exploring what is this where did it go oh that's that scared me so much my frog Oh yuck have you got some ducks that's some nice fish roaming around this is nice yeah let's see what's down here I don't like I don't like this I am NOT a fan I don't know what this is don't know what I'm doing here okay it's like a dungeon if we can handle a dungeon well few spiders can't hurt right just break this okay yeah wait I picked up a broken spawner okay a zombie wait wait what is that why does it have a gun why does the zombie have a gun why why do you need to go why explain this to me you don't need a gun don't you don't do that don't don't how much help does this thing have I'm so going to die or epic we killed it where's the gun do we not get the gun No ahaha let's break that bring that spawner nice whoo these kids all enchanted pants ah stop stop oh no okay please please this sort of strong that sort of looks dangerous Oh nothin I can't handle this way too many skeletons what the hell is that why do they have helmets I mean I'm in trouble I'm in trouble oh I'm in big trouble I'm in big trouble where did you come from golden apples okay golden apples I need you I need you right now okay I'm getting out of here getting out of you I'm out hey that's pretty good oh holy not back oh he's gonna come so in handy maybe I've had enough maybe I've had enough of this dungeon we've managed to get some cool stuff from it you know water checkpoint that's right stop what you're doing right now go to the kitchen go get yourself some water and drink up this water checkpoint is sponsored by my twitter follow follow me please guys please followed by Twitter I'm desperate that does not look friendly yeah why is it in my house it was just run past me just gonna let me sleep don't do that much yeah we gonna clean take this thing on oh okay active card of burn meal right click to learn ability card knowledge wait what is this what is this mean in chat today is a good day to die why no yes it's not true however would we make some more chests and stuff Oh what that's cut what them okay now what is that I haven't thought to look up yet what is that I don't I'm entirely overwhelmed right now I don't know what to do what is this building this looks funky I don't think I I don't think I should be here to be honest what is this what huh I can interact chat I'm doing just fine hit my toe when I woke up though I'm sorry to hear that Kelly following me we have a companion wait wait wait no no no this is not it this is not it treated down way ain't gon Apple say it's only 84 health left we can take it we say it 60 45 please oh no it's still got it still got me how how let go of me we just run away a bit why why wait don't tell me disappeared tell me I went through all that suffering I don't even get a kill it should be over yeah oh yeah we just take some time to appreciate the door animations now this is what it's all about this makes it all worth it I'm going out adventuring again and I'm bring in this bed with me we got some more golden apple cows over here I think we should we should make the most of this these can come in handy to us okay those dudes do not look very friendly that do does not look friendly either we've ran into trouble and that these guys casting spells on us oh you're easy [Music] okay I want to adventure this way every other direction I go and I'm getting my butt kicks and that is a big tree and that is a big wasp look how big that thing is okay maybe we go this way maybe we go this way okay maybe we don't go this way got some runes kind of cool what is this runescape what's this building what do we got here it's another dungeon I don't want to go down there I don't what is that I'm so freaked out dude I want to get a better look at this you know oh is that from that thing is it attacking me okay no wait I've probably angered it no no I am NOT a fan let's just hope this way is normal cows hello that thing is not friendly I don't think what are you what are you okay this looks cool screw whatever these mobs are gone to the castle place this there we go I am just played now we're talking this is kind of wild okay a bunch of farming stuff oh bloody water thing nowhere is safe night falls on the world may you have good fortune without the help of the gods everything it means it's time for us to go to bed as lame as it is though I think I'm gonna go underground so many ores kind of like want to find I and if I can I'm confused on what ores I should be mining and what I should not waste my time with what can I make tools with there's pretty much what I should be asking ok yeah there is definitely some serious mobs down here well that is it done no wait I didn't realize hey you got in my favor oh that was gruesome holy wait I just realized I am fan affairs oh hi and give me the iron it'll what a coal here what's this one sapphire let's go down this way nothing down here this was not worthwhile now that we've got some iron we may as well upgrade iron pick breath that is what is this no that was a mistake what did I met what is that what is that hey well that's all the different kinds of pickaxes we can make there's two pages of pickaxes how would you ever know which one to make except I I'm sure I could probably make a sapphire pick right yeah there we go feel like tins probably useful for something cuz not for I don't know okay we got some more sapphires oh now this is different we've got completely different stuff for hires now you scared me oh never mind I thought we found gold couldn't even tell you what that or is there we found some more iron we like iron amethyst with diamonds wait red ant troll block uh how you count for me okay it's nighttime yet again good thing I'm underground I guess all this one's got a gun don't know if any of this is worth my time really day okay where is that from that scared me oh why do you have an automatic gun why had the mobs have guns I saw a demon I saw her Damon you've got nothing what do you go oh you don't know a gun what are these no these don't seem nice these don't seem I'm gonna die I have accepted my death there we are no longer in the cave we are now out of here we're leaving had a good run Caves are no longer our friends this is another this is another sapphire what does that sound it's at nighttime okay it is nighttime what the hell no [Music] get away from me get away from me the literal Grim Reaper oh I'm so scared get me to the surface now all right we have officially been playing way too much of this mod so this is going to be birds this is going to be the end of this chaotic video honestly it's been a mess but I hope you enjoyed it but to end it off there's one last thing we got to do and that's shoot some Rockets oh [Music] the sound the sound is not really working see that frog see your frog cows oh this this will be satisfying this wasp if I can get it yeah I've got to do this is there any mop we can't kill okay well we've got a few more t-rex's now okay they got out okay they're escaping if you enjoyed today's video I'd really appreciate some feedback on it would you guys want to see more of this leave a like and also subscribe if you do want to see more modern Minecraft and if not let me know what you do want to see in the comments down below alright thanks for watching I'll catch you in the next one Cheers what was that you've just finished watching the video and you don't know what to watch anymore well why not head over to my second channel what to eat where I post wacky blogs and stuff and awesome videos yeah I'm I'm just self promoting that's all hope you enjoyed the video
Channel: WadZee
Views: 2,722,299
Rating: 4.9336104 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft but i downloaded way too many mods, Minecraft but I downloaded too many mods, Minecraft but I downloaded every single mod, Minecraft but theres too many mods, Minecraft but with every mod installed, Installing too many mods, Minecraft, minecraft mods, no swearing, super modded minecraft, largest minecraft mod pack, minecraft with every mod, minecraft every mod modpack, Minecraft with 10000 mods
Id: V1tKtcFNe7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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