Can You Beat Tears of the Kingdom As a Yiga?

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if you've played breath of the wild or tears of the Kingdom this may look familiar [Music] these are the yiga the sworn enemy of Hyrule and their only goal in life is to kill you and Zelda they also love bananas but what if what if a yiga were to save Hyrule all right I don't have any yiga things right now this doesn't count this doesn't count look away look away all right we're here all right I have to grab the master sword it is required yeah yeah uh we can't even wear this so I guess okay until we get the yiga clothes we can't wear anything I think he can shoot these for me Ryan linky's face there we go where should I go first let's go let's start to the Run well obviously great Plateau is the closest so uh I think I'll go to Great Plateau then all right here we are we're at the First yiga Armor Place wait how do you actually get in here oh dude that does a full heart of damage all right there we go we've infiltrated yeah let's see how long these bombs oh shoot hold on dudes oh where where what did I get hit with mom oh all right this is a little harder than I thought stop running where's the other guy wait he died wait what did he die wait no way okay can we just Loop him like this Loop him like this which is fine bomb him bomb him burn him come on just die just die yes I don't know what happened to that guy did he like did he like teleport up above the stake and like just like impale himself all right well nice yes our first armor yes you'll never guess who it is it is the hero of time uh yeah they didn't drop the weapons I don't know what to do now they didn't drop the weapons like I thought they would all right let's kill this guy dude you didn't give us anything bro I need some weapons no no man please please let me kill you yes no oh no yes yes eight full blade let's go oh yes my first weapon all right time to fight Gannon I'm just kidding editor Justin here after getting my first weapon I just did a ton of duping and now I had nine fused weapons that is all resume video all right time to get my second piece of yika gear hey guys your link no it's me it's me dude what do you mean I'm wearing the mask you can't tell I'm here fool it's kind of hard when you get one shot by everything come on I need to learn how to dodge this guy's moves bro I thought he was gonna do the the horizontal one okay he's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead okay flurry Rush beautiful here we go dude he has so much health smack him up dude the durability on these suck the durability sucks okay please be dead oh yes I think he dropped his weapon too yes Eightfold Long Blade yes oh now we're cooking now we're cooking yo who cares just give me my pants okay we got this we got the pants looking good looking good link last area you call it ancient Tech Lab so I think I have to do this Eightfold Long Blade Blade 14 damage I think that's the strongest I can get in a weapon right now and I think uh durability up is is the way to go don't hit me yeah let's go golden go golden go golden go get out of there bro that legit killed me I'm thinking maybe I need to upgrade this armor look at this defense they give one each it's so bad bro look at it it's still spinning right Run Okay long throw rub boomerangs okay I think that's the only use case though okay we got it we got it we got it all right we're here what is it wait you it's link battle okay let me claim my last piece okay he's dead I know all your patterns all your moves you're easy come on Bert why is he jumping all the way over there bro let's he baited me he literally had the Earth to wake out and he just immediately did a slash what is this what is this like a 9000 IQ play please why did he jump so far ooh muddlebots oh this is such a good idea model Buds and um where'd he go did he go back what the heck oh he went too far it's because you're jumping like bro is it gonna spawn both of them dude it spawns both of them I hate you come on now stop stop jumping backwards you're gonna despawn again oh my gosh dude this is so annoying can he can I make him teleport like over here he did it again this is sense okay he's gonna pull out some BS I'm in Spain without the S don't jump away why do you keep backing up okay let's get a muddle bud maybe some puff troop oh wait dude puff shroom would be the best here are some puff shrimps beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful oh and some muddle buds yes all right it is time to clap some cheeks maybe do maybe start off with the Puff room oh my gosh wait all right I should have done that way sooner holy moly all right finally this last piece of armor give me that baby yes I'm in full yiga gear link is dripped out of his mind I did do some stuff off stream just like farming or whatever getting like items I need doing some shrines so I can get more health for now I will go to Koga for the first time should be pretty easy all right here he is I think he has like a different dialogue if you're in the yiga outfit great work both to you you too stranger credit where credit is due yes credit where credit is he's like hold on a second let me do link somehow he knows it's me all right let's go I'm fighting my master let's see if we can get on here I can just Loop him like this bro dude he's just like spawning right in front of me this makes it very easy when are you gonna learn stop you're just gonna keep repeating it okay finally he moved rock it into US yep we're out of the way whack whack smack him in the booty give our Master a little spanking he's over here we can climb on yes I should be dead I think I yeah he's done Master Coco the yoga Clan clapped yeah this is the abandoning root of mine all right Cole was struggling it's you again you can't fool me looking like that okay let's just fight man wait how do I do this actually I don't have a bow maybe I like perfectly I need to like get on his paraglider I think okay okay okay I got him I got him come on yes back him swag him yes come here come here fool what what happened oh shoot oh no my spring brah oh bro oh my gosh dude he sent me flying okay he's got the shield out now oh come on yes smack him wow you fool you fool okay he should be dead yeah there it is so yeah this won't take too long but I need to duplicate all my stuff again all right inventory is full again I wish these weapons would last longer like even though it's durability up it only lasts just for like a few hits I guess it is what it is all right I've actually never done like the yoga Clan Hideout stuff in my main save so I don't know exactly what I'm doing hello my yiga brethren it's me you know the yiga guy yep I'm a yiga yo I'm a ego why are you trying to hurt me are you sure that equipment fits you you want to wear it so that your stomach really strains the fabric just like Master kogos does just fast shaming Master coca anyway I'm keeping an eye out for our Nemesis link so could you give me some space over here she doesn't know I'm a link or in your place Among Us and the door will open to you maybe then we'll teach you our moves now go away come on you gotta be kidding my mom said I know my sweet little mimos will pass the yoga test first try that's why I came all the way out here who's whose dream is it to become like a yiga clan member it's like yes Mom when I grow up I want to be a drug dealer oh this is what the place looks like now oh that's the Thunder Helm show me you can defeat three combatants in under one minute it's a hundred rupees what the I have 82. okay let's try out this first one all right fight me come here scrubs bro all right hold on hold on guys yo oh three is like pretty easy not bad for a newcomer I suppose take this you earned it nice I think if I had like a duplex bow that would make this a much easier oh yeah it's a duplexible yes give me that yes finally our first bow okay I just need to get on top of something nice boom boom Oh my stamina no oh this is not looking good I'm not doing well actually okay I need to eat one I I may be able to do this still shoot him in the face okay my bow is badly damaged oh no what oh okay I got it yes yes easy first try let's go is there no like fast travel point over here because I want to go I want to go to the Rock octrox and repair this box I don't want to lose it give me durable no did that rock oh no yes durability L plus okay we gotta do the last challenge to get the lightning helm okay we can eat the stamina food okay boom boom boom boom he's not dead okay now he's dead that's four I should be six out of my face nice that's eight oh this is easy this is easy you're done [Music] if you're this talented you might be even a match for that nefarious swordsman link come now and receive our sacred treasure let's go lighting Helm glory to master Koga all right well we're done with the Hideout stuff I'm gonna find master codes finally let's freaking fight Koga okay bro that's a lot of damage no don't do it roll these are actually scary come here fool just die just die oh shoot wait what the heck I have not seen that before uh I need to like recall that probably I just recall it attack him oh that does a lot of damage go back over there premiere oh my weapons are actually trash I'm like concerned now about like the final boss fight am I gonna be able to do enough damage like legitimately overall my boat keeps pushing the other boat that's so annoying okay I'm just gonna go I'm just going okay he should be dead oh that was so annoying we gotta go find him again now all right it's time to fight kogo for the last time Gloria to master Koga all right let's see how the bombs do oh it's good all right he's done all right that does a lot of damage too this is so good you need to keep my distance a little though let me see it okay like I said I need to keep my distance oh no wait shoot I only have two food right now maybe I just keep shooting him with Mom arrows all my bows badly damaged just kidding okay maybe I just throw a bomb at him there we go smack him wait how do I how do I dodge this okay this is not good wait this is bad this is bad I need to learn how to I need to know how to dodge that okay hit him yes okay come on smack him okay I can do I can dodge it like that I'm a fool I'm a fool I have a fool perfect perfect perfect perfect do I do so little damage that's like nothing okay please please let this be enough we are done with all the four kogo fights now glory to master Koga let us sing the song of the yiga people glory to Koga and the mighty yiga Clan our Master is the strongest he's got a secret plan glory to Koga in the Mighty Eagle wait I shouldn't do that motion what a perfect way to end I did do some stuff off Stream So I've upgraded my armor twice I duplicated some bows and I did learn something there's like a a pristine Eightfold Long Blade I can get so I'm gonna try to get that today and right over here I guess we just we just knock on the door your Yugo Clan huh all right come in you go blade Master station yes Amiga this is what you must do Gerudo Canyon there are five frog statues with identifying marks of the yika clan [Music] bro I just showed him my Puro pad isn't that like a dead giveaway that I'm like you know someone I he shouldn't be talking to what you must do is travel to the Five Frogs and make an offering of Mighty bananas to each one oh okay we just gotta deliver these bananas to these frogs or something hey this is one there we go that's one you're just yelling to my banana oh it's right here I see it that's two okay it's somewhere in here oh dude this place is Big all right we don't need to fight right now right here yes there you go that's number three is there like something over here this is a sus little patch wear it oh it's a Talus okay is this that's the fourth one let's just go Mount naburu cave okay this is the last one I can become a blade Master now you pass the blade Master exam this is the weapon beautiful eight-fold Long Blade 23 attack that is beautiful editor Justin here again to explain some things before I went to the final fight I fused my pristine eight-fold Long Blade onto the decayed Eightfold blade because I wanted the faster move set and then I duped a bunch of those but when I went to attempt the final battle my weapons were breaking super quickly and I could only get to mukdrock before all my weapons broke that's not good I needed more durability and so I detached all of my pristine Eightfold long blades fused them together to make this and finally I put the durability up modifier on all of them okay we have all 13 now this is the strongest yiga member you've ever seen in your life let's go let's just do this we don't even need a sneak strike this weapon's like strong enough to just just wipe them all out I think schmeck snake strike is he dead he's dead smack a smack dude it like sends them flying I think because of the the wind projectile dude that's insane ma that's all of them no you just you did that at me wind the wind is too strong you smack them boom that was a fruit again some mac sure Mac all right modeling time die stop throwing the Rocks they're stoning me then finish this guy off with a sneak strike nice colgara time just Bob and William Dodge it there we go nice okay there we go just two more I just want to shoot him there we go that's free now Goma also free time to spin to win it's been to win baby wait no oh it's not spin to win never mind okay you should be phase two like in like one hit Maybe yeah come on nice all right the Final Smash smack emac em one more schmeckum all right now time for muck The Rock schmeck there we go smack them schmeckum boom two nice yeah my schmack all right phase two eat not missed no oh boom right in the face uh I'm gonna use use an eyeball get him Bob Bob I will get him into my ball okay he should be dead one two one two there we go okay is Queen gibdo oh it's so good schmeck schmack now we run what she's dancing nice we're doing so much damage this is big damage Queen give though you're done I'm sorry you're done I'm not scared of you anymore we're already at phase two nice bomb flower boom yes here we go okay uh we need to kill these guys one smack oh my gosh that's a lot of damage okay just wipe them all out I'll die okay now it's just us and queen gibdo ah no she maybe use a fairy no Smacker please please yes she's it's time for C's construct I'm hoping I can use bombs on this boss what are you doing bro that range is insane dude what the heck dude that range wait can I just bomb is it pushing him is it no it's not oh shoot what do I do here why is that range so big no no way man oh wait I can push it with my weapon what what dude the wind is strong enough to push him oh what how was the bomb not as good as just a wind a gust of wind that's so weird blow them away okay that's good to know maybe because it's like a heavy weapon wind why isn't it working now why isn't it working now maybe I need to use the uh I know the cannon works on him uh bro I need to activate oh oh wait wait earthquake what why okay why is it not working why is my wind attack not working in phase two now and now I have to use earthquake bro this is insane one more yes all right now it's time for this is gonna be annoying it's time for Phantom Ganon I think I want to use these rubies wait bomb might be really good when in doubt just bomb oh that's so good that's so good why everything missed oh no oh no bro they're all in Pursuit okay I just need to get rid of them I just need to get rid of them okay no why is my aim dookie I'm running out of bombs okay one hit two hit he's dead okay just blurry rush just blurry rushing good oh my gosh oh give the bones give the bones to the face in the face okay in the face nice that one's dead smack him yes that one's dead okay one more left come on yes it's time for Gannon how many weapons do I have seven weapons this should be enough right I will bring glory to master Koga right now by uh killing his boss yes there he is there you go let's go Eagle link get flurry rushed Bob easiest flurry Rush of my life jump during this uh maybe I do a little well some of that some of that action oh I can just like cancel out his move okay that's fine that's fine you just need to dodge this smack em smack em badly damaged that's fine throw it at him nice we don't waste a single drop of our durability bro after my shield only run I think I've mastered this like some like some of his moves okay yeah glory to master Koga glory to match Koga glory to match Koga glory to master Koga first phase easy you call this a challenge Ganon yeah What a Feeling getting clapped I know okay this is gonna be annoying now this is when it really begins oh no bro I cannot be choking like this not when there's so much at stake get it steak okay he's not gonna let us play Rush him oh wait he is what nice whack em smack em get em wow okay nice can we get him into phase second half okay perfect oh I'm coming for you don't worry I'm coming for you he's gonna dodge it oh okay I don't know the timing on that second attack nice oh oh I have not really been able to do that I need to learn that timing oh that I can hit him with that nice nice oh I'm getting I'm getting consistent with it again it's easy he's easy I need a longer health bar please oh okay this might be the last one come on let's see it Gloria mashukoga glory to match Koga glory to match Koga glory to master colga what an easy boss fight make the health bar longer make the health bar longer okay let's go yigalink pulling out the master sword glory to master Koga what is the yiga doing with Link's sword no the world is ruined no Zelda why are you helping a yiga aiga is holding the sword that seals the darkness all right no cannot use the master sword get this out of my face all right we're definitely gonna have enough durability to do this fight oh geez this is not even gonna be fair dude he has so much health okay there we go okay let's throw it at oh shoot all right we should be fine we should be fine I hope this is enough Wacom yes all right it's been a pleasure Gannon but you're done you're done your Reign is over it's time for master kogo's Reign to begin beautiful let's go one weapon left well technically two I guess okay it's time for Ganon to die glory to master Koga and the mighty ego Clan he's got a secret plan Glory two master go go God oh wait wait he's wearing the pants at least he's wearing the Yuca pants at least we beat the game as only a yiga more challenge runs coming of course glory to master Koga foreign
Channel: Justin Bae
Views: 1,063,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tears of the kingdom yiga only, tears of the kingdom challenge run, tears of the kingdom gameplay, totk challenge run, totk yiga only, tears of the kingdom
Id: JfN4vgQTKC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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