Minecraft's Best Players Survive on a Shipwrecked Island

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thank you I'm writing this letter to whoever happens to find this message leave now leave the island before it's too late it will keep you here it'll do everything it can it'll keep throwing obstacles in your way and then it'll turn your friends against you just go don't look back it all started so simply I just got a letter an invitation on this strange tablet come to here they said free vacation they said I had no idea what I was about to get myself into [Music] all right here we go another scenario and it wouldn't be one if we didn't have a small misstep right at the beginning oh yeah this thing is Hardcore from day one if you die you're dead there is no recovering there is no life drain this is for all the marbles from the very beginning but lucky for me there's a little bit of treasure waiting on each of our Islands heck yes all right let's take that and while you're watching the early game in the background let's explain how this thing works we all spawn on our own Island that is ours it is protected nobody can mess with you there but the main island is where all the loot is and also most of the danger so we're gonna have to venture out and across but we were told one thing at the beginning the water is dangerous but while I'm done playing with all the physics in the collapsing World which will get disabled a little bit later don't worry about it too much I immediately wanted to throw down some torches to avoid my Island from having any spawnable mob space Creepers look hilarious when they die but they can kill you in one hit right now I made myself a very rudimentary structure and you'll see why we turned the physics off oh come on yes Neve thanks thank you thanks for that warning buddy you couldn't have said it two minutes earlier you're probably wondering how I ended up here and it's a funny story actually let me explain but let me tell you creepers are the least of my worries the real dangers are things like the bone serpents that you would see in books or if you happen to look out the murder clowns or the murder skeletons or the murder ghosts and believe me that's just the beginning once the sun rose though my first priority was gonna be food if we can starve to death we're gonna need something really early I cleared out some space and planted some seeds right away immediately getting the advancement with Steve which you'll see like two more times on day one you're gonna have to check out his video to see if we were really on the same wavelength or if this just happened to be coincidence but after a quick server restart to turn off gravity because that was going to get excessive very quickly my main priority right now is getting better Building Supplies and better tools I made myself a house out of wood in case the physics would ever get turned on thinking maybe that would last a little bit longer and throwing down some torches on the beach and on fenced posts with a door here to protect me hopefully nothing can break it down we're still going retro though dirt roofs so hot right now I dug down directly underneath my base getting down into the stone and making a mine shaft to just start gearing up I dug into a lush cave which is nice some glowberries would always be good but iron is the main thing I'm searching for I'm gonna need to upgrade my gear really quickly I dug all the way down to a lava pool accidentally fighting this one flower looking thing I remembered it from The Game of Thrones scenario after the fact that thing was friendly one of like two mobs in the entire pack that is but I mined all the way down to deep slate before hearing that some people had made landfall on my Island hey hey where are you I'm I'm in the mines come out okay hi we need to use your farm why because we're starving to death we have a ton of seeds we're gonna plant them okay then we'll split food if you're okay with that here well thank you guess who will stab me with an axle yeah who would ever show up on somebody's Island Uninvited so y'all have already been in it okay good to know yeah I see whoever you told him I found it it was inside this rock right here what I gotta go look for mine I'm coming back here after okay hold up hold up hold up uh do you you have some coal yeah can I have Nicole I've had the worst luck in getting coal perfect thank you so you can come back and use the farm okay thank you here we see a wild Forge Labs stuck on the sands what is my man's up to I'm not even sure he knows now knowing that I was next to two of the most dangerous people on the server I threw some signs on my house and near the farm because I do want people to not die of rickets on day one but I headed back down into the mine shaft since no one was gonna be bouncing around my Island digging into another deep slate cave and grabbing any coal any gold or iron that I could find just so I could get myself leveled up and get golden apples that's gonna be a main way to regen and keep myself alive I did accidentally make contact with an Enderman who got a little too clingy a little too fast getting me down to half Health on day one with a totem in my hand oh oh that could have been bad thank goodness that water was there but every mob here is dangerous and the fact that I have no food remaining I'm stuck at half health and I have no way to regenerate so this could get bad so I'm just trying to figure out what I can do what can I do to survive and then I saw that the chipped skull in my inventory could be converted into bone meal now I know if some of you know these mods you might be thinking no you can turn yourself into a dark Wizard or a Summoner those are immensely cool you know what's even cooler though not starving to death so it might not be the optimal play but it is the one that lets this video be longer than a short I use that foam meal the next day to craft up a little bit of bread and after Downing almost all of it I was finally back up to full health from there I continued on operation everything the light touches wanting a majority of my Island at least to be safe because I know that scary mobs are in this pack and I don't do well with that and it's a good thing I did because the scary mobs were already spawning it's in the Torches you can you pathfind to me from over there [Music] I don't know what that is but that's a set of eyes and that's coming towards me [Music] don't move oh no I hate it [Music] don't look at me don't look at me don't look at me don't you look at me what is on this island if y'all could feel my heart pounding right now heart is racing that thing that's called a nightmare stalker it's also called my sleep paralysis demon and the spiders are no longer the worst thing that Sean has ever done to me hey everybody editing lagundo here interrupting commentary lagundo who was no so much more than gameplay lagundo where three levels deep it gets worse it gets so much worse and this thing the nightmare stalker this is like third on the list so but then I found it in the morning that nightmare stalkers don't burn so it's worse I waited for it to eventually despawn which it did thankfully crafted up a golden apple thinking maybe if it gets close to me I'll be able to regen or maybe hide in the water and if you can think back through all the scenarios that Sean has put us through we are only a few hours in and this is already the top of my list I threw down more torches throughout the entirety of that Minecraft day where most of my Island was safe from mobs now this should be a double-edged sword we'll find out about that a little bit later in the video but it did cause something friendly to appear sheep I spent a little bit of time quickly making a pen for them out of deep slate walls and made a ladder to be able to head down to my basement seeing things like wither tornadoes and mutated Wolves yeah they're here too but first thing in the morning I'm using what little extra wheat that I have to lure the Sheep over this will allow me to get mutton so I have an actually useful food as well as being able to Shear them for wool me meaning I can get a bed meaning I can sleep and that that is huge with a little bit more confidence now feeling a bit more protected I ventured down into another one of the open-faced caves finding iron and coal and a whole bunch of mutilated wolves and flaming zombies but that all got me the resources that I need that I'd be able to upgrade to iron armor in just a little bit and it turns out I wasn't the only one who had a bed so a few of us slept everybody else disconnecting and we had done it we had skipped the night but that was my next little bit if I'm going to survive on this island long term I need food I need shelter and I need to stay out of the water you do not recognize the Bodies In The Water the other thing I need is Diamonds though so I returned to caving a little bit later that evening eventually finding a few diamonds but not enough for a piece of armor I was investigating around and just poking out from the caves doing some combination of Branch Mining and deep caving making myself off a diamond pick with three out of the four that I had collected and now we're gaming and by Gaming I mean mining obsidian which is boring as heck but it could come in handy later there's no nether so I really only need four pieces of it for a essential upgrade a little bit later on I crafted up an iron chest plate and with a bit more defense felt more comfortable staying out later into the night farming and breeding my sheep in the day I'd be up on the surface in the evenings I would head down into the mines where things like Enderman creepers that split and teleported and voided around you were just chilling down here and I'm not kidding when I tell you that was probably the least of my worries a few more diamonds a few more wheat a bit more sheep and a whale friend hanging out on the coast and I am in business I'm feeling like I'm set to survive and considering when I'm gonna have my first Adventure Off to the mainland and then Ryan showed us all up and had apparently gone gangbusters getting a full set of netherrite armor what the heck is Ryan up to I'm in half leather what the heck okay so uh we gotta get going yeah Ryan being in full netherite kind of puts my whole I'm feeling good about my progress and I've accomplished a lot comment from like two minutes ago into perspective doesn't it he was looking for sugarcane of which I had not seen any either and with him venturing to the mainland made me think that it was probably pretty rare and I'm gonna need that for some of the things I have planned to survive I was meshing around with Ryan a bit who potentially wanted to team up but as he logged off I found a walkie-talkie and it was time to talk to our favorite snevelton I wonder if he'll get the hint hey what's up okay what's the whole Danger on the water what are they called you ever play Jack and Daxter back in the day PS1 PS2 yeah I mean that's a that's a deep cut but yes hey me too all right from that big giant orange fish comes and eats it eats you yeah fun all right I mean so like where are you coordinates wise because me and you are basically opposite like I'm just north of the volcano which is directly east of you almost like just a tiny bit we could both try to like hit the mainland we could try and hit that beach that's kind of the boot Bay the booty Bay the booty Bay yeah well let's meet at the booty Bay I'll trade you for one um [Music] yeah yeah I don't actually have my sugar okay he's ready for two diamonds then because I need a table uh I'm trying to get an enchanting table too right I have I have all the diamonds for it in the obsidian and everything else [Music] yeah I'll bring the diamonds well we can see all right with a plan to meet up I crafted up a spare bed so we could skip the night on the mainland sailed immediately over to the volcano island and from there sailed over to the mainland Trying to minimize my time on water so I would avoid the dangers that Sean warned us about using the bed to skip the night and seeing different POI off in the distance I rendezvous with sneeve at a place we would eventually call booty Bay hey sneeve yes that's the one what's up I was just admiring the little uh prison fit right here prison you didn't see this what's your under system's at love oh come come around there's a little bit of a drop there yeah I'm saying it now yeah looks into this thing this prison or military base proved immediately useful and would be a place we would return to several times throughout the scenario and sneeve trading to me a netherite Ingot meant that he was somebody that I could probably trust to survive with to collaborate with to eventually escape this island I kind of wanna because like more mods are getting installed as we go right yeah I I agree it's it's safer to do it now than it is to do it later hey hell yeah did you take my birds dad I saw that first damn it there's another one over here there's another one over here you're fine oh hello Anvil oh I gotta beat you to that one oh there's another one right here but as we continued searching around finding more things throughout the chests it was very clear that we were not the first people here but they had missed quite a bit ooh pork chops and carrots carrots is good because you can make golden carrots out of those come on here bud oh uh I don't think that's a good idea oh jeez the sound of that was horrifying yeah oh dude what zombie head oh I was just about to give you one oh are they useful for anything other than like a Cults trying to make zombies ignore you I don't think it actually makes zombies ignore you no it lowers the detection range I know that much it does maybe in certain mod packs but I mean the chainmail boots aren't better but pause right there did you see it did you see what happened the mistake that I had made maybe this will help you I mean the chainmail boots aren't better but yeah I'm gonna come back to regret that in about five minutes the prison's been looted already but it's I mean we got a bit Yeah I'd say so I got like six damage anvils and five cracked anvils and Brewing stands is huge I mean netherwort is gonna be tricky but I think I know where if anywhere there's gonna be nether stuff oh dear because the volcano is made of skulls ah yeah that makes sense which feels a little ominous there's a Wither Skull here um oh which means that there's probably one on the other one there is I can see it oh no there isn't because can you imagine if there's three yeah I've got two and you have two yeah we just need one more you just gotta promise not to open it at my base we'll put in Jones oh yeah I'm here for that all right let's make it interesting what the heck is that sword I can't remember because I've renamed it the Snore Pokey knife oh fun yeah souls or something like that yeah it's like the dark sacrifice sword or something oh uh fun same damage as a diamond sword but attacks faster wait you gave me a piece of leather right right yeah it's not my inventory you're kidding me no I must have put it in a chest I mean oh God because when you said dark metal I'm like is that what you gave me or did you give me another right no no no oh my God no I did not just do that oh dear I potentially just did that found it oh my God where did I put it where did my dumb stupid why did you do that it's in the middle chest what the heck oh my God actual Mentalist I thought you were I thought you're pulling my leg for a minute no I was dead serious what's wrong with you yeah I know believe me I know just roast me in the comments I deserve it with our Looting of the military base done I figured it would be a good idea to show Steve over towards my place and we spent a little bit of time checking out the volcano which I found out was actually made of skulls I left sneeve over there which would turn out to be a mistake heading back to my base so that way I would be doing building when Sean would come over to me so that way he would potentially not think that Steve and I were so closely Allied I was also putting the zombie heads up on Pikes just for a little bit of Aesthetics but as I was planting in the carrots and getting the farming done my man's arrived oh my God that is a lot of sheep yep oh my God so it's gonna try to kill me Sean can you imagine it's a small command day one hey let me come over take me down dab what the heck I gotta figure out what these are for eign I'll take things oh my god oh no where did you find wither skeleton skulls and how many do you have not enough before you give the before you put them in my base Sean please refrain we're not going after anyone we're good we're all getting off this island together we're a team yeah I've heard that before I don't trust this man's for a minute I know how he works he's gonna go Island crazy and be talking about how uh king shalamabu or something needs our souls and you must sacrifice us to the island I'm calling it I'm calling it right now so I have something to offer I'll throw it on the ground here ah uh I love you one of these uh you got one too [Music] where'd you find yours I went to the mainland and found one in a little prison like area oh cool wow because somebody had looted it and they missed it oh wow I was literally just at the volcano and uh I went to the central lava bit and there was a chest there and I found another right in it oh my God I have three that was literally like you were just at the volcano that's right by my house I could have gone over there uh I'm gonna hold on to mine I only have three and I want to try to trade them with people I still need diamonds I am still rocking very very light in the armor I have had the worst luck in Diamond hunting have you been to the island directly south of the volcano I have not the swampy one yeah that look that looks like a swamp yeah let's go though let's go okay let me dump off inventory let me just make you both a chest that you could just leave stuff here all right yeah here I have boats on the south end of the island three brave men here two brave men in the lagoon though did he uh ghost ghost ghost guarding emeralds oh that's the guy that oh yeah this guy gives you blindness and slowness a child you killed that child very quickly look into I'm a parent what can I say I got a seed of chaos from that yeah yeah keep those keep those don't look left it's the edge of the world the Flat Earth yeah Vindicated I knew it I knew it I was wondering about it oh the cargo ship hello so are we going in from the top are we just digging in the bottom here uh let's go this way all right um I can hear the boys okay you guys agree to split loot at the end sure yeah careful with the creeper on the left I got some iron armor oh if it's empty someone should definitely alluded some pork chops and carrots down the end is empty yeah somebody's been here and I think burned it yeah uh and also because there's supposed to be a ton of anacondas in the ship oh great I haven't seen any snakes other than the one you put on my Island Sean it's been sad oh yeah that guy's going to come back I think I I think the ship's gonna block you are incourageable I was jumping out onto the balconies I'm like getting ready to just full on Jeep myself off and hope for the best got some gold over here more slime balls ooh iron blocks y'all up here oh God it's stupendous will do it we'll survived how about that that trapdoor at the very end was kind of like it felt very janky do we want to split what we got I got like a bunch of iron and some gold got mainly food yeah I got a lot of food no I got like I I got 14 iron blocks oh the only thing of value that I got really was uh fully full full handles I could make a bone caller stuff when I get home that'd be cool do you need it do you need this seed of chaos I don't know how to craft this stuff Santa Cassie used for a bunch of other stuff I found a uh shattered skull which can be used oh I had one of those definitely keep on to that stuff hang on to that stuff I was about to starve to death so I turned it into bone meal and oh no and grew some wheat so whoops yeah yeah it turns out my strategy of keeping the spooky things away it worked for keeping me alive in the short term but it was gonna drastically limit me long term unless I wanted to get into some of the OP armor weapons and dark magic that was in this pack with the ship done and US conveniently forgetting to split the loot I had a feeling that I wasn't the only one who found something good but it it was fine it's day one we can play Cheeky for right now I continued out venturing with Sean and Steve coming across what we thought was a swamp Island that turns out was mainly made of path blocks and finding our way to another Temple that had been looted by somebody else but as much as I was afraid of the giant skeletons pumpkins and Enderman with flames coming out of their face turns out a simple whale is more than enough danger for the three of us Sean you know what you get eaten by that whale yeah you get a lot of meat from it though now that's hostile now we can't go anywhere just ignore him let's see if we can get him get him with the lava oh there we go flying yo why is he looking at me like that what's up little bud where did that come from I think oh my God I think that's cousin Sean oh my God uh Steve get out I'd get away because the bitey fish is right there too how much damage today I was down to two hearts whoa whoa note to self don't uh don't antagonize the whales Sean attempted to Free Willy I didn't do anything on her I only immolated the body cooking someone's not illegal just killing them and eating them is yeah so step step two perfectly fine steps one and three straight to jail yeah okay so this is what I'm calling the booty Bay uh so if we want to continue North on the island we gotta go on the left side that whale is 100 staring at you like it's gonna kill you around it John the whales are back here oh no all right I'm out you can take him Sean get in the water with him yeah take them on in their favorite terrain excellent strategy they never expect it it'll just be cool to get Sean's death on camera imagine that good camera cringe I gotta head back all right this way yeah I mean you and me are heading to the same place so might as well and that was the end of day one of the scenario so far haven't died Stellar a plus across the board but that was going to get a lot more difficult and a lot more challenging with each passing day and when I woke up the next morning the first thing I saw was a few panicked messages in our Discord Okay so things have happened so there's a mod in the pack that when somebody gets knocked down you have one minute to revive them before they're dead for forever and uh Robert just sent a message and he's knocked down I am the only person online oh goodness does this fill me with Dread I know where he is now oh boy here we go I crafted up some diamond armor and some golden apples just so I'd have the resources to potentially you know fight whatever was guarding Robert's body or whatever had killed him but that's when it started to storm and this wasn't normal weather it seemed to know that I was going to try to save someone and the storm the island was angry it wanted Robert for itself but I wasn't about to let that happen because Rob could be a good friend and a useful Ally and the last thing I wanted was him to go down so I sailed my way via the Volcano Island to the mainland working my way through eventually ending up at a tower that was not there before it had appeared overnight and made me think that there were going to be far more secrets on this island to uncover than what we had found the night previous but using Shadow as a little bit of a Communications relay I sent Robert the signal to log in okay okay okay I'm here I'm here I'm here I see the light don't go to the light get Robert move I have one heart Ed me again there you go put that on oh you're too shulker what the heck have you been up to I can explain okay yeah I have questions you had a total no I know what is this place I was like right here close to here is this new yeah this this wasn't here yesterday it's worse than anything it's worse than I think oh great it's fine though I can't believe this I can't believe I was able to get you I I'm never going alone anywhere the Hat was so close so really quick hit hit one of the blocks on the tower like what just hit like the block yeah oh jeez that scared me the first time I did that oh why would you tell me oh no I was just here yesterday and this was not here oh because I went weird going on actually let's wait you want to clear this Tower should we clear the yeah I was gonna say should we clear this Tower we can clear this Tower once Rob had fully recovered we took stock of the situation it turns out now spawners were a lot harder to deal with they would break torches and summon a ton of mobs when they get cracked the new tower had spawned which was a whole new question of how this island worked and the storm was something that concerned us all rightfully so usually with Robert or Shadow being first because they were in full diamond armor and I was still in half iron there were some Enchanted pickaxes in here Golden Apple all of it felt extremely useful but not being able to mine through the floor definitely made us take this very carefully but once we got up to the top we saw what we thought was a massive game bookcases lining all of the walls something that we could use to set up an enchanting setup and greatly increase our ability to survive the top of the tower was also guarded by a Summoner which took all of us just kiting the mobs around in a circle to kill and I was panicking calling out the fact that I was almost dead despite not even being close wait did you guys get an orbit this summer no dude that's good for you you can build that staff and you can summon your own minions anything good dive you found a diving suit oh no you can make those with iron yeah I have one too that's good to know explore somewhere together once we're all ready I was thinking you know that no oh do you know that uh like desert island next to us Robert yeah there's a few pyramids over there underwater areas and they're easy to make two Lagoon that we can make you a soup yeah like I need full diamonds like I made these boots to come save you oh my god do you want to invite Ryan as well or no that's okay so just meet back here uh I mean if you can just keep going south you'll find where we are and that's where the place we're going is yeah if you just follow this Coastline out you'll you'll hit his Bridge just so you know uh this right here is called the booty Bay so I'll see you all later don't think about it it's just awesome okay bye with a plan to explore under the waves which did not feel like a long-term good decision but was better now than in the future trust me I went home and crafted up a diving suit using a ton of the iron that we had just collected from that Tower some of the copper and a few other resources to make a set that would allow me to survive under the water I also spent some time building a bridge so we could avoid sailing on the ocean with those giant red sharks that just wanted to eat our faces this way I could get over to the volcano island and about two-thirds of the way back towards the mainland without having to touch anything wet except everything was wet because of the storm but once we all gathered back up at the tower the others were more than willing to help me out hello hello are you up there too sorry I had to become ethereal for a minute I needed to go to the bathroom uh you you appear to be now according to my voices yeah I know your best friend or your target oh here Lex I gotta Sprint for you you king oh my goodness that is so good because of the storm we figured going underwater might not be the best call right now or we wanted to wait a little bit later since it was so far away so we thought let's go back and re-explore the military base considering this Tower had spawned maybe other things were back here and yes the thing was partially restocked all of the spawners are backed there was a ton of new Mobs hanging out inside and things were a little creepy I got my great Reaper ax look out oh my god when was the last time I died never don't answer that behind you what what was that sound Ryan when you find them bud trying to find anything speaking of good note here a little something to keep in mind yeah look what I'm wearing just yeah you know just in case you like I just I want to make it to the end so yes please share turn around have fun amazing at this point I collected multiple netherite ingots from multiple friends and we were all collaborating we all wanted to get off of this island together I don't know if that would be the case at the end of the video I mean I know I'm doing the voiceover right now but you don't get to know until you watch the whole thing but as we continued exploring from the military base up to the tower near the top of the island we saw a few chests just casually sitting there all right you'll be sugar in to know that the poll on what kind of house I should make just ended yeah yeah have fun yeah yeah I can imagine have fun but I had to go for a bit the others were gonna go continue exploring as a group go watch their videos to see what Antics they got up into but when I went to log back into the server a little bit later no one was online and that should have been a bit of an ominous sign but I figured it was just as good as time and any to go around and exploring the island in case I find something amazing I don't have to share it at this point so I scaled over the mountains heading south the opposite direction of anything else that I had explored thus far finding a giant jungle temple massive it reached all the way up to build limit almost I mined my way in through the side of the wall getting to a lava filled parkour area all of the chests had been emptied out there were bridges built between the different pedestals which told me that this place had been thoroughly looted it was around this time that Kipling joined as well and she was a day late to the start of the scenario so with it being constantly raining there was no safe time from the mobs that were around she was constantly Under Siege I headed back towards my Island checking up at the top of the volcano finding a few wither skeletons magma cubes and seeing where sneeve I've been lucky enough to grab that netherrite that I had so carelessly missed but once I was back on my Island I put that netherrite to work turning half of my armor into that for the extra protection and then starting to investigate what the dark arts could teach me and what I could earn from fighting these mobs that up until this point I was too scared to do so you know the others they play all the horror content That's Not My Vibe I'm much more Sunshine puppies and rocket ships but in order to get full netherite I'm going to need more diamonds so I headed down into the mines pickaxe swinging from side to side and I found a zombie spawner right away there's a curse of binding book in it golden boots V2 maybe a little bit later but I continued searching just trying to mine from cave to Cave following any sounds of lava or mobs grabbing any diamonds that I could get and the shaders make it real really fun to go mining around here strip mining only so far at some points at some point you just got a cave I look ridiculous with this thing on heading back up to the surface I set all of the raw ores to smelt with enough diamonds in my inventory I crafted My ultimate goal for the early game here an enchanting table I set up a rudimentary thing in a lush cave that I so carefully crafted immediately right underneath my base and as soon as I got the advancement sneeve immediately noticed and started beelining towards my base but I broke the torches on a section of my Island allowing a dark space where these mobs could spawn if I'm gonna gain the dark arts and the mystical powers of summoning and ritual sacrifice I'm gonna need to face my fears and take on these mobs to get the things that they drop being a better armor definitely helped with the courage needed to do this but I'm watching Kipling get bullied by pigeons while I'm fighting specters and The Souls of the Damned and it's right about that time as if I know what's about to happen because I'm a disembodied voice from the future of this video when Kip arrived on my Shore oh Boyce hi great all right come on another right I had a very complicated two days okay here you go bread top right corner hold on a second I got a phone call five minutes later I'm about to be summoned from this realm uh how can I help you you're in trouble all right let's let's do some things okay so another ride to bed yes oh my goodness you are the best you basically just need iron everything right yeah pretty much I'll tell you what there you go legend anything with that just you could take yes thank you the mainland is scary and filled with murder clowns and it's it's a lot yes don't go there for a while until you're ready until you're ready so Ryan oh Ryan by far yeah Ryan's in full netherrite what those two poor spiders on that island though bro they're they're stranded on the survival island over there not us look at him oh oh there he is Steve what is going on what is going on with you yes yes what it's quite hard to control you are glitching out he's a fish there's our magic flip-flops I have flying fish boots on I'm gonna get Charlie it's quite hot damn you flying fish boots Charlie's on fire Charlie just died do you like that classic classic flaming Evil Pumpkin didn't you I don't really know what those do okay Steve I promise you when I found this when I figured this out I would I would hook you up you're looking so pasty this evening oh my complexion oh yo how how did you get this many books I found a dungeon that had a book like a library room in it and I done with the whole thing oh hell yeah oh that's so good what'd you get I mean so the next pickaxe I go to enchant will be silk touch which is just nice but I got efficiency four on the ax oh that is good I do not have another word yeah no way that would be amazing I'm gonna step you the fish that's bad you know how levels are kind of hard to come by I'm level 30 but yes I know but yeah come on follow me do you have a you have another Most Wanted dude yeah I found a spawner I gotta find the thing I just found it when I was downstairs caving I know I did I called the biggest fish the other day it was the size of eight men yeah he just doesn't go to this school right yeah it does yeah they just don't go to the school my girlfriend goes to the school that's right maybe put the torches on the walls so you know which way to go you shush sir I did find a spawner right I know I did thankfully after a little while I realized that I wasn't gaslighting myself and I did in fact find a zombie spawner even if the others would never believe me that I did I did find it yeah and you could if you could turn it into a grinder we'd have Infinite Experience and we can move this down there instead it's possible Right like so that's what I think I might do tonight is turn that spawner into a zombie grinder I feel kind of naked taking my pants off [Laughter] I'll see you guys later bye Kipper I appreciate it no problem don't want you dying here's all I need do you have any of that dark metal yeah I have three I have three pieces you need nine of them to make one with my first experiment into the dark arts giving me a staff that shoots magic missiles I realized how silly I was to use the cracked skull for bone meal the day prior turned out they're a moderately rare drop but teeming with Steve to unlock the full possibilities of enchanting meant that the two of us had a much greater chance at succeeding and as soon as I logged back in everything was set up everything was here the mob farm was good to go so I headed up to the surface seeing that snive had taken all of my trees as compensation replanting those and grabbing everything from the enchanting space which an enchanting cable is filled with water I don't know what that mod was trying to imply breaking it down and rebuilding it down next to the mob spawner and here's where things were getting complicated it turns out that magic or at least the normal magic that we depend on in Minecraft didn't exactly work the same way on the island the dark arts that were here those were fine you could sacrifice things and pledge your soul to Darkness as much as you wanted but if you want to put protection on a piece of armor or sharpness on a sword nah we're not having any of that this meant that I could enchant my armor to make sure that it would last longer and that would be essential because we take a lot of damage in these scenarios but I couldn't just immediately make myself nigh unkillable so this was obviously not going to be so easy and that's why I had called it for that day I had made huge strides forward in the overall progress and some alliances with the other survivors on this island it was looking really promising that I could potentially do this but the island wasn't having it and the fact that it had stormed for an entire real life day should have probably been in indication that things were about to go very very wrong because just when you think you've got all of this challenge figured out the island throws you a curveball or in some cases a tidal wave because when I logged in the next day the danger levels were literally Rising we do poured a lot of water down what the heck oh this is a problem oh no the water level has risen yeah I know that must be rough uh I think I need to go so I'm standing here on an island that's now basically half the size of what it was just trying to do the mental math this is what my Coastline looked like on day one before the storms before anything else had happened and this is what it looked like now turns out the water had risen about six blocks from the storm the previous day so if that's how long that happens and odds are that's probably gonna happen again my house would practically be under water on the next rainstorm so it's time to leave I broke down my farm trying to bring everything I could with me throwing all of my valuables into a chest boat that I used to sail across the water then I used obs's recording pausing feature which if you know my history on this channel we should absolutely never use so here's an MS paint representation of what happened here I am sailing across the water I'm in my little bow vote I'm safe and then Jaws comes up out of the ocean and attempts to eat my face yeah nom nom nom nom nom I don't know why I've suddenly turned into Mickey Mouse in this explanation but okay we're gonna roll with it look I'm sorry that I miss recording some parts of this just look how annoyed I was at myself once I realized oh my God my recording's been paused my recording's been paused the last 10 minutes since I logged out and logged back in I missed the entire sailing over oh my God you can you can have an illustration a little illustration of you going across the water and little sharks popping out of the Microsoft yeah I'm just gonna have like scary scary fish chasing me in paint so maybe since it's not raining today we're okay yeah that's what I'm hoping for but like again if it goes up another five I think the tower still should be safe okay I think I'm gonna have to go make a space over here okay and I hope for the best so good luck yeah so it turns out the strategy here is seek High ground and hope for the best there's a cave relatively close to Robert's place that I thought I could live in there it would give me a natural protection and formation on three sides and all I had to do was worry about sealing the entrance broke down a lot of the spruce trees lit up the area and dug out the space immediately in front of the base to make something that was easier to get into and out of in case I would happen to be running for my life and then spend some time torching up the area getting some string from Rob to be able to build a new bed and reset my home to here I recreated some of the initial Farms that I had made over back on the island my wheat farm bamboo that I had brought over no mobs unfortunately so that meant the quality of food was about to drop substantially that's the true horrific part of over the island having to go vegetarian for a couple days but with an initial little base set up here and sharing bamboo with Rob to make sure he had everything he needed to it's starting to come together it will have to do and being closer to others is definitely a good idea for long-term survival but I know since I'm not on the island that others can take a peek in my base so I left them a cheeky little sign I had to take a little break again and Robert had to go shortly after that and it turns out the island changed again you know how I warned you that the Giant floating creepy sets of eyes are going to be the least of our problems yeah the island was not happy that we were moving onto the mainland and it decided to activate another little bit of things we started to call hordes when I logged in a little bit later I'm investigating into dark metal and dark magic this would allow me to make even better armor than netherite upgrading it an additional time which could make up for the lack of protection enchantments and help me survive this thing and in better armor I'm feeling confident enough to take on these giant knights with the big red eyes staring at you I don't let them hit me at all it's constantly strategically reversing at all times but killing them drops the dark medal that I need magical definitely helps but seeing spiders crawl on the wall was bringing black flashbacks to The Purge and that was only about to get very worse hey y'all editing lagundo back here realizing that it's probably a good idea to give you an Arachnophobia warning for basically the rest of the video I am sorry maybe you want to leave the sound in another tab if you happen to be scared of spiders but this video is about to become very much not for you okay back to my torture so I saw the message of a horde has spawned and at first I'm like okay what's that and then I saw a bunch of spiders floating out on the water and with shaders and with everything else it does look ridiculous I'm busy fighting the mobs here thinking Ah that's not too big of a deal still it's okay I can just bow them all down except even more spawned from another Direction and then more and then more I ended up fighting spiders for a full Minecraft day and a half almost exhausting half of the charge of my bow I'm just constantly gritting these things out and there's just more of them not as funny as when they're just floating on the water but it's something that we're gonna have to deal with now I thought I should head over towards the military base grabbing a lot of iron bars stronger blocks a few things that I could use for supplies for my little cave base I also thought it would be a good idea to start reinforcing the walls of this space because as things are going to continue getting worse and worse we might need stronger reinforcements to actually keep things out but as much as I wanted to avoid the danger I had to become the danger and to do that I had to head out in the night killing ghosts which blinds you killing zombies which turn into skeletons and killing creepers who lumped down in the most ridiculous ways the Wither tornadoes yeah they blind you too and blindness alone isn't bad but blindness and being surrounded can be deadly especially when there's the void creepers up on the surface now too teleporting around but now that I had some dark metal I realized why everybody else was looking for blast furnaces the day before grabbing a blast furnace from there and heading back to my base setting up a better path between mine and Roberts and fighting any of the mobs from the dark magic that I could find to try to pick up more dark metal I even got courageous enough to start killing clowns I mean I'm fighting it on this island too bad the creeper blew up the loot but as the sun rose I went back to my base using the orb I had picked up to craft a bone collar staff and congratulations it's skeletons oh hello my children I spent the day throwing the iron bars on the back of my base thinking that that could reinforce it from any mobs who would potentially get in giving myself an extra layer of security and as soon as the sun set I was out fighting with my children all night and they actually do some significant damage they even helped me take on a clown who did make me very drunk and it was also about 1 30 in the morning when I was recording this so that very much told my brain it was enough Minecraft for the day and that was the halfway point of the scenario for me I'm now a father I'm surviving on the mainland and I'm starting to really get my grips with all of this dark magic that's around me but like I said at the start of this day once you start to get a handle on how you're gonna survive on whatever the heck this island is called things would get weird and it turns out when it came to the whole surviving thing not all of us had figured so well because when I logged in the next today thankfully I wasn't alone in the bay both Robert and Sean were here unthankfully unfortunately Ryan and Steve were dead what happened no he died by his pet you can't tame the anacondas you can only pacify them oh no I tried to go save him but I was too late and I was too far from his house oh no have you already been to his place yeah I got everything out of it I went the Summoner route instead of the berserk around I'm trying to get the dark metal I just killed another Summoner or a big guy that drops the orb right when I was talking to you Steve also had this which is I didn't get to try yet um they're called all the fish boots oh I've seen these they're so cool okay go swim it apparently takes it takes some getting used to uh but Shark in the Water yeah there is a shark in the water but like go swim and like Sprint oh my God and then jump yep yep yep he he had that when he came over my place once there's a shark coming for you oh no yeah you're fine just careful when you hit the ground it might have a lot of force he did Sean oh you both went and looted his place already no he wasn't at his house I was at his house I alluded his place it so like I said we'll just ignore Sean okay but then Sean was being Sean so he went to go loot Robert's house for his supplies and we continue the conversation and yeah things were getting weird on the island oh I was gonna say is Charlie friendly oh this is Curtis this is Curtis blinker Charlie's cousin they're friendly yeah I don't I don't even think they'll hit you if I am not testing that he had 10 uh netherite ingots well I mean I don't even have full diamond armor so like I could use it for my tools that'd be awesome not gonna lie run a contest Robert make people do stuff all right oh geez and they crawl endo yeah come here I'm just using my kids one second I'll just give you three right now and then I'll split it up with whoever else needs oh my God there's spiders everywhere because I know Kipling's gonna need some yes oh yes definitely do you have a smithing table oh that here how hard are the Scarecrow guys to fight because there's one over here a big boy yeah big boy should I be fine yeah as long as you keep your distance get to them fast before you despawns I'm gonna try throwing a bomb at him you ready yeah with the damage that did but I mean that killed it it died pretty fast but you know what you all tell me that I take these scenarios too seriously and considering I've been an absolute chicken and hiding on my Island for half of the week already I thought let's take a chance let's have Robert throw a bomb at my face hit me hit you do it do it throw the grenade oh I don't think we'll do it all right your problems to pick me up yeah okay how much damage it only does like two hearts yeah I didn't think it's gonna get I'm in full like I'm in three quarter another right or three quarter Diamond like nether it's fine it looks a lot more intimidating barely anything as long as someone has another it'll just throw bombs at them yeah once sean gets back get him and throw bomb okay so that and then the spirit on his head and then poke one of these it works and then you gotta name tag it oh my God yeah I just don't know if it'll be spawn you know I don't know I think I have a name tag but I don't remember if I do the others had to go for a little bit so I spent some time hunting down all of the sources of dark metal in the bay those are the giant skeletons the knights with the red eye and the armor and fighting the clowns for more of those bomb resources it wouldn't do squat against the other players but at least it would be fun to use against Mobs with Chuckles guarding the front of my base I had such good luck and I got not one but two piles of dark metal just from killing mobs in basically this one night I also saw a message that the server was about to go down for some updates read that as new nightmares that I'm going to have to deal with and that's when spiders got so so much worse right after the restart was complete everybody jumped back on because we all wanted first dibs at whatever dungeons had been restocked and we were all gonna try to go together I got a little bit of monster hide from Robert that I was missing I was literally short one piece crafting up the plate that I needed and then running to the smithing table that we were keeping in the Dark Tower to enhance my netherrite armor I don't like that John why are there yellow spiders that make webs now there's a lot more than that I don't know but he's fighting though [Music] is he throwing all the explosions the bombs Sean shining no fighting creepers did I not do that I you can but like back up get them kids [Music] I've decided to name my children Steve Jr and Steve three oh John oh other spiders in the water no no so yes spiders had invaded the island there were dozens of types of them ones that would shoot webs ones that were designed to be incognito on Stone and ones that will kill you with a single bite plus ones that were about the size of a Tesla and with an ego to match Elon Musk and we thought you know what this is a great idea let's go attack the military base that had been overrun with them so I'm gonna go ahead and tell you one touch from that and you are dead no way let's just go around no Robert why are you going inside oh yeah there's absolutely more spiders over there there's more there's more black widows over there oh oh oh oh oh oh no no no no Robert Robert Robert there's Giants giant spiders up here no what has happened to this place no no thing oh my God what's happening down there what do those do oh I'm gonna be honest what I didn't know they were gonna make this many webs Go Kids okay the bone collar minions help a lot oh I'm leaping Sean don't go that way there's a black widow is I don't care it's a green spider I'm leaving I mean yes let's leave but yes let's not leave oh my God oh my God don't leave don't leave I'm leaving no they're they're all over there outside there's like a thousands we can't even leave I tried to go over there it's all it's all blocked off get away from me oh there's a lot oh wait this one's all here with me they're climbing they're clapping up the walls yeah they climb the walls now Sean guys I gotta go guys this is not good I'm not I'm not I'm dude I'm gonna die in here I've trapped myself in a hole and I'm being surrounded by spiders okay just stay alive Sean okay I'm on the roof I'm on the roof where on the roof are you I'm on the Roof oh there's this is so bad I'm just trying to plug the holes oh my God oh my God spider almost just got into my little hidden Point you're dead if one gets in there with you oh no they're coming they're coming they're on the roof they're on the roof they're on the roof they're under Robert they're on the roof Robert Robert help me Robert they're coming we're good they're crawling on the roof beneath this every now and then I see a toe poke through I have my kids holding the line build that faster let's go okay I I'm going I'm running [Laughter] oh oh okay we need that's that's so many how many spider webs there are we left Sean behind there's oh Shadow's right here I'm right here I I got stuck in a bunch of webs and the the sword wasn't breaking them so I had a ender pearl if you don't have a sword just put a bucket of water on top of a spiderweb and it'll break it really come on Sean where are you Sean where are you where are you digging we'll help oh no what's wrong I'm just I'm it's not safe just we're trying to help I don't know where you are I see him I see him I see him I see him I see him he's over there he's over there no no that's not a mine chapter just the spiders yeah some of the spiders can dig oh my god oh okay cool yeah John let's go come on where are you where are you get rid of the water the water won the water's gone oh my God where's Kim holy barely probably because he needs help uh Shadow you will use spider to save your life oh spider saved my life oh I got it got what the fell Steed lamb oh what's that oh look at my horse oh my God can you jump with it no no jumping oh that is so cool [Laughter] buddy look at the look at the military look at where we're at it's about to be night it's about to be night yeah oh yeah yeah Kim get him get him get it get him no I'm just kidding I'm not kidding anything kidding give him look ready oh I did nothing this is scary for me what did you bring here I told you how to hold the spiders after me we need to get back to the tower we cannot do this for another night okay let's get back to Robert's base let's get back to Robert's face this way you're gonna turn left yes it's so much cobweb everywhere yeah spiders spiders a bad day huh Very Bad Day right here so check this out okay mind the floor it's this really cool block yeah you want me to mine it yeah try to mine out the floor I want you to see what it's called oh also no I kept mine get in the cell Shadow what are you doing what nothing Shadow why are you breaking the doors oh my God Shut up I didn't do it I watched you I'm Shadow why are you trying to get us killed are you working for the spiders what is that thing oh I don't like the green one should I explode what is that ghost oh my God there's there's too many spiders so do anything you guys have string hmm I think you could find some Robert Robert they're they're going crazy they're losing that they're kill they're trying to kill each other like Shadow has a giant Death Scythe and he's just bopping people with it I'm afraid what is happening I don't know I think the Venom's in their brains it's not going well this is so bad so quickly yeah nightmare stalker shows up where are you running you're not you're dying where's the gator pit that's in my place everyone's getting a little antsy around here it was it was a shark pit until the Gators came and killed all the sharks just fighting no yeah he poured lava on me but nobody saw that I'm gonna witness the murder one of you was gonna kill each other I'm not turning my back on you so I'm no magic guy is this how Kim ends is this Kim's blood are you used to Pearl when you were low on health again him actually I shouldn't laugh I do that and just when I thought the spiders were the worst thing that I'd have to deal with I continued out and exploring a little bit later sailing on stormy seas the storm had returned maybe it was the fact that we were starting to master the dark powers that were here maybe it was just the fact that only two of us had died and it was still hungry I wasn't sure but it did unleash another new threat on us the bloodsuckers they'd come in hordes and attach onto your face you know mosquito well in Spanish Ito means tiny this this is El Moscow and I don't want to be alone anymore so I headed over to meet the others our thought at this point was head to Shadows booty Bay was overrun with webs most of our individual Islands were underwater but Shadow had built his up on giant stilts and once the five of us were there everybody was safe well almost everyone typically logged in and she was back at my base in the middle of where horde had previously spawned on an island that was almost fully underwater I had to go get her I stay here suckers I'm gonna rescue Kipling we're gonna go inside yes the islands are flooding whenever it storms the island floods the next day so it's about to flood again yeah oh yeah I got some dark armor which is super nice with everybody else oh okay nobody else wanted to come save you so I'm like you can't just let you alone in all of this I appreciate you man you're welcome anything in these chests that you can find that is potentially useful just go ahead and take anything anything it's not like I'm coming back for it I'm gonna break the carrots because yeah this is about to all be underwater there's no way it's not get in the boat all right let's go let's go this might be bad yeah why are there spiders in the water oh okay spiders swim now and also shoot webs and also are made out of slime and also can be invisible and well also oh and also there's black widows that will kill you if they bite you like death full on disgusting yes it's bad and for the arachnophobes of this group it's worse uh I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine it's fine it's fine we're fine no okay Kip yep what uh just tell them a horde okay board we're going up this and we're getting in the house okay we're going up this do not jump in the pond what was that we almost got hit by lightning oh my God go around the boat run just run I'm ready I'm ready get in the house all of you guys are so brave you're still so brave if all of us came it would have been even harder it would have been hordes constantly yeah monologuing in his head so if you watch his video you'll know what exactly what he's saying yeah if I had those bombs I would have threw him at her here you go this is terrible this is terrif this is the worst and then with all of us together as what always happens in one of these scenarios we've come to the point of the incident the attempt on my life that as usual didn't quite work how they expected need two pieces just cold anybody have two pieces of iron or like a smithing table stop he's out there what happened in the house y'all tried to kill me I'm getting out of here I don't trust any of you guys right now who has no no no no no no I don't know who knocked the floor out from under me I don't know I didn't see you did it but I'm not sitting in there I didn't either [Music] you are so the urge to just burn your whole house to the ground what what are you hitting me because it was your shadow [Music] everyone We're not gonna survive the next three days if we're fighting attempted murder is a crime go my Champions go get him that doesn't actually work did this work no they don't attack people at all like ever this is crazy no [Laughter] don't worry nope yeah yeah that's what I think of your lava buddy did you do a shadow hmm talking to me okay listen everyone oh sorry I was on mute no I did I didn't I promise I didn't [Music] feeling a little less safe and everyone being on edge everyone pointing accusations and me not knowing it was Shadow until looking at the footage after the fact I did not feel safe anymore so I grabbed everything I could threatened to set Shadows house Ablaze and headed back to the Bay with kiply Robert and Kim if Sean and Shadow want to go mad to the island and kill the rest of us sacrifice us so they can escape that's on them but I'm not gonna sit here and let them do it it took us a while running through all of the webs climbing around the mountains eventually making our way back to the bay and it was in a rough State thankfully Robert had a little bit armor that he was saving on the side for Kipling and we were able to get her up into netherite at least so she's gonna survive a little bit and started looking into what it would take to make more of the dark metal weapons and we didn't have enough we poured everything we could into golden apples just to try to make sure that we could survive fighting any of the Dark Knight lights that were popping around but there was a new problem oh no I'm infected Golden Apple foreign but the new threat of a zombie virus exhausting some of our healing supplies this is only going to get more complicated and there's only a few days left and the storm is back which means we better get ready for the water level to rise yet again when I logged in the next morning my guess was right and the water level had risen but so had the tension and the danger because before I'd even joined on this day Kim and Sean were basically trying to kill each other oh what did Kim do no I haven't said Sean you're out of control no you were awesome Kim burned three of my Idols wait what when did the water get so high hey look you know you can I buy some turtles for you no stay away from me Sean managed to kill himself a few times but he needs uh okay I'm so sick of all this what happened we need to go and fight something together we all agreed to go to the top of the nearby Mountain where the Pumpkin King had spawned and in taking it out we'll likely be able to get the supplies for a powerful pumpkin launching rocket launcher basically problem was the second we crossed the bay a horde spawned on me and the others minus kiply abandoned me in an instant no no oh no we gotta go time to run get in the boat get in the boat Shadow come on let's go we're running go go go go no we can just go there you go wait hey don't let them leave us follow them yeah no don't leave us behind don't leave us behind I'm gonna follow you I'm gonna bring you with us I'm gonna bring it with us no no abandoning me oh I hear it I hear it I hear it oh God I'm getting hit this is a problem I just ran in a random Direction I had no idea where I was going if I was heading into danger or away from it I just needed to get out of where I was I jumped in a boat sailed across the sea running into sharks before having to run back to land starting to climb up the mountain thinking at this point I'm on the other side of it all the mobs are potentially gone but before I could make it to the top Kip finally found me we had it around the military base thinking that we could join the others get a chance at the loot and Sean mentioned that the boss had been slain I saw I feel the need to warn you about something yes there's these new traps in the game yeah that's how sean died all right it looks like a pressure plate oh there's there's one of the like sticky thingies oh yeah yeah okay but it looks like a pressure plate and it will launch you like 30 blocks in the air and it will kill you okay so don't trust pressure plates kills you with the fall or it kills you yeah it kills full netherright Sean with the fall what oh oh dang okay so don't trust pressure plates we cleaned up some of the bugs and waited for the others to join us before they just kind of left at this point it's getting clear that maybe not all of us have all of our best interests in mind and some are more focused on exclusively their own Survival maybe that's a mentality I need to adopt [Laughter] that's amazing so is that your jungle tree house it is it almost worked so you don't have lands to get to it now which is a problem yeah that was that was kind of the problem I spawned in and they're a bunch of monkeys below me and you know clowns yeah no yeah they're there I got back to the base to challenge them on that ask them why they had left me behind because I didn't want to give up on the opportunity for us all to be able to escape together this feels like the first scenario where we're actually challenged to work as a team and I don't know if it's actually gonna go down that way but I thought you know what if they're gonna go do dungeons on their own so am I they had mentioned a volcano that all of them said that there was good loot there but they were far too afraid to attempt to take it on and I I'm not afraid of anything except clowns and spiders and the skeleton monsters big wolves and the nightmare you get what I mean though I'm not afraid of the things that they're afraid of I'm not afraid of fear so I jumped in a boat using the trees to keep myself above water with multiple stacks of dirt in my inventory bridging out across the ocean good thing I did it too because now there was giant toothed angler fish just munching at the surface seeing a tasty little morsel and desperately wanting a snack I had to be very careful though because there were multiple of those projectile shooting bugs and just one knocking me off the bridge could spell certain death I made my way all the way over to the island touched down and saw multiple pairs of eyes of nightmare stalkers waiting in between the skulls that formed this volcanic dungeon and I thought nope nope time to go I ran all the way back to the others because I can't take that on alone but at least I know what's there now I thought the information could be useful but when I went back to my base to drop off a few things and get some supplies I found out it was trapped oh God where the cicadas really necessary what is this what is this in front of my base with pressure plates Stone pressure plate spring pad is that what Kim's been making yeah Kim's been putting them all over the place yeah thank you my iron they just toss you up like Tim you said it was called the what Laguna spring pad there's one right here oh my God okay let's get pick me up if this does something oh oh that was a lot higher whoa what in the world I missed that's what this did I missed it gets throw you so high how did I miss you too might be whole and I missed you had control over that you could have hit that that water for sure yeah don't worry I'll get thoroughly roasted for missing that in the comments okay I want to try something I want to try something Sean I want to try something it's a three by three puddle this should be impossible to miss okay okay look when I missed it it was a two by two bottle and now it was bigger so yeah stand on the tough block I want to see if it fires if I put it under you or if you need to like step on it oh wait before we do that just do this better better way to test it okay put it right under me okay ready okay get this out of here uh you need to move uh you're gonna give it back after doing a little bit of experimenting with the pressure plate and seeing just how lethal that thing can actually be I tried to convince the others to join me if nothing else they can be a distraction or a diversion for the nightmare stalkers well I go in and get all of the loot since I have an ender pearl and nobody else did the problem is there was yet another new insect on the island to cause US problems tarantula Hawks I don't want to hear this noise no yeah never Pearl I'd like a pearl a horde yeah I'll start doing it like Kim just say nothing what is it a hoard up I see a bullfrog I see a alligator oh no oh no it worked I see a mosquito did you just make alligators The Horde mob oh my God what is that it's a tarantula hawk I'm stung yeah Robert it'll only take you down to half hell Shadow get inside Shadow get inside I'd get inside get inside get inside get inside that is truly horrible oh I got stuck get inside I need milk there are no cows on this island at all we're done for I just saw I saw like 30 fly from behind them it's been fun y'all oh I can't see it no I was shooting my pumpkins out and then Robert stop in the house right now stay inside stay inside stay alive ow what the heck that hit me through the wall I can't get down they can launch their stingers and these things are by far the worst if they hit you even once they give you 30 seconds of a debilitating sting debuff that keeps you at half Health just constantly ticking damage every time they hit you it became a lot but I eventually got the others to commit and think that we could go out and do this volcano together problem was we left just as it was about to turn tonight so we only made our way towards the lookout tower near the military prison but there were still nightmare stalkers there waiting for us I just I just blocked oh how big how big of a hole can it go through uh two by one yeah I can hear it out there too if it just almost got us what's that oh my gosh oh my gosh no no what no oh oh no no they can spawn in this room what is that there's a nightmare stalker spawner up there oh no Robert get inside I'm inside we're there with them I'm up here oh I see the spawner I'm trying to take out the spawner up here you have to melee it I hit it yeah you gotta hit it I made just like a little bunker yeah there's a little bunker on the bottom floor stop right there we're so infected oh my God oh my God shadow mind it might have mine them ah I couldn't get down still a nightmare stopper up there there's two I'm killing them [Laughter] Sean I saw what you did I killed a zombie the horde's coming perfect oh that was amazing I got two pieces of dark metal two pieces pieces are a pile small ones oh once we had survived that and we were heading over towards the volcano the attempted murder did not stop if anything we were all starting to go crazy and experience the true definition of insanity oh mom what happened Shadow why would you hit the ground I I tried it wouldn't it was making me go that way and almost as if the island knew we were coming just as we are about to sail the volcano the storm was back great yeah it's been nice you don't want to do it I'm thinking I'm thinking this might I got a horde idea I got a horde Shadow get out shadow it's the what the Hawks shadow no I'm trying to mine to you all he just whacked me sideways are you all safely in here is this safe yeah yeah this is awful no we got we're surrounded by tarantula Hawks in a hole it's surrounded by Nightmare stockers we're on Volcano Island that's littered with night stalkers I should if I turned around when I said I would I would have been dead I have an idea this is water level I'm assuming if we just dig out straight in a direction we can get to the water get on boats get off this island I hear spiders so careful careful careful careful careful okay make your crafting table quick we can make slabs and then we can make little like slits where we can stab their ankles or make it out of this there's quiet we're surviving boys do you want to do it over here yeah so like mind that block perfect oh oh they bite three second poison on them guys okay here get that one on your right too and let me uh put another yeah what the heck what the heck Sean that was not me oh okay I'm gonna die get back let's get back don't stand there good okay we gotta no you stay on your side of the wall you do you just sit over there do not get close Sean they will pull you through the blocks I learned that the hard way Sean Sean no Sean just trying to kill us Sean's gone crazy on the island he's becoming a cannibal where did Robert go ES we're out all right let's go Shadow I got a boat ready move shut up move I got one okay that's good that's good horrible whose idea was this oh Shadow we're gonna have to break we're separated from them there's an angler directly ahead of us get ready we're gonna have to get to land Shadow get to the mountain shadow oh okay that's time to run this is horrifying Sean attempting to TNT the entrance to the cave and let all of the mobs in told me everything I needed to know this man had gone Island crazy and he was ready to sacrifice all of us if it meant that there was any opportunity that he would be the one to escape alive now I couldn't just outwardly become hostile to them because then I pull myself from the group as a whole and make myself the outlier again I can't risk that but I need to play it very carefully with Sean and the others from this point forward after we had gotten split up and I was on my own just stuck in the side of a mountain I eventually was able to make my way through digging around and fighting off the tarantula Hawks seeing anglerfish just chilling in the lake inside the mountain as well before killing a few Endermen trying to get replacements for ender pearls so I could save myself from a potential Yeet death later on or escaping a giant mob who wants to eat my brains I was fighting any of the dark arts monsters that would spawn in the night just trying to get more dark metal so I can make a better weapon unfortunately I let one of these skull Knights punch me which led to a curse that I didn't know what it was gonna do [Music] oh my God I knew something was going to jump scare me and I still got scared yeah that's a jump scare too many that feels like a lot before heading back out again wanting to give the volcano another shot this time alone somehow safer without the others around I'm using range to try to take down things that would bite me to death like the alligators and fighting off the tarantula Hawks however I can the problem I have now is the massive amounts of teeth down in the water and the tarantula Hawks floating overhead that could Bop me off the bridge to my Dune after a couple different thoughts and trying to work out the scenarios in my head I thought it was better to walk away and live to survive for extraction the following day from there I explored more of the terrestrial landmarks finding this giant totem and trying to dig around inside nothing of immense value is there there were Endermen hiding under some of the trees which I was able to kill to NAB an ender pearl from there I headed south getting over towards the large cargo vessel that had been left behind that I had looted a few days earlier hoping that potentially it was restocked it was also once again overrun by spiders and my biggest fear right now is a bite from a black widow one of those is certain I spent a little bit of time investigating crawling on the outside parts of the boat just trying to see through and yep there were spiders all right but I couldn't see any of the identifying markings that was until one of them shot some webbing knocking me down into the water and I figured time to cut my losses I'm fighting up against so many mobs right now getting another ender pearl but also getting a horde which spawned on me and instead of being smart digging in and fighting from an entrenched position I just kept running thinking I can make it home before I'll die and then I heard the horrible horrible sound the thing you never want to hear and run these scenarios my armor broke I threw one of my two precious pearls to get out of the spider webs and try to get away from being surrounded running over land over sea and into my base Breathing heavily but just barely escaping alive now I'm in Iron Pants and my survivability just took a nosedive oh magic conch magic conch well I survived this island well that's not encouraging despite what the shell says in a couple days I was going to find out because it was time for extraction our one chance at escaping this place but just like with everything else on this island there was no way it was going to be so simple this is it extraction a ship is coming at three o'clock and we have just about an hour and a half remaining and whoever is on these four beacons Will Survive the only problem is we need a bell and a relic from the jungle temple in order for them to actually come and pick us up and when I logged in things were getting spicy [Music] hi hi hello there's a horn outside oh okay [Music] also why is Sean looking for you thank you thank you man I killed Kim they killed Kim Robert kept trying to get Kim in his house Kim wanted his house the whole house blew up a Ford was summoned so none of us could rest him and he died oh boy okay yeah don't tell them you're hiding also what is this sign this is probably not oh uh I did a bit where the magic conch told me if I were to survive said I would survive too right I mean all the information is on the side Robert just used a totem oh no Robert just used a totem okay we gotta go we gotta go we can't be waiting here what happened I don't know Robert's not even with us right now oh God this stupid bug I'm so glad it flew past me and went to you great I'm going inside again look at another I know I'm I guys I'm gonna die guys I'm gonna die oh do you have blocks no wait so this is concerning it turns out it might be that two of us versus the three of them who are still alive I almost died almost I don't know welcome to my house again hi it's a crater anymore it's one man's fault and I wonder who it was today the guy who started opening doors he shouldn't open I don't give a about these bugs anymore worst vacation ever yeah this is worse than Horror Island yeah so the window we got a mere Shadow has a has the Bell so without that Bell what do you mean you or Shadow either of us died no one's getting off the island oh they're not talking about okay one more artifact in the temple that we need to get off the island it's still there and there's four of us that can leave I'm gonna throw another Laguna I have okay I have the stuff to make a Wither and I will be making it with her if I'm not on a pillar okay so threats all right it's just it's no no no insurance insurance threats same deal I am a bed I have a bed I'm in your bed and we'll all log out because we have nothing now okay log out yep I hear you yep I'm not gonna kill you don't worry okay log out for a second okay I'm not gonna kill you we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna make it off this island but the problem was either Robert or Shadow had the bell and we didn't know which one it was which meant we couldn't just isolate ourselves from them compete for the actual Victory we need them in order to escape and this this is a situation that five-year-old me who used to watch cartoons on Saturday mornings thought would be much more prevalent in my life but I'd never experienced until right now what the heck what what I can't bring it Sean can't break it what what is that help help it doesn't break there's rocks there wait what for it you're crazy he's in there no what is this no on the island now is it all the sand let's go let's go uh with my near death by sand oh I really need to get off this island we all headed over the mountain towards the jungle temple the thing we need is in a chest at the very bottom the problem is it's surrounded by many mobs with many many likes oh heck no the setup that is a nightmare that's a nightmare that's a Nightmare Demon oh why is it why did it choose me no it's chasing me I hate it because this house is made by me and Kim oh was it yeah tarantula Hawks a lot of them oh my God more of those more of those centipedes since we couldn't go in the front door because there was infinite legs attached to infinite mouths which were coming to eat us we decided to mine in and I followed Robert digging a two by one tunnel just trying to snake our way around and through the area inside this jungle temple to get the treasure that we needed to escape we made our way to up inside one of the walls we we live in the walls now and we're fighting off all of these mobs there were Soul vultures centipedes and spiders so so many spiders is there a chest yeah do we know for a fact what do we know I don't know where it is but do we know I see it now too oh dude directly above your head there's something there's nothing in this chest okay y'all I found it I found it I got it I got it I got it yeah item no but I know how to get to it but progress was genuinely slow problem we had is that every now and then Sean would just go missing which made me and the others quite concerned hey there everybody editing lugendo again this got super laggy just because of the number of mobs in this area so I had to turn shaders off for a while sorry that the Aesthetics aren't quite there and that the video is still a little framey but so much happened that you need to see all right back to the less than ideal video but eventually after trying this several different ways I ended up underneath the floor where everything that was trying to munch us was standing on tunneling around like a little rat with Robert just trying to get underneath the chest just like the Assassins video where we can grab the thing out of it and book it just a note uh I didn't know this at the time and as you watch the video I will have no idea that I caused this but keep an eye on that ender pearl on my hot bar and what's about to happen oh no what just happened I'm gonna die where are you I'm in a block I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die oh my gosh oh my God oh my God I don't know I got like teleported up into the block I'm one block away do I go two blocks away no you're not dude got it I got it I got it I got it let's go let's go let's get out of here it's uh Megalodon oh my God it's poisoned it's poison oh no no no no not that way I don't know I don't know how to get out you know Sean's gonna summon the wither regardless of what we do right now are we gonna do anything about it are we just gonna let it happen I guess hope he doesn't do it with the Jaws safely in hand I now felt that I had security going into the final extraction and working with Robert and Shadow who had the Bell we had everything we needed now we just needed to get to the pedestals be standing on them when the clock hits three and you survive once we had dug out of the tunnel and made our way back towards booty Bay I reunited with Kip who was hanging out in my base for relative safety and then we started figuring out what our next plan of attack was because the island was not done with us yet and even on the verge of Escape there was one or two final surprises waiting we're all going in our own boat no one wants to double up no one trusts oh boy Flying V all right let's go that's barely above water is it though I call this one yeah are we just going by dips oh Shadow I don't trust what's the average floating around underneath us doesn't make me feel safe oh I saw that what was that the island doesn't want us to leave we have to be standing right on that block or can we be above it or is it right on that block right on the ball oh I don't know what are we doing what are we doing y'all oh oh no oh no oh no I don't like it when the server restarts it's never good when the server restarts I'm not connecting first I don't want to die the reason I'm freaking out because the server went down is because usually when the server goes down it means something new is being turned on or the island is getting angrier and oh yeah the island was in a bit of a mood and did not want us to leave hi hi what's going on here I don't know I don't know what he did I don't know what he added I'm making us another way out why Sean are you worried about something is it is there something that you did something that you've enabled in the back uh we got split up when we were at the back at the at the polls okay so there's spawners down below the things yeah which are gonna be a problem yeah so we're gonna have to deal with those or the dive suits with the dive suits allow you to break at normal speed yeah I have some dive shoot stuff here you should do it Sean uh no even if you're what okay I think it's Kim to the enchant I mean that'll do it you give me a diving suit with the aquafinity I will go down and do it I guess that's a me sleep yeah I think so okay everybody out hey Kim how are you doing should I trust Sean I figured with a message from Kim saying don't trust Sean which aligned very nicely with my own you know concept of self-preservation I'm going to try to escape this thing but I have to stay close kipley was messaging me this whole time and she set up a master stroke play you all are gonna have to go watch her video to see what she tried to do it was brilliant but I'm just sitting here trying to convince the others that we need to go break the spawners and secure the space Robert volunteered to be the one to Head Underwater and I had a blast furnace back at my base so I used it as an opportunity for us to get alone and to build out a dive suit for him oh and there's some iron here too yeah I'm good on iron now I need um do you have stone I need smooth stone slabs no I don't actively but here you can smelt it down downstairs no I haven't I just need to put um Aqua committee on the helmet now I'm good okay I'm heading back someone needs to go out with them Robert if you do this and you survive you're a guarantee you get a guaranteed spot I'll go and all aggro the angler fish and that should cover me um I'm gonna make sure that he succeeds he's not gonna do this by on his own I'm gonna go to if I die it was meant to be okay then I guess I'm coming as well all right let's if I die just make sure you pick up the the bell I don't know where Ghibli is and that makes me nervous I'm going in we will get off this island come on I'll be the distraction okay okay get a spawner get a spawner I'm leading them away oh that's Komodo dragons Sean I thought you said there'd be no more tarantula Hawks oh I meant oh no there's another horde that just spawned on me there's a Komodo dragon coming after you and there's a Komodo dragon coming after you two oh not good not good not good oh it's the sucky ones not good not good not good oh y'all help help help help I'm gonna die I'm gonna die the water is not friendly oh kiply just go post mortal there there's like some giant squids or something that are right there and it's attached to my face and it is scary I I I'm I'm over by YouTube now Sean Sean what you tried you tried but the quicksand at the door I'll put that there really no I honestly did not I don't know [Music] I didn't put that there I walked right across that then there's no problems and then it just broke open for me see look who's look who's in danger and look who's not and despite all of this despite the attempts of Sean just continuously trying to get me killed I still need them I don't know if Shadow or Robert have the bell and I'm I'm praying that Kip's strategy is going to allow us to escape this island safely once they put it down we don't need them anymore all we need to do is get to the end so I cleared out the bay with Sean and Shadow and made a break for it well nothing ventured nothing gained I think it's tossed him yeah that's not good oh my goodness how high up can it reach how can you reach I don't know if you can reach me no no giply please Someone Save Me I'll remember this I have 30 seconds because I'm rising from the depths whoops I'm not going out that easy keep them on the ground it's the best I can do five four oh my God ten nine it's okay Kip survived survive for me tell my story I can't believe and that is where my adventure on this Shipwrecked Island comes to a close at the end of everything Shadow and Robert were the two to survive but if you think it's a simple story from what you just saw oh you couldn't be more wrong check out their videos down in the description there is so much more that happened in those last 20 minutes it was Bonkers but thank you all so much for watching the names you see on screen are my amazing patrons who help make content like this possible more big videos coming very very soon take care of yourselves be good to each other good night
Channel: Legundo
Views: 443,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, minecraft hardcore, legundo 100 days, legundo minecraft, minecraft 100 days, forge labs scenario, scenario smp, minecraft purge, minecraft zombie apocalypse, minecraft game of thrones, minecraft hardcore smp, minecraft hardcore challenge, forge labs 100 days, minecraft simulation, i survied hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, minecraft shipwrecked, minecraft ship wrecked, minecraft 50 hours, minecraft survial series
Id: 5Ko0y1hhl9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 53sec (6653 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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