Surviving 400 Days on Just Dirt

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what if I told you that everything you see in this world was created with just dirt a crafting table and an apple for 300 Minecraft days my friend Hobby and I have grinded as hard as we could on this structuralist super flat world to create this amazing base from nothing after killing hundreds of zombies for their rare iron ingot drops we were able to make a cauldron which filled up with rain and provided us with an infinite source of water from there we were able to kill enough drown for a lightning rod which we used to magically transform our pigs into piglets after collecting enough gold for a golden apple we were able to get a witch to throw a weakness potion out of zillager and begin trading for emeralds finally after a hundred days wand T delivered us a sapling and we had infinite wood for the next 200 days we worked to create an iron farm a villager trading Hall automatic crop farms and even some custom Farms of our own we then used wool to terraform a beautiful natural environment for our base transitioning from Winter to Spring to Fall and finally to Summer now we're spending another 100 days in this world to see what other items we can unlock and answer the question just how far is it possible to go with just dirt so after a long break we opened up the world and began day one right away there were a bunch of mobs for hobby to deal with but at least they gave him a baked potato I got a baked potato meanwhile all of my mods were broken and I spent the day trying to deal with lighting errors and other bugs but after this Rocky start I had everything set up for day two I decided to start a brand new project decorating this Farm area for this project I needed tons of dirt so I traded for some new shovels and got to dig it meanwhile hobby spent the day grabbing some dyes so he could start moving the Sheep seat last episode hobby realized that the warm sheep colors were near the cold area and the cold sheep colors were near the warm area I asked you guys if we should preserve the historic sheep farm as is or appease Hobby and spend the time to move them and yeah I was pretty clear who you guys sided with by the time day three rolled around hobby realized that moving the Sheep was going to take a while yeah moving all these sheeps gonna take me a few days meanwhile I placed all my dirt down so fast that I also realized my project was going to take a lot longer than anticipated and then Minecraft realms crashed 400 days off to a great great start we decided to call it a night and we came back a week later to try and record again and hobby spent the week making a new skin who is he and Michael doesn't he look great after that I went back to placing dirt making sure to look out for slime chunks I'm path blocking the slime chunks for now but later I'll go through and replace this with moss carpets but to do that we're gonna need a better way to get moss so I started trying to work out how to construct some sort of manual Moss Farm if you're new to this series there is absolutely no way to get lava as of right now and structural is super flat this means that we can't get stone or go to the nether so without Stone Farms have to be really simple if Mojang were to make it so that pig struck by lightning turned into regular Penguins instead of zombified piglets you would have a small 15 second window to barter with them for the obsidian needed to make a portal and access lava before they turn back into zombies from being in the Overworld it would be an insane challenge since getting gold is already so hard but imagine finally getting access to Stone on this world but I digress I continued working on my simple Moss Farm on day five and then hobby swung by the Crystal Cave to help me out with hiding the Redstone by the next day we had finished up the red done for the farm and after a few more improvements I was feeling super happy with the end result I was able to use the Moss carpet from the new Farm to start covering up the slime chunks on day seven but my cat Nico took a poop that was so stinky that I had to go AFK to clear his litter box well I took care of that hobby continued work on the sheep Switcheroo by day 8 hobby was done with the outer ring and started adjusting the inner ring by rotating all of the sheep clockwise I continued to gather moss and place carpets and was finally able to return to terraforming on Day 9. by our 10th day the Sheep Switcheroo was finally complete I worked on placing more dirt and I accidentally created another one of my famous MOG spawners hobby as usual came in clutch with the assist and threw me some torches to light up my mess although Hobby and I were both a bit Rusty with our first 10 days out of the way it finally felt like we were getting back into the swing of things in this world unfortunately hobby discovered that thanks to my MOG spawner a zombie had infiltrated our potato farm and taken out a villager we decided that we'd wait until I was fully done terraforming in the area to get the new villagers in place that night Hobby and I discussed where to put a glitchy string Farm design that hobby found online the farm is so fast that it might actually be the easiest way to get wool plus string is a great trade for us to get emeralds the next day after we added some cyan wool to try and finish up the bottom of Goo Lagoon hobby started constructing the string farm and was able to quickly get it working and wow this thing is so broken it's probably gonna be patched out in 1.20 so we'll just have to enjoy it while it lasts I spent the day making it so that the Moss Farm can be easily converted into a flower farm that way we can quickly get certain dyes like light gray and red for crafting wool colors with the wool we'll get from our new string Farm by the end of the day I think hobby was starting to lose it a bit because he started hearing voices use mouse cursor or tab button to select element game menu options sleeping options and mouse cursor or tab button to select elements how do I turn this off game menu use mouse cursor or tab buttons mouse cursor ooze Mouse curve on day 13 after a quick access game of Spleef with hobby we worked on Disco is a big rock S I started working on some water streams to transport the string into a cave below and hobby went off to start preparing fisherman villagers for string training that didn't last long though because I was straining with the strange structuralist string streams and needed hobby to strategically straighten out my struggle the next day a thunderstorms wept in and we found ourselves very unprepared for gold farming having forgotten to replenish our pigstock unfortunately this will become a bit of a theme this episode we managed to get a few nuggets which is better than nothing but if we're gonna get every gold item for our Museum we're really gonna need to focus more on this the two of us spent the night discussing how we could construct some sort of gold Farm before drifting off dreaming about the exciting possibilities on day 15 hobby did some more trading and combining and got a nice new lore Enchanted fishing rod I learned it's gonna make it so much better I spent the day working out an entrance to our string Farm storage I'm calling it spider cave I tried using some iron bars and black wool as spider webs and spiders I kind of like it but hobby was being a hater it just looks like iron bars nah nah you gotta believe but hobby a tone for his hateful rhetoric by delivering me some consolation golden carrots we decided to build a fake iron Beacon next to our museum with all of our extra iron and then afterwards I continued working on the spider den and well you know what happened next when will you learn this is an outrage I'm outraged no tensions were a bit high so Hobbies spent the next day doing some stress relieving fishing soon after we had our first visit from my dear friend wandi T his selection was a little lackluster but we purchased some tropical fish from him as well as a red mushroom which we can grow into a huge mushroom that should at least provide us with some fun new building blocks while hobby did unspeakable things I spent the evening using the flower farm instead of fishing going wrong and just catching Cod hobby caught the god rod please give a nod and applaud for the god Rod the next day I returned to terraforming and hobby slowly traded with the Villagers but we were both feeling a little emo we need back to life can't wake up Hobbs decided to spend our 20th day fishing and I continued building up the terraforming around our farm area until we logged off for the night another 10 days had passed quickly but we were both excited for our next play session between sessions I set up a light matica schematic to help me with the challenging terraforming but almost as if the structuralist gods were punishing me I was slaying while attempting to set it up pretty sure this is my third death in the series and hobby has only died once show off hobby Avenged me like the gentleman he is and then I went back to working on terraforming which was much faster with the schematic on day 22 hobby set out to do his daily sheep sharing chores and then headed over to the spider cave to start constructing a new villager trading hall for bulk string trading we really want to be able to make a fake Emerald Beacon to match our fake iron one I continued placing wool until Nightfall and then I paused briefly to add some lanterns to the Wii field the next morning I farmed some Moss blocks and hobby expanded the new trading Hall by the end of the day the wheat farm was looking super cool and I was really happy with all the terraforming but despite my satisfaction I was really needing a break so I went to use the seaweed bar to switch things up nothing like barbecue and some kelp to unwind hobby spent the majority of the day adjusting the trading Hall so that the string can smoothly flow down the corridor and into storage work on our two projects continued through day 25. I gathered some azalea leaves to add more Greenery to my terraforming project and then spent the rest of the day chipping away at it hobby was just about ready to start adding some villagers to the new Hall but he realized we had deactivated our villager breeder at some point to cut back on lag so he turned it back on and we both hoped it still worked on Day 26 hobby farmed up some more Spruce Wood for the trading Hall and I added some hanging lanterns to the underside of the Natural Bridge we also confirmed that the breeder still works yay but despite the Villager breeders still working hobby opted to spend the next day constructing a new one closer to his trading hall for the sake of convenience I was approaching the end of my big terraforming transformation but once again I needed to collect some more Moss blocks using our little farm pretty soon they're going to start calling me Moss swap on day 28 hobby added some more cyan wool to go Lagoon and I took a quick bathroom break before finishing off the terraforming well it was kind of finished hobby demanded I take action to stop the growing creeper cult forming in that area so I spent day 29 lighting everything up once this area is fully mob proof we can finally fix those potato Farms while working on the lighting I also converted a bunch of dirt into moss in order to beautify things a bit hobby made some great progress on his project too by getting the first couple villagers into place I put the finishing touches on the farm area on day 30 and I was feeling more than ready to move on to other things for once no mobs seemed to be spawning and I got the hobby stamp of approval hobby finished up the Villager breeder and I cleared out the pass from the potato farms and retailed the soil so that we'd be ready to repopulate them as soon as the Breeders spat out some new babies with 30 days behind us I was already so pleased with the progress but there was still so much to do on day 31 I cleaned up the storage area for the auto crop farms and then I collected some pods all to put down in our Autumn area which is an idea we got from some of the comments last time afterwards Hobby and I were collecting some wool and we started wondering who had sheared more apparently for gray wool I'm the winner take that hobby I'm just kidding please keep making these videos with me hobby spent the rest of the evening peacefully fishing while I created a new MOG Spawner in the snow area oh no and then my game crashed why am I like this it doesn't have to be like this really there's a way to stop me from making MOG spawners oh nah but there is a way to stop Realms from crashing over and over again and that's with broom host so many Minecraft servers are underpowered and overpriced but Bloom provides ryzen 9 processors with dedicated CPU cores I know a lot of computer nerds and every time I show them my server they look like this I've used other server hosts in the past but I always felt a bit limited but Bloom is a Big Boy's solution to server hosting their control panel is Advanced and yet easy to use just try out the demo payment on their website it even does server splitting which is why I'm turning my public super flat server into an entire super flat Network and look at how Bloom Stacks up to the competition I haven't seen so many check marks since Elon Musk bought Twitter they even have DDOS protection and pair that with their insane uptime and it becomes obvious Loom is the Clear Choice to host your powerful gaming server check out the affiliate link and the coupon code in the pin comment but for now we've got some mobs to take care of the next morning hobby helped me clean up and things got a little dicey in more than one way oh no oh watch out behind you creeper uh can't be your angle or your double I crafted some jack-o-lanterns to hide under the snow so we could get rid of those stupid stinky torches and then I visited BK for the first time in a grip I really love my bees on day 34 I collected some more kelp blocks I'm planning on using them to finish up the South Wing Bobby generously provided me with some wood for the renovations and then I crafted more wool from the string Farm to expand the snowy terrain hobby continued chopping wood and expanded the mine shaft area on day 35 hobby once again added to Goo Lagoon and by this point there was maybe only a stack or two of wool left to fill it then the two of us returned to our respective projects and continued chipping away at them for the next few days on Day 36 another thunderstorm rolled in again reminding us that we have to figure out a better solution for farming piglets ASAP then the next day wandi T stopped by for another visit while hobby was fishing we bought some melon seeds and black dye and hobby planted the melons before the night was over I guess we don't need meat melons anymore now that we have the real thing the next morning hobby took the Trader's llamas and then contributed to gulagoon once more meanwhile I embarked on a new venture a decorative tower on top of the South Wing I think it's really going to help to make the building look more finished kind of like that dome roof did on the North Wing by day 39 the tower was beginning to take shape I farmed some pack mud to use on the base of the structure while hobby continued his trading efforts we already had almost two stacks of emerald blocks hobby rounded out the 40th Day by continuing the trading grind and I started to wrap up the new tower I ran out of kelp locks but I just need a few more to finish off the route somehow 40 days were behind us already and we were feeling extra motivated to keep grinding we pressed for it and I set off to dry some more kelp in order to finish the tower we celebrated our first ever melon Harvest and then hobby made some good progress on the railroad managing to get some new villagers for our Auto crop farms by the end of the day I finally completed the tower in the South Wing so the next day I made some time in the morning to admire the finished result meanwhile Javi continued moving villagers into the auto crop Farm I decided to add a giant mushroom to our Autumn area and I think it fits in perfectly big Animal Crossing fall Vibes hobby wrapped up with rejuvenating the auto crop farms and cleaned up his little Railway on day 43 I traded for a new ax and then I spent some time tidying up the side of the South Wing unfortunately hobby had to leave me home alone to run some tests in a creative world but hobby got worried I would burn everything down and hastily log back in on day 44. but I was just peaceful Tory Gates I don't know why he doesn't trust me over at the southeast gate I'm gonna try to build up The Path a little and then eventually build a tree farm we already Farm our trees over here anyhow happy was feeling confident enough to start a whole new project finally creating a better way to collect gold his ideas to separate the converted zombified piglets from our pigs using water so that we can convert as many pigs as possible per thunderstorm an unexpected Creeper explosion added just a touch of excitement to the evening I think that works yeah the tree will be do you want what as the sun rose on day 45 I found myself inexplicably humming Gary Come Home yeah I'm talking about that song from SpongeBob sorry I neglected you oh I never expected you now my heart is beating like the saddest metronome I guess it's that point in the hundred days where I start to lose it a little don't worry this always happens hobby who seemed to be significantly more sane was making great Headway on the pig conversion tower on day 46 I added more wool to go Lagoon and then added some tropical fish we got from the trader by the end of the day Javi was almost done with the tower he needed some Vines so the next day I delivered some to him and then stopped to watch him struggle a bit who let the pigs out I finished up the Night by collecting some wood and then on day 48 I used the what I'd gathered to start working on the museum interior potty was putting some finishing touches on the pig breeding cell the next day proved to be quite eventful we spotted a flaming zombie attacking our villagers and discovered the responsible culprit this one block are you kidding I went to collect more Mangrove wood for my fancy rad Museum stair case cursing the fact that Mangrove is easily the worst wood to mine in the game meanwhile despite some minor hiccups hobby managed to complete the pig converter now we just need a lightning storm to test it out finally on day 50 I set my sights on creating a stunning marble floor for the museum using light matica I created the pattern using the purlin noise world edit command I'm gonna need a lot of weird blocks for this like smithing tables and mushroom stems poppy found solace in the rain going fishing and even catching a fire aspect 2 book which is Handy for cooking meat somehow we were already halfway through the challenge we were gonna have to start working a lot faster if we wanted to accomplish all of our goals for this episode day 51 was all about making steady progress I continued my work on the museum floor and hobby cap fishing until the rain stopped afterwards he switched gears and began to breed our Black Sheep so he could provide me with some black wool for the museum floor hobby also noticed he forgot the Villager that goes in the middle of the autocrop Farms we'll fix that at some point I spent the rest of the day farming mushroom stamps the following morning I grabbed some Fortune pickaxes so I could get mushrooms back more efficiently hobby was kind enough to combine them for me using the many impressive levels he had a mass from Trading I was very pleased to see how well the mushroom stems fit into the floor pattern as I place those in Hobby collected more black wool for me like the amazing digital roommate he is I kept collecting more mushroom stems the next day while hobby worked on replacing the fisherman villagers in our trading Hall with some more useful professions now that we have all those fishermen in the spider cave they're really no longer needed here we decided to replace them with more tool Smith so that we can get new enchantments I managed to craft another stack of smithing tables and then grabbed even more black wool for the floor which was now near incompletion hobby finished up moving the new toolsmith villagers into place on day 54 while I gathered more wood for the smithing tables we only need a few more to finish this off on day 55 Hobby and I enjoyed a special moment as we finally finished the cyan wolf or Goo Lagoon infuriatingly I found myself three smithing tables short of what I needed a hobby came to my rescue and now we just needed more black wool a MOG Farm sprung up in one of the dark Corners so we slept clear out the mobs finally I was able to complete the Magnificent marbled Museum mezzanine I then began replicating the fancy staircase onto the other side hobby took on the task of finally fixing the auto crop farms for real this time on day 57 hobby finished setting up one of the rows of the trading Hall and I started collecting wool to make a colorful display at the Museum I continued Gathering wool colors and beds the next day while hobby added more villagers to the system and chopped wood for barrels on day 59 I paid a visit to the bee farm in order to grab some wax for candles then I made a trip to the Tulip farm for dyes meanwhile hobby was still grinding away at the trading Hall by day 60 I had completed all the candles currently possible and hobby had finished setting up all of the villagers I then started working on the banners for the color exhibit as the day ended Hobby and I found rest in the rainbow beds happy pride month oh another 10 days of collaboration and Construction in our beautiful world this place is starting to really feel like a home on day 61 Hobby and I woke a bit abruptly oh who are we facing each other then a slight mishap occurred when hobby broke a random barrel and created a tidal wave of fish oh my God I busied myself with collecting wool and was able to collect all of the banners except for green green is not a creative color hobby made significant progress with the toolsmiths and even procured a perfect diamond pickaxe as the day turned into night we had a lengthy discussion about the pig converter it wasn't functioning as we'd hoped and it was butt ugly so we decided to move it underground and redesign it we both agreed that the overhang area by the wheat farm would make for a cool entrance so on day 62 we began the process of deconstructing the old Pig inverter which somehow led to me making the exact same joke we already made earlier in the video the rest of the day was spent doing more planning the following day I focused on farming wood while hobby got started on building the new and improved Pig inverter at its new location then we spent way too long trying to locate our Oak saplings which we eventually found in the pigpen I may create MOG Farms from time to time but at least I don't Litter our base with random chests full of important items like hobby does whose annoying roommate trait do you think is worse let me know in the comments on day64 I decided to start renovating the path to the Tulip Farm while I was doing so hobby ran into Wadi T unfortunately he he only really had drip Stone Oak saplings and Moss to offer which is stuff we already had the next day hobby continued constructing the pig inverter and I began building a gazebo around our Tulip Farm to dress it up a bit day66 was another busy day I ran out of wood and had to collect more so while I was at it I worked on improving the path a little bit to match the one on the other side hobby built up the infrastructure around the new pig breeder just to make sure it'll be easily accessible from the potato farm for easy breeding he then added the signs to hold up the water using brown wool for the walls we began day 67 by doing some more planning for the pig converter afterwards I spotted a slime in one of our Autumn trees I guess at some point I'm gonna have to go up there and use Carpets to slime proof the leaves then I headed over to the Tulip gazebo and added a water flushing system to the Pagoda just to make farming a bit more fun and easy meanwhile hobby spent the night in the dirt mines on day 68 hobby came to see the new tulip gazebo which was officially finished I then added a few small Leaf Gardens to the front to make it feel extra cozy the next day was funny number day so hobby decided to breed our pigs while I had a less than Stellar encounter with wandi tea on the bright side I did get some lime dye for sheep meaning only missing green now after saying goodbye to wandi T I set out to finally construct an old school Tree Farm that'll be able to catch some of the drops that fall when the leaves Decay I totally made up the design as I went and by day 78 I'd made some good progress on the farm hobby was busy working on a large pig head to cover up our Pig converter it's definitely one of the goofiest things we've built so far but somehow I kind of like it at the end of the day I stopped by with some black wool to make the pig look angry it was definitely an unexpected conclusion to another 10 days but we kept going on day 71. hobby spent the day sharing sheep and Mining dirt while I was occupied with finishing the new tree farm the next day I was able to run the first test on the new tree farm and it seemed to work just as intended then it started raining so hobby decided to go fishing again as night fell the rain turned into a lightning storm but sadly our new converter wasn't ready yet but our Fortune shifted when wandi T somehow returned again this time with sand Brown dye and more puffer fish I went ahead and put our new dyes and item frames at the color exhibit on day 73 I added the lime wool and lime candle to the museum using our new dye and hobby came across a trap horse in a heroic move hobby managed to kill the archers and keep all four horses alive but in an unfortunate twist we discovered that a few of our villagers were turned into witches we're not exactly sure how they were struck it might be wise to add more lightning rods around the base especially considering how much we've built with wool and wood hoppy brought the demon horses back to his head while I added a brown candle and orange dye to our collection at the Museum the only dye we're missing now is green after that I worked on building all the railings for the balconies and the stairs on day 74 hobby resumed work on the pig inverter while I decided to start yet another new farm this time a slime farm I found a good slime chunk to use behind the Iron Golem farm and started working on an icy path to get there as we reached the three-quarter Mark of the challenge hobby completed the holding cell for the pigs I continue to work on the slime farm which much like the tree farm I designed totally off the top of my head I summoned an iron golem which attracts the slimes towards these campfires which will slowly kill them the next day hobby successfully led a piggy parade over to the new holding cell albeit with some minor losses I initiated operation of the slime farm which surprisingly worked really well after breeding the pigs hobby came to visit the now fully functioning slime farm as I finished up with the fences on day 77 I worked on spreading some grass to beautify the slime farm a bit and then I headed back to the farm area I'm using the other side of this overhang here to create a staircase up to the surface for easy access after I begged him to do so hobby dedicated some time to cleaning up his Insidious chess monsters his organizational efforts inspired both of us and we decided to shift the focus to cleaning up the base for a bit I put the purple bed back in its rightful place then I went back to the farm area to continue my work on the new staircase hobby spent the evening creating a dedicated wool storage area to help with our ongoing cleanup effort on day 79 we both teamed up to complete the wool storage with that thought I started building the fishing shack while hobby took advantage of the rain to do some fishing nearby I then spent the entire night tidying up the fishing storage and making it look better somehow on day 80 we were visited by Juanita again but all he had to offer us was sand much to Hobby's frustration it's got normal sand that's it oh man you're mocking us like we can gain all these Traders wandering Trader more like water and Trader well hobby had a stern word with our mutual friend I created some dedicated storage for the Tulip farm and for our flower farm in Crystal Cave with only 20 days left to go both of us were really feeling the pressure to get things done on day 81 I cooked up a bunch of lamb chops I will truly miss our uncooked meat melons the cooked mutton is closer to a food stores like salmon we shall call them lemon while I was busy in the kitchen hobby was engaged in a trading Marathon I dedicated the entire next day to clearing out our mob farm storage and organizing every after a bit more trading a hobby finally had enough emeralds to create our fake Emerald Beacon isn't it glorious if we ever get glass panes we can make some fake Beacon beams shooting up into the sky the next day hobby swung by the storage room to help me decide the best way to organize things afterwards he crafted tons of chests for string storage and also fetched iron for Hoppers I woke up from a nightmare on day 84 and accidentally punched hobby then hobby took some hose to the tree farm I got some hoes over to the spruce Farm meanwhile I laid out some storage for each wood type we don't have the wall yet but when we do I will thank my past self I finished dying the signs for the chest the next morning and Javi let me know how cool he is I'm too cool for Tool I really have no idea what the context there was because all I can remember from that day was this Iron Golem helicopter during my organizing spree I Came Upon Hobbies helping hand this would be a funny addition to the museum on day 86 hobby decided to name his new Training hall the noisy Caverns I have no possible idea why foreign there's still a lot of organization left to do but I was getting really bored of moving items around so I decided I can wait until next episode now that the pigs were officially out of our Pig pit I decided to spend day 87 creating Pig pit Park starting with some beautiful custom trees Bobby was on a mission to gather some bone blocks for his noisy Caverns project at the end of the day I ran into one of my cats and I decided to give her some catnip I should probably name all my cats at some point all I remember is that the brown one is named kitters both of us were pining for more wood on day 88. I logged some time mining Mangrove wood while hobby branched out a bit and collected Spruce I will not apologize for writing that or should I say I would not apologize a the next day as I returned from chopping Mangrove wood at spawn I found myself imagining our base as a full island I think my main goal for next episode aside from completing the museum will be to finish off the terraforming so that the backside of everything actually looks finished I spent the rest of the day finishing up the roof of the fishing shack with the main Grove wood I had collected Bobby spent his day adding more Hoppers to the string store and then he began to flesh out an office for himself in noisy Caverns on day 90 I spent the morning creating these adorable fish banners for the top of our fishing shack hobby spent the morning creating a second string duper because apparently one just wasn't enough for him I'm not gonna lie his obsession with emeralds is beginning to frighten me but I had no time to dwell on how much hobby scares me because there were only 10 days left on day 91 I added some large decorative torches to the trading hall because well I guess I have no idea why I did this but they look cool right afterwards I cleaned up some chests near the and I Came Upon some light blue wool which I used to finish the ice road to the slime farm meanwhile hobby continued to work on his office the following day I made some improvements to the storage area at the slime farm and then I added more trees to pigpit park hobby invited me to come see his office and I have to admit it's looking really cool then on day 93 I made probably the best change in the entire video so far I added some staircases to pigment Park holy moly best change made so far after that I sprinkled some Spruce Leaf bushes around and worked on some paths which vastly improved the overall look of the park Bobby started working on a basement for his hob Fest and then he took another break to gather wood I woke up on Day 94 feeling like I was in Vietnam why why dude but once things calmed down I finished up the paths in pig pit Park and wani tea made a final appearance and boy oh boy did he go out with a bay even hobby agreed that the selection was amazing this guy gets to live he brought us sugar cane Cactus birch wood and Ice a whole new wood type to decorate with and two new Farms to create now that we have sugar cane we can even try to make map art which is something we both wanted to do since day one we really need ideas for a map art to do for the next episode so please send us your cool fan art or suggestions in the structuralist channel on my Discord due to my Renovations on the park some mobs were able to spawn and the next morning we made the tragic discovery that our OG villagers had perished quick moment of silence for those guys at least now we can renovate that side of the storage room a bit hobby pitched a tent in pig pit park for some added decoration and I built a little Fountain which I named puffer fish found we also grew our very first birch trees and then we spent the night sleeping under the stars in our new tent with just four days to go hobby started working on getting our first librarian villagers by planting some sugarcane once we can craft these into lecterns we'll unlock a whole new profession which gives us a bunch of new items I decided to go back on working on the areas around each Tory game I created these stairs going up to the museum Promenade I just really wanted this area to look a bit more finished before the 100 days was up I moved on to the other side on day 97 adding some big wool boulders to break things up meanwhile in anticipation of reaching 400 Days hobby constructed what we're calling the celebration Terrace this basically replaces that little table we used to have where our wool storage now sits feeling the time crunch both of us worked furiously to complete our projects on day 98 the next morning I spotted hobby pulling a Kool-Aid man on the stairs and he surprised me with the first glass of the series this is why we wanted those lecterns so badly not only can we use the glass to replace the ugly Spruce Leaf Drop shoot at our mob farm but we can also now fill in the color exhibit at the museum with each of the glass and glass pane variants hobby also gifted me a clock and a compass fancy I was pretty much happy with the staircases to the museum so I worked on a bit of terraforming for the rest of the day while I was doing that Hobbycraft did our first ever map and made a quick little 3x3 of our entire base we gawked at it until the next morning thinking about all the different possibilities for another episode thanks to wandi T we're gonna have so much to get done next time the two of us are gonna need to spend a lot of time planning we were so excited that we began a brainstorming session on Day 100 and came up with a big list of ideas for our next episode now that we have Birchwood we could create a desert or a Beach area with the strip logs the terraforming possibilities are endless but unfortunately we both had to accept that for now it was time to wrap things up we decided that we would meet up for a celebration that evening poppy spent the rest of the day creating the pig pit Park potato patches we're calling them for short I farmed up some more dirt and wool from my future terraforming projects and before we knew it the sun was setting we climbed up to the Celebration Terrace feeling very proud of the world we've built together and all of the progress that we've made you know a lot of people think that Hobby and I know each other in real life or something but the truth is he's just some random guy from my Discord he introduced me into the structuralist challenge and when I asked him to do the first video with me I honestly had no idea if it would do well or not now it sits as my most viewed video ever and hobby has become one of my closest friends and for that I have to thank you the viewer if not for your support none of this would be possible and who knows if Hobby and I would even be friends so I sincerely hope you'll join us for at least one final hundred days in this world see you next time thank you
Channel: Mogswamp
Views: 491,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p5Fmx8teZ8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 3sec (1743 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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