Quetzalcoatlus & The Dondi Herd!! - The Isle

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whoosh blow one of the game people we are on the ground floor with the launch of the newest update for the aisle with only one skin and you creature then Maya saw so um oh ok it's Oh look how quick I can go I'm super that's nice game hello everybody let's get into this so my soul controls oh no it doesn't control like the shantung or chang-geun indeed I am real and if so what one more goddamn time ok like I think that's the first creatures came out in a wild it has all of its calls what about attacking no there's a headbutt oh that's it just a heady but is everyone I just I just want to find out I want to get a big head another one I want a big oh ok can I eat trees oh nice ok oh you can eat these sorts of trees now it's a lovely environment lovely sunset in that background Oh Oh God ok I've been instructed to join this server so by the oh oh oh no oh god no maybe we should trick I mean the trick nope bail bail bail bail Terrax mr. triceratops help please okay well your could it be mine you man ma'am Matt okay it's so good alright as long as that t-rex isn't going for us oh you've got a scar on your own oh that's by you Oh this spot looks beautiful in the day oh how pretty oh the T Rexes no Joey I'm gonna climb to the top of you yeah now I can watch the fight that was a fight you can see the Raptor on top of there oh that's a saw that's poor always see the picture say patre run to the boat row my stands out took so much oh minders yellow the color of victory for vikt victory victoy the color victoy the t-rex is like we still oh no bad bad mr. T Rex don't like him please protect me mr. sauropod you got such a big feet hope is a real one cuz his videos are so bad oh we always picked up the pace oh oh oh god he's be chased by t-rex no friendly willow we could be lemons fellow lemon no fellow lemon who's a cutie oh god run Oh God now it's good that's good not good oh my god oh my god yeah I'm dead yeah I'm dead I'm dead the lag was just too unreal you're gonna finish me you're just gonna know what's wrong do I stink let's join with this - rotten bugger pube [ __ ] are you stabbed and oh sure suit to stop around I'm a little buyer IBP I don't even let there's loads of trees now it's really dense it's cool though I wish had some eggs in front of me then I could recreate the famous fossil and help the eggs like I died a mom I lived i mama except that I can't even be a mother can you yeah that's right you tell them he's in this woods okay I'll get some face with no other option to go into the forest evil forest oh my God look how dark it is down here oh this is cool it did a really good job of making the claustrophobic I feel like I can't see much stand out like a blooming sore thumb tell you what it must suck to be that sauropod because all you could see is there's trees that's it I guess your camera zoomed out a bit more so it ain't too bad but like that like just I've just hit a rock now where do I go he must be able to see where to go though right thank God that that's all I do I plot that I am lemon yellow away I'm a little lemon lemon wait wherever this water is usually things want to kill me right done awesome I'm fed watered Oh oh there you are sure be coming and she came and she saw all round Cocker she's big she's slim she's sent down yeah that's right keep addressing mmhmm yeah big intention to yourself you know big enough as it is two lemons or a lineup next year there ya go oh is it lemon fluffy bottom you'd sink with that tail you'd be dragged down and I don't even know what you're doing Shantou and you know I even swimming hey I'm gonna hide in your fluffy tail no one can see me huh where is he there he is do the perfect camouflage oh is that him is that the Dondi I think that's the Dondi Dundee laughter well there's the quit sue oh that's cool let it go oh wow oh man look at it oh now that is cool this game is really came a long way where is it oh oh that's cool there it goes oh boy can land great yeah hello oh it looks cool oh I like everybody's crowding him oh wow it works and everything are you feeling like claustrophobic yet mr. Dev Oh follow it so when this thing's released everybody's gonna be it everyone's gonna be doing flybys and pecking and oh my god I don't know if I want to play when everyone's doing this wash oh it's cool though God it makes a good noise oh that's supposed to be flapping I like everybody tries to surround it when if her knee comes down oh that's cool oh there it is again I need to get a good picture with it yeah you flew away like a bird is it a bird is it a plane kind of feel like a real herd now I'm moving into the undergrowth keep your eyes peeled for Carly oh and now I do seen the pictures in white text sort of take away from it on words they said Oh Bruins oh we can now enter it again I want to be on the table I will be the ruined there you go I'm judge jury and executioner so is this person apartment all in favor say aye oh my god look at this huh Hey Hey we'll have none of that oh god this is just wrong no Legos the quitter again wish I was like a brotherhood I was a carnivore Nia no he's killing him oh the other stores are following behind oh there he goes I was Raptor today yeah yeah I got it yay my first kill pretty kind of eat it yet yeah apparently not I didn't even see it there I'm surprised I didn't even get hurt in the crossfire I'm proud of myself always Dandi replying to me he's not moving he's typing oh my god see Raptor syrup who are killing push bad Raptor get away yeah second kill awesome look at the other saws on that are just following us whoa it is like dinosaur with Ellie up this is falling behind oh god looking at all look at all that text it's a huge earth I'm gonna take a rest for a while though yeah I think before look at the same idea it's lovely open area the quest is swooping by every now and again it's majestic as fudge fudge is the best of majesté there it goes woosh that's cool nice model as well well we got a little token corner here going on hold on can I join look at this all it's beautiful so many oh my god this is amazing yeah it's like we're gonna nest in the middle oh we've got to protect us on the outside like the bigger ones and then on the inside us little vulnerables I'm just gonna say everyone just started moving all right then onwards ah ah yeah look at this now this is cool so we can eat these big trees oh my god that's amazing I'm just sort of clear a path we need to keep that sauropod though I can't just leave him behind he's been here the whole time yeah that's sort of keeping an eye on him because those carnivores can't really touch him if they're you they could kill the Preta if he was unguarded but I don't know maybe they could kill me I'm pretty bad I need to be in that huge jumble of names I'm not a brawler am i squeaker you can tell these guys have played the game before because they are actually sticking with it I feel like those are like regulars yeah look the other stores are coming close now they're gonna be impatient they know it oh there's something else here oh it's a big lemon I see lemon I don't want to leave the tall dude I've seen that before and he must feel like yeah I'm doing good I'm beat oh man don't worry there Oh Alice saw others saw others saw Alice all no no this is God for me they've been full traded on the sides let's stay with you if you don't mind yeah Oh see little ones need to stay together oh okay so I'm gonna test something you're gonna log out oh god I don't know it might be full though I can get rid of the names but it's just a matter of joining again and I don't know if I really want to do that I think I can put up with the names are not too bad okay look out oh god okay I'm back and I have no idea which way they went I think that we're heading off this way last time I checked so oh god I'm gonna go this way too and hopefully find him oh my god I just realized I'm doing pretty abysmal for stamina okay good news is they're really not too far away bad news there's a huge wad of carnivores stalking them so I'm gonna have to kind of get through the carnivores without being spotted and then rejoin the herd and there's t-rex's and everything oh this is gonna go great oh this is it I know where they are now they're by the lake I've recognized this area okay this is where I'm worried because around this corner they're gonna be close to them no no there's gonna be a lot of common balls this way why is there a tree in the lake there this way this is the way they went down just this valley but or does it dead stay go over there oh that's oh yeah they said they had a fight oh my god it's like piecing together a story okay there we go probably should have grabbed some water but this little guy doesn't like being left behind oh there's a dude yeah okay I'm getting I'm getting hints from Dondi to be careful we just go straight down here but there are a lot of carnivores okay let's keep up with this guy see something over there oh there they are oh god there's the other saws get down oh no no so we've hit the point where there's a lot of carnivores following them all right come on fellow lemon fellow yellow we're gonna need all the stander we can get just keep an eye the goose another sort comes oh this is nerve-racking oh we're so surrounded by trees I see them I see a lot of them okay oh there's the Kratzer okay time to run behind behind this rock nothing gonna get me okay okay okay I made it okano fellows you know somebody saved my friend AVI body we're going to ramp Blake okay are we just we just leaving I think we're leaving that brackish so by himself the portrait okay let's get moving on the breakfast of the pro-ice re the poacher is like no well okay well I guess everyone's I've been given the get go and yes we go oh these olives Oh God so we have one of us all there so one two three three hours of the t-rex could be worse I suppose Wow oh there's a raptor you little pokey you you bit me come back yet oh hello what you doing Bush yeah gotcha ha I win or we could take him easy oh I saw in the hood hustle in the head wagon they tried to pick off some straggler gah what oh god I got walloped bring the blue minute oh no he's after the dry sores did he get away or did he die I think he's running all the way over here yeah he's off he's off over those mountains that was dangerous I know we killed 100 Blissett oh that's gonna be a mouthful for the Predators when they come isn't it damn it rest in peace rest in pieces it's barely gonna be a mouthful though at least I didn't die oh there he is there's that bugger know what's he doing why is he running over to them you're only gonna die stay go you need to help that guy out he's gonna feed them with his body look see he's dead now idiot oh he's still like oh no there he goes there he goes now they're gonna eat off him god damn it I wouldn't eat why why would he go and attack them oh he was an idiot I guess no it's natural selection he was stupid therefore he died Oh God well I didn't see us let's frightened the life out of me Oh little bugger I guess I should have been so far ahead how much damage did you do 300 exactly so it would take them four bites to kill me oh look at this guy look at this other saw oh oh you better run oh you stopped by the tree kind of want to see this BAM go get up guys oh he's gonna realize Thunder soon forget him Fortran welcome dammit oh he's got nowhere to go he's got nowhere to go get him are you stuck I want to watch you die yeah forget him get him you're not gonna get him get him you can just run in there no oh if I can attack you'd be so dead but I can't so now oh god oh god oh why don't ya whip them won't you whip now watch him Nene oh did you get them oh I think in my own Oh you jammy little git oh god there's only three Alice's waiting here for oh this isn't good they've been waiting for this Oh one two three four and then the five six seven that are behind us this is not looking good do look at me oh yeah I fit oh god the Alice's are coming Oh what did one squished there goes another one go get it stamp pad ah your best friend Oh God other Souls behind Oh No he's injured protect him hey naughty are you little [ __ ] yet damn it we lost one that we also lost to dry so regardless of one in here there is no no no no no oh no no no no oh god oh god I'm so done no we can't even see oh god does he kill me squashed by the brushes so oh my god damn it well guys that's gonna have to wrap up the video I was gonna die and actually ran out of stamina and kind of glad that I got squished by our portress soros rather than eaten alive by uh Alice oh so uh okay John the video until next time I'll see you later
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,650,227
Rating: 4.9040589 out of 5
Keywords: quetzalcoatlus, maiasaurus, new release, update, The isle, t.rex attack, carnivores, herbivores, team, herd, hunting, attack, pack, fight, battle agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver, therizinosaurus, carnotaurus, dryosaurus, jurassic park, lost world, dinosaurs
Id: EE_vUCtz3ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2016
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