The Baby Carno And Family! - The Isle

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[Music] hello welcome back to the Isle you see the thumbnail you've read the tile I'm super excited we're playing on them I come up what so ever it is it says thanks for playing at myself and do whatever you did to survive no rules I don't like that's that's perfect because we've got the condo QB has been added to the game in eights in its well its own sort of playlist which is survival and I'm gonna click play before oh no please tell me it's not going night so female male female male doesn't seem to make a difference so yay look bye-bye toast so that's the burger that's awesome let's hear friendly it's like a burp see I told you guys you make fun of me dinosaurs do make babes there yup just a you know it's you know so threatened and of course scandi so there has been like a whole lifecycle being added for this I feel like there is like a sub-adult version as well the baby looks adorable though it's not just a scaled-down version of an adult whichever you like they've made like the head made the eyes a lot bigger it's not like I guess it's a doobie it's not a hatchling so and I feel like they've added something to make the car know invisible I don't know I read I read that and I'm wondering if that's a legit or if it's just something they fixed like it has nothing to do with the car not actually going invisible because it could very well have nothing to do the car like oh he's visible so this is survival this seems to be only well I guess you could play as kind of an herbivore Khan you but at the moment there's only t-rex and car no and of course we're gonna check out Connor oh I'll get the trot on there we go quick walking so the animations the same they've also updated the utahraptor run cycle don't know why just felt like doing it I'm not gonna question I'm a little baby I don't know anything uh I wish I knew where it was I don't need no adult oh god this games beautiful Oh Scout you probably said that every time I play the oil then unfortunate we can't see our stats so I don't know whether we can progress hey we'll hold on let's find out let's find out let's just uh there we go well point 6 to 2 of 1.0 so if that's anything then why don't you do really well for becoming an adult already halfway there I've done nothing so far where is you brough oh is the AI oh that was this must be it the new sort of playlist whoo okay so the playlist or survival is basically sorry on where there are AI and you've of course got to survive and grow and whatnot but I guess the I was doing it a little bit better at the moment because it's now multiplayer and I suppose the Isles being around for a lot longer I think could be wrong oh I was gonna say let me crouching have I got two states of crouching oh my god that crash is so delay hold on if I if I have a car know if I crouch does I mean that I can ambush prey still oh god those legs the legs I've waited for this day for so long and finally her baby car no now we need to find AI or food have they added weather effects as well I don't remember this map being this foggy unless that's just like early morning is early morning do this no it's a condo oh please tell me Carnotaurus weren't carnivals cool i need a protector wait what for made that noise - real beaver yeah I have a parent he's real fedorable oh god I look so cool I'm just so cute no I follow you yeah reach a good job oh god this game is glorious it kind of reminds me of the the toy from the lost world I like the baby t-rex oh this is what I want this is what I want from a dinosaur game I want to be a baby I want to be goddamn cute and I want to kill things ooh that's a Diablo Sarah talks he's like food yeah he's going for it oh I can't I can't really chase up to him oh he's going round he's going round uh yeah he's gonna die fighting back oh is AI oh okay oh it's like if that's a human play what to do it yes oh wow look at my eyes I'm like a proper lizard and I've also got the twitches I'm guessing it was a pod there's one a double Jack come to SL Beaver I don't even know nightclub are we gonna get crunk Ricardo is already ready for it oh god it's gonna be hard picking the thumbnail this is so glorious actually I should be careful keep looking at it it's just too darn cute and you today was gonna be a good episode juvie car no can kill juvie Rex Oh No unless it's a lucky fight okay I'm sorry could we just look at that we have some heavenly choir oh yeah that's it [Music] more food yeah I have to admit I prefer this than progression but then again progressions like hardcore it's it's so brutal and at the same time when you do die as much as I hate it it's just it's just fair so in takes an hour to get to adults here and there is AI as well as well as real people so a survival hold on and survival is way better than you know it's not kind of time wasted either way oh look at that the way that Oh baby I think no take into account but apparently not there you go I can drink okay just remember to altered you will fall straight in there James oh there is we got another baby here too you got a car oh look I'm bigger actually look at that I like to be bigger than this other guy oh that's cool so growth does have a factor to shame this light or a turning night because we could make it like a cool family photo oh yeah i don't kono me jam is the juvie good old jam this is not as brother Marmite oh the t-rex over there's got two babies yeah oh no oh God oh no the lag oh is it it looks like it could be another way oh well it's dead anyway so dippy it was weird for me it looked like it went crazy oh look at his little face so tasty though I can grow I have grown yes ah we've got the three stages oh look at me I'm cute boy someone got big stop your flattery me yeah already point nine two two Wow Jam I'm a female how'd you check what somebody got in the park and put the dinosaur skirts I can't even see doesn't be any difference just like in real life I didn't pay attention how do you do it is weird it's a different dynamic sometimes in like sandbox you'll get people being babies and hanging around with adults but yeah it's kind of a given you have to do that oh oh didn't see that t-rex oh sweet I mean unless they wanted to do that race thing didn't want to do the race thing alright then bro just like that he became an adult oh god I can't see anything who says is a buyer you go glasses on or something oh there's the baby I think I'm female I just put down a nest oh there's the buyer Thank You mr. Boone buy me soar it um yeah go deed the camera wrong it does look pretty cool i card tonight this looks so awesome it's like some crazy filter druvan halo 3 first put in the filters and forge a bit like that like the one was five of us one two three four yes by awesome so we got another one join us car too bad about whatever use cool oh my god let's see I blow things still uh awesome and now it's gone on growth nine point nine eight so almost fully grown to hey Momo shoot so this is the t-rex family that's been living down here there is one two three four five six of them to sub-adults to juvies and one adult as well as the t-rex uh sorry Triceratops and something else over there look at all the dead stuff oh no there's an adult okay this one right here so cute yeah you don't need to worry about us we're not gonna kill you we look like a gang just like going around the street like so what you do it I come here start some trouble you know I mean we could if we really wanted to because we are faster sort of separate them and then kill the bad eyes that's what we need to do well have way more stamina than them anyway there's two adults Oh Triceratops everybody eat Oh God is getting close babies hide in the dark if you get chased oh okay he's coming over now alright alright oh okay yeah you can't catch us wait is a try oh I could get a kill but but but but but uh playing a risky game here like oh there's another kind of baby over there too it's quite a lot of us actually a read out stand a chance fighting a t-rex on one-on-one five wait what's that dead over there not bad not be a baby car no go on trying to keep an eye on all of us we're sort of hit like this one over there one on the hill one by these trees we can just sort of push in inwards a little bit [Music] [Laughter] that was good though like the one that was protecting them that way we sort of just he like he just decided to go the wrong way so I thought I'd go behind and then just as that happened oh that was fun that was really fun I didn't want to kill him I just wanted to sort of mess with them look at them oh yes his eyes dead Connor over here I know what two dead teawrex oh now they're eating it so they're cannibals oh oh you went in and got a bite of the baby oh it's awesome oh god there's nobody near me as I know okay yeah I think you've got a bite off there is one two three four of us I had a juvie level one Charmander I was a bad joke should be dead oh it is it's pumped it's gone this gives me so much satisfaction I can't get no panic Pampa killing juvies oh he's go for bite [Music] very very close yeah it's pretty best for him to stay hidden in the bush because that way we don't know where he is our level one nice try though buddy oh no I died unlucky oh well he tried it go one down now no no no yes I think I got him well you stir but I have to use my Crouch run oh he's dead okay never mind right we got him he's dead yeah Oh they've got another one now where is he hiding Oh bless so they've lost three t-rexes for one corner we've lost all right speed baby you know what you can't kill them all I suppose I'd be a bit harsh for those saying that I do want to bite of this oh no I just wanted to bite him so this function Oh guys there goes the end of that video won't be joy until next time I'll see you later
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,263,289
Rating: 4.9419823 out of 5
Keywords: baby dinosaur, baby dino, baby carno, carno, The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosaurus, spino hypo, spino, Hypo Rex, hypo cargo, hypo Utah, hypo raptor, hypo Giga, hypo, Utahraptor, unlocked, Update, utah, raptor, dinosaurs, jurassic park, world, jurassic world, allosaurus, t.rex attack, carnivores, herbivores, team, herd, hunting, attack, pack, fight, battle agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver, therizinosaurus, carnotaurus, dryosaurus, lost world, quetzalcoatlus, suchomimus
Id: qqum53FLu3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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