Surprisingly Scary Real Stories (GAME)

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(rooster crows) (wheel ticks) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. - Random disturbing fact. This is a disturbing fact that's random. Most $1 bills, 94% of 68 tested dollar notes are harboring bacteria. Of course. - It's a disturbing fact and it is random. I mean everything everybody touches-- - Fecal bacteria, let me add that. - Come on in guys. We're gonna hear some scary stories. Because they are 75% cotton, 25% linen, they are not very good at transmitting said diseases. So you will not be dying from your cold hard cash any time time soon. (Rhett fake laughs) - Hey guys. - Hey! - You guys got scary stories. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Christine, did you snag any candy? - I snagged some, I have my backpack filled of candy now, thank you. - Okay, sorry for slamming the door on your face but you're early. I mean , it's like-- - Early bird. Today's um-- - Also not a child. - Oh I've done Halloween trick or treating well into adulthood. - We have scary stories from these real life people. They don't just work here, they're real life people. - Yeah, in real life. - And you have scary things happen to you. - Yeah. - We, our task is to match them to you. Before we do that, I wanna know what each of your favorite Halloween candy is and you don't have to agree with us. I mean your job's not in jeopardy. - No, yeah, well now that you say that, Swedish Fish? - Oh okay, wow, wow. - Do you guys like Swedish Fish? 'cause if you like it I love it. - I mean not as much as apparently Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. - Oh no I can't, I'm allergic to peanut butter. - Oh, oh, right. - So Swedish Fish is mine. They're really good, you can put them in the freezer and it makes them really hard to eat and you're doing a lot of chewing. I like, like a tooth workout. - Oh okay. - It is your favorite? - It is my favorite, yeah. It truly is. - You're not sucking up to Rhett. - Yeah, tall people like Swedish Fish. They remind us of our-- you know, the tall ancestors. - You're not Swedish. - I've got some Scandinavian in me. - Okay. - How much? - Currently? - That's for me to know. - And us to find out. - Emily, what about you, what's your favorite candy? - Dots! - Wow! - That was only on our worst. - I like Dots and Dots would have made it past the first round if they were here because I would have-- - I only eat them at Halloween though. - That's the candy version of, I like the Star Wars prequels. (laughing) That's just a hot take for the sake of a hot take. - No it's not I like texture of them, I like the chew of them-- - It's similar to Swedish Fish. - The little yellow boxes are so cute. - The boxes are cute. - I like the little boxes but I only buy them on Halloween I don't buy Dots. I think of it as just a Halloween candy. - Christine? - I like sour candy so I like sour straws or I'm amazed Sour Patch Kids didn't make it on the board. - That is interesting. - I think that's an upset. - Jordan? - I'm a Pieces man, I'm a real ET boy. - They do not make them in Halloween size so they were eliminated. - Oooh. - Let's get to these. Rhett, you wanna do the honors for the first one? - Sure. I lost my mother's earrings and asked a psychic for help. She said to follow my cat around and I found them in the bottom of a random closet, where the cat hung out. - Seriously? - First of all, this is someone who had borrowed their mothers earrings. - Could be any of us. (laughing) - Could be. - Jordan doesn't have piercings. - Ah, my mother wore clip-ons. (laughing) - Okay, I mean-- - For me this feels like Christine. I think she would see a psychic and follow a cat. Just on what I know about her. - It does sound right. - I would say that. - But the creepy thing is, it seems to have worked, so I can't wait to ask about that. I was once playing Ouija Board with some friends and when we asked who was there the board spelled out Beezlebub. (laughing) - Really? - And no one knew who he was until after we finished and Googled the name and found out it was the name of The Prince Of Hell. - It's Beelzebub. - Beelzebub. - There's something telling in this one. - I said Beel ze bub. - That's Beelzebub on a Friday. - What is it Jordan? - I was about to help you guys. (laughing) - I thought of something kind of clever and it was gonna be, this is someone who was playing Ouija Board who was of Ouija Board age when Google was available. (laughing) - Could be any of us. - Well that's not to say a man in his late 30's can't hang around and play Ouija Board. So maybe it is me. - But it's also someone who had knowledge of Beelzebub-- - No, it did not. - Not intimate knowledge. - Did not have knowledge. - Somebody in the group, the person who was actually directing where it went wasn't a demon a demon but was just one of the people playing, that person had a-- - One of our-- one of their friends. - One of your, so who-- - Played a trick. Is what I think happened - Was friends with someone who - Could have been an actual demon too. - Yeah it could have been The Prince Of Hell. - I'm not saying I don't believe in Ouija Boards but I don't want to. - So who are you-- I mean-- - You. Oh you're not playing? - I think I'm throwing this to Emily. - Oh I was gonna say Matt. - Matt Lieb - Let's give it to Emily and then we can switch them 'cause I really don't know. - It was dusk, (laughing) - Oh boy. (laughing) - I'm in, buckle up. - There's a huge stack of ten cards, uhhh. - It's a novel. - And I was walking home from the park near my house, oh, park near house huh? - Park walker. - Must be nice. - Park walker. (laughing) - A half naked man started man started chasing me. - Which half? - I ran down the sidewalk screaming until I found an adult. Okay, all right, all right. - Oh gosh. - And grabbed onto his leg while trying to tell him I was being chased by a naked man. Turns out her was just a shirtless dude jogging. - Happy ending. (laughing) - Who saw a guy jogging and assumed that they were being chased by them? - Matt Lieb's allergic to peanut butter. - Right. - That's relevant. - Sounds like Jordan to me. - I don't know what it is. - I think this is Emily. And we need to give Ouija Board to Matt. I feel strongly. - Strongly, okay. - Last one, we can still switch them up. Once I got stuck in a river and almost-- my whole body sunk in the mud and I believed I was going to die. Uh, this is scary, so like a quicksand type situation in a river area. Not a desert. (laughing) - Who grew up near rivers? Muddy rivers. Muddy rivers, that's a southern thing. - It's also my favorite Blues musician. (laughing) - Muddy rivers. - Muddy rivers is not a southern thing. Muddy rivers is a, where there are rivers, thing. There are rivers everywhere my man. - But they're muddier in the South. - Are they? (laughing) - That ain't true. - No they are muddier, at least on the East Coast than they are on the West Coast. - You just talking about the Delta. - No I'm saying like, a river like the Cape Fear River because the mountains are older on the East Coast. The Appalachians are a lot older than The Rockies, so the Rocky is usually cleaner water than the stuff coming out of the Appalachians. - We actually have a couple soil samples that we're gonna test today. - I don't think this is Jordan so after I hand it to him how are we gonna switch this? I feel-- - I feel like Emily got stuck in a river and I feel like Jordan ran from a jogging dude but I don't-- you feel strongly that she ran from a jogging dude. - Do they have rivers in Canada, Christine? - Oh you betcha. - All right let's switch 'em. Emily and Jordan. Switch it up. Okay, Matt. - You already saying this wasn't you, I saw-- I saw you shaking your head. - So uh-- - So we need to switch. - I wasn't saying anything of any kind. - He was shaking his head no man. - But are you asking? - Yeah. - Nah. - See. - This aint me. Nope, no, no. - Which one's you? - I was the one who ran from the naked man. (laughing) and I don't appreciate that y'all making assumptions about kids who live near park, all right? Sometimes you live near a park, I thought everyone lived near a park. Is that like an upper class thing? - And you hugged the leg of another man? - Well he was an adult who was wearing clothes, so I was like, he's probably not tryna chase me. - How old were you? - I was like in elementary school, so fifth grade or something. - That is too big to be hugging men's legs! - I was a smaller fifth grader, I didn't have my growth spurt 'til later. - What time of day was-- - It was dusk! - Dusk! - Sorry! - Everybody knows that, Christine! - I specifically wrote dusk. - Emily, are you the river woman? - I am not the river woman. - Dang it! (laughing) - I'm not. - Who are you? - This is me. I'm the cat lady. - You're cat psychic? - Yeah well I lost, they were like my great grandmothers amethyst earrings and my mother had them and I borrowed them and I knew I was gonna lose them and then I just looked everywhere and as a last resort there was this psychic next door at a coffee shop and I was like, whatever, I'll try anything. She goes, "Follow your cat around". - Did you have to pay the psychic for that info? - No but I did get a picture of my aura. - Oh okay. - You didn't pay the psychic? - No, she was just there and I just was like telling her I was like, I was gonna buy other amethyst earrings there, they had other ones I was like, I'll just replace them - So she just like talked herself out of a sale? She used her psychic powers? - I bought a picture of my aura! - Oh okay. - I was a patron. - I think when people don't pay she just says, follow your cat around. (laughing) - But you did and you found the earrings. - Yeah. - That seems pretty creepy. - They were in a little baggie and they were like in the back of this closet that I had not gone into. - Wow. - The cat just like, I don't know maybe they fell on the ground, the cat was playing with the little satchel and like brought it in there, I don't know. - I don't know, am I supposed to believe you? - It's what happened, it could be like cats mess with your stuff all the time. - Do you go to psychics now because of this? - Heck no. - So wh-- Christine, you were the Ouija Board. - Oh yeah baby. (laughing) I feel like anyone who went to Catholic school has dabbled a lot in Ouija Boards, no, yeah? I played a lot of Ouija Boards. - I would that Catholics would be less likely because of it's wicked connotations. - No but that's why they're into it. - Makes it scandalous. - Right, right, right, 'cause it's forbidden, right. - This did truly happen, I'm assuming that was one of my friends but we were all the time like, oh my god it's real. - Beelzebub. All right so you were-- you quicksanded in a river bed. - Yeah I've always wanted to go tubing and I got together some friends to go tubing on the Kern River. - The Kern River see, it's not southern! - Yeah in the South. - The south of Central California. (laughing) - South Central California. - And everybody bailed the day of, so I went by myself. And I tubed by myself and it was a lovely experience but then the river stopped and I got-- and I'm like, well I need to get out of this, what is now a lake. Because I was still-- - Lake Isabella. - As soon as I-- maybe that was it. And as soon as I stepped out I sank up to my waist in mud and I had to like crawl out to the side of the road and hitch hike back to the little town. I don't have my phone either. - Well Jordan, next time everybody bails on you going tubing, call me. And I'll tell you not to go. (laughing) - Don't tube by yourself. - Yeah, solo tubing. Not a good idea. - Remember that video game Tubing? - Yeah and you throw-- threw soda cans at like birds. - It was awesome. (laughing) - I did that I-R-L, just hurling Dr Pepper's at birds. - You did it in a tube? You'd be throwing stuff from a tube? - Yeah tubing. - In the game. - You're drinking cans of beverages. - It was an arcade game, it was great. - Great Chuck E Cheese game. - Check it out! - Tubing. - Where's that reboot? Someone reboot Tubing. - I want to see Tubing the movie. - [Rhett] It's been a while so we're dropping new styles, Prime members get free shipping on our latest releases at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 411,121
Rating: 4.9008961 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, gmmore, good mythical more, good mythical summer, Surprisngly Scary Real Stories (GAME), Best Halloween Candy Taste Test (FINALS)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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