Let's Play - Slender: The Arrival

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I'm uncomfortable welcome to good mythical more why do you always result the violence man what just punch me one time think about this point right then get it over there yeah you know and then I'm gonna dodge it Oh what do you mean why do I always resort to violence in the wheel and I think you just want to hit me man I don't know I don't know what's that guy like I don't want to hit you man I don't want to you know what I've been I thought though worse but I think I've artists I've never punch anybody in the face and you never push my face we should be each other's first punch we're delaying the inevitable which is getting to pants scared off of us by a video game this is 3 years old but I've been too afraid to play it uh I now love red I love the idea of doing this but I hate actually doing it and start game start it but let's dim the lights cuz it's not gonna be that scary you're gonna be just as scared as me I'm not gonna be scared not just because we got the start color in your hand doesn't mean anything stop doom I'm trying it's loading it's loading LOD di ng that's nice pellet pride to be incorporated into a village a collection of settlements took root around the Oakside Trading Post from there entrepreneurs began there for red oh it's like a mountain in search of wealth here comes a ball though that's not scary it's not move make sure a painting of a Volvo Oh somebody in the background oh there's a floating person that's it's a Cameron as a Justine 1986 a series of pictures is that what the game is the bun that pulls us down paths not to bargain to what I didn't read that correctly Fuji in the back blood and when you find yourself alone as he capital he cast out the that's a golem back I don't like that guy the bat is out this is he got a slender golem oh no I glanced for sale all right ok so I call this number and buy stand is that the first thing that I do who you're recording your you're doing a video recording yep I cut that off so it won't be such a distraction now okay Eddie and Kevin have played this game I know that we're supposed to be four things the ball know I'm supposed to walk down this path but if we get stuck Eddie and Kevin are going to be our Nintendo Power yes look at these beautiful leaves man oh you're gonna be our Chad Landrum because he was the one who had memorized he bought Bower he bought Nintendo Power and then we just asked him we didn't pay him anything go to his house watch him play mmm this is cool this is just you know I got a nice fall day like on Walden Pond oh I'm look at this we're just looking at leaves like a B there could be snakes in there though there could be snakes but look I just want rice at a cow is there count over there nope Ross ill rock Cal it's kind of crunchy what kind of shoes are we wearing look now look down at our feet you can't see him who looking at it that's a dangerous way to walk man Oh could you imagine what I'd look like oh I love this far is it's so beautiful oh you're no idea I'm going the right direction now look here we go you have to stay over there let me come back through here so this isn't your your you're doing a let's play and I'm watching you and they're watching me watch you know let's let us play here we're here with me well I'm not playing to us I'm just watching like then look at this bu go three points all right this is all right you didn't show that I got the three points Eddie for doing that now I'm just gonna go ahead ooh there's a lot of people I'll try to give it a go three points no I think something's wrong with it it's not giving me the three points when I go through getting that release man getting that landcruiser getting that land rover getting that I don't over my hands and I want my hand to come out reach at night it's scary you know you're handless you're shoeless amyum amyum Vistage yeah my spirit a visit just as a leisure of a face I don't know why I said that okay it is a house string and this is not a football game so many points did you say swing I did I said swing quick went through the three point that's what that's what I point to professional football players say as well kickers yes are you listen close they're not Mike it is what they say not only do all NFL kickers have one testicle removed for added flexibility that was a relay station with a score I feel great yes oh yeah I've got so many points like setting a record what on Oh dark before you look for sale look to the left look at a house for sale I'm gonna go in there in a second hold your horses man Oh what am i oh he's a wanted since that me wanted I should keep an eye out Charlie math isn't missing child he looks really happy for people to be missing yeah he does leave him missing man he's happy about it okay what else leave him be look it's a big there's a cow look at that cow that is a dead huge cow slow hello there's a baby cow behind it and you know what they are scary this game just got scary maybe I can feed the cows it is getting a little dark I feel like if we're going in that house we should do that before it gets totally tired I'm gonna run into this there's a map in the sky look up up that's a map follow it where no to the to the to the hey oh it's getting really direct oh look up ms clouds man holdin this clouds is a matte look some but some make somebody home I don't like this don't ever cease working press X to interact with highlighted I interact with that door exit I tried but it was already into Oh book sack I can't interact what is that don't go upstairs can I interact with you oh look at those look at the scribbles oh that's already like something you see on Pinterest that's some tall scribbled what are you doing oh look at this hey number one like you're falling right into the trap I'm not gonna read it okay we don't read the letters this is this is 2016 2013 you might read another there's a letter right there look at that dang so thank you note I'm cleaning up points hey clean up the lamp wire look I can turn the TV on point the phone go okay the phone line is dead that's scary that's a problem pick the lamp up man looking interact with this creepy window look around a little bit more in here before you leave open now let it what let in some fresh air is it stinks in here what is that some sort of sewing machine teapot I can't do yes I think is a tattoo ain't this fall down to it this is a photo cake it's a boot ah this could be a bed yes I don't activate that that's a great feature this place is for sale or we like the real estate agent this is a real recliner oh the furniture does come with the home it needs some tidying press X if you want to interact with any of the doors we'll just you close yourself in i wouldn't recommend doing that anymore oh that's gary but look there's something in here oh it's a bathroom oh yeah oh it's a billiard room no cigar space this is where you and your cronies can smoke the cigars and play chesticles look oh that's a little creepy that's all I did it that's all I did are you sure there's nothing else in here cigars flowers what what this is a kitchen oh my goodness corn flakes is that what does it say somebody's been eating in here because it's a corn flake it says yeah let's read the ingredients zoom in how many K how many calories are soo min or something uh-huh I think I do this you know I don't have a flashlight okay get a flashlight that way we can read the ingredients at this corn flake oh did zoom in you with the video camera can't read it okay fail oh there it is look at that flashlight I think we're just about to beat the game nope oh look at that shine the flashlight ooh the chili and heat it up and serve it gonna go hey look that's some blood colored chili man no everything's that okay wrap your head around ooh wrap his head around something nobody has a phone like that anymore what is it 1998 taste it taste this soup oh look at there we go that's a brochure yeah welcome to my home Thanks Oh F Hayes she did she gon 2009 I guess people still had those phones they put her actual they put her address on there that's weird you can go there real live from google map that hey open up whoa whoa is he that oh yeah what else make sure is we're not missing the door oh look at that it's red under there oh yeah we gotta go in there guys this room we got a not go in there I think that's does just have a red light bulb that's all it is over there lock the house exit but I was good feeling about this man look at it I don't think this game is supposed to invoke evoke good feelings hello will happen a glitch that's all I don't know what no that was so that was him and him that was Snapple he him well open that open that huh it's a suitcase in some pillows oh look at here number two don't care thanks for Oh turning on the yeah that's not gonna arouse any suspicion or ready to take a rig man bring anywhere why you got a plate or a radio man make noise making peeing sound flush it interact with the flush mechanism oh yeah make it warmer in here dang it don't get so dark dude don't make it so dark all right nothing there are you sure there's nothing else in the bathroom oh what's that garage oh I wouldn't stand right in front of that car Mike turn on but there's something here Oh somebody's been somebody was back that a fool man somebody I don't know if you noticed that it's gotten pretty dark in here now I don't feel good that yeah I feel kind of not good either let's just stop my body's tightening up my core my core is tightening what's that yeah interact with dad I try to interact with it look at this ceiling oh go upstate oh oh it quit someone turned off the radio oh look at look at look at the sharpen what is it that like a it's a shake weight is that it what's on that what's on the bags is that my interact with the shake way no is that like a g-string that's a jockstrap yeah she brought under a jockstrap for the face shop I bought underwear for the face look it's a pair of panties and it says face that's let's move on I don't see everything as a pair of panties I mean don't get the wrong oh good oh look it's a Rainmaker you turn that over to make you sound like rain turn it over oh oh oh oh it's it's a blinky he's flinging I'm gonna get into that locked door downstairs one is picked up Oh I'm gonna pick up a briefcase yeah no not okay what's that going over there what's that blinking what is that blinking down there is that all is that is that is that huh is that a baby huh it's a pretty bit oh that's a gringo so succulent don't touch it don't touch that cactus stick the key in the succulent oh okay dude go to that door with the red light I wanna I want to enter Oh mm-hmm that's not nice walk in turn turn around turn around I feel like it's a sink dude okay at the end of the hall what is that I thought that was a baby a creepy baby it's a freaking lamp man it's a fire hazard pick it up you want over that window you do it hmm now look around out there hmm Oh what is it why you make the flashlight smaller so to go further oh why are we doing this man if I walked up in a house and oh you unlocked that door yeah did you just unlock that door this is her room I don't music look around first dang it oh I don't want to look at my posture all right all right there's a note on the on them oh no no read it read the walls we do know things see and you see it look to your left huh can you see it no looks like a oh yes signal it to come in come in this window what oh this is I just picked it up what we haven't been reading anything anyway okay is that a kid or is that a crow is that an eagle I don't know what it a wavin it was like a screech owl I think it was the kid man huh it's that missing kid from the from the poster but when she get that rainmakers even hit it she sounded like she was my core is very tight I don't I don't enjoy anything about it yeah don't stand that house hide under the can I just get into the fetal position till the Sun comes up is that an option let's just swing a little bit oh goodness we just got a afraid of text I remember playing on the swing set with Kate when we were kids now we don't I don't even know oh you see that my thing buzzed let what's that smoke there's smoke coming from the house don't look at that oh she in there I think that's a cloud the platelet you know what let's just get it take our minds off of this and just swing it and just play a little bit yeah go back to our youth okay and just come down the slide hold on is there anything whoo that was good I think that's the point of the game right there look around look around on the here look around on the play set man there's nothing I should have gotten something I've been told there's something Oh up there there it is walk up the [ __ ] okay what kind of jerk can't walk up a slide Oh No there we go remember II do we have number two already yeah hey K my blow happen again it happen again no it didn't you can't tell cuz you don't have the controller did it did it vibrate you yes vibrated me I don't like to be vibrated all right oh is that open yes yes dude there's a cow right behind that wall and so big it is Lou totally loose I'm gonna be right there next to that cow when I go out here look around look around go see what I'm talking about no oh some in the house look back at the house something was up there coming out no man there's freaking somebody with it run yeah I'm glad I'm not controlling it hmm there's gonna be a monkey up in a tree he's gonna jump down and find you to death whoa that is the vehicle it's a vehicle we're gonna interact with this thing boom just turned on a generator okay what the crud okay all right make your way so old ski slope yeah night scheme I would stay under the lights I feel very safe under beds and lights oh gosh look at you it's spraying out some sort of luminescent material aka light waves what's that oh is that sacks of cream of prekow they make the cows out of this material man we haven't seen anything yet this is what I get scared but about you being scared you guys see what happens man where am I going this way other way that's right you going up to he'll get a better view of the place where are you going go downhill a little bit there's the road there we go I'm breathing a lot harder than I should oh there's a river oh it is that a river and then generate turnoff interact with that generator how interact with it what you've been doing with him generators boy I was just interacting with it that's always man oh you see you and don't stand over there it was a he was on the hill and he's gone now if he ain't on the hill he's probably like right up behind you he's gonna interact with you oh oh look around it oh yeah yeah yeah go across that bridge the bridge the bridge the bridge look at those trees be careful don't fall through oh shoot him shoot him with the sniper gun huh hey as long as you stare oh yeah he shoot it remorse going to leave us alone late - clicks leave us alone now that I got him I wanna hide I want to do it like a deer in headlights do him like a deer go he ain't dead skin am i going towards him link that's stupid because he's beckoning man you're on an island now okay look at those there's trees that appear and disappear - I don't know if you noticed that look is oh I'm just another generator I got to interact with ya boy stay away from that generator I know what you're gonna do up don't do it okay nevermind oh here we go he was just whoa oh oh my good why why we let's definitely go in there why would we do that link this house looks so much more invite inviting than the other what look at there's there's it what is that on the house oh gosh this is the last thing that I would actually do just you know I know I would get a hole and bury myself huh this house has seen better days I don't like be quiet don't move don't move listen hello - picture me and you and a dryad person that was me and you as children and with who who was there her mom I don't know he's giving us visions man uh-oh oh go up interact with that dude it's a zombie
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 2,293,706
Rating: 4.9347725 out of 5
Keywords: rhett, link, rhett link, link rhett, rhett and link, link and rhett, good mythical morning, good mythical, mythical morning, gmm, gmmore, good mythical more, mythical more, mythical mail, rhettandlink3, rhettandlink 3, season 9, slender, slenderman, lets play slender, lets play slenderman, slender the arrival, slender arrival, rhett link lets play, rhett link slenderman, rhett link slender, slender: the arrival, rhett link horror, rhett link scary, scary lets play, horror game
Id: XTbTykMlhOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2016
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