Favorite Childhood Toys (GAME)

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welcome to give mythical more when face congratulations to Arlen Arlen for a face Rhett I don't know you're just qualified no you're not okay you had a GMM mug all right it'll be one of these that the crew is drinking out of DNA crew DNA I'll drink it once all right guys well we continue the to hang out you know right here in good mythical more we continue to hang out who would have thought we'd all still be here after the creepy dolls so we have a stack of your favorite childhood toys and we are going to try to figure out who belongs to what or what belongs to who okay the first one is the robbed robotic operating buddy now this was an extension of the entertainment system what they now call classic did you know anybody that had this did I think him and Jason Valencia had it really they had everything but even they did I don't remember seeing this post it at a certain time frame okay so yeah this is no closer to outrageous or someone you're closer to our age I don't know how old you guys are so now I'm I'm digging a hole i I think Jordans the oldest of everyone over there I mean they're older than you not as old as us yeah but we can talk about how what everybody is cuz we're Stevie's a Highlander so yeah you want to switch them no that feels right feels right also looks like you'd have a great time with the robot and hey like thanks for making it an age thing and not a nerd thing I appreciate here looks like a real Dorcas Nintendo robot I wanted one but I just didn't I can justify I love how you guys automatically knew the name of the kids in your hometown who had the best video oh yeah Matthew Dudley had a turbo graphics 16 yes I'm still mad at him for it right Michaelson what was the main game for that uh I mean it came with Keith's courage in the alpha zone but you're probably thinking of bonks adventure anyway my new web show monks adventures that he was a caveman speaking of Dorcas we've got the family encyclopedia single volume 1993 so hold on sir lots of pictures what does this mean does this mean that that is one volume and no it means that instead of having a bunch of different books I think it's all in one book oh yeah I think that's it that's the whole second book yeah a lot of pictures too so there's not really much ultimate single volume reference for home school in office this is a person who homeschool home comm school and office right so this is a person that didn't have a lot of a lot of space I was big into perusing the encyclopedia so there's no judgment attached to me giving this to Emily okay she has a lot of interest in things I've seen I've seen demonstrated but not so much that it would require another volume and of course we can switch these around next up we have Felicity oh and the American Girl doll you know creepy dolls now I'm gonna defer to you because you your daughter had interest in this at one time I specifically remembered making a special trip to an American doll American girls store really well we were on vacation when Lily was like very little to get one of these you're exactly right of course she's not over there know who's most like your daughter well we we know Stevie did did her time at the build a building and I think she applied to build-a-bear because she was just into all types of things like Emily worked in the building I worked in the cafe eat with your bare hands cafe build-a-bear in New York City are you telling me two out of the five people on this panel worked at build-a-bear did anybody else look at build-a-bear nobody applied you know this is funny I've been asked to leave a building kinda like you but the little chairs with that you deserve the Bears as well as a trial yeah she was Josh yeah little plates little cups a little bit beneath the acceptable it you know what I'm saying no no that's weird she's actually a 43 no she's a colonial grown woman yeah I feel like I would be be was was into was into this but we would have heard about it at some point I think I did hear about it oh really yeah I think I know for a fact I would bet my life on it this TV on an American girl oh wow okay well I'm going to have to kill you if you're wrong maybe we should give it to Ellie though give it to her give it give it to Stevie all right Mario Tennis on the Nintendo 64 it's in a 64 Tennis getting a strong nod from Ellie Marx glasses some people ask what I got those in a stocking I'd probably just toss them Wow okay I mean my initial guess is that Ellie is the Groucho Marx as I can see you're like looking in the mirror playing characters like that you're doing that sometimes you know and I could definitely see Josh getting Alison some Mario Tennis but I could also see Stevie do in the Groucho Marx glasses thing I could gotta be honest I would switch those switch it you guys switch it okay this is I feel pretty good about this the encyclopedia is a wild card but let's go with it okay I feel most certain about Jordan so let's start there this is right yeah he came with my NES I think my parents got it a Sears what did he do so he was only good for a couple of games things he had a hot disc he had a he had a disc that's fun it got very hot if you touched it it would really hurt or it would fly off and hit the cat it was this spinning disc and he would put it on this platform and then when he put it on the platform something in the game would happen like a door would open it's a very bad invention but I really loved him I he was yeah he was in my garage for years and I always enjoy it did you ever hug him yeah yeah yeah you know what yeah I said I was a little bit embarrassed but yeah I hugged the robot careful of the hot dish yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah second most confident in right I don't know what you were very confident Evie that's true I was Stevie I'm clean uh no no did you own an American Girl doll I did not own an American Girl doll but I did what was I thinking yeah that's what I was thinking - a Betty baby well they had like um do they still have a me yes do they have like a baby doll version cuz these are like little girls which I found to be a little bit odd and I was a tomboy but I guess I was fine with a baby and the bitty babies are like actual like baby dolls but you could pick them so they looked exactly like you so they had like a bajillion I hair skin colors and like you could make them look like you and I guess I was into that this is not you that's not I you know I will say that I you know I was I was joking about playing with dolls as a kid but I literally played with dolls as a kid I did my own day I owned a nameless baby doll not the orphan and then I had a Cabbage Patch doll members of the jury it was it was not a brand it wasn't it was a off-brand Cabbage Patch doll it makes it okay that was made by one of my grandma's friends but it was anatomically correct it was like a lettuce farm dude it was it was a boy with a cloth penis oh yeah in a baseball cap he's like you want to see what's in my doll's pants he wore a baseball uniform so who is this one of my grandma's friends and you know how I don't know what else how much Patch dolls have like a plastic head yeah but mine had a cloth head and a cloth penis did I mention that who are you though no you can guess I think you're the cyclopædia yeah you right uh yeah I know find the exact cover of the one that I had but I remember getting it for my birthday it had a red cover and I remember crying a little bit cuz I was so happy that I had an encyclopedia cuz the Internet wasn't it up and I remember like going into the guest bedroom and like opening the encyclopedia and just like reading pages of it I was really cool worlds are the world's to explore and to this day I still love Wikipedia I don't know what you yeah do you want to place this or I'm pretty confident and I would give this to Ellie and I would give the Groucho Marx to Emily all right I know I don't agree with that but I was so wrong last time that I'm gonna go with you you know what no we already know that that's Emily cuz she already told us the switch thing yeah you would be I was gonna go with it yeah yeah sorry so you had a felicity yes she is a doll from the era of the Boston Tea Party here she's here perfect vision with these glasses man brought to you by the Fleming household this is literally her this is the one that's my doll sometimes when I would leave go out of town with my family I would tell her that she was in charge of all the other toys and then my Beast action figurine x-men was a vice president of the room so if there were like if the house caught on fire it was up to them to like you know suss it out oh yeah so I love this dog they all came the cool thing about American Girl dolls they're not as much into this anymore but there was one yeah girls through different eras of American history so now it's more about getting a doll it looks like you learned but I like to close your eyes yeah she closes her eyes yeah I read the books I also did a play on my front porch you could buy the you could buy out she's getting a little coral necklace you could buy the the play a packet with all the scripts for a play and I got all the kids on my street to do I think we have a picture of it somewhere oh yeah there is her father lost his job during the Boston Tea Party for his participation in it like there's family struggle and stuff like that so it was pretty cool and she had to like give away her horse they had to sell her horse okay you're trying to get rid of her cuz I know we could auction her off she's she's my thing I love this doll Oh Rob did a play together we practiced kissing for when we got girlfriends are you more confident tennis or Groucho Marx I am very confident in this in both of these all right you're right I'll Cho is misspelled on that card but that's okay Groucho ku-ku-ku-ku Marx yeah I I had a lot of toys when I was littler but then I went to go see a Toy Story and I got super stressed out about not giving equal attention to all might boys and for a week I would like line them up on the bed and I would give them little kisses and then I cut burnt out and then I stop playing with toys and then I just mostly did like dress up and and stuff like that so I wore these remarks I wear these all the time and I genuinely thought you couldn't tell who I was for them so I would like posed around the house and there's a picture of me wearing them but yeah so Groucho Marx glasses I would I was just full of disguises and lies are you get on your friends shoulders and wear a trench coat and go into an r-rated movie here I always want to do no one was strong enough and Josh yeah it's a tennis video game I like tennis I like video games back to this cloth penis today like why she decided to make that so I feel like that's something you don't just accept aren't plenty of dolls are anatomically correct actually there wasn't just a penis there was a scrotum as well again yeah yeah rightfully so you can't include about the only but it was mostly a statement there remaineth cloth hey hey he wore a diaper over it okay I did have to change oh this isn't weird at all yeah I think it um it validated the fact that I also have yeah I thought you felt like that's made of cloth right mine is totally cloth yes yeah grab ahold of mythicality with this mythical leather keychain available at mythical dot store
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 758,059
Rating: 4.928555 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 14, Favorite Childhood Toys (GAME), american girl, american girl doll, good mythical more, gmmore, nintendo rob, nintendo robot, robotic operating buddy, super mario tennis, groucho marx, gmm crew, mythical crew, good mythical morning crew, gmmore game, gmm game, game, gmm match game, gmm toys, gmm childhood toys, childhood toys, nostalgia, nostalgic, favorite toys, kids toys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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