Smashing Pumpkins (EXPERIMENT)

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- Can we smash-proof a pumpkin? - Let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - Good Mythical Morning. - There's a new sketch over on the Rhett and Link channel right now! It's part of Sketchtober where we're releasing five sketches. One every Thursday and today's video is called, "BFFs". - You're not predicting what I'm... Together - Gonna say you're just saying it right after I say it... Together - It's like that thing that kids do to annoy each other. - That's definitely not what's happening. Together - That definitely is what's happening. - So head on over to the Rhett and Link channel and check it out! - Mythical Beasts, a question is like a pumpkin. Once asked, it waits patiently in the pumpkin patch until a small child comes and plucks it from the vine. The child then brings it home, cradling the pumpkin in its chubby little arms. Then the child grabs a kitchen knife and HACKS the top of the question pumpkin, spilling its ANSWER GUTS on the floor of the GARAGE. Today, we're gonna help you sort through that viscous answer-slime, so you can get on with your day, and STAB A FACE into that pumpkin! - Alrighty, then. Okay, we asked you to ask us if you needed any Fall advice, and the first question comes from Tamara Beeharry. - It does. - She asks, "How can I enjoy Fall when it's not Fall in my country?" This is very relate-able to us because in this country of California we don't experience Fall like we used to in the country (whispers) it's actually a state - of (together) North Carolina! - I'm trying to be relate-able. - Mhmm. Mhmm. - One of the nostalgic things about Fall in North Carolina isn't just the leaves changing and falling off the trees, but it's people gathering these leaves and burning them. - Yes! - This is a thing. You burn leaves. And for some reason, people love to put gasoline all over these leaves and burn them in very dangerous ways. And it's like, I miss that so much, you know what? I bet you I could go on YouTube and just type in "leaf burning" and see what happens. And let me tell ya, it took me back. We've created a little montage of just five videos that we've found. Here it is, Link in all its glory. Take me back home. -Whoosh! (laughter) (man in video) Woo! - Ya hear that? Woo! That's an appropriate response to that. - Through the fence. - The fence ain't gonna protect you dude. (people in video scream) (laughter) (in video) Oh my God! - Oh, man. - That's an appropriate reaction for that. - Look at this. This one's like a huge figure eight! - Like Dominos. - Look at the people begin to run out there in celebration! (in video people cheering) - Man that's crazy. - Doesn't it make you wanna go? - Not at the field, man. Not at the cornfield. - Fire in the hole, famous last words. (people in video laughing) - And lastly, look at this one. Right across the front yard. - Whoa! - I miss...I miss North Carolina so much. - Well, I've had my fill of fire lately so I'm actually very grateful to be out here where there's no piles of leaves to jump into and break an ankle or to gasoline up and burn. Don't do that! - Yeah. Okay, next question from Joel Parr who asks, "Pumpkin smashing is a huge problem in my neighborhood. How can I make my pumpkins smash-proof?" - Well, we have decided to conduct a little test to smash-proof a pumpkin. Take that Billy Corrigan! Bam! - Ooh! (laughs) - So we have got three pumpkins here, okay? - Let's break 'em out. - And we are going to put them against some tests. First one is, well, you can just cage your pumpkin. So, here's the caged pumpkin. We're gonna take all of these outside and submit them to some large scale tests. - Okay, very sturdy. - You can't smash that, you little jerks! - Having trouble getting to it! - Alright, now, this one, okay...look at this. It's just a pumpkin, right? Filled with cement! (laughter) It's very heavy. - Okay. So, a cement-filled pumpkin. Pumpkin number two. Whoa, you okay? - That one took my breath away. - It's making you emotional. - And then finally... - A pumpkin, sprayed with truck bed liner. - Now this is an actual pumpkin. It looks fake, but, yeah it's just that truck bed liner stuff we got sprayed on here. - Okay! We're gonna put these through what we're calling: The Pumpkin Trials - First up we're gonna submit these pumpkins to the classic baseball bat. - The choice of deviant teens across America. Okay, for every test we're gonna have a control pumpkin. This is the control pumpkin for the baseball bat. - Ho de hay hey hey! Let me wind up on it! Teenagers are STRONG! - You can't even bust a normal pumpkin! Alright, alright, alright. Alright, so now the cement-filled pumpkin! Really gotta let this thing have it. - (laughs) Oh gosh. Oh! Pop the top, you popped the top! Oh yeah, Link! Oh yeah, Link! - Ow! Here, put it up here... - (laughs) Look at that! Oh, that's no good. We just got a little concrete turd left. - Okay, now we're moving onto our patent pended "pumpkin cage." - Patent pended, not patent pending? - Yeah, it's pended. - Do the honors. - Oh, this is me? - This is you, brother. - Okay so I'm just a teenager, I'm like oh look at that, old person's pumpkin. (laughter) - You fell! - I slipped on a pumpkin seed! - Alright, so now we got the truck bed liner covered pumpkin. Alright, I'm really gonna let it have it this time. Alright, so she survived, she got a little dent right there but that's it. - Alright. Okay, I think the truck bed liner covered pumpkin wins this round. - Let's move on to the next trial! - What if you live on the upper floors of an apartment building, you think you can get away from teens up there? No, they're gonna climb inside, they're gonna grab your pumpkins, they're gonna throw 'em off the balcony. Link, let's start with the control pumpkin. X marks the spot. - Alright, control group, launch! (pumpkin splat noise) - As you can see, standard pumpkin smash, it is indeed, a smashed pumpkin. Okay, movin' right along to the cement filled pumpkin! - Three, two, one... (loud thump) - We got some severe breakage in the bottom, I would say that's, that's a smashed pumpkin. Okay, moving on to the caged pumpkin. - Three, two... (crashing noise from cage) - Ohhh! - Okay, oh we've got crackage! - But not smashage. - So, it's crackage but not smashage. Okay, and moving on to the truck bed liner covered pumpkin. - Three, two, one... (bouncing noises) - Whoa. (laughter) Bouncy bouncy! - Okay, it feels like we've got a little pumpkin jello in there but you know what, nobody would ever know. Looks like a totally intact pumpkin to me. Upon further investigation, we do have some stem breakage, but I can hinge that closed... - That's fine! - ...and no one would ever know. I think once again, the truck bed liner covered pumpkin wins this round. Moving along, whoops! Hahahahaha.... - What about when a devious teen gets a hold of an off-road truck with big tires? Alright, drive over the control pumpkin. - Okay, bro! - Ho! Stop! Look at that. Thoroughly crushed by the offroad truck tire. Back it up, let's get down to the trial. - Alright, we're ready for the cement filled pumpkin. Is the teen ready? - What? - You might need a little speed. Whoa whoa whoa oh oh okay. - Where is it? - There you go. Yeah. YEAH! I think we can thoroughly see we have smashed the pumpkin and left the concrete seed. - Alright, let's see how this caged pumpkin stands up to the offroad tire driven by a devious teen. Are you ready? - Yeah. Caged pumpkins can't stand up to my deviance. - Bring it on. (clattering) Give it some gas! Look at it, there ya go! Yeah! (laughter) - I'm a teen, man. Here me roar. - I can't see through the cage so I'm gonna lift the cage off. Yep, pumpkin smashed. - I totally smashed that pumpkin. - Okay, so far it's deviant teens: 3 pumpkins: 0 Let's see if our truck bed liner covered pumpkin is any match for the truck. Yeah, yeah, yeah? Yeah. Yeah! YEAH! Look at that! - Smushed! - See if you can throw it. Give it a little punch. (laughter) - Okay. - That was cool, right? Woo! - Okay, the first annual Pumpkin Trials have concluded and what we've learned is that the truck bed liner pumpkin stands up to a lot of things, but not a truck. So if you see a teen in a truck, in your neighborhood, just say no to that teen. Hide your pumpkins, kids! - Well, now you know everything you need to know about protecting your pumpkins. - (laughs) Yes. Now it's time for a segment we like to call: Together - People Want What You Got - Everybody has stuff laying around their homes they just don't have a use for anymore. The truth is that you can easily sell that stuff on eBay and make some extra cash! Just because you don't want it anymore doesn't mean that someone else won't treasure it. - No! So we have decided to do a little house cleaning, and we have found a lot of cool items from recent GMM history that we wanted to sell on eBay. And when we thought about the money we could make selling this stuff we said hey, why not donate that money to one of our favorite charities - Action Against Hunger. - Action Against Hunger is a global humanitarian organization committed to ending world hunger. Their staff work to save the lives of malnourished children while providing communities with access to safe water and sustainable solutions to hunger. So, not only do you get to have a cool piece of GMM history, you're also donating to a worthy cause. Link! Tell 'em what you got! - I got this big, honkin', yellow and black cellular telephone! Woo! (laughter) You guys remember me telling you about the first cellular telephone I had as an engineer. - It was a construction phone. I thought because I was an engineer I should get that phone. - Yeah, you gotta have that durable phone. - And I just, when I got really bored I would just push buttons on it. (crew laughter) - Yeah. - You could also do that. - You could just get a job that wasn't boring. - Bloop bloop! Just bloop bloop yourself whenever you get bored (laughing). - Yeah. Bloop bloop yourself. - So bid on this phone if you wanna bloop bloop! Bloop bloop! Bloop bloop! Got the button right there. This phone is exactly like the one I used to have. - Well, and sidenote, if you've still got a phone like this, I would suggest it's time to upgrade to a new smartphone. Just a thought. - And also, bid on this phone because it is one of a kind! We have both signed it... - Yep, I was there for that. - ...and I also wrote "Dial Your Mythical Best" on the side. To sweeten the deal even further, we have decided to give the winning bidder a voicemail greeting, from the two of us. Bid away people! - Ah, yes. - Rhett, tell 'em what you got! - Well, keeping with the black and yellow theme, Link, you may remember we fed ourselves some tacos via drills in a previous episode? (drill noises) - Give it a bite. - Alright, I gotta get a little bit of... - I got a little lettuce. (crew laughter) - Oh no. - And then we followed that up with feeding ourselves corn? (drill noises) - So this is the drill that I used, that I will be selling on eBay. (drill noises) - But I will also point out, that it can be used in every day drill applications. - Yes it can. You don't have to just spin food into your mouth with it. (drill noises) - We've also signed this one. Rhett here, Link here. And on the bottom, it says, "Drill Your Mythical Best!" - Yeah. How you gonna sweeten the deal even further, Rhett? - I'm gonna sweeten the deal. I'm glad you asked, 'cause I'm gonna sweeten the deal by throwin' in some taco shells. - Ohhh! - Can't guarantee they won't break in shipping. But, you know what? They're gonna be there and they're gonna be taco shells. - And they'll taste great. - Bam! - Click on the links in the video description below to buy these everyday items from recent GMM history on eBay! - You're donating to a great cause to help starving children around the world. Together - People Want What You Got - I sure am gonna miss that drill when it's gone. - Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. And thanks to eBay for sponsoring this episode! - You know what time it is! - "Hi, my name is Kelly and I'm from Kentucky. It's my birthday so it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality!" - Don't forget to click on the links in the description and buy our items. And remember, people also want what you got! It's easy to sell your everyday items on eBay to make some extra cash. - Click through to Good Mythical More, we're gonna open your mail with Jen and you can find out what this is. Story behind that one. - Overly confident conversation about: String Theory! - So, anyway... - Yeah. - You know, speaking of strings... - Uh huh. - The theory! - Oh! The theory of strings. - String theory. - Yeah. - You know. - You can put string around things... - Fingers. To remember things. - If you put it around your finger too tightly, it'll cut off circulation. - Right. You'll lose a finger trying to remember something. - I knew a guy whose fingertip fell off because of string theory. - Ironically enough, he was trying to remember the principles of string theory... - Uh huh! Well he should've remembered not to tie it so tight! - Right. Exactly. - He's an idjit. (crew laughter) - He is an idjit.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,264,262
Rating: 4.9487143 out of 5
Keywords: Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, season 8, Pumpkin (Ingredient), halloween pumpkin, halloween, halloween jack-o-lantern, Jack-o'-lantern (Literature Subject), pumpkin jack-o-lantern, smashing pumpkin, pumpkin smashing, pumpkin destruction, tossing pumpkins
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2015
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