Why You Should Avoid These Halloween Masks

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Here's Rhett scaring Shepard wearing the corn mask lol


👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/ElementalThreat 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

I was so happy to see Jordan. This morning I was literally thinking the show hasn't been the same to me without seeing him

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/kingXcazam 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is my favourite episode format! I feel like it's not overused, which could annoy people who don't love crew centric episodes, but it's used just enough.

I laughed out loud at Jordan's "millennials" joke. Wasn't expecting that at all.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/uptownzara 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Still waiting for Stevie's first win in RANKED...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Novocaine96 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Preferred Cotton Candy Randy's Line: What's a costume?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sweetjiji 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

Poodle and butt were my favorites.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/deadmallsanita 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
- What's the worst Halloween mask ever? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat electronic music) - Good mythical morning. - Quick reminder, our novel, "The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek" is out next week! - Yeah! (claps) - And also it's the final week to win a trip to eat barbecue with us and the crew. - Go to bleakcreek.com to buy the book and enter for your chance to come to our pig-pickin' in L.A. That's not for just one, but two lucky winners, and their guests. - Mhmm, and yes, Bleak Creek conversation show tickets and all previous pre-orders count as proof-of-purchase too, void where prohibited, no purchase necessary to enter full (mumbles) on the website. (laughter) - Well, Happy Halloween time of the year. Whether you're dressing up as a sexy Ira Glass, a sexy Marc Maron, or a regular Joe Rogan. - Okay. - I'm sure you're going to have a great time. But some costumes are worse than others, and some are even worse than that. - Yeah, and every horrible costume begins with a horrible mask, so the mythical team has tracked down the most head-scratchingly bad Halloween masks on the market, and now we will name the worst of the worst. It's time for "Ranked: Worst Halloween Masks". - Welcome to the ranked zone. - And here we have Stevie, Christine, Jordan, and Emily to argue what they think is the worst Halloween mask ever. - We're going to get started with Stevie. - Guys, I'm actually really excited, previously I wasn't excited, this ranked, I am very excited, because my mask is definitively the worst one. - [Rhett] Wow, okay, starting out strong. - As Bethany's going to demonstrate. Yes. - [Rhett] Oh ho ho ho. - [Link] Look at that. - [Stevie] Is that a Halloween mask or are you just happy to see me? - Wow, I really like that little twitch of the nose that, could you do that again? - [Stevie] Ew! - Any thing for you. (laughter) - When you do that it really makes me start to think that it's something else. - [Stevie] Yeah, this is um - I think most people do. (laughter) - This is the "Unique Unicorn headpiece mask sculpt "glitter wig" off of ebay. It's actually made by famous 90's brand, Lisa Frank and beans. - [Rhett] Oh! (laughter) - [Link] Okay. - You see, do the bean thing again. (laughter) - Bethany, how do you feel about D.M.'s from bronies? (loud laughter) - Oh wow because you're - I'll take them on a case by case basis. - You're about to get a lot. Okay, that is pretty bad, and the jiggling quality is really what does it. - [Bethany] Oh yeah. - Tea-bagging yourself. - [Link] It's actually not, - God! - Okay. - Yeah, it's pretty flaccid. So, I don't know. I mean, well, when you do that I can't imagine much worse. - [Stevie] Yeah - [Emily] I just want to play taps, when you took it off the head. (laughter) - First of all, could you stop doing that and put it on a mannequin head, as quickly as possible? I mean, you can't do the top spot out of the- I mean, we've got three masks to come. - [Stevie] Okay, fine. Start at two, but you'll see. - [Rhett] Oh gosh. - All right, Emily you're next. - [Emily] Oh, hey. Are you single this Halloween? - [Link] No. (laughter) - Okay, rhetorical question. Well, if you're lookin' for a guy who's a great listener, you're in luck. Because this fella's all ears. - [Stevie] Wow, the entrance. - [Rhett] Oh my goodness! (laughter) - [Link] Oh, get back, get back! - Wow, that seems like it might be David Hill under there. (laughter) - [Link] Something about the (laughter) - [Rhett] Wow, it's like, is that necessary? (laughter) - [Christine] It's the, low to the ground. - [Link] All right, be still for a second. - Hold on. But the thing is that, if I imagine like, what an animated corn-person would be, - Yeah - It's kind of that. - Wow. - That's what corn moves like. - It's kind of that. - Animated corn-person. - It's true. This is actually made by "Creepy Party" is the company that makes this. And you can dress this guy up all you want with some butter and chili pepper, and he still tastes horrible but he'll look the same on the other end. - [Rhett] So are those little slits where your eyes are? The ones above the real eyes? (laughter) - [Stevie] I was just noticing that too. - Can you talk in there? - [Emily] He's like, "why?" - [Corn-Man] Can you hear me? (laughter) (muffled talking) - And you know what, when those blue eyes make eye contact and you speak, it's actually worse. - Yes, it's horrible. It's so bad. - It's the eyes that (drowned out by speech) - [Rhett] Only one eye makes contact at a time though. - [Corn-Man] Yeah, the right is kinda. - Yeah, it's a little wonky. - It's just what you would expect from a corn-eye. - Can you say, just for fun, can you say, "spread butter on me". - [Corn-Man] Spread butter on me! (sounds of disgust) - Fun fact though, his mother was corn, and his father was Gary Busey. (group laughing) - [Rhett] Okay, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. - Gary been spendin' some quality time with corn on the cob. - I wouldn't doubt it. - Okay, all right David, you can take that off. I think that, thanks for that performance. (laughter) I think that this is just a, just sort of a wrong-headed, no pun intended, Halloween mask, but it doesn't have a scrotal quality to it. (laughter) So, at this point, for me personally, I just feel like it can't be worse from the unicorn. - [Link] I agree. - [Stevie] That's right. - [Link] Whoop, there it goes. I love the eyeballs though. That is an effective mask. - All right. - Jordan! - Well, have you ever been at a Halloween party, and have been concerned that people are talking behind your back? Well, with this mask, you can put it on and trick them into thinking your back is turned, but really, you're listening to everything they say. (uncomfortable laughter) - [Link] What is happened? Oh that's. - [Rhett] That's a butt face? - Yeah, uh, you know, if you're looking for something to wear to Sir Mix-a-lot's Halloween party. (Emily laughs) This is it, it's for sale on Amazon, and is sold by something called "Prize Mall" and no one who works for Prize Mall is allowed within 50 feet of a playground. (laughter) - [Link] I'm trying to figure out the mouth. - Well, the mouth is where the butt hole normally be, like, - [Link] I just don't, - [Stevie] Oh my God it's a couples costume, Jordan, with mine. (uncomfortable laughter) If you think about it. - Yeah, if there's, I know, if there's any millennials watching I know, you probably want to eat the mask. (laughter) - Chase. - [Jordan] Just for fun. - Oh that's Chase. - That's Chase, yeah. Can you, he kind of adopted like a very deliberate kind of head-turning, like. How'd you come up with that? How'd you manifest that butt-face. - [Chase] Just how I use my butt, usually, and just. You know, like really, just, doing that, but up here. - [Rhett] Do it up there again. (all laugh) - [Stevie] Terrifying. - I don't know if this'll work too. Just for fun, say "spread butter on me." (raucous laughter) - [Chase] Spread butter on me. - [Emily] This is the best - [Jordan] Works for everything. - Guillermo Del Toro character that's never happened. - It's disturbing. It's like. - I'd like to watch someone eat while wearing this mask. - Uh, gosh. - [Christine] The mouth hole. - [Emily] Can we feed him something? - Oh yeah, get him some fudge-icles. - Eat a leaf - Get the man some fudge-icles. - The thing that's disturbing about it, it's just not, it's not even funny though. That's the thing that is, it's just disturbing. - Maybe it'll be funny if he makes a fart noise. (Chase making fart noise) - [Rhett] No. - [Emily] It's more of a horse. - It just got creepier. - Okay, let's see it. - Uh, this is worse than corn. - Oh gosh, there's a back to it. Which would be- - [Stevie] No, don't show the back. - We're not showing the back. (Raucous laughter) - [Jordan] I want to see the back when the camera's turned off. - [Female Group member] Same. - I've never rooted for balls before, but I'm going to have to say, - [Emily] It's twerking! - The balls are worse. - [Christine] I know, they're jiggling right now, on some. - For me the thing about the lack of humor in this, like if you told me hey, I've got a mask that's just a butt I'd be like, oh that'll be funny. This isn't funny at all. - That makes it so, - It makes it worse - That makes it worse. - It's an earnest butt. - I feel like it could be bigger. - Like, I honestly feel like, if you wore unicorn balls to a party, - [Stevie] But that's not the intent. - [Rhett] You'd be a conversation piece. (group agreeing) - [Stevie] No doubt. - The eyes are so sad. Like I feel like the butt is saying, like, "I don't speak to my father anymore." (Rhett and Emily laugh) Like he just has a tragic life. - Yes, so we're agreeing this should be number one, so that in the end number four is actually the most effective scary mask, of the four. - Oh, you're going for scary, okay, all right. - So the worst, - This is just the worst so far. - Yeah, we're not going for scariest, we're going for worst. - What do you got, Christine? - Well Halloween is a perfect time to be all the things that you wanna be, whether that's happy, loved by all and loyal, and this costume's all three but still should never be worn in public. - My God. (all laughing) - [Christine] It's got a little mullet, it's got everything you need. - [Rhett] There was a woof there. (Emily laughing loudly) - This is the "Party Latex Dog Head Mask." Party latex. - That's what they call it? "Party Latex Dog Head Mask." - "Party Latex" was my nickname in high school, - Come on Christine. Come on now. - Imprinting on your territory. - But to be fair that wasn't one of my nicknames in high school, so okay. - [Christine] Ladies, wearing this Halloween mask does not give you the right to be a bitch at your party. (group laughs) - [Caitlin] It kinda does. - Fair enough, I feel like it makes you, you'll get a lot of belly rubs I feel like. - Is there a breed of dog that has this hair pattern? Or is this just an invention for a party latex dog? - [Caitlin] Poodle. - [Christine] Poodle? That's not a poodle, that's like. - [Link] Caitlin that's you under there. - Straight-hair poodle, yeah. - A straight-haired poodle is a thing? - [Caitlin] No. - It reminds me of the animatronic characters at Chuck-E Cheese. (Christine and Emily agreeing) - Oh my God, put it in a flannel, yeah. - [Caitlin] Thank you. (group talking over one another) - Sing a pizza parody of a Beach Boys song. (group laughing) - It does have "Wedding Singer" hair. - Yeah. - There's no ears. Oh, those are the ears? - [Stevie] Oh they're floppy ears that come down. (women awwing) - Hold on, now I'm seeing it completely differently now. I did not, I wasn't thinking, - You thought, yeah. - I thought it was a large neck. - Yeah. - Just a large necked dog. - [Caitlin] Woof. This is just a bad mask, but it's not a horrible mask, right? - I kinda like it. - Oh you're starting to like it. - [Emily] Yeah. - [Link] I'm starting to like it. - [Rhett] Do you wanna pet it? - [Caitlin] Here, (mumbles). (Christine mumbles and pants like a dog) - [Link] Yeah, this is not that bad to me. I like this. - It's definitely not as bad as anything else that we've got in the top three, so I think we can safely put it at number four. - [Link] It's just a question of, I actually think, when it comes down to three and four, I'm tempted to switch these two, because I'm pretty, I like this as like a scary mask. This is actually scary. - [Rhett] Like, yeah. - [Link] Which is what a mask is intended to be. - You could have a good Halloween with the corn mask. - [Link] Where as this is just plain odd. - [Female Member Of Group] Nothing. - I don't know how to feel about it. - I don't disagree with that. - [Link] I feel actually more unsettled, with not knowing how to react. With this, it's like "oh yeah", it is ultimately scary. So now we're down to the butt and the dangle. (group laughs and cackles) This is horrible. - This has sparkles. - [Link] Okay, I think we're ready to lock in. Ladies and gentlemen, the worst Halloween mask of all time, is Butt Mask! (group laughing and clapping) - [Emily] This looks like the worst remake of "Wizard of Oz" of all time. (group laughing) - You know, I'm gonna take one of these home, maybe the corn mask and scare my children with it. I'll post it to Instagram, how 'bout that? - All right, thanks for liking, commenting and subscribing. - Now you guys say you know what time it is. - [Group] You know what time it is. - Hi, my name's Sinja. - And I'm Officer Dan. We were you guys for Halloween. - Pretty spooky, right? And it's time to - (speaking simultaneously) spin The Wheel of Mythicality. - Spooky! - I don't remember them showin' up here and filming that. Click the top link to watch us match the Mythical team member to their biggest fear, in Good Mythical More. - And, to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] Get the Mythical Merit Badges you deserve now, at Mythical.com, you've earned it.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,274,596
Rating: 4.8827491 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, Worst Halloween Masks Ever, What's Their Biggest Fear? (MATCH GAME), halloween mask, holidays, scary, costume, trick or treat, pumpkin, jack o lantern, pumpkin pie, candy, halloween candy
Id: _yPlCU7S-3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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