Creepiest Hell Portals You Can Visit

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(scary voice) Today, we unlock the gates to the underworld. (scary voice) Let's talk about that. ♪ (theme music) ♪ - Good Mythical Morning! - Mythical Beasts, in the spirit... - ...of Halloweek, today we're going... - (high-pitched, scary) Wooooo! - be talking about hell holes. - Yes. As it turns out, there are... ...places all over our great land that are portals to Hades itself. And legend states that if you enter these portals that Satan himself awaits on the other side. - Are you ready to get spookified? - (afraid) Yeah. Because we're gonna be your tourist guides to Hades. It's time for... - (whooshes) - ...You Ain't Gonna Chortle... - These Hell Portals. - That means don't laugh. - But I did laugh for a second. - I'm not gonna laugh. - I'm scared, man. - Okay, I got the first one. - You like to be scared, though. - I do. I'm so excited. You like to believe this stuff is real. And let's do that today. Let's venture deep into the woods of Blue Ash, Ohio... - Oooh! - ...because hidden in those woods lies... ...the entrance to Hell, which looks a lot like a storm drain. To the locals, it is known as Satan's Hollow. And legend has it, Rhett, that it's used for... - ...satanic rituals, sacrificing... - Yeah. - ..."ani-mules", and "peep-ules". - Oh! They've head screaming from down in that hole, man. - Oh, really? - Yes. A shadow man... - (As if shivering) Hooo! - ...guards the doorway. - (crew offscreen laughing) - He's like a hall monitor. - A hole monitor. - Oh, yeah! A hell hole monitor. I have no footage of of him, but I do have footage of a Chicago-based ghost-hunting duo: David Scott and John Stephens. - Stephens? Yeah! (laughing) - You've heard of 'em. (laughing) - Don't look at my notes. - I looked down. They entered Satan's Hollow and used a spirit box to communicate with the spirits. - Oh. - We have a clip. Let's watch the adventure. Behind me is the infamous Satan's Hollow. So we're gonna go in here when the sun sets, and we're gonna try and capture some awesome stuff. - (high-pitched noise) - (Link) "Get some awesome stuff." [Come out of your [inaudible]] (high-pitched noises) - Strong. - (both Rhett & Link) What? Strong! (Link laughing) He didn't plan out that sentence. (voice from video) Here on the wall we've got 666. - (Link) Oh, we got a pentagram. - (Rhett) Yeah, that's bad news. - (Rhett) Ooh! 666. - (voice from video) There you have it. (Link) Someone's doing some math on the walls. - Is there anyone here with us tonight? - (rhythmic electrical pulses) - (Link) This is the spirit box. - (voice from video) Can you tell us... ...the name of the person who was sacrificed? - (pulses continue) - (blip that sounds vaguely like "Jake") - (Link) Jake was sacrificed. - (Rhett) What? (voice from video) Is this a... Can you tell us... Is this just an urban legend, or is it real? (blips that sound vaguely like "No, it's real.") - (Imitating the blips) "No, it's real." - Oh, gosh! (still imitating) I'm a ghost. I talk like this. And I come through... - ...the radio. - They needed a better connection... - ...don't ya think? - Despite the legends, police claim... ...there is no shadow devil in the hollow. The police don't know nothin'! The police are in on it, man! - They didn't use a spirit box! - The police are part of the conspiracy. - Policemen, you gotta use your spirit box! - I've got another hell hole for ya! - New Jersey. - Yeah! - (laughing) - More specifically, (laughing)... ...the drains behind the Black Prince Distillery in Clifton, New Jersey, known as (gruffly) "The Gates of Hell!" Are you sensing a pattern here? - (Rhett) The devil loves drainage pipes! - (Link) Yeah. - (crew offscreen laughing) - The devil -- the Black Prince... ...Distillery is known for making the Devil's Springs vodka. Co-in-kee-dink? - Nope. - I think not. I thought the devil... ...would be more of a bourbon man, but, you know, I'll go along with this. Here's a video from the New Jersey Underground guys. They have... ...a YouTube channel. "Going through the Gates of Hell." - This is a thing on YouTube, I'm gathering. - Yes, it is. (Rhett) Now, as you can see, it kind of just looks like a drainage ditch. (Rhett, with a slight southern accent) "But nah, man. This is the gates of Hell!" (Rhett) There's satanic graffiti all over the place. - (Link) I don't see a gate yet. - (Rhett) There's apparently... ...carcasses that are the result of ritual sacrifices, definitely not just... - ...downed animals. - (Link) That was a box, not a carcass. (Rhett) There are no carcasses in this particular video... - (Link) Okay. - ...but that's what legend says. - (Link) Pentagram! - (Rhett) There's pentagrams. - (Link) There's a hole! - (Rhett) And the legends state... ...that if you get down to this final room... - (Link) Yes? - come to these giant pair... ...of axes. And only those who have "the powers" are able to move the axes. I think "the powers" might come from drinking too much Devil's Springs vodka. - (Link) Ooh, it's a marketing scheme? - That is my particular theory. Did they not have enough power to film the axes? What happened? They didn't get to the axes. They didn't get to the axes. If you're gonna go to the trouble of filming, don't run out of battery... - ...before you get to the axes. - If they had gotten past the axes... ...and lifted them, they would have seen a room with a glowing human skull, the last sign before you get to the room with the devil in it. - I have a theory that's what's... - Of course. ...happening is they're getting confused, because it's so long. And then when they come out at the very end, they think they're down there to see the devil, but they're really just seeing New Jersey again. (laughing) Yeah, just keep throwing New Jersey under the bus. - (laughing) Hey! - I like it. Can I do that, too? - Yeah, please. - If you thought there was only... entrance to Hell in New Jersey, boy, were you wrong! Heh-heh. - What are you? - Shh! - (crew offscreen laughing) - Shh! It's a secret. - Go on. Go on. - We're gonna learn more about this... ...later, but my guess is he's drinking from Satan's horn. He has slain Satan... - (smacks lips) Ah! - ...and he's drinking from his horn. - Gol-ly! Smells like a cow. - Let's go to West Milford, New Jersey. - Let's. - Not to a sewer, not to a hole... ...but to a 10-mile stretch of Clinton Road known as... (high, raspy voice) ♪ (The Highway to Hell!) ♪ - (Rhett laughing) Yeah! - (crew laughing) (Link) All right. Get ready to be spooked out of your boots! Play the clip. There it is. Clinton Road. (Rhett) Oh, that's a... Look at that road. - (Link) Wait for it. Waaaait for it. - (Rhett) Uuuuoooooh, gonna -- - (Link) Waaaait for it. - (Rhett) Oh! Wait for it. (trembling voice, like a ghost) Waaaaaaiiiiit foooor iiiiit! - (Link) Uhp! - (Rhett) Oh, there's a bump. (Link) Yep. That's... pretty much it. That's all we got. (Link) Pretty much an ordinary road. But some things that were not captured in that video -- some spooky sightings, Rhett. - (Rhett) Okay. - Grip your grippies. - (crew offscreen laughing) - Satan... - "Grip your grippies." (laughing) - Satanists. Witches. - Please, no. - A ghost Camaro, driven by a girl... ...who supposedly crashed a died on the road. - A ghost Camaro? - A ghost boy! At a bridge near the... ...Dead Man's Curve by the reservoir. If you put a quarter in middle of the road on the middle line at midnight, the ghost of the boy who drowned there will appear (strange accent) and snatch the quarter. You sure it's not like, just a homeless guy under the bridge? - I'm positive. - Who's living off that dollar? - Potentially correct. - Yeah. You may be on to something. But what about strange creatures? They say they cross-bred animals that came from a jungle safari park that was there locally years ago with local fauna. Did some cross-breeding... - (laughing) Oh, gosh. - ...and created some, like... ...werewolf people. Out there on the road. - Hm. - This jungle habitat is supposedly... ...the same place that Snooki emerged from. That's my own theory. - (laughing) - All right, that one didn't get you. I like Snooki, man. I'm not scared of Snooki. Long live Snooki. - Don't be afraid on no Snooki. - Okay. This is legitimately scary. - You're spooked on the inside. I can tell. - This place in Kansas called... the Stull Cemetery, known as the Doorway to Hell. We're had a hollow, a gate, a highway, and now a door. The devil's gotta have a way to... - ...get here, man. - He's got lots of.... - He's gotta come and go! - Lots of ways. He's moving... - - This place is legitimately considered... of the most haunted places in America. Legend has it that this is a place where there's been rituals, sacrifices, and there used to be a church there that was believed to be the place where Lucifer had a doorway between Heaven and Earth. And witnesses say whenever it rains, the church will stay dry. Which is a little counter-intuitive because he loves... - ...drainage ditches so much. - Mhm. Well, he... - He wants his churches dry, though. - I think the water goes away. He only comes out from Hell twice a year: Halloween and the spring equinox. - Devil only come out two times a year? - In 1850, there was a large tree out... ..there where they used to hang witches. And next to the tomb, there was a word. A tomb that had "wittich" on it -- W-I-T-T-I-C-H -- which was believed to be the final resting place for the bones of Satan's child, who was... - ...apparently a deformed wolf! - Eugh! So put this all together. He can't spell, because he was trying to spell "witch." He only comes out twice a year. And he has a kid who was a wolf-boy. He needs a new PR person. Satan needs a new PR person. - He does! Are you volunteering? - No. In 1993, the Pope... ...Pope John Paul II, was actually flying over this area and told his pilot to divert around Stull Cemetery because he thought that the air above it was... - evil. - It's like a cylinder of Hell air? Yes. And there's a paranormal investigator, Greg Newkirk of the Planet Weird... - I bet he made a YouTube video. (laughing) - He made a YouTube video. - Here he is visiting Stull Cemetery. - Stull Cemetery is on fire! - (Link) What? - (Greg) There's literal fires... - (Link) Yep, it's smoking. - ...patches of them! -- all over... ...the cemetery. It's not a controlled burn. We don't know where it's... - ...coming from.. There's no... - (Link) It looks pretty controlled to me. ...[inaudible] bonfire anywhere. There's no leaf piles. There's just patches of flames. It couldn't be more weird. - It could be more weird, Link! - (stammering) Well, it could be. It couldn't be more weird! If it was night, it would've been a little... ...scarier, though, Greg, I'll tell you that much. I'll tell you what's more weird: the Demon House in Gary, Indiana. November, 2011. Latoya Ammons and her three children moved into a small house on Carolina Street. A lot of stuff happened there. I'm gonna rattle through it. Can you drink from that and listen at the same time? - Yeah! Gary, Indiana. - 'Cause his is gonna spook your... - off. - Carolina Street. First off, they felt a strange presence in the house. They heard clunking footsteps pounding on the walls. Things being thrown around in the basement. Swarms of... - ...horseflies surrounding their porch... - Those are scary, man. - the dead of winter. - They get hold of ya. That's -- pff! Horseflies typically aren't out in the winter. They felt chest and stomach pains. The children were becoming more aggressive. A Child Services social worker came to the house and reported this. Quote, "The kid had a weird grin on his face and began to walk backwards while the grandmother was holding his hand. And as he walked up the wall backwards, he flipped over and landed on his feet in front of his grandmother and sat down in the chair." - No. And he's not taking gymnastics. - No. This dude... This is like some potential possession going on here. The police thought it was a hoax, but they showed up anyway. They went into the house. They reported seeing blinds dripping with oil and water. - Mm. - Someone touched the oil, and it... ...burned her pinky finger and made it blister. - Oh! Hot oil. - Mm. Hot oil on the curtains. - No massages, though. - They also saw a mysterious figure... the window. Look at this picture! Nobody was home when this picture was taken. Look at that! It looks like an alien, which I guess... - a different thing. - (laughing) - Aliens from Hell! - You've suddenly... - It's an alien. Isn't that scary? - It looks like an alien... - apparition alien. - Okay. All right. - I was scared until you did that. - Captain Charles Austin stated, quote, "Every one of us who was there that day in the basement, we all think the same. That bit of dirt is a portal to (gruffly) Hell!" Buried in the basement, they found boys' socks with the ankle portion... - ...cut out. Explain that. - Oh, gosh. Ankle's gotta breathe. - A fake fingernail. Explain that. - Eh, fingernail's gotta be cut. - And women's panties. Don't explain that. - Psh! - (crew offscreen laughing) - (laughing) And, okay. So, I've got some footage. Again, another YouTube channel posted footage. This is from the detectives going down into the basement in their... - ...investigation. - Okay. - (lock clicks) - (Link) So they're just documenting... - ...the process. - (light switch clicks) (Rhett) Eeeuuh, gosh. (Rhett) That does not look like a place that I want to be. (Link) I would not do it. I wouldn't investigate down there. (Rhett) This is where the panties were found? (Lnk) Yes. The holey socks. - (Link whispering) Yes. - (scream sound effect) - (Rhett & Link screaming) - (both laughing) - I got myself! - Ah. You jerk! - I got you! I got you! And I got me! - (cackling) - You knew that was gonna happen? - (high voice) I knew it was gonna happen. - And you still reacted to it? - (high voice) Yes! I can't help it, man. - (sighing) Final straw: one night, there were all watching TV with a bottle of Febree... when a bra--... when a bottle of Febreeze... - Yeah, or a brottle. - ...starting floating in the air. It was then hurled across the room and broke a lamp. Odors out... - ...demons in. Not a sponsor. - (laughing) The house was destroyed later that year, but the rubble was hauled away and locked in a storage facility. So if you wanna have that experience, you can just go to the storage facility and rebuild it! Uh, I would not advise that. But I would advise that you like and comment.... - ...and subscribe. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Jasmine. - And I'm Caitlin. (both) And we're at Six Flags Fight Fest. And it's time to spin... - ...The Wheel Of Mythicality! - Make sure you watch... ...Good Mythical Crew this Saturday on this channel, where you can go and watch Mike and Alex accompanied by Eric the ghost hunter -- you remember him -- as they go to the Devil's Gate in sunny Pasadena, California! But it won't be sunny, because it'll be night, and it'll be scary, and I hope they come back. Maybe they won't. Click through to Good Mythical More, where we're gonna get the story on this... - ...devil horn. - "Overly confident conversation... - ...about Schrödinger's cat." - Ha! You hear about Schrödinger? - He got a cat! - Yeah, he did, it's, uh... - Such a cute cat! - Oh, yeah It's... hairless? - Yes! - I know all about these. - And you know what it does? - It doesn't lick itself, because... doesn't have to, because it doesn't have to clean itself, because it doesn't have hair. I know all about it. Wikipedia. - It doesn't poop either. - Yeah, it doesn't poop. Schrödinger's cat doesn't poop because it's... (both) Hairless. [Captioned by Kevin: GMM Captioning Team]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,405,821
Rating: 4.8400731 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, season 10, Creepiest Hell Portals You Can Visit, good mythical morning Creepiest Hell Portals You Can Visit, Creepiest Hell Portals You Can Visit rhett and link, rhett and link Creepiest Hell Portals You Can Visit, Creepiest Hell Portals You Can Visit gmm, gmm Creepiest Hell Portals You Can Visit, portal to hell, hell portal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2016
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