Leaving Things Buried Underground For A Month (EXPERIMENT)

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Holy shit that intro. Best intro of 2019?!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rutmeister πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Christine finally got her candy!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/uptownzara πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Whenever they play this game, the "we've done coke" joke gets me laughing. This was a great episode.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sg3niner πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Throwback to Link’s old hairstyle w/the bang swoop in the wig today, LOL!! Apart from going the wrong direction and being too long, I was totally seeing it. Gave me some feels. πŸ₯°

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/panoramic_soul πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
- [Both] Come dig with us. (eerie music) Let's talk about that. (lightning cracking) (howling) (spooky music) Good mythical morning. - And it's still Bleak Creek week, y'all. Our book is out. Wherever you get books, you can get it. The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek. Go to bleakcreek.com to get all the links. Barnes & Noble's got signed copies, Target's got a special edition with photos. - Yeah! - Bleak Creek it up, share one with friends. Super proud of it, can't wait for you to read it. - Thank you. And happy Halloween! (Link howling) This year, we're dressed as the Grady Twins from The Shining because we love the anti-bullying message they spread when they invited little Danny to come play with them. Oh, and because they're scary as crap! - Yeah, so come play with us on this hallowed day of spooks and scares, 'cause today we're tackling the scariest thing of them all: improper emotional compartmentalization. - In a way, yes, because we're gonna be digging through things that we buried deep down below and hoped to never see again in a spooky six-foot-tall box filled with dirt that we leave things again that we call The Spooky Six Foot Tall Box Filled with Dirt That We Leave Things In! (dramatic music) - We've done Coke, bleach, air, Guinness, salt, pool water, nail polish remover. - Mouthwash, champagne, Shamrock Shakes and whiskey, a '93 Infiniti G20, margarita, and now it's time for Left on a Shelf, Six Feet Under Edition. - We're gonna be presented with an item or several items and options for what happened to those items when they were placed at the bottom of a six-foot-tall creation that is basically a vertical coffin. - Yes, this macabre monstrosity was filled with soil and earthworms and the items were left trapped at the bottom of it for an entire month. - If we get three or more wrong, we will be forced to say silent. - Say silent? - No, just stay silent-- - Okay, we'll stay silent. - Like the dead throughout all of Good Mythical More. (woman screaming) We buried a whole gallon of milk for a month. - Yeah we did. - Because that's something that we woulda done when we were eight, and now it's being presented under this. - Yes, it wasn't in this wood until now. This is how we're hiding the results. - That's a coffin. - It's a coffin. - All right. According to the crew, did one of these two things happen? Did the gallon of whole milk buried six feet under, A, get smashed and smelly, like Lindsay Lohan brunching at the landfill or, B, turn completely brown, like that avocado I spent $2.50 on only to get home to cut into it and realize I wasted $2.50, even though I spent several minutes manhandling dozens of avocados at the grocery store with growing desperation because it shouldn't be that hard to find a decent freaking avocado in Southern California. And when I found that avocado, it looked just right on the outside and felt almost perfect. And it's just not fair. Why does something always happen to me? It's like God hates me or something. Who wrote this? (crew laughing) That's a tough life. - That was long, that was a long answer, but I think it's either turn completely brown or get smashed and smelly. - I hope it didn't get smashed. - Well, I'm gonna go ahead and tell you-- - But it's a lotta weight. - That's a lotta pressure. - I don't smell anything right now. - And there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that this got smelly. You can't have-- - But did it get smashed? - Milk doesn't turn brown if you leave it out. - All right, A. - It just, it just, it just stays white and nasty. - Get smashed and smelly. - Here we go. - Oh my goodness. - Uh-oh. - It's in there. That's a lotta dirt. - Okay, I'm gonna set this over on the side here. - Hold on, hold on. Let me use one of my, one of my trowels. There it is. Now, do you want me to just puncture it? - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, it's smashed. And it's not brown. - I bet it's smelly. You know what? I just so happen to have a glass, if not two glasses. (crew laughing nervously) Why are you guys... Why are you guys looking concerned? Science! All right. So, pour it. (crew laughing) - Why don't you just smell it? - Ugh! (Rhett laughing) Actually... Ugh, smells like cottage cheese-- - "Ugh; actually, ugh." (laughing) - We gotta open this thing up. (Rhett retching) - That's wrong; your smeller doesn't work, man! - Look at this thing. - [Rhett] It's curdled. - [Link] Look at that. - [Crew Member] Oh, no, no! - [Link] It's cottage cheese. - [Rhett] You can probably eat it. - It's just cottage cheese. Cottage, please. (both laughing) (woman screaming) - Green grapes buried for a month six feet under. Did they, A, develop a thick fuzz like my Aunt Debbie's upper lip or, B, turn gray and shrivel like my Aunt Debbie's lower lip? - Oh, Aunt Debbie got some lip issues. - Turn gray and shrivel. Develop a thick fuzz. A month. - Yeah, 'cause I think there would be like a moldy growth, but then would that be replaced by gray shrivel? - I feel like it's kinda protected down there a little bit. - I think there's earthworms in it and it's a live and active site, so I think there's some air getting to it. - I think it's got a thick fuzz on it. - We're going with A. - We're on the same page. - [Link] Okay, let's find out. - Going for some fuzz. Oh, we don't know yet. - Okay. Gotta do some trowelage. (thudding) - (gasping) Oh, did you hear that?! Not too phony. - [Rhett] Oh, look. Look at that. - [Link] Oh my gosh. - [Both] It turned into a bolt! (crew laughing) - Where dem grapes at, Neil? - Oh, oh. - Oh, a worm! Ergh! - Dead worm. - [Rhett] Where da grapes at? - [Link] Where my grapes at? Oh, there they are. Okay. Now, we gotta-- Do we have a-- - Oh, I think this is gray and shri-- Well, hold on, I can't tell. - [Link] No, it's moldy. - Oh yeah, look at. - Thick fuzz, man. - [Rhett] There's a thick fuzz. Oh, look at that. Look at that thick fuzz. - I think we gotta de-dirt it. - De-dirt dem grapes! - De-dirt! - You know what? Look, look, look. - Oh, yes, yes, yes. - [Rhett] Archeologist. - [Link] Archeologist. - [Rhett] Archeology happening. - [Link] We're in a different field today, brushing grapes. - Hold on, Link. That's mostly gray and shriveled. I think we were wrong, dude. (buzzer buzzing) - Yep, we were wrong. This looks like my Aunt Linda's toes. (Rhett laughing) (woman screaming) - Okay, for the rest of the rounds, we're gonna be given a specific result and we have to guess which of multiple items that applies to. - Okay, so we buried some packing peanuts and a roll of toilet paper, and the crew wants us to guess which item disappeared without a trace, like The Hey Hey Show. - Oh, hey, hey! - Ooh, that hurts. All right. Was it, A, the packing peanuts, B, the toilet paper, or, C, both? Disappeared. Now, interestingly enough, I did a science project where I buried toilet paper. Me and Michael Jubie, we buried toilet paper to test the biodegradability of it. - And? This could be relevant. (laughing) - We lasted a month, we dug it up, and it was the same. - We know that these are made of some sort of organic material and you can eat them, right? I am assuming that these are the edible packing peanuts. - Well, there's only one way to find out. - There's not much to them, but do they completely disappear? You know what, maybe the things in the soil-- (crunching) Maybe the things in the soil consumed them. - Yeah. - But, you know what? You did your experiment in the '90s-- (crew laughing) And... Toilet paper has changed quite a bit. - Did you know that was a packing peanut? - What? - (laughing) You actually scared me 'cause you played it off so well. I was like, "Dude, I just fed you a packing peanut. "I just want you to know that 'cause--" - I'm gonna win an internet award. I'm gonna win a Webby for that performance. (both laughing) - I don't think either one disappeared, but that's not an option, so I'm just gonna go with packing peanuts. - Yeah, why not? 'Cause it completely disappeared in my mouth. I'm saying this is still here. See; yep, I'm right. - You and Michael Jubie to the rescue. - You would've thought, but, see? Me and Michael J. And did that disa-- Oh, look at that. But look at what you get. You can get the empty roll out-- - You having trouble speaking? - And still have the toilet tissue here. You're not gonna find anything because-- - Oh, look; worm. - [Link] We got that right. - These worms consumed it, man. They consumed it. There's absolutely nothing in there. No packing peanuts whatsoever. So, if you wanna bury a dead body, if it's made from packing peanuts, you'll be okay. (woman screaming) All right, so we got an egg and some Doritos. Which item cracked under the pressure like cracked-under-the-pressure Brian? (crew laughing) - Okay. - Just the egg, just the Doritos, or both? Or neither! - No, neither, it says. I mean, how could-- How could these-- - Is there that much pressure? - Not crack? Yeah, I don't think these would crack. - And you just said, "How could these not crack?" - That's 'cause I just said the wrong thing. - [Rhett] Oh, okay. - I didn't say what I was thinking. - But I know that an egg-- (crunching) Will just rot, basically, over the course of a month and then probably get soft and cracky. - Egg shells are notoriously strong, man. It's a beautiful design. Like, the egg gods (glove squeaking) really-- (glove squeaking) Did a good thing. (glove squeaking) - Neither. I don't think either one of them cracked. - I think it's the egg. Well, know what? I did mean what I said, neither. - What?! I don't know who to believe anymore. - I'm not saying what I'm meaning, but I agree with what you're saying. - So, neither of them cracked? - Right. - Three, two, one. Be careful now, 'cause if you crack one of them now, that don't count. - Now, hold on; before you dig into that, let's look over here. - [Rhett] Let's find the Doritos. - 'Cause there is an issue with these Doritos. Oh, they are white. - [Rhett] Yeah, they didn't crack though. They sogged. - Look at that. That's-- - They lost their-- - [Both] They lost their color. - They didn't get sunlight. They quit doing photosynthesis. - They became ghost Doritos. - I gotta be careful. - [Link] Look at all of these Doritos! - Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah! β™ͺ Ahh β™ͺ Look at that, Link. Take a bite outta that. Oh, no-no, no, don't! (Link laughing) You gonna bust a rotten egg in my face? (both laughing) - Put it down here, let's open it. C'mon man, let's Charlotte's Web this thing. - Just tap it. - [Link] I bet it's not rotten. (crew member groaning) It's just an egg! - [Rhett] Smell it. - You want me to-- You want me to what? - Take a good whiff. Oh god! (Link gagging) (crew laughing) (woman screaming) - So, now we've got a Gordita Crunch and-- - And a lamb's brain, yum! - Which item completely disintegrated like my interest in watching a Kevin Spacey movie? (both laughing) Was it the brain, the Gordita Crunch, or both? Completely disintegrated. - Well, okay. - Now, that's mushy. - I feel like the fact that we already had, we saw what happened with a Dorito, which is basically a tortilla, and we know that didn't disintegrate. It just turned white. So, I think this one didn't disintegrate. But I could totally see-- - We've already won. - I could totally see a brain just completely disappearing, especially a lamb's brain. They're really dumb. - All right, I agree. I think it's just the lamb's brain that disintegrated. The Gordita Crunch is-- - Well, let's check and see if we're right on the Gordita. Why don't you open that up? - Okay. And I'm-a take this down. And you know what? I got a special sifter here. Let's go panning for gold. - Sifter? - Take all this into there. - [Rhett] Don't lose the crunch now. - Come on. - I think I see the Gordita; it's just floating at the top. - I know, but that, (stammering) that feels good to do this. Let the sifter do it's work. - It's not doing much. (laughing) - Okay, this right here-- - There it is. - [Link] Appears to be a Gordita Crunch. - [Rhett] Oh, cheesy! - [Link] Look at the inside of that. - [Rhett] Let's see what happened. (Link gagging) - Doesn't smell good. - You think that's bad? Let's see what happens with the brain. - Now, do you have a sifter too? Do you wanna use that? We can be sifter sisters. β™ͺ The siftin' sisters β™ͺ - That's us. - Thursday nights at the Lowcountry Lounge! - If there's a brain in there, we're gonna find it. Oh, is that it? - [Rhett] That's a worm. β™ͺ Siftin' sisters β™ͺ β™ͺ We been siftin' all our lives β™ͺ β™ͺ Just lookin' for gold nuggets and some brains in a box β™ͺ β™ͺ Put some brains in the dirt and sift it all day β™ͺ β™ͺ See what you find and see if you're okay β™ͺ β™ͺ 'Cause we're the siftin' sisters, yay β™ͺ β™ͺ Sometimes the siftin' sisters get a little impatient β™ͺ β™ͺ And they start diggin' in the dirt β™ͺ β™ͺ 'Cause they don't wanna wait for it β™ͺ (crew laughing) - Is that a, is that a-- - I just rhymed patient with wait for it. - Is that a brain? - [Rhett] 'Cause I'm a siftin' sister. - No, that's a dirt clog. - [Rhett] There's nothing in here, man. That brain's gone. - Did the brain disintegrate? Are we correct or can we not just find the brain? - Hey, you gotta get rid of a lamb's body-- - Whoa; take that. - And you don't want the memories to be intact, bury it. Oh gosh, that's horrible! - Yeah, that's bad. But we don't have to be quiet in Good Mythical More, which I don't know how that impacts your ability to move over there, but-- - And of course, we also left Link's glasses buried six feet under for a month. - So, that's where those have been. - Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Liliana. - Hi, I'm Rebesca. - Hi, I'm Brian. - And we're Rhett, Link, and Stevie-- - From Puerto Rico. - And it's time to-- - [All] Spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - That is amazing. - Wow! - They even had the desk! - It's like looking in a mirror. (Link laughing) Click the top thing to find out what happened to breakfast and other things buried six feet under for a month at Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] Where's it gonna land? - [Link] These mugs won't be around forever. Hurry up and grab the set at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,480,385
Rating: 4.9249659 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, Leaving Things Buried Six Feet Under For A Month (EXPERIMENT), six feet under, buried alive, halloween, taco bell, doritos, buried food, lamb brain, what happens when you leave things underground, experiment
Id: 6xKSG6bemyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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