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oh hey buddy have you ever thought about getting a penis enlargement well for the low low cost of 3 pounds 99 $49.99 us and 7 billion 821 Zimbabwe I'll cut your dick off myself hey guys sorry I was pitching for another video it's me I saw her productions that we're back in hearts of iron 4 for some terrible mod reviews and if there's a place that I haven't played much enhancer fine for not including South America which is just a desolate pair of I'm never going to play there there is one place I really haven't played that much in which is Scandinavia and thankfully there was a mod at the top of the workshop today which gives Sweden a focus tree and a bunch of events I know Sweden apparently deserves one of those first off though this whole blue color scheme it's just not doing it for me now that's a Sweden I can get behind the nice pink one that's not really pink though so that's kind of left a red sock in the wash pink yeah well I have to hand it to ever make this focus tree you have a little bit too much free time on your hand to dedicate this much time to a country that did not even participate in World War 2 except except that time that we were actually helping the Germans a whole time for you now isn't selling them iron and stuff like that but we don't want anybody to know that we were secretly Nazis in the past and although beauty plays kind of ruining that for us at the moment so joke Peter posh I think I'll be neutral no why be neutral when you can wear one of those pointy Viking helmets get some rotten fish and throw at your best friend Denmark so I was gonna go ahead and go communist this time round and there is actually two different ways to go communist in this game but I feel like all of the reasons to go communists are terrible when you could just you know get 9% recruitment population if you go fascist I mean I eat people to you know go into the meat grinder I don't need people to talk about their feelings gay god oh god Johnny PewDiePie's return to Sweden and he's turned us into those us to be fair that could be PewDiePie oh no the king woke up after like five years of sleeping and realized how the hell did we let this crazy youtuber inch of our country he just dropped that bow on strip you can't do that oh we've cited the wrong way with a king and now I can't get my 9% recruitment population well guys we're gonna have to have a nice talk with the enemy instead god damn it oh hey there mark I was gonna be a G but would you just you know give me all your land for free because look at this standoff we have militarily it's 11 Swedish guys armed with rotten fish and a horse the horse is called good stuff he's our King apparently the Danes aren't taking us seriously because we crowd our horse King so we're gonna have to just have a nice long chat militarily aren't we oh well that's a big surprise I thought you a dead jerk Boyardee oh I know this is a prequel it's 1937 those bastard Dave stole my horse give him back oh we first delete the country without a king damn it those Danish bastards executed the king just when we were about to take them over so can we have a moment of silence for Gustav King of Sweden and also king of being a horse now no way Evod made the same mistake they're my apparently not apparently talking does get you places if only good stuff the horse could have talked well this is gonna open a big old can up the Soviets are eventually going to invade me but hey what else am I gonna [ __ ] do no shorten the hostel at Helsinki Hut the Winter War no that was actually quite hard quite humid and I'm going to say I'm a little bit I'm a little bit hot and bothered by all these Soviets on my border welcome to the Kalmar Union if you didn't know it was a union between denmark norway and sweden where we all got together and ate rotten fish except for denmark who think so too god for rotten fish oh cool we have a option in our focus tree down here to create the Angie red alliance and invite Romania yeah think Hitler was confused when he was introduced to a horse and it was told that this was the leader of the cowboy union I would be enough of the world after being introduced to a horse that's leading a country he said [ __ ] it I don't want to live in this gay a Fenny more and is about to commit seppuku over the next five years I had this jury in this game it's 1939 in November they've already taken out France and the banner looks nice and Chef Boyardee zhing on it it's gonna be on stock of great people of Sweden Norway and Denmark we knew this day would come oh yeah yeah have we invited Hungary and Romania to offer well you guys are dead you know you guys are [ __ ] rest in pieces oh hey surely we're not the bad guys but we will continue to fund you to do all the bad things that you're doing and we'll probably say sorry for it in like the next couple years after you know I'm sorry hungry but joining a country that has a horse leading it you really should have seen this coming good news is that the Soviets have lost almost a million men and we've lost 305 all beer I'm not entirely sure if those casualties are made by us or you know all the dead fingerings and Romanians well we've kicked it up to a million flat and I think it's time we start pushing back the Soviet since the Germans are about to declare war on them at least I hope so you know hopefully we could just work together in defeat in the Soviets fighting the Soviets isn't actually much of a war it's just how many can you get in a big group surround them and punch them to death with your sake smelly fish unfortunately for us so we've pushed them back quite far but Germany's just there they've gained too much knowledge they know they keep [ __ ] up and losing every campaign they're refusing to start another war god damn it Hitler's it's where were you smart oh thank god I thought we were about to have some sort of Skynet situation going on here I was bouncing you know go with Terminator 2 and shut it down oh poor Chef Boyardee or you got [ __ ] to death once he's getting [ __ ] that they have twice eh I'm sorry mr. Boyardee guys I'm really sorry we funded the German war effort all right publican we could have a chat with them we're gonna make them carved out with a nice chat I don't think blues intimidating enough we need to go indigo Germany we've had enough all right you're just such a war monger you need to stop and will you listen to me apparently Joni was not to impress when our King horse went into their main Parliament and took a massive dump yeah we're still working on teaching him how to be a good diplomat Oh would you look at that Romanians back from the depths of hell and it's it's full of Axis forces of all different [ __ ] types I'm sorry row mate yeah bit of a stalemate over here on the front line but don't worry we're sweeter just figured out something could tank and work we're bringing it to the front lines to take it directly to mr. Stalin's [ __ ] [ __ ] all right you [ __ ] I see Stalin has gone ahead and garrison Moscow with the finest horse and four men yeah si when real life well Moscow has fallen and work was still pushing because I don't think Stalin by the looks of things is ever gonna [ __ ] capitulate good news is with my light tanks I can just maneuver around all of his lines as he just appears to have mostly infantry and we are pushing quite far into his anus at Romania's disappeared and all of Europe looks like oh it looks like a big old mess mr. Boyardee shut out ain't nothing like surrounded some Soviets and the right guys because that's what I've been doing for the past hour and they still they aren't ever gonna give up at this point I'm pretty sure Stalin is living in a shack in the middle of Siberia saying to himself hey we won't give up look how good we're doing we'll never give up what they just did so-called the majority of the rest of our army no we don't want to give up why would we give up living in Siberia's ace Stella is probably never gonna give up he's living in his capsule over here a curse which you know compromises of him like five guys and his Shack and he's like why would we give up we've only lost seven million after bulldozing his Shack Stalin finally gave up and we have well we we have some land guys well there's the Soviets done and dusted with a fern I went ahead and gave Tanner Tuva all of this land over here so when I go toward Germany spoilers they won't they won't be able to push through because and a call the men and does game-breaking mechanics oh you have the option of expanding our alliance of Romanians Hungarians and now Turkish people and aren't we an ethnic but well the birth New Zealand ah nice not while I'm on it's point I actually wanted to point out the fact that [ __ ] you Hitler you've made fun of my horse King for far too long I think it's time I take you around back of the shed and shoot you that was a horse putt I even mean to do that the AI has decided to land like 6070 divisions over here in the Balkans to which they have no supply now because turkeys in the war Congrats ai yah [ __ ] poor Chef Boyardee as if it wasn't bad dying once you've gone ahead and you've died twice in the pathway is this gonna create some sort of time paradox where Chef Boyardee didn't actually die there'll be another simple sir who know well there's the Germans dinner dusted with and whilst there are a few cancerous tumors left over from mostly Spanish divisions all we need to do now is pitch late Spain and Japan which is a and that gonna be a fun one oh I know my apparently the [ __ ] Indians and the British of beating us to is it's really where we've come to that Japan's losing to their [ __ ] Indians just like the race to Berlin we have to race to Tokyo between New Zealand and Sweden I win well there you go there's that game all done and dusted with and it was a it was a pretty interesting one with another once again overpowered mark that just makes everyone's favourite country insert your favourite country here really powerful we did it we we did something alright it was pretty fun it was okay I don't know these mods are always exactly the same aren't they so if you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like hit subscribe and tell me another mod to play that's probably not just their simple you know maybe a mod - II absolutely dude our focus area okay maybe not
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 828,928
Rating: 4.9028249 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron, happy mod, best mod ever, hearts of iron 4, iv, hardest country, chef boyardee, speedrun, or, mod, hearts, of, iron, kingdom, 2017, weird mods, funny mods, isorrowproductions, together for victory, hoi4, paradox, Paradox Interactive, playthrough, gameplay, Lets Play, Walkthrough, happy, friendly, funny, beauty
Id: 3RtnG2T-DSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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