I'm caught between TikTok's fake "Gen Z VS Millennial" war

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Wish he mentioned Zillennials during the video, lol

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi and welcome back to me talking about whatever i want today i want to talk about gen z versus millennials and why we're at war apparently i want you to know something this is kind of important for you to keep in mind i am the only commentary channel who can make this video not because i'm better not because i possess some special power no no no it's because danny curtis drew cody noel they're all and i hate to say this they're all millennials and it's disgusting i've confronted them about this publicly and privately um they haven't changed so unfortunately it's just gonna have to be me 22 years old gen z king but i am trapped between generations i am literally a bad day away from being a millennial myself i am far too old to actually be part of jinzy i have back problems on a good day okay but i'm also way too young to be part of the harry potter generation so i am the perfect bridge the perfect bridge here to unite the commentary channels in our war me and all the other commentary channels who are like caught between generations we all need to just make the ultimate peace treaty video that's kind of what we're here to do today on tick tock for some reason there's this war that they're trying to make happen where jinzy is saying that millennials are bad because harry potter and skinny jeans and the millennials are saying jinzy is bad because um i'm gonna be honest i didn't research the lore i don't care i'm just here to laugh i'm here to bring peace to the generations only i can do that but first let me tell you about today's sponsor today's video is sponsored by public an investing app you can buy and sell stocks follow other investors learn how the heck investing works in the first place that's kind of what i'm doing and you can do all of this right from your phone i would actually say this is the best way of getting into this kind of thing because the app itself is free you can start with as little as one dollar and you only have to spend on however much you want even if that's not a full stock you can buy a fraction of one unlike other investment apps public isn't going to sell your data to third parties or market makers and i think the best thing about public is it's well public so you can see what other people are investing in cody's on here philip defranco tony hawk um and most importantly me you can see all of our portfolios i'm not here to offer any investment advice but it's cool to see what other people are getting into so go to public.com d'angelo and receive a free slice of a stock when you download the app and open an account you can also click the link in the description that's public.com d'angelo and get your free slice of a stock today our first video that we have right here is called do all gen z think the same and i'm gonna be honest the title is already bothering me and this is a jubilee video their reputation for videos is not the best i didn't say this was gonna be a clean war okay there has to be some casualties unfortunately today those casualties are gonna be brain cells we're gonna lose a few but i thought it would be good to get a grip on where jinzy is coming from so together we're gonna watch this video let's see where we go from this everyone in this video was tested for cover 19 prior to filming it's funny that um jubilee still has no taste this video contains language about self-harm wait what bro this got so real do all gen z think the same i mean this is such a loaded question the answer could never be yes i've sent or received nudes that's the first question have you sent or received nudes three answer two one go is this part of the jinzy experience i thought this was gonna be like do you watch harry potter do you actually like avocados instead they're just like so when was the last time you sent a nude and how much was in that photograph like actually can you recreate the photograph for us right now she is me that is literally me me waltzing into the yes not realizing what i was actually answering i don't send nudes because i just do things on social media i want to pursue acting i feel like my body is a temple you gotta pay to see it if at least she said i'm too good unless you're paying in which case honestly i'll get the bag most women or women adjacent people have received um unsolicited picks as like a bisexual person and kind of just being in like a world that's hyper sexualized already and it sucks because that's kind of the age of social media and like lgbtq youth is that pretty much like they have to seek validation online that's like really like the way to do it i agree exactly with what makai said i mean it is like the form of validation now like sending nudes is love but what that's not quite the approach i take to this kind of thing i'm glad they brought this up though my stance on nudes get your bag listen i know people claim only fans is like ruining western society that's fine western society wasn't gonna last anyway it has problems get your gosh darn cash 25 a month five dollars a month it all adds up shaming people over this is so silly to me now obviously if you're underage just i don't know go watch anime um and and mind your own business not for kids wait anime's not really for kids either don't watch anime ever otherwise you're going to wind up like me me and a full-grown adult dressed like a zelda character skinny jeans are out of style this is the next question are skinny jeans out of style how could they be out of style all right but enough let's see what the fellow jinzy people have to say about this go what i don't know it was just the era of the time it was like rock was like you know pop rock i just i'm over here because i think that skinny jeans i don't like them and i would wear them because i also have like chicken legs so like that's not happening for me they're out of styler in style can someone help her oh so i'm saying that they are in style yeah skinny jeans oh no they're out of style no y'all have unanimously decided that skinny jeans are out of style okay you know what suddenly i'm a millennial i reject jinzy with my entire heart skinny jeans are not out of style i get my news from youtube even outside of youtubers i get my literal news news from youtube like i will watch news packages from news organizations on youtube before i would ever turn on the tv social news twitter 100 easily but like if it's like some political stuff i have like subscriptions to like new york times so she's too good she's too good for youtube she has subscriptions listen you can watch my stuff for free oh my gosh this hurts so much this video is not going the way i thought it would first skinny jeans are just being attacked for no reason and now we don't watch youtube because fox news apparently does a better job you know what something fishy is going on here in fact these might not even be millennials these might literally be gen xers very youthful gen xers my parents and i agree on political and social issues oh whoa whoa they split right down the half like to have a disclaimer for my mom and dad what's coming out of my mouth is coming out through love also if they're watching this please stop watching this my parents are very close-minded and conservative and there have been fights as in daniel's family i feel like in my household my opinion is not valid and it will never be valid it's even gotten to the point of one time where i've gotten into arguments my parents like you're gonna have to move out if you don't like agree with these things that's such a weird stance like you have to agree with us otherwise you can't live with us i've heard of it too i've heard of parents saying some other things like dude that's the the only thing that's gonna do is make your kid lie and pretend like they believe something that they don't that's all that's gonna accomplish it's not gonna change their beliefs sometimes those disagreements are fundamental to your identity like they say a lot about how you look at the world how you treat other people and it's hard to separate that bro this went from like do you send nudes to how does your political disagreement or agreement with your parents inform your identity and outlook on the world did jubilee make an actually somewhat okay video i have felt depressed oof pain they walked outside of the line and honestly same there are a lot of points where it is romanticized and i think true that's a that's a con it's a difficult struggle and also i think like within like the black community there's there also is just not a lot of attention to mental health at all very true facts out of nowhere yikes people want to talk about how depressed they are until you're like hey i haven't taken a shower in four weeks and i can't get out of bed and i haven't been eating food and they're like ew that's gross it's like that's what depression is this is so real out of nowhere whole life i have been so bullied and words hurt so much and six months ago i almost took my life my friend's mom posted if you needed to talk to someone to call this number and i talked to them and i spoke to them on the phone for two hours by myself at night time and if it wasn't for her just doing that i feel like i wouldn't have been here today man i don't even have anything to say just very glad he was able to share that that's not something you want to keep to yourself wow jubilee doing something good this is this is a really strange timeline the impression i get from my friends is like most of us have stories like that maybe not to that extreme oh but i really just get the impression most people have had a moment so awful that they've never shared with anyone before i've wanted to show kindness through me and i hope that i do show kindness to others because i don't want other people to feel the same way i felt because if i can help someone feel that smile or that joy for me it would make it would mean everything to me because it means that i'm fighting what other people did to me this video is so good not the way i thought it would be are you optimistic about the future [Music] hers slowly inching away oh they don't know how they feel oh that's me i always say like if there's something you don't like we can work on it and fix it and i think that this generation in particular is really good at that like gen z is crazy like we get things done the impact we've had with like tick tock even i don't disagree information because of tick tock and twitter and like a combination spread so much faster we can get like facts out so much faster i feel like we have come far as a society but doesn't mean i'm also not disappointed in our society there's so many things that we've gotten to like build upon as a society bro this is literally exactly how i feel like have we come far yes do we still live in clown world without a doubt that video wasn't terrible i don't apologize to jubilee because a lot of your videos are still trash but that one wasn't bad okay i think everyone can hear you right we've got sarah in the building as we should we have confirmed this is her by the way do you think you were like accurately represented because honestly i agreed with what you were saying there we filmed for like probably around three to four hours and they had to cut that out into like 15 minutes so i don't think anything that they put there for me was like necessarily unrepresentative the one about nudes that was like one of the last question they asked most of our conversation was about sort of like objectification of our bodies and like as women as people of color as people on the lgbt spectrum like we all have these sort of different perspectives about what it's like to sort of see yourself as an object because society has pushed that on you it was like so interesting and they cut all that out and i'm so sad about it people in chat are saying release the sarah cut we also had like a really good question about like it was like do you remember 9 11. none of us were like old enough to to remember it but like uh saba who you know is like a hijabi muslim who is like we never when do we ever get perspective from like young hijabi like women of color like and she had such good like really interesting takes about like islamophobia and stuff and i feel like they just cut so much of that stuff out and like of course the clip they can't they like kept in of her saying like she subscribes to fox news and i was like oh like everyone's gonna be roasting you because she was so smart and she was like i think she's like they made her look oh that's stuck now i feel bad because they definitely like clipped out any context that would have yeah see this is a problem with these videos yeah and like everyone was commenting like wow like a lot of people like for me like when i said you know having depression is like a spectrum and like you know it really depends on i didn't i said having depression is a spectrum but they cut that part out and it was just me saying like oh like i can't get out of bed and like you know i haven't taken a shower and like that's what depression is and everyone in the comments is like actually it's a spectrum like i have depression and i can like go outside they wanted the anger clicks all right sarah well thank you so much so we're gonna watch this why the millennial versus jinzy war should end from the take i really wanted to watch this and see what exactly they're calling the millennial versus gen z war mostly because i feel like i'm going to disagree with it it's the max volume phone notifications for me it's the never having had to buy a ringtone for me gen z and millennials are at war no they're not i'm gonna try not to pause this and be mad 12 times the oldest millennials born between the early 1980s and mid 90s are now hitting middle age while the oldest gen zeus born between the mid to late 1990s and early 2010s are joining the workforce so it's natural that gen z teenagers and young adults are going to mock millennials for being old or out of touch i'm sorry this video is making millennials sound like they're actually in their late 50s but this online bickering however light-hearted and silly it is in many cases obscures that millennials and zoomers are more similar than they appear both have come of age amidst social upheavals and are facing diminishing prospects for financial security okay we're getting a bit too real here not something i needed to get reminded of out of the blue i wanted drama and they're turning it into an essay this video feels like it was made for people who are not in gen z or millennials okay so we have an actually interesting video here this is the last one surprising facts about the generations 25 of people in this generation report knowing someone who uses gender neutral pronouns i'm going to go ahead and say millennial even though i might be wrong i'm gonna say gen z because gender neutral pronouns are kind of a more recent thing now everyone's really focused on gender and yeah getting right pronouns and stuff yeah we knew i wasn't here to take any l's and i haven't taken one so far me and literally all of my friends know of someone or multiple people who use gender-neutral pronouns because that's just very normal half of this generation believes that forms and online profile should have more gender options than just man and woman this is so tricky honestly though half is really high i'm gonna go with millennial specifically because i feel like it's gonna be more for jinzy maybe millennial you think millennials that's only have you think yeah it's always the numbers that get you because you think higher oh that's definitely juicy yeah i feel like the millennial generation isn't ready for that hey yeah but i feel like that was obvious again the majority of people in gen z realize that something is very antiquated if it only has forms for man and woman according to p research 59 percent of ginsengers believe what 59 i'm sorry can can we hit 69. this generation is now considered the most ethnically and racially diverse generation ever it's obviously ginzi oh we guessed gen z for sure yeah that's for sure jinzy i do know that one throw away throw away a easy peasy which generation has fewer foreign births is this asking which generation has parents less likely to be immigrants if that's the case i'm going to say gen z i feel i feel like it's millennials yeah i was like i think it's going to be millennials i think millennials i'm going to go millennials on that one i'm going to go gen z i'm a jasmine oh we got the stupid question correct we actually cannot fail 79 of women in this generation were childless when they were 18 to 21 years old this is millennials right oh this is tricky i don't want to get one wrong okay you know what eighty percent is so high i'm gonna go ahead and go with jinzy i'm gonna go gen z i'm gonna go gen z all right yeah i'll go gen c oh gosh uh millennials because gen z isn't 18 to 19 yet it's all through the trap oh my gosh [Music] which generation is less likely to drop out of high school i don't like this question because jinzy is still in high school so i'm gonna go ahead and say ginzi's the answer oh definitely jinzy i feel like you all are way smarter 100 smarter than us i feel like your parents back then were like stick in school get good grades and now it's like do whatever yeah become a little pump oh i was right hey we're back on back on it let's go this generation is the loneliest generation in the us what do they mean by lonely i literally want to know how this question is measured i'm just gonna go ahead and say the answer is millennials millennials it is millennials yeah it has oh yeah no i got it wrong the question was stupid this generation watches an average of two and a half hours of videos a day y'all be spending four hours minimum on a good day like there's absolutely no way this is ginzi because that's way too low yeah yeah that was way too low [Applause] 48 of this generation identifies as exclusively heterosexual 48 so half basically this has to be ginzi this has to be ginseng yeah definitely i think it's lower for gen z i agree i'm not on the same page i feel like millennials are still kind of stuck on like having specific labels i don't think that they are more accepting yeah we can't lose we're like the older sibling that got in trouble for everything so you could just go and like our parents are like oh whatever okay wait that's kind of true that's kind of true the next trend to follow is the exact opposite when we have such a free and open generation like you guys the generation after that is like all right they were crazy so we're gonna buckle down she's right and i'm terrified it's getting to a place where everyone's just like oh someone is different in any way and it's just like yeah okay cool like what are we eating for lunch me like that's lit like it doesn't even register in my head there's being a difference anymore where are the fish sticks oh no not fish like jinzy you need some good grip no he's right though fist sticks are disgusting abolish them i've come to realize the ultimate truth of jinzy versus millennials it's something i already knew beforehand for sure but none of this matters because we're all the same age we're literally all the same age 22 and 24 and 20 and 18 which is like the crux of both generations are all just so similar so similar in eight i can't see it really mattering in most situations this subset of tick tock who just wants gen z and millennials to be locked in this epic war really needs to get a grip at no point during this did i see anyone in chat actually arguing with each other i don't think any reasonable person thinks there's any reasonable difference between generations if we've learned anything from this it's that um delete tick tock immediately and don't look back escape while you still can that's all anyway i'll be here all week folks at 2pm central time if it's monday wednesday friday that means i'm uploading a new video here if it's tuesday thursday saturday that means i'm going live over on twitch and as you can see from my chat everyone has a wonderful time here on stream we would love you to join us and most importantly no one is being held hostage against their will basically what i'm saying is i'll see you tomorrow unless of course tomorrow is sunday in which case just watch this video again okay bye
Channel: D'Angelo Wallace
Views: 947,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dangelno, dangelowallace
Id: RBNhx-3LRdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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