What The Hack Is This? | UptroidDown

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yes i'm gonna play super metroid this one looked slightly fun oh did you check your system something's wrong yeah it's just tilted cartridge all right so this is super metroid uptroy down is the newer rom hack if i recall correctly this is made in 2021 um authors bug man he's in the chat um so the description is super metroid but upside down while jumping is necessary and infinite bomb jump infinite bomb jumps are recommended there are a few tweaks that are necessary because it turns out this game isn't designed to be upside down i believe it is in full working condition but let me know if you can find any area or bugs and then the credits okay so it has um it's four to five so let's get into it i know how to read this hold on there we go oh god this is still terrible jesus you turn your monitor upside down yeah dude let me just turn my 4000 pound to pvm upside down the hell's a pbm a pvm professional video monitor i'm trying not to look at the text because yeah this is awful yeah so in this what we have to do is we have to um invert the castle dracula's castle okay all right this is this is gonna be bad i'm just glad that samus isn't upside down like more than anything that'd be terrible oh i hate the camera scrolling oh god dude the the slopes are not slopes when they're upside down these are these are bad all right so we get the moon fall on the way back so it's kind of nice enough to kill the pirates oh god it's so weird i don't know oh goodness i guess that'd be the fastest yeah if you guys are wondering how i did this i just turned the super metroid cartridge upside down and uh yeah so you can do this as well you put your mind to it [Music] oh that's how it works yeah this is how they play in australia mates [ __ ] upside down okay that was irish [ __ ] [ __ ] nevermind [Music] hey buddy you about to be drinking me whiskey okay i guess i could just i don't i'm not gonna go that way there's nothing i can do failure to communicate cheered x200 0100100100101.0110 all right it's [ __ ] done dude it's done yeah everyone thank jace oh yeah e tank in the floor ah [ __ ] like why dude that's not even an effort man like what is that that's not that's that's not even an effort what do you mean question mark dude you're just putting [ __ ] a bunch of numbers it's it's that's gonna go for like five minutes dude well it's binary oh my bad it's binary well then [ __ ] i better allow it not a fan of binary i'm not a fan of texas speech that lasts for 10 minutes dude oh my god i was like [Music] stop trying to play stupid you know what you did oh dude you don't like binary oh that's your problem dude [ __ ] you oats trying to turn this on me oh it's lashing out with the wrong person oh it's the wrong person oh yeah well you know [ __ ] you two jace uh it's failure to communicate [Music] sorry my bad i'm kidding i'm kidding he's swinging all right oh god he juked it uh oh it's chat gonna start acting out here all right so that bomb teresa fight was kind of as expected they can't have an upside down bomb trees of fight he's not kidding youtube he abuses a sun help no i don't all right let's do this well why not i don't think they can program that how do you do this to yourself have you seen some of the other hacks that i've played when i first started this series i went into the like half star one star rated rom hacks wait can i get this now oh my god this is wait a minute oh dude oh i maybe could have done billy mays oh god wait no this thing couldn't be stuck wait oh wait dude no worth is it worth it man worth it [Music] okay we're good dude we're solid man okay wait no these spikes do like 60 damage so we're not solid actually this is bad [Music] i need a bug [Music] i didn't get the bug [ __ ] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah it's above me holy [ __ ] um [Music] worth [Music] can you get out of here of course i can why can't i oh my god your momentum carries like crazy through that actually it's funny the powerbomb door what powerbomb door [Music] you guys feeling all crap oh yeah the ship's okay okay let's go this way the ship's above my head whoops what the ship yeah i'll definitely uh be saving because after that that is kind of a scary realization that if i go down a crumble block i'm sure you took an account for the crumble block situations but balling should kill you oh yeah just like the original game when you fall from a you know a five-foot ledge you die be sick thanks for the 26 months unless you're talking about you should like infinitely fall into the sky or something [Music] yeah but i mean come on that'd be pretty hardcore [Music] okay we're good [Music] you're not a hardcore gamer well i mean no i'm a hardcore gamer [Music] no wait i'm hardcore watch how the [ __ ] are the elevators gonna work they're just gonna work dude what do you want someone to operate the elevator for me no do this thing to [ __ ] 1800s yeah god um all right um wait wrong door do you guys you guys are wrong on so many levels just take a step back it's inverted not mirrored or it's upside down not mirrored i don't really need this but i'm gonna grab it anyways just because i'm scared it's upside down and mirrored actually yeah it is upside down and mirrored you're right [ __ ] [Music] 100 the game i mean i could 100 oh it's just play this upside down dude yeah let me grab some uh like [ __ ] hooks and you just hang myself by my achilles tendon dude from the [ __ ] ceiling like a bat and then play this game yeah let's do that oh wait dude how do i do this wait could i escape the other way is this made um this has to be adjusted this was adjusted right i'm not gonna soft lock oh there's no way i could softlock anyways well yeah there is certainly a way okay we're good okay so yeah bug man made it so these crumble blocks don't regenerate so we're good kind of but not really it's it's kind of the same wait no wrong way [ __ ] how do i get up here the first time just like that i guess yeah um i should probably save oh it's the trackers not updating bro not scan it on oh god i gotta actually think about if there's crumble blocks [Music] all right i'll do sporespawn i know you guys are gonna ask me to do sport response i'll do sportspawn [Music] [Music] no spore spawn no crime did i miss a bug [Music] back door oh you have to do this back door lame no it makes sense i don't think it's lame it's just the way it's gotta be no not butt stuff yeah this is the double rotation hmm dude where am i even oh god okay wait a minute okay so wait dude what okay i know there's missiles here thank you i'm gonna get those later because i might try to 100 dude my brain's hurting right now this is not good it's gonna be right here is it not [Music] what the [ __ ] is it oh there we go [Music] oh god okay [Music] this is really weird man oh yeah i gotta wall jump this or no i gotta moonfall this actually nice what am i thinking uh i see how you did it okay i think this is probably the only way to make it it has to be kind of uh yeah the coding would be pretty weird i assume [Music] nice dude oh god i should just i should just crouched [Music] [ __ ] charge being for double damage charge beam no charge bean is like a quarter of the damage of a super that's what he said charge bean i'm just being a redundant [ __ ] yeah andy did i thank you for the 59 thanks this one's not so bad on my eyes this is just kind of like a normal raw mac i can tolerate this way better than i can tolerate the upside down samus i was trying to cwj then upside down samus i was getting nauseous my brain has played this game for well over 12 000 hours and seen that i was starting to develop a migraine um okay so yeah this is powerbomb yeah i'm doing good still not sure why you skipped the missiles because if i'm doing 100 i need to come back here anyways think about actual 100 runs and if i'm not doing 100 why do i need an extra missile pack it doesn't matter if i don't need gravity i still need speed booster oh dude okay [Music] why is the stream title in greek it's not in greek kind of looks like greek though oh yeah what is the title what is all this not the title the uh oh my god all right so we gotta go up or should we do fantune first i don't know if i want to do a hundred percent that seems a little bit blah but um i'll do fantune first maybe beat suga i'm not sure uh power bombs at least [Music] fine i'll do fancy first okay dude what the [ __ ] no okay i need some health here save dude i'm going to the save okay these things will hit like a truck how's this room gonna look oh okay [Music] i'm all getting prepared oh god here it comes nothing i was trying to damage come down no it's been adjusted i'm not gonna do 100 i think i've decided it's just going to be a little bit blah to get hundo i don't think it'll be that entertaining i'll get some items that i'm curious about maybe like spring ball i'll do all bosses yeah but okay what the [ __ ] am i entering this room for i guess we're gonna grab this i only have 17 oh this is not good all right how do you get meridia speed missiles i'll get them pretty simply if you're as good as i am it's a fairly easy task [Music] yeah sorry it's 71. chance park downwards nah i need a x-ray i need either x-ray to do that or i need to load it from the other room you'll see maybe i'll do with x-ray um okay i'm gonna go save you lick or bite ice cream i bite ice cream to break it up because i have pretty sensitive teeth yes i don't have any teeth actually i just gum it like grammy dude [Music] yeah i spit on it then i bite it [Music] [Music] yeah you like that you dirty [ __ ] mint chip ice cream hot [ __ ] [Music] lab monkey 42 cheered x200 oats please tell me more this description is beginning to arouse me okay you ruined it now no more uh thanks for 200. foreign [Music] i assume phantom's gonna be the same [Music] all right let's see if i get the moat skip nice dude okay i gotta be careful here or else i will fall through these wait a minute oh wait just a minute can i enter or has this been locked oh my god can i enter rec shift the other way want to be locked it shouldn't be locked it should still be available yeah i can't do this um i i think you know it might be locked i'd have to see isn't that the door right there is this oh yeah it is it might be locked we'll see nope we're good baby we're good can i go to bowling um yo could i just go to bowling i mean i got to come back here anyways because i got to do fan soon but maybe oh no there's no power there's no there's no power you need the power to be on i think don't you for bullying um i'm not sure if i heard the puppy like i said she's kind of on uh she's kind of a little bit emotional she's having her uh her her young lady she's turned into a young lady so i gotta go help her out a little bit give me at least 10 minutes i apologize um i'll be back um yeah so he's a little bit needy i'll be back grab yourself a snack [Music] i'm gonna go ahead and um uh pause this all right brb go grab go grab a snack or something [Music] act as if nothing happened wait what wait hold on yo thanks for the five subs anyways [ __ ] your five subs dude a hundred subs from yeah light a hundred whoa [Music] i'm just kidding about the uh wait what wait no wait a minute wait no oh my [ __ ] god wait no what what the [ __ ] no wait wait jesus no no dude wait no [ __ ] what dude no okay no no no no okay so yeah light with one okay 100 200 300 four five six seven eight nine ten what the [ __ ] did you just do yelling a thousand gifted subs thank you i i have never seen something like that um and before it's mafia money if it is i don't wanna hear about it shut up um thank you let me know if you want the the alerts to keep going that's up to you um it's up to ya light because i'm not gonna take that away it's gonna go for like another eight hours clown cosplay i'm already doing the clown cosplay i have that already that you know something i gotta do wait where the hell am i going is this the right way yeah give him a flippin emote i mean yeah i i could i could do an email your cosplaying albert no [ __ ] what am i doing yes i i will be doing a clown cosplay um go back to check bowling i'm gonna go to the map remote yeah ah dude that hurts my brain man oh yeah power's on i i will i will do something of your choice i mean seriously man like just just let me know in the dms you don't have to answer anything now and i'm sure you don't want all the attention constantly but uh just let me know you can't you read the stream title we'll just turn your eyeballs upside down or something i guess the number you know you're gone [Music] oh no dude [Music] [Music] i picked 10 in in uh memory or in honor of the 1 000 subs and uh yeah he almost just got nuked yeah light always picks 10. and uh yeah he just almost got destroyed thank you uh yeah thanks once again but uh yeah sorry who got banned [Music] the counter is still at 2400 or 2200 uh well some of you guys better gift another thousand just to be sure it's still working okay i'm not really this greedy i'm just joking [Music] all right i'm gonna save just in case okay this is not the save geez uh wait should i go grab the e-tank nah i don't need it uh moonlight sonata i'll play moonlight sonata for you on stream if you'd like i can do that i played it earlier today without any mistakes so you'd like i can i could dedicate that to you or at least right now that's all i can do but in the future i can maybe play a game i can maybe think about playing a game just make sure it's under like 10 minutes or something dude yeah maybe i play a game of fortnite with you or something i don't know dude this music is from the [ __ ] 1800s this music is so old that copyright laws are like not even a thing to think about because that was like a hundred years after this music came out this classic music it's like 70 years it's like the lifespan of the artist plus 70 years or some [ __ ] so like in the early 1900s yeah it was in the public domain something like that 100 years yeah even then like it's still doesn't matter if someone has a copyright and it's not public domain it is public domain i don't think you can copyright something like that besides uh uh emmett has been playing it as well yeah there's probably like very specific instances but it's it's public domain yeah but that's a claim that you can't that won't hold up you know what i'm saying i can i can play the song and then put it on a youtube video and then claim that it's mine and then start flagging other videos but yeah but it doesn't mean that that's something i would hold up in court [Music] yeah no label owns dude everyone look up look up copyright laws for music for classic music it's in the public domain it cannot it cannot be uh i'm not liable for playing old classic music [Music] all that old [ __ ] is public domain yeah exactly that's that stuff is so old all right man i see on facebook gaming send me a song used for donation a while ago money money money um it was not uh isn't that just eddie money or whatever dude yeah oh it's mozart just filed the claim dawg wait what am i farming health for the spikes are on the ceiling how the hell is this gonna work wait dude is this gonna carry me upside down if so this is awesome dude it is wait how the hell does this work oh what the frick i that's probably just got to be done yeah i'm currently learning all the uh hold on a lot of the uh all the all the knock turns and [ __ ] i'm doing uh nine number two right now i would like to learn all the nocturns at some point but all the um a lot of them there's like three that i could play right now as a beginner um with some with a decent amount of music experience but still piano beginner but i can't um i can't play like half or more than half like uh 48 number one or something is probably one of my favorite pieces other than the middle it's a little bit weird but uh i think that's my favorite of the knock turns and that shit's way too [ __ ] hard that's like 10 years plus of playing piano all right uh that is correct interestingly disney changed copyright law 50 years uh 70 years which caused a 20-year time when nothing was coming to the public domain just ended a year or so ago the beatles are coming in soon oh really so then we're good we're even even better all right oh i probably could get it actually but yeah anyways um crazy streams crazy crazy freaking stream but yes if i play classic music like that i'm fine which i i can i can maybe see if i can hook up my piano to the computer audio or something [Music] um how's the laptop laptop's awesome i've been way more productive um i'm starting to write a script for a bomb teresa skip video on that i hope is going to be really really cool and fun so i've been able to work on that a lot more [Music] all right let's go this way what'd you miss oh nothing yeah i i actually printed off all of these super metroid pieces that um have been uh what's the word not transcribed maybe it's a sheet music so i will learn that eventually but for now i'm i'm really i really like the chopin stuff uh peter pan stuff [ __ ] um and then uh i just like a lot of the classical music more than anything so as much as i want to play some of the newer stuff or like video game music rather sorry um i just really love classical music so chopin or whatever the [ __ ] all right so let's see if i can get this now because then i'm gonna use this to show you guys how we can get how we can get yeah this is really hard um the main street meridian missiles oh [ __ ] okay well joe pawn that doesn't sound right joe yeah i know that's why i said chopin a lot of people are making fun of me though who's joe uh joe uh these knots dude yeah like my balls um all right so no this is the this is a refill hello um it's a lot of controllers to clean dude um i'm about i'm more than halfway done with taking them all apart and then i'm going to like adjust and or not adjust uh uh use what i can from the stock muscle memory it's not so bad it's like an entirely different raw mac it's not terrible it's way better than playing with um i can't go up there it's not as bad as playing with an upside down samus sprite that's terrible yeah like you get a controller dude i don't know man i guess yeah whatever signed that means i gotta move my hand yeah dude totally if you want a cartridge i'll i will get you an sm cartridge boxed not brand new but boxed that's the best i could do that shit's expensive um and then a um a a controller made by myself perfect dude yellight's probably a normal person it doesn't sit here and play super metroid all day so i mean it's up to him oh hello mia he's here to chill yeah if that's something you want man [ __ ] i'll even give you this uh this console behind me it's got led actually no i'd have to give you the console i'm playing think one of them about 50 bucks too i mean dude he donated he he subbed a thousand people a thousand gifted subs so like dude yeah i will totally give you my console i'll i will get you a brand new snes almost brand new and then a couple controllers if you want but if you're not into that thing that's cool too [Music] um gifted to the community dude oh i was afraid you're gonna say that yuck man uh thanks wreck here for the tier three for 67 months yo dude i'm 67 inches now gotta wrap that [ __ ] around my waist nice man finally it's nice to hear you got that penis reduction surgery that's good yeah that's way more manageable congrats 1k subs and i didn't get one damn that's that's a bad luck [Music] what a way to start the month of august yeah light with 1010 subs okay who's gonna beat that dude there was probably like there's probably a dude that's like this is my month i'm gonna be the top sub gifter i'm gonna get 50 subs it's gonna be over and then this happens [Music] dude you should have waited for him to gift the 50 subs okay why my persona okay my persona is kind of like a dick on stream i'm not really a dick i just like [ __ ] around with [ __ ] like that to make me look like a terrible person as mia with her diapers she's pretty good i mean i don't like having to change her diaper but you know we can't get in i called the vet i called the vet and asked if we can get her in sooner but uh she's not gonna be spayed for like another uh three weeks kind of sucks but [Music] spade yeah i mean normal people spay their dogs it's a good thing to spay your animals and neuter [Music] dude come on get up there yeah i know but she's just really needy so i'm leaving my door open so she can come in and snuggle by my feet she's going through a lot right now yeah um let me save [Music] it's good yeah we're spaying her at um six and a half months which is about the right time six months is uh recommended but um they're just so busy oats are you neutered yeah dude i just i just did the old farmer method i just uh put some rubber bands around my around my testicles for a few weeks i just kept uh you know putting more and more like the watermelon videos yeah and those puppies just fell right off like a overripe grape on a vine dude that's what that's what like crazy farmers back in like the early i don't know 1900s did all right come here tony the golden retriever we're about to about to get you neutered you keep impregnating the uh the neighborhood dogs so we gotta take them testicles off you but i ain't about to pay a hundred dollars oh god this is is this going to be weird with uh how okay wait how was the lava gonna rise here [Music] yeah i know but it still could it still could like crush me kind of 100 i don't [ __ ] think so partner that's too much okay i think it's been adjusted you got gravity that doesn't matter actually it doesn't matter no it doesn't matter it does i don't know [Music] at og school we just cut open okay that's cool or uh ag school it would hurt me emotionally okay and that's what's important i want us to farmer neuter his young male goat by using shears dude what the [ __ ] that's a little weird i mean he should at least been a little more ethical and done it with like a sharp you know pair of scissors come on shears wow anyways no that's that's pretty rough why are we watching yeah i didn't even question that part to be honest wait a minute how do i get out of here oh oh i've wave oh god damn i'm a dumbass dude oh god we're talking about goat testicles it's not fair wait i'm gonna go down to uh ridley yeah it is kind of a weird stream that's okay yeah we're gonna go yeah up to ridley yeah this is this is pretty weird trying to think i think there's a lot of stuff you can do like the sequence breaking is much different you know because of the crumble blocks that kind of adds the different elements dude i got it nice let's go okay up to ridley wait did oh let's get the ice beam no i don't need ice i should have gotten it but yeah i'm fine you backdoor norfair escape yo that's actually just gonna be quicker straight up let me go grab ice it'd be faster to reset but i'll enjoy the scenery here [Music] god navigating this is so weird um it would be faster um wait no i want to go this way croc um we can do all that first i just i will get ice and then i'm gonna try to back door it all right um dude why is it so hard to navigate when it's just simply upside down i don't know why let's go rabbis [Music] i don't know if this is going to work no yeah yeah i went to go let mia poop the dog poop and uh some crazy stuff happened while i was gone bring your monitor upside down but then it's just mirrored and it's still hard seems like it oats you enjoying the money yeah dude i've already uh bought another house i have uh you know bought a second car he's got yeezys no i'm not that irresponsible yeezys dude okay i actually can't go this way how many chevy trucks you got out so i got about eight heavy trucks at least it ain't one of them electric vehicles in my ride fellas because it's just kind of a meme now i'm totally cool with a mod or mod or vip i don't care you know [ __ ] that's what car do you have um a honda accord okay wait a minute is this gonna work no dude what okay do i have to go this way because i'm not gonna sit here and try to deal with that hell no i have the same car as you nice yeah mine's a honda cord exl v6 vtec uh it has stack pipes coming out the back so i roll coal i'm pretty sure it's a v-tech people are saying that if it's a v6 it's not a vtec but i'm pretty sure it says vtec stack pipes no it's it's really quiet no it's a sedan i don't really like coops um okay let's grab this i want to see well croc is going to be upright [Music] ship probably sneaky [Music] okay whatever [Music] i bet there's a little lava pit we'll see though i don't know what the ex is the ex-l i mean i don't know the difference between the excel and the ex [Music] oh that's all it is leather interior oh yeah i don't really mind like i've already accidentally punctured the leather a couple times and like that sounds irresponsible but it's way easier to do than you think it's like you haul one thing and like something just falls and then like the corner of it hits the leather it's just like oh your leather is punctured like oh cool okay okay okay well uh i don't need those power bombs oh dude nice um [Music] why is the text in russian it's not turn your eyes upside down [Music] ever going to make a crate quick kill tutorial yes oh god this is horrendous ugh [Music] an albert band tutorial absolutely um we'll go through this one no this is pretty hard oh i swear oats is over i think in most of these rooms the dude you do not understand how many hours i have in this game so even though it's not making me sick my brain understands what room i'm in the image is upside down so then i think that it will it will be mirrored just naturally because that's you know when you turn things upside down it will be mirrored so then when it's not mirrored then i go oh god like so i need to i'm constantly having to remember that it's not mirrored but upside down or vertically mirrored whatever you know you know what i'm saying what do you want me to say like i'm from boston well that's how they say in boston actually [ __ ] [Music] mirror jesus all right let's go this way yeah it's not that i'm really overthinking it it's just it's it's harder than you think man after a lot of hours and i'm talking to you guys a lot i see you master hog just take it easy she's looking up at me like i'm dying i'm okay thank you [Music] sorry i'm sorry i'm good all right we're gonna go mickey mouse oh god she's leaving she's sick of my [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up i'm trying to sleep there you go there's the action cam you can see the puppers she's looking up at me uh now she's leaving wow dude i just got rejected [ __ ] now i'm embarrassed we're turning that off [Music] oh [ __ ] yeah she came back hello mia [Music] all right that's fine oh god i'm not gonna kill these guys yeah yeah i've played it yeah [Music] [Music] oh she's huge yeah man i mean she is she's massive compared to what she was and i don't want to say that too loud she's insecure about her weight she's she's having her first uh you know puppy little young lady moment okay mia you look fantastic and you're not a pound overweight [Music] can you play piano during the cut scenes like zelda runners yeah uh well yeah no dude zelda runners have like 50 minutes of cutscenes like a two-hour speed run so i'll play moonlight sonata for you guys that's the only song i know right now is mainly for yeah light because of uh his generosity i'll probably i'm probably gonna botch it too but it's fine [Music] okay you know what i would really like some some missiles some supers rather [Music] is that the zenies wait i don't have that many small no i do but i have 15 nice wait no no sorry uh okay moonlight sonata worse than rebecca black no i get it dude moonlight sonata is like the [ __ ] overplayed everyone learns it song that's but it is technically difficult [Applause] [Music] difficult as in uh the third movement no third movement's way too [ __ ] hard for someone just learning um the first the first movement is more of um if you can play it nice it's good enough because it's actually oh oh i thought he said rebecca black yeah it comes from the expression because moonlight sonata wasn't supposed to be played on current pianos it's actually supposed to be played on something called a piano forte or a forte piano doesn't have a sustain pedal but it automatically sustains with faster decay so it's always up for interpretation how people play that [ __ ] [Music] okay well i don't want to die i'm not sure about that but [Applause] you probably could load it i have the p125 okay there's no way you're not dead [Music] [Applause] plus keys yeah that's why when they uh introduced the normal pianos after that was like chopin and stuff um when they really started taking over and like list or whatever his name is um dude those [ __ ] songs are insane they're all over the entire piano [Music] anyways all right so ridley's dead no look happened no i mean eventually yeah but no [Music] guys i'm gonna just start with playing super metroid okay that's hard enough as it is right now i'm learning um the nocturne uh an e b or e flat major 9 2 or some [ __ ] yeah no this sub train is insane yeah i learned hot crust buns dude or is it wait [Music] it's got three it's got three flats yeah it's not e sharp it's e it's flat [Music] i know but it's just the way it's written you can you can say it's the other way but if it's written that way you generally interpret it that way and say that's what it is like you're not gonna take a piece of music and say well it's this two technically so i'm gonna call it that you know yes that's the one rockhound but oh no yeah anyways dude oh god hold on okay let me focus on this you guys are distracting me i'm gonna start slashing names i'm blaming you for my uh inadequacies is it possible to leave this way [ __ ] no it's not yo did you fix this is it can i leave this way i can't leave this way okay it's fixed good kinda like that one dude talking about that goat on his farm that is grandpa neutered damn dude that's real fixed okay i see well we need patching these crumble blocks because generally the room would be upside down you can't jump up through crumble blocks [Music] but it is fixed okay wait so this way okay oh right yeah because i was gonna actually go there that way but i spaced it out and i just went the normal way down the elevator again this is a save i'm gonna save actually [Music] all right so now we just have drag on we're done [Music] i'm just more excited to show you guys uh the main street meridia missiles psy what's wrong [Music] we have done crade [Music] no it's p p k r d oh yeah i was gonna do all bosses sorry i i don't think golden teresa would have been that great the only cool part was i i could get those missiles i'd be able to get those missiles wait a minute actually wait what okay wait no i should be able to do this i actually didn't think about the space i need i should be able to get a short charge here okay two very boring minutes later there might be an easier way actually now i'm thinking about it there definitely is an easier way i wanted to show you guys this trick but i guess not you don't deserve it yeah you can literally do this where do i need to fall for this hold on um show way over here [Music] so i'm going to on the left side of that okay so i need to you said oh you said this failure to communicate shared x200 dude my cat is subbed now i wanted to show you guys the x-ray stuff but i'll show you here hold on you can turn around like that and then you do this it's actually something i used in the kaizo run uh it's a little bit weird i can maybe just go on that platform yep that's using kaizo [ __ ] god dang it [ __ ] foreign all right that's how you get that i wanted to do with x-ray but i did show you the trick i think it's a cool trick but all right all right the notes just rip ass no hello hello hold on i gotta give her some love this way this way wait no wouldn't it be the other way oh yeah it is this way yeah i just wanted to see what this looks like are you trying to fight the fan mia um she's technically my first dog everything else has been like not officially just my dog oh it's me and raquel's dog okay this is weird does this mean he has up dog what's up dog uh these nuts oats gotham dude where the [ __ ] am i okay we're good lig my balls oats [Music] got him i don't know sometimes there's a weird red flash oh [ __ ] i can just do this oh let's go oh maybe up um but i can't go that way so like this maybe this room adjusted i don't know how this room is going to look here okay so it's still above right wait a minute dude this is way harder than it looks what the [ __ ] am i doing okay so i guess i'll just get a short charge no hold on yeah i was that was really confusing i knew it was up top but my brain wasn't working [Music] the room's upside down yeah i mean the room is a cube until you beat bot's wound so [Music] i'll farm some subarus i want to try something [Music] oh it's that way [ __ ] i want to get this hold on [Music] uh i'm gonna get this i no no i'm already determined [ __ ] it all right that's what the termination looks like fellas i'm gonna get this guys i am so determined to fail one more time 10 seconds later yeah [ __ ] it i'm done dude no i've been humiliated for the for the last time [Music] well it's more than just flipping sm because of um soft lock potential has to be adjusted for in some areas you have to adjust some of the room so it can be completed um actually well let me see here [Music] solid solid gotcha [ __ ] grab me i dare you oh [ __ ] [Music] goddammit imma get them [Music] slam dunked all right so space jump is going to uh greatly help grab it what happens if you shine a spark up into the sand i don't know if i want to try to figure that out now that red flashing is weird uh yo shitty's ninja thanks for the sub appreciate it [Music] i love you ot no you don't stop [Music] yeah these gift subs are gonna be going for a very long time i'm gonna go get plasma yeah they don't love you they love making fun of you that's kind of like a love as well they care about they care about me enough to come up with insults dude this is starting to sound super like stockholm syndrome type of [ __ ] yeah they think they're thinking about me that's that's what matters i think uh third republic thanks for tier two for three months hello i like how that this this one had to be put on that make this room work oof can't watch why not not like samus is upset though [Music] hey if i can handle it i think you guys can handle it i just can't handle the upside down samus sprite that's too much i'm not gonna lie it is a little bit sickening but it's not nearly as bad as the upside down zama sprite that was really really awful okay it's like that did something else to my brain that was too much [Music] you guys act like you've been playing this game for the last like 50 years all right dude i can't handle my brain spring ball oh yeah let's go get spring ball before i get done because other than that it's just uh taurean in my brain [Music] my favorite rom hack so far there's some really good rom hacks vitality is awesome um what's that last one i've played ascent fantastic rom hack i love the idea of it and being locked um in certain areas to where you can't go back and so it requires like another play through which is like kind of cool [Music] wait oh this has been changed or is it nature it might be nature oh wait [ __ ] how do i do this uh maybe nature it's the one where you you get locked out of areas you finish like the area explodes yeah can we just go up this wait no wait this ain't right okay so this is moved [Music] ascent yeah that was definitely a top top three or four emote or emote romhack i was thinking about emotes sorry uh but yeah but vitality is close to like one or two for me it's definitely a top three 100 um ascent is maybe top four maybe top three um as much as i love kaizo and sm impossible i don't think they're great hacks they're just challenge hacks i wouldn't put that at the top of any list in terms of like creativity or design just if if we were talking about challenge hacks that's right up there but i sent a play eris or aries or whatever all right that was pretty trippy this room is almost the same essentially [Music] continues to bomb oh yeah wait [ __ ] i'm zoning out i'm trying to think of what rom hacks are good yeah it was pretty insane [Music] okay um also i do have y faster on my rom hack list i have like two or three of them that are very newish and i'm gonna be playing those uh very soon because the why too fast or something the newest one of that is looking pretty good and the other ones are awesome so uh why fast or too furious okay that's the one it looked really sweet all right see a sagan take it easy or does it look like a penis now i mean it looked like a penis before but now it's just hanging down it looks like it looks more like mine because of gravity and how it works against a lot of weight so let's go let's go this way i'm just kidding that ain't true guys let's be real [Music] that's why yeah it looks uncut no it doesn't dude why are we even talking about this what the [ __ ] missile looks like an on cut or cut penis like this is what you guys like drag me into and i get like super i'm always like i always rant about random topics and then i get lost in the topic too much but it looks uncut anyways i'm fine on that i was going to do 100 but that's just too much it doesn't seem that interesting it definitely starts talking about dofap no but have you guys seen the nofap subreddit shit's ridiculous zapping reduces your risk of testicular cancer nah uh brother here comes [ __ ] um um uh you know three year nofap legend um cox anonymous reddit user no brother that's not true that's what big uh big dick industries want you to think but really the case is that um your semen gets sucked back into your body increasing your testosterone and limiting your chances of cancer [Music] i came in just at the right time tamatsu thanks for the 11 as well all right i gotta pee hold on everybody okay that was weird i'm going up i guess oh this is hoping for another thousand subs yeah dude i was looking on my phone i was like damn they're not biting i guess i'll come back what you doing diapey wait so i was almost done then so do the baby metroid skip i don't know i mean i'll give it a shot yeah but i don't know how possible that actually is it's gonna be really weird especially to figure it out quickly sorry i wanted to make it awful looking really it was more of just click bait so people would come in and be like yo it's your title sucks and i'd be like yeah i know dude anyways welcome to the stream [Music] [Applause] um i'm trying to examine this is it like right down the center we got it all right that was weird oops this way got a rat on the floor dude what kind of rats no this isn't new york this isn't a new york eatery come on roboten thanks for the sub appreciate it it wasn't too bad i don't know if the platforms that i was on actually had hitboxes they must have if it was the same i don't think he changed that so i had to like be careful on those um zeb skip will not be possible actually there's no way to get stuck um oh wait what wait okay hold on i know i don't think there's any way to get stuck here no um speed won't work either um i think i think that is what it is um i'm trying to think if there's any any way i can do this before i start missing hold on um because um yeah i don't think there's a way to do this yeah it would have to be just so precise that it's not even worth trying all right um it still won't work here i don't think let me try this might be the same size platform oh it does oh the top and the bottom are the same on that so nice um yeah bug man it's it's cool when i saw it i definitely want to give it a shot thanks for making it guys stop copy paste a nice message [Music] [Music] wait no what am i doing no [ __ ] i messed up [ __ ] no whatever [Music] [Music] this hang on work [Music] no i'm just i just gotta let it go oh god [Music] 14. this president killed me i was like well [ __ ] this is the end [Music] yeah brother crack open a brew let's go see bobby soo yeah die you can die yeah you can you can die when you do the stand-up glitch too it doesn't matter yeah reverse baby metroid actually sucks the life out of you betrayed yeah you can die during the um during that mother brain can lay one too many bombs and will kill you yeah hi diapee how's it going hi i think i just got it actually and i didn't press down [ __ ] all right see how this works i i kind of like the idea i don't like the this might just be me being picky with nostalgia i don't like the idea of hold on wait no hold on i don't like the idea of mother brain being awake when you first get there it's way cooler i think if mother brain is asleep [ __ ] wrong way and then just like doing her thing kind of like dormant and then you uh you know have to face mother brain when she wakes up i think that's way cooler personally oh god but that's my nostalgia speaking so that's just kind of the way i look at it what do you mean someone said that the mother brain should have an attack like an uh zero mission but i think it's way cooler if mother brain is just sleeping like her eyes your eye is closed and it looks like she's sleeping like grunting like you're killing the killing mother brand like you did in metroid one and then all of a sudden you get this crazy ass second phase and it's like oh [ __ ] like you you woke up mother brain i like that concept more than you know they're not on the ceiling yeah that's my one big critique sorry okay what the hell are they gonna do they're [ __ ] cheating dude yep um animals have been vac banned from the server what why are the bombs still or the the blocks why am i using bombs dude yep animal animals vac band [Music] don't worry it'll go on youtube this is a pretty cool concept i liked it [Music] [Music] very nice good good job good work on the hack it was fun it was cool to see the game like that and it was kind of trippy on my brain it was just written on zb's wait was there something i wasn't paying attention [Music] [Music] i said ligma no it said gullible oats 54 no it was clearly 100. all right see you bug man good hack
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 34,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, what the hack, what, the, hack, what the hack is this, wth, wthit, items, gravity, final, phantoon, chozo, uptroiddown, wth uptroiddown, uptroid down, upside down, uptroidown, spore spawn, spore
Id: giENJVH5Ml8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 10sec (6550 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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