What The Hack Is This? | UNHUNDRED%

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what this is was suggested yesterday this is so this is 100 romhack so normally in the game you start with nothing and you work your way up to 100 percent but in this but in this start with 100 and then you place the items back in their original position working your way back so i have to do this in such a way to where i can still beat the game and do it as quick as possible because obviously i need gravity so i can't do fantune until i'm done with dragon i can't do crate until i'm done with ridley so the ending apparently it ends when you're like done you like have nothing so we'll see kind of see how it ends but i guess morph ball is the last item morph ball you can't place until you are um at one percent the morph and then you place morph ball so this is uh this is actually kind of cool because there's some pretty sweet routing ideas i feel like so let us begin i guess we we don't start on series i'm not quite sure the best way to do this but i assume i have to come back through here um i'm gonna keep bombs [Music] so i guess i'm gonna go down here first because i need power bombs so i want power bombs [Music] um i want power bombs to be the one of the last so i think i'm gonna do the ship power bombs towards the end but then i'll get rid of maybe i should have done [ __ ] power bombs now man i don't know hold on because [Music] okay so i need power bombs obviously in most locations do i need to come back through here hold on [Music] yeah zero percent so i have to place all the items but i have to do in such a way that i can still beat the game [Music] i don't think you have to kill mother brand though [Music] hmm [Music] can you just kill her first there is no taurean it's probably just blocked off i mean i'll check it you guys are curious uh [Music] okay this is probably not the fastest way to do this or is it because more fall has to be my last item that i placed man i don't know [Music] i might have a terrible time yeah you still got to return to the ship [Music] but yeah i know i'm gonna i'm gonna be doing ridley first [Music] i'm just trying to get a bearing here an idea [Music] and obviously i'm not going to kill um bomb trees until the very ends [Music] so i guess i'll come back through and then kill bombs rizzo haven't i already played escape i can't [Music] remember [Music] could you kill all the bosses first and go back and place everything you could but that would be slow because the goal would be to place everything as you go and then kill the bosses as you're doing that you know you don't you can't place morph until you're done so i'm gonna go this way now place these okay [Music] yeah but i need no that's not the way because if i do meridia i need i need space jump and i need space jump to do uh gold and threesome missiles [Music] so it has to be ridley first okay no dude [ __ ] i want charge [ __ ] oh god no dude [Laughter] wait i might need to reset dude i'm zoning out i should have left it [ __ ] hold on did i like re-pick charge up [Music] still have plenty of supers i have enough supers oh no i have plenty of missiles okay i got this i got this we don't need no stinking charge i don't want to get rid of too many supers so i'm getting rid of um two more packs with ten no 15 because of animal pbs i mean that's that's fine i think i hope that's funny trying to charge i don't have it want to make a b-line for norfolk make your way up i mean that probably is the best way i'm just gonna play i'm just gonna play this one out lay this one out see what time i get i might do another one um okay [Music] nah i'm good puppy's good actually yeah i know this is this is a terrible route i'm doing like dreadful dreadfully bad route um no i i want to see what time i can get i assume it's going to be pretty damn good um i'll get this on the way down i still have to do terminators that's fine six hours my ass [Music] now this is this is a uh this this is a test run right now because i i'm thinking i should go to the right of the ship right away but then how do i do gauntlet when do i do gauntlet because i'm gonna get rid of speed booster on the way up [Music] maybe gauntlet should be first but then would gauntlets gauntlets be for gauntlet be first and then green brinstar and then make my way down you know what i'm saying because i need to keep these items um wait no no just do rbo route guys it doesn't work entirely like that i can't do rbo no i well i i could do rbo route bye [Music] i dare you chat knows better no chat hides behind other streamers and they say oh yeah like like jace just wait till jenny does it they're just they're too much of [ __ ] [ __ ] so they hide behind other streamers do you reverse 100 i don't think it works that way either i don't know if it worked it would work okay so mean it might but like it sounds good on paper but practically i don't know if it would work that great you know what i'm saying because on paper you're like oh just do it backwards like easy peasy but that might not be like efficient at all okay so i'm done with all this done with everything here which was which was bad i shouldn't have went this way i should have went through green britt star through gauntlet if i was gonna do this route he missed the missile in that room with crumble blocks you mock ball oh [ __ ] i did didn't i [ __ ] dude you know what i'll get him at the end i'll get him at the end i can't do rex ship first because i need gravity [Music] so if if i do rex ship first i can't do meridia if i do meridia first i can't do norfair you need spin jump in order to do no affair okay let's just go down and um let's just get this now uh because i don't have i don't have microwave so what's up cuck yo i think he's talking to you tickleton all right [Music] yeah this is actually a really really awesome idea i was pretty excited when i was told about this or i started looking into it last night it sucks that i got a late start on stream i was waiting for a package which still isn't delivered so i bought kind of an expensive item um i bought a laptop so i could do like some work and [ __ ] while i'm babysitting mia and it said it was delivered it said it was delivered and never delivered it said it was signed off by a driver yeah maybe it was on delivered [Music] so if they don't bring it tomorrow no no there's there's like no i looked i looked elsewhere because the dude took a picture he delivered two things he took a picture of the one thing he delivered but did not take a picture of the other thing that was delivered or of the laptop that they said was delivered i was like what why and it said signed off by driver so i'm going to uh obviously file like a claim if it's not here tomorrow dude i mean it's a good laptop so i mean [ __ ] and they have like insurance for this kind of stuff so i mean i'm covered it just sucks because i don't want to deal with it you know okay so i need high jump i i also need to okay so i want to do this now yeah i'm not gonna do that i'm not gonna place ice beam dude that does suck oh oh my god dude so if i place okay i'm gonna pull the world map out after this we're gonna figure this [ __ ] out after after a warm-up run here this is actually kind of fun i like this concept it's pretty sweet [Music] yeah i looked it up and it said it can say that 48 hours before it's actually delivered so i'm gonna give it till tomorrow and if it's not here tomorrow by eight i am going to obviously like contact [Music] whoever but anyways [Music] you're playing this this morning nice was it did you like figure out a good route throw a fit no i mean [ __ ] happens like i'm not gonna like try to get someone fired and [ __ ] i mean if the dude did steal the laptop i mean it sucks but i mean as long as the seller doesn't get screwed over those dudes work like 12 hours a day [ __ ] as long as i don't have to pay for another laptop i'm not condoning theft but all right uh wait a minute no let's just do this i just bought it from amazon they they it's it's covered like it's it's covered now you mad no i'm not that mad because like i said it's covered amazon pretty much covers everything [Music] um so yeah we gotta do this he's so mad yeah this requires spin jump yeah except their employees except their employees three minute bathroom breaks yeah space jump spin jump space jumper i just always call it spin oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i don't have so dude i get rid of charge that was a blunder man that was a huge blunder [Music] no we'll figure it out after this don't have enough missiles to give what if this what if it required you to have at least five oh that would suck dude screw placed dude i really want screw attack [ __ ] um okay wait we got this dude this this is awful it's hard um yeah pseudo screw the blocks yeah that works screw isn't needed but it's pretty nice [Music] yeah dude i love when i play people like that when i used to play a little bit more chess they'd have like no chance and they would just they would just draw it out as long as possible move away thanks for nine months the reason i'm farming super missiles is because i got rid of charge beam like a dumb ass and um so if i have more supers oh i only have 25 supers oh god no yeah can one of the moderators can one of the moderators um make a command just so people don't get too confused [Music] sir i don't do unpaid work all right then i'll take your mod status away [Music] [Music] you guys are all unpaid interns oh is this loss i don't understand what you mean by that what oh that's what he meant oh sorry i was just confused before [Music] okay so i need to do a uh the any percent strider [Music] um i mean i don't have to use a lot of regular missiles like really that many at all [Music] [Applause] all right you ever come up with a good joke and then realize everyone else has moved on yeah dude all the time all the time [Music] um every now and again amber yeah i talked to him like a couple weeks ago or a month ago or something it'd just be faster to kill dragon with giant sparks i think uh poison ivy is good good and healed i don't need grapple for anything other than spring ball clip which isn't even necessary for that if i still have ice which i will at that [Music] point [Music] [Music] okay a little bit different without screw attack on chat [Music] um i like the myrtia themes a lot um but all the music's pretty pretty balling [Music] what do you guys think my final time's gonna be [Music] the dnf no finish however just give it up dude looked like you took a picture of your crt screen with that image you sent me dawg that's all i'm saying okay then what are the what are the differences 5x 1080p wait i need to do this i'll do this now i guess [Music] what's the point of 1080p when it's [Music] 4x3 or so you don't need wave do i need wave [Music] dropping wave is rough but [Music] i'm gonna drop it this is gutsy i'm dropping him [Music] um so what we should do croc now yeah it's upscaled with an ossc 4x you borrow some money no you'll be forced to ice clip without charge yeah i mean that's fine [Music] no i need to keep ice [Music] actually do i need to keep ice yeah i need to keep ice because of uh spring ball clip [Music] i could probably do this in such a way to where um [Music] you do the rest of the varya killcrate now i have to come back down so i think it'll make more sense to kill craig [Music] well maybe i did return early supers yes i already did all of greenbrindstar maybe i should man this is tough routing i [ __ ] did it again cool i don't know if i need that i just wanted to keep it just in case uh wcf mad thanks for 28 months [Applause] [Music] we'll pull up a world map after this with notes we need to kill dragon so i'm gonna do i'm gonna do crade and then dragon and then fantune and then i have to come back down drop off i need to drop off let me fill up here [Music] um [Music] oh god [Music] yeah i i need to keep speed non-existent should i keep ice or should i just get rid of ice because what's the no i need to keep ice [ __ ] okay so i need to keep ice okay okay do i see your latest comments uh maybe i'm not sure yeah i gotta drop ice when i drop speed and then i'll drop high jump as well because i want to keep high jump obviously it's just too too powerful getting rid of arya now wait no i need to keep faria oh [ __ ] okay wait wait wait do i need to keep varya because i need to go back down and drop off speed at the at the end of the game at the end of the game i need to drop off speed so i i'm gonna run into health issues because there's a lot of e-tanks here so i need to do crate at the very end i ne no i need more than three e tanks to do that hell run i technically don't but that's no that's gonna be way slower doing that with 3e tanks because the farming takes way too long [Music] i could have dropped well the thing is speed is too valuable right now like speed it will be better to drop off later than try to like do it early i believe just because it's so valuable reverse boss order makes sense [Music] yeah but you don't understand that that's not necessarily true because you need certain items to get other items and like reverse boss order does things really really [ __ ] weird in order to do ridley first just because that's the category type like you can't do lord or fair if you do dragon first or you can't do you have to do fantune first before you would do like crate stuff um there's rules to it that don't pertain to rbo at all so that's why i'm saying like the rbo comment doesn't make sense [Music] your ammo going into the dragon i'm gonna just use i'm gonna just use um [Music] shine spark [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello kitty how you doing [Music] doing good [Music] there you go genius [ __ ] spring ball first i'm gonna get those i'm gonna do those items last it's gotta be spring ball first because i need spin jump to make the uh spring ball clip easier like actually like doable i don't technically need it but god it would suck without it like it could take me quite a few tries even with uh spin jump i don't have charge [Music] so we gotta do this then work our way back up through the toilet wait no we can't go through the toilet because it's still locked because of dragon [Music] yeah it's fine okay so hold on hold on gonna take a few tries [Music] no it shouldn't mess it up at all [Music] it's just gonna be a little bit harder most a little bit too fast i'm just like a couple frames too fast how do you feel about the fact that bloomberg voted save animals over frames i don't care um you don't need way for this i guess um why am i clicking on this this isn't even what is this why am i even clicking on this why why why why what what's up with the article that you liked [Music] this dude and the scott how do you feel about the fact bloomberg voted i don't get it what are you even referencing yeah it's just nonsense dude [Music] yeah maybe it's just a zoomer joke i don't know [Music] okay so i have to go back to the left because i can't go up the toilet there's no sense on the puzzle last week clue was sometimes the best way for samus to save the animals is to play through the game in reverse collecting them and then i gotta go back around collecting the minimal number of energy tanks needed to defeat ridley before any other dude how the hell is anyone supposed to know what the hell that is [Music] that's cool wait did we already yeah we already did that um so now i'm just going to do botswoon [Music] yeah i don't understand still i mean it's cool i guess he's just trying to like bring up the fact that super super metroid was in a bloomberg article that's cool come on down yeah um i'll get those other ones later and then i'll grow [Music] oh it wasn't dude stop feeding like you're literally speaking his ego right now like that's his ego and that's what it says so like you are like feeding into his ego or you're just projecting because you would feel that way i don't know [Music] oh [Music] i mean that's how projections work so yeah i probably did [Music] your mama [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i need some mouth yeah that wasn't uh that wasn't good chain damage all right no more space jump this is rough oh [ __ ] no more space jump i gotta do it this way either have to get the you know we'll just bomb jump that electricity does like essentially no damage whatsoever but it's just a a little time save um possibly i'm not sure [Music] yeah exactly that's why i was super confused about the about him talking about that article because it didn't have anything to do with you know [Music] okay hello ossicle [Music] yeah so when you get rid of it it gives you your health back um i guess we'll get this now [Music] or place these now [Music] i have a deadline soon or just before the event starts wait submissions for gdq are already open okay um go this way [Music] i put the dragon missile back yep no i don't think they have announced gdq yet i think they're probably trying to figure out whether or not they should have it live but the thing is there's you know delta variant and [ __ ] going on and a lot of people aren't getting vaccinated so it's causing like a whole other [ __ ] crazy outbreak so that'll probably put a hindrance on this [ __ ] again [Music] i do not have hype trains you're in healthcare it's getting bad again yeah yeah like 99 of cases hospitalizations are like on vaccinated people it's kind of [ __ ] annoying i want to just like do [ __ ] again okay so i gotta go this way this time and then up the toilet [Music] the sigma variant [Music] i really don't want to get rid of plasma but no no no no no no the people that aren't vaccinated in the united states have complete access to it they just don't want to it's free and it's like available everywhere now um i guess i'm gonna kill these people uh these people these pirates now [Music] [ __ ] not not not that these pirates both start with feet [Music] [Music] i'm placing the items i'm getting rid of the items can i do this yeah so i need to figure out how to get rid of them [Music] and still beat the game yeah so i'm losing items instead of gaining them um did i get everything in meridia chat phoenix did i thank you for the two years um the game stops before touring there is no touring at the moment i did the second sandpit yep already did mama turtle [Music] i don't have spacer i don't have a spring ball now we do crade one no i do have a lot of e-tanks still i could do crade i'm gonna get rid of one e-tank and i could hell run it what do i have left in norfair it's fine bantune before no i'm good on fantune i think right no [ __ ] [ __ ] i do need to do fantune wait put all your norse sir no i need speed booster for for uh wrecked ship okay so i'm gonna get rid of gravity then i'm gonna go down red tower [Music] to scoop those things up whoops wrong side this pete toil no you think it was though i have some supers [Music] wait did i get rid of all of my supers how many supers do i have no no i mean like you know you know what i mean i don't know i'm afraid i only have two packs left because then that's those two packs are just direct ship packs but i need i need supers in order to do crade it's hard guys it's actually like difficult to think of proper routing and do crade if i do crate i don't have varya and i get rid of um i get rid of an e-tank and i get rid of an e-tank thank you tanya appreciate that so i'm having a tough time figuring this [ __ ] out sex master no [Music] all right okay i'm kind of oh [ __ ] i do need to keep powerbomb the thing is i'm never going to run out of power bombs because the last powerbomb i'm doing [Music] well not necessarily yeah because craig powerbomb missiles are like yeah that is one thing that might be an issue they can't be last because i need well no it has to be last yeah [Music] the best pb should be red tower one of the best power bombs would be wouldn't they be the ship and you go grab a morph at the end like you can do gauntlet and stuff as long as you keep bombs oh what you could do is yeah and then make your way yeah that would work uh nice dude all right i'm guessing number one to 20. you know the drill all right everyone's safe number was five [Music] nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] i need to keep dude i'm gonna have to get rid of these last because i think i only have 10 supers left okay i'm gonna keep the supers on the left i'm gonna do that at the end hmm [Music] uh amanda lipre leprey thank you very much for the raid appreciate that all right so i got to save these because i think i'm pretty sure i have um just these five left [Music] it's so weird doing this with gravity holy [ __ ] it just feels unnatural oh yeah we were in emote only sorry how was your stream [Music] and i don't know how you speed run mega man games dude are you sure you're not this is this isn't caleb's channel awesome i actually just printed off all the uh sheet music for metroid um don't need to go there uh metroid one two i didn't mean to print off metroid 2 music because that [ __ ] sucks but um super metroid prime stuff for a piano okay i need to do this this way [Music] wait did that fly die yeah we're good okay metroid music is awful okay there's like no there's one good song that's when you start which metroid game has the best music everyone's a contrarian okay that's not gonna [Music] oh never mind maybe not actually i did print off finger anna drifts [Music] as well i need to learn that [Music] i need a super missile here so i'm just gonna farm this yeah i know i'm gonna make my way to wreck ship with like a cwj or something [Music] come on i printed off uh it was what craig's layer in metroid one and then um brinstar i think some music is better than prime cope sm has pretty good music all right for piano learning well i mean you don't have to like play it identically you can like add your own [ __ ] to it you don't have to play it to a t it's not like i'm using those as like learning tools you know foreign um [Music] foreign [Music] foreign all right no more reserve tanks and no more gravity where the hell are the other e-tanks or e tanks yeah you can't do sex master without gravity yeah one of the gauntlet terminator parade i jump right okay so now do we go and do crade we going okay no problem no not gauntlet i'm gonna do gauntlet last i think the hard way i think that's just the best best way to do it i'm going to do crate after ice man thanks for the three months okay so create after dude this is a nightmare i'm gonna have to boot open the uh or bust open the map and we're gonna have to route it out and take some notes i think the key things to note are what you need to progress in certain areas and what the last item the most logical last item is to grab um let's just [ __ ] we'll grab this at the ends wait hold on wait no we no we want we want to grab we want to do this now i think hey thank you mercury for the raid how you doing oh my i am good how are you [Music] it feels very weird getting rid of these items what am i gonna play one i don't know dude but this hack seems like it's vanilla it is vanilla it's just i'm getting rid of items as opposed to grabbing them so i'm placing the items so you'll see missile placed so i get rid of items so i have to figure out how to beat the game while getting rid of you know like key things like gravity or suits or beams [ __ ] i'll go back up this way you don't you no you don't start a mother brain you start at the ship i need a power bomb my r button's going out or left you don't beat mother brain in this it stops it uh morph okay well you have trouble on that room for different reasons okay i could have just farmed this brazil brazil the [ __ ] [Music] yeah rip speed [Music] he's supposed to run back up without speed just hold run [Music] it doesn't actually activate if you don't have speed booster leaving this room with so like they made it so if you leave the room because you're actually dumb and like three years old and you forget the speed booster it won't you know kill you no they don't turn it off that's part of the game okay um wait oh i said sprinting boots i wasn't paying attention i normally don't look at the item names after doing this for so long i already grabbed these or i already dropped those off um how can i do this can i wall jump from that okay i could go from above but normally you can make that jump it's really annoying having to leave this without high jump boots [Music] thanks for the six months um this is a hacked where you drop the items off as opposed to pick them up so you start with all the items no i mean it was easy i wasn't saying it was hard it's just annoying because i'm so used to having high jump after that yes all right oh is that the last missile pack i don't need no more missiles do i no we're good we still got some dollar missiles yeah right right yeah it'd be cool to have like silhouettes [Music] albert are you trying to albert just drop your affiliate link dude all right just drop your affiliate link in the channel all right i'll think about it [Music] guys i told you that my routing was atrocious i even made it i made it so obvious that i was aware very self-aware that the routing in this was atrocious and that we would do this just to finish it see how it goes and then do another one you guys understand power bomb is gonna be placed on the top of the ships top of the ship [Music] no it's gonna be like a 1 18 or 119 or something well maybe even worse because i'm pretty much done i just need to what do we have now maybe even worse i need to still drop the supers off all right because i messed it up one annoying part is i have to do red tower here i have to just basically kill these rippers um i can't make the wall jump [ __ ] me oh albert you poor soul you had to watch a bomb jump for like 15 seconds dude um wait no do we go this way what are my last items i can just go up i'll just go i'll just go up what yeah we already did that okay i did jumpers room okay so [ __ ] but why do i have 15 missiles where's the other one there's two in gauntlet maybe i didn't do all right [ __ ] because i gotta i can drop these off now right albert the thing's not open sorry oh yeah i didn't get mo missiles no i did get more missiles oh no dude open bomb trees outdoor first well i'm missing i'm missing some some missiles here so the ones at bubble mountain yes i remember specifically getting those i can't drop these right yeah i did get the ones underwater yes oh [ __ ] dude i'm gonna get one percent instead of zero lol let me see what i have yeah yeah get rid of water waterway [Music] hold on they've got to be around here oh yeah early supers early supers that's right we got to go down that way um so should i do this first yeah yeah this will work no i don't need to do that quite yet but no i do need to do that quite yet yes okay wait no no i'm fine i'm fine because i have super missiles which i'm gonna drop off at the very end but i can't drop off at the very end no i can't i don't need bombs to do that okay wait i'm good i'm good i got this [Music] i need missiles to get the bomb trees though well i need i need super missiles and i'm dropping the super missiles off at the very end but don't you need missiles to drop off no because that's a that's a door that's unlocked you get the last supers without bombs yes i have to see wj [Music] now [Music] [Music] this is not optimal i should try i should do this early i should do this maybe first but we're gonna look at the the routing potential here after this me die dude [Music] i mean it might be good last but [Music] okay so we'll get this e-tank on the way up i made sure that i wasn't gonna mess it up no it fills it as i think of preventative measure aren't you going to be stuck after dropping off bombs how would i be stuck after dropping off bombs you open the bomb door first right now morph is the last item that you go to the ship i believe the wall what wall [Music] uh that one yeah what about it [Music] i use the last super small bombs you just do last supers is um last supers is uh wreck ship supers i messed up [Music] dude and then i already opened that [ __ ] i was thinking about filling up but i was like oh that's already open i thought i already opened the green door wait what did it say [Music] beat the game without power bombs yeah like wait no no it's not no i mean unless you do no actually it's not maybe some like crazy [ __ ] you guys act like you guys act like uh cwj doesn't exist oh it's how are you gonna do this the bummer would have been if i missed it i would have had a reset but but it still wouldn't have been that big of a deal you've never seen cwj before master hodges have you not seen an any percent run [Music] all right now just now just morph and then we're done [Music] oh it's one percent technically because i still have more i need to see wj back no i just need to not fall or have to reset at the ship no i don't have to do it twice that's all i have to do all right a brutal brutal routing i feel like i'm starting a new any percent run right now jesus feels weird [Music] i'm gonna do another one [Music] yes you can't return morph ball and i think you're just being a [ __ ] i didn't read the rest of what you said jarvis because i assumed it was dumb yeah i think i think the planet's starting to explode i don't need to do that hey when i am thank you so much for the red all right i guess it doesn't explode we just go to the ship and then end it that's kind of neat actually so it's like it's like [ __ ] benjamin button percent [Music] all right brutal brutal zero percent that's kind of cool dude wait can we do series now to finish it off no that'd be stupid because there's no items there the animals were never born why does it blow up now that makes no sense dude master it's not that deep dude it's it doesn't make sense to place the items as well you know you know what i'm saying like no it's [Music] just [Music] you
Channel: Oatsngoats
Views: 24,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Metroid, AGDQ, Kaizo, Awesome Games Done Quick, World Record, Oatsngoats, Rom Hack, Super Metroid Impossible, Twitch, Twitch Fails, Oats, SGDQ, Samus, metroid, what the hack, what, the, hack, what the hack is this, wth, wthit, items, gravity, final, phantoon, chozo, torizo, unhundred, unhundred%, place items, speedrun, super metroid unhundred
Id: Y4hNAa4C5i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 4sec (5584 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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