Super Mario Party: Challenge Road!! *FULL PLAYTHROUGH!!*

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today we play Super Mario Party completing all of challenge roads some of you in the comments have told me that there are some incredibly difficult parts to this it is the hardest challenge in the game this was an absolute blast to play dude thank you so much for watching and I really hope you enjoyed this video let's check it out oh this looks so cool okay I guess this is the very start right like how toads right there Mario's lucky around hello just works dating challenges I like how it just changes like that once you've completed a challenge one we are going to be the first YouTuber in history to do this though I'm sure there are like literally thousands of people that have done this this game has sold millions of copies don't let that stop it's so funny and hey [Music] don't give up give it all you've got thanks for the motivation toad oh my goodness I feel like I'm watching an entertain video right now don't give up even when you feel like giving up I like Mario's thumbs up there Precision gardening water the flowers within 20 seconds just Bloom already in the background that's so funny okay let's go let's go wait wait uh does it not tell me the instructions start how does it work how do you how do you do it I know that you have to move around your uh joy-cons in some certain way but I don't know how do you have to move up and down or how do you move oh boy oh boy oh boy I hope we can make it okay don't have a lot of time much are we gonna be the first one do you also have to be first I don't know if we have to be first come on come on come on come on come on okay I saw that we were the first I don't know if we made it in time though I wasn't paying attention to the time I was just look at how close the water was we did it oh 15.73 that's with plenty of time left wait so as we go through these levels oh if the little birds run away slap her auntie score at least 12 points does it not give us instructions I love this smile of this spike in the background that was so funny okay I gotta score at least 12 points okay so you want to uh be as close to the as close to the cameraman as possible let's go first yeah Mario's looking what are you doing oh oh I only got two that time that's okay that's okay okay there are a lot of rounds though which is nice I'll just stay here hey move who's there I only got two again oh my goodness is it first to 12 wins or is it just that I have to get at least 12 points nope yeah there we go I look like I'm about to punch the view just got punched that's actually so funny okay let's see you guys are getting punched away whoa whoa hey how did Koopa get that was so weird in terms of death perception that was so weird the there was so weird move oh look at that I'm punching both of them these pictures are way too good okay wait but we already passed 12 so that means that uh we got enough points right oh look at that okay I've got a lot of twos over there yeah so we have 17 in total I'm the only one that got at least 12 so that's pretty cool okay so it looks like we made it right a year hooray we did it oh man this is so exciting a super cool background dude I really like the way that we're moving around on this world oh and you could go back and forth like this this is so cool it's just like worlds and uh levels in Super Mario World okay so let's go over here strike it rich score at least 45 points oh oh if you press this button then you can view the rules first so if you don't know what the rules are then you can check okay all right so this one is basically a timing one hold on so I really have to listen to the music oh [Music] okay pretty good [Music] I don't know if it's better to listen to the music or watch when to jump [Music] okay and on the last one you can jump a lot oh that wasn't the last one yeah okay oh boy we actually just made it there oh boy we got 47 the CPU beside me also got 47. we actually just barely passed the uh get 45 points how difficult is this going to be I imagine some of these are probably going to be hard hey Koopa Trooper what are you doing here great job making it this far wanna keep going and take a break of course we're gonna keep going all right let's go let's keep going then wait why is the Koopa climbing up that pole is this a pole climbing mini game now oh it's Yoshi [Music] I'll help you clear this challenge but if that was Yoshi's human voice when Yoshi goes he sounds like that but when he normally talks he goes I'll help you clear this challenge let's go Mario what if that was his voice in the upcoming Mario movie dashendine score at least four points no problem as long as uh Yoshi behaves we can do this no problem okay we are up against Bowser's Minions over here we're facing off against dry bones and boo okay let's see what do we gotta get what are we gonna get this feels like a mobile game doesn't it doesn't it seem like the kind of thing that you do at a mobile game okay Yoshi come on Yoshi what are you doing what are you doing come on come on bro come on bro let's go let's go let's go let's go we gotta work together okay what else do we need I'll stay over here in case we need any of this far stuff oh move toad move toad move toad okay here we are and I'll grab another one of these oh bro okay there we are good job okay what's next we need any lettuce okay I'll take the lettuce because I'm already all the way over here so I'll just grab this and then we need a tomato you know I could grab it because I'm closer that's no problem Yoshi if you need another tomato you got it if we need light a size gun okay we need lettuce I'll take the lettuce then let us put the lettuce over here okay and then there's one more tomato over here let me just grab that Brother come on bro what are you doing just standing there okay there you go we got at least four that's what we needed okay so now we need two tomatoes in one of those man this toad is really trying to be quite a troublemaker look at how he's standing on our half the whole time okay and Yoshi can finish up that one that's good and yeah that's enough that's enough we have five if we had a few more seconds we could have gotten one more but uh not only do we get enough points but we also beat the CPUs this has been pretty easy so far I wonder if they're gonna be any hard ones later on because yeah this is super easy so far hey let's see what is the next mini game here social climbers reach the top within 25 seconds oh and you know what I have to check the rules because I don't remember what the controls for this one are what are the controls oh nice and there's the Monty mole climbing also okay this one you have to hold the I almost said Wii remote you have to hold the what does it even called a joy-con that's what it's called I forgot what it's called for a second so I've been playing a lot of Wii and Wii U recently I'm like wait what is that what is the joy card what is that what is the Wii U of the dead or not what is the Wii U what is the wiiboat for the Nintendo switch called It's called The Joy cop that's what it's called okay yeah but the uh movement is a little weird oh wait am I supposed to press all these buttons I'm not sure what buttons I'm supposed to press but there we go we made it to the top very nice all right and that's so cool how the background is Delfino Plaza or at least it looks like Delfino Plaza from Mario Sunshine in that mini game okay I like how Bowser's chatting with Luigi and Peach over here let's see wait is this the final no this isn't the final level wait what are you guys doing is this a boss fight sort of fun score at least oh is we're all working together in a group yes okay this is amazing okay score at least eight points oh my goodness I remember doing this in my Luigi does absolutely nothing video and it was so difficult okay so let's see let's get some balls let's see where are the balls and where do we pass the ball passer here how's it there all right good job Luigi okay give that to me and I'll put it down all right very nice okay what's next I'll pass that over that way go Bowser yeah okay pass that over here I'll give it to peach drop those balls Peach okay good job now pass it to Luigi good job everybody okay what's next oh give that to me give that to me I'm ready and Bam there we go hey Luigi why are you reaching out your hands that one wasn't for you okay pass it on pass it on okay we need just one more after this go Peach yeah we gotta eight okay go drop another one okay what's next give that one to me let me drop it yeah we still got one more after all right okay so we got ten even though we only needed eight what a good audience we had in the background there and now ah everyone claps over here very nice clapping over here I like how all the characters have different clapping animations like that okay so next up there's a Koopa Troopa great job making it this but I want to take a break or keep going of course I'm gonna keep going we're on shell street right go on go on oh and they're playing soccer in the background over there and wait there's a Goomba talking to Wario I wonder what minigame we're gonna have when we get to them okay but first off oh oh we're actually heading here right away baton and on score at least 100 points okay we need to score at least a hundred points oh oh we're already going let's go [Music] hey how's that okay good one two three [Music] nice okay I'm just really focused on the music [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign pretty good so far [Music] okay really focus oh it came out of my head flew out of my head I actually didn't have my strap attached that could have gone horribly I'm so lucky that I caught my uh joy-con [Music] I'm kind of holding the strap in my other hand [Music] probably isn't a good idea for a motion control mini game [Music] oh now we may only get points for waving too okay nice 121 we got the most Dry Bones is the only one who didn't get the required 100 points okay so he did pass 100 which is very nice look at Mario just holding his cap there okay now are these two gonna come over dust buddies beat the rival team wait so is that the rival team am I with Yoshi or who am I with I wonder who's gonna be on my team okay oh oh oh oh wait but uh wait where's the Goomba and worry I thought the baby oh I actually forgot that this was a one versus three minigame okay let's see how can we do in here I don't want you guys to take any of this hey you guys are taking way too much from here oh boy they might actually win this that's not good okay I need to basically take everything here and let you guys get anything here yeah that's actually close I actually don't know if we win this one this might be their first win whose is bigger oh I think we just barely beat them right ours looks a little bigger very nice okay we did beat the rival team that's fantastic all right what is up next oh it's a hammer bro hello there wait have we seen Hammer bro before Just for kicks beat the rival team okay time for basically Mario Strikers battle league but there are no goalies that's one of the craziest things about this okay let's see how are we gonna do Echo good job let's see where we going shoot no bro you gotta shoot you gotta shoot let's go let's go yeah wait that was so weird it went in but I was so close to the ball that is like it's like I did that was so strange okay let's see gotta keep the ball away from them go go go go go go go bring it up bring it up bring it up go okay I'll shoot then yeah another girl okay super easy victory for us we are definitely winning this one there's no way they can come back right oh oh surely they won't be able to come back go I'll shoot them oh my goodness this is way too easy uh maybe they'll be able to score some easy goals if we can do that well already uh oh oh yep speaking of easy goals there we go they got their first goal of the match okay hey you got to be aggressive over here this is somewhere where you've got to be aggressive okay amazing amazing it's like you just gotta go for it and just go for the goal right away go for a tackle at the start like that hey I'll shoot that hey you know what you know what I'll tackle you and shoot shoot shoot no why would you pass it to someone on the other team you fool your absolute fool shoot shoot Princess Peach no don't give it to me okay fine give it to me okay fine I'll score all right almost out of time and it's five to one so it seems like we're doing pretty good bro bro bro how could you tackle us all like that ain't good I wanted to get one more shot and I was hoping that we'd be able to get one more Point okay but five to one that is a not bad victory for us and yeah oh and Hammer bro you could have him as a character in one of the previous Mario Strikers games well I guess this isn't a Mario Strikers game but oh I'm shy guy the challenge here is to defeat me now try Carter beat your rival all right hopefully we can go faster than him okay oh oh it is just the two of us that's actually so funny there's just the two of us okay and I'm pretty sure the way that you do this is you want to kind of rotate around the joy cons like this I don't know if you guys will be able to hear this on the microphone but yeah I'm just rotating it quickly okay it looks like we might be winning this race yeah there we go okay pretty good over there pretty good victory not like he was a super close Victory but luckily we did is that like the final boss of this world or is there anything else and we go to the next world now and wait is this like a save spot now what is this stage clear well now have you been enjoying the challenges so far Mario's like let's go it's only going to get more difficult you know the real competition begins here I did it Mario is so funny Chestnut for it oh my goodness this is this hey Mario steps down through the platform looks over afkanic welcome to Chestnut Forest the road may have been easy so far but don't get too comfortable I was like let's go okay wait am I working together with you guys I wave to them Mario gives me a thumbs up hey buddy I'm going to help you out on this challenge you're welcome in Nut Cases score at least 15 points okay we need to score at least 15 points let's see okay so we have to find which of these uh Nut Cases over here are the heaviest okay I'm ready let's go start rare hey not very heavy yeah I'll take that not very heavy how about this one hey that one's pretty heavy yeah let's see not very heavy how about over here kind of kind of nope I meant this one okay this one's pretty good let's see let's let's compare oh it actually doesn't seem too heavy now that I now that I test it again let's see this one um that one has like nothing at all in it almost this one's pretty good though wait wait wait hold on [Music] I don't know if this one's better oh boy I can't switch that oh boy okay let's see how many do we get okay not bad 20 oh wait we only needed 15. okay yeah but we got 21 okay so that's pretty good we did all right there then hooray Marion Mario work together and we cleared the first level okay let's see oh nice we have 69 000 points exactly that is perfect it was the next level over here Rhythm and bruised instead of rhythm and blues all right let's get ready we need at least 40 points over here let's get ready to whack some Molly molies let's go let's go Gotta Focus nice [Music] nice perfect so far so far perfect so far [Music] guys nice perfect so far [Music] I missed the last one we almost got perfect oh man that last one was so fast that was unexpected I didn't have time to react to that I didn't know that it would do that oh we got up until the last one we missed the last one okay but we did get enough to clear it which is nice we get to go to the next level okay hello there Goomba are you gonna be my friend this time wait a minute are you gonna be Wilson the Goomba that does absolutely nothing I hope not because we've done that in a past video where I had a Goomba teammate that did absolutely nothing he was a good a very good Goomba hey let's see round one what do we need okay double apples and double those uh right here yeah bro let's go okay we got a very nice okay let's see what's next let's see okay double bananas where double bananas at right here right here that right okay it is okay I just saw the double bananas and I was assuming that what was beside it was correct okay what do we need next oh boy that's hard uh here here again same spot yeah all right we didn't even have to move it was the same as great Victory oh boy I'm almost choking all right so what is next that was a great Victory wait are my friends all joining me now hello friends fireplace race finish within 25 seconds this might be tough okay so we want to light up all of these and we don't want to get cut by the little bats the little bats are so sneaky when they pick you up they bring you back to the start and they cause all kinds of problems over here like that one over there that almost got me okay let's go like this okay and over here okay then over here okay now I gotta light up some of these over here the bats go got me the bats got me oh boy oh boy wait we're almost done hold on where are the things that we even have to light up I don't even see any more to light up oh that one over there hey we did it okay I guess my teammates really helped me out in this so that was the only one that got caught but yeah we did succeed over there okay great job everybody everybody let's clap together okay so next we probably have the toad counting minigame coming up soon yeah doing great so far wanna take a break or keep going let's keep going good luck out there wait but that's Toad's voice is this the toad counting one it's too early for this says the Goomba senseless census get first place wait I'm really excited about what the upcoming one's going to be because there's one of those Sumo Bros over there reminds me a lot of Paper Mario origami King actually hey I'm ready for some counting okay let's see one two three four five six seven oh wait no but I shouldn't count like that okay let's see let's see okay I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready okay let's see one two three under three four five six oh no no no you guys need to stop moving around this is way too hard okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five they're 25 hopefully oh boy this is actually one of the hardest times that I've done this mini game usually it's so much easier and I could just count them all at once but this is actually incredibly difficult let's see how many in total are there come on now yeah there we are first place let's go that was actually really close all right what a nice Victory hey now what's up here is this some kind of coin mini game over here lightning round grab at least 15 coins without getting hit I don't even remember this mini game it must be a kind of rare mini game yeah I don't even remember this one this looks so much like that one boss fight from Paper Mario the origami King it's such a great game that I would like to revisit and make some videos about okay so we need 15 coins right wait can you not jump oh okay got a few coins there and wait do we not want to get hit oh oh There are two of them now there are two of them now lots of coins here let's go let's go let's go let's go oh nice we have enough coins hooray wow we actually just barely got it 16 coins and we needed at least 15. I'm glad that we were able to do that I thought that maybe that would be more difficult it almost looks like we're standing on that coin there hey what is the next level that is coming up it's the pits eat or tie the rival team oh man this is such a tough one this is a very tough one over here okay hopefully we can do all right I'm gonna stand right at the edge over here then we can choose to go one way or the other four three two one guys guys no pushing okay wait and it also depends on how well my teammates do wait are the yellow guys on my team who's on my team wait no there are only two Reds it's just Rosalina and I nope I'm not falling okay goodbye to you guys wait how many rounds are there final round okay okay I hope that we can start oh that is so tricky this is so tricky no pushing no pushing guys okay and oh my goodness only two of us survived just while Luigi and I oh boy that was close he actually almost pushed me over too okay beater tie the Rival teams very nice clear hey that's amazing hey so what's the next level on Bowser and Bowser Jr oh it's fine you'll keep going or take a break I am of course going to keep going here thank you spike good job spike is so funny in this game he looks so funny Julia our best thank you for the words of encouragement bopping street beat the rival team oh this is a cool one am I on the inside that is probably just me versus the others okay oh and you know what I think being on the inside might be pretty good hey let's see where they lit up okay over there where's next here okay let's go let's go up here then here then here and there oh right there okay up here there there there okay pretty good ours is filling up oh they still have a lot that they have to do and we're almost full we just need three more okay yeah I was looking at the scores if I wasn't looking at the scores oh they actually got really close yeah I was thinking if I didn't look at the score and I was more focused on what was lighting up then we would have been able to get it faster but I wanted to see how we were doing because from the corner of my eye it looked like we were doing pretty good yeah I just wanted to check that out okay what's happening now absent-minded score at least 10 points oh so you have to do pretty well in this one yes so it's how quickly can you identify the one that either is there or isn't there I can't remember how it works but I guess we will see okay let's see start round one do we choose the one that oh who's missing okay who is missing let's see [Music] isn't there because I saw that there's well Luigi and The Womp yeah we were the first to choose it so I think you get five points for being first okay nice if you get it wrong like completely wrong then you get zero if you're the first then you get five points if you get a second then you get three okay who's missing let's see uh booze there uh uh crabs there so it's spiky guy okay nice so we got two first so that means that we get five and five that means we have ten yeah that was actually tricky because the crab guy and the spiky guy they're kind of similar is that a spiny there is that what you would call that a final round now it doesn't even matter if we get this wrong because we already have our 10 points okay I guess Bowser's missing right yeah it's gonna be Bowser yeah Bowser okay yeah so we got first in all three rounds we get five five and five so that's pretty nice hooray perfect score for us nobody else got 10 points I guess even if someone got second every time then they would have gotten three three and they wouldn't have gotten 10 points so that's nice that we got that and we were able to pass through there beautiful okay Rosalina and while Luigi you're up ahead so weird to see them together like that just chatting and they run over now are you my teammates now or are you fighting me drop shot don't get hit oh I guess they're probably my teammates it's probably the three of us are working together right because it says don't get hit okay shy guy is trying to hit us okay this is crazy let's stay away wait is it just I have to not get hit or one of my teammates have to survive oh boy don't stand so close to me don't stand so close to me Rosalina is doing amazing at avoiding these oh never mind I spoke too soon whoa whoa whoa that's way too close that's way too close Waluigi bro stay away from me bro you're too good bro I just gotta go in circles circles are the best way to avoid them oh boy oh boy if that kept going I think he might have gotten me eventually oh boy that was quite scary okay but we did clear that we didn't get hit Rosalina why are you celebrating you got hit I guess she's on our team okay so next up oh Diddy Kong I'm not going down easy Snack Attack beat your rival oh so I guess we have to do better than Diddy Kong so this is like the uh like the boss kind of way is it oh it's just the two of us and this is such a hard minigame the CPUs are actually so good at this wait Diddy Kung looks like he has the cup floating above him actually let's get that okay there's a rock coming there yeah so you don't want to get hit by the Rocks as the rocks make uh make you lose popcorn actually let's go like this oh let's popcorn over there uh we're a little bit ahead of Diddy Kong right now which is good news but yeah we want to be careful we don't want a rock falling on us oh Lots over here but hopefully no rocks okay this is good hey get some of these whoa stay away from that Rock that Rock almost got me imagine if that rock hit me right at the end over there and then I lost a bunch of popcorn but we did win by eight that's a pretty clear victory over there pretty good victory for us clear beat your rival poor Diddy gogg all dizzy in the background seeing Stars you're lucky we weren't climbing trees yeah I I am Diddy Kong's good at climbing trees Donkey Kong 65 was such a great game I know that in retrospect a lot of people they say that they didn't like the game but I really enjoyed the game what does that mean you mean I won't lose all right wait am I gonna have to battle Diddy Kong again then maybe I will okay we can access the next area now all right this is very exciting we are at Mushroom Beach this looks like such a cool area over here we've got some friends up ahead hello Toadette what do you think about this you are pretty the Sun this is sparkling what a perfect spot for some challenges let's go what a great looking level over here okay are you guys coming over wait are we all going to work together when you actually speak as Yoshi it sounds so much like elbow oh my goodness okay we have to squish boo over here okay this is really exciting okay so Yoshi moves our giant crab left and right and Luigi and I when we press these buttons oh so close come on come here bro come here bro come here bro come here go come here come here come here no we gotta get him we gotta get him come on come on come on fun come on no come on we don't have a lot of time left come on when are we gonna get you come on yes Luigi let's go Luigi oh my goodness you buy a brother you did a great job today okay so let's go to the next one that was a surprisingly tougher oh oh I need a rumble turn on that was a surprisingly tough minigame that we just had score at least 10 points it looks like we are on a game show right now okay so we gotta feel the rumble okay let's see a round one let's see hey there's just a little tap oh two taps it's like a long explosion and this guy let's see it's like a short okay just one short one okay so let's see so what's it gonna be okay I felt too little Taps so it's conquered where's Conch door you need to choose conquer let me get the girl got the Contour first okay oh Monty mole picked the wrong one okay yeah so we got the right one over here all right very nice oh and boo is here again wow that's funny how we were just pacing up against the moon the previous mini game and now boo is in this mini game again it's like all Bowser minions here hey round two let's see oh this is such a hard one okay okay like okay that one's a lot longer and let's see okay and that one you can barely feel it popping out okay so let's see we gotta Focus okay I barely felt it pop out so I think it's cheap cheap I'm not 100 sure about that wow everyone Joe's cheap cheap okay so a very nice oh and it looks like our goal is score at least 10 points so we already reached the goal so that is great yeah so if you get the right answer first you get Five Points because second you get three and so on okay feel that okay oh these are so similar these are all so similar I don't know if I'd be able to tell these apart it's actually so hard uh that was a kind of short one I don't know this guy I guess this guy I don't know though I really don't know that was oh my goodness what a lucky guess okay that's so nice wow we got a perfect game yeah so you need to get first place at least once in this mini game because if you get second place every time then you'll get three three and three and that's nine and that's not enough because you need at least 10 points but you need at least one first place and we got all three first places so we got a perfect score over there that's amazing okay what's the next one Bowser and Toad are up there soon okay first off is Feeding Frenzy this is a fun one okay we need at least 35 points so this might be a little tricky okay let's go let's go oh no don't do big throws do little throws like this okay okay good now where big stars big stars big throws big throws we need big swings big swings okay that's nice the little ones no no just little just little Mario just little throws over here big throws okay because it's up there yeah when the mouth is shiny like that you get a lot of points so when you see a shiny mouth you really want to throw a lot of balls over there big ones big ones big ones big ones big ones big ones big ones big ones big ones do we have enough oh we have it up we have enough yeah let's go okay 47 not bad there's only one other CPU that got at least 35 the hammer bro had 38 that we did achieve the goal over here so we get to continue very nice now is Bowser going to help us in this one wait toad doesn't also help does he a Bowser comes over uh oh do you want to fight bro row vote Uprising beat the rival team uh oh is this gonna be a difficult one I don't know what the controls are oh it looks like Bowser's on our team oh wait is it just motion controls well it looks like it's just motion controls okay okay let's go then let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go around this way let's block them off hey good good good come on now now go Bowser go Bowser uh we are in front of them guys the other team just has no chance right now Bowser come on [Music] I like how we are basically blocking them oh my goodness that was a very chaotic race that we just had over there but luckily we were able to win that all right what is the next event Princess Peach is up there soon hello toad the major is a lovely place to relax I want to take a break or keep going we are of course going to keep going oh well and look at that you can see a Wario resting down there and it looks like those people in the background they're raising up some sign got so much energy must be all this sun that's right dude it's all this vitamin D that I am taking no no yeah thanks for the advice hello princess peace hello Maya princess maps of Glory destroy your Rivals Castle within three rounds oh this could be tricky then because we have to actually destroy their Castle so we have to get points that are high enough okay so let's see we gotta Focus here gotta Focus here okay go for the five okay go for the five let's see duh okay very nice of five okay that's perfect okay I could have gone for the six but it's scary because if you go for six and you're too late then you might accidentally get just a one okay so that is an amazing first shot and it's amazing that Princess Peach got six wait did they only deal four okay let's see peach got a six again that's incredible okay okay very nice okay I went for the five again and we got it yeah cause it's much safer to go for the five than to go for the six in my opinion and we have to defeat the rival team within three rounds we defeated them within two rounds which is just amazing Princess Peach you're doing great and I'm very proud of you a lovely victory that we had there the Ultimate Team Mario and Princess Peach what a great supportive team we have over here it's like you want to be supportive of your partners you know all right now what are we gonna do over here everyone's giving me a thumbs up well I guess not the Goomba because he doesn't have hands go with the flow score at least 140 points this is actually going to be very tough this is such a tough one this might take multiple attempts okay do I only control Mario okay I am at the very pop I'm on top right now how's everybody else doing though wait how is the Goomba going to uh Crank that oh like how is he holding that Goomba how are you doing this okay let's see all right okay that's quite a few balloons over there okay and Wario did a pretty good job over there oh that's me that's me I'm like wait this CPU over here isn't going and doing anything but that one is me I forgot that that was me okay but that's good yeah I didn't have to do a lot over there because it's like we have the balloon basically on that side oh boy I wouldn't have wanted them to blow that much don't blow too hard don't blow too hard because you've got like all the balloons over here basically it were you should have blown nothing at all actually I'll go a little bit like that actually not too much though oh okay that's all right wow we're at 120 wait we still have one more right there's still one more balloon coming up it's not just two please tell me there are three okay good good now then as long as you guys don't do horrible we might reach 140 before it even comes to me it's great news there we go we already passed 140 amazing amazing job okay now then dope and a little more oh man look at that 180 very nice oh I guess that reminds you have GTA 4 when you play the darts mini game they'd go 180 when you got like 180 in darts you've got like I think 60 60 60 I think that might be the best thing you could get in darts not sure if that's better than a bullseye but anyways let's let's tune okay happy rally score at least 20 points okay so this is motion controls let's see how we could do hey I'm ready let's go okay nice when you get nice you get three points that's good a cool sign there okay nice again nice okay doing good so far gonna get difficult soon oh wait okay uh late again oh boy where the CPUs do it late it throws you up so much that was my fault nice okay there we go we passed the required 20 so now it doesn't matter what we get yeah that was late but that's okay wait was that the final one wow we actually just barely got that we got 22. oh my goodness so if we had one nice less and just a regular point then we would have had 20 we would have just gotten it that's actually unbelievable how close that was oh hello you keep going or take a break keep going or take a break we're of course going to keep going and you know what the last time I did this voice a lot of people were saying that they really like this voice good job yeah so smg4 he uses that voice but I didn't even know that when I first heard that when I first thought of using this voice I originally got the idea from this cartoon called The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy there's this character called Fred fredburger in it he was this green elephant guy and that's where I got that voice from and then later I found out that uh yeah smg4 apparently uses that same voice for Spike and yeah it's a great voice it's a really funny voice I'm glad that people like it okay so let's see how we can do over here I want to avoid these uh spiky things that come by why about I'm out I'm out already uh it's upbeat all them right right oh my goodness it's a good one oh boy too bad that is so sad okay we gotta try again would you like to try this challenge again yes okay I'm ready I'm ready let's go bro I know when to jump now I hope oh boy I almost got hit I almost got hit again let's go hey let's see oh boy oh boy oh boy okay but we have more than them let's see Koopa Troopa let's go bro let's go bro let's go bro yeah here we are here we are here oh when it goes so slow that is so hard okay three to one we can't lose this we can't lose this let's go Koopa Trooper bro oh boy one to one oh no oh no oh boys come on Monty ball no if I fail this time then I will have to come up with some kind of punishment for Mario over here let's whoa whoa that was weird the game was actually like a little laggy over there playing off of my OBS preview which I know a lot of people say not to do it's better to actually oh boy it's going so slow oh boy wanna go slow that is so scary okay now it's just two of us it's me and Koopa Troopa versus Bowser it's us world let's go baby let's go baby let's go let's jump let's jump over these spiky balls and we got him we got him get down there Bowser let's go baby there we are okay that was the hardest minigame so far you know what minigame I think I'm gonna be really scared of the ice shaving one I imagine that one's gonna be hard okay look sharp score at least 13 points this one shouldn't be too bad right if I remember what the controls are you have to like hold some certain button you have to hold a certain button I'm not sure if you have to hold a certain button let's see hey where are you oh you're over there okay good good we did get first okay I'm like that took so much longer than it normally takes me I don't know if you have to hold a button or not let's see oh you don't have to hold a button okay so right there okay very nice and we are first both times and wait is this the final round oh final round oh boy definitely getting a lot trickier okay right there okay there we go oh boy wow that was uh much more difficult than I thought it would be but we did get first in every round normally I think I could get that a bit faster but I was a little bit under pressure there wait wait I see a pink boat in the background oh that's a toad on the boat I was wondering who was on that boat there okay what's this one Gridiron Gauntlet get first place this is such an exciting mini game this has to be one of my favorite mini games in this game okay so we need to get first place so yeah let's see is there a time limit or is it until oh there is a time limit okay okay so let's just avoid these as much as possible okay and let's just be careful with where the other guys are because you don't want the other guys to be stopping you when you are trying to go somewhere I want to check how the floor is for the others oh some of the others are already getting knocked out oh boy baby let's go bro bro he was camping me he was camping me ah I got hit I got hit how much HP does he have he got eliminated he actually got eliminated oh my goodness wow there must have been like one to three seconds left when that guy got eliminated oh boy ah it's so difficult when you want to walk somewhere but other CPUs are standing there and you can't push them how far you make it it's up to you wanna keep going or take a break let's keep going the challenge continues Rodeo has such a lovely voice doesn't she good luck okay yes thank you oh hello there friends net worth score at least 80 points that's such a great name for the mini game I really like that a lot of the mini game names in Super Mario Party are actually puns like net worth It's like because we're playing with a net and it's also like net worth means like what are all of your assets together worth though it's funny that there's a double meaning to it like that okay now let's see where are we going let's get as many of those as we can in these and let's get those okay let's get that one now you guys we can take you we can take you up goodbye to that gold one too bad we didn't get that let's go for those okay got a few there you know what gold one nice oh you all okay now gold one go and come on now we're so close we're so close come on we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it let's go baby there we are 99 okay almost 100 too bad we didn't break a hundred breaking a hundred would have been cool but 99 is not bad we only needed at least 80. and total points as a 99 is pretty cool over there okay so what's the next one we're almost done this world actually Rumble fishing reel one in within five seconds do I have to reel in the biggest one okay let's see real one in within five seconds is this like a speed run challenge or something hey what do we want to do wait we have to find where they are go go go okay there we got one we got one I'm like wait what what's going on I was pressing the a button that I remembered oh wait you have to actually use motion controls to bring it up oh okay so really is don't know if that's supposed to be challenging oh Mario you made it this far you must be pretty lucky and your luck ends here looks like this is some kind of boss fight over here Soaker croak beat your arrival let's go I'm ready to take you on bro okay so I just played this mini game I know now that a is shoot and you shake your joy-cons to uh reload on water okay so let's just shoot right away like this can we get him bro bro bro bro hey you can't use my own strategy against me let's go ah we still didn't get him oh my goodness that is so unlucky okay let's see when can I get you like you just don't want to get out bro how in the world do I get you out bro how do I get you out bro like look if you just stand near the center I can't get you out bro and there we are that was a nice snipe from pretty far away okay finally we got this Victory oh man that was actually a pretty tough one this might have been the toughest one yet there we go we defeated the Bowser Jr rival boss fight over here I lost to Mario I'm so embarrassed well you did just win like three times in a row so you do have that going for you and it looks like we are done the world right are we gonna get some nice dialogue stage clear beautiful that was a super cool stage this might have been the coolest one yet here's toad with the bow tie I guess there is there's worlds I would have thought that there were more let's go where can we go now okay some kind of forest no no I have heard so many scary things about ghostly Hollow challenges are getting harder now aren't they I heard that so many people had a lot of difficulty at this part of Super Mario Party challenge wrote I am absolutely terrified of what will be here we even have laughing peepas in the background they say this for us is haunted by those who failed to reach the end of challenge road yeah that might be a lot of people hope that doesn't happen to you Mario's like let's go okay and wow look at that uh Koopa in the background barreling along get first place without going through the water okay that's actually a kind of tough challenge okay so we are on the far right so this is amazing this is where we want to be I think the power what in the world okay okay by uh my sideways movement is a bit different from what I expected it to be okay but let's go like this this is fine you can still have control of our movement the only thing you can control are your words your thoughts and your actions you can choose how you react to what is happening how is that guy so fast go go go go go go go go go go go go go go yes baby yes baby let's go there we are oh my goodness what a solid Victory we had over there oh man what a relief that was a surprisingly tough one okay this might have been the toughest challenge we have had yet that is a great introduction to this world I think this is going to be a tough world over here okay let's see we're here to help I guess drop quiz beat your rivalry oh this is a tough one okay we need to pay attention to a lot over here okay wait let's see let's see oh I should get something to write stuff down oh boy oh boy do I have time to go or is the mini game starting oh no the video game is starting okay so I have to memorize without writing down okay lemon Apple pineapple Apple a lemon Apple pineapple Apple what's the question how many bullet bills did you see wow oh my goodness uh I don't know zero one okay let me grab a pen okay I grabbed a pen so now with this challenge I might be able to write down stuff quickly okay we were wait hopefully the CPUs didn't push me out of the way am I still standing on the Zero okay good I'm still there okay all of us knew that there were no bullet bills okay that was good okay let's see what's next okay watch carefully okay let's see orange apple apple pineapple lemon Apple lemon okay that's pretty easy Okay now what's the question how many pieces of fruit did you see in a one two three four five six seven there were seven come over to the seven guys no Luigi it's not six it's seven Bowser why are you staying on the five oh no all of us are all standing on different numbers it was seven right It's gotta be seven let's see orange apple apple pineapple lemon Apple lemon yeah that's seven guys I'm so sorry I'm so sorry guys okay now the final round it's all up to me here let's see pineapple Apple lemon lemon orange nothing orange pineapple lemon nothing my pen died how many toads had oranges there were two oranges in total so the answer is either two one or zero one of the Toads was holding nothing I'm gonna assume that it's zero I hope that neither of the Toads were holding an orange let's see okay it was picked one no [Music] okay so we are in the same situation as last time final round okay nothing orange nothing Apple lemon orange uh lemon pineapple lemon I think that was right how many Koopa paratroopers did you see oh no there were like four or so my default instinctive reaction is four there are about four maybe it was three though I don't know there are quite a few maybe it was five definitely not two actually maybe it was two I don't know let's see how many were there one two three four I chose four right I chose four I chose four yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh man I'm so glad we only had to do this twice I would have thought that maybe this would be a mini game that we'd have to do many times wow this is actually surprisingly difficult and wait that's only uh the second mini game right there this is gonna be hard rude forecast score at least 75 points okay this one shouldn't be too bad right right Mario you're gonna be a good teammate right okay and I'm on top so that's good that means that I have some control over where these fruits are going so uh I have control over which fruits fall down hey let's see when I get as many of these as we can oh boy let's see don't want this spiky things missing the or getting hit by a spiky thing it's not the end of the world if you get hit by one because uh it makes it so that you can't move for a moment but oh oh that's good that's good that's good yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh boy oh boy oh yeah all right we already passed this 75 that's amazing oh man 93 nice yeah if you get hit by one of those spiky things you can't move but if the fruit keeps falling where you are then you can keep collecting for okay that's great first time doing this well first time doing this here and we succeeded that's amazing okay what's up neck lost in the shuffle get first place this might be a tricky one okay keep your eye on the prize that middle one right there okay it's the middle one keep your eyes on the middle one get ready to go fast okay get ready get ready okay no more blinking I just blink [Music] one middle one middle one 100 it's the middle one I bet all of my money on middle right now that's what I would do if you did bet money in this mini game come on [Music] just one round expecting there to be three rounds but it looks like it's just one round okay there's wait what's Wario looking at in the background he looks so silly okay time to head over to this boo hello boo you're doing scary do you want to keep going keep going break let's keep going of course right on okay don't look oh this is so funny bumper bro beat your Rivals I got a tie in this mini game recently it was one of the most unbelievable things that has happened to me wait okay and we also have other friends okay so let's go let's go wait stop wait is Hammer bro part of my team or no okay I just want to stay near the middle defensively today okay they just play defensively here okay let's go no hey leave me alone leave me alone let me stay near the middle let me stay near the middle okay wait who's even on my team because we are red but uh go who's on my team which one of you are on my team wait do we win you're not on my team go I'm getting you bro I'm getting you bro I I got you I got you we won with four seconds left oh my goodness that was so scary oh boy oh boy I wasn't sure if the hammer bro was on my team oh I wanted to say this before uh there are horses in the background what in the world are we gonna do the horse racing one now Fiddler on the hoof okay so this is a rhythm-based one we need to score at least 130 points okay let's go and you move the joy-con not WeMo that's what it's called oh [Music] [Music] whoa barely got that oh my gosh I was so focused on that I got a lot of earlys and a lot of lakes but it looks like we did get the required 130 points that was a tough one oh it looks like it's some kind of a money one again follow the money gather at least 20 coins without falling or getting hit that is a tough clear condition over there let's see how we can do okay let's go are you guys gonna give me trouble with collecting coins don't give me any troubles don't get me into trouble bro bro okay you got squished I'm gonna wait I'm gonna wait hey oh oh and also you might not even uh want to necessarily uh let me get that nice nice yeah you might not necessarily want to be in the lead because maybe there's actually a reason to us stay behind because you can sometimes get some coins that spawn like over here that and oh give me those yes okay we got it we got it oh my goodness look at that and oh Oh I thought that maybe I'd be able to go back and get some book oh it's so good that I was thinking about yeah because I know that it's not a race like it is literally not a race like I don't just mean the Expressions it's not a race like it's literally not a race it's just all that matters is don't get hit and get at least 20 coins that worked out great oh I have some friends here hello friends fetch Quest finished within 40 seconds that is quite the challenge but with the right partner it might be possible okay let's see how we can do over here hey everybody we need to work together over here let's go let's go let's go let's go okay let's go like this I'll get this one here uh take this take that good job hey take this okay go down now okay I'll stand on this now someone go down there down there and it'll come up uh actually that's not what I was thinking okay let's go like this okay come on come on come on come on Goomba go and get it go and get it go and get it wait Did our timer start at 45 or how did it work is that is that it did we finish right on time or how did it work I don't know if the timer started at 60 seconds or if it started at 45. wait it says clear within 40 SEC okay I don't know how long it took us but we uh I guess we did clear whatever the requirement was okay Dart Gallery beat the rival team wait am I an individual here I think I might be an individual here okay I'm scared I'm scared okay don't get me guys I'm getting you guys oh boy hey wait how many darts do they have they have quite a few darts actually let's see don't get me stuck don't get me stuck oh no oh no oh no oh and they only got me once I still have two Health left then that means we win okay that was super easy okay these last two have been super easy yeah I wonder how the rest of this will go the first few in this section were super hard oh no the ice shaving one is coming up soon there's horses have been spooky wanna take a break or keep going let's keep going I think the ice is this that okay the next one is the ice shaving one okay this one has reached the goal first the ice shaving one might be one of the hardest mini games in this game okay so we want to reach the center first let's see oh this might be tricky hey let's go we want to avoid the bananas as best as we can okay that wasn't great because we got hit already okay that also wasn't great uh can I squeeze through here okay let me squeeze through there please nice there's the end and there we go we made it all right very nice all right let's go okay that's so cool that you could strategically bump into bananas to cut Corners well I guess it's not really Corners it's metaphorically cutting Corners it's more like cutting line oh Dry Bones hello oh I guess you're my friend over here make your sculpture at least 14 meters tall this one's so hard this is such a difficult one I don't know if we can do it it might take a few attempts it's nice that you don't have to win it says just like just go at least 14 meters tall but let's see let's go here here here go go go go go go go go go go go okay you keep going up yes bro yes bro there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go hey come on come on come on come on come on come on man my ice is just not going up very fast come on now okay now you go bro okay no I'll go I'll go I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Fast gotta go fast gotta go fast gotta go fast and is that all my ice oh boy we're higher than the CPU team which is great how did we do though please tell me that's enough please yes oh boy okay so the CPU team didn't reach 14. we got 15 something that's amazing we got 1.73 meters more than we needed look how happy the penguins are in the background too they look so silly ah that picker said looks so yummy okay stake your claim this is another tough one I forgot about this oh and the wiggler ones coming up soon that one's a luck Bay so it kind of luck base this one's going to be crazy okay you know what I think I should watch the movie rain man I've heard some things about it and from what I've heard maybe it'll help us in this mini game over here there's a guy who could like out really quickly or do math really quickly or something okay what's the biggest one this one here that's the biggest one please tell me Red is the biggest oh actually it's not looking so big now oh actually yeah let's go okay first place okay there we go okay so there are five rounds so that's actually not bad okay this one's looking kind of big you know what that one's actually really big look how thick that is like too thick there wait wait wait oh it looks like oh man that's not great okay we've got seven points so far that's okay what one now uh I don't know I don't know that's the first one that caught my eye Green's looking pretty good so is blue let's see okay okay not bad not bad okay wait how many rounds left okay two rounds left okay uh what one's big ah this is a good choice actually I don't know because that oh boy anything except for green looks good I think green is last right yeah Green is last wait wait are we red yes okay there we have 15 okay so whatever we get in the final round doesn't even matter okay that's amazing okay let's just go for this one maybe that greens green and yellow are both looking huge there's definitely not blue oh boy okay so that's amazing we got the 15 required points again yes second here okay size 18. not bad we got at least 15. that's good oh man oh man oh man oh man this could have been a really tough one but that actually went all right hey what's up next are these my friends that are all joining me here now let's see what's going to happen here oh we're almost at the end of the section Miner's setback reach the finish line within 35 seconds I think this one should go fine okay so we've got a bunch of piranha plants and stuff there okay this looks all right and I guess it's like even though I technically have CPU teammates I'm going to be the only one that controls it I think uh you know I'll wait for you I shouldn't have waited for you I should have just squeezed through I should have just gone for it okay go here now okay you guys get out of my way get out of my way guys hey and that's good you know you gotta stop don't hit me don't touch me please and come on come on come on is that the end okay how long did it take us and how long were we supposed to take okay nice reach the finish line within 35 seconds okay I guess the timer probably start with 35 seconds then do you have plenty of time to do that one that's super easy okay hammer and Sikkim beat the rival team oh man this one is crazy okay so um what are we gonna do go puppy dog puppy please yes yes oh boy I was so scared that Wario would pop me there oh man that's a really tough one when it's split into four separate teams I'm actually so surprised that we got that on the first try wait wait if I beat you I can reignite my passion for challenges this is gonna be the wiggler one beat your rifle oh wait I guess it's just two of us though that probably makes it easier okay so we're sneaking up on wiggler over here and I guess we just want to pet as many times as possible okay who's up first okay we are up first so wait what do you do to press do you move the okay you just move here Joy come back and forth okay let's shake as many times as possible hey we got five that time okay how about this guy two three four you only went for four I'm just gonna go for as many as possible come on I'll go one more that'll take it easy now take it easy because he's waking up soon okay you gotta take it easy bro take it easy bro oh the eye opened come on uh how many should I do one ah do I go for one more ah no it's too risky it's too scary gotta play it safe let's see two three oh my goodness he caught up to me let's go one more uh I'm not waking him I'm not waking him don't worry bro I'm not waking him how many are you gonna go for come on now oh he's ahead of me now it's two ahead of me I did it let's go one uh one more how did I do it why did I do it I shouldn't have done it there was no reason to do that Mario would you like to try again yes cause wait whoever gets eliminated um their score goes down to zero doesn't it so all that matters is just that you don't get caught okay so this time while Luigi is up first let's see I think that we can win let's see let's just try and get a lot of shakes over here many as we can and yeah I don't know if you can get six in a single round it seems like five is the most that you can get even if you shake it really quickly like this I don't know if you guys could hear this joy-con jaking over here but I'm shaking it very very quickly yeah I can just barely get the fifth one even hey let's see how is he doing yes hey let's see how do we want to do okay there we go we finally won hooray okay that's amazing that is fantastic news over there all right clear wait does that mean that we're done this section was this the final mini game waluigi's all dizzy there a failure that's too bad for him oh so same for him all the ghosts and toes are here now stage clear goal you didn't think so you should have faith in me you should know that I can clear any challenge that I overcome Mario's pair spectacity and sheer into fatigue ability make him a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor at this great clearing challenge Road might not be a dream after all all right we might actually clear challenge room wait yeah there aren't very many sections left okay I'm really excited to see what the other sections will be like you know how to solve DC great job making it this far well that's actually really nice we could go to another area it looks like another Beach let's check it out oh it's actually quite different from the beach I guess this is a sea I love how Toad and toaded are just there cheering for us Mario looks around you know Mario this is the saltiest of them all they say it's due to the tears shed by previous Challengers that is so sad everyone that tried to get here but failed they cried and all the tears are what made the sea so salty well that'll sign for you to hang in there yeah hopefully we can do all right hopefully we don't shed Too Many Tears oh my goodness there's a chain jump chasing a toad in the background there are toads juggling apples there's just so much happening here okay we have to dig up at least 20 coins and we have to feel when our controller is vibrating and that's how we know when to dig up okay let's see hey anything here okay another five there let's see oh some over here nine yes and I'm not saying no in German I'm saying nine because we got nine uh nine coins there oh oh come on come on come on oh no you lose three if you get hit no you want something here yes yes don't hit me down don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me yes oh boy we got that plus seven so we had one coin extra oh man that was actually pretty tough okay so let's see where we are heading next what is the next one over here take a stab oh I remember this one okay so this is a rhythm one and the motion control one so you have to poke with your sword and get the fruits at the right time okay that's all right [Music] okay we're doing okay guys okay good good when you can get nice it's three points and a regular one is just one okay [Music] great one more nice come on perfect well not perfect but good enough oh boy that's so cool how he got nice on the last three I'm very happy with that oh and that's why the toads are juggling the fruit back there okay now what's this one over here it's gonna be something with a chain chomp right Luigi and friends are here to help off the chain don't get knocked out oh boy this might be a scary one over here who's riding the chain jump oh I was expecting to be Princess Peach for some reason but it's Daisy okay so let's see Daisy don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me is it just I have to not get knocked out or am I or at least one of us have to not get knocked out I wonder what it is let's see oh goodbye Luigi okay we all got knocked out now we're all so sad here okay let's try again okay we gotta stay away from Daisy over here let's see where is she going where is she going where is she going where is she going where is she going where is she going where is she going stop following me leave me alone leave me alone okay good good go after the Goomba instead leave me alone please leave me alone whoa that was weird how she was spinning like that nope don't come for me okay just a few more seconds come on come on now come on baby let's go baby don't come for me don't come for me don't come for me don't come for me don't come for me don't come for me half a second more we would have been out I was directly in his path over there definitely would have gotten me okay what's next over here what is this gonna be looking for love score at least 30 points with no misses okay do you use the buttons or the joystick I can't remember how this one works I love how there are people just working out in the background okay so you want to find the heart quickly I'm pretty sure okay let's see look at the heart where's the heart down okay oh we weren't even first okay we're next there okay good that way okay good up okay so if I get 30 points then I should just stop looking because after that it doesn't matter because if you make a mistake then you're out okay there we're at 30 I technically shouldn't look anymore or I should just go really really slowly wow everyone looked wrong oh wow I got that one okay okay yeah those last you guys shouldn't have done because if you make a mistake you're actually eliminated in this well we are as the player we're eliminated but I was just so tempted to keep going I wanted to get a better score okay hello there penguin you're doing quite well want to take a break or keep going let's keep going I admire your grit Grant is a good book who wrote that Angela Duckworth I think I think that was her name that was a very good book okay hello Princess Peach on Perfect Fit beat the rival team they just got it all right let's go this is a pretty fun one okay it's a motion control one so you tap a on your Joy Cone and then you rotate your joy-cons to make your pieces fit together okay great start oh but they're also doing great okay let's see how are we doing now come on come on okay good good good very good okay one more to go one more to go let's go go Peach you rotate you rotate rotate Peach rotate Peach I'll Stand still rotate rotate Peach rotate Peach come on come on come on how are we gonna get this come on yes there we go okay I was I was hoping that peach would rotate into place and we did get it that was a tough one they almost came back there at the beginning it looked like it was really close Okay so next up oh hello there friends Hello friends home on the ring score at least 60 points this should be easy actually and you know what I will actually use my strap because I've seen too many videos of TVs getting destroyed by people throwing their Wii modes at them we need at least 60 points okay so we want to throw our boomerangs and let's see yeah hit him yeah good job okay good that's a lot of points oh oh yeah all right we're doing great we're doing great very happy with this hey let's see where do we want to go so there get them back okay good good okay come on now good job and get that one too okay we're doing amazing guys you're going to get wrecked that's what's gonna happen I missed that one oh no no no no no oh here hey come on now come on now just keep going keep going keep going oh my goodness guys they got destroyed okay yeah we got 99 we only needed 60. we almost got 100. that was wild okay that's good I like that mini game a lot I'm sad that we didn't get 100 though okay what's next there's a shy guy sleeping here oh he gets up and he walks over oh the line beat the rival team I love this one one of my favorite things about this mini game is you can actually win when your teammate does absolutely nothing because you can drag your teammate along which is super cool okay so we gotta make the shapes okay here I'll go here I'll go here you do the rest go go go go go bro go bro go bro go bro go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go come on bro yeah okay that was a good one I should have gone the other way okay let's go like oh oh no no no no here I'll come like this oh come here come here come here come here yeah okay okay they almost beat us there actually that was kind of close okay let's see I'm gonna go like this okay if you stay there I'll go around okay bro you just stay there stay there stay there stay there yes okay three defic Victory very nice wait a minute and I didn't even realize it told the Ed how funny it looked to see the rope tied around the boo like that like isn't the boo a ghost can it just escape from that how do you have something physical attached to the boot oh it's pum pum this is going to get tougher wanna take a break or keep going look at how Pom-Pom is very animated with her arms and hands as she is speaking let's keep going such courage and she does like the Naruto Rod to move away good luck block and load knock over all the blocks in seven shots before your Rivals can so I guess we're on the team of three right this world is actually going great so far okay so we really have to time our uh or not time our shots but be careful with our shots okay so we have seven shots I guess we should probably mostly focus on the bottom okay there's one oh man but I need that one there three okay that's good four oh yeah we could get it five and there we go now this is gonna be shot six there we go we have one shot to spare not bad we probably could have done that in five shots I guess that first one wasn't very effective that's cool how powerful the big cannon is when you have the big cannon hey who's up next okay there are some codes here with some glasses oh oh yes clear the table this is a tough one actually okay the timing on this one is hard I think it's usually later than I expect it to be so let's see it [Music] okay nice [Music] nice [Music] ah not great [Music] nice no if I got perfect then we would have had just enough voids but I messed up the last one okay we'll get them next time let's try okay hopefully now we have a better sense of how this works let's go nice nice are we gonna get perfect now it I feel like I'm not even doing it it's just happening [Music] nice there we go okay we had enough points even without that last one they gave us one okay that's nice that was still kind of close though we didn't get perfect at the beginning I was thinking that we would get perfect because that was going so well okay so let's see what is up next we're probably near the end now oh no actually there's still quite a few levels is this be the way reach the goal within 50 seconds without falling okay that should be super easy this level is never really very difficult unless you have like a very twisty path or something okay and the great thing is that we are actually up first wait a minute it's not that we are up first it's that we are the only one because usually this is a four player minigame oh wow I actually did not expect this I've never seen anything like this where you're just the one person because usually this is a four player mini game and you run and then you pass it on to your friends it's actually so weird to be seeing this okay and I guess you could kind of like cut some of these Corners to go a little faster but there we go how's that did we start the timer at 50 seconds because the timer ended at 25. 24.53 seconds like we didn't in less than half of the required time okay up here is a penguin what a beautiful sunset want to take a break or keep going of course we're gonna keep going oh it looks like there's some kind of badminton mini game coming up soon so that's dedication such Drive okay some kind of coin minigames they're almost there it says the penguin aired to a fortune take at least 10 coins okay I remember playing this mini game before and what ended up happening was I always went for the biggest amount of coins and I always got it so what happens in this video game is you could choose to jump to an adjacent Cloud but if more than one person tries to go to the same cloud like Monty mole and I just did then nobody gets the coins on that cloud but if you're the only one that jumps to a cloud then you get all the coins on that cloud that's the way that this works so once I played this video game I always went for the biggest one and I always got it yeah over there all four of us went for the center and nobody got it okay what's up next hey there's five at the center there hopefully nobody goes to the center if nobody goes to the center then I get those five and that would be amazing come on now guys no three of us went for the center oh man this is awful this is a big problem over here hey there's five over there so you know I'm gonna go for the five not for the three Daisy don't go top right don't go top right Daisy come on Daisy okay good good okay I like how everyone just went to a corner that's nice now I just need five more did I go for the top right or the bottom then you know what top right we have a better chance because there's only one other person that can go for that but the center one three other people can go for it amazing okay nobody even went for the center but we do have ten all that we needed was 10 total so that's perfect we get to clear this stage now very nice Mario's clapping over here on his big pile of coins and it looks like we're gonna be joining Donkey Kong soon or maybe we're gonna be playing against him let's see let's see what's happening here or maybe that's uh the next stage where we play badminton oh this one is pie hard beat the rival team okay Donkey Kong should have a good arm though this stage should go well what we want to do is throw some pies at these folks over here okay let's grab another pie to start oh no where are you going go like that and let's get him like that good oh let's avoid him avoid him I missed oh no they got me but like that okay we're getting each other this isn't good this isn't good good job getting him like that yeah because when they get hit they get stunned for a moment like that good okay the more that they miss the better for us a good hit Donkey Kong come on come on I need some pies too bro let's go and come on I would have loved one more third oh we won by just two okay that was actually a really close game but I am glad that we got that great teamwork Mario and DK look at his teeth okay so next up this is probably the badminton one right what a rocket oh for some reason I thought that there's a badminton one because I know that in Mario Party 10 there's a badminton mini game but this one oh boy and I've got the one big racket this is actually such a cool mini game to have it be one versus three because they could have easily made this a two versus two mini game but I think it's so much cooler as a one versus three minigame because in one versus three it would have been unfair if it was just one person versus three people oh boy I pushed that one down go oh boy I just smacked it into the ground okay let's see let's see oh stay away oh don't explode me don't explode Ed okay good we want to live it to six but yeah it's so cool how they give the person on the team of what a giant Racket and the three people have tiny rackets that's actually so cool how they made that a one versus three instead of a two versus two minigame okay are we gonna have some more penguin minigames first oh it's Wario Mario I can't believe you made it this far the challenges must be too easy number one and that ends now your next challenge is a me don't cry if you lose all right let's go pull it together wait is this the mashing one okay yes just mash the a button as fast as you can the hard thing is that it's really difficult to mash on a joy-con if it was an actual controller it'd be easier but let's see I've Heard lots of difficult things about this one let's see come on come on on baby let's go come on do we win okay it's closer to our side we didn't pull them over and knock them out by getting it past the line but we did win and I'm actually surprised that that worked on the first attempt I wasn't even mashing super hard there I thought that I'd have to double thumb Mash I was only matching with one thumb actually I can't believe I lost to you you must have cheated it'd be funny if someone won by using a turbo controller that he says that that the player would be like wait how did Wario know that we cheated now but we didn't use the turbo controller for that and it's actually easier to match faster than a lot of Turbo controllers I'm so inspired you make me want to be a superstar too perhaps next time we'll meet as Rivals is Pom-Pom gonna be like the final boss challenge Road maybe wait we didn't unlock pom pom as a player yet did we we can now access the final area now you can answer the head of the road this is the final stage the challenge won't be so easy so give it your all I can't believe that we we are finally going to see the ending here okay they're going to be 17 mini games here oh my goodness it's like a town but it's all dark over here look at spike in the background good luck the final stage yeah there's spike in the background still a lot of ways we went down to the Rock okay good luck good luck says don't cruising for a bruise and outrun the bruisers for 40 seconds no problem oh and the toes being chased in the background and he's saying help oh and there are even some other enemies over here okay let's see one comment that I saw in uh well in the comments on my videos is someone was saying always pick the same path every time like either always pick the top or always pick the bottom that might be a good idea wait I wonder if the mini game just ends after 40 seconds guys guys guys don't know come here move you guys you're trying to sabotage me okay you know I'm going to the bottom because you guys are too annoying okay good that's what you guys get you get the blocky path too okay 20 seconds to go getting scary this is getting scary this is definitely definitely getting scared okay guys stop following me 10 seconds to go come on come on come on we can do it we can do it we can do it we can do it just a few more seconds six five four we definitely win three two one and we did it we did it we survived none of this CPU survived we are the only one that survived we did it all right oh man look at those bruisers in the background they look quite scary over here could have been a good Halloween video baby can take pancakes score at least 10 points this will be no problem we can definitely get some pancakes without any issues at all okay so I think the star pancakes are worth three points each okay let's grab some pancakes grab the pancakes give me that one give me that one okay let's go let's go someone take this one I'm taking that one okay I'm gonna take this one now I'm taking that one let's go you guys can get wrecked the only other CPU that got 10 was DK we had what 17 yeah we had 17. oh my goodness guys is this last world supposed to be difficult this is so easy so far what other mini games are you gonna have wiped out score at least 100 points okay maybe now it's gonna get difficult okay let's see we have to wipe to the Beat of the Music let's go perfect so far [Music] nice [Music] ah what's going on okay there we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay uh yeah we're definitely getting over 100. well there are some points where my motion controls got really weird look at all the Toads sitting in the office over there okay but we did get more than 100 so that is the most important thing okay this is super easy so far what's going on I heard that this was supposed to be super difficult lit potato oh no is this where things are going to get scary okay beat the the Rival teams wait who are you and Yoshi are the only ones on my team oh no oh no okay let's see how are we gonna do let's see pass it on pass it on yes okay okay that's somebody that the two people beside me exploded but I'm still okay okay so there's three of us and not very many of them okay so let's see how can we do over here you know let's pass it on let's keep it going keep it going keep it going go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh no both of my teammates are out now it's just me oh no it's me and three others uh oh oh this is quite tricky and it's going clockwise also that makes it even more bad okay let's pass it now go oh 1v1 me bro 1v1 me oh I'm so terrified I'm so scared okay just give it to me and I'll pass it to you near the end okay come on come on hey man I wanted to wait until the very last moment ah I don't wanna oh boy that was some spooky stuff okay 1v1 me bro 1v1 me Mr Koopa I'm ready let's go okay let's see one two three go no I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't want them bro hey you guys are going to eat some ball bombs now because you know what Luigi and Donkey Kong are on my team that's why okay so you ready ready I'm for real eliminated in the first round our entire team was eliminated in the first round you seem to be struggling no we will try again get out of here you red hooded guy okay Hammer bro I am going to throw a hammer at you if you don't hold on to this ball bomb okay so get ready get ready hey you ready go hold it no I don't wanna I don't wanna you take it take it take it and take it and go take it and go okay this is actually ridiculous that we are losing this so many times this is actually quite ridiculous how many times we've lost over here okay for now I'm just gonna pass it on when it comes to me because I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna good good lots of them are exploding okay we've only got Hammer bro on our team right now but let's see how we do you know let's pass it on to start okay when the bomb comes to us we'll pass it on like how DK holds it in just one hand I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna don't give it to me whoa it like exploded as it was being passed to me but that's still counted as Yoshi getting up that's wild okay so there are two of us now me and Hammer bro on the same team this is wild okay let's go now go [Music] Hammer bro you absolutely deserve a promotion you'll be promoted to CFO Financial Officer or I should say cho Chief Hammer officer I shot Mega you need to take a breaker keep of course we're going to keep going after losing 20 times to that minigame you're unstoppable finally nine steal and deliver beat the rival team this one shouldn't be too bad right I'm on the team of one so that's actually a bit more difficult I actually think it's a bit easier on the team of three okay so let's go like this let's take this package bring it down here let's take that one so that they don't have anywhere useful to run to okay this lower one we definitely don't want them to get the lower ones because the lower ones they can more easily get the okay so part they haven't gotten any packages at all they're just running on the stairs did I steal it from his hands I'm taking it right out of his hands there we go okay it probably would have been a bit faster if I did something else wait wait I'm taking this one from you gotta take that from you sorry thank you for bringing that package to me can I steal your package give me that I couldn't take the package wait you're trying to take two sorry I'm taking one of those you're not allowed to have two two is too much for you and you know what I don't want you to take two I don't want you to take two so I have to take one of those I'm so sorry to do this to you but we got to do this now let me just take that package for you we don't want you dropping off any packages hey slow down with those packages okay you gotta slow down with those packages all right hey you're trying to go like that I gotta slow you down and grab that okay it looks like that's a very easy Victory first we have 11 they have only five I think our spike is the happier driver wait it didn't even play the animation of our Spike driving away oh that's sad that he's gonna be good thanks for getting all these packages hey what's here now sizzling steaks cook every surface within 25 seconds without losing the cube this will be no problem we could definitely do this on the first attempt well uh actually maybe we won't but hopefully it goes okay okay get ready get ready hey don't lose the steak that's the most important thing today oh it didn't vibrate what's going on is vibration turned off I don't know when the size of the stake are ready because it's not vibrating okay let's go come on now one side left okay and there we go okay we did finish that's so weird I guess vibration must be turned off for my controller because normally it vibrates when a side of the steak is done cooking and there's one side that I had to cook twice because I didn't cook it for long enough because I didn't feel the vibration oh that's bad okay timing is money snag at least 15 coins without blowing up this is going to be difficult okay this is gonna be a tricky one snag at least 15 coins without blowing up okay get ready to ground pound let's go yeah go nice five go nice five go nice five we got it we got it okay now I'm just gonna stop I could get some more coins if I wanted to but there's no point in doing that because you don't have to win all that matters is that you have at least 15 without blowing up there we go okay almost everyone got 15 booze the only one they didn't get 15. Ah that's so nice that we were able to get that I thought that would be a lot harder I thought that would take many many attempts actually oh Princess Peach is coming over I'll help you clear this challenge what's the challenge half the battle win without touching an amp that is kind of tricky because it's actually very easy to accidentally run into amps in this wait if my teammate runs into an amp do we also lose or if one of the people following me run into an amp do we also lose hey well let's go like this come on over wait wait did they say win without touching an amp does that mean that we have to get the higher score give me that ah you took it okay you are a taker that's what you are what you want to come here yeah hey good job lining those all up where are they falling over here and over here and you know what I'm getting that one no no no you're not allowed not allowed job okay let's get some more picking this one and this one boo you're not allowed to have any I'm very sorry for you you're oh oh I was looking at the wrong people wait okay let's get some more hey we are winning right now which is good oh they went into the amp that's bad news and let's combine those that's good anymore combine okay nothing else to combine an amp almost fell on us there which was very scary each come here I'm here Peach I don't want them falling on us nice job you know just don't get hit by an amp and we win three okay nice 13 to six great job Princess Peach I'm very happy with how that went I like how the toad is still ground pounding back there hey why didn't the ball bomb land on him he grabbed it on the ball bub oh what are you doing here Kevin you're doing quite well perhaps it's time to take a break no we're gonna keep going through the heavy stuff stay focused okay we will all right look at those three just sitting there are you guys gonna come over now do it yourself finish with no more than one miss easy piece of cake we should be able to get this on the first try okay it's just a memory mini game how hard can it be oh oh but sometimes the cards are shuffled and then it becomes very difficult okay what do we need to memorize let's see you tell us first what we need to memorize right okay Spade space are over there okay three there one there okay easy let's see wait are they gonna move though or no okay just those move okay so the Spades are the three on the right and this Middle top one here hey you guys just get the three over there perfect yeah I'm assuming the CPUs are not going to do any misses because in this they normally don't make mistakes when they're your teammates it would be horrible if you have to rely on your teammates to win this one okay so two there and two there okay but some of those are probably gonna move because this is gonna be too easy let's see okay the hearts didn't actually move okay so it's this one the one below me and then the two down there perfect okay everybody got Hearts right yep everybody got Hearts very nice okay now how many more rounds probably two more rounds right probably not three more rounds okay let's see remember the cards what do we have to remember now clubs okay but now it's getting like spun it's gonna be really crazy right let's see let's watch and fun okay I see that there's a club down here and I think the one above me is also a club okay yeah yeah it's that shape yeah because the shape didn't really change is there still one more round there still must be one more round right okay final round this is probably gonna be the hardest one I wonder if like we'll have an entire column that gets shuffled okay so we need some diamonds now okay so the diamonds it's a nice line like that or that one there okay so let's see okay wait okay sure so you know what this one over here in the middle is a diamond and wait then is it just diagonal and yeah diagonal and then the top left one yeah perfect okay great zero mistakes that's it right no more rounds is that everything finish okay very nice we have the card trick Master we are David Blaine over here I like how everyone applauses here okay what's the next mini game I'm ready I'm ready for more time to shine score at least 35 points this shouldn't be too bad right wait I've actually gotten perfect in this mini game before so this should be no problem hey let's go Focus thank you [Music] good great [Music] let's see oh I wasn't ready for that earlier one [Music] two one two [Music] okay very nice okay almost perfect we had one mistake we had one that was late because I wasn't expecting it to go to us right away but that ended up being all right okay 43 points more than enough so yeah let's go to the next one are you guys gonna come over now wait is this gonna be the penguin one the penguin one's kind of hard sometimes penguin pushers finished in 50 seconds okay wish me luck everybody we want all the Penguins pushed down there to the penguin mama who wants to look after all of the Penguins over there what a good penguin mama there is over there let's just bring these penguins down here let's just I'm gonna be the goalie okay I'll be the guard you guys bring the Penguins here and I'll scare them down I'll bring them in oh boy oh boy these penguins really aren't behaving over here good job good Penguins good little penguins okay come here Penguins I remember playing this a lot in uh in River survival like in River survival I had to play this one very many times guys come on come on penguins come on Penguins okay just three left be able to get them in no problem okay two left only two left now just don't let them Escape let them Escape just get them now yeah there we go okay with 20 seconds left on the clock that's amazing okay so it must have taken us 30 seconds for the night yeah I'm getting oh what we did it in 20 what in the world we did it in 19 points something seconds I thought it said finish within 50. wait did we have 30 seconds left on the clock or 20 seconds left on the clock I thought we had 20 left on the clock maybe we had 30 left on the clock then for some reason I was thinking that it took us 30. candy shaked down take down all the candy within 20 seconds okay this is gonna be an easy one piece of cake we can definitely get unless there's some really annoying piece of candy that we can't get out okay let's try it let's try it okay so first I think you have to press the a button to pop off the lid right wait okay there we go the lid did pop off hey come on come out candy good job come on now whoa whoa that Candy's coming up that's really coming up okay one more to go come on now come on now just rotate why why do I have a candy that's like this come on come on down come on whoa it's two seconds left we got it oh man I was so worried it's like we have like 10 seconds to get out the last one but the last one will come out but we got it that's very nice that's actually a super cool motion control mini game the physics in that are super interesting why not take a break no we will keep going the UFO magnet one is coming up soon good luck good luck thank you Toadette is Koopa gonna wake up now hello Koopa Lupa makes such an interesting sound making faces get at least 80 this isn't gonna be too bad either okay yeah let's see so we gotta make a Bowser face over here I don't think that this one will be bad as long as our Koopa Troopa friend is good I think we'll do pretty good okay we're on the vertical that makes this a little tricky okay how high does this I have to go how's that I think that's a pretty good eye position right all right how's that let's see hey it's like that okay and maybe I could have put it a little bit higher actually okay so let's see so you know what that's a little bit higher is the problem yeah I think maybe that'll be a bit better let's see how's this one okay that one definitely looks a lot better okay so let's see how's this though uh I can't remember what's good is that good that looks pretty good right hopefully we can at least say okay the CPUs on the right they look like they're doing horrible that mouth placement looks perfect we're definitely getting at least 80 here right right come on keep going yes 93. that was surprisingly close to perfect I wonder if the Koopa actually played perfectly I wonder if the CPU is guaranteed to play perfectly there okay what's up next is it the fuzzy one fuzzy flight school yeah get first place okay this might be tough the hardest thing about this is that it's actually based on uh motion controls you move based on motion controls not with uh the d-pad or with buttons or well I guess it's not really a d-pad on the joy cons okay no one's getting hit yet which is bad for us what move you can't block me like that Donkey Kong you silly little monkeys silly monkey stop it I can't see guys please move I can't see where the fuzzies are okay nice they're running each other into the uh fuzzies which is good news okay let's go here whoa hold on are some of them getting eliminated okay now it's just me and DK let's see whoa whoa whoa wait oh we're tied in first oh my goodness I thought that it would keep going until one of us got eliminated are we tied in first because we both had one damage like if I had more damage than DK would he have gotten first or do we both get first because we both survived to the end oh my gosh I'm just so glad we got that okay All-Star swingers score at least 20 points okay so this is a beat based one okay so let's see I'm ready let's go [Music] Blaze [Music] okay so you have to go a bit earlier than expected oh I didn't expect a fastball like that nice nice [Music] okay that's the final one I was worried if that was the final one or not I was really really focused I was I was looking at the score and I thought if that's the final one we have to get nice to get at least 20 total points and we did get it we finished with 21. that's amazing okay is this that yes sphere mongers I love this one okay so is it just that we individually have to score 30 points or is this a team one I can't remember if this is a team one or not okay there's some gold over here go for the gold go for the gold yeah give me those balls let's go hey move bro bro what are you doing get out of here all right bones don't be such a little pest okay let's go like this give me those gold balls and get out of my way bro let's go there we are okay not a lot of balls there not a lot of points to get at all over here okay give me those balls oh my goodness look at those balls over there so many bows and already 30 points very nice okay I guess we wouldn't have had a lot of time to get some more balls anyways there we are and we're the only one that got over 30. quite nice ah lovely very very lovely hey what is up next what is our next mini game wait Bowser's here wait you're not the final boss left give me your best no way I can't believe that this is the final one whoa whoa if it isn't Mario he actually made it this far too bad the road edge here for you train in pain beat the rival team if this is actually the final boss fight then this is such a cool one because this is a super cool mini game all right here we go oh oh and it's just the two of us okay oh man this is such an intense Showdown okay so we gotta get behind him bro what in the world are you doing you're a fool you're a fool you're just what are you doing what are you doing bro bro stop it you're just chasing its own tail okay wait but are we actually done challenged Road death that was incredibly easy that was incredibly easy because you beat me again Mario congratulations or whatever I wonder if there's really a secret final boss or secret final level are we really done was that it that was so not difficult at all Mario Mario looks like surprise he's like what what's going on why is everybody here for well it looks like we actually beat it is that really the ending oh wait but we're gonna get the gem or whatever right made it to the end of challenge round the real challenge is living your best life that is beautiful I love this I'm so glad that they included a line like this in this game that is so good that's so wholesome Mario yeah yo yeah let's move on to the next challenge wait what do you mean the next challenge is it living our best life now is that the new challenge that we have to do plus five thousand wow wow we passed a hundred thousand total party points okay and now we get the final gem right what happens now that we have all the gems you clear damage how's it talking to that passion I present to you the German fashion which glows with joy and it's a heart it's the gem of passion passion like heart to get it and you got a gem that's all five right yeah we have all five of them lit up wow all five gems I always thought you'd be the one Mario and now what happens what's the ending gems all come together what's happening look at them here come the gems and what's going to happen oh there's a bright light kamik looks so surprised wow oh my goodness wait can we go to a Champions road now from Super Mario 3D World only the true Superstar is allowed on this am I the true Superstar or what's gonna happen let's see this award ceremony oh everyone's here wait are we gonna find out who's the true super Sterno I wonder if it's gonna be like the player who you played as the most or What's it gonna be everyone's having a chat over here code looks around I would say something is everyone gonna stop talking oh everyone pays attention right away [Music] gonna go Mario right spotlight's gonna go on Mario fun just go on Mario we know it's Mario why is everyone so upset everyone's so upset for a moment that they start clapping Mario looks very surprised about this WOW there we go Mario's standing on this you are the Superstar let's go I'm at the Superstar the Goomba looks very happy everyone's clapping with the Goombas just jumping up and down that's so funny not bad ship you beat me to the punch is everyone gonna say something or is it just Bowser Here Comes snow that raising man there are so many good lessons in this game what's kamik gonna say very impressive and you think you owe it all to my party management skills damn it what did you do now that the true superstar has been decided everybody can get along oh yeah that was basically the whole point of the game finding out who's the true Superstar they tilt their heads to the side what's going on does Bowser really want to steal it what's he gonna say that's all right at least until the next party gets started Bowser wants to be the next Superstar everyone ah what do you mean let's party oh is there a round two now look at all these characters everyone's like we've got some really cool characters here wait do we even have all these characters unlocked as a character even that's right there's gonna be a round two wait is it gonna fling Mario off but I thought that there'd be like a spring platform that launches Mario off oh everyone's ready for round two Mario's like hey but that's just the one what's going on now and look at each other but they're ready to keep going they're like oh boy we have to do this all over again and so the potty came to a close looks like it'll be a while until another Superstar is chosen wow what a cool game oh my goodness and you know what I must have started this game a bit over a year ago and just now we're finally beating it that's actually kind of unbelievable yeah so I have a lot of videos on my channel where I'm playing well not a lot of videos a few videos on my channel where when I play through a game I like playing through an entire game in a single video and one thing that's really nice about that is that it is a game that people aren't interested in then it's just like one video they could just pass over and they could go back to watching regular videos after that but the people who are interested in it they get one super long video to watch but the thing is I've made so many videos about this game and I've been playing this game for so long because get the five gems it's like River survival takes hours to do all of the well maybe not hours maybe like one to three hours to do all of the paths then I think you have to play every board maybe you also have to play every board on party mode I don't know if you have to complete all of the puzzles to get a gem but we did complete all the puzzles and that took over an hour to do I have a video about that it took like an hour to do and challenge road that took like five or six videos I can't remember how many worlds there were if there were five or six worlds wait how is the Goomba carrying that hammer over there on Wario's chasing it with a boomerang over there that's so cool that we can see all the characters running around like this and they're all using items from mini games oh wait but Hammer bro he wasn't throwing hammers in any mini games the racket that Daisy has over there that was that mini game that we had with the ball bombs the baseball bat we did have that oh and there's the water gun Rosalina has the water gun that reminds me a bit of not Splatoon soon but uh what's that new Mario game that just came out oh oh and there's Pom-Pom the uh Mario and Rabbids that's what it was oh there's Waluigi of course he's the one throwing ball bombs oh and there's montemo with the big racket over there yeah that's the one where you send the ball bombs back to each other the earlier racket that we saw I think that was the one where they're the three characters climbing on the fence and then you have one character launching Bob arms at them while the dry bones on the horse Luigi on the Chain jump is so cool oh and there's Bowser Jr in the UFO with the magnet and who's he running away from Princess Peach in that little helicopter from fuzzy fuzzy flight school oh and here comes Bowser wait Bowser so big those are so large over here wait does he run from Mario I don't know if we saw Mario yet and there's Mario in the tank wait is there a tank minigame in this one because I know that there's the mini game like shell shock or well I guess the name of the mini game got changed what is it instead of shell shock now oh and Mario's running away from the Block you can never run away from RNG what a lovely game that was so much fun to play through and every oh and here come all the characters thanks for playing what a cool ending this game was an absolute blast and the music is so nice in it too wow I'm definitely going to be playing some more of this game still I really recommend you watch my video where we play all mini games on Master difficulty in Mario Party Superstars I'm so glad that so many of you have enjoyed that video thank you so much for watching I hope you have an absolutely amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody foreign [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 437,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario party, mario party, mario party minigames, super mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, super mario party minigame, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, yoshi, mario vs, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, mario party all characters minigames, mario party best minigames, bowser, zxmany, zxmany mario, mario secret, easy cpu, do nothing, dark bowser, final bowser, final boss, final level, challenge road, salty sea
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 32sec (6272 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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