Risking All of my Coins EVERY TURN in Mario Party Superstars (Dueling Glove Every Turn)

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today we played mario party superstars but i risk all of my coins in a duel every single turn of the game i'll be playing against cpus that all start with 999 coins and i'll try to win as many of their coins as possible thank you so much for watching and i hope you enjoy this video it's time to duel you activated my trap card what is turtle boy talking about do you promise to always risk the max possible coins [Music] first we'll decide to turn luigi is first and that's all that matters the cpus all start with 999 coins that's a lot let's see how low you can get them good luck all right and some of these duels against the cpus are going to be a little scary i don't always have a guaranteed win okay luckily for us luigi starts off with just one lanes on an item space gets a custom dice block that might be nice for him all right so you know what we've got 10 coins right now so who do we duel first let's try and take down our brother first we are going to do a luigi look at them just staring blankly they get smacked with their dueling love he's like aha mario time to a and i have to wager all of my coins every single turn i'm going to have to wager either all of my coins or if i can't wager all of my coins because i have more coins than everybody then i'll have to pick the cpu with the most coins and duel them for the max coins possible okay our first duel is this one over here hopefully we can do okay against luigi let's go let's see where are we gonna go we go right let's see oh luigi's choosing to go up and i chose to go right so there's already some difference here let's see wait oh i don't know what way these turn does this one turn here thank goodness this one turns here i am so lucky oh my goodness that could have gone so badly and i managed to squeeze in here does this turn here oh my goodness and this one turns here this is amazing this luck is so good okay it looks like we are winning this first duel over here and there we go okay a very small dent into the pocket of luigi he's still at 989 coins almost the maximum amount of coins but luckily for us okay and we're all just the two but luckily for us we can afford this star so everybody can afford this star already all right what about you daisy daisy's gonna get three look at this we got a one two and a three so far it'd be hilarious if peach got a four now then all the rolls would have been one two three four ah a five she skipped it peach wanted to be different over here all right and what's our mini game okay a four player mini game a free-for-all mini game here in the mini game is night light fright this one is terrified this one is so hard to win okay so you want to shine the light on the chain jump when it is close to you but if you wait too long then the chain jump will actually hit you and then you are eliminated and you're in the last place so you want to be careful okay let's go now how's that yeah we would let's go okay master cpus are just phenomenal at this mini game they could get a score of like 0.1 or 0.3 sometimes my goodness all right looks like my coins are starting to catch up to these guys well i don't know about catch up to these guys but uh i can buy a star i could buy an item i think this might be a really good idea i might like how this board goes okay luigi please go ahead and roll what will you get just a one is luigi going to roll once the entire game so far he's only rolled once that's very unlucky for him all right but i'm so sorry to do this to you luigi because you look like you are pretty unlucky already rolling just once for the entire game but i am going to duel you for all of my coins again and hopefully we can win again oh my goodness and this is the mini game that i'm probably most scared of this is the one that is probably the easiest to get out because if you make a little mistake as soon as you're hit you're out there's no there's no oh i'm sorry no oh i made a mistake can i try again there's nothing like that over here this mini game has no forgiveness at all as soon as you're out you're out and there's no changing it let's go yeah there we go we got it we got it we got it and you know what the first few jumps are actually some of the most difficult like the first five or six jumps because when it's moving slowly like that it's pretty scary okay our coins are actually starting to get kind of high now because it's the second turn of the game we have 66 coins when we pass by the shop over here and we are passing by this shop now we can basically buy whatever we want but since we have to use the dueling glove every single turn the only thing that it makes sense to buy is a skeleton key especially on this board because the skeleton key might actually be useful so let's just see how this goes oh we land on a lucky space that's very nice for us and we get 12 coins so we are up to 75 coins already and the second turn of the game is just ending now imagine if we could get a coin mini game next or something okay daisy chooses to go in a circle she wants to be on the same spot as luigi what about you peach what are you doing peach gets a 10 a humongous roll and not only does she roll a 10 she spends 10 coins on a triple dice block over here daisy is the only person with matt's coins right now everyone else is below max coins okay each lion's over here what does she get a dice fruit okay she gets to roll again rolls a one all right now are you gonna get the dice fruit again or are you gonna get coins what are you gonna get dicer you get to roll again a two are you gonna go to bowser or down okay peach goes down to the lucky space and what does she get from the lucky space chomp call oh no because i'm actually kind of close to this star i don't know if i can reach the start one two three four five okay and our mini game is cheap cheap chase i think stuck we should be able to do okay here i'm not too scared of this one whoa i was gonna say i'm not too scared of this one but i almost bumped into the first spiky ball over there okay peach is pretty far back let's see how are we doing over here don't get hit bro okay good good good good good be careful over here all right we're doing fine very good very very fine very good over here don't get hit by these spiky balls we got hit we got hit but we can swim fast i think daisy's in last yeah and daisy gets sucked up at the end there i don't know if that always happens to the person in last does the person last always get sucked up no matter what all right but there we go 10 more coins for us we're up to 85 coins i think luigi might be starting to get nervous now let's see what he does he's using his custom dice it'd be hilarious if you roll the one he's like ha ha i want to overall lots of wands let's go okay he wants a nine for some reason and from the shop he buys a triple dice block wait a minute is he going to the blue space yeah he just really wanted to be there for some reason all right that's understandable now what we have to do is use the dueling glove again on luigi he's a little innocent looking here he gets smacked with the gloves let's go mario and the duels are starting to get big now an 85 coin duel you know it would be hilarious if we get up like 999 coins then we start dueling other cpus for 999 coins and it's like we don't even get their coins it's just if we win then they lose their coins because the max points you could have is 999 okay we are on the right over here luigi's on the left and what we want to do is get as many of these boosts as possible and avoid the electric things over here very nice oh didn't get that one now what's next oh let's just avoid that one let's go up here and let's go there okay avoiding this one that's fine oh boy oh boy i spun the wrong way sometimes it's so unintuitive what way you have to turn the joystick to rotate one way versus another way whoop okay nice made it through there oh but i missed a lot of bonuses but there we go very clear win against luigi over here wow 170 coins i was going to say we've broken the 100 coin barrier but now we are up to 170 that's kind of a big deal luigi is below 900 now we're six away from the start so we might actually be getting our star this turn if we roll at least a six let's see ah no that's so sad oh no that is incredibly sad gainer item is a chomp call wait a minute what happened to my skeleton key i could have sworn that i had a skeleton key before where did my skeleton key go what happened to my skeleton key i had a skeleton key didn't i i did buy a skeleton key didn't i okay and peach uses a triple dice block instead of a chomp call oh and she's 12 from the start one one and six unfortunately even with a triple dice block she didn't even roll at least at 12 that's so set she spends 20 coins on a plundered chest quite the interesting choice and she lands on the event space they're turning the arrow back to the left so luigi is almost guaranteed to reach the star next turn he needs to get at least a three but if he gets a one or two then i get this star that'll just be amazing i would love to get this star all right and our mini game is bumper balloon cars okay you know what we're picking on luigi a lot so let's just try and do absolutely nothing for as long as possible let's see how's everybody doing it's funny luigi was the first one out anyways okay come on guys mario's just standing here the two princesses are just battling it out who's gonna win this one who's gonna win this one let's see oh man there we go no no no no no sorry peach i'm sorry peach i'm not letting you get me sorry peach i gotta be the one that pops you like that there we go okay i was so close to getting popped myself there that was scary okay now luigi please just get a one or two that'd be hilarious oh wait but he has a triple dice block oh my goodness he rolls a two he needed at least a three to reach the star he even had a triple dice block but he didn't use it and he didn't reach the star that means i get to buy this star wait the only way i don't get to buy the star this turn is if i duel and i lose all of my coins and i do have to risk all of my coins so it's still not guaranteed that we get this star we have to win this duel with a hundred and eighty coins at stake this is quite scary all right and the mini game is buying with me so this is fantastic okay i can just relax and know that we can do fantastic in this duel over here not at all worried we could even play a bit risky we can play safe we can play however we want to uh let's go all right now let's go over here very nice just keep going just don't stop just always jump oh boy what about this last one though no we're gonna have to wait yeah there's no way we could have made that one well maybe we could have but i'll jump now and there we go and oh i was wondering if you'd jump there if you would go too high and you wouldn't make it to the end i actually wanted to try that but there we go now we have completed it so 300 360 coins go to mario that is a pretty big deal how many turns into the game are we is this turn three turn four this is turn four okay we're almost halfway through the game and we do get to get this star how fantastic is that that is just so nice okay so we get the first star of the game even though everyone has all these coins everyone started off so rich but we are very skilled so we can come back and just demolish all the cpus hopefully that's what ends up happening hopefully we can just get a bunch of coins from everybody all right and it looks like we're going to want to go down there if luigi uses his triple dice block he might be able to reach that before me but the arrow's changing this way so that means that next turn it's gonna turn back the other way so luigi and i are gonna start heading to the left so that's actually the wrong way but we might be able to pass by this shop okay daisy rolls of one daisy is so far back and she's at max coins the whole time which is kind of funny peach uses a plunder chest on luigi what are you taking triple dice block now goes to princess peach you know what would be funny if all characters only had plunder chests then well all that you would do is just steal plunder chests from each other and well the ideal way to play the game would be to just keep using plunder chests on each other because there might be a bonus star for most items used so even though it might seem silly to just steal an item when all that your teammates can do is steal items or sorry not your teammates your rivals oh man oh man oh man oh man okay we gotta pop these guys but yeah you'd have to just keep using the items because you wouldn't want them to get the bonus star for most items used okay where are you guys going where are you guys going come here now bam one pop we got luigi oh almost got daisy whoa i popped them in the air oh man that was brutal i just sped up went to the far right and popped them okay turn five we're almost halfway through the game and we are oh my goodness he gets a two now luigi's just continuing with the tiny rolls for this entire game if there's a bonus star for who travels the least spaces that one might go to luigi and speaking of luigi time to take some more of his coins in a duel over here well i hope we do at least if we lost all of our coins now that would be very very sad all right 350 that means 700 coins are at stake let's see how this one goes okay and it is this space duel okay so let's be careful let's be as careful as possible over here okay let's make our way down here oh then we're gonna want to go up quickly then down quickly and then up quickly and squeeze down there go up there oh no no i got hit i got hit that's okay okay but luigi got hit also so that's fine i'm pulling back i'm going up here now i'm going down here up there through there nice get me up there nice down here up through here oh no there's too much there's too much let's see let's see but squeeze me through oh my goodness that was a tight one but we made it and get me through there yeah we are golden let's go that means that we are now going to have 700 coins look at luigi getting hit by that rock in the background and here we go 700 coins go to mario luigi just has a very disappointed look on his face mario looking up at 700 coins rained down on him and he dances around all right and it's still our turn so i guess we'll roll we get just a one not that big of a deal cause look at all these coins we've got we've got all these coins okay and it looks like whatever items we get we don't get to keep them they just get eliminated after the turn okay please go ahead daisy are you finally going okay daisy rolls a one are you gonna buy something daisy is finally no longer at max coins she is down to 989 coins well she's getting another three here so 992. how will she ever survive with just that many coins all right and peaches playing smart using a triple dice luckier ten one and eight okay 19 a pretty big roll over here but let's see where's peach going okay passing by the item shop spending 12 coins on a custom dice block so peach might have a guaranteed star next turn oh versus space that's interesting okay and it's for 20 coins okay i guess it's not that big of a deal because everyone's coins are like in the several hundreds luigi's got the lowest coins right now with 321 trace race this will be a fun mini game let's try our best over here it's weird that we're not on the bottom okay i think i already made a mistake did i i paused for a second to look back i'm not sure if i did but hopefully we can do all right here let's just be careful here it's a very tricky section go down go across come up here down a bit no i didn't go far down enough there i think oh no oh no what will we do now okay let's see our score oh boy and even there towards the end that was a little messy there i don't know how well we did but probably good enough to beat these guys based on how they are doing in mini games let's see what our score is 99 so close to a hundred okay oh and it looks like luigi and daisy actually tied over there oh wow luigi has three three three coins very nice he is half as bad as evil all right bonus mini games this one is for double as many coins as normal and it's everyone versus luigi coconut conch is the mini game thank goodness i'm not the one in the barrel the last few times i played this minigame and i was the one in the barrel i was pressed right away and just like that we got luigi with the first coconut nice try bro oh and that brings daisy back up to maximum coins over here okay so this turn i think i am going to duel princess peach for as many coins as possible and if i win that duel then hopefully daisy oh oh it's the last five turns now okay let's see who's gonna be given a prize oh i'm in first place so it's not me who's going to get a prize maybe okay luigi is chosen what's his prize maybe a gold pipe a double dice okay that's interesting i like that we can see toadette with this star in the background there all right luigi's nine from the star uses the double dice block instead of the custom dice ball gets a 10 and a four so he does reach this star looks like it's time for luigi to start making its comeback over here taking the star from right under princess peach's nose and when it's our turn we are going to have to do either princess peach or daisy because if we do a luigi we wouldn't be able to do all the maximum amount of coins because luigi only has 300 or so coins left and we've got 700 and something coins and where's toadette going to ah toadette is all the way up there nobody is near there at all so i'm of course going to do a princess peach over here she's got 969 points we can duel her for 756 coins right now which is all of our coins and if we win that that would be very nice yeah so look at this 1512 coins are collected and all those coins go to the winner but it's funny that the winner can only hold 999 coins because you could only hold 999 coins at most okay let's go let's go let's go where are we going go over here over here get the boost get the boost get the boosts get the boost now where's this uh spiky electric thing it's not spiky it's just electric okay doing pretty good over here what's next oh missed that one okay avoid that one that's good what's next what's next where's the next one at where's the next one at show me where's the next one wait are there no more wait according to the map in the center of this screen it looks like there's no more electricity there were only two of them i've never seen so few of them before that is such a surprise i was gonna say that is such a shock but i guess it's such a not shock because there aren't very many electric things wait a minute i thought the prize was supposed to be one thousand five hundred and twelve coins why am i only getting 999 and luigi has three one four like pie three point one four one five nine two okay and we just get to roll so we roll just a one so sad getting a small number okay and we got an item space whatever item we get though we're not going to be able to keep it i will keep my eyes on the skeleton key because the skeleton key would be the best for us on this board if we have to use the dueling glove every single turn but we wouldn't get to keep it okay so here's the skeleton key yeah there we go we got the skeleton key very nice all right daisy you still have maximum coins what are you doing you roll a five that brings you to you no longer have maximum coins you only have 993 coins daisy that is very sad daisy that you have so few coins i would have loved it if daisy had had 999 coins but she has only 993 okay what does peach get from the lucky space ten coins okay so next turn we are most likely doing daisy and then probably luigi then probably peach and then all the cpus will have almost no koi so that'd be kind of funny oh and yes bunny belts okay that's perfect i really hope daisy can get at least six coins because then she'll be up to 999. daisy go get six coins yes you've got one just get five more daisy just get a money bag and you're golden you'll do great we'll be very proud of you let's see she's got four she just needs two more come on daisy you can do it you can do it daisy i want a 999 coin duel come on daisy you can do it we believe in you daisy you need yes she got it she got it she got at least six coins okay that means that daisy is going to have maximum money right now yes that's amazing oh wait it doesn't really matter that i collect coins because i'm at maximum money also yes daisy's at maximum money okay so we get to have a maximum coins duel and luigi's at 333 so he is at exactly one third of maximum coins it's funny that no one went to that left part of the board or the top part of the board in this entire game okay luigi gets a seven where is he heading he passes by the shop updated inventory he buys a golden pipe this is looking scary this is looking very very scary if i was playing and trying to win the smartest thing to do would be to duel luigi for all of his coins so that he wouldn't be able to afford this star but rules are rules and i have to use the dueling glove on daisy since she does have the most coins and i can duel all of my coins against her so let's go we are wagering 999 coins the maximum amount of coins against daisy i've got max coins daisy has max coins so the winner will have max coins and the loser will have nothing this is a duel with a lot on the line here 1998 coins are at stake yet but the winner will only get half of that all right and it's the space mini game okay so let's be careful hopefully we can do all right here hopefully we can breathe fine okay let's go up all right stay up stay up good now let's go down okay now let's go up let's squeeze here no i got hit i got hit oh no oh no now i really have to focus oh boy okay but daisy got hit so that's good let's squeeze through here squeeze there squeeze here good daisy got hit again that's good squeeze there ah squeeze me in there okay good good good good good good good even though i did a bit poorly at first i did a bit poorly at first but daisy really made some mistakes to make up for it and we have a very nice clear win over there with daisy not even making it through the final set of rocks the 999 coins go to mario i thought it was supposed to be 1998. what happens to the other 999 daisy's face is looking like wait a minute what happened to another 999 is toad keeping it toad takes a 50 tax like we have in a lot of countries okay so let's roll we don't roll a very big number it'd be nice if we could pass by the shop before the end of the game and maybe get a gold pipe all right daisy please go ahead and roll daisy rolls just to five daisy i'm so sorry that i took all of your coins you have zero coins and zero stars but from the lucky space you get 15 coins wow aren't you happy you could almost afford a star now the crazy thing is even though we are stealing literally thousands of coins in total in duels we still might not be the winner of this board i'd love to duel luigi in the upcoming turn but he's probably using his gold pipe before that before i'm able to duel him and take all of his coins unfortunately okay roll call let's go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifty sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five i don't know if that's right let's see one two three four uh one or three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirty forty fifty sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four count of twenty four this time hold on a second one's a little tricky one or three four five one two three four there's so many one or three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven oh my goodness they're moving around too much you know what i'm just gonna stay with 24 and hope that it's right let's see man pete's just got 25 i hope that it's not 25 luigi's got 31. so let's see what's it gonna be what's it gonna be how many are we gonna have we've got okay 24 it is thank goodness we got that right it's not that winning the mini games right now matters for the coins it's that if we win a mini game then there might be a bonus star at the end for who wins the most mini game so that's why we want to win many games boy is luigi using his gold pipe here it'd be nice if he didn't but he's using the custom place block how far is he from the start 21 from the start luigi you are a genius okay there might be a bonus star for who lands on the most reds but now i'm going to do a luigi for all of his coins and hopefully he isn't going to be able to afford this star now because he does have a gold pipe so he could teleport straight to the star and buy this star but if he doesn't have any coins he won't be able to afford this star which is great for us okay so it looks like we have another vine minigame over here and this one even though there's quite a bit at stake here there's no need to be nervous this is a mini game where it's like you don't have to be nervous if you know how to play the mini game and you don't take humongous risks then you can probably play pretty well like over here we don't have to do any waiting do we have to wait there no we don't even have to wait there what about this one what if i don't wait oh my goodness we still made it oh my goodness that was such a risky jump at the end there and we made it that was terrifying but yeah luigi goodbye to all of your coins luigi's all out of points next up is princess peach that's who we are dueling next turn man it's crazy to think that all the cpu started with 999 coins and i've already taken away almost all of the coins of everybody oh wait but even if i buy a gold pipe i wouldn't be able to use it that's so sad okay i guess i'll just buy a skeleton key because there might be a bonus star for who purchases the most items and it also would be nice if we could use and keep the skeleton key but unfortunately oh oh maybe a hidden block a star would be great oh my goodness we got a star yes yes yes yes yes in first place max coins and we get a star how great is that okay and daisy's just basically going nowhere collecting a few coins over here what about peach what are you doing are you gonna use the chomp call maybe no cursed dice block on me you know what i don't mind you using the cursed ice block on me slow me down all you want i don't care i've got two stars i've got all these coins i've got a dueling glove i can take anybody's coins that i wanted a duel i'm safe where i am as long as luigi doesn't get a lot of coins i'm happy don't be quicksandcash oh thank goodness okay okay now just don't lose to luigi let's see oh man those that was scary i was almost looking to the right there okay let's be careful [Music] and okay that's fine that's fine it's very scary either peach or i or both of us have to survive okay and good good we're staying away from two rounds to go let's be careful okay peach is out it's all up to me this all rests on me i don't want luigi to win this very much [Music] no no no i was holding up i was holding up i was holding up i was holding up oh my goodness i must have let go of the joystick too early i didn't want to let go i wanted to keep looking up oh no that just added a very big liability for us oh no oh no luigi might come back and win the game now it all depends on what happens this turn and next well because it is the final two turns of the game but oh man this is crazy what's gonna happen he rolls a one he gets plus six over here you know what this might be okay this might be all right okay what we have to do of course we do have to dual princess peach that is the rules there isn't anybody that we can race all of our coins against and princess peach has the most coins so that means that we do have to duel her okay 502 coins are at stake and you know what if princess peach wins this one that'd be quite the interesting one oh no oh no we're on the inside peach might actually win this one that would be not good okay let's see jump good okay we survived one round let's go jump oh okay good let's be careful jump oh man i thought i jumped too early let's be careful jump good now come on jump oh man i thought that was too early again jump good this is so scary jump okay oh man jump no no no princess beach one oh no this is bad news over here this is very very bad news well actually it's not that big of a deal we can just do a princess peach next turn and win a bunch of coins but oh man it just goes to show you can't win them all especially when it's the tick-tock clock and you're on the inside oh my goodness being on the inside escape oh great we land on the bank hooray we get a ten point consolation prize i am so happy to get those ten coins yeah look how happy mario looks that's exactly how i look right now that's how happy i am okay what about daisy you can't afford a gold pipe so you're probably not buying a gold pipe you spend 12 coins on a custom dice book you've got a triple dice block and a custom dice book and there's only one turn left and you can't afford this star now great choice daisy and what about peace what are you gonna do with all those coins that you have you roll just a four and you pass by the shop you're probably buying a gold pipe you're not buying a gold pipe wow okay peace probably isn't buying a gold pipe because she knows that i'm just gonna win all of her coins in the duel in the next turn okay but the most important thing is that luigi doesn't win this mini-game and don't be personal plummet good go oh no goomba spotting uh oh if luigi can count well he might win okay so let's see we need to put on our counting cap not our thinking cap but our counting cap one two one one two one two one two three one two three four one one two three one one okay this is super easy so far is that it oh one more oh one one two three one two one one two three four five i think and one two three four i don't know if there are five or four that ran by i might be one too high wait a minute and daisy is one higher than luigi so that's actually perfect news wait wait wait wait wait that means that luigi's gonna be in third probably okay we got perfect luigi's in third how many coins do you get for being in third hopefully it is three or less how many coins does luigi get just two thank goodness thank goodness okay so he can't afford this star this is great news for us even if he uses the gold pipe he can't afford this star this is amazing wait where is the star oh the stars all the way up there okay so 19 away go ahead luigi passes by over here are you gonna use the are you gonna get the dice and get to roll again okay he gets to roll again gets us six what where are you heading i'm not even heading towards the start luigi's like the game's over it's done but we now have a chance to redeem ourselves with princess peach she's got 498 coins she's the only person who has more than 24 coins right now and if we can defeat her in this duel for 498 coins and that'll be fantastic that'll mean that we got a lot of coins from all the cpus and we brought down all of their coins very very low it'd be great if we could know that we brought down everyone's coins to it under 100. okay and the minigame is fine with me okay peach you've got no chance there's no chance for you here this mini game when i saw this was the mini game i thought hey that is fine with me oh boy oh boy get me over there oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy she's all caught up already oh no oh no i wanted to take a risk okay but let's see how we doing over here yeah now there's no chance for her to catch up there's that earlier one where i wanted to take a bit of a risk and this is going fine some of these are going quite fast okay let's go like this we'll catch it oh boy we didn't catch it okay let's just go again this is fine this is fine we'll catch it there we go let's get this one now and this one and a nice risky jump at the end and there you go okay it wasn't as risky i wanted to make it so that we'd go more vertical and we'd barely land on the final trunk but there we go princess peach the 996 coins go to me peaches like uh mario uh you took all of my coins you know [Music] and mario's like yahoo i come to hear you i got lots of the coins and now we just get to roll normally okay we are also getting a lot of very poor rolls i don't know who will end up getting the least spaces traveled bonus start if that's a bonus there i don't know if that'd be me or luigi or daisy because all of us had some pretty low rolls okay but daisy's using a triple dice block seven five and five okay almost triple fives and she just ends up over here gets an extra six coins she's at 21 coins peach what about you not even using the chomp call over here getting a three a few of the cpus have landed on a few event spaces i don't think that i did i land on any event spaces i think i landed on one event space so i'm probably not getting the bonus star for most event spaces so this still isn't a guaranteed win for us okay is everyone against peace what's the mini-game tug of war all right time to destroy princess peach who is in the bowser outfit let's go let's just rotate like this quickly some nice palms spinning there and there we go goodbye princess peach she's eaten by the piranha plant and he mario luigi and daisy wed now then it all comes down to this i don't know if we're going to win i'm actually so glad that we got that hidden block with this start i wonder if we needed that to win let's see if we needed that to win okay the first bonus rich bonus i wonder who will get this one wait a minute it's probably not mario and peach it's probably just mario because i think there's a limit of uh 999 coins okay there we go yeah it is mario yeah if peach won another duel with a lot of coins then she might have also collected at least 999 coins and then it would have been a tie between the two of us because i don't think the game keeps track of coins collected any more than uh any higher than 999 and the second bonus is eventful bonus okay who's that going to i don't know who that goes to probably one other cpus or multiple cpus peach okay wait so i think daisy is in last place and then i don't know who has more coins luigi or peach okay so let's see daisy's out first right okay who's next oh then peach is out next and now it's up to the two brothers luigi could have come so close in that luigi could have won this game probably if he played smart with his gold pipe earlier oh my goodness okay i traveled 32 spaces that is some very low rules on average i really recommend you check out my video where i always use a triple dice block every single turn in mario party superstars thank you so much for watching i hope you have an amazing day out of you and take care everybody [Music]
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Views: 1,401,611
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Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, all characters, mario vs luigi, luigi, yoshi, mario party all characters, yoshi's tropical island, mario party superstars minigames, master cpus, hardest cpu, mario party master cpus, 999 coins, 99 stars, mario party max stars, mario party 999 coins, mario party 99 stars, gold pipe, mario party gold pipe, zxmany, dueling glove
Id: JeJid5Fr9zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 15sec (2295 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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