Mario Party 9 ALL MINIGAMES + All Bosses!!

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today we play Old mini games in Mario Party 9. these are some of the best mini games in the entire Mario Party series it is such a great game so many of you have told me that this is your favorite Mario Party game or that it's a very underrated Mario Party game thank you so much for watching and I hope you enjoy this video so here is our first mini game buddy bounce so we want to pop these balloons and you can also bounce on the heads of your friends or they could bounce on your head if you're unlucky bro bro let me get on your head yes there we go we got up to the 10. oh it's so nice when you can bounce up high on the others and you can get some of the higher ones because the most valuable ones are up the highest like that there we go oh man keep me up here let's go let me keep bouncing on your heads come on come on no no no no peeps come down whoa give me that no Luigi you got it before I got it okay but there you go at least we got that one that's okay now I'm gonna come here and when that 10 spawns I was hoping that we'd be able to get another one but we do win and as always Princess Peaches in the last place on this channel this one is such a cool mini game this is basically a reaction test so you actually swing your wiiboat when you see a block of wood or a log of wood so that you could be the fastest holder let me pay attention go okay but sometimes it's about a buck of wood if it's a bubble then you don't wanna whoops I hit the pause button is this gonna work okay we got it we got it we got it okay two in a row okay gotta be careful because if it's a bubble you actually want to press a oh no I was too slow there okay that's all right that's all right let's focus oh no I swung into the ball bomb you can see what happens when you swing into the Bubble Bum you're dizzy okay good thing Yoshi got that one because we don't want peach being one point away from winning now I'm going for it no matter what it is I'm going yes yes there we go we got to three Mario is the winner oh this type of Luigi said last so sad this mini game is called launch break instead of lunch break which is quite funny and what we have to do is basically Mash different buttons so at the beginning over here you want to match the one button okay get ready get ready get ready now match two and then you're going to want to shake the Wii mode for the last part so let's get ready now Shake I'm shaking the wiiboat as fast as I can and I hope that this does work please work so let's see who is going to be blasting off today hopefully it is not Team Rocket blasting off today unless my team rocket we made Mario so in the first round over here for the first part of the spaceship I expect that we're going to be able to do pretty well because we can probably beat the CPUs at mashing but these are difficult CPUs the hardest thing is definitely going to be the final round hopefully we can beat them in the final round I don't know how tough final round is going to be when you have to shake the Wiimote back and forth because that one's quite tough so hopefully this final round is enough for us and we win all right oh wait I was so worried about that final round because that's a really tough one to do oh thank goodness we won that one all right this is a bit of a tricky one this one is called Goomba Village and what we have to do we have to watch these five houses and we have to see which house gets the most Goombas so which house do you think will have the most Goombas so far purple has a lot a lot are going into purple so far oh boy but a lot are going into green and blue not too many are going into yellow now some are going into yellow oh boy lots are going into green really have quite a few going into green lots are going into red now now some are going into blue I don't know it's probably going to be so even less guess green because it is in the center so people are probably more likely to choose the center than the outside ones but let's see which one is going to have the most okay how even is it going to be are they all going to be just one apart or how many apart are they going to be okay red was last okay and come on come on oh boy it's down to the final two and oh man what a choice what what a choice we would win in Squid game that is fantastic what a great Victory we had there that's so lucky actually here's another lovely mini game Sky Jinx and this is probably one of my favorite mini games in this game I really like that it is a platforming minigame okay and it's kind of a race we want to try and reach the Finish Line first and I think you're actually allowed to fall twice whoa okay there's our first ball that's all right okay now we're gonna be in bubble mode so let's move along oh move Peach let's just come over here okay that's just the first part it doesn't matter how many hearts you have at the end I think all that matters is who can reach the end first that's all that matters because whoever reaches the end first is going to be the winner yeah so everyone is at two hearts right now but look at how far ahead we are over here but you can't even move ahead super fast because yeah it's all based on look at that you can only move when the camera allows you to actually move somewhere but we have a a very nice ranking here and we do come in first place in yet another mini game now let's see how good our luck is in this mini game we might be out in the first round or maybe we'll be able to survive for a while let's see I'm picking hey they're all picking that door we are out at the first round the very first round oh my goodness there's a one in three chance of getting up we got out right away how are these guys doing now let's see how they're going to do Luigi is up that's so weird that so far the left has been wrong every single time if you go to the left you're just out the left is not the right choice and now they both go to the right and oh this time the center was the bad choice what's it going to be now who's going to win oh and I saw the door on the left closing is that a hint that that's a bad choice or a good choice oh looks like that was just a good choice Yoshi is out we are in some kind of tipsy-turvy upside down world because Princess Peach is actually in first place in this minigame even though she's so often in last and now Mario is so sad okay so this is basically a reaction minigame how quickly can you press the button that it tells you to press d-pad yeah okay we are first very nice now who's next well what is next I guess not who what is that one very nice we did press the right button the faster you press actually I don't know if it's the faster you press it or if only the order matters but let's see how houses let's see B is that button there okay I'm getting a bit better at knowing which button is which on the Wii mode a is that one okay very good on the N64 controller I'm so fast at pressing the button that it tells you to press you're on the Wiimote sometimes I actually have to think a bit and I go wait where is that button hey there's the two again okay final round oh Luigi messed up and let's see what's the final one it is don't blink hey that's that one right there okay so I think we played perfectly so we should be winning this one I wonder if Luigi's going to be in last because he actually missed one but maybe if he was faster in the other rounds then he might not be last so who can climb the highest let's see how high we can go we're all doing pretty well over here Luigi is in last then peeps then yochi oh my goodness we are so much higher than them we can't even see them anywhere nearby good job climbing that plant Mario does anyone remember those plants from Super Mario World oh man that was such a fun game let's try another luck base minigame pinball fall so we are all up here we have to pick up I'm taking this one right here you guys can have it I'm picking that one so that's the Mario bro let's see who is going to reach the bottom first oh and if you fall in a hole then you gotta you gotta start shaking so that you can come out okay good good good that's all right and how are we gonna do are we gonna fall into that hole don't fall in the hole don't fall in the hole oh and and come on come on let's go baby oh man that was pure skill right there no that was mostly luck but luckily we did get that one and wait who's in less who's the yellow one oh that's Yoshi oh poor Yoshi so sad in last place so sad he even turns around he's so sad all right this is a splendid mini game one of my favorite mini games in the game it is a nice climbing minigame we want to bounce on these blocks and make our way up to the top very quickly so let's just jump on up hopefully we don't make any mistakes and we don't miss because if you missed you fall quite High uh sorry you fall you fall quite far okay so it looks like I'm in the lead right now because I saw that we passed by that horizontal line first now just be careful oh it's getting trickier because now there are just some singular blocks and right there's the end first place how are the others who's oh Yoshi's almost there Pete's had a chance to catch up that was actually so close between Yoshi and Princess Peach right there and Luigi's so sad in last place so sad alright so I have been playing a little bit of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe recently so let's see if any of that has worked as training that will help me in this mini game because normally this mini game is incredibly tough it's one of the toughest mini games in this game if you oh boy oh boy oh boy yeah so basically you steer left and right by tilting the Wiimote and if you drive into a wall you lose a ridiculous amount of speed like that as you can see no let's just try our best and oh boy oh boy it is so hard to steer in this oh boy oh boy come on come on come on come on come on come on who's gonna win it who's gonna win it who's gonna win it we actually won that is ridiculous okay I didn't beat my best time ever I think this might be my second time ever winning this minigame Luigi looks so sad at that the way that he was banging his steering wheel okay this is a really fun mini game it's called skipping class and we have to put in the button combinations as quickly as possible oh oh we did it quite quickly okay how's that nice hey what's next okay Peach messed up okay we're doing pretty good here I think oh boy that was a little bit tricky nice nice nice oh okay there we go I got it all right plus nine nice okay now there's only a plus seven okay there we go we got that one wow everyone did a nice jump there oh boy I barely got that one oh almost everyone messed that up actually okay oh okay there we go that should be good add oh my goodness look at all the jumps we did they're 56 six points nice victory for us that one requires a lot of focus I'm very glad that we won that though uh right it is time for a nice dope Dolphins originating I know that there are dolphins in real life I know the Dolphins are real animals but I'm wondering when these dolphins in this or sorry where are these dolphins in this Mario game originated from hey let's try and go through as many rings as possible so the regular red rings are worth just one point but oh no I missed that one that's not good okay but the uh yellow slash golden rings are worth three points if you hold a oh no Mario oh no that swing didn't work how I hoped it would let's see oh boy Luigi's actually ahead of us a bit right now that's not good he's one point ahead of us go okay now stay underwater go good oh wait oh my goodness we just barely beat Luigi if he got that last gold one he would have actually won because there's one time where I jumped when I didn't want to I was trying to just hold a to stay underwater and you tilt your Wiimote up to jump so we are actually very lucky that we won that previous mini game and here's another great one chain event and this is surprising thing about this mini game is you actually pilt your Wiimote left and right to move left and right instead of uh instead of using the d-pad or a joystick which is kind of uh unexpected for a mini game like this oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy hey there's some tricky Parts there let's go oh no and come on now oh boy is this the end now is this the end though there we go okay yeah so this is a race to the bottom to see who can get there first all the CPUs were really close together but we have a splendid Victory and Yoshi's so sad alright this is such a tricky one I lose this one very often so I don't know if we can win this one but let's try okay good first piece hey what do we need next something like that to the right is there anything like that to the right it's gonna be this one it's gonna be this one right here very good A2 done what's next we need a three piece that's gonna be the one okay good good uh Luigi's a little bit ahead of us okay let me grab that right there good one piece to go and we need something that's going to the left no that can't be the one this one what did you record oh man that's amazing that was very lucky man that last round was so tricky because there are so many pieces to choose from I like how nice and colorful it is around this minigame but the way that you move in this mini game is quite unintuitive like look at that move give me the gold okay you know fine I'll take one of these the gold one is worth more points the gold is worth how many five and the regular ones are worth three so whoever gets to the ring first yes there we go we get to have that okay but Yoshi's still tied with us because he got a regular ring this round and he got a gold ring last round give me the gold I wanted the gold let me get this one then that's okay as long as okay good peach got that one and Yoshi didn't that's okay so we are in the lead which is good now I'd love a gold the way that you move though is so weird uh maybe I could have gone for the gold now but Yoshi got a gold that's not good yeah the way that you move is you hold your Wiimote sideways and you tilt what way you no I wanted the gold I walked into that one by accident okay we're still ahead a little bit we're is okay but there's still quite a bit of time left gold gold gold gold gold gold no he got that one okay I'm getting this one then okay at least Yoshi didn't get that that's okay the only a few seconds left and does anyone get anything now anyone get anything I was about to go into the goal we beat Yoshi by two we beat Louie wait no Yoshi how did you get those boys Yoshi beat us by what the time limit was up how did you get more points after the time read out okay so this mini game is called tuber tug I don't think I've ever actually played this one before so how in the world does this work oh oh you have to just pull back a bunch of uh vegetables like this and you gotta try and go as fast as possible let's go let's go let's go spin this oh you can actually go so much faster wow okay so that's a new record for us I guess 20 is just the default record that the game starts with because yeah I've never played this before I think time for Peak Precision one of my favorite mini games in this game let's go I'm ready to play let's go let's go let's go let's go okay okay just press the buttons but they show and there we go how's that not a bad time not a bad time close to our record actually and the noises that the characters make in this video game sound a little weird but that's a pretty good time that we've got this one is terrifying I hope we can win this one basically they're going to be spiked balls and lots of balls coming down at us and we want to avoid them we can move around and jump wait why is it going so quickly seems like they're moving very quickly oh boy oh goodbye Luigi looks like Luigi doesn't win by doing absolutely nothing today not today oh boy and look at how these polls keep coming up and down that's quite tricky when the polls move like this I'll just stay here oh oh it's me and you Princess Peach I'm sorry I said that you come in last place so often please spare me oh did I just jump over that one did I jump over it no no we're out anyways that was Unreal here's an interesting one because in this one you could be very evil what you want to do in this one is we are in these Bubbles and we can float around and what you want to do is you want to have the most balloons at the end of the mini game and if you hit one of these spiky things while your bubble pops and you lose all of your balloons and then your bubble does come back after a moment and other people have the chance to collect the balloons that you lost though yeah you want to stay safe uh you know what I'll just come up through here I'll come up through there that's a good place to go as you guys I don't want you guys giving me any trouble oh boy goodbye to you wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what are you doing I need you [Laughter] no no no no no yes yes give me those give me those now you pup yes stay back stay back there we go I didn't think we would be doing amazing there because I was a little worried when we got popped but then we basically popped everyone else stay away stay away just a few seconds just a few seconds come on just stay away stay away don't pop me don't pop me don't pop me and we won that was quite the brutal game there was so much fighting in that mini game but I'm glad we won it polar extreme is another nice mini game I think we want to be the first one to make it over to that ship and we are on these blocks of ice quite slippery they're falling apart oh look at this we're already in the lead now just make your way over Bill penguin what are you doing here this is It's Super Mario 64. I'm not going to bring you to your ah get me out of there get me out of there oh nice if you just match two then you just get up new penguin move your little penguin this isn't Club Penguin if you're not a Gen 4 starter I'm not going to pick you you're not little Piplup you're just penguins that are in the way get all this get on this ship okay we're on the ship we are the first one on the ship does that mean we win I guess that means we win right oh man look at Luigi just bouncing off Princess Peach to make it up to the ship where in the world is Yoshi though what happened to Yoshi he's just in last place we didn't even see him let's get ready for some Goomba bowling this is of course one of the most exciting mini games that you can have in this game okay and Luigi is up first that means that we are actually going to be last so let's see how the CPUs do and hopefully we can do better than them so go ahead Luigi nice shot my brother Luigi 19 that's 19 right I think they're 20 total 19. 19. okay and it looks like you only get one shot oh my goodness one shot do not miss your chance to blow this opportunity comes once in a lifetime hey Princess Peach gets 20. she gets 20 she does even better what is Yoshi going to do now is he just going to get 21 even though there are only 20 Goombas how am I supposed to beat these CPUs they're too good hey Yoshi gets he gets 20 also how are they all so good okay these guys are just way too good what in the world are we going to do you know what you guys are just throwing straight so they're the same thing how's this will that work come on baby let's go oh man that's such a silly way to do it you'd think that you'd have to angle it and time it nicely but I just threw it at the start and we also got that weight so does this mean everyone except for Luigi wins Luigi maybe you should have tried winning by doing absolutely nothing that's actually so sad for you this is an absolutely wild mini game you want to make it into one of those holes so that you are safe and you are not squished like a pancake though yeah you can also move around and kick each other and yeah lots of scary things can happen move move move move move move yes yes we made it we made it a Luigi Luigi is last again he has squished into paper Luigi everyone's favorite game now let's see if we can survive another round hey knock him over that's a good time to knock him over move yes yes oh man Peach pushed Yoshi out of the way at the last second now we have a flat in Yoshi now are we gonna see Paper Mario or paper Princess Peach let's see let's see oh no oh man I gotta learn how invulnerability Works in this game oh yeah it looks like we are seeing Paper Mario also and Princess Peach is the winner of this game so in this video game you basically want to make it to the center as quickly as possible so let's see where we should go what if we can go up and if we go into this pipe that brings us here what if we go into this pipe where will that take us Yoshi move I'm trying to go there okay that pipe brings us to here now I can go here and down and there we are we are the winner we made it to the center first that's a nice mini game there oh it looks like Yoshi's going to be in the last because everyone else already made it Yoshi was kind of close I've never played this mini game before so I don't know if this is luck based or something else oh wait are they going to be hidden no okay so it looks like we want the plus threes oh they're shuffled about a bit okay let's go for this one oh wait I want this one right here hey hey I wanted that one oh oh you don't just get to fight for it it's in order you get to choose them okay so it's the first one to get to 10 wins I want this one right here actually but it looks like I'm third so don't pick this one peach oh all plus one oh so you can get all boosted or just the person gets boosted one I guess that's really interesting okay Yoshi what are you choosing don't choose this one I want this one okay come on no oh okay good uh that's fine okay all plus two wait what if it's just going to be a tie and we all just reach tab together this is going to be wild now I don't know which to choose let's go for that one right there right down Rivals plus two oh man everyone else gets boosted plus two that was bad we're in last right now hey what's it going to be come on plus three it looks like Luigi might be winning this because he's already at eight if we get all plus two or if anyone gets Rivals plus two then Luigi wins that's wild Luigi's most likely winning this last plus three that's me I'm in last okay that's good oh man I have a chance look at this I'm far away far away this is at well I don't know if it's anybody's game because I don't know what cards are still left here you plus one okay [Music] that's fine so Yoshi gets boosted a little bit so now it's our turn let's do this one right here U plus three okay all right that's very nice that brings us up tonight but Luigi might still win if he gets plus two or plus three right now he still wins what does he choose what does he choose Rivals plus two does that mean I win because we're going to be at 11 now I guess he'll go any higher than 10. oh man that's so sad for Luigi he was so close even more sad for Princess Peach who's in last place it's actually so funny that this mini game is called flanger painting instead of Finger Paintings okay so we want to cover up a bunch of area with as much blue as possible we want there to be as much glue as possible especially when the time Runs Out let's see come on now add how's that okay not bad there's a lot of yellow whoever yellow was yellow is Luigi okay so who has the most we've got 39. oh only 18 there oh and yellow is Yoshi though uh oh how much does he have 29 yes we won oh man not bad okay this is a bit of a tricky one I think is it first to three points or first to Five Points wins but you've got a bunch of cards and whoever has the highest card up is uh well let's see ah man I was hoping that we could win with a three because you don't want to use up your biggest numbers right away [Music] how's that yes with a three we won okay that's amazing okay and it is first to three is the winner okay so let's see let's try this switch to a four right there I used it before peach got a point with the five that's not good okay so let's just see should I uh let's go to a four ah Luigi used this five oh no this isn't good everyone has one point okay so let's see let's just burn our one oh they each get a point for that that's not good oh I don't think I can win anymore I've got my five but so does Yoshi yeah so we each get a point now uh everyone has two but I only have two so I'm in last place no matter what yeah look at that oh man that's so sad we had a promising start then we ended up in last place Luigi and Peach both come in first place here Mario is so sad you know she's like okay this one is actually a little tricky Mario's walking up to a treasure chest and we have to be the first to unlock this start but let's face like this and don't go too fast ah there yeah we got it we got it okay one done okay let's go to the next one come on now twist now Slow Down slow down okay we got that one all right now this is the final one wait this is so close oh oh we have to spin the other way actually okay now just slowly slow and steady how's that yes first all right we got the diamond that was actually great I'm so happy with how that worked I had nice and controlled turning over there we were very precise with our movements oh and Princess Peach she gets a smaller gym it looks like we got a diamond peach got an emerald and Luigi got a ruby at least if we go with the same Jeb color Convention as RuneScape slash Pokemon I don't know if I've ever won this mini game before so we want to be the first to hit these targets so let's just see how we can do what if we just aim a bit like that how's that okay nice we already got that one okay now how's this wait why are the others not shooting hey oh that's it is that the entire mini game what in the world is going on that was basically perfect we played that so well the others are so bad at this even though they're supposed to be difficult CPUs they're doing so much better at the other mini games what's going on here now okay Peach should get that right there we go okay Yoshi said last that went amazingly oh yeah now this mini game some of you might remember this from Mario Party Superstars because this Mini-Game is also in Mario Party Superstars I can't remember if it is also in Mario Party the top 100 but yeah so what we want to do is we want to find the right door on every floor there's only one door that lets you go down to the next floor and oh boy we didn't make it into the door that was weird okay let's see yeah okay so now it's far left because Luigi went over there so there is some luck to this but uh I didn't see which one Luigi tried okay let's see so it's either this one or the two on the left so we we are luckily the first one to the bottom win so let's see which doors are gonna be okay it's not that one it's not that okay so it's either this or one of the two of the right edit is that what so Luigi's in last place now there come Peach and Yoshi so sad for Luigi so sad that's quite the fun mini game because there's a lot that you have to pay attention to this has to be one of my favorite mini games in this game this is such a great one okay so we are on this platform we can move and jump and what we want to do is basically not get blown off of this platform by the ball bombs you don't want to fall into the poison once you fall into the poison you're eliminated oh and the ball bombs when they explode they push you back a little bit and before the ball bomb explodes you can actually walk into it and push it a bit like this but you can try and push a bulb up towards your Rivals if you want to take that risk oh and there we go goodbye Princess Peach such a fun mini game there are a few like this that are really really cool it is now time for a snowmobile racing video game this is very exciting we have a nice background too with some nice mushroom houses here okay so we want to accelerate and also steer wait there's like a traffic jam over there those guys have collided what in the world's going on oh no oh no but when I'm driving into a wall here let's just be careful let's go hey hey don't drive again to me no driving into me guys let's go okay one more left to go for me have I left some Luigi LDS one left Luigi has only two laps complete same with Yoshi that is actually so sad for them they played so poorly they kept driving into each other this one can be so difficult sometimes it makes good use of motion controls on the wiimotes what you want to do is tilt the Wiimote and get your ball to the part that is glowing oh but if your ball falls off like that then you're in trouble because you can see that each consecutive time you get one of these that light up you get one point more up to a maximum of five for each time you reach a light but if your ball falls off then it resets and when you reach a light you only get one point for that instead of five and you have to restart from that before you get back up to five okay come on okay how's that 63 okay nice nice we did win Yoshi had 53 heroes in second so that's a nice victory for us there that was a little tricky oh that's apparently a new record I would have thought that I had done better on that one before I really do like this mini game this is one of my favorite mini games I really hope that we can win this I would like to win this one a lot okay let's see let's just jump here to start oh oh oh gotta just stay away you know what I'm just gonna stay away from the others I'm not gonna be grouped together with them because I don't want us to all get up together but let's see how this goes I'm gonna come here now because that one's not gonna come down twice in a row is it oh staying away from you guys guys move okay someone's out already Yoshi's out oh everybody's dead except for me there we go we do win that's so nice it is time for Mario and his friends to make some pizza now so we want to get our specific topping on every slice of pizza oh this pizza is spinning around and we just want to keep throwing like this and go oh no I should have waited goat good okay come on come on come on come on come on go on that one good do I need just one more which one do I need still this one right there yeah first place let's go oh everyone else is tied in second wait did everyone else need only one more slice also it looks like it that was a close match there but very nice that we won that this one is another fantastic mini game oh and the platform that we're on it almost looks like a pizza also but in this one I think we've seen this one in Mario Party the top 100 also but in this one kicks are extremely powerful like that look at that I kicked off Yoshi that I kicked off Peach that was great so in this mini game you want to collect these flowers but not the piranha plants the piranha plants I think they stun you maybe they also take away some points so you'll see that these flowers they start to grow like that oh but you don't know if it's going to be a flower or a piranha plant until it actually spawns though yeah oh boy did peeps get that one give me that no oh boy you got that one okay gold let's go get the gold hey let's see let's see gonna be on the lookout for where these can be okay that's bad what are you you're good I can take you are you good I can take you I needed the gold I needed the gold oh boy when they get the gold that's not good you don't want them to get the gold oh boy they got so many Golds there I'm just taking all these now okay and how's this there's a three-way tie all everyone except for Princess Peach has 16 points so Peach is in last place as always on this channel that's so funny this one is quite tricky there are going to be bullet bills coming by and we want to avoid them so whoever is the last person to not get hit by Bullet Bill is the winner oh wait what in the world even happened there and it's so weird that you're moving with a d-pad instead of with a joystick because this is on the Nintendo Wii of course okay there's somebody out oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy it's just me and yoshido come on bro let's go oh and if you've got the flashing ones like that then they sometimes home in on you oh my goodness this gets extremely tricky how did nothing hit me there how did nothing hit me there what in the world is going on I can't believe we've won that one that was wild time for another luck base minigame there are a few luck based mini-games in this game well it is Mario party so often there are luck based mini games okay who's up first Luigi's at first Ouija time let's go okay which are you choosing if you get a cheap cheap then you're good and you get to survive for one more round but if you get a spiky spiky then you're out what does Luigi get he gets a cheap cheap so he gets to survive and I'm guessing hold on would there be three or four spiky spikies Mario there's a spiky Spike oh my goodness everyone's getting cheap cheaps though our odds of getting out are higher now this isn't good okay what about Yoshi also a cheap cheap okay so right now we have the highest odds of getting out there are probably three spiky spikies and there's six to choose from we've got about a 50 50 chance okay let's go for this one What's it gonna be please be good come on come on come on it's taking so long oh thank goodness thank goodness okay that's amazing that's actually surprising four people went already and nobody got a spiky spiky yet so what's it gonna be I'm expecting now that a lot of people are going to get eliminated let's see yeah yeah so Peach survives good for her now What's it gonna be with Yoshi it's a 50 50 chance if Yoshi survives or not Mario's just standing there looking at him and what is it oh my goodness it's cheap okay man we need some good luck over here cause two of these are spiky only one of them is a cheap cheap let's go for this one this is the only different one so maybe this one's gonna be a cheap cheap please be a cheap cheap Luigi is just Treading Water there in the background oh it's a spiky spiky Marvel Luigi my brother I'm going to join you in the water now let's go swimming now Peach are you going to win or is Yoshi let's see oh it's a spiky oh boy wait I wonder if Peach picked the one on the left if Yoshi would have to go and get the spiky one or if the game would just end there I wonder how that would work all right plunder ground instead of underground which is another nice funny pun this mini game we can probably win we have to see which chest gets the most of these coins wait are those Star Bits though because now I've actually played Super Mario Galaxy so now I'm familiar with these they look like Star Bits okay let's see we want to get this one right here okay good we got that one very nice so I think in this first round all three chests that have a prize have the same amount but in these laid around some of these chests are going to have different amounts let's see oh okay no now there are just two chests with prizes and two without prizes and the two with prizes they do have the same amount give me that one you're not taking that one bro let's go we got it all right and very nice got another 15. oh piece just tied in first with us for now now which one is going to have the most let's see okay this one down here has the most so we gotta keep our eyes on that Monty mole and we have to be the first to reach it oh that's actually a little tricky wait oh boy did I lose track of it I thought it was this one I'm not sure though I'm actually not 100 sure did I make a mistake or no okay good we didn't make a mistake oh boy okay that's great that we got that wait is there still one more round okay I don't think maybe there'd be one more round I thought wait what's going what's going on why is it taking so long to say finish but we do get a victory there so this mini game is called don't look and the interesting thing about this one is instead of pressing a direction on the d-pad or moving the joystick what you actually do is you tilt the wiiboat in the direction that you want to look okay so let's hold it really steady wait why is the camera so weird okay let's go like that okay what's next what's the next round three two one and we have to point in a direction that isn't what it's showing okay I tried to tilt up even though we looked to the right so this mini game might be a little weird let's see where we going next let's look left okay there we go that did work very good hey what's next show me the arrows I'm looking to the right okay good it did work I was worried that I would try and tilt one way and Mario would actually look a different way I'll look down good okay Luigi looked up even though you weren't supposed to look up you have to look where the arrows aren't looking and soon there might be three arrows let's look left that's good okay everyone got a point there nice yeah soon they're probably gonna be three arrows if not this round then maybe next let's look left no I have to look up oh that was actually my mistake I made a mistake there because yeah you have to react quickly hey let's look right that's right okay yeah right was good okay good now what way let's see uh left oh man we still got that I'm surprised that that worked okay if I don't get this one and Peach gets it then we tie uh down yeah all right now not a perfect game but we are in first place the CPU is at five six and seven and we had nine so we did defeat everyone let's see how well we can play this minigame that is a cool looking pipe the detail on that actually looks so good all right so let's see what are we going to do there's going to be an urn spinning here it's spinning quite quickly uh to the diamonds right you have to be the first to choose the right one the sooner you choose it in comparison to the others the more points you get and if you choose the wrong one then you get no points at all okay so that was a very good first round what's the next round let's see what is it uh triangles like that right I think this is the one let's see yeah they're all choosing that okay we're pretty good so far I'm a bit worried that we're gonna pick the wrong one if we try and Rush is this the final round or are there more rounds still final round okay not bad not bad okay let's see what is it uh it's this one that's kind of obvious right unless it's a square one okay I don't think it's the square one okay beautiful so we got a perfect game here that was not bad at all I was a little worried about this one but looks like we have a very clear Victory here okay so here is Gooba spawning this one is also in Mario Party Superstars and I think maybe also Mario Party the top 100 so what we want to do is count one two we want to count how many Goombas go by you press a for one two three for every Goomba that goes by and two three one two three you can't count down two three four one two three you can't count down if you accidentally count too many Goombas so you want to be careful let's see there's another one one one two three four five one one two three one two three one two okay I'm pretty happy with that hopefully we did all right we counted 41 so did Luigi Peach and Yoshi counted 45 each so let's see how this is wait are there actually going to be just 40 oh there are 41. okay yeah because I didn't see that there's one more over there because it looked like there was eight per row over there and I saw five rows I didn't see the final Goomba over there I didn't realize that there's one more row with just a single Goomba and this mini game fungi frenzy I've actually never played this one before I haven't seen this before ground pound the panels to collect as many mushrooms as you can at the start of every round you'll see how many mushrooms are under each panel that is interesting all right let's go and collect some mushrooms then I wonder if this has been in another Mario Party game before no okay so there's three right here oh I wanted to go for that one I didn't see how many were here and here let's see oh wow there are three there no one even went for that wait does no one want to ground pound this move Bros move Bros give me that one there we go okay we got it very nice okay what's next oh oh we have to walk on up okay well that's funny how we were fighting for that okay let's see so there's a three right here I think there's also a three in the bottom right very nice oh my goodness and that was three also we're doing amazing Peach has only two points that's quite funny hey where else do we want to go okay let's get that one again hey then we want to come down here because I think these were good right were these all good oh my goodness oh that one wasn't amazing let's just get this one to move Bros bros Who Rose oh and I got that one too oh my goodness we destroyed them 35 mushrooms that was amazing considering that that was the first time that I've ever played that from left to right you can see that it goes from happiest to so sad it is time to play the Bowser Jr mini game so we need to catch Bowser Jr in the clown car over there it's got some kind of chicken legs so we have to what we have to swing the Wiimote at the right time oh okay Swing Swing Swing and it looks like you could swing a bit early oh boy this isn't good we've got to catch up to him let's go oh and we gotta jump together okay let's go oh boy I my timing is way off let's go come on we gotta get Bowser Jr before he reaches the end I made so many mistakes I hope that we can still catch up to him come on come on we gotta go my bro we gotta go my bro we gotta go my bro let's go and jump and go I'll just swing when I see Luigi take a step that's the way that I'll do it instead of looking for when I get the prompt come on come here bro come here bro oh my goodness that was so close to the goal I'm so surprised that we actually got him would he have won if he took one more step that was close all right so in this mini game I think the objective is we want to pop all of Bowser Jr's bubbles up here so yeah let's go like this whoa you got me a pie let's go come here boost me up there all right let's get going let's keep moving go whoa boost me up okay and you go up there are there gonna be more balloons now is there a round two because that's too easy yeah we get some more time and then Bowser Jr is going to bring more balloons oh actually no it's not more balloons it's uh we actually have to pop a Bowser Jr okay so launch me up into him right there all right that was super easy that final balloon that we had to pop clear look at their nice happy dance this one is called double pounder instead of quarter pounder okay Bowser Jr's laughing at us we will not be mocked Bowser Jr hey let's go grab on these switches let's go bro very nice oh that didn't work there we go okay now we got him okay go to Yellow go to Yellow bro let's go very nice now go to Blue go to Blue bro let's go very nice now go to Red wait is there anything else that's supposed oh let's go oh you're too fast you're too fast you're too fast bro come on there we go oh my goodness I was wondering what's going on what's the challenge with this supposed to be but we are having quite a bit of trouble on the final switch you really have to ground pound at the same time zoom rube I remember this one was so tricky so we have to catch Bowser Jr this one took me very many attempts I think the first time that I ever did this though we have to catch Bowser Jr and he's actually quite a bit faster than us wait oh you're chasing him down there okay I'll come this way then oh no he's coming here come on yes I'm actually so lucky that I got him right there Luigi chased him down and we were just able to grab that Bowser Jr so this mini game is called cage match and the way that these cages behave remind me so much of Super Mario World which was such a fun game and I should go and visit that game sometime okay let's see I just gotta Whack Him come here come here you little rat come here you little rat where are you running where are you running I couldn't get him I couldn't get him come here yes Ed there we go we got him all right so I stunned him and then Luigi walked into him so that means we win that's very nice oh man I remember this minigame was also very tricky so we have to fire at Bowser Jr and we might accidentally shoot each other also if we don't play very well oh that was an amazing shot okay Luigi shot me though and the way that you move left and right is actually uh you tilt the wiim out left and right which might be a bit unexpected oh I'm sorry for doing that Luigi okay nice two hits on him one to go one shot to go and we've got you bro let's go ah I almost got him oh and it looks like you could actually break these uh hold on Stalag like mites are stalactites I guess stalik mites yeah cause stalik mites are from the ground and stalactites are from the ceiling oh I won so in this one Bowser Jr floats around in his clown car we use motion controls to move instead of the d-pad which might be kind of surprising and what we have to do is Ram Bowser Jr into that electric fence three times to win before the timer runs out we have to do it actually okay nice hit Louise you only one more hit to go well we can get him we can definitely get him and Oh I thought that would be it there we go very nice victory for us are we imploding teacups oh I won I like the way Luigi says that I like this mini game a lot this is probably my favorite mini game to play sorry this is probably my favorite Bowser Junior minigame so what we want to do is catch Bowser Jr Before Time Runs Out so let's just go like this okay there we go come on come here come here bro come here bro come here why aren't you here come on bro we gotta we gotta lock them in there we go okay there now half of the platforms are gone okay and let's keep going like this okay now he doesn't have a lot of space now no matter how much time there is we can't get him yeah so I think the most efficient strategy is First Take out the diagonal and then just keep cutting it in half because if you cut the space where you can move in half then you can definitely get him out before time runs out all right we are now playing the mini game called Pair of Aces this is one of the last Bowser Junior mini games we have to hit Bowser Jr I think three times before the time runs out okay so let's see is he gonna be moving oh he's moving oh now he's not moving okay there's one hit on him oh and you can press B to dodge the fire like that which is kind of cool now where are you going bro good jump two hits on him oh Luigi you should have pressed B to dodge hey now where are you bro where are you bro where are you bro I'm dodging and oh boy I dodged at the wrong time oh boy come on come on and we got him I don't know who got how many hits Luigi might have gotten all three hits but we did win which is the good news it is now time for the final Bowser Jr mini game this one is basically a race we want to go oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy we should be going up faster because uh we're both on the same part here basically I don't know if this is a good strategy what we're doing over here oh boy oh boy boy okay okay okay yeah but it looks like we are winning okay this isn't what I plan to do but it looks like it's actually working oh oh and I have to come over here too and now Mario steps on the switch ground pounds on it and what happens to Bowser Jr that's actually so sad that we drop him down like that oh I won but at what cost Luigi okay this one is crazy we are Mario and what we have to do is we have to bring three cubes over to the left before time runs out and the people up top are going to be pushing down Boulders at us and if you're hit by a boulder then you lose your cube of course which is also scary no no wow boy oh better better man okay there we go there's the first one okay that's lovely now let's just get our next Cube and let's just make our way down here wait why are you even pushing the cube I'm not even there oh boy you know what I'll go like this okay then we'll come down oh man how did that not hit me this is unreal okay about 30 seconds left okay we have 30 seconds to bring over the final Cube let's see let's see if we can do it oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy ah man I tried to turn and squeeze between them this isn't good this is in fact bad let's see okay go all right and go come on we can make it let's do it Gary we got it Gary we did it take that Mr Krabs oh man and now we can run up there and go into the temple and play Temple Run on our mobile phone guys leave a comment if you've ever played Temple Run before it is time for a drawing mini game I have to draw circles around these guys to get them out start and they want to try and run out of the oh and I can't make the circles very big also how's that oh got him okay that was just you bro did I get you oh he got out oh boy I can't make my circle too big yeah if you make it too big oh boy I didn't get him again come on now there we go we got him get wrecked bro that's a fun one I have to hunt these guys down in the ruins Rumble minigame wait I don't know if you move with the d-pad or by moving your controller oh it looks like you moved by uh actually moving your Wii mode okay so I have to come down and catch these guys let's see where are you going I'm gonna get you guys okay got those I don't have to get the dry bones the dry bones are just CPUs okay there we go now it's just Yoshi I'm Gonna Get You Yoshi you cannot get away from me nice try bro but oh boy I think they're better at turning than I oh wait do I actually have to get the dry bones also oh I also have to get the dry bones I didn't know that come on come on ah so close that was Unreal I did not know that you had to catch the dry bones in the previous minigame but in this one we only have to catch Luigi so let's oh boy let's there we go we got him okay I missed the first tackle but we got the second one that's all right barely got him with the second tackle too if you use some turbo boost he could have gotten past us this is a really interesting and satisfying one so there's this spiked ball that's going around Mario is below them all so I'm controlling Mario we have to move around and if we do jumps like that then we can make that Spike move in some interesting ways like that and we want the spike to come and hit those guys there we can go like this come on let's try this and come here come here guys there we go and there we go we got them all out that was very nice time for Mob slides instead of Bob sleds the first and I think only time that I've ever played this was in Mario Party 9 perspective mode and that was so difficult okay so if these guys catch you then you're out so you want to stay away from them uh let's see where you're going where you guys going oh boy they can group together and do some bad stuff to you oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy but they can only move on the tracks you can see where these tracks are ah I bet I thought that we'd be able to do much better but I didn't expect Peach to go there I was worried that Peach and Yoshi would quarter me there but they got me you know what I don't think I've ever played this mini game either whole Hogs the solo player must Hammer the other players before they can earn points the other players earn points by staying above ground without getting hit but this is kind of like whack-a-mole we control the hammer and these guys over here are the moles the witch holes can they pop out of oh oh they can pop out of any of those four or these two okay let's see wow ah okay I didn't get him out go okay getting a few come here oh gotta get him oh man it's so it's all come out together there we go okay doing very well here because they're all coming out close together oh I didn't realize you she was at Odo and how is that wait oh they filled up the bar so they win Oh I thought I get points for whacking them but it's I stopped them from getting points and I can't let them fill up the bar before time runs out so they won this is a really tricky one okay so we have to reorganize the pictures so that they are rotated the proper way let's see rotate nope nope not that much like this good okay hey wait what in the world are these supposed to look like like that oh I guess that's right then here okay then that's probably like that and this one but wait one more one more come on or two more there we are yeah yes we won okay Luigi had one more 90 degree turn to do but we just barely beat them that was tricky I've also never seen this mini game before Hazard hold unleash fire electricity and wind on your opponents the solo player must hit all of the other players to win so I have the power of the element's hair so Mario can face all the elements and yeah we have to get these guys out so let's see let's do electricity okay now face that way fire now wind now this now fire win I'm just pressing the buttons as soon as they're available let's see fire win electricity I'm not getting anybody how are these guys so good electricity okay we got somebody wait what if we try and do them all together like this when they're available yeah okay there we go there we go okay instead of hitting them right when they're available hit them with everything all at once that was nice and here's one more minigame that I've also never seen I haven't seen a bunch of these one versus Rivals mini games weird Wheels drive your wacky wheeled car to the goal press the correct buttons in the order shown on screen to move forward okay well we really are in weird cars foreign car has Square Wheels yeah my car has Square wheels and their car oh oh you really have to go fast their car has triangle Wheels okay wait is is mine just the d-pad okay good uh okay pretty good oh that's the goal over there amazing we made it okay hooray we did it that was a fun mini game actually I like these mini games where you have to press buttons in a certain order quickly and now it is time for the boss mini games this is super exciting the first boss is of course lakitu so he's going to be throwing spinies down at us because that's something that lakitu does and we want to hit these blocks over here to get a certain amount of points yeah so you can get one two or three points oh no depending on when you hit it or uh if okay if uh nothing good happens then you can just spawn uh spinies actually okay so you want to be careful you want to jump at this at a nice time but if you wait too long then someone might hit the block before you and actually get some points before you but it looks like we are in the lead right now oh no we walked into a spiny that's bad hey let's get that one two three okay there we go oh boy I walked into the spiny there so we got minus one let's go okay oh boy I just got a spidey there that's not good oh and I guess you get minus one if you hit the spiny block oh boy when do we even hit that oh who got last hit oh I got lasted okay that's very nice it looks like we very clearly won this one I didn't realize his health was so low I thought this boss battle would be going on for much longer but that's a nice victory that we have Mario is the winner let's go ah yo I'm in the last place now as for the next boss wob stomp we don't have as much of a guaranteed victory over here this one is a lot more luck based because you can choose to rotate I think zero or one and then later on you can choose to rotate one or two bottom yeah it all depends on what your opponents do so we can choose zero or one but you know what let's do zero let's not rotate is anyone rotating it's rotating twice we're getting squished amazing amazing look at that so it's rotating like this and we're getting squished nope yep there we go now everybody gets to go ground pound on this guy and deal lots of damage and get lots of points but not us because we're squished we are flattened I guess that probably is the best time to get flanned okay this time I'm going one as long as not everybody does one then we're not getting switched okay good now Peach is getting squished we did two again so Peach it's time for you to get squished and let's get ready to mash a we're gonna Mash a very quickly here hey Yoshi got to go quite quickly because he was closer I guess I wanted to get one more jump but we couldn't okay that's not good okay and he's half defeated Luigi and Yoshi have got a lot of points hey what are we gonna do now he jumps on that okay that's going two now how many more do we wanted to go okay I'm going one as long as not everybody does one we're good okay wait wait that's four oh so we're squishing Princess Peach again that's quite funny too bad we're not squishing Luigi or Yoshi because yeah I don't know if we can win this one is it even possible for us to win this one because we did get squished at the beginning let's see come on and okay no we couldn't get another jump there look at that Yoshi's so far ahead we need Yoshi to get squished yeah but even if Yoshi gets squished then Luigi will still probably win so yeah let's push again I'm going for it hopefully uh what do we need wait six no that means I'm getting squished again look at how unlucky we are over here oh my goodness am I going to be in last place because I don't know how many points Princess Peach is going to get here we get minus one if Peach gets last hit bonus then I'm in last place let's see she gets last hit bonus plus three wait does that mean uh wait does she get her boost now or later because hold on I thought she would have more points actually oh I'm not in last actually I'm one point ahead of Princess Peach okay we are quite unlucky in that boss fight let's see how good our memory is in this boss fight this is the splendid boss fight we are going to face off against Dry Bones here every everyone's favorite Super Smash Bros ultimate character just a joke because I'm pretty sure he's not in Smash Bros okay oh red or green okay so these are all red here and those are green okay where is he going red okay so we need a red so these are all red here Luigi that's not red the other red was up here okay so only some of us damage it but yeah I think there are jokes about how dry bones should be in Smash Bros but he isn't I think that's something that people make jokes about okay let's see what colors do we need a red green or blue okay red green blue red green blue let's see red green blue is here I think hopefully I did that correctly yeah we got blue okay who else got blue Peach cup blue wait what is that skull one is that Luigi why are you doing so poorly oh my goodness Luigi gets whacked he gets minus one even though he doesn't have any points he lost a point okay so if I were playing perfectly so now some of the cards they might move around right is that what's going to happen now let's see red blue yellow green red blue yellow green red blue yellow green red blue is here I think I think it was red blue yellow green I think this one was blue right very good we got that so that's nice oh someone got a yellow blue blue ain't wrong again Luigi how bad are you at this mini game hey hopefully we can do all right okay let's see but we need red yellow blue green red yellow blue green red yellow oh okay a red yellow blue green red yellow blue green is here green didn't move let's see did we get it we got a green okay almost everyone got green okay so is this mini game going to be a time there is you got is wrong again Luigi has no points Luigi is the only person who didn't get any points in this mini game and otherwise it's a first place tie between everyone else Luigi are you afraid of dry bones or something Luigi needs to play some more Luigi's Mansion alright and this is one of my favorite mini games in the game I'm so glad that this one is also in Mario Party Superstars this is such a great game mode this is shell soccer or wait or is it called Goomba soccer actually well what you want to do anyways is knock out all of their Goombas and not have your Goombas knocked out oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy let's go go yeah we got one already all right that's very nice okay now let's be careful let's go let's see where you go where are you going there we go Ed pass it up and go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go come on why in the world the world may not tackle him there what are these guys doing why are we playing around like this let's go oh boy I tried to shoot there but they defended go oh that didn't work I've gotta go like this oh oh that was the wrong button I actually wanted to shoot okay I'll just go like that then okay that's fine these guys they're just not putting up a fight at all here what are they doing I don't know what they're trying over here but they're just taking it easy Oh Oh I thought that would work I I keep messing up my shoot and pass buttons let's go like that okay very nice only two left for the man Mario and Luigi are just destroying these guys let's see nice and pass it up pass it up oh no oh no oh no oh better they still couldn't do it let's go and go like that and oh man what a shot the way that it bounced off the wall okay we might actually have a perfect game if this keeps going the way that it's going let's see there we are perfect game seven nothing unbelievable victory for us here is a cheap cheap boss fight now and this has been such a fun video I'm so happy with how this is going so far so in this one you hold the Wiimote sideways you tilt the Wiimote in the direction that you want to swim you want to avoid the cheap cheap uh attacking you and what you want to do is uh throw shells at the cheap cheap whenever you have the chance like that and now move good jump no go good okay come on give me that one give me that one oh boy look out look out look out look out look out get a shell okay now where is he where is he he's over here let me get him oh don't get hit by him okay very good okay now come over here are you just gonna keep attacking there bro what is this cheap cheap doing okay the cheap Chiefs have defeated we are in the lead which is very nice Luigi isn't too far behind Okay let's go like that okay come on come on down hey where are you going bro oh is he gonna jump down oh no he's there he's there he's there I see his shadow I see a shadow and get that good now come on down good now come here come here let's see where is he going where is he going oh look out look out look at where is he gonna go where is he gonna go where is he gonna go oh is HP is kind of low come on go that hits oh that didn't defeat him get that no I threw his shell but I didn't get last hit oh wait but even though Peach gets plus three for final hit we're so far ahead that it doesn't matter wow we did greater than that Yoshi did so poorly there this mini game can be very tricky especially because we're using the HD mod right now so a lot of the circles apparently show up smaller than they normally do so let's try our best because we want to be the first one to grab the Hammers when the Hammers appear especially the go old Hammer uh we didn't get the Gold Hammer that's so sad Luigi got it yeah so the gold hammers worth the most points you want to be the first to grab it oh did Yoshi get nothing looks like Yoshi's getting knocked out okay where's Gold Hammer right there yes we got the Gold Hammer let's go Luigi just has a twig and so does peach okay so they get hit there so we are in the lead this is looking great so far actually wait and the circles they aren't so small normally they're super small okay so it's wearing gold yeah we got the gold oh that's so good I'm doing so much better than I normally do at this I'm actually so surprised how well we're doing okay but now the spike we can see that he's half defeated he's getting angry he's throwing a bit of a tantrum here you know I think that there's less time to react now hey but let's try our best yeah the love is coming up so we're a bit higher so maybe we should just grab whatever we can now let's see what's this one and gold yeah we got the gold oh boy probably would have been better to stay at the left or the right because then you can choose between two circles quite quickly but yeah let's see what are we gonna do now let's see what is it what is it what is it I'm just taking a normal Hammer that's all right let's see and we both get final hit bonus or is it Yoshi who gets it we both get it okay thank goodness I went for that then oh my goodness and that is a nice victory for us Princess Peach has zero points very sad for her so sad Princess Peach at last place this video game is interesting there's Diddy Kong over here and this mini game is listed with the boss mini games even though I think this mini game isn't with Boss Rush what we want to do is blast out against the bananas and you don't want to bump into each other like that because you'll be dizzy okay but oh I wanted to get the five I wanted to get the five oh boy not a lot of bananas against it oh no how are we doing oh boy just keep whacking into other people let's get that one there who's gonna get that one who's gonna get that last banana give me it yeah oh man there's still one more banana in the top left that we got also and somehow we won that even though I think that was a ridiculous strategy and it is time for a Bowser Junior your boss fight now so this one actually isn't considered a Bowser Jr mini game in the game it's actually considered a boss fight so yeah we're doing this one with the boss fights over here because we're just doing the mini games basically in order doing all the four player minigames and all the One versus rival mini games this is a pretty cool boss fight but I think what we have to do oh first an order is getting decided I have to cough okay I just coughed I'm gonna cut out my car from the video though okay he gets it too so I think it's if you land on the 3 6 9 12 or 15 then something good happens then you deal that much damage basically so if you get a one or a four right now then you deal damage okay each gun of four that's actually very lucky for her because she lands on a six now she's going to deal six damage onto Bowser Jr yeah so she jumps on him like that so that's quite lucky for her and now gets reset so let's see what's Yoshi Gonna Roll get a five give me a five just a one okay so if we get a two or a four then that or sorry a two or a five that would be very good for us because then we would deal damage so let's go and we get a what okay that's okay that's all right hopefully nobody else lands on any of the Stars so far Peach has been the only one that has dealt any damage because we basically just roll the dice okay out of four okay so Luigi is going to deal six damage now because he lands on the six star there and if you land on the Bowser Junior icon the one that's at the four team there then I think something bad happens I think that makes Bowser Jr start to attack you okay what is petrol Peach rolls is six he's dealing another six damage what is with this luck that Princess Peach has that's unreal okay now Bowser Jr is half defeated so he's going to start to get angry because the bosses in this game I think it's every single boss they start to get angry when they are half defeated so Bowser Jr spit out a little Bowser Jr bomb here oh it exploded okay now there are two more places where that can happen where you can land on the Bowser Jr icon and that would make you lose points if that happens I think okay so if we get a one or a four that would be nice for us let's see wait can you just shake up the dice like that to get a bigger number no oh that brings us to eight oh man the others might get something good now if Luigi gets a one that's amazing from a four wait where does that bring him oh my goodness 12. does that actually defeat Bowser Jr no let's see no he's got a little bit of Health left Luigi has 18 points though this is unreal Bowser Jr probably only has about three Health left three maybe a bit more than three so we might not get any points is Yoshi going to get any points no she gets a five a six okay so that means that goes up to six and he's probably defeated now so I get zero points in this mini game I didn't get any voids at all in this mini game we were very unlucky here yeah this sometimes happens with the luck based mini games like this Ed Bowser Jr is defeated goodbye Bowser Junior wait did Yoshi not get extra points for final hit so we're in the last place at this so that's so sad time for wiggler bounce this is a very fun video game one of the coolest boss mini games there's so many good boss minigames the final bosses are really good on you guys have definitely got to see that if you haven't seen that one yet so what we are going to want to do here is ground pound on the segments of the Wiggler's body especially the red one I think the red one yeah the red one does give you the most points oh boy no and you don't want to walk into the wiggler because if you walk into the wiggler or these uh piranha planes then you do take some damage okay so where's wiggler coming from next from here okay let's get ready let's get some hits on right there okay and there is a nice red right at the front guys move guys move come on guys come on guys always have to beat it already he's getting angry now we've got an angry wiggler all right let's go like that nice three I was hoping that we'd be able to get one more three but no okay at least we can get some hits there okay where is he coming from next where's the wiggler wigglers coming from up here isn't he where's the good spot right there oh the ice we got a three come on and no no that was just the one move let me get it uh oh last hit vote is very nice that's so cool how you get a few extra points for final hit oh that's so sad how the wiggler Falls over like that okay so this video game starts off with Donkey Kong screaming and Donkey kong64 was such a fun game I really want to revisit that sometime what we want to do is launch ourselves up and get these barrels get ready get ready and yes boost me up and let me get the big one let's go baby you guys are destroyed Now launch me up again and oh give me that okay there we go there's some more bananas oh my goodness okay these guys are absolutely wrecked here now just because we got to go into that uh to go into that lucky one a bit give me that one too yeah sure I got one more banana there at the end to 34 bananas oh and why is Louise he's just jumping on Princess Peach there to finish the mini game Peach is already in less don't jump under anymore time for bombard King Bob this is the king Bob on boss fight in Mario Party night and this one is a little bit luck based because how well you do it depends on what your CPU opponents choose start so we want to choose the bomb the biggest ones deal the most damage but if two people go for the same bomb then none of you can pick it up well if at least two of you go for the same bump yeah so right there we bump into each other and we're dizzy and Luigi and Peach they went for the same bump okay let's go for the far right I think that's a good choice uh hopefully no one else picks too let's see oh boy the three boys went for the big one but peach went for the little one and she was the only one that got to deal damage but let's see what happens in this round now I'm choosing the far left I chose the far right likes I chose the far right last time now let's choose the far left and Yoshi and I bumped into each other okay now Luigi went for the smallest bomb Luigi's got to point Yoshi and I we still don't have any points I remember doing this strategy once where I would always go for the biggest Bob and oh nice okay that time it actually worked we got to deal some damage very nice and we were doing horrible until the very end and I actually ended up winning so I don't know what's gonna happen here okay let's go four one I think one is a good choice here one or a are both the biggest ones nice very nice okay and now he's more than half defeated and we are in the lead over here but will we be able to maintain our lead that is the question so in the first half of the boss fight if two people go for the same bump then they just bump into each other and nothing happens but now if two people go for the same bomb then King Bo bum will throw a ball ball at you yes look Peach and I are going to take damage now right yeah we get hurt now we actually lose a point so let's see this is a little scary I'm gonna go for the d-pad here d-padder AR good choices because they're the biggest let's see what are you guys going for no Luigi no Luigi bad Luigi okay Yoshi's actually in the lead right now and I'm tied with Princess Peach in second okay I gotta go for one gotta go for the one over here come on baby let me get the one no everyone's going for that please tell me that doesn't finish him off okay that doesn't finish him off each and oh no he's gonna say Peach and Yoshi are tied in person but it's actually just peach in person okay I'm going for the d-pad going for the d-pad because I don't know if the bombs get thrown from left to right or if they're all thrown at once but let's see okay let me throw this off yeah I get final hit bonus and how much is final hit bonus plus three wait so do we win now do we win because of that or no because what happens I'm not sure if our plus three has been added already or not yes our plus three is added now and now we do actually win because of that going to the left there for the final round that was a good choice if the CPUs were super smart in the last one they could have gone to the left and then maybe the best race would have been the second one to the left okay but we're now playing this minigame wait I didn't read the instructions I don't remember how this one works no I wanted that I wanted that okay let's go like that very nice okay oh wait and I think if you get three uh lightning bolts together then that's very good let's go like this come on move move I want to bring these lightning bolts here you guys aren't taking my lightning bolts yeah I got a lightning bolt okay you guys are gonna get wrecked now you ready to get destroyed we're gonna get absolutely annihilated everybody go like this and like this okay let's bring over a red shelf oh King Boos already half defeated yeah so he wanted oh oh I'm not even that far ahead of Yoshi well that's quite scary okay let's bring over these wait where's the other lightning bolt another lightning bolt is right here ready to get wrecked guys ready to get wrecked you ready to get wrecked bam how you like this how do you like this you guys like losing points because that's what's gonna happen to you right now give me that okay give me this and this and this okay then let me go like this and like that okay very nice let me go like this actually I'll go like I wanted to bring that oh what in the world the boo almost grabbed me there I don't know what happened there final attack plus ten oh that's a pretty good boost but it is nowhere near good enough to defeat us because look at how far ahead we are luckily that plus 10 brought Princess Peach out of last place luckily for her okay we are now on a pirate ship over here oh boy this actually reminds me of something I remember my sister used to play this game a little while ago Pirates of the Caribbean online and this reminds me of that a little bit because we're on a pirate ship okay let's try our best here where are we gonna go where's the blooper I never do very well at this mini game so I don't know how this is going to go oh that's coming to me oh oh I just realized these urchins they might they might uh even if it's not initially coming for you it might start coming for you if someone else hits it I never realized that could happen okay wait what's the score so far let's check the scores how are they so far ahead I'm tied in last I don't know how these guys are always doing so well at this they can't see what's going on now a little hard to see what's going on if that's coming to me is that one also coming to me that was also coming to me okay let's see where are we gonna go let's just keep shooting here hey don't come to me don't come to me okay let's just keep shooting just keep shooting how are we doing oh we're almost ahead wait who got last hit he's got final hit so I'm tied in first with Yoshi I think and Luigi's in last again this is the second time in a row that Peach has gotten last hit and that has brought her out of last place right let's see yeah I'm tied in first with Yoshi and Luigi's at last again peaches in third only because she got last hit bonus time for the mini game chain chomp Rob this is a fantastic boss fight one of the best boss fights in the game okay and now let's pay attention this is one where you've gotta be quick okay so all we have to do is not choose the middle one so let's just watch the middle one okay so choose anything but the far right anything but the far right should be good guys okay and nobody chose the far right yeah because the far right cart that's the one that just leads to the middle path because at every horizontal intersection you have to take it so yeah as you can see everyone is at a cannon and we all shoot our cannons at the chain chomp feeling some damage onto him and that's not bad and soon oh now they're gold okay so we want to get the gold one okay so let's watch gold is all right okay so what's far right it is d-pad yes I was first okay thank goodness we got it okay because if you don't get that first and that's the only one that you're paying attention to then that could be trouble because then you have to pick one at random and hopefully you don't pick one where you go straight to the chain chomp and the chain chomp eats you up like this the gold Cannon deals three damage so we're actually in the lead right now and the boss is half defeated so the chain jump is getting angry now Angry chain jump okay let's see what's the left one where's that one uh Center okay what's the center is two okay I'm getting pretty good at pressing these buttons quite quickly well that's very nice hopefully I chose the right one right right okay we go across like this and there you go oh look at Yoshi Yoshi's going to the Jade jump and Jade jump and Jackson and he loses one point okay and now we might be getting to the point where you want to strategically oh wait pay attention to the gold where's the gold let's see okay far left far left what's far left it is hey okay good we got it very good yeah but now you might want to strategically choose one of the ones on the right so that you can get last hit bonus oh if Yoshi's getting attacked again for Yoshi oh man Yoshi's down to zero points now because yeah whoever gets last hit gets a few bonus points actually I think it's three or so bonus points okay so we'd probably want the second one right now let's see the second one is uh the fourth one okay that is B oh boy B I didn't think that we'd have to press B B is on the bottom of the controller okay hopefully this is right oh no actually B is wrong B is wrong oh no we picked the wrong one this is bad someone else might be winning now wait wait is Luigi going to win now oh thank goodness you she got the finishing hit Yoshi thank you so much Yoshi oh man we're so lucky we weren't even there for the chain jump being defeated but we still do win right yeah we are still the winner there even though Yoshi got final hit he's tied in third okay so let's just do this mini game over here before the final boss all right and let's try to defeat Yoshi in Castle clear out mode I guess this is considered a mini game it is in the uh extra Zone it's one of the extra mini games so if you could get six of the same color together then you can make nice things happen so let's try and do that wait wait will we even be able to get six purple together like this uh if we go here will the purple come down nicely or no I hope the purple comes down to where I wanted to go down purple good good good okay now if we could get a purple in there that would be amazing we gotta get a purple in there that would be amazing let's see I can go like this right right purple's gonna come in there there we are we gotta lied we gotta lie now a bunch of stuff is gonna drop down on Yoshi's side and that'll be good for us now then if only we could do something nice with these yellows also oh oh man that's a lot of stuff falling down by Yoshi okay so let's try and also make a gotta make a hexagon right I think that you can make a hexagon you can make a hexagon then something nice will happen oh wait but that won't work so let's just get some purples over here some purples over here like that oh I could almost make a make something there oh and I'm dropping a triple blue I'm sorry a triple purple triple purple's coming here but you know what if we like this we put this in place that'll be lovely go yeah we got a hexagon oh man you're so good Yoshi's going to get destroyed now because even more stuff is going to fall on him [Music] now what do we want to do are there any other nice shapes that we could make here and uh what else can we make let's see maybe we can start to make a hexagon here a yellow hexagon that'd be quite tricky though no because that's connected to down there yeah so that's just all getting cleared now yeah It's tricky because you want stuff you want nice colors together but you want them to be together in a specific way and man you know she's actually doing pretty good at clearing this I can almost make a hexagon there but no that's gonna clear all those what can we do oh oh we can almost make a you know what over here don't fall there okay good good good oh now let's just get a red in there and there we go now we gotta triangle or I guess it's called a pyramid I called it a triangle that's funny okay so oh look at the way that these walls are are together over here oh Yoshi's almost Defeated You've almost defeated Yoshi oh he made a line good for him okay now stuff is going to be pulling here on us hmm if only we could make something nice happen though got five of those together got five of those together we can drop a green and a yellow like that and then that should be good because all that is cleared oh we could almost make a yeah right there right there right there gotta get just get a red there oh don't fall don't fall oh I almost messed it up and let's just get our red right here perfect I got another pyramid for you bro how do you like those pyramids Yoshi hey can we make anything else nice maybe we can go like this it'll make a pyramid eventually uh yeah if I could get two of those there then we can make a nice pyramid but we need few greens together to be able to do that okay let's just move stuff over to the side until we have something with two greens uh let's just move that over not too worried about that okay double Reds maybe we could start to make something there man come on I need something with two greens come on I need something with two greens okay there's two blues uh but I'm worried about getting those Blues in there and messing everything up though and let's go like uh that okay yay and then maybe we can get some there if we have two Reds come on come on come on come on oh boy I gotta mess this one up that's so sad that we have to do that but yeah we've got to do that oh here's something with two greens let's get our two greens in here and there we are finally we made you a triangle uh pyramid oh does that get rid of oh and we won hooray okay there's also a round two now so let's do another round like this and and let's see if there's something else that we can do maybe we could do this faster too because this is a actually quite uh difficult if you want to do this fast especially the harder difficulties of this oh man the harder difficulties of this are very very difficult to complete I am you basically nothing right now though what am I supposed to do there's nothing there's nothing good that I can make here what can I make what can I make I guess we could get a red in there maybe we could get a red in there uh let's uh yeah we can try and make a red triangle or a Red Pyramid over there let's just move everything else out of the way and then maybe if we go like that well no that's not what I wanted I completely messed it up oh no oh no that's so sad okay I'll just get rid of those then that's all right what do we want to do though what can we do is there anything nice that we can do the music that plays here is pretty nice that's one nice thing Yoshi isn't really attacking us very hard right now either so what can we do oh we could uh almost get a hexagon here but that's gonna start to fall but I can put something right here I just hope that doesn't fall to the okay good that fell that way very good okay so let's just put down a red right there now you pull now I just need one red and we've got a hexagon just get a red right there perfect that's exactly what we needed now Yoshi's going to get attacked I wanted to try making a yellow line okay come on come on give me my pieces give me my pieces let's put that one in there does that clear oh that's not enough greens oh we won already wow that was so fast okay is it first to three or is it three rounds I'm not sure how it works I'm guessing it's probably first to three okay so we're doing okay over here man now we're getting a bunch of doubles you know what let's put down our yellows uh like that well that fault good the yellow fell nicely now what do we do let's just keep these Blues here you can start to make a blue uh hexagon there will this yellow fault guys now we just need two more yellows and we are great and we can also start to work on a hexagon up there what if we go no no no no no that won't work that won't work I can't do that okay so let's see what can we do what can we do uh let's go no no no no cause that's gonna fall there then so that'll be a problem so let's go like this oh wait is that gonna fall that falls that's not good this better not mess up this better not mess up I'm working very very hard and diligently on this and now we just need one more yellow we just need a yellow in there let me get a yellow one there oh yes and we've got a double yellow so now you can drop this right in there and there we go we've got a line a yellow line when you got six connected in a line or in a pyramid shape or a hexagon and it's like a special attack on your opponent I don't know what I was trying to do there is there anything nice that we could do here yeah we can't really make a Red Pyramid here I guess oh boy that isn't what I wanted to do uh let's get a red in there those green are together maybe we could turn that into a green line but I don't even know if we could do that what can we do we've got some yellows here got some blues we're getting some pieces that should be nice in theory but I'm just not able to match this stuff up nicely at all maybe we can go like that we've almost got a blue line there but ah man oh man what do we do what do we do what if we actually lose this round okay wait let's try and get a purple there let's try and clear some stuff actually just so we don't uh lose and there we go we can clear some of those uh purples oh I could almost make a red line like that making a line there would be difficult though Let's see we could go like oh we won already okay very nice so we won hooray we beat Yoshi so the winner of this mini game is Mario and now it is time for the final boss Bowser oh boy I remember the first time that I ever came to this Bowser boss it was in my video where we played through the full story mode of Mario Party 9 and I am actually so surprised how many people have watched that video that video has so many views if you guys have not seen that video yet you might like that okay so what we're doing right now is we want to flip these cubes and we want there to be as many face up Marios as possible so any cubes that are not Mario we want to flip them wait are there only two Marios right now oh three Mario's okay nice so we deal three damage right now Luigi has two and Peach has two Yoshi doesn't have any that's so sad for Yoshi okay so now Bowser's gonna swallow up these cubes and he's gonna blast out some fire so boy that was scary they came by very quickly it's not expecting that okay let's grab some cubes let's go we don't want any Luigi's over here although Luigi's we want to switch them Yoshi's don't really matter because Yoshi doesn't have any points but the peaches we don't want peaches okay so let's see oh quite a few Marios up here four Marios okay so I'm dealing four damage now that's nice and for every damage you deal you get one point yeah they only deal one each there so that's pretty good that's good I like how this is going okay now he's gonna swallow up those and let's just avoid the fire whoa whoa I got hit by one of them oh boy that's so sad so sad that we got hit very sad times okay let's go that is flip these gotta flip these Let's see we don't want Luigi's we don't want peaches we don't want Yoshi's so many Princess Peaches here can I I wanted to pick up one more but I couldn't wait okay two Marios oh everyone has two this time that's all right that's quite a bit of damage we did on Tim oh now he's more than half defeated Bowser's gonna get angry now really angry Bowser and he's growing larger too that seems like a comet oh he's actually so so big that seems like a common theme in Mario games uh Bowser gets bigger the Bowser but uh actually in Mario Party games it seems quite common oh oh and yeah we don't want to start uh collecting uh these yet because now Bowser's gonna start to throw some cubes and bosses are going to appear okay so now there are booths they're gonna be booze that spin around and we want to not get hit by them that's good and round two let's see come on Boost ah man I wanted to squeeze through I did not time that nicely okay so let's get ready more cubes let's see is it gonna tilt yeah now it's starting to tilt okay so let's grab these grab the Luigi grab the peach grab the peach grab the Luigi I couldn't grab it in time okay we got three right as Luigi also have three or Luigi has four man Luigi's dealing a lot of damage right now yeah and this is also a part of the fight where we want to get final hit bonus because final hit bonus gives you a few points okay I'm only four ahead of Luigi okay Bowser's gonna swallow that now blow your fire there oh man PJ avoided that good job Princess Peach hey what's the next boss that's coming down it is blooper what is blooper going to do when he appears I don't even remember what blooper does when he appears oh this actually reminds me so much of Paper Mario the origami cake oh he's just going after Yoshi no mercy for Yoshi yeah keep going after those guys just leave me alone I like how he basically left me hello that's kind of funny he just had only one point now Yoshi's at two Luigi's still at five though Luigi has quite a few points over here so if there are any blocks with Luigi we definitely want to get rid of those because we don't want Luigi getting any points let's see and did we get any points we get one he's just getting four right now is that defeating Bowser or no quite a bit of damage Luigi don't defeat him come on don't defeat him okay now let us defeat him so we both get the bonus please is he defeated ah he's still got what HP that's gonna be one HP left a tiny sliver of HP okay if we could have the most cubes this round then we would get first hit bonus okay whoa the way that Yoshi was walking into that Cube was so weird okay so now we don't want to get hit by the booze okay let's find a good time to walk through them go now good okay good good good good now get ready go no good very good okay now we want lots and lots of Mario cubes give us lots of Mario cubes fake all of the cubes all Marios okay give me all Marios all Marios we need just Marios Marios everywhere Mario's everywhere not Yoshi's so many Yoshi's here okay and let's see what's that no so many Yoshi's wait wait how many how many no oh there are only two Mario so Yoshi gets the final hit there he gets plus three and he gets plus three for final attack that actually brings him up into second place but it's not good enough to be in first place and Bowser is defeated right let's see is he defeated or is there a round two to this boss fight it looks like there isn't a round two we're the winner Yoshi's in second and of course Princess Peach in the last place which is very fitting I really recommend you watch my video where we play all mini games and face all bosses in Mario Party 10 it is one of the most popular videos on my channel and the mini games in that game are so great thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day ahead of you share everybody
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,701,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, super mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, super mario party minigame, all characters, mario vs luigi, peach, yoshi, mario party all characters, mario party all characters minigames, all minigames mario party, final boss, mario party bosses, all bosses, mario party 9
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 45sec (5445 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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