World Crown + Champion's Road!! (Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury FINAL LEVEL + ENDING!!)

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today we go to world crowd and champions road in super mario 3d world the final bonus world of the game this will be my first time ever completing these levels thank you so much for watching and i really hope you enjoy this video i can't believe that we are finally going here this is actually unbelievable okay so we now have access to this rocket ship and that's only because we have all the green stars so far all the stamps so far and the top of every gold ball so far so here we are world crown we are finally here i actually can't believe that we finally made it here i've never completed any of these levels before wait a minute there's just a free stamp right over here that you could get i guess there is okay but yeah other than this there oh my goodness and i missed the step yeah there are three main levels over here other than this one oh my goodness it's a retro mario that's pretty cool okay so let's first go to the mystery house i've heard so many people say for so long that champions road is like the hardest level in the game by far some people are letting me know in the comments that like them and their family they've been struggling for like months to complete that level together and a lot of people they like give up trying to complete this level so let's see how it goes but first i want to do this mystery house first oh my goodness that is a lot of green stars you've got to get a lot of green stars over here and i guess since it's a mystery house if you mess up then you have to restart from the very beginning right so let's see how we're going to do over here wow lots of sprixies over here oh my goodness yeah a lot of green stars over here okay and all right so first up is just some koopa troopas that doesn't seem too bad oh that was amazing that shell worked perfectly it just took them all out together that was great okay what's next okay we want to run across to over here lots of coins hello there my spiky bar friend oh there my spiky bar friend don't mind me i'm just oh nice went right into the warp box okay now you guys you're not gonna cause me any trouble right we're just gonna get onto these switches and behave easy peasy there we go let's just pop in here okay now it looks like we have to give up our uh like we have to give up our you know what wait can you get it please oh boy please go high enough okay oh boy oh boy please oh boy that was so close i was so scared because i was so scared to jump into the fire okay now what about you guys where in the world are you guys going whoa whoa oh go don't touch me okay good good good they disappeared okay okay that's so good i was so scared that they would hurt me okay now then uh oh oh right over there right over there okay perfect that's amazing that we got that okay i wonder if over here if it's in the same spot every time or if it's in oh wait i guess uh i guess rolling is a good way to take that out okay let's go let's see what is next oh boy lots of you guys here come here you little troublemakers you you know what i'll go like this one two oh nice got them both together like that perfect okay let's get out of here i wanted that coin actually okay oh boy there goes the baseball uh oh oh we somehow got it okay that's amazing i wasn't expecting that to work now then we can probably get up here without the help of these trampoline fellas let's go like that and there we are very nice nice try trampolines but i did not need you now this over here hold on hold on we have seen something like this in a past mystery house this is making me think that some of them are repeats or like close repeats but some of them are a bit different some of them i don't think we have seen before oh no oh no oh no oh no am i done now am i done now am i done oh my goodness oh my goodness i was holding my breath there i'm like there's no way we can get out of there oh man that was unreal oh oh oh wait wait oh now we have to go up this way uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh am i in trouble here am i in trouble here i might be in trouble here hit that come on up go oh my goodness again that is unreal i keep getting it on zero seconds how am i doing this this is unbelievable okay what's next okay we have to climb up i guess and we don't want those blocks to get in our way please don't get in my way blocks please don't get my weight blocks hey very good there's a shiny spot there should i ground pound there no we should go for this right here and hold on i want to see what's right here though what is right here another super bowl okay you know what i'll take it i'll take it there we go and what's next oh oh oh boy that is so tricky that is such a tricky one oh my goodness that was so difficult i really had to pay attention there okay what's next okay this one we have to climb home we've done something like this before is it just you climb up is that all you have to do you just have to keep climbing like this okay and there we go okay looks alright so far we're halfway through officially whoa no no no no no no no no no no oh my goodness i can't believe that we lost our super bowl power up okay what's next wait stop the rabbit stop the rabbit stop rabbit stop rabbit okay now just get the star there we are okay good good good good okay now just slow down mario okay okay let's see where are we going next do i need the power up oh just go like this go yes i'm so glad that worked okay and the ball didn't bunk into me so it didn't push me back okay this is going all right what's next wait go like that okay very nice good way to get it hey what's next oh boy oh boy oh boy uh do that do this go go bro come on go bro get out of here get out of here bro give me the green star thank you oh my goodness that was scary that was another close one okay we're almost done if we mess up we have to restart from the beginning which is terrifying wait how in the world we go there oh boy i just gotta do this oh boy i was so scared that that wouldn't work if that didn't work then i'd have to redo that from the very very beginning oh my goodness this is so scary this is getting so intense oh boy because i don't know if there's any level where power up will really come in handy okay let's see just jump jump oh stop okay i made it into the box okay oh boy bounce bounce oh no i need my power up get me up there please please no no no no excellent oh boy go in is this the next one yes yes yes okay this is where we lost last time okay i am gonna be super duper careful here and go like this yes okay that was such a cheap way to do it but there we go okay very nice oh boy hold on a second hold on a second hold on do i have to explode this activate it they're all activated okay there we go there you go okay that was scary okay these are now the new green stars let's see what's next uh do i have to eat all the fuzzies is that what i have to do i wonder if you also have to defeat the piranha plants though oh i think you also have to defeat the piranha plants oh man that's crazy not only do you have to defeat the fuzzies but you also have to defeat the piranha plants oh no this one's going the opposite way of what normally about normally goes oh no oh no oh no oh no wait wait wait wait wait oh boy okay we lost our super bowl that's all right though oh man oh boy get me up there get me up there okay thank you thank you thank you uh should i use my super bowl there are three left okay you know what i'm taking it i'm taking it normally i don't do this but i'm so scared of what there might still be uh what in the world what in the world okay but we got it we got it that's all right who left boom boom are you kidding me how many hits do we need oh is it just the one hit okay it looks like it's just the one hit thank goodness i'm like i can't defeat this boss in 10 seconds okay what's the final one oh there's a stamp wait is this just an easy one to finish off hold on oh thank goodness the last one is easy i was so scared of like what kind of challenge is going to be here oh my goodness that is unreal that is definitely the hardest mystery house in the game okay and we get a star stamp that is very nice oh man what a relief to have that done and that's just the first level of the world that is so many green stars i've never had anywhere near this many green stars oh my goodness over 360 over 372 that is unreal oh my goodness that is so tough okay and before we do champions road let's save this one for last first let's do the captain toad level i've heard difficult things about this one too so i'm really excited to see what this is i am absolutely loving this playthrough so far though oh my goodness this might be my favorite world yet that was just such a cool challenge over there that we just did but now it's time for captain toad's fury finale is it fury or fiery i don't know how that's pronounced oh boy i'm so nervous how difficult is this going to be i've never seen this one wow lots of lava over here wait a minute i think i actually have seen this one in my video where i played through all captain toad levels combined together but uh uh what are we gonna do oh oh boy don't go down there don't go down there come here come here come here get that stay away from me fireballs okay good no you're gonna keep shooting at me aren't you aren't you my friend just stay stay paused like that stay pause okay they like that but uh how in the world am i going to go anywhere oh i guess we want to go down don't shoot at me okay stop this stop this madness right now and do i want to go down i guess we can go down to here and then run across to there no really cool music that's playing okay so now i know what we have to do we want that green star then we want to slow down this guy and as soon as we can we want to start running there go down run captain don't run before the lava comes up very nice okay now this guy stop causing me trouble okay just just relax bro just relax okay just calm down i wish i could defeat that guy somehow is there something i can do to damage that guy okay but let's go here wait a minute is this block going to move wait wait wait that area is gonna get covered in lava isn't it let's see yeah down there is gonna get covered in love okay so we want to go down there and get the green star there when it is safe to do so okay so let's grab it now grab it now you just wait bro just wait bro relax if that comes up like that oh that goes up quite high and wait do we want to go up there oh we can't go up yet anyway so come down relax bro relax piranha plant oh my goodness you're such a crazy purana plant oh oh boy don't reach me don't reach me okay i hope this block doesn't come down by itself wait but i could just uh drop down to it there oh you stop you need to stop okay okay sir please please please contain yourself sir uh let's come here go like this bring me up bring me up ah too slow oh i can push the fireball back at him that's wild hold on hold on hold on i almost did that accidentally actually hold on apparently when this guy shoots a fireball you can uh send it back to him will that work ah come on come on come on i gotta get this guy i gotta get this guy you need good aim there we are finally now he's not gonna cause us any trouble at all beautiful how lovely is that okay now let's just come down here oh boy now there's one last thing that we have to worry about and that's amazing that's like having one less bolted juggle when you're trying to juggle it just becomes so much easier well at least as an amateur juggler who can uh barely juggle it becomes a lot easier bring me up thank you very much for that green star okay now how am i gonna get over there is there a platform over here or something let's see i guess we probably want to yes right here right here perfect now just uh get this oh oh oh how high is the lava gonna go don't come here please please lava please love it please lava that's everything wait wait but there's a stamp up there i didn't get the stamp on how high does this one go that one right there that lets you go all the way up okay so that's the one that we need we need that pink one right over there okay i know where we need to go now we need to come on over here and before we get that green star over there we have to actually drop down here gotta drop down here and we have to activate it go bring me up and okay i can just walk there okay perfect okay so lots of coins over here and we got this stamp so that's perfect wait can i just drop in here what happens if i drop in here that bring me to there please tell me it does please tell me i'm self i'm safe thank goodness okay there now we have everything okay so that's how you get this stamp oh and that's so cool he holds a gray star if you already have all the green stars collected i didn't know that actually and that's the captain toad stamp that's so cool oh my goodness now it is time for the final level of the final world and then we'll have all the green stars all the stamps and the top of every golf hole if we could fully complete this level i can't believe it okay so i just got another super bowl to have in storage in case we need it and i can't believe that we're finally here after so many months it's been over a year of making videos about this game and making mods of this game and playing mods with this game and doing so many experiments and 100 mystery buttons and 100 mystery doors and 100 mystery pipes and every level makes mario faster or slower or jump higher in the same thing with luigi and oh boy oh boy it's just unbelievable that we are finally at champions road i can't believe it but it's time to finally give it a shot wish me luck everybody here we go champions road i can't believe it world crown dash crown this is it this is it here it is oh i don't even know where the green stars are though oh don't shoot me don't shoot me oh boy i'll go to over here very nice uh you're moving fast aren't you okay let's see oh don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot me i don't want to be shot i do not wish to be shot i don't oh boy that was so close our fire bro is gonna come out now okay okay oh boy okay okay don't touch me where are you going bro you're up there huh you can't get me here because i'm down here i can get you though whoa i hope okay all right this is looking fine being pretty good in terms of time okay but wait uh here's the charging chuck section i'm so scared wait if you run fast are you safe go here ah don't bother me please mr charger check please i'll just climb along here okay let me go here don't bother me okay stay back stay back you can't get here can you can they yeah you can't get here ah you thought you could get me huh wait i can't push them off can i i was wondering if maybe i could push them up i could knock their helmets off if if i had a firefighter that'd be very useful here oh uh do this okay come here bam oh boy oh boy oh boy i didn't know that i would have stopped climbing like that okay but there we go there i'll defeat okay perfect now i just have to go along there right uh i don't know if i start running if i don't fall let's see nice oh boy there's still one more i didn't know that there would be one more okay i don't know if i have to defeat those guys wait can i climb up here okay i don't think you can i'm scared to go too high because i'm worried that i'll die if i go too high okay let's see oh boy i remember doing this in uh champions road but it's plessy okay so we gotta focus here let's go and easy easy not a problem okay now let's just focus here again let's go go go all right and oh go here go here go there whoa whoa oh my goodness how did i not die there that bunk was like right on the edge that's unbelievable okay we see the magikoopa's coming up over there okay so let's just focus here this will be fine go all right easy whoa hold on hold on i was not prepared for this okay hold on let's think about this go okay now go now go like this a green star we got the first green star wait does this level have a stamp i don't know if champions road has a stamp or not okay but let's go in here wait and our time's starting to run low this is a little scary wait over here you have to defeat the magikoopas don't you go okay that's fine where are you going over here okay you're over here oh bro bro where are you going where are you going bro huh oh no okay so now we know how this works we'll be able to get through this level without any issues at all very nice start over here yeah we don't need a power up there's no need for a super bell power up or any kind of power up over here is there a checkpoint flag in this level please tell me there's a checkpoint flag in this level let's go here avoid him good job now how are we gonna get past these guys let's just run along like this okay come here jump jump and goodbye charging chucks very easy over here okay now let's just be careful here okay jump along good job now get ready jump jump gum jump jump to there my finger is slipping off the joystick okay good we're good we're fine now this section okay let's see i've died here a few times whoa there's one step in particular okay wait let's just reorient here go there get up here okay now this is one of the trickiest ones right here how in the world do i make this jump okay let's get ready and go yes yes yes yes yes yes okay we made it back okay that's a little scary okay now magikoopa section i am ready for you let's go where are you magikoopa bros oh oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy i jumped on them let's see go goodbye am i getting you bro yeah there we are okay and right there is our fourth box if i can just get into it please thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh boy oh boy oh boy okay let's see come on here on here do i want to take that like whoa whoa whoa oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy this is madness this is madness you know what stop you need to stop okay let's see where are we going i'm going here ah fuzzy wall fuzzy wall oh i could go under the fuzzy wall because i'm little oh i didn't even realize oh my goodness no i'm ready for you my magic group of friends [Music] careful careful where are they over there i can get you i hope okay two of them down one to go where are you right here there we go now then just let me get into the box bro let me into the box please thank you okay back over here and we're little mario again a little scary just be careful okay come here go there jump over go here oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy this is way too scary actually way too scary i gotta go like this i'm just gonna go for it i just gotta go for it i can't wait i can't wait okay oh bad can i just go to over there from here i think i can right i can just go like this oh don't jump into the fuzzies look at how they're swinging around like that this is madness and i uh i request that you stop hey i request that you stop both of you stop wait you come here too oh no oh no oh no this is crazy how am i gonna do this i could use my power-up in storage but i'd rather not if possible okay so let's see i've just got to go for it i've got to go for i don't have a chance i don't have a choice i mean oh boy there we go there we go there we go okay oh boy i was watching that for a little while wait a minute wait wait wait a minute wait a minute my bro oh my goodness hold on a second hold on a second hold on just a second my bros hold on hold on i know that we could ground pound these guys like this to defeat them but hold on my bros hold on hold on whoa oh oh boy oh boy i'm so scary because they are so spiky and scary hey come on up here hey we're starting to get to a point where there's just one like that wait did i miss any others because i'd like to uh just jump side to side wait am i missing the one up there yeah there's one that i missed okay let's go like this m oh boy oh boy are we gonna be all right are we gonna be all right okay am i missing this one there's also another double no that's just a single i wonder if it's all singles now let's see are there any doubles okay it looks like it might be all singles now that means that i'll be safe okay i gotta risk it let's go let's go okay no one's causing any problems and there we are oh boy wait how high does this bring me a bit up like that wait i'm not gonna bounce from this one up to the next one too high am i okay here we go again here we go again i hope this will be okay go go go i've got a retreat gotta retreat gotta retreat okay that's fine that's all right we get another shot at this go go go i'll just come up here why don't i do that yeah that's a good place to be now then i have heard so many scary things about this section here should i use my power up now [Music] you know what i've made it this far i should i should because i don't know if there's gonna be a checkpoint in here okay so let's just uh get oh my goodness i was gonna say let's get ready to do some swimming okay that's all right oh i guess this is a better camera angle i can see a bit better what's going on over here okay so it looks like the red blocks can move and the blue blocks don't move whoa whoa whoa whoa swim up fast mario go faster mario go faster mario go faster mario go faster mario oh boy now go down fast go down fast go down fast go down fast now come this way oh come on up come on up mario whoa [Music] that's some scary stuff okay and wait do i just need to go into that uh right there that pipe move bro bro why would you do it i couldn't see where the pipe was because of the reflection of the water okay you know what i lost both of my super belts so i thought you know what you know what i i think that i should just uh whoa boy i think that i should just uh restart the level with these super bowls because i'd like to have at least one power up in storage in case i run into some big problems i think this is a safe way of going about it you know what let's just use this power up right away because we're gonna be using it when we get to the water section anyway so what we can do we can just go like this and can i climb up here please let me get up there yes okay you can just get up like this okay so that's kind of fast uh how am i gonna deal with these guys though that is the problem let's see uh don't get damaged bro okay come back where's ground oh my gosh oh boy we barely made it to ground okay this is scary you gotta be a little careful with this power up here i don't want to touch them i'm so scared go now just come on up here perfect okay uh can i just climb along the side of that i don't know if i can do that hold on i kind of want to try this can i cheese this section by going like this wait looks like it doesn't want me to do that can i though [Music] wait where's the pipe where did the pipe go hold on oh the pipe is up there ah okay okay well i guess i lost my super bell power up but hopefully we'll do fine like this back at the water section you guys know how it is in the water section oh no oh no we're little we're little one hit and we're dead one hit of anything and we're dead get up mario get up mario get up here go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh that doesn't come all the way uh up whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey now i really gotta keep a lookout for when we're allowed to go down there okay so it's like right there just wait wait wait wait red block go away i'm coming down yes yes we made it and we made it in oh look at the little luma up there okay nothing else up here i forgot about the dash panel section i forgot about this i forgot about this i i remember hearing about this section i forgot that this was a thing um uh can you uh like touch these to make them stop i can i do that maybe you can to an extent okay uh this seems a little crazy though yeah so while you're on these dash panels you run white uncontrollably whoa whoa oh don't judge me please we're down now quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly okay okay we made it through with without that thing hitting us okay that's fine that's fine okay that final section at the end there actually looks unbelievable though i don't know how i'm going to make it past this what in the world am i going to do how in the world am i going to do this okay let's go like this then come here okay then just come on over here okay run around like this jump to there jump to there why not jump like this hooray let's just all jump around jump around everybody jump around oh boy they all come together okay so i'm actually reloading my save file so that we have our super belt power up in storage still and we have a super bell powerup active also because this way we could take more hits i feel like i'm doing all right with the level now like i was able to make it to the dash panel section as little mario without taking any damage at all so that's pretty great but uh whoa boy okay that is always so scary but yeah with these power-ups hold on focus focus okay good good yeah with uh these power-ups we should be able to survive a few hits like in case we make some mistakes because with the other thing what am i doing what am i doing hold on hold on hold on let me regroup regroup and refocus okay good good good i almost lost it there actually okay [Music] yeah i should play through champions road another time where i play through with uh no power-ups i think that could be a fun different video but for now i just want to get through this level oh my goodness i have been at this for quite a while now and this should oh my goodness he slipped right through my paws don't fall don't get damaged oh my goodness okay yeah this should be easier with the power-ups but uh still struggling quite a bit okay so let's be careful there over there okay now just be careful be careful be careful we got an important jump to make here go right over there come here whoa whoa okay good good good okay good place to be now don't get damaged by the fuzzies that is step one step two is be careful to not get damaged by the fuzz he's perfect okay if we can make it through here this would be amazing i'd love to get through here right now that'd be so good [Music] when do i go when do i go let's see go and perfect that was actually so much easier than i thought it would be that was amazing okay and now we have this so we should be able to just bounce off of toad right bounce off the toad come up here perfect just let me get up here okay climb up again don't hurt me my bros good job good job okay i'd love to get up without getting hurt if possible please go i've got to climb i've got to climb sorry bros let me up here thank you thank you thank you okay so i've gone through this water section a bunch of times without taking damage hopefully we can do it again because i would love to still have my super bell power up and a super bell power up in storage that would be the ideal way to do this let's see oh oh and you want to stay near the front over here so that you can get up fast now get up fast now get it fast now okay that wasn't good that was not good that was in fact batman it's so bright i don't like that it's bright here that's probably my least favorite thing about the water how reflective it is it's like yeah sure it makes it look realistic but it's so hard to see what is actually going on inside here okay now let's see yeah because the clear pipe becomes very difficult to see can i need you to move you need to move bro let me down let me down let me down let me down yes yes we avoided it okay very good okay now then uh if i don't take my power up right now then i will be able to survive one extra hit but i will just take it right now because if i get damaged well i might not have the control that i wish that i did have which is crazy okay let's just come along like this let's see where you're going my bro where are you going my bro okay come along like this go here good uh good stuff my bro good stuff my bro whoa good job avoiding it all okay good good good good good okay now the never never let's just stay back here stay back here stay back here don't touch me here don't touch me bros don't touch me bros oh boy they got me they got me get the center one get the center one good got the center one okay oh boy oh boy how did i not get damage there i didn't get damaged oh my goodness this might be it this might be a go up oh no we're little we are little we are little and we have no power up but there it is no we had them all all right after the last attempt i started to get pretty scared at how things were going okay so let's see let's see let's just be all right over here let's just go like this come on up here that was risky that was kind of close to the edge wasn't it now when are you gonna go oh don't get me okay just don't get me don't you either whoa whoa oh that was so close uh there are way too many of you but that's fine what in the world was my running doing there i've never seen any kind of running like that before okay and come on come on come on come on come on let's go let's go let's go let's go oh that's damage that's damaged get this one get this one who's through don't kill me don't kill me yes okay now just don't fall off okay that was incredibly scary there we go okay we are finally getting out of here i'd like to do some more of this level actually i think it could be a really fun level to make some videos about but oh boy that is quite tough i think speedrunners of this i think they actually uh go above the pipes because it's faster to run along on top of the pipes and jump over them than to go through it like this which is crazy could you imagine risking that in a speedrun that would be absolutely terrifying okay wait there is a stamp okay i'm like wait wait is there a stamp over here okay let's just slide down over here it has a little mark thank you captain toad look all of our friends are here we've got the giant bunny from before we've got a bunch of lumas over here lots of toads we've got our dear friend plessy right over here let me bounce on you plessy very nice and thank you for all your help captain toad in the other levels there's the stamp oh oh body at the top of the gold ball could you imagine if i didn't get the top of the gold pole let's do our favorite jump in the whole wide world this spin jump and there we are oh my goodness what a level that was actually a lot more difficult than i thought it would be like the entire game up until this point really wasn't too bad there were some levels that were kind of difficult but nothing that we struggled with like crazy but this level i spent a very long time on oh that's a cool stamp for mario it's that statue power-up 380 can you believe it that is all of the green stars in the game thank you so much for joining me on this journey and watching my videos it has been incredible making videos about this game and modding this game i still have a lot more plan to make i'm so glad that people are enjoying these videos and i really recommend you watch my video where we play super mario 3d land for the first time ever that game has so many elements that were a big influence on this game i hope you all have an absolutely phenomenal day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,038,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, super mario, super mario 3d world, mario 3d world, funny mario, mario full game, mario full movie, super mario 3d world zxmany, zxmany mario 3d world, zxmany super mario 3d world, all green stars, all stamps, mario 3d world green stars, mario 3d world stamps, super mario 3d world green stars, green star locations, mario walkthrough, super mario 3d world walkthrough, all bosses, all levels, boss, final boss, boss rush, boss blitz, champion's road, world crown, ending
Id: UagQ0uJlTT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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