Mario Party 10 ALL MINIGAMES + All Bosses!!

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today we play all mini games in mario party 10 all boss fights all bonus mini games and everything this is a seriously underrated mario party there are so many great mini games in mario party 10 and i hope you enjoy this video alright shy guy shuffle we want to keep our eyes on the shy guy with the most so you see that this guy right over here has the most now they're all going to cover up let's see we want to keep our eyes on oh man he's moving fast okay he's over here though over there over there right here this is our guy right here this is our guy right here the second one from the bottom okay whoa now this guy this is our guy this is the guy that we want right here there you guys selected him let's see is this right yes okay we got plus five because we were in first let's go now then let's keep our eyes on him again round two this is gonna be a bit harder probably okay let's see where are you going bro i think he's right over here i think this is the one let's see yes okay good good good good okay now keep our eyes on the prize no blinking in this round this is a very intense round let's see [Music] i can't tell where they jump when that happens i think our guy is the second guy but i'm not 100 sure cause when they jump like that man depth perception is so hard let's see hey we got it all right perfect game let's go okay oh man that last one's very tough i don't get that last one very often and here we are all eating donuts happily over here how great is that snake vlog part oh this is so cool okay this one is so cool okay we got to make it up to the toads up there and i remember in some mario games these things are sometimes difficult to deal with these snake blocks over here you got to be careful with them okay and i guess it's just a race i think it's just whoever makes it to the end first wins i don't think the number of hearts you have really matters as long as you're not eliminated as long as you don't get eliminated it doesn't really matter how many hearts you have let's see let's just walk up here oh goodbye luigi let's see okay we're heading up this way peach are you gonna fall again yoshi's got a lot of hearts i don't like how many hearts yoshi has i kind of want to try and push them off move guys guys come on come on what are we doing here oh no is yoshi's going to win let's see i think we might win here let's go jump yes we are first let's go oh yeah she is less wow nobody got eliminated nobody lost all of their hearts okay that was a pretty good match though i enjoyed that match good job everybody okay so we are invincible and we want to take out as many cheap jeeps as possible so let's see okay doing pretty good here okay let's see let's see let's see oh man a water coming over here nice water coming over here okay that's good how about over here getting a few here i don't know if the gold ones are worth more i think there might be gold ones that are worth more okay a lot are coming over here oh the big ones are plus two okay let's see getting a lot over there oh man some people are getting a bunch of gold ones i wasn't really paying attention to the gold ones let's see how do we do oh man we actually did great we did much better than them that's fantastic this is such a cool minigame and man these graphics are amazing for wii u panic so the description here is don't touch the pipas wait can we jump i don't think we no we can't jump okay so you just gotta avoid these oh man what do we just have to run to the end or how does it work how does it work okay let's see man everyone's still back there so it's kind of like it's a race but look how far ahead of them i am ah okay okay okay i made it to here come on where's the finish line because look i'm ahead all this time but towards the end one of them might still catch up to me okay so let's see how do we want to make it past these i'll go by like that let's see i'm really trying to have a sneak peek at what's ahead over here let's see how we doing how are we doing how are we doing are we at the end yet are we at the end yet okay we're getting close oh luigi's already out so that's quite nice how are the others let's see let me through let me through let me throw let me through okay because there's like a wall here that prevents you from going too far out of time oh no one might get me one might get me move bros is this the end did i win i'm right okay wow luigi and yoshi both got eliminated oh mario and peach win so they get to go through the door but wait do they go through the gates that is the question balance ball brawl is a super fun one what you want to do is get all of these you want to get as many of these as possible let's see okay we already got quite a few okay move guys move guys come on guys what are you guys doing here come come on come on let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go we don't have no time to play around here i gotta get all these okay let's get that one yoshi yoshi move along yoshi okay i only need one more and we win okay guys guys you know what i'm going this way then yoshi yoshi don't give me any trouble yoshi okay good we win all right luigi actually came close to winning two luigi only needed one more oh baba bogey this is such a cool okay so it's like golf but you don't want to hit the bar bombs you only want to hit the balls and you want to be the fastest to get it when it is but those you don't want to swing when it's a bomb there we go and you get points based on your ranking in terms of who gets it first second third fourth what what i i swear i swung it didn't work i had to double swing the first time i smoked it didn't work okay let's see oh no oh no i lost oh no oh no that's so bad oh i almost swung at that one come on now i'm just getting ready to swing at everything let's go okay don't swing at that there we go how many more one more let's see is it going to be inner problem oh i'm surprised that it wasn't a bomb okay we didn't even get a perfect score of 430 that's so sad okay but we got like double what everyone else got all right this is a very intense one spike ball scramble we don't want to go into the lava that's basically all there is to it and we don't want these spiky balls to get us either okay can we push up oh okay okay goodbye two of them now let's see peach are you gonna get out oh peach made it here all right mario and peach again marion peach at the end i'm not going okay i've gotta go now i've gotta go now i've gotta go down i've gotta okay good we made it okay where are we going peach crab we're in the same way as you peach one of us is out and hopefully it's going to be you let's see okay we picked the safe side there now where are we going what are we going to do peach you go ahead and go first peach all right mario wins all right this one i i love this one it's like you could tap the b but uh not the b button oh oh man i almost took out everybody there all together okay that was actually crazy because if you start mashing the two button then you start spinning and you want to knock these people off fruit scoot scurry is a super fun one okay let's see i'm ready let's go [Music] let's go i wanted to take that one too let's go ah they took that one from me let's see let's see we want to collect lots of fruit double triple grapes oh no oh no no no no where do i even go now give me that one sorry peach no no luigi how could you give me those no yo she took them for me let's see i need those apples i need those apples sorry bros i need those bananas bro i need those oh no ah give me those give me those and how did we do we beat princess peach by one by one we beat her oh my goodness and i got a triple fruit right near the end there too okay goomba gotcha this one you really have to keep your eyes peeled over here okay so let's see we want to get which type of goombas okay we want to find the regular goombas all the regular goombas we want to catch them okay let's go one right there one right there one right there one right there one right there and if you miss then i think that maybe you lose a point let's see any normal goombas around here there's one let's see any more normal gimbals around here oh there's one over there they got that one let's see where else are they going where else are they going where are they coming from where they come from there's one got that one let's see see any more oh one right there i'll take that one one right there i'll take that one and that's pretty good we got nine not bad though there's got three three and two so we did a good job at noticing those goombas cliffside prices this one is a very exciting looking one you just don't want to get pushed off here there's a lot that you have to pay attention to you want to pay attention to the ones that you're on and the ones that might be pushing you off okay so let's see we're just all standing still over here i kind of want to just like walk these guys off can i man i tried to lock them up but we all fell off okay okay okay so we are all tied in first apparently but i want a singular win in this one i want to be the lone victor here i want mario to be the only survivor let's see if we could do that let's go i'm ready i'm ready where do we want to go okay goodbye peach oh luigi okay okay okay we gotta go there let's see yeah you can't really be too attached to going one way or another you got to just like really keep your options open with this mini game and be aware of where you can possibly go okay goodbye yoshi oh oh and i just realized there's a time limit too there are only 13 seconds left over there oh no this looks like a timing based one okay so we want to get that code that's over there okay mushroom let's see okay so after the shell is that okay now where's the shell shells after bowser oh wait does that mean i win oh is that it is that all there is to this i think that means we would okay wait and you don't even have to hit them in order you can hit them in any order too my goodness oh poor princess speech she doesn't get to escape fruit of the doom that is such a funny name for this mini gabe and i'm actually kind of surprised that nintendo would do something like that i think that's meant to be a reference to fruit of the loop oh oh i didn't even realize that you have to collect fruit for points in this okay i just thought that you had to avoid these spiky guys over here but it looks like you also have to collect fruits okay so there's more to this than i thought wow so it's like if you stay near the front then you have first access to the fruits but also the spiky things might come down at you oh and i think you also get a point for dropping i think you also get a point for uh jumping over those guys man that's a lot of fruit coming down now okay but we won that is such a cool meeting this might be one of my favorite ones it also looks so beautiful with the water that's a super cool mini game foo me one just like fool me once or remember the buttons oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man so you have to remember if it's like one a or two oh man all right let's see let's see let's see i am ready okay so remember seven platforms okay can we remember seven platforms okay one two one two okay one two one two a one okay one two one two a a one okay pretty easy okay one okay now it's two okay so it's one two one [Music] then it's two okay now it's a [Music] okay then a wait oh i didn't even get to finish it yeah it's one two one two a a one i didn't even get to go all the way because peach fell ah well mario wins either way that was a surprisingly easy pattern to remember rapid river race this one is in mario party superstars and it looks like this is where it came from i guess i don't know if this has been in past mario party games also okay let's see how hard is it in this do you use one and two to speed up and slow down let's see let's see how much harder it is in this game oh you speed up much more quickly in this version oh but going left and right is uh kind of easy you know what i'm even gonna speed up a bit oh man oh man i don't know if you could uh hold the button because in superstars you could hold the joystick to the side to repeatedly move over but in this oh you actually have to double tap ah okay okay so that's one difference between this and mario party superstars and mario party superstars you can just hold the joystick to the side and that makes you go all the way from one end to the other that's actually faster than double tapping but on this version of the game you actually have to double tap you can't just hold down the d-pad b-line shrine is an absolutely terrifying one it's kind of like hot rope jump except there's a bit more to it because the bees can go in different patterns so let's see ah oh man i didn't realize they'd go like that let's see are they gonna close it notice or what oh man they're going in a pattern like this okay let's see hopefully they keep following this pattern okay where are they going now where are they going now oh my god oh man where are you guys going now okay okay okay this is a fine pattern fine peach why are you standing in the middle eat you cool you fool princess peach princess peach has been eliminated okay where are you guys right now are you gonna close in on us let's see i'm jumping over and do we win yoshi only took one hit oh my goodness yoshi played amazingly it's like he took one hit right at the end just so he could win he's like yeah mario well i don't know why he's speaking like luigi but he's like hey mario you deserve it to win this one looks so cool this is kind of like a mobile game it kind of looks like a mobile game okay so it's blooped to the surface wait you press two or hold two okay so you use that you tilt back and forth to move like this don't get hit don't get hit bro don't get hit bro okay bro i got hit i got hit i'm hit i'm hit oh man how do i avoid these guys okay okay okay okay ed oh man we just made it even though we got hit oh man that section that they are passing by there okay that is pretty hard for me but they got there at a lucky time when they're like no bullet bills going by ah poor luigi in last place paintball battle is a super super fun one okay let's see who do we go for first peach i'm coming for you bam got her okay let's see who are we going for next luigi bam got him okay who's next who's next peach you're next oh she just got away luigi oh i almost got him let's see bam got her luigi bam got him okay oh no did yoshi get me okay i got yoshi okay let's hide let's hide this oh we haven't been hit at all oh no who's next who's next who's next who's coming here who's coming here i dare you bro i dare you hey let's see only one person to go oh let's get her yes with two seconds left everyone is eliminated and we have full hearts what a nice game i like these games a lot reminds me this one reminds me quite a bit of tread carefully actually which is one of my favorite mini games in mario party i slide you slide i've recently played this one in a video and it was the worst playing i ever had but i tied in first because i didn't realize that you had to hold down the b button to slide under those guys i thought you just had to press it and i played like the worst that this game has ever been played okay because i didn't know that you had to hold down the b button to slide under these guys i was just pressing the b button and i'm like why am i not making it under what's going on okay okay nice nice nice hikes now what do we go back and forth now okay let's see let's see how are we doing here i think we might be winning this one yeah we are so far ahead over there okay so as you can see when you actually know how to play the game you play much better okay this is a very tough one we have to keep track of those three and see which one of these has the most so let's see okay so far two of those two of those bunch of those okay three one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven of those eleven golumbas so i don't know what one will have the most you know what let's just say these and let's see what happens let's see okay almost everyone's saying this i'm kind of worried let's see let's see let's see okay nice nice nice so it was out okay and we picked it first so we get the most points okay round two well final round is round two okay so let's see what one now let's count normal goombas now or you know let's count the tomato guys see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen of those um so you know what maybe there's quite a few of those tomato guys let's see let's see the tomato guys i'm picking the tomato guys oh luigi also picked tomato guys but the other two pink normal goombas let's see what is it what is it what is it hey it's the tomato guys let's go perfect game got first in both rounds let's go okay this one is a lot like honeycomb havoc except it's like there's a bit less luck to it you know what hopefully we get a big number because i want those threes to start coming over to me good good good good good good good good that is what i want to see that's what i want to see oh everyone except for peach got it actually all right what next you know i'm pressing again what if this strategy is just press the button every time oh no that's not good because now i get a bomb and luigi gets one okay oh luigi yoshi are both in the lead with four you know what don't press it don't press it guys don't press it don't press it three okay at least i get one ah but luigi gets three man how is luigi so lucky hey let's see let's see let's see what do we do now you know what i will press nice nice nice nice nice dice okay good good good i get three would you guess just one okay i'm tied with yoshi in second you know i don't want it pressed but others probably do so that means that i will press no i brought the bomb onto myself that's so sad okay luigi and you are both tied in first game second last round yeah i'm pressing i'm pressing i don't care yes yes yes yes yes yes okay okay i need a three i need a three okay everyone better press everyone better press let's see wait wait wait wait wait wait no that means uh wait we have a three-way tie we have a three-way tie it's everyone except for princess peach wits right let's see okay that's kind of weird but you know what i'll take it this one's so luck depends like honeycomb havoc but more luck dependent okay magma meltdown is a super fun one this has to be one of my favorite mini games in the entire game it is also so cool because the floor is lava it's like you want to be careful enough fall onto the lava okay let's see let's see see where are we going okay let's come back here as soon as something starts to appear i'm gonna start heading towards those like that there we go hey where are you guys going where are you guys going huh okay we got to go here we got to go here we got to go here goodbye yoshi i'm stepping here sorry princess peach oh my goodness you made it okay gotta step here okay the two brothers it's the battle of the brothers now ah mario wins mario luigi peach and yoshi in order first to fourth okay this one is called mini match i'm not sure if this is a luck based one or a memory one let's see okay let's see if we can remember okay okay starting at red blooper scares the hammer bros fuzzy goombas koopa shells on this spiky thing okay chipmunk is friends with bobby shoot tomatoes crab blooper okay shoot tomatoes crab blooper okay so bloopers in the bottom left shoot tomatoes crab blooper i could remember that shoot tomatoes crab bloopers shoot tomatoes crab bloopers shoot tomatoes crab blooper okay luigi go ahead so it's shoot tomatoes crab blooper wait shoot tomatoes tomatoes is right here tomato that guy goes over here you're wrong luigi i'm pretty sure tomatoes goes over here oh no yeah tomatoes goes over here shoot tomatoes crab blooper okay let's see where's goomba oh i don't even remember i'll have to think about that but i know this is shoot tomatoes crab blooper oh that might be right goomba's either there there somewhere around there yeah okay because fuzzies are near there hey go yoshi okay so it's shoot tomatoes crab blooper i think fuzzy goes here right on the blue no not that blue i think it's this blue i think that's the wrong spot wait oh oh as soon as you make a mistake are you out okay wait so it's shoot tomatoes crab bloopers so let's get blooper oh that's not the blooper i want the blooper go right there okay there we go that's what i want yeah cause it's shoot tomatoes crab blooper okay very nice go peach and then wait wait what is you think chipmunk is somewhere up here uh i think chipmunk might be no i don't think that's right because i know chipmunk is friends with bobby and that was either here here wow i only have to remember one to win yes i was ready about to shoot tomatoes crab blooper yeah okay and then the chipmunk and bobby are there together oh fuzzy is right before goomba okay found it pound it quite the nice name for a mini game over here okay so we want to see what matches on the screen let's see we want okay show them that okay there we go uh oh and it's how many of those can you find bam there's another one okay okay okay i squished them now let's see let's see what's next what's next oh man that's quite the tricky one okay okay so that's one is this it also yeah i think that's it also okay pretty good pretty good let's ah but i didn't get all of them that time okay oh oh this is a big one now let's see what can match that i'm assuming that that one matches okay uh does this one match i'm assuming that it matches because it has a few matching parts this one i stole it right before luigi he jumped up and i grabbed pounded under him that's so funny wow i almost got all of the points that's actually so funny luigi got one point but i got the rest of the points in that mini game platform push this is a very cool looking one i like the colors here a lot it reminds me of a veronica creeper freak oh you can jump you can punch other two oh this stage is falling away let's see how are we doing here okay let's see let's see oh don't come for me bro let's see how are we doing luigi oh we're on the final platform goodbye luigi i'm sorry brother sorry to do this too i am the only one who survives on this minecraft block right here look at the cool goomba in the background too that is a beautiful level frankie so much of piranha creeper creek from super mario 3d world very fun game all right pipe sniper i recently played this one for the first time okay so here's what we want to do what we want to do is shoot at the piranha plants and everyone that you hit you get some points and the gold ones give you even more points let's just stay focused for where these piranha plants are want to aim at them nicely oh there's a gold one there oh the gold one ran away that's so sad oh golden gold one gold one gold one good one okay okay okay okay get a bunch of threes over there oh that one ran away some sad okay let's keep our eyes on the others let's see let's see how are we doing how are we doing any more nice ones gold ones gold ones gold ones gold ones ones going for that gold one for a bit and 37 not bad luigi had 27 so he was the closest he was kind of close 10 away that's pretty close for a mini game like that i think okay bob combo i've only played this one once on a board and i got like the worst score ever i came in dead last place the only time that i've ever played this before we want a lot of bombs to explode okay let's just throw it right in the middle let's just go oh that's not the middle that is definitely not the middle that is not the middle over there my score is two my score is two i am restarting i am not playing this with a score of two that's actually kind of impressive that we were able to get only two i wonder if anyone has ever gotten a score of just one that'll be quite impressive okay so let's see where are you guys going okay bunch of grouped together here so let's do this see how that goes can we pass these on because you just want multiple lines you want it to keep going you want it to keep going everywhere let's see yeah just keep passing it on everybody keep passing it on ah those aren't close enough keep going everybody yes yes infiltrating the right half very nice very nice come on pass it on no that's it that's it ah just 39 okay not bad not bad i hope that's not bad actually i don't know i don't know how these guys are going to do let's see okay that's all right okay four not bad seven okay ten already twelve ah just thirteen luigi you can't win with a score like that man you gotta get a better score than that luigi how are you gonna beat 39 i got three times as many points as you luigi all right how's peach doing six ten okay thirteen all right you can slow down now peach all right peach that's enough that's enough just keep it contained to the center good 24. that's good almost double what luigi you got okay how about you yoshi yes you aren't gonna come out on top being in last right yeah just throw it somewhere where there's no other bomb on them just try to get one okay that's all right just two oh oh but now it's split into multiple paths okay pretty big explosion okay okay okay slow down now 20 yes oh thank goodness that stuff okay i got almost double yoshi alright so that is much better than the two that i got last time if we kept going with the two we almost definitely would have gotten last place all right we are pumping up our balloons and if our balloon pops then we are out so let's go let's see how much do we want to pump up our balloon let's see oh peace do i go one more i don't know if i'm bigger than yoshi or not i'll go one more [Applause] [Music] i think we beat it i think we beat him let's see let's see okay oh man oh man we just barely beat him the line just just slightly inched up by just a fraction of an inch by just a few millimeters fuzzy flyers i'm not familiar with this one how does this work wait do we just have to collect clouds is that all there is to it we are in a cloud and we collect and i guess you also have to avoid the fuzzies let's see what does this 30 mean oh oh it's like a time limit hello toad would you like to hop on i'll rescue you toad that is a gigantic fuzzy oh my goodness get that cloud there okay come on come on oh some of their time's starting to run a bit low bro stop jumping into me oh i'm not going into those fuzzies i'm getting that cloud though getting this cloud here though these folks are running out of time over here don't have a lot of time left where are you guys going oh man how does luigi have so much time left look at him he was just like sitting near the bottom the whole time hello yellow toad would you like to join me hello blue toad yes hey how's luigi doing i'm just going to snipe these clouds before luigi has a chance to get up luigi or clouds are running out their clowns are running out luigi we made it to the top mario wins that's actually a really cool video game okay i remember this one being quite difficult on master difficulty and mario party superstars because the cpus are very good at just jumping in and flattening everybody at the last possible second let's see who wins am i tied with peach here because it looks like we're both posing but i'm in the center so do i win or what happens oh it looks like we both win yoshi's just there in the top left luigi's a bit blurry in the background there but yeah it looks like we both come in first here i'm all right with having a shared win over here that is fine sore to score this is a very intense one you spin around like this and you want to jump off at the right second so that you can get a nice big score yeah let's go let's go want to get as close to 100 as possible ah 80 okay well at least it's 80 and not 60. yeah that's 80. okay that's good that's good better than 60 okay i was very focused there i see go ahead luigi what do you get 40. i laugh at your 40. okay go ahead princess peach where are you going to do round one princess peach what do you get [Laughter] 20 i laugh at your 20 and you're 40. okay go ahead yoshi what are you going to do yoshi oh my goodness i have as many points as all of them put together 40 20 and 20 make 80 and i have 80. maybe i should sit out around let's see no i'm going to try let's see another 80. i wanted to get a hundred because last time i like got a little late so this time i tried to like go a little early but yeah just on the 80s so that's 160. so literally nobody can beat me now even if they get all 100s i would still win okay so luigi lanes on a 20 there so he's up to 60. i've got 100 points more than him hey go ahead princess peach what are you going to get 40. okay so peach is also up to 60. i wonder if all this cpus will have 60. let's see what are you going to get yoshi you're going to get something big come on surprise us uh almost 60. he's almost at the 60 over there but he got plus 40. so they are all tied in second maybe there's some kind of collusion happening here where they're all working together to get the same score so that they could all get points for being in second okay bobsled battle the description is get in sync and get coins so let's see oh oh oh okay okay okay we're supposed to work together to collect guys guys yo don't push into me don't push it to be guys come on come on come on come on hey [Music] there we go let's see oh we don't want to hit the bubbles open how do they have so many coins okay let's see i want those oh don't want the bubbles let's see how are we doing here don't want the ball bombs let's go push them into the ball bombs there we go oh no we could have gotten a lot of coins there but we didn't okay let's see how are we doing here a lot of coins over here oh it's a very close match it's a tie it's a tie can you believe it a perfect tie wow so it just says victory for both of us that's kind of funny i didn't expect that okay so this one reminds me of bumper balloons or sorry bumper balls i keep calling it bumper balloons but it's not just bumper rolls it's not you're trying to knock each other off what you want to do is get the soccer ball into the other person's net let's see let's see let's see so close so close no no no no we got so close that we started hitting it away okay okay let's go let's go almost and yes there we go that counted all right okay so there's one point for us let's go now then where are we going where are we going i wish that you could play this with the d-pad but you have to move around your wiimote no no guys no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i am hitting this away yes yes there we go there we go there you go let's get it let's get it second goal they were so close to scoring but we turned that around that was so good okay let's see where is it going next where's it going next let's see let's push it down this way you know what i think the way to play is you want to look for an opening you want to look for where nobody is going oh no oh man yoshi with the amazing bloke there okay just a few seconds left even if they score it's still okay so i'm just gonna play defensively for these last few seconds no i want to score i would have left to get one more goal that would have been so funny okay but two nothing win not bad okay boo bert i like the sound that the boo's like oh okay so we want to find the boos that have oh wait wait wait we're working on a team okay that's so cool okay so i'm going around shining lights on these boots there it is oh no we need that one okay let's see let's see which one can it be it's this one yoshi no tone got it first okay let's see where are we going where are we going it's probably this one it's probably this one here right no it's not that one that's so surprising let's see can it be this one bro no it's not that one okay come on yoshi we need some right here right here yoshi get it get it get it no don't got it first yoshi get that one how are we not getting any yoshi yoshi i think i should be the one with the net yoshi come on get this one yoshi come on look look yoshi come on thank you yoshi get that one thank you yoshi okay we're next yoshi get that one good job yoshi yoshi get that one we tied we tied we tied let's see we tied okay okay oh man that was so bad we were doing so bad at the beginning wait what's gonna happen now that it's a tie everyone runs away oh and it's just double victory i want to see what happens if we win this one i'd love to be the person with the net because when you're pointing with the flashlight sometimes toad comes and steals it before yoshi gets it let's see okay is it this one wow we haven't seen any at yoshioshi uh maybe this one nope let's see maybe down here no okay come on where the booze up right here right here go yoshi yes how about here nope let's see let's see we got to keep our eyes on the new boos there we go yes bro how about this one come on bro come on bro come on bro let's go yes there we go okay what's most important is keep your eyes on where the new ones are right there right there go go go go go go go go go go go good good good and then let's go let's go let's go let's go fast before the bouquet let's see how about over here anything anything nice over here anything nice over here wow i didn't realize that we won so badly over there okay so i guess a big part of winning this game is you really oh and if you lose then the views stop you like that okay so i guess a big part of winning this one is you really want to get to the new booth that spawn quickly toad looks so sad when he loses murky mace this is such a cool idea okay so there's a face oh wait i probably should have been paying attention okay so what you want to do is find your partner in the maze okay wait so my partner's over there yoshi on the bottom side over there let's see oh don't want to go this way okay let's go here then let's see we won that was such a fast win we played amazingly that was fantastic yeah today and rosalina are still pretty far apart and toad looks so sad when he loses so does rosalina she's just floating there menacingly oh man this is one where you have to work together with your teammate okay let's go come over here bro let's go come over here bro yes and come over here bro come over here bro over here over here wait are there gonna be more yes there are going to be more come here come here come here bro oh no okay okay okay okay okay whoa whoa whoa whoa sorry i wasn't paying attention bro [Music] bro come on come on bro oh no they wait wait bro bro come here come here bro no they won by one going oh my goodness how did they do so well in the final round in the final round i kind of stopped paying attention because i thought that the game would be over already i wasn't looking at the timer and they won by one coin we could have won okay let's go let's go let's go let's jump now good come here bro bro come on okay no come over here bro what are you doing just drown pounding on the wrong spot nice come over here no no come over here bro come here yoshi come on yoshi okay come on yoshi come on you just ground pound anywhere just ground pound here good now here now here here here bro why would you go there there's nothing there for you there's nothing there for you my goodness yoshi you're really trying to sabotage me today you really want rosalina toad to win this one don't you my goodness bouncy bounty this is a cool location if she's holding that oh oh and you have to jump to get more coins okay here we go move rosalina you're not allowed to come here let's see and do that one oh there are more coins now okay let's go let's see i'll try and take some of theirs oh no okay thank you for that one now let's get this last one over here very nice [Music] let's go no no no no no no i don't want rosetta bouncing on top of me all right 65 to 35 we did pretty good there it looks like you can jump not only on your teammates music blog but also on the rivals teammates music block this is really cool so we're not playing volleyball against each other but it's how many how many of these how many spikes can we get our teammates to get so we just got to be really good at setting over here [Music] let's go yoshi oh no i missed one now oh no that's so sad let's go so i have to tilt up and yoshi's the one doing the spiking let's go let's go oh come on yoshi you can do it yoshi [Music] i missed the last one okay but 11 to 8 pretty good i only missed one which was not bad i think yo she missed one i don't know if yoshi missed more than one but that was pretty good okay so i had to look at this one for a second to get it but this is actually a really cool one so here's what we do so we want to pedal these around like this and then come back this way come on come back this way let's keep going let's keep going this way let's keep going bring it over to yoshi and there we go okay it's over to yoshi yoshi can you hop on now no he has to wait for me to pop in there before he jumps out that's so sad that is so sad i think that means that they are going to win oh no let's see yeah they win this one okay can we come back and win that is the question and what's the most ideal strategy [Music] let's see this is going pretty fast like that okay but then we wanted to go the other way so let's go like this let's see we're going pretty fast over here okay how's that oh we were like i was like completely tied with rosalina over there so it's all up to you yoshi let's go they're falling at about the same time what if we have an exact tie come on yoshi you can do it you can do it yoshi you can do it yes yes we won good job yoshi yoshi i take back everything i said about you in the previous minigame that you weren't playing well okay okay this one looks crazy what we want to do is punch the goombas to the other side you want there to be as many of these as possible on the opposite side you don't want them on your side let's see man they're so good at getting them over to the other side it's unbelievable let's see let's see let's see oh it's pretty even but i think we might win actually it's not pretty even okay so that's pretty good we win that one all right let's get ready to stack some blocks i am ready over here hopefully you are also ready yoshi let's see let's start off with the square oh my square just flew away okay can i put a square on top of here it's so hard to place it exactly where you want to place it let's see or if i go like that okay not bad okay now this might be it let's see let's see let's just be careful let's just be careful oh that might hold i think that's gonna hold i think we won all right what a nice victory that looks so incredibly unstable i would be terrified to stand on top of that that would be very dangerous wait uh am i just shooting down bullet bills at them or how does this work or wait am i dropping down these spiky things at them let's see hop drop and roll okay let's see oh oh oh oh i choose when to shoot the bullet bills okay okay so those things randomly fall and i choose one to shoot the bullet bills okay okay okay let's go oh man it's like you want to anticipate it okay got some of them okay just one more to go come on yoshi there we go we got him we got him we got him okay at first i thought i was dropping the spiky things that are coming down but i'm controlling only the bullet bills okay so that makes sense all right and let's see if we could survive when yoshi is the one who is shooting bullet bills at us oh man this is so scary this is so scary i'm gonna jump right now shoot a bullet bill i dare you ah no no shoot a bullet bill i'm scared okay let's see shoot a bull bill come on bro come on bro do it do it i dare you i dare no don't do it okay okay i'm so scared go bro go bro come on no okay okay i'm safe um i'm safe let's see well i'm safe i'm safe i'm still safe just a few seconds to go come on where are your bullet bills at where your bolt bills at i'm not even scared i'm not even scared of you look i can survive come on no if i didn't jump if i wasn't cocky and i didn't jump at that then we would have survived that's so sad all right all right all right all right all right let's do this okay we'll play carefully this time because we do have to win this one we'll play carefully okay that's about to drop okay so there we go we're all right over here let's see doing all right over here oh i wonder if you could just choose to stay on a good side to avoid a lot of these let's see but doing all right over here let's just jump over that where are you gonna shoot yoshi what are you gonna shoot kay just a few more seconds to go okay i think i survived now yeah i didn't jump up into this spiked ball at the end so this time we can survive okay bullet bill bullies this is a pretty tough one we want to not get hit by oh man let's see let's see let's eat we want to not get hit by these guys is this this strategy is it just go back and forth like this oh bad oh man i think this might just be the strategy just go back and forth like this try and trick them oh man okay only one hit that's not bad that's not bad you're allowed to get hit three times well you're allowed to get hit twice i guess if you get hit three times then you're out all right let's see if we can get the toad we gotta get him at least three times before time runs out okay let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go oh you can just almost constantly fire bullet bills how good is this guy at dodging my goodness how are you dodging all those bro my bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro my bro mr toad mr toad ah too bad that last it didn't get him he had like a moment of invulnerability after getting hit i think and now we know that this toad is a sneaky toad he's a tough toad to capture so let's try our best let's see ah i was sure that we would get a hit on him there that's okay there's one hit on him come on toad where are you going now where are you going now you're cornered bro two hits on him let's go let's go let's go i'm just gonna keep shooting like this three doesn't go here there we go three hits out of let's scott we got that towed all right that was so nice the way that we trapped him in the corner there he couldn't escape poor toad so sad wait uh is the point of this one i want to go around and break these people's watermelons is that the point they want to hide their watermelons from me bam come here rosalina bam caviar yoshi give me that watermelon give me that watermelon bam bam come on oh are they protecting him whoa they're trying to push me away but you can't push me away all right that oh and we're even holding a slice of watermelon that's a really cool minigame i like that one it reminds me a lot of lights out in mario party 2 which was a hilarious videogame alright let's see if we can keep our melons away from toad don't come here bro [Music] [Applause] leave me alone don't come for me no no no no no you don't want these melons no these are not the melons that you want no no these are not the melons my melons are not fresh you do not want my mouth why is he only going for me it's funny it's like he knows that i'm the only human player so he's coming for me let's see oh he's going for the others now wow he actually got nobody maybe toad is like i don't want to smash any watermelons i want to smash pumpkins and we all have watermelon slices here that's so nice right skewer scurry this one some of you may have seen from mario party superstars so i guess it originated in this game well at least it is in this game i don't know if it originated here but wow okay that's a nice easy win got everybody all at once pretty good all right let's see if we can survive in skewer scurry when toad is the one who wants to eliminate us let's see whoa that was some fast movement from toad hey we're next okay coming from the right so here's safe from the bottom here's good oh goodbye rosalina oh let me up here let me up here okay good good good who's next okay from the top yoshi and i are both safe well gotta get up here okay where next whoop from there oh goodbye yoshi whoa with zero seconds we still it almost looks like it's about to hit us that's kind of funny hold on a second steal the beat this looks like it could be very intense can i press a and two as much as i want as the drum master let's see [Music] okay let's see how well they can do that let's see okay they've already got a few mistakes oh they didn't get out in a single round wow these guys are good [Music] okay let's see let's see can they make it they've only got one more to go okay that was pretty fast that was pretty bad oh it's too bad i couldn't get them out in a single round i can imagine that that would be very tough on master difficulty when you're on the team of three they could probably come up with some very hard rhythms all right toad go ahead and give us your beat let's see a a a two two okay simple enough all a's and all twos let's see okay okay wait no mistakes in the first round i've never seen this before we're doing amazing guys we're winning this one a2 a a aa2 okay let's go let's go let's go we can do it guys oh my goodness no mistakes again guys we're going into the final round with no mistakes there's no way we're losing this right [Music] a two a two okay guys guys guys we can definitely win this let's go let's go let's go [Music] no yes yes even though i made a mistake we still won oh my goodness wow i actually had to play that quite a few times because the input delay between like what you see on this screen and you pressing the button there's a slight delay oh man that's so tough oh man this is such a tough one i've won this one the one time that i played it but it was basically pure luck here luck was basically the reason that i won come on yes let the three go in there okay now then let's get these in here because we are blue so we want the blue ones you know what here have a purple one haha purple is minus three for you okay let's see oh oh no no no no i want the blue one give me the blue one okay but you can have the purple one yeah there's uh there's a lot going on so it's like how do you keep track of everything okay i'll take the gold one there sure take that one oh give me the gold one but the purple one is for you there we go okay now then oh oh there are quite a few gold ones now let's get these gold ones right here let's get those gold ones right over there oh no they got quite a few points okay let's see let's see let's see how are we doing here how are we doing here can that gold one come to me please whoa we won by so much oh my goodness 75 to 29 that's great all right how hard is this one on the team of three i guess there's only one thing that i have to keep track of all i have to keep track of is just the red right now let's see purple we want to go over there we want them to get the purple let's see red bring the red over there oh no that's not good let's bring the mushroom down there that's nice for us this one let's hold on to it let's go a bit down like that let's bring that one down there fall into the blue good now let's see let's see let's see how are we we are demolishing them actually we're demolishing toad right now toad isn't playing great let's see let's just bring these down there some of those gold ones let's take these gold ones over here yes that one to us two please nice now then how did we do 54 to 57 to 34. not bad not bad that's a kind of fun mini game i like that it's fun whether you're playing as the one or the three oh i remember this one bubble squabble okay so what i want to do is trap everybody in bubbles like this let's see ah nobody's going there wait unless oh toad popped into it okay goodbye toad let's see can rosalina float away let's get yoshi oh no they're invincible for a bit unless let's see unless let's see let's see where you guys going ah no they're invincible oh they're working together very well let's see how are you guys doing over here let's see let's see there's one there's one uh you're not getting away yoshi you're not getting away we're gonna get you yoshi we're gonna get chiyoshi just a few seconds left we got him we got him we got everybody in the bubbles yo she looks so sad to be in a bubbly okay now then toad wants to trap us all in bubbles you know what actually it's probably a better idea to stick together because if you stick together then you can uh release each other if someone gets trapped don't trap me bro don't trap me bro oh i'm so scared of this guy and his bubbles i've got to save them okay never mind i can't save them okay rosalina protect me wait wait wait do this do this protect me or selena good job yes bill protect me again protect me rosalina thank you rosalina can you get caught inside any bubble i wonder if you could get caught inside any size bubble okay rosalina if you get caught i have to save you it is my duty to save you rosalina if you are caught oh man she's caught okay one second and we survived i am the sole survivor i won for my team oh oh this is this is an incredibly cool idea okay so the team of three they want to count the cheap cheaps and i want to try to distract these guys from being able to count how many cheap cheaps there are i want to like uh move around like this hit these things so hopefully they can't count how many cheap sheeps there are i want it to be difficult for them let's see let's see how well they can count let's see i didn't count how many there were let's see yo she says 18. how many are there wait he's right okay let's see how well they can do let's see what if i go like this hit that distract them distraction distraction hey you can't count how many cheap sheeps there are look at how they are moving around like this what madness we have here you don't know how many cheap cheaps there are let's see yoshi thinks that there are how many 15 let's see are there 15 how many are there ah there are not 15 there are 17. you have been tricked i did a great job distracting i imagine this would be a real cool one to play with real people okay this is a pretty tough one trying to count all these let's see okay one two three four five let's see if that helps us okay one two three four one two four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen i'm pretty sure there are seventeen okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifty okay there's about 17 i don't know if we're off by a bit let's see hopefully the answer is 17. [Music] i'd like to go up to 17 please now then let's see how many are there is that right i think that's right yes there we go all right that's pretty good that's some pretty good counting over there we're pulling some darren brown tricks over here counting the cheap cheaps quickly keep away mayhem this is such a cool one all right so this is a game that would be fun to play at school too if you ever play a game like this okay let's see let's see are you gonna pass to okay passing to there okay let's see where you passing to next okay who are you passing to oh no couldn't reach it how about you how about you probably passing it there right let's see oh no i see where are you going who are you passing to let me get that there we go i kicked it away all right auto didn't have time to pass it he was looking for an opening but i slid right into him and took that ball away all right this is a super fun one okay we want to keep the ball away from toad right now okay so i have to be pressing one or two so let's see one oh nice try toad toad actually came close there let's see let's go oh nice tri-tone he almost swiped at it let's see let's see gotta go like that oh man he almost sniped it again [Music] let's see keeping it away from doing pretty good here bam oh man he tried to tackle me let's see gotta keep it away gotta keep it away pass up the ocean now just hold it yoshi good win good job everybody we kept it away from toad and we won congratulations everybody we did fantastic oh oh this is so cool okay so whatever i ground pound on that gets flung away okay let's see let's go like this then bam oh they have a moment to react okay how about you guys bam okay two of them are gone oh yoshi you're fast guy you're a fast guy yoshi what about now oh how about now uh yoshi you are way too slow to react there yoshi that's such a cool video game man there's so many great mini games in this game in mario party 10 where everybody 10's got fantastic video games this is going to be a very fun one to do as the group of three i've never done this as a group of three i only recently just did it in the group of one oh no want to get off that one okay let's see let's see where is he going next okay so that's nowhere near me now where okay that blue one oh man almost got us where next that one yoshi run away good job yoshi hey i'm staying here let's see let's see let's see okay doing pretty good here oh he was coming to the heart but i was on the heart i would have had time to run away still i think okay so we won that both of us survived rosalina didn't unfortunately okay this one is a beautiful looking mini game it looks so good and this is super fun minigame we face off against mega goomba over here and this is not only a mini game but this is a boss fight mini game so what we want to do is climb up the ladder here and we want to drop down on the goomba and if your aim oh boy oh boy that was not a good start so far if your aim is good then you can bounce up to three times in a row before you get pushed off the goomba like that case right now yoshi has zero i'm tied with rosalina and purse right now quite nice okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go go and you don't want to get hit by these chipmunks that are going by because they push you well when they run into you you take one damage from them okay so we're doing pretty good over here i actually really like how this is going this is fantastic i'm super happy with how this is going toad why are you toad has zero okay let's see yeah so far rosalina's the scariest she's down to six right now though very nice very nice over there got another three and up the ladder before you ah too bad we got hit by that chipmunk over there okay the boss is half defeated let's see i think we are in a very solid first place over here rosalina's in second place with nine oh no okay we got two hits there at least let's see let's see go buy chipmunks i wonder what game those flying chipmunks are from okay let's see let's go over here oh man i missed i missed okay at least rosalina also missed okay let's jump down like oh man oh oh it's because the goomba runs quite a bit let's see it's like he runs over here let's go like that two three there we go those are some good hits on him okay don't get hit by the chipmunks very good now let's see where you're going bro two three very nice okay he's almost defeated and whoever gets last hit gets plus three so let's see i don't know if we'll get it let's see i didn't even land on him i'm climbing up for the risk let's go let's go let's go where's this guy going where's this guy going where are you going mikey my friend is that it no rosalina gets the final head okay she gets plus three but she only has 19. we have 27 so we are in a clear first place over here yoshi and toad are really close fighting for third over there yoshi being just one point ahead of toad right there yoshi with 10 points towed with only nine this one is an interesting boss fight too okay mega sledge bro over here this is a fun mini game this is a memory mini game and i usually love memory mini games oh i thought that is i'm like are you gonna get your feet out of there man i wonder if that hurts having your feet go through the ground like that okay i'm ready let's pay attention what do we want what do we want okay we want to remember the triples okay so three here three here two over there okay let's see i'm ready i'm ready three oh it's three there and three there okay so these are two so give me this one give me that one i know that that one's a two but wait where are the other twos i don't know where the other twos are i know that yoshi and i get two i don't know where the other twos are i don't know if it's in the middle row around the middle oh rosalina also got two that's pretty good ah toad gets hit by a hammer that's so sad okay round two okay i don't know if it's one of these let's see i don't know yoshi might have picked the better one let's see what we get i don't know if we get a one or two okay just the one that's all right that's all right not perfect yo she gets it too okay so she's actually in the lead right now let's see code finally gets one point okay let's see round two real round two now okay so let's see okay so i know it's uh basically this top right part and these two over here okay okay that's fine fine let's see which ones fly away okay so this entire top right part is good so let's see let's pick this one i want that one right there okay and then it's a two to the right to me and middle row far right is also good let's see oh toad is picking a two also toad gets to i don't know what yoshi and rosalina get uh yo she gets hit okay so yo she's falling a bit behind what there was another three i didn't even know that there was another three wow wow i only saw two threes wow so rosalina got one of them okay wait wait wait wait wait are the cards changing now okay the cards are changing now let's see let's see okay so there are two three so it's those two are threes then the two twos are there and also this one okay let's see what happens did they rotate now okay wait wait was this one a three or was it the top one i don't remember if this one was a three or if top left was a three rosalina is going for top left so maybe that one is a three uh oh uh oh let's see let's see what we get okay we got a three so that's good now let's see oh yoshi gets hit by another hammer rosalina's so close behind hey rosalina gets a two oh wait i actually forgot what card i have to go for now even oh wait or do the cards change again do we have to okay good good the cards change again okay so let's see so three three and then two two and bottom left okay so it's like this it's like a backwards c let's see which one do we want okay so this one is good and very bottom left so you can do that one oh yo she picked very bottom left that was a good one i don't think there are any threes i think yoshi and i get two but i don't know what everyone else gets let's see yeah we got a two so that's good i wonder what rosalina got wait wait there might be bonus for last hit let's see she got last hit does she win oh my goodness you get plus five because of that rosalina actually ends up winning this one congratulations to rosalina for winning that one oh my goodness even though we had pretty good memory there and we did a good job memorizing a lot of those rosalina still got lucky and came in first there all right this is a really cool one we are up against a big cheap chump over here and we want to shoot out koopa shells at it you get one point for every koopa shell and when you shoot a shell at it it rotates clockwise once so you don't want it to be facing you when time runs out let's see let's see let's see how are we all doing oh boy okay i'm going to then oh it's going for you oh yoshi goes at the last second and it goes for toad okay tokens minus two man that's quite intense okay who's he going to face now starts off by facing me that's not good so i'm gonna have to go like this then i'm gonna have to save one just in case let's see i gotta go for it sorry going for yoshi again for yoshi poor four yoshi okay who are you facing now okay good facing rosalina i kind of wanted to face rosalina okay let's go two like that now let's see where are you facing okay if someone shoots i gotta shoot i'm shooting oh yoshi makes it go to toad at the last second rosalina's so close behind that is rosalina possibly going to win again by getting the final shot let's see what happens oh oh and now there are also these little fish that go by so you want to be careful when you shoot that's another thing that you have to consider okay i don't want to face me so you know i'm going to go like that let's see are you going to shoot yoshi toad goodbye again then rosalina's one point behind the whole game she's just constantly being one point behind okay so let's see let's go like this i want to do one more yes i want at least one more you know i'm gonna go two more who's the facing oh then yoshi again okay i am too ahead of rosalina but i'm worried that soon this guy might run out of hp let's see let's see hello is his hp going kinda low i'm gonna go for it go for all three no no no it's going for me it's going for me okay but i think it only has one hp so i'm just gonna mash the a button now and hopefully i get the final hit let me get it let me get it there we go there we go last hit plus five okay what an intense game over there my goodness okay even though we were attacked by the cheap jump once we were able to get that final hit i was worried that it might have been final hit the round before this one all right one of my favorite mini games in the level airship central we are facing off against the monty mole boss over here but perhaps more interestingly we are going through a very colorful maze over here so let's see where are we and what way do we want to go okay let's go around like this i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready we're going this way now we're going to go to the left and go up this way and over here and there we go we are the first one all right so the more quickly you can make it through the maze the more points you get square first so we fire the biggest cannon so we get five for that second gets three third gets two and fourth gets just one and the mazes change every time yeah so he throws a bomb over there now this all changes now let's see where are we because we might not be on the far left okay we're on the far right let's see oh i don't even know if this is the fastest way but i'm going to go this way let's see let's see let's see let's see how are we doing come on mario come on and we were first again very nice very nice yoshi is last again let's see toad is second again oh it looks like maybe it's time for toad to shine because toad is starting to do pretty well over here all right let's see let's see let's see it's still not based you have the boss yet his hp is still more than half let's see okay now where are we we are over here okay let's go like this whoa rosalina was standing still for a second that was so weird okay let's go up like this and are we first yes we are very nice we're gonna get another plus five it's great when you're first when you're first repeatedly like this like you just keep getting lots of high amounts of points all right come on team all monty roll's getting angry don't jump too much don't jump too much or your little teeth might nibble through those ropes that are holding you up okay now i think there might be actual bombs on the mazes because this is now phase two let's see let's see where are we going where are we going where are we going okay we are here oh man we are in an unlucky path i probably should have gone the other way oh oh if you hit the bomb oh man this is not good i might be fourth this time let's see four three two oh did i i think toad made it before me tone made it just before me that's so sad hey rosalina has ten so she almost caught up to me already okay okay okay hopefully we can have some good luck in this round let's see where are we where are we where are we where are we we are right here uh oh wait wait wait but what way do we go what way do we even go we can go like this and we want to step back okay then we want to go this way but then there are two bombs there's one more bomb three two one i made it i made it i made it and yoshi also made it yo she might get finally whoa toad was first how did toad get over here wait yo she gets final hit and he gets plus five for that we still win though oh my goodness rose selena surprisingly comes in last toad comes in second over there toto is doing pretty good earlier on though and yoshi comes in third that was a that was a nice battle over there that was close that was surprisingly close okay another very fun one we are up against the mecca koopa over here and this reminds me so much of a donkey kong 64 balls this cut scene here this looks so much like a donkey kong 64 boss okay is it mecha koopa or mecha koopa okay so what you want to do is step up onto these platforms and you go over here and you jump off and then you bounce on it i don't know if you get multiple bounces in a row or not or if you can just bounce once let's see let's see let's see let's see come on come on over here i'm ready very nice and there we go bounced off very nice i don't know if you get multiple bounces let's keep an eye on the others and see if they get multiple bounces at all and if you accidentally walk into the guy then you take some damage okay so let's see nice hit nice hit let's see how are we doing we're doing great toad is actually very close behind come on let me up let me bro oh it's because they're already there so i can't go there that's why okay let's see okay nice nice got another hit okay we are at four so we are doing better than everyone else which is great okay let's go and nice another hit page has got to be careful to not get hit by this guy oh it's phase two it's phase two he's gonna get angry now things get very intense in phase two of this boss fight okay toad is very close behind and now he's even closer behind because the fire got me all right let's see let's see let's see let's go oh i jumped way past him oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man if toad lines that hit then he's actually caught up to me let's see toad didn't land that's so good okay let's see where are we going now let's go far bam got him okay nice nice thanks now get away for the fire get away from the fire get away from the fire don't get hit by him don't get hit by him don't get hit by him good good good good good hey we are at five toads only at three this is good let's see let's see when we jump when we jump when we jump jump now oh no we missed we missed okay at least we didn't get hit so that's good toad i hope you don't get it okay good toe didn't get it let's see oh when do i jump when do i jump this is so scary let's go nope we missed okay run away run away run away get back get back and back and stay safe okay good good good rosalina's also at three now uh oh there we go we got him okay good good we are pushed back here yo she got hit by the fire king oh man another fire double fire okay let's run away let's run away let's stay safe here let's see we're at six we've got a nice lead here jump again oh i didn't realize his hp was so low and we got the last hit that gives us a fantastic lead over here and lets us win i like how i have 10 points and their points are one two and three that's pretty good pd's bomb battle another boss fight here and this one might remind you of super mario sunshine i've gotta finish super mario sunshine sometime i've played it and i've never beaten the game before okay so here's what we're doing to pd piranha what we are going to do is throw bombs at him and when he opens up his mouth to start sucking like that that's when you don't want to throw because then he spits the bombs back at you when that happens okay nice nice nice that time i didn't throw any into him when he was sucking him up oh that time i threw two okay let's go let's go let's go oh but we are doing uh really well here actually we're doing much better than them yeah we are 20 ahead of yoshi 19 ahead of code now wait let's be careful oh now if you get swallowed oh come on come on come on come on i was waiting for him to start swallowing bro come on what are you doing okay there we go then he spits back some extra ones at you also and let's just keep going let's just keep going did i get the final hit did i get the final hit last eight plus five 61 points let's go goodbye petey piranha we will visit you sometime in super mario sunshine in the near future i hope first place mario i like how rosalina float is pretty cool how she floats okay this one is a super super super super cool mini game beautiful looking mini game also and i faced this boss on the haunted trail board but i haven't posted a video about that yet i have played it and i do have it recorded but i haven't posted the video yet so let's see let's see what do we want to do okay we want to go there uh wait wait wait do you have to land on the ones that don't have booze i think that's the way that it works let's go up like this ah why didn't i go for the three why did i not go for the three why did i go for the one that's so silly should have went for the three over here okay but we get the three okay so that's how you do damage you have to make it over to the plus one or the plus three switches okay so i'm tied with toad code is doing great over here okay and you want to keep an eye on the red switch it's okay so let's see so let's go like this let's go like this let's go for this one first and then who's going for the three over there who's going for the three who's going for the three who's going for the three okay i'm going for this three over there rosaleen is too close to over there okay wow i'm surprised that toad didn't get either of those because there were two three switches that were both close to toad okay so let's go like this okay there's some good spots over here that we can do let's go like this this this this this this and if i could get the other three that would be great oh no oh no because we can't do that one that one's fake i'm pretty sure yeah that red one down there is a fake i'm pretty sure let's see we can't make it to there can we no yo she made it before us okay okay we're at 16 though we're doing pretty good and king boo is half defeated right now [Music] so let's see let's see things might get more intense in this round okay things might move around right let's see okay so oh yeah okay okay okay okay okay let's see i don't even remember what one okay for this one i think it's the third one i think it's this one yeah it's that one but then what do we do here let's just go for this one and then maybe we could go for the other three unless toad gets it first please please yes why would you not go for this one toad why would you go for the one that's actually so silly i couldn't get to that one before rosalia that's so sad that is so sad okay next round let's see where do we want to go okay if we could just go straight up that would be amazing okay it's almost straight up okay we could go almost straight up this is actually amazing there are so many threes there it is unbelievable let's just go up like this and we can go here and we can just go for a lot of threes over here there are a lot of threes over here let's go for this one can i get the next one also can i get the next one also no she got it before me okay at least i could get this one is that final hit no it's not final hit okay i don't know if he only has one hp left or if he has more than one hp left let's see oh man oh there's one right there okay okay okay so let's go like this here's what we're gonna do i think we need the third red one right is that right let's see let's go like this i think it's this one oh no it was the second one uh oh yo she got final hit i thought it was the third one okay if she gets plus five for last hit that makes him tie in second place that's pretty good that it got him out of last place into second place but first place is still mario over here one miss that's so sad that we have the one miss over there but congratulations to yoshi for making it up into second place okay in this one you need quick reaction time and you need accurate pointing because we have to fill up we have to fill up the the cards to attack okay mushroom mushroom bro how are they so fast how are they so fast cake cooper shells where is the koopa shell where's the cucumber shell there's a cooper shell ah they got that cooper shell before me okay fireflies where are the fire flowers at ah they got that one before me that's not a fire fight that's a fire flower oh how are they so fast how are you guys so fast where are the fire flowers at where the fire players have there's a fire flower oh there's a firefighter they got that one there's a fire flower let's see mushrooms where the mushrooms at where the mushroom's at oh that was a mushroom let's see where the mushroom's out is that a mush that's not a mushroom that's a mushroom let's go let's see let's see let's see man toad is doing amazing hey we need koopa shells there's a koopa shell okay we need more koopa shells where the koopa shells at that's not a koopa shell that's not a cooper shell that's a good shell that one's a cooper shell where else the cooper shells out right over there let's see let's see let's see okay half defeated phase two of the boss let's go oh now there are little bloopers can i see what do we want we want mushrooms where the mushrooms at where the mushrooms at there's a mushroom let's see what's next what's next what do we need oh play your flowers fire flowers fire flowers there's a fireplace right there do that fire flower okay let's see koopa shells for the koopa shells that give me a cooper shell give me a cup of shell right there there we go where's the next one oh did i get it let's see let's eat mushrooms where the mushrooms at need some mushrooms that's not a mushroom there's a mushroom there's a mushroom okay doing pretty good i think i can't i don't even have time to check the score because i just have to focus on getting these quickly on seeing what we need and then finding the fire flower give me that fire flower give me that fire flower let's see let's see let's see mushrooms where the mushroom's at where the mushrooms at that's a mushroom let's see cuba shells where the cooper shell is at where the koopa shells at there's a koopa shell where's the next koopa shell is that a koopa shell that's not that is let's see let's see let's see let's eat mushroom mushroom mushroom mushroom there's a mushroom is that mine yeah that's mine okay cooper shells where the cooper shell's at the game's almost done cooper shell koopa shell did i get last hit do you get extra points for last hit okay nice plus five for last hit okay we did much better than i thought that we would because at the beginning it was pretty even but we ended up winning pretty badly now that we played the entire game 39 not bad zero misses hooray that's great okay this one is an absolutely crazy one and i remember playing this boss for the first time when i did the board airship central in mario party 10 i have a video about that and it was so important that we did well on this boss by case what you want to do is get these rockets and then fire at kamek oh nice and the gold ones are worth more points so that's great it's great when you just get one and then fire right away like that let's go let's go let's go oh and you don't want to get hit by the bullet bills i forgot about the bullet bills let's see oh no yoshi got one of those let's see uh there's a gold one for them come on come on oh i'm trying to collect a bullet bill rosalina why are you standing so close but not firing oh my goodness they pushed me into it okay give me a five there let's see okay our score's looking pretty good here pretty happy with how our score's looking over here okay let's see let's do another one of those give me the gold let's see let me get that gold shot right there very nice so nice when you get a goal because it's five points oh there's a gold coming towards me i wanted to get it but kamik is half defeated so it's now phase two phase two of the fight definitely gets a lot scarier let's see what intense things are going to start happening in facebook bam take that goal oh and there are large bullet bills like that let's go come here cammy let's go come here cannon eat that five eat that too let's see if i eat that too i mean eat the number two yeah that was a nice five there oh i couldn't get we get hammock with that let's see come here come here uh it's so nice when you can shoot one right as another one is coming into you okay let's go like this let's go like this come here kamik come here there we go eat that one too let's see okay big little bell eat that let's see anything nice over here oh man i wanted to shoot something let's see i got a five i got a five take that five oh that doesn't defeat it okay okay okay tammy's almost done timmy's almost done i don't know if i'll get last hit let's see come on come on come on come on no i don't have anything nice yeah that's the last hit rosalina has zero yo she has two toad has eleven he has eleven because he got plus five from last hit but we still have a pretty secure victory here 63 points we almost have six times as many points as toad we have 31 and a half times as many points as yoshi alright before we go to the bowser minigames here is the final boss fight all right and here is the final boss fight in mario party 10 and this is honestly such an incredible boss fight for a mario party game even for a mario game it's a cool boss fight like when i grew up with mario party none of the mario party games that i played had boss fights so this is actually such a cool idea the idea of there being boss fights in the mario party okay come on come on come on come on come on let's go ah i didn't get the mushrooms if you get the mushroom then you uh you get more points oh okay let's see let's try and can i get some shots while we're spinning like this i would love to get a mushroom but you know i'm just gonna stand here and keep shooting for now okay let's see let's see get another shot get another shot oh okay let's see what's going on what's going on yeah i'm gonna go for the mushroom it went right to toad the mushroom just went straight to toad that's not nice man rosalina is actually winning right now this isn't good hey give me that give me that there we go there we go now that i'm big now that i'm big we can finally start to get some more points that's what we want to see now just avoid the fire avoid the fire avoid the fire okay now let's just get oh no no no no where are you trying to shoot bowser let's go oh no avoid the fire point the fire move i can't afford getting hit i'm big right now [Music] let's go let's see ah it's kind of hard to aim okay we got hit give me the mushroom no rosalina got the mushroom that's not good okay where are you going to next bro give me the mushroom give me the mushroom yes don't back up into me did he back up into me because i shrugged okay let's see half defeated what are the points like i didn't see what the points are like bowser is defeated wow did we really beat him he still has half of his health bar left bowser fell into the lava it looks like we defeated him even though he still has half of his health bar left looks like the lava will defeat him i'm actually just ahead of toad oh my goodness i didn't realize toad was doing so well and toes big right now and we are facing off against is it dry bowser or dry bones bowser but man that is such a cool final boss over here all right i'm ready i'm ready [Music] he's shooting right at me okay let's go stop shooting at me hey matt toad bro aim at toad ain't that toad give me that mushroom give me that mushroom give me that mushroom no don't give it to yoshi give it to me okay he's running away okay at least toad isn't big anymore okay no i am big yes everyone except for toad is big okay now where are we gonna go bros where are we all gonna go to hide all right let's start getting some shots on him oh man i squeezed through there how did i do that how do i do it let's squeeze through again how do i do it how do i do it how do i squeeze through like that ah let's do it again there we go let's see let's see let's see oh he's gonna throw his boomerang now don't get hit by the boomerang okay it's nice that our score is doing uh score is uh oh man okay good didn't get hit there it's nice that we are quite a bit ahead of them yo she's doing so poorly yo she's at five code is doing amazingly though man joe's doing great let's see oh man it's not gonna be i was hoping that we'd be able to get final hit soon but it's gonna be this first let's see let's see can we avoid these let's see oh let's run no oh man we're hit we're hit we're hit that's so sad let's go let's go let's go i'm just gonna keep shooting i'm just gonna keep shooting even though we're here that's okay i'm just trying for that final hit can we get it can we get it let's see can we get it can we get it can we get it can we get it can we get it can we get it no i think it was red i think yo she actually got it i think yo she got it oh rosalina got it man and you get plus 10 for last hit that's nice well even though rosalina got plus 10 that doesn't change the rankings so it looks like i've been first with 88. oh cool and there's a castle in the background i wonder if that's bowser's castle 88 12 32 and 59. all right time for some bowser mini games okay right now we are playing as the characters so let's just try and avoid this fire from bowser we want to try and keep as many hearts as possible let's see ah poor bowser it's actually i think kind of easy to avoid you can see like where he's going to fade oh no he's coming for me whoa man almost got hit let's see can we do a damageless oh i'm so surprised that that last one didn't get me we did it damageless well my team wasn't damageless but i was all right mario's so happy that he didn't lose any hearts time to play is it bowser's big breath or bad breath okay i got an amazing tip in the comments some people left a comment saying this so the way that you're normally supposed to play this minigame as bowser is you blow into the microphone but someone told me that you can also press the a button and that works and that is so much easier it's so much easier to tap the a button than to repeatedly blow into the microphone this this is just so much easier and let's see okay i didn't get anybody out but i did take a good amount of hearts because man if you're just like constantly blowing like that for the entire minigame it's kind of tiring you run out of breath if you're just exhaling constantly you need oxygen it's like sure you're getting rid of your carbon dioxide but you need some oxygen in you bowsers hammer slammer this one is crazy bowser's going to try to whack us with that hammer and he can rotate more quickly than we can i'm pretty sure okay so we have to tilt the wiimote side to side to try and run away let's see [Music] let's see don't group together don't group together guys that's not what we want to do i'm just gonna try and stay at his back i'm just gonna try and stay behind him the whole time guys guys guys keep moving this way keep moving this way no no no no no no no no go this way now ah he didn't even get me not even once he almost got out luigi that's pretty crazy but nobody was eliminated so that's quite nice that we did all right over there okay bowser's hammer slammer time to try to slam these guys with the hammer and this is quite the tough one to play as bowser it's kind of difficult to get to get a lot of hearts over here so let's see let's see who can we squish ah it's great when you could get two people together wow waluigi looks kind of blue there that's so weird okay got him there got yoshi there got him there bam take that luigi bam take that luigi bam take that guys bam take that guys how many hearts did i take not many six plus two so that is wait was it six plus two or six plus four yes six plus four okay so it took ten hearts not a lot of parts and didn't get anybody out that's a tough one to play as bowser alright this fire bar mini game is a super super fun one whether you are part of the group of four or whether you are bowser it's a super fun mini game to play either way it's like you either avoid fireballs or you try to get other people with fireballs okay everyone's up here now let's go this way let's go oh man he almost got me there oh he did get me there he did get me there that's not good okay i've been gotten once so far okay let's see where are you going bro where are you going bro where are you going bro where are you going bro where are you going bro huh where are you going bro okay only got hit once that's okay the other's got three hearts each take and that's not bad that's not bad that's all right oh man the wii u is honestly such a great console and i think this is a game that makes amazing use of the gamepad where there's a mob where you could play like this as bowser and you actually uh you actually tilt this you tilt the gamepad to move these fire bars and that's how you damage people man that that's actually crazy that's such a cool game mode i like this a lot i think this makes fantastic use of the gamepad but it's uh kind of hard to get these people come on get peach out okay got peach and luigi out that's amazing okay and took away half of luigi's and walu and uh yoshi's hearts so that's 6 12 18. not a bad amount of hearts bowser's wicked wheel i don't know if i've ever played this one inside the cage i can't remember but it looks like you tilt back and forth and you don't want to run into the amps i think that's the goal okay come on mario run run mario why are you not running mario why are you just standing here oh oh you actually have to shake it to run fast i think you actually have to shake it to run faster okay right by your run okay okay i actually did the worst out of the cpus that time okay so that is one that i definitely have to learn how to play in case i ever run into that during a bowser minigame on an actual board that one's tough okay and when you're playing this mini game as bowser what you want to do is you use the touchscreen on the wii u gamepad and it suggests that you use this stylus and okay there we go can you tilt the other way or no i don't know if you can let's see did i get out everyone did i get out everyone oh my goodness oh my goodness man that was phenomenal minus six on everyone okay that's definitely my best bowser mini game so far bowser's bogus bingo and just like one of the earlier mini games this one reminds me so much of donkey kong 64 the way that it lights up and everything over here okay but unlike donkey kong 64 this is a luck based one you know what let's go crazy let's go for this one if there are no goombas and no cheap cheaps then we'll do great let's see oh but he's got five rolls let's see what's he gonna get [Music] okay an urchin that's fine that's fine no hits on us one hit on daisy let's see i hope that he rolls five urchins that would be hilarious if he just rolled urchins five times because you can roll the same thing more than once okay what do you get bob bombs i don't mind your rolling ball bombs i don't got any bomb bombs on my card not at all worried about bob bombs roll all the ball bombs you want just don't get goombas and don't get cheap jeeps how are you doing bro urchin keep rolling urchins just go urchin baa baa merch and bob merchant bob um do that all day you could do that all day and i wouldn't mind i wouldn't mind we haven't been hit once yet just don't get cheap sheeps and don't get goombas let's see well it's more important that he doesn't get goombas cheap jeeps that's fine that's fine i don't get any damage with just a cheap jeep just don't roll a goomba if he gets a goomba i'm completely out if he doesn't get a goomba it takes zero damage just don't roll a goomba it's so important that you don't roll a goomba don't roll a goomba don't roll a goomba that's so unlucky we are completely out we are the only person who is out oh man he got the full bingo card so now you guys get to see what happens when someone is completely taken out mario loses all of his hearts and falls off the podium congratulations to bowser oh man i wanted to take the race card to see if that would happen and it did happen and it happened in the best way possible we got out on the very final roll on i think it was the last two roles was cheap sheep and then goomba that's pretty funny okay so mario was just really unlucky when we played as the four characters so let's see if we can have some more luck as bowser let's see so these guys will pick their bingo cards oh and the thing that i was saying in the last bowser mini game that we played as bowser where i was talking about the stylus okay let's roll i didn't know that my wii u came with a stylus so at first when i was playing i was just using my hands and yeah i think it's much easier with the stylus okay so let's see we rolled an urchin wait isn't that how the game started the last time hey what do we roll now a koopa any koopas okay one hit on waluigi over there so that's all right man cheap cheaps and goombas would be amazing cheap cheap goomba boo give me those three okay cheap cheap all right all right all right all right pretty good uh a boo would completely eliminate waluigi goomba would completely eliminate yoshi okay we've got two more rolls let's go wait no i got cheap cheap twice in a row okay so goomba or boo would be amazing bob would be okay but goomba or boo would be the best probably goomba would be the best let's see no another double roll that's so sad wait i think we only take away wait one two three four hearts i think we only take away four hearts in this so yeah this is definitely a very luck dependent mini game yeah as you can see i think bowser shot more fireballs into the sky than the amount of fireballs that came down on these guys and that almost rhymed bowser shot more fireballs into the skies and the amount that came down on these guys this is my favorite shakespeare poem okay bowser's pin oh wait i was gonna say pinball this game is actually called bowser's paintball it's meant to be a pun on bowser's pinball and what we want to do is avoid those spiky balls over there we want to not get hit by the spiky balls that is the objective let's just stay up here oh up let's go over here it's nice that you can kind of hide behind this thing and you're kind of safe over here man luigi's taking oh man i shouldn't have been paying attention to luigi i should i should have been paying attention to myself instead let's see i was looking at how much damage luigi was taking i was like hey luigi's taking quite a bit of damage but then what about me i took one heart of damage okay everyone else only took three hearts of damage not too bad but that's too bad that we didn't do that damage was so sad we lost one heart so sad okay this is one that i found really difficult to play as bowser it's really hard to aim at those people and to get them well oh that worked out nicely let's see let's see let's see let's see i don't like when they group together like this let's see okay we are doing actually amazingly this might be the best i've ever done at this i don't like it when they group together like that come on don't group together like that bros let's see let's see okay there's a few hits there's a few hits any more ah that's it okay four four two and two that's not bad 12 hearts took away 12 hearts in total that's not bad and taking away four from a character is pretty good too but yeah this is one that's uh pretty tough to take away a lot of hearts from people is this one luck based i don't know how much this one is luck based or not but what we want to do is not get squished by bowser okay so there are three rounds let's see where is he gonna go where is he gonna go i'm okay i almost went over to that side i'm glad i stayed on this side okay so three of them got squished i'm the only one that hasn't been squished so far [Music] see where is he going go okay at the last second i was able to make it over to the left that's very nice final round can we avoid getting squished or will we get hit that is the question let's see i'm staying on this side we didn't get hit at all daisy and luigi are both out you have to get squished in all three rounds to get out in this if you have six hearts so daisy and luigi did pretty poorly rosalina got hit only once that's not bad that's pretty good actually i didn't get hit at all all right let's see in this mini game playing as bowser sometimes you get really lucky you squish everybody sometimes you get unlucky and you squish nobody so let's see round one how many of these guys we squish in three rounds let's see okay squish three of them that's pretty good didn't get all four unfortunately only three of them were on this side let's see where they going next [Music] let's see again wait is it the same three it's the same three is luigi trying to win by doing absolutely nothing no luigi's going back and forth let's see where do we go now and oh my goodness luigi wins by staying only on the right side and everyone else got squished on the left side all three times so they're completely eliminated so that is 18 hearts because it's six times three okay tap a and two alternatively to climb do i just have to mash those buttons is that the way that it works i'm not sure if that's the way they were i love the little sweat marks that are coming off of them okay let's see okay we're doing pretty good here i'm not even uh smashing that quickly oh no let's see he got everyone out except for me i didn't get hit at all but everyone else got out and even when you get even when you get hit once you get boosted up pretty high i'm surprised that they all got caught actually very surprised that that happened bowser's clawful climb is quite the tough one as bowser i think it's a lot easier to play as the individuals because over here you've got to match these buttons let's see okay got them once bam there we go with four seconds left took out all of them okay so i guess that's a pretty easy one to win if you mask you have to hit the zr button five times and you have to hit the zl button five times but there's no penalty if you just mash both buttons which is kind of surprising so i was just mashing both buttons there and that worked all right bowser sinister slot this one i think is a little luck base reminds me very much of the train level from super mario 3d world and what we want to do is basically not get hit by the bullet bills let's see rosalina rosalina oh rosalina rosalina and mario okay all three of them hit resolution though that's kind of sad okay mario luigi and okay good i avoided the one that was coming for me that's quite nice mario rosalina and mario uh oh can i avoid both of those i couldn't avoid that one okay let's see luigi mario and daisy okay let's go let's go okay good that one went by without hitting us okay let's see we actually did great oh rosalina's almost out though rosalina got hit five times everyone else got hit once so we didn't do a damage list but we got hit only once so that's not bad not bad over here not bad results over here all right so playing as bowser this mini game whether you play as bowser or as the other characters it is a little bit luck dependent but when you're playing as the other characters or sorry when you're playing as bowser you choose when to stop this slot and if you get all three to match up as the same person then a lot more bullet bills while you're out uh almost all the same yes all princess peach oh wait the peaches out ah that's so sad that's so sad wait is luigi also out wow that's great i didn't get all yoshi that's so sad let's see i almost eliminated yoshi while luigi had two hearts left but peach and luigi were eliminated so how many hearts is that 12 17 21 not bad not bad bowsers roulette rage so bowser chooses where to put down these bowser marks over here and what we want to do is not get caught in those bowser bars because bombs fall down there and i think for each bowser icon one bomb falls down and i think each bomb does does it do two hearts of damage or three i was thinking it does maybe three so let's see bowser selects okay two on that spot and one there so what we really want to do okay luigi are you out luigi is out oh my goodness he didn't make it in here to the safe spot okay what are you gonna select next bowser let's see one there wait and two there okay so let's see let's see let's see let's see let's see where is it going okay everyone is safe very nice very nice well everyone except for luigi who is already out it's kind of nice when he selects two spots like that because you could select three spots when you select three spots then that makes it kind of difficult to avoid especially if it's all three together because like this when you're on the corner like this you can just step out to the side like that if your reaction time is fast and if you're lucky okay so luigi's the only one who got damaged and he's the only one who got out mario rosalina and daisy all took zero damage which is quite nice okay bowser's roulette rage is a very fun one to play when you're playing on the team of players who aren't bowser it's pretty easy to avoid the bowser icons i think and the way that i like to do this when i'm playing as bowser is here's what i do i put i put three bowser spots together usually and then i rotate it like this because you can choose when to stop it and it's great to stop it at a moment like that there we go where it's like you want them to be near the middle so that it's very difficult for them to run away let's spin here we go let's spin this way okay good moment to stop is when hop up now okay pretty good pretty good those two are eliminated okay oh but it's final round and yoshi hasn't been hit at all yet so i can't eliminate everyone unless i do a double spot somewhere but i rather go like this to play it safer let's see now when do we stop how about now ah peach got away i couldn't eliminate peach so yoshi and peach are both one hit away from being eliminated and i only eliminated two characters so that's 6 12 18 hearts taken away okay so this is a bonus minigame badminton bash wait try to score with smashes and drop shots all right all right i will try it's a good thing that it says try i like how the shy guy is the referee over here okay so what do we do okay let's see oh oh oh oh that was pretty good let's see let's see where we go oh let's see bam ah i got him got him there we go okay let's go ahead now oh what what it's like it went through my wreck and i think my racket has a hole everybody bam oh that why would you aim over there mario why would you aim out bam bam oh what he gets the point for that he gets the point for that i don't know how the rules of this game work i thought that maybe that'd be too close oh okay yoshi just let me have that point apparently let's see where are you going now bro where are you going bro where are you going from huh oh man that was a close one what does this game go up to is it 7 11 how many is it go over there yoshi oh is that out yes we get the point because that was out i'm glad i didn't go for that okay let's go let's go let's go bam oh man he spiked it on me there i don't know if spike is the correct term for this game oh it fell back on his side for yoshi okay let's go let's go let's go i'm ready oh man that oh mario did a dive there that was pretty cool i wish he did that at a moment that was more convenient for me to do it oh man that was a fast one bam go over there yes okay that's my point i wasn't sure if that would be in or not okay let's go ahead where are you going yoshi where are you going bro [Music] what what ah that was out that's so sad wait he just let it fall okay let's see let's see bam take that yoshi you ready bro you ready bro i don't think you can handle this i don't think you ah i couldn't handle it i was the one who could not do the handling bam take that yoshi he didn't even walk towards it okay let's go let's go let's go bam take that bam take that oh man that was so fast that was so fast okay let's go let's go let's go bam ah yeah that's my point let's go okay okay okay i'm scared now i'm getting scared no he just let it fall out of bounds is this game point i don't know if the game ends at 11 or uh higher let's see let's go ah he couldn't make it hey let's see let's go bam [Music] does he win no the game is still going okay let's see that was great okay let's see bam oh man he just spiked that on me i'm uh kind of surprised at how close this entire game is okay 12 12. let's see where are we going next oh man that was so fast that was so unbelievably fast let's see where you going now bam oh man take that take that yeah there you go okay okay it's tied again no no i hate what that happens it's so close it's like it goes through your racket okay but there you go that's a nice way to get the point back bam bam oh man no don't yoshi i hate when he walks towards it and he just watches it fall out of bounds it's like why do you tease me like this yoshi okay let's go [Music] let's go bam bam oh he didn't return it okay we're actually winning we're up by one right now can we maintain the win though no cause it's out okay okay okay let's go let's see let's go let's see oh [Music] okay oh man this is so intense this might have been the longest rally we've ever had he didn't make it let's go okay okay okay okay come on come on come on where are you going bro where you going bro where are you going bro where are you going bro oh he dove four but missed okay we're up by two that's amazing the bigger the lead we can keep the better let's see where are you going bro no that's how oh that's so sad that is so sad okay let me do this strategy where he serves it to me oh no that's not what i wanted to do oh oh man ah that's out isn't it that's so sad he tied it back up tied it back up yoshi tied it back up let's go whoa oh man oh what is going on here what is going on here is that in oh what is going on here what is going on here everybody what an intense match my goodness okay i think the game ends at 21 we're getting close let's see is that out yes that sounds thank goodness thank goodness match point okay here we go here we go it all comes down to this everybody [Music] let's see oh let's see let's go oh yes that's it that's it that's it that was so anticlimactic for the final point there oh man challenge complete beginning badminton so there's bad you know what this is a joke that i came up with years ago if there's badminton is tennis goodman 10. and is table tennis greatmanton wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this video game looks pretty crazy okay so you can not only press a and b to rotate them oh and you could also move them side to side like this but if things get crazy then you can start shaking up the board so let's go like you know let's get another one in there okay there we go we got those now what uh let's just go like this not too important blues let's get some blues over there okay nice let's go like this yeah that'll be fine i'll be happy with that drop there let's get this oh no i wanted to swap it the other way around okay well that's good let's get these in here do those all touch those all touch okay we're doing pretty good here i think let's see oh wait is yellow showing is that yellow because it's like hey you want to get yellow is that like the point of this i'm not sure what that yellow bar on the side is yeah you can also go up and down to uh shake well but we're not gonna do that until things get very intense unless we really have to do that okay how's that that's good got rid of those let's get another one of these in here oh i thought that we'd clear the blue oh oh here comes a big yellow one over here hey let's see let's see maybe we want some yellow ones over here to clear this big yellow one then i think that might be a good idea i would have loved to swap that around oh and it becomes a small yellow one after that okay oh oh i should have brought the purple one over there or you know what i'll keep the purple off to the side oh wait i probably can't control where the purple one goes let's see okay i'm glad those all reached let's go like this [Music] now then green get the green in there whoa that's a gigantic purple one i am not prepared for a purple one that is this large let's see can i uh shake it around oh thanks what you could just shake it around like this is so cheap that's so oh oh i guess you're only allowed three total shakes like it looks like one star filled up there i don't know if that's because we're only allowed three shakes i don't know if that's the way that this works it's my first time playing this so i'm not 100 sure let's see and yes that one went in there that's nice game let's get another yellow one in there there comes a blue one so you know what let's get a blue one right over here and then we can get a blue one right in there that'll clear that one oh look at that look at all these points oh and it's like as you get more points it shrinks the size of the large gem that is going to fall onto you that's pretty cool you can see that gem on the right it gets smaller as you get a lot of points oh and i guess that we completely crushed that gem oh man now there's a giant blue one that wants to come so let's see let's go like this green ones we could get some greens in here okay that's nice let's go like this okay a lot of yellow there uh let's go that's okay okay then maybe we'll want some blue here okay let's get this blue over here get rid of that blue star there maybe nice green let's just put some green over here purple uh get the purple in there oh there's the blue okay and we can get rid of this blue pretty easily probably yep there we go okay now all these wells are sorting themselves out here now let's see where do we even go yeah let's put them in that corner let's put a purple in there that'll clear that out and that green clears out man everything is just clearing out quite nicely i wonder how high we can go with this we can probably get a pretty high score whoa never mind never mind we're starting to see double colored things i am not prepared for this oh man and if you clear one of the double colored ones oh man and there comes a giant one of these oh okay i am quite scared i am not ready for this i'm not ready for this not one bit let's see let's see how are we doing here let's get a gray one over there oh here's a bunch of gray let's go okay we shrunk it down now then let's get this in here uh green do we want green here no let's just go like that that's not what i meant by green oh man oh man do i shake it up do i shake it all up i think i might have to shake it all up we're almost full okay let's shake it all up [Music] let's see do i keep shaking okay that's all right that's all right okay that was actually good that was good okay at 414 points i want at least six more points but it looks like a lot of things are about to get dropped onto us i need at least two more points give me at least two more points please please game okay we passed the required goal now whatever we get will be all right let's see let's see let's see let's drop these purple ones here and the other ones will be there will the purple ones clear up there oh here come a lot of these guys uh let's get a blue near there let's get a purple near here hopefully the blue falls down to there let's get some purple over here let's get some purple over here nice we shrunk that one down there's some green here's some more green uh purple can go over here green we need green over here blue we could get some blue in here green get the green in there get the green in there ah shake it all up no i didn't have a chance to shake it oh man that is so sad but challenge complete what a gem very nice 458 points new record okay bowser jr's clobber cage do we want to take the hammer from him or how does this work not 100 sure how this works oh he has three hearts left okay so give me the hammer bam then we smacked him with the hammer that's kind of funny okay let's see where's he going bam there's a second hit and he's invincible for a bit there's the third hit that wasn't difficult at all i wonder what the world record speed run is for this all right let's see i wonder how fast we can do this one this is a really cool one let's see i'm ready okay there's that give me the hammer bam one hit okay let's go let's go let's go where are you going bro we're gonna go two hits let's go where are you going bro where are you going bro 22 seconds on the clock okay i think that's faster than last time i think last time i had 21 on the clock this is another super cool looking one okay so we want to jump up at bowser jr and i guess we probably have to hit him three times let's see where are you going bro there's one ah he's invincible for a second let's go where are you going bro oh no where are you going bro where'd he go bro oh man he was like uh he was like a super smash bros melee melee pro over there the way that he was running back and forth there okay let's see let's see let's see let's see let's see can i get him before the time runs out oh man i actually might not get him where's he going it's actually uh kind of hard to tell what level you're on come on there we go okay four seconds left i think i can do this a lot faster if i use a fast character like toad which is just a joke because all the characters should have the same speed over here but let's see what happens if we play as toad let's see okay there's one hit on him now where are you going bro where are you going bro okay two hits on him let's see now let's see where are you going bro where are you going bro where are you going bro where are you going bro bro how are you so good bro there we go okay 16 seconds uh 16 seconds left that is so 12 seconds faster than last time looks like toad really is fast now it's just because i played better if you made it all the way through this video that is seriously incredible thank you so much for watching this far into the video you could let me know in a comment if you watched the entire video it's always great to hear that people are watching and enjoying these videos i'm so grateful that i get to make videos like this for you and i'm so glad that people are enjoying these videos so thank you so much for watching i hope the rest of your day is a very fantastic one and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 1,697,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars all characters, mario party, mario party minigames, super mario party minigames, mario, super mario, mario minigames, super mario party minigame, all characters, mario vs luigi, peach, yoshi, mario party all characters, mario party all characters minigames, mario party 10, all minigames mario party, final boss, mario party bosses, all bosses
Id: wbDEaj9x11s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 56sec (7016 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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