Can the Best Characters beat the Hardest CPUs?

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super mario party is the best selling mario party game of all time it introduces unique dice blocks to each character in a variety of really fun mini games and the standard board mode is fun at times but what i found is the real way to play the board is the partner party mode and you'll see exactly why and right now it's time to jump into the partner party mode and go at it versus the master cpus to see if bowser and donkey kong can be the most dynamic duo of all time partner party here we are on the tantalizing tower toys board i'm super excited to get into this i've heard a lot about partner party i played it maybe once or twice when the game first came out but it's been a such a long time bowser jr putting himself near the start you need 10 coins for a star i believe it's big baddies versus little juniors i figured this would give me the best chance playing as bowser and dk is my teammate over there i have no idea but i feel like they have the best dice blocks in the game because they're just high numbers ten and five coins what okay so dk wants to go up towards the star so i'm gonna go down here and collect some of these coins baby you just whoa oh my god is that even a legal maneuver you could stomp on people and we're into the mini game we obviously want to win this one so they don't have enough coins to get a star i'm playing as bowser at the top left i think it's awesome that you could play as bowser in this game i wish we could do that in the future but i will enjoy it for now oh that was really close oh i don't know i don't know this is gonna be uh we're on master difficulty it's gonna be a true test i think so far i'm collecting though can we get triple digis can we get triple digis we did 101. yeah we get to high five each other ready yeah yeah teamwork okay they have eight coins we have 26 starting off hot what's going on here what happened oh yoshi's in play so let me know what you guys think a lot of people were saying you know partner party's got some of the most depth in super mario party it's the way to play the board in this game i don't think you could play four player mini games that's probably the only downside i would say but otherwise there's quite a bit of strategy and moving around there's koopa koopa's over there i want coupon no bowser jr is going to pick up koopa as a friend no dk diddy kong's just gonna run in a circle i think oh no he's going up there i got a 10. he got a zero that's okay we still both get tens okay what's about to happen here my strategy is to move along the bottom of the board here we wa oh take take my call this is uncharted territory no one else is over here daisy's over here and i got a lucky space i'm gonna take three coins why not and the crowd's going wild for that meanwhile at the top dk is is jumping on oh yoshi yes yes we get yoshi i was feeling weird not playing yoshi in this game and i was playing bowser because i want to give myself the best chance with the dice block but now we have yoshi on our team anyway everything is all good i think this is actually a four player minigame i'm pretty sure they might have four player mini games in this and you they just rank you how you okay all right let's just move just keep moving falcon we'll figure that out later dang master difficulty everybody's killing it out here wait hold on hold on i mean how many times am i going to get caught on the one with the blocks i mean how many times is the top going to have the blocks is it just every time i think it's every time team bowser wins dk yeah yeah yeah team bowser yep i did a lot there but we get all the coins for that no matter what the placings okay i like that i'm into it oh i'm trying to drink a beverage here what do you what do you what do you want what do you want what's going on here is it gonna be extra bad spaces oh it's super bad spaces oh no it's just regular regular about i think let's see what the juniors are throwing out they got koopa this time to do a little one or two i've always found the little partner buddies interesting because they make it so it's hard to kind of exact your dice block but oh but they do give you extra movement and okay all right well we're we're losing now we're losing yeah yeah yeah whatever whatever just get it oh and they're gonna hide oh they're ah i don't want to see this the biggies the biggies we're biggie we're team biggies versus team little east is tonight gonna move she's not gonna move okay so she doesn't move so maybe i should oh she moves she moved yes soda yes come to papa yes oh how convenient thank you so much i love you 1919 and then yoshi with another week oh it just oh just help it just counts for dk dk's it's only dk i don't have yoshi on my team is that what you're trying to say is how are you trying to say i'm gonna make a bold move all right i'm gonna go all the way up here grab a bunch of coins grab my buddy waluigi so i'm not alone anymore i got a friend [Applause] the fans love a good waluigi you guys love a good wildly press one if you love a good waluigi who doesn't mean while dk's making his way over i i should be able to get the star next turn there's always the possibility that you don't have the right amount of even or odd dice rolls to like land on the the star you have to uh get the star exactly oh we just picked up hammer bro what a legend watch out for chain chomp oh not this not this what are we how many okay seven you know what you know what i'll take it that's fine it's fine could've been way worse it's maths of glory where falc oh okay okay i didn't screw it up that time oh they got 30. this one's an all-out battle it could be decided on the next roll or is it a roll i don't know i'm locked in baby i got a three i was locked in no we lost wow in two turns we lose maths of glory what a fight oh we blew it dude i blew it on the very beginning dk blew to the end we've got a fierce battle going on between bowser junior did he call the juniors and the biggies they're gonna get a key up there at the top and the thwomps are just getting greedier and greedier by the minute you just upped it to seven i don't know if that's the strongest strategy but what do i know about anything you just got a door key you're not passing because you're not you know what you do you just did that to your buddy why did you do that bowser jr what is it is that hidden is it hidden it was a hidden bad luck space diddy just got absolutely bodied by bowser jr in that turn he's he's his friend okay i think that said raise the coins for the star he's double the coin wow that looked painful what happened there 20 coins now i mean we can afford that you guys can you know what i'm actually liking a normal dice here we don't need a huge number and we don't want to lose a bunch of coins which we could with the ba oh my goodness what's going on here perfect absolutely perfect did you see what i just did you see what i just did there i'm picking up my girl daisy who isn't even uh controversial controversial maybe i don't know maybe i should have said that i don't know i don't know if that's true or not but she is in this game at least and we're gonna oh tony's so surprised you already know i'm coming for that star it's a little pricey i don't even care i got that schmoney i can afford it and there you have it we're taking the lead with that let's go slapping each other about it why not just a couple dudes slapping each other okay dk's dk's just running in a he's running in a circle he got dizzy i don't all right buddy you know that's okay so that is off to the southern west region of the board here okay i just i just gave i just put the ice on the penguin's head i'm not good at this mini game all right if you couldn't tell by looking at the screen right now i mean it should be pretty easy just time the time it as it comes over i might like not use all my my juice though you know what i'm saying i gotta i gotta get active i got to get active go go go go go go i didn't use all of it just go dude i really oh my god just move on just just cut it out just okay move on come on come on get me out of here where you guys going huh where you going we go oh you're trying to fight yoshi is that we oh come on chain chomp come on chain chomp buddy you got this six okay meanwhile and did he call oh he's gonna go over to the door i feel like that's what they got the keys gonna go for the door it's either that or the star the stars right there in the in the bottom left okay we need to make it over so we're gonna go big bowser dice block why do i feel like i'm gonna get like minus three coins this time i'm scared i got minus three coins this time i knew it please help us partners please we got zero oh boy all right i'm just gonna grab this coin and call it a day oh dk oh and an item tk okay all right okay okay one of my favorite mini games easily in this game i don't know it's just so much fun it's so satisfying oh bowser you got rocked oh your boy oh no i fell off we need to get diddy kong get diddy kong target him he's the only one alive did he call i'm trying to wreak havoc all right okay we got it we got it thanks to our buddies thanks to our buddies they only have one buddy look at our squad compared to theirs hey 12 and a 10. where are they going with this though diddy kong's all over the left side look at him can you even afford to get through here my dude i think he can just barely diddy kong's just going to run in circles and then get through the door oh it's going the that ain't no skeleton key though that it oh it's just open now okay i just i just used a mushroom i don't know if that was okay with dk but i just used the mushroom come on buddy come on tk oh no the high risk high reward all right we're getting there next turn we're gonna break through i i promise oh oh geez oh no oh oh i thought it was bad luck okay wait for it wait for it wait for it oh all right we oh nine coin that's big in super mario 9 coins dk's got to pay the toll who's hiking it up dk stop this is my game let's go this is mini battle look at minnie bowser he's so small compared to everybody else i mean he's the same size but he looks so small i do really i got blocked i do really like how they include a lot of four player games as well i was nervous about that at the start i thought it'd be like 2v2 to get stale but it's not gonna get stale because you got four player games and you're competing for your team oh your boy is making these cuts oh geez yo me and dk though me and dk okay bowser jr wow wow bowser jr wants to go down near the start diddy kong wait for this i thought diddy kong was gonna collect the red coins he doesn't want any of them you guys have three coins i got i got i got minus three but he got ten he got ten my boy got ten i'm one short of the star look there on the bottom left okay this swamp doesn't have the same to that i like this swamp the swamp's nice and easy over here and then we loop around for this for this item block and then we're gonna oh yeah all right not sure what dk's on up there what is what are you doing bud what's going on he's just looping okay i think that was like the same spot he was it's lit potato it's getting lit in here i'm passing the bomb as fast as i can i didn't blow up okay a final five scenario we have three players on the red team i'm just holding up right and mashing as fast as i can to get into koopa and there it goes the koopa oh but our yoshi blew up uh-oh final three scenario with bowser jr donkey kong and bowser can i give it back to him oh no you can only pass it in the clockwise direction that was a quick toss from dk and there you have it they need more buddies dude i mean it's just a it's a correlation between doing well and having buddies that's just how it is three turns remaining this is getting intense i i really like partner party i'm enjoying it the expert is a is a is a chain chomp unchained he's like unchained kind of chomp unchained of course oh yeah here's a free trip to a star on a board in a game mode where it's difficult to find the star i see how it is game i said what what two oh that actually could that could help us since we got a lot of coins we need to keep them poor dude that's what it's all about oh what are you doing here what's going on it's gonna be extra bad oh it's extra bad oh more friends more friends wario where he was pumped any more oh i was hoping okay all right that's fine we'll take wario i guess i'm not exactly sure how the bonus stars work at the end of this are they similar to the normal game i don't know can my voice get any higher than this probably it probably can't yeah you guys though you don't have enough coins that's the thing oh mario what i didn't see was he been there the whole time they don't have enough coins wow they would have pounced on it out speaking of pouncing on ow oh oh no oh oh geez oh no what is that double card how it's already doubled it's already can you quadruple or is it a triple is what how does that even work i'm hoping we don't find out because then that means they would be getting shy guy shot guy alert up there oh my god dk get shy guy dk get shy okay i purposely roll oh the 10. all right we're just gonna have to hope we're gonna have to hope here it's five to start so i don't think i'll be able to get it because that's an odd number yeah and i when we rolled even all right i'm going all the way up here because i don't know i don't even know what red coins mean but i want to figure it out are they more five five coins i figured they'd be worth more and my boy dk is grabbing my guy the shy and the shy of the guy and he's moving down to the north towards the star things are heating up but we only have two turns to pounce it's this freaking mini game dude it's time to just hold the top as hard as we can and hope we don't get the uh oh no oh no not the blocks i would say the first like 20 or 30 seconds of this mini game don't really matter but then after that it heats up super fast like right now i'm just trying to make it dude come on dk me and you buddy oh well we already won so i don't i don't think it really i think we are hey we won i got it this time that's that's what we're talking about let's go okay winning that mini game was really big they're still at eight coins which is not enough to get a star they need ten however they can probably get one next turn they have the golden pipe but i don't i don't know if they can use that that card they can yeah i don't know this is weird it's getting weird here what is diddy kong gonna do he's gonna jump on me yeah whatever dude fine what is it oh my goodness oh man this is getting crazy he's gonna get rid of it wow i would have used that in the air okay going normal dice block here we don't need that much all right i mean i guess we're gonna get a lot we want an odd number we got an odd number i believe with that rule of thumb we should be able to get to the star we can we can both get to the star what is going to happen because because wouldn't it oh my goodness they just got pounced on right where did they pounce how uh what's gonna happen here is she gonna move might as well let's just go for it let's just rack them up we're racking them up she says absolutely massive turn for us we've been waiting for this and we got stars and then we slap each other like good bros do that's three stars now and 51 coins so the question is is oh my oh my dk going hard everybody going hard dk's going to be able to purchase she doesn't move until the end of the turn first bowser got started then donkey kong did the same the four stars in one turn [Music] five five stars yeah landed on the same space what happens we get to kiss oh no wait we're gonna yeah we're gonna slap each other my leg is in the what is that what's happening to me dude i don't even know what's going on up here what is what we haven't been up here and we're probably not we got one turn left what did we get last time one 101 one no we're gonna be we're gonna beat it we are going to beat it watch me acquire this fruit i oh i got vitamin c all over the place okay it's gonna be close i think they start to shower them at the end though no we got 100 even oh what are they gonna oh what are they gonna do okay they're gonna go golden they've got mario now they've got they've got mario now so they could probably get a star if they can manage to pick up a coin a few coins on the way i don't know if they're gonna be able to i don't think they're gonna be able to maybe they could have jumped on us oh dude the star is way up at the top of the board item space if there's like an item bonus or something they're to get it oh oh you didn't come on you didn't have to do that i got mine i got minus three well they went hard over there where are we going okay i just picked a random space maybe like a hidden block or something crazy happens nope nothing decay's just running around oh oh what just happened that was brutal oh my goodness and an item oh man okay i need to get the pieces the shards over the over the deck i gotta get multiple oh no oh no oh no i only got one hello are there any more you know what let's just do two right now are there any more falling from the sky thank you no dude d key just got shocked over dk dk get it together buddy or whoever whoever's over there getting shocked i think this one's going to be close okay you got one you could have more than that a pure dk buddy all three at a time all right we got eleven we need any more oh oh nice yeah okay here we go the adventure's complete can't wait to see who won how does the bonus how is it how does it work mini game bonus oh you know it's your boy or it's dk or it's both of us it's both of us two stars or one how does that what doormat bonus what does that mean look at the player who got used as a doormat the most they got they got doormatted what and the winner is us we won versus the master partner party thanks for watching it was super fun i'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: RedFalcon
Views: 996,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario party partner party, super mario party, super mario party gameplay, partner party, tantalizing towers, mario, luigi, peach, daisy, yoshi, bowser, dk, donkey kong, gameplay, walkthrough, partner, party, smp, 2 v 2, minigames, all minigames, every minigame, maths of glory, redfalcon, gaming, entertainment, comedy, Can the Best Characters beat the Hardest CPUs?
Id: leKe2rcloyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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