Super Mario 64 120 Star by Cheese05 in 1:45:19 - GDQx2018

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course let me not prolong the wait any more shall we I know the chatters hey I see you all spamming like 1800 emotes perhaps seconds I know the audience he is really right man that was garbage that was garbage I know that you all are ready right I don't have time to shell again anyway so let's get it going you all supermart used to for 120 star run coming up now with demand the myth and the current legend cheese oh five one let's go man hello hello i'm c-czar five couch introduce you guys I hope it I'm buco I'm simple flips all right you know 120-star run you know same old 120 and I'll I'll talk about stuff in the intro I'm ready you ready go yep okay three two you know go the last time I didn't 120 stars solo run was 2017 sgdq and I mean the route hasn't really changed as usual murrayrudd doesn't really change that much but they've been quite quite a few new strats that save like a few seconds here and there I mean my 64 when there's a new strat it's like it's huge news but obviously it's like 1 or 2 seconds but I mean it's still cool because a lot of them are really really really like awesome to watch so today I could actually pull him off the main one is actually near the beginning of the run where the dream came true like two months ago which basically like we skip the cannon and jrv the college every chemist and it's really really really hard but uh we'll try it anyway cuz PDQ man it's human it saves a few seconds which is mastered for this game it is yeah it's thoroughly on - yeah it's crazy over there we go here we go beautimous thought like two times and enacted yeah they got it like this cab there we go I'm not doing I'll be LJ because I might mashing his and I'm bad I pressed it early and nested up like ten times one of the worst day into night Sears bomb clip so you get the bomb here if the it's frame-perfect to get big bomb which is a fastest and you throw the bomb and you clip through the fence there saved about probably 15 20 seconds to grab mounting the killer I so safety purposes I am I'm gonna save like at the end of every stage probably because there was an instance where siglemic is dinner run and there was like cartridge tilt and if that happens I don't save it's over yeah so it in slide first that actually stay is close to second to do slide first if you're not doing I'll be all day so why not yeah and it most of the time going for Pb attempts we would not save because it saves about four to eight frames every time you scroll down and click don't save and it adds up a whole lot over the run on though the balance thirteen twelve point four maybe the fastest lifetime for if you do a double long jump approach without yeah don't wait for Archie a super are yeah twelve point six is like a normal one freaking on average in the whomps fortress the ER wampie it's one of the hardest stages in the game first one get it out of the way yes usually where everyone just resets the run this is the most recent heavy course pretty much in the game just once really are synonymous with frustration the og no no no he's too far yeah go for the backup yeah into the blue yeah so right there what he was doing there was the cannonless setup so back a few years ago what you would have to do is just run into the wall and hope that you get just the right pixel to get the star but a sock folder found a set up in about 2014 where you can just grab the ledge and then do a bunch of you do like a backup and you just set up the exact right position to run straight down and then grab just a right pixel in the wall to get the start yeah and recently there was a texture setup found that you just eyeball it you just walk off the bridge right there yeah taking us Oh miss fence clip that's okay how is this so much harder than it looks you have to get the right frame wall kick and everything don't want a face frame wall kick yeah sometimes the lack varies though yeah once you do simply owls but yeah basically you have five frames to wall kick not four or five to to get a wall kick and depending on which one you get it gives you more speed off the wall so if you get our first train wall kick it'll give you a lot of speed which you do want in some places in some cases but not here not in not an owl list because it'll propel you way too far from the star and you won't be able to get in the cage unless you do simply all those Oh so yeah you made the cycle there those good the lag reduction was super good like really key right there pretty good you know for the people at home what is simply out it's not because I don't know what it is basically simply a top runner at this game he created a setup where you can get a first D and it still works to get a list but most players don't do it just because it's so different but yeah I think it's called us in Dallas because he's like one of the only people that people know that can do it first yeah well yeah maybe he didn't make it he's that school before you know I think you're the only person that calls it simply oh yeah people will be mad if he didn't make it and I just called it that well Coakley so we got one one last hour or no to look to stars actually it was a slide for 120 out there I love this star his teeth are so jangled he's got some good teeth from face planning so often this to you yeah if the plaster knits back yeah well band-aid a little first-aid the red eyes so evil all right you got the swag dive that's pretty perfect I don't think I think I think yeah and low as your yeah you're you're dropping moments I make they have make sense it's probably just couple frames you know pretty swaggy yeah one last star to the top of the fortress now this fortress on the n64 lags like like crazy if you don't zoom in black to the lacks new camera so it's like very key to have your camera right zoom in lakitu otherwise it just it will be al access hey that's lungs I was really good the whomps fortress the most recent heavy there was like hardly any problems there at all yeah it was really good yeah that was like a low seven bombs nine so that's good for a marathon mm-hmm so heading into jrb here first he's gonna do the aquarium star the secret star the just keep swimming just keep swimming forever forever and ever feels like like a whole minute of just swimming little boring to watch it's not boring at all you can watch the fishes it's true it's like watching an aquarium or something they just spawn out sometimes you got and then you got to look away from them so they don't lag you out it's like pretty awesome and now Jeremy's significantly more fun because no cannon yeah can there's a new candle is yeah yeah Jolly Roger or fun more scary I'm actually gonna go through the story behind it right now cuz like there's no way I could say it while you're doing it um back in 2014 is a guy named shadow of miles he brought this video out of a crazy triple jump in the beginning of Jeremy that you guys would see very soon and you know no one thought it was arty viable until two months ago of course I tried it because legend status yeah I know the climate cuz actually my chat like telling me about it and then I I started doing it and started working and then I like came up with like the movement after that to like get the canister without the cannon and we timed everything for like a week and realized it's faster so became the new thing now yeah I was never known to be faster because the animation was like for the bomb when you speak to the clip awesome I was beautiful and normally you have to swim a couple times there before you clip through good Steve alright good swimming yeah Steve we get the swim animation that means you've done this like the start very optimally with this especially yeah I think that's when animation just barely it was like I don't even know about that this is one animation you know that's when you make it it like really early I don't run run funny nothing good luck man you got this oh that's a heart that's a wild this is looking good oh there's like so many hard part is most of them I can't describe I can explain how precise it is it I did everything perfectly but literally like a pixel off of my not gives you a bad angle and you can make it yeah you know you know about how much time that loses you only like 10 seconds yeah okay you have like multiple tries to do it so I'm gonna try it again that when you when you walk up the wall after the rollout is crazy on the ship you can just walk up like 100 coin you cannot see when you afford to this one coin only has like 100 for coins in total so it's really it's pretty tight yeah so in the route you can only lose one coin without getting a Goomba right in the cave but a lot of lag reduction here you'll see cheese messing with this camera a lot here so he can reduce lag yeah in this game there's a lot of lag reduction especially in the water stages like Derby and DDD ooh yeah it's hard to get that without getting hurt there because if you didn't do any lag reduction you'd lose like a minute yeah probably over and throughout the entire round though just yeah fix camera the music the stay on track I think for the water levels is probably the best day on track it's just very calming definitely I can sleep till is just but put on YouTube and just fall asleep is just like yeah the most yeah it's just crazy how good it is the only song I know to play on piano oh so good oh you can play it yeah oh look at you [Laughter] [Music] if you press B on a hill in water yeah max can like climb up really fast yeah I mean it barely saves any time than just going up at an angle but still it looks cool wait what we don't have talking animation everything although I was confused at her say many times and I've cried many times it gets emotional yeah it's emotional this is the the child nightmare or the eel the eel coming out of the the hole very scary electric eel can kill you make you drown you know it has to kills me before in many runs mm-hmm scary piano anyone scary piano oh yeah all right so this right here is a little clip oops out that maybe this is got that oh it's actually really easy but it only saves a couple seconds but um yeah you just get a little clip right there so you can you don't have to go all the way down and swim through the cave yeah the game's program is a little bit spaghetti so whenever you're above a body of water and since he's clipping through the the side of the wall there it just down warps down warp straight into the water and you can also use that to up warp you'll see in tall tall mountain just up warp to water down work useful strap yep so this would be the ER no I think bb-8 is along a stage if not javi yeah yeah shortest ones like mops or TTC I think yeah I think once they are very very very yeah tick tock clock would be the most skill skill cab the biggest skill heavy but yeah it's super super fast super super quick yeah yeah there's a little optimization here if you start a little bit higher up above the eel you can gain speed as you swim down to grab the star and then you have more speed for when you have to swim down more to actually get the star after it spawns yeah that's a good point I mean that is all over this game there's so many tiny things to say it more time yeah yeah like very small optimization but if you didn't do any of the small optimizations in this game and he just ignored them then it would the time would be so much worse so and it would be less fun the peaches slide was even gonna beat the 13 second flat here 12.6 called 12.5 that 0.40 Wow well my fly is crazy too yeah she it's not crazy for cheese I see him good taupe on 5s on the daily yeah oh this is bad twelve point seven six yeah oh well change it never mind this big stir still good slide really good okay what do I have to do now oh my gosh Oh Queen Khalid yeah we're gonna look up at the Sun raise the n64 it's like a lighting effect no that's export cannot handle lighting effects you just want to look away from it yeah look up beautiful how good those two coins can be hard to get sometimes yeah we'll do some flying simulator you go so fast here cheese is really good at flying flying is hard yeah takes a lot of practice this is one of those things or like when the camera less experienced players like even slightly less two less experienced players can save a lot of seconds on flying just from optimizing it but it really is quite difficult that was beautiful especially on hoary cheese uses a 4e which is a different kind of controller it's a third-party controller it's pretty much the only acceptable third-party controller to play on it is still licensed licensed by Nintendo but the official brand would be whoring yeah and it's and a lot of people don't like it because the angles are different but it's kind of like a GameCube controller and the dead zone is really really sensitive so it's it's kind of hard to use like a cannon or I'm swim it was good you don't have to use the Jeremy cannon anywhere with the Hori and everything the dark world see what cycle we can catch her there are cycles for the moving platforms and all the dynamic objects and the dark world is looking like shigera so far shigeru cycle is it used to be like the fastest cycle anyone would go for now it says aya and Fukushima cycle so it basically Shakira's how fast we make it to that cheese block he just made it to the cheese block so that's shigeru mmm let's even get a double first or anything right here with the side camera for the wall cakes oh one first do you want to see what's good oh wow yeah nice figure e-cycle that's really good yeah the properties of this whoo got on the pipe got in the pipe we got in the pipe boys all right King Koopa that's not the King Bowser no dance there's an orangy chance with whether he can dance or not I think it's like 5% chance in the programming for 2% maybe 2% Jesus yeah if he dances he'll just stay put it's a little bit easier to grab his his big tail we did the dab fringe yes so fun fact in the Japanese version only you can do that that little dab after grabbing keys very simple you just go you just pressed the up and move either down right O'Donnell eyes and then for some reason something I don't yeah and then for some reason on Japanese it turns into a star above your head what and when you picked up teeth and then it's a star on the USA it's all like all fixed down yes yes we're going back to Bob on battlefield to do the rest of the stars now that chief says the wing cap normally during PB attempts to s would be doing l BL J which saves 10 seconds which is where you go to dark world first and you don't have to go back to Bob on battlefield you just do it all in one go but it's pretty difficult well you got it in as the sgdq 2017 solo run which is really good but here he's not going for it the bomb King yeah it's kind of tricky sometimes he just Auto unlocks of you when you're just straightforward so you have to go forward if you after you throw it the first time if you you actually have to wait a tiny a bit like I mean I I try to make an optimist by weight like the frame or two before as soon as it starts moving then you jump if you don't to early he would not move and you can't grab him again you'd like follows you in circles yeah the coupe of the Quickie yeah so Koopa the Quickie you go up and first you actually complete the race and then you're gonna see we're gonna go back down and we're gonna talk to the pink Baba to unlock the cannon and then go back up before Koopa the quick finishes or cup of the cookie it finishes the race and and the reason why we do that is because when you when when Mario finishes o Koopa actually starts going faster oh we should still be able to be Koopa the quick so a problem at all you'll be waiting for him yeah it's a little swag thing where if you pretty much bomb clip into the cannon so yeah cupola quick starts going faster after Mario finishes the race which is why we complete the race first yeah for speedrunning you just beat him pretty much twice and wouldn't he be to even once he I it's not too quick he's actually not yeah quick again there's a thing that we did for a while where he thought it saved time where we would go back up like without the cannon wasn't it yeah well we're just climbing we're just climbing pretty cool if you have to keep your speed from the dive I had no idea about that what that was interesting so we lost some time Erica's gonna quick finish the race but that's we can get to see my cute little butt that's true we missed it sometimes I think he wears diapers but I'm not like yeah I'm not confident in that one all right kiss little down Oh when your speed on you can't use it you know restroom breaks yeah I'm wearing one right now yeah all right so this is sky jump right here normally casually you'd use the cannon but cheese is gonna do a triple jump here and then it's good oh okay okay there you go beautiful roll out right on the island was very skewed okay the programming is very interesting with the wing cap if you land with your with your stick in a specific spot and then you take off the next take off it will keep that position so you have to make sure you land it basically all it is that when you land on the platform you have to make sure that Mario is facing straight Oh facing straight once you like holding neutral yeah I don't think it's your stick landings and you're kinda like stores the turning yeah in the program it's very interesting yeah alright so he's gonna do it again here to get the other star up there fun fact it took me two months to realize all you have to do to climb those hills it's the whole day it's the whole day wow what a jump kick up a hill it took me a while to almost been years years back huh yeah yet she started playing in 2015 14 14 this is 100 coin comes in there is a big energy factor whether the Goomba spawn wherever they spawned the coin velocity is just all over the place sometimes but if you get lucky oh yeah there was RNG goes out of the way yeah yeah it's one of the coins are the most Hardy in the entire run actually the bomb battlefield you punched that Koopa real quick oof that's brutal amazing it's actually so good that I have to it's too good the R&G is too good too good beautiful right there that jump see if you have the wing cap you can actually just flow if you jump with the Koopa show you can just flow and just like listen down it's pretty awesome like a flying squirrel yep I almost fell off there so yeah oh nice backhoe that back up okay cheese was known as actually one of the fastest improving players cheese was back in the day still known as like maybe the fastest improving player but there's another player shoutout to Liam Kings we came around and he was also really fast improving that was a good frame perfect rollout right there it keeps the speed so you just roll out so far yeah that's one of those small transitions I was talking about like you to see all that stuff everywhere yeah there's hundreds hundreds everywhere you have to keep in mind is good to complicate we're gonna try skipping a poll here so many photo differences than it did just two years ago this floppy everything is different you it is yeah a big factor of how fast you can do the stars how many coins you get like out of the air or you know anywhere because you can like skip a poll here or you know not have to grab the box there's many goombas or anything yeah sometimes the goombas can harass you when you're going for the polls here cheese did a good job of just going to a different different poll the gumbo is kind of like intimidating you can see this is a very orangey heavy star with all the coins and everything coins are like one of the only you know RNG factors in this game but there's another stage it's no man's land later in this game that's known as probably the most orangey heavy stage yeah it is really good that cheese is saving I think stick lemak as soon as he went into the basement he had his n64 on the floor maybe three years back and just cartridge tilton mmm but luckily he was saving as well so he kind of had that in mind to save otherwise you just start from star 0 would be yeah shame so yeah for events like this yeah it's really good to wouldn't quite meet the estimate the mint so as this is SSL a very very difficult stage very hard also pretty orangey dependent and there are a lot of stars here where you can just die and lose you know 30 seconds of the time she's gonna start out here with pillarless it's pretty difficult frame-perfect got the big bomb there he's in there alright butyl yeah I actually changed a lot recently I don't actually do this fastest strat it's it's really crazy it takes about two seconds though yeah Tama usually say usually done in 16 stars it's a little shorter yeah yeah yeah thomopolis was found a few months ago saves a couple seconds like it was a big thing because you don't have to jump back over the slope get the little slide oh nice the lag reduction it kind of like a sideways camera angle there but beautiful just touch the star okay so this is the hardest time to stay in an entire game after me and now I'd said that's not more nervous the topless I do it after the hands so topless is also a very hard star so many art stars here just got to get the right frame here and the roll yeah those first two yeah yeah first trim does not work it's really hard sometimes the only frame that doesn't work actually I'm pretty sure yeah maybe four yeah you can go away forthwith really good yeah but it's not yeah it's the angle to not just a friend a highballs gotta wait for the eyeballs you can kick them a little bit before the eyes even open I think but yeah kick him in the eyes okay no more optimizations yeah alright you can even ground pound them for like the most optimal hands you can do just ground pound and then we'll do like register the that I think that's what the test does but it's really risky if you miss it you would not hit it and then you would lose yeah a bunch of time cuz like it's in a cycle you might even if you missed any cycle if you miss it once then it does like a bunch of animations and you're yeah so yeah that start right there actually is one of the big reasons why we use Japanese because on the English version the the hands talk like one little slide at a time and it takes forever so the Japanese actually saves about four seconds I think without door skip and BBH and eight seconds with it or six seconds or something so not too much of a difference yeah that's a new new strat right there yeah new optimization this atrides is pretty crazy pretty and pretty intense it's changed a lot within the past year it's gonna be a little risky right here a little risky for sure right here this is a very intense yeah Oh beautiful it was a good backup you know normally he'd build a meet on that slope being patient for the cube the people can just emotion be ridiculously time wanna see that I started doing it does require frame perfect jump though luckily there's always a backup in this game so if you missed that you could kind of just like go to the right yep of course I missed it because another very very difficult start here is SSL 100 a lot of rng factors yet right here especially this good rng just started though oh really tells been backwards yeah that's beautiful oh the good boy wants to start a little beef but no problem there just ignore him Oh a little bit closer scare yeah it's very close to the center which would just insta kill you yeah so we don't get the Averett claims with the hundred coins here because you have to go into the pyramid oh the bounce I actually don't know what just happened usually yeah that was it weird as we get the roll out here on the top beautiful yeah and normally the box would break there and you could just walk up I don't know what happened there the bird might start beef here sometimes he'll arrest that yeah I was close yeah they steal the birds the word that bird is he's a nightmare yeah not the word not the word oh okay all right there we go hold one or two there's a little bit of meme when you when you take a lot of time to do something maybe like five attempts six attempts you just a first try confidence that was my first attempt so this is other star that that we do with hundred coins is the secrets and because you exit the stage when you get any star other than like a secret star which includes the 100 coins first that was that's a new thing yeah right there I didn't already miss the coin yeah that that dive right there it saves a couple seconds and it took it takes forever to grind to learn how to do that I probably spend like two weeks to save two seconds yeah but it's worth I mean two seconds is a lot yeah lets you look cool I think this is one of the this is the hardest are probably in the game it is this is a very crazy okay okay okay he just do that unbelievable onto the hazy hazy maze cave did you make it has you missed kids is also a difficult stage I think cheese are you going for your HMC bill tree yes gdq home I would not so this is relatively new people started not this start but there's a bill Jay later that in this stage is relatively new people started doing it maybe a year and a half ago relatively in in runs cheese got it at sgdq 2017 so let's hope you can get here to a little tricky here yeah it was maybe seven seconds if he misses it so it's okay what's the back-up if you don't get the Bo Jane you go and get the don't want the one it depends on how you mr. dinosaur one you can mess it up like on the ash will be LJ at the end you just get the rolling rock star oh yeah if you myself up in the beginning you just get the one he's like yeah that baseball slide not gonna lie the orange in this run is actually quite amazing so far yeah it's pretty good not too bad usually this gas should do damage to you but with speedrunning you're not in the tube too often so it doesn't go tick down look at that both of them landed on RNG you know what's gonna happen later in the run there's a BOJ yeah yeah this is not the BOJ I was talking about but oh oh he got sick yeah I have never seen throwing button mash the way cheese just held the controller sometimes different forms for different people for sure everyone has their own strats and yeah ways of holding the controller sometimes you use the claw sometimes you just yeah use your other hand it's really oh yeah good orangey and I can hear it good yeah beautiful here the coin drop yeah sometimes it stays up on that pillar and you have to go up and get it but that's good orangey if it falls oMG their agent 50-100 point is no no joke people have specific splits just for the for that 100 coin for those two stars yes some people do again thanks flip that segment just cuz yeah it's no joke orangey it's a long start to big skill factor yeah alright here we go here we go this is a really hard bill Jay a lot of people did not opt for it all in runs especially advanced but yeah cheese is crazy yeah you screw up one thing here and there's a lot of time yeah he's got this zone it's okay oh do i okay can't even do these apart they can't yeah Dover backup Starr yeah when you when you mess it up once the camera just changes a little bit you can't really use muscle memory at that point it's a little bit harder to eyeball so just backup star and then try it against the best we can do all right good luck jeez you just like it is controlling yeah the form I want to copy that one [Music] Wow I did it that's it oh that he did it yeah I did it boys and towards the end there I was like wait there was a bunch of weird stuff that went on how is that doing yeah that was really good really good and it was technically first try cuz the first time it didn't screw up the bill today so yeah you could you clipped through two doors there the boulders you just skip right past it and even a fence just like smooth ride once you have all that speed built up it's crazy ooh nice triple box gonna do this again but we're not gonna go in that room there's actually oh okay there's a there's a death Barry after triple box yeah yeah you get you actually do that triple jump if you do agency blj you do that triple box jump three times here Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton this is a really good soundtrack on the metal cat Mario oh oh my paygrade for sure wow this is linked list this is I think you got a first day on the wall kick I didn't which is it I mean that's someone new movement I didn't spent the first e so I went flying almost fell oh yeah yeah if you go for firstly there's a chance you will just get one frame early and it won't even let you in put the second frame so you just bonk so first these are kind of scary yeah it's beautiful blink list though go for another triple box don't even do it the box is broken almost got the one up that would've been pretty good very useful so choose your saying before the run that you thought your Hori angle might have changed a little bit you think that's why you might be ledge grabbing there no cuz there's my I left that felt weird oh okay yeah yeah cuz the Hori sangil's can be kind of variable the controller cheese uses so sometimes I can change around and it's pretty annoying that's the whole thing about speedrunning in general it's like controllers do random things or the button Mike like feels weird one day and it actually affects your like you know mines that which is one reason why the majority of people used the original n6 before controller because the angles stayed pretty consistent on those that's a beautiful start landing right on top of it oh yeah save the frames trying to be optimal yet sometimes it can be costly though save the frames risk you gotta take two more stars left one more how long okay one more all right so this is an rng dependent started here but we got good rng missed the boulders there and I is it a good time to read donations to you oh yeah oh my gosh for donation go ahead and donators let's see we had a couple of $100 some Benjamin's been thrown the way to the Kin charities that while supporting doing twitchcon we got phantom crab said so glad to see so many accomplished gamers donating time to help raise for charity looking forward to cheese's amazing 120-star run and we got a hundred from fly jones assist watching what's my mom and dad all thanks to everyone for this great weekend and big things to the runners the staff and the hype crowd I love pinning well Ollie used to be an easy stage but now with optimal spats it's the hardest days really the hardest no but it's the it's lethal for sure well it was free land land land good job wolf try to lean on that fence beautiful place yeah sometimes you try to go for that the fence clip there you can just end up bonk you know mind a lot a lot of times those beautiful I think it's like if you have an angle more than 45 degrees on a certain direction either left or right yeah yeah right along it mid run you have to calculate your angle and then you know make sure you get some bullies out of the way here the bullies no one likes bully grabs good there we go Luisi that was really good all right that was a really good story up good execution three more donations a few if you have some more they're like I'm gonna run donations over here generally hefty donation from the Yeti 87 we're from $1,500 if the Yeti says hey Oh Yeti here we're fired up because we help if your help we've raised over $10,000 for the first gqx thank you for your support we will have all the gdq x and gdq archived items available until midnight tonight oh so promotion a huge shout out to all the gdq team runners organizers and of course you the viewers for your incredible support go Yeti for sure 1500 is crazy that is crazy amount the Yeti calm that was worth another promotion of the 1500 open till midnight GT key archive and German - Yeti calm noni I think almost in every stage there's at least one in this wall that could happen this isn't one of the visuals that you actually can't really avoid it sometimes it just happens then visible feeling yeah yeah invisible feelings are really rare compared to invisible you never expect we're here to just stop this random yeah luckily enough when you enter the volcano it you don't have to wait for a star spawn animation or the star select screen you just go right back to that volcano so you're not your speech and you don't even have to go back into the volcano yeah that was actually worst case scenario because when I took damage before getting to volcano in the back of my mind I was like I would die here if I feel this yeah there would be a bat you would have a batch ants to back up with one lava boost but in that case there's no lava booster option you just did yeah not fun donations here is probably good yeah more donations with the hundred already we've got a father awesome Laurie laces thank you all so much we got sergeant commanders and with father I was caught by surprise about GDQ acing it really took my weekends to the next level we've got 567 from shores his great event everyone behind the cameras on a great job awesome runs and mascot fan with $25 says this is an express donation thanks pass the Eddie calm I think yeah this is gonna be the last to the last two stars for the lethal lava land well that we have more time for donations between when we go to where we headed after lava well now we go to vanish capital that's starting sometimes a 16 star so that's pretty funny to see I don't know 120 that's a treat and that's exactly what I was talking about earlier because you know when I was active running this game people didn't go to the bottom just to show that they could love a booth they would save it for a different category the things have really changed of us that'll be very impressive since cheese came in and started flexing so we'll lower the water for the inside of this water and the moe outside to open up this door for the entranceway of or the exit way of the underground remote and also one of the hardest stars in the game I personally I think this is my least favorite starting the game because it's a lot of Invisibles a lot of stuff that can you just die you could die very easily yeah banished campus no joke should we say stack lemak though if it happens no don't say it all right oh yeah that's all right didn't fall right through the thing this stage also has the brutal punishment if you die here compared to any other stage having to swim all the way back to the level yes true all right well tricking oh good angle Oh beautiful I didn't want Eve to kick me after the cool cool mouth is gonna be a little bit of a tricky wall kick right from the get-go it's gonna be very precise very hard and yeah very easy to die here she seems free though cesium is not whoa back up Oh beautiful that was crazy livin went for the yeah he slipped a little bit on the slope it is very easy to just die right there but managed to stay alive oh my god that's good [Applause] the CCM so another star that's gone through a lot of changes here is this one right here at the CCM Red's there have been a lot of optimizations recently by fan tax and a couple other people I think the tree there so holding this red coin here that's an optimization that saves about half a second which is a lot it's good firstly there as well for the wall kick you have eautiful yeah I've never seen that before that thick yeah he's going really fast right beautiful oh that's a jump dive new Optima Tuesday two frames I think it's easy for a long jump you know if you do it right little tricky no I think I've gotten crisp Ringwald takes way more than non gonna pull the Santa Clause here on the right in the chimney yeah there's a full slide here it takes a little bit of time but yeah Buddha skip in speed running no no problem just go right to the end there's an intended shortcut but we're not taking it yeah Oh super Michael Jackson there that's really good the moon walk into the door who burn Michael Jackson yeah normally you'd roll out there but that's super - Jackson yeah pretty good penguin slaying it wasn't painless like just the CCM slide in general yeah my - 100 coin here well you might do anything you can do the penguin first the penguin oh that's close yeah sometimes for good luck if you throw your run on cesium is good to sacrifice the penguin a lot of people do not like sacrificing the penguin but yeah it brings good luck sometimes sacrifices need to be made I don't think it's [Laughter] something this will be this will be the 100 coin with the penguin of race donations probably yeah good we Gentiles yeah it would be a good time I wanna read a donation for every coin this one every we got a week of what $25 is thanks to everyone at gdq Express and all the running stuff for this 120-star room serious with fire bosses I've never actually got 120 in mario 64 to speak to speedrun it sounds impossible y'all are awesome thank you that triple jump dive there was a task trapped by the way recently it was a test rat yeah I got careful did the Trump you know there we go you could only miss one coin here if you miss two it will just it'll be really drastic for a speedrun so yeah you lose about a minute a so yeah didn't we do the whole race again yep the jump was probably the hardest part to get to line up if you missed it it can't be scary but this team is really good avoid that night 85 coins here so it's good yep perfect then there's some lag reduction here got a listen for the penguin yeah he'll be crashing on in okay so what could happen there is and I thought I was just gonna happen the penguin has this weird it's it's kind of random like when it finishes raised from x it would take a lot longer to finish the race and if you long jump before the penguin passes you the penguin will push you off on your dead yeah so you have to wait on purpose there until he passed with you yeah it would look really funny cuz you collect the star and then and then he'll smash into you and you'll just instant warp to the there's a save screen you can just weigh all you like and then once you hit save or not saved you'll just you're dead yeah pretty funny donations here alrighty we got $10 on cookie says thanks to this amazing weekend all the runners and staff you really helped me making my study bearable longtime viewer and couldn't let this be the first utq if I don't even keep it up amazing cause thanks I'm swag here Oh fly it I like that mmm the slide and slide and I love sleeping slide as a kid suicide was was great you do a lot CCM for sure on the snow on the ice the flag right on to the star that's really beautiful CCM is completed once at the haunted haunted location in the backyard of peaches guys we're gonna be heading to Benny's brew house here can't be spooky there's a little bit of a piano here that can be startling maybe a little obnoxious with his teeth I'm actually scared the piano man alright this time actually has a bunch of like hard quite I actually don't know if it's very imperfect but I think so don't ghostbusters ghostbusters here ooh there we go the mall kick Oh what he was going for there was doors skip so before that text animation actually pops up you can actually glitch through doors if you're quick enough yep only in Japanese yeah only ended up in his vision actually that's that's why that's one reason why Japanese saves time see a little optimizations like that condemned sometimes be costly kick off the vanish box the baseball slide okay nice it's not only one text box oh you triggered the other one really oh it like hit the wall isn't yeah sometimes they can get one text box there see if we can get this star in one one walking beautiful that was really good kid I kick this very big I think we're going for 100 point now 100 coin BBH definitely high school captain it's again we'll probably one of the biggest energy stars as well mm-hmm sometimes the coins can just fly it fly everywhere here comes the piano beautifully killed one one of the booze on the on the way out of the to the backyard there yeah gotta make it back fast enough to get the blue car it disappears and before his vanish cap wears out so you can go through the painting again beautiful beautiful when there's like really bad rng sometimes you can like take forever there and then the vanish cap wears off and usually takes a poo take them pretty nice can't ask for better are di Fellini yeah yeah but that's a bad sign for upstairs though nice kill some books here the books they're evil okay yeah they added a lot of teeth of the books they out of the teeth of the piano a little bit rough here the genes fight boys yeah yeah it's all downhill from here Oh sometimes you can just instantly punch punch the boo right there just give me the hook shot all right and here you can do something called factoring where if you uh if you fall all the way down to the bottom of the stage it's called factoring but choose to not do that there it's like if you bonk right there when that slope thing goes down now would be a good time for donations I think cheese you think yeah we're good for donations yeah be okay all right we've got dooms exact as five dollars here's a challenge thank you for such a wonderful gdq eggs can we get a $5 push and break 150 K we can do it may not be a cool $15,000 for all ten charities I mean put a pretty good goal with me and we got our Nestle snipes that's a pretty cool name dear seventy seventy-five dollars some nesting sites is great weekend big things to everyone who made it possible the cameras though it's gonna be five boos and then a big boo that would just pops out a funny thing is you have to kind of aim forward here the entire time you're killing the boos for some reason it will instant on the fifth the fifth one but if you're missing gold a bit he'll have a delayed spawn which stays around three seconds the boo isn't considered Don until you see that death so you have to get some sort of wall or get the weight that was really good he managed to get the grandpa off killed Abu and just be right on right on the Stars location just to instantly grab it really nice not the most exciting stage BB AIDS yeah it's one of the longest Caribbean and BBH are one of the longest the same star count for other courses except maybe was unhappy with my comment I'm not go for the vanish gap I think now would be an another good time for donations as well oh no I'm running out of them no I'm not daughter says hey there gdq crew on behalf of my team thanks for the years of entertainment and countless hours of recaps we've got twenty five dollars from Joe Joe one one two two says I'm so glad I can watch this properly for the first time ever love and the sear $10 says thanks for an amazing weekend espy runs I can't wait for agdq 2019 that's coming up in jQuery awesome games there we go calendars and one more shebar where $35 as things of the staff and the runners were another great gdq yeah the etiquette the yeti calm here so the booster on the balcony and you can do this thing you can't really tell what's going on here because cheeses in lakitu kim but cheese is actually just gonna be running up the slope here if you hold a you can run up the slope a little bit longer just have to see what's going on confusing the people who don't know what's going on there yeah one last star in BBH it's gonna be usually you should go through a library maybe kill a couple books and open up a passageway but you can just leap leap balconies you know if you know the tricks sure one of the easiest stars for speedrunning usually want to save the the easy stars for last just so so you know whether Teresa or not reset so easy stars just postpone them a bit sometimes it's better just to get it out of the way if you're nervous from or something okay so that's next this is uh this starts one of the most at least in the past few months it's been changed like five times yeah it's been like maybe six or seven seconds overall within the past few months which is a whole lot and it was already a really really hard start and now it's harder so I am gonna try all the pro stuff because Showboat a little bit he was getting them in practice huh he's got that confidence he's used to all the all the all the nerves and it's not his first rodeo finally won a race last gdq yeah at the beginning of 100 coin is a little bit to swim heavy so I think a big good time for donations up until the submarine I get some more mechanical I believe yep already we got our Father awesome Nathan is's shoutouts to simpleflips love what you guys are doing this is the first time I'm donating at a gdq and I'm glad it's this one thank you that's really cool you got a shout out simple flip I've never had that I've never I was looking for some more shadows I can't find any so $75 some Joey 6 says good luck good luck have fun and Laurie they filed us as thank you so much and here we go well a little bit more swimming yeah there's still lag reduction for sure any any water level n64 back in the day was not the best rendering any water or especially this Bowser submarine it just can't be a lag fest you know yeah with a lag reduction is a little awkward you gotta like kind of hold the controller and then like claw your finger you use a claw method if you want yeah yeah that's one ever seen that before this is crazy that triple jump you got a triple jump off the tail I've never seen a boy crazy that is way too scary I mean this right here oh now the kick oh yeah that's slide right there that was actually that be careful good on front stub my ancestors would not believe that if you right there is just that triple jump dive right there is known for being really hard because everybody has to do that no matter your skill level so beautiful unless do you want to grab oh the shadow was on the other that was interesting and even it does all the hard stuff can't even do it easy school there you go it's pretty good yeah so that was really good got that star out of the way and did the crazy stuff yeah I've never seen that print like that yeah so that's just an IP by the way cuz I got it from him Japanese runner who is insane I love snipey snipey yeah he's known for his crazy camera angles he just he doesn't even he does like crazy can't camera angles not even for lag reduction just for like swag the style points yeah so it's more swimming over here for the treasure chest and then we're gonna go back to the submarine it might be a little bit laggy you have to be careful with the lag reduction about I think it's a good time donations again for extensive water level the waters it'll be hatin on the no water no more like the world I mean the music's nice the music's nice get to the donation twenty five dollars from J Fox 1994 from my German do house cos øx play in Super Mario 64 when I was a kid as I'm sure many of us did and watching these amazing speedruns while seeing money being put towards so many good causes makes me extremely happy keep up the amazing work everyone we've got balance with ten dollars says good luck cheese we have little Liam the five dollars is doubling up on that five dollar push things to the staff and running us were a wonderful event and Gaylen the Firestone with one hundred dollars one last audition for a great event thank you to all the runners staff volunteers and everyone else with such a great event I can't wait to see you all in Jane oh no all right yeah this is normally a pretty easy star but cheese went for front stub which is very difficult saves about a second he's going for crazy ones that yeah basically just add their side of the sub where you do what you don't have to worry about the like the lack can be variable so it can change depending so you it's really hard to get that frame perfect to jump dive on top onto the top what he did there is he press he left there was no lag so don't worry about it yeah this is a very technical stage very difficult to get this cycle here pretty much you can there are a few different cycles where it depends on whether you lose five seconds 20 seconds 25 seconds but oh okay thirsty thirsty yeah so that's probably gonna lose a whole 20 seconds there even though it doesn't look like it we missed the eight red or the one of the a red corner that's not die okay that's a good idea yeah plenty of people grind this over and over again you can crush it as long as you want but sometimes you can do it perfectly in a Goomba will just be in your way and just like no fast let go for you oh yeah under that platform there you would have died it was close yeah so this is the cycle I were talking about this elevator here see the lava booster le le le le is there a normal cycle and this was like a like the fifth cycle that he missed it was really bad oh that was great oh my god sorry once you get this done if you don't consider all the really good he's a rough fire scene well fires he's happened it is a very difficult stage so I can't blame them especially with speeding them and mentality when you do the Box yeah like it when you do those mistakes it's hard to keep on going with it but what definitely what separates a good runners like you can have that big maybe not a big mistake like that on that fire see but you can have a mistake and just move on be able to brush it off and have that experience and just keep cool live and learn ooh yeah what the run of like cheese he's still experienced he's very very capable of keeping his cool yep and just playing well right after that mistake so yeah so we're heading upstairs very soon here yeah first we have to do the rest of dietary doc and then we'll be going upstairs yep climbing on up so this is like kind of known as even though it's not the middle of the run it's like once we go upstairs it's like the midpoint of the run and people look at like the uptime which is when you touch the upstairs door as like like a milestone in the run so we can see how far behind cheese is from like the world record and you know where he is these these rings can be kind of sketchy if you missed one of them it can just be tricky you can go right through them it'll be a little bit a little bit sketchy but you got all five there was really good very good cheer rings yeah but and good luck reduction - yeah the reason why I had that little time at the end is likely that she mm-hmm here's a lot yeah it's not it's not even just a couple frames probably a couple seconds maybe yeah yeah gonna be going for more rings more rings in the water to swim through the little hoops loop-de-loops probably the donations yet right here won't swim in all right a we have 65 dollars some keys are on a cheese keys here hey babe did you really Wow beautiful yeah it's really easy to miss that fifth phone right there if you miss it it can be super drastic to go through two more before it will start a million that yeah and this is another vanish cap going through the steam tunnels so definitely another good time for donations again ready the Scott guys since $5 says hey cheese you're doing good thank you ninjaroos $25 comments on being 11 been loving this event so far I can't believe it's almost already over looking forward to catching all the runs on the Bisons all the way until g2 q 2019 when I can binge watch all over again get a lot of content yeah I'm also big shoutout to the runners and especially the tech crew again this wouldn't rent without you guys and we love I love to work that you do dat calm [Laughter] there's so much exposure that is insane I may or may not have just said it [Laughter] alright so that's it for downstairs we're all done movin out all right so this next track was actually found by a very old school player the Yeti calm he's got a low 107 up that's about three minutes behind three and a half minutes behind the world record so he could still theoretically get like 142 if he plays really well for the triple jump that was very precise very nice nice executed yeah that side flip jump ball kick is very difficult so that was good I usually have to wait for the elevator to go back up you'll wait pray but yeah we're just walking speed run keep going up there get the mop middle water level depending on where you enter wet dry world you can enter a top level middle of or what are the bottom yeah the camera got messed up he was gonna go for the chip all again on the the wild cake but yeah it's messed up a bit that's good the wet/dry world yeah this the stage both tease and Punk a first and second place in this game are known to be very very good at this stage they kind of specialize in the stage someone it can be very tricky especially the hundred coins pretty recent heavy star for the hundred coin definite want to go for it pretty pretty early Skoda bug was in a weird position sometimes the darn G can be a little beneficial for you oh hello bugs in HMC okay I didn't know any of those names they're beautiful hop over the gate beautiful dive into the water a little bit of swimming here maybe good time for donations again swimming swimming swimming swimming my turn Setzer most fifty dollars to Alton charity says he makes it look so simple y'all should just call it easy cheese let's keep Rocking ya can't miss another coin if you have this cuttlebug orangy you it is forgiving whether you missed a coin app but yeah without barn gene can't miss have to be very optimal flying to the hundred coins really there we go round on the edge a little bit it can it can just gives you an instant double jump if you run on the look on the corner of any like surface like in this next one I guess for yeah please I was beautiful got the clip up there we go the one four five acting maybe activations yeah gun for the secrets here in seventy star you actually do this secrets that Jesus doing here with the hundred coins because it is a lot slower to go and get the red points as well so there there are two five activation points which can cause sound glitch with this being one of them it's very rare on this one but SSL usually it's more prone first down glitch right here only on Japanese awesome yeah on Japanese version found glitch essentially if you try to exit the course while you're it will just mute on the grunt that is scary yeah the kind on the fence so luckily he didn't see on the glitch there but yeah sound glitch will just crash the game it will ruin a run he'll be very sad or just Mew Mew everything all audio on Mario and it's just very sad and literally happens on Japanese I guess because it was released first and they were able to fix it in the later version and yeah this is more swimming for the vanish gap probably good time for donations with all the swim in perfect timing because we have a one hundred dollar donation from ryokan and it reads the Yeti calm it didn't actually say that in the donation text I that myself wait a minute now I'm totally ignoring everything that's actually in the donation message just to promote this website rig do you work for the Yeti calm body to make no conversation he's a big part of it I sure he means raise so that's it for what dry rolled right last are they're not the hardest use use a teleporter on up for the last box and yeah on to time huge town huge island that's right tiny huge it's called town here you can answer either small mario big mario but for speedrunning we're just gonna be mom mario yeah this is yeah well there's actually one case where you'd enter in the big painting and that's if there's one route some people do thi Reds in remedy star the jump it's very precise whether to jump whether you get a ledge gap or not he yeah you jumped at the last moment just the not even ledge guy I've just jumped right he I'll land right on the platform it's really nice I'm gonna try a slightly harder route 100 coin here it's gonna be a little more on the yeah with this route you pretty much don't have to go for a pole there's one pole you can ring around the rosey - I know just brought out the coins with this method no you don't have to go around the pool at all it's really nice - if you miss a ground pound on a on a Goomba it'll just bond one coin instead of a fiver who the three Oh bones yeah no Pole necessary and just walk right through beautiful alright this part is kind of scary yeah sometimes the flag I can just go away from you oh wow if that blue coin actually goes underwater if it flies all the way down underwater when you're still on the shell then it's just really bad really bad yeah going definite required or fine they're going to the cave this is where you got to be very precise if you die in the cave it is no fun oh okay you got to be very careful here Oh fool the wiggler's just making noise stick okay members I know I never thought that was a really good Punk I did circle kick for a while until you failed it recently or something can be stopped doing I might be wrong on that the last full survivor yeah beautiful in the coin if you die in the cave it is so bad worst-case scenario almost on the run just not good but that was yeah beautiful beautiful polis as well for the hundred coin so there's a little clip here that Jesus gonna do it saves about half a second but it looks cool clip right through the island yeah we're gonna clip again for the wiggler cave but that's a little optimizations that are going around yeah yeah it's another use of the up warp still since there's a body of water there you clip through the surface and it's just like the programming is maybe custody yeah it's just like there's body water ship up there programmers dropped a lot of spaghetti on that one mmm I need sort of glitches there's nowhere in the game you could enter water anywhere from that wasn't the toddler yeah but luckily Mario loves spaghetti so you know it's all good getting meatballs he dreams about it beautiful clip there it is yeah can be punishing if you missed that clip right into there well yeah that's a good time for donations all right we got a file deletion from me just in says hey glad to finally being a GD key event in person shut out the cheese for the amazing jumps and shoutouts to simpleflips mister town with fire bosses hey cheese I'll pay for your dinner oh Jesus show us the talent in the couch behind us thank to you Izzie's donate on his phone he's like my boy you been out for dinner it's cool the only two more stars left in tiny huge islands it's just killing some piranhas Grayson coupe of the quick you know maybe he's not that quick so probably yeah just more donations probably the best option air yuzu key Yukari donated five hundred and twelve homes and the comment says comment that was a good comment yeah wow they're gonna waste the comment on common why don't they endorse the come on coop of the quick yeah this is actually kind of a fancy way of beating coop of the quick instead of going like the traditional route you just Jack his brothers you know she'll and you just go around the whole island is pretty fancy yeah just go all across there you go the winds kind of stopping us here but so it's all good Cooper the quick oh wow does he work out some parkour coupon it's a pretty good thi the 100 coin a little bit rough waters falling a little bit but thi not too but not too shabby there not too shabby at the tall tall mountain nice course not nice for speedrunning but yeah it's pretty it's pretty much yeah this was what heart stomach are actually talking yeah talking the toad Wow very difficult yeah Wow look at this pace familiar like someone has a emo of it yeah yeah someone really close to ya I'm gonna do this trick that I really hate but you know what gdq's though Oh breezeless okay oh oh that the backup he's not even gone for breeze okay oh yeah very hard trick saves a couple seconds over doing this yeah breezes can be not non forgiving especially when you mess it up once the camera will be a little bit off-center so it'll be even more difficult when the cameras a little lil messed up alright so here we will see the up warp again mmm the water the log wall kick maybe here yeah beautiful beautiful sometimes you can't avoid the ledge grab yeah that was really good okay yeah okay alright yeah you're normally you're supposed to just let grab there instead of while kicking again but um because cheese did not you got a good frame there for ya you have to be very consultative to that if you get a first frame wall kick on either of those kicks it can be just disastrous yeah yeah but yeah he managed another up warp with the log wall Cochise is known for managing yeah keeping this cool I always think of managing when someone mentions cheese he's a manager for sure so we did one more time yeah kind of repetitive at the beginning here with the lock wall kick oh okay alright hopefully back up yeah we'll just go for I don't know what to do the mushroom mushroom star mushroom star under claim the coins fine here yeah the backups yeah very different route than I'm used to but this is another one of those stars where it's very different in 70 star mm-hmm we get the red coins on their own great they're always that it lags a little bit so yeah started walking yeah I got some sort of glitchy bonk thing yeah sometimes if you hit a wall or hit like a corner it won't even let you walk it it's just you're gonna bonk no matter what you do so cheese is gonna go in this light here yeah a lot of people don't know about the site if you're a casual player like you can't really see this entry it's just camouflaged it's a little bit of a glitch you can do before yet yeah start the slide Zoid in right now I mention it in the one key task earlier today where you press the up well in this case it's a bit differently press the up right before you enter the slide so during the like the sliding animation of pressing C up once we go down the slide at the same time you like to keep building up speed as you go down so you know wave fast we saw you were stuck in the slide click animation it's building then you just press B to cancel the animation yeah but you thing is you can't move left or right when you're doing that you have to cancel it before you turn so here's another orangey part when choose us to get this bomb here nice side flip the bomb hopefully the yeah the coin doesn't fall off the cliff for anything excusing what happens now here we go that's great the careful move is a wall here for the mushroom thanks for the reminder buchen I didn't know you could slide on that surface right there it just seemed like go straight down just a little bit yeah this is monkey glitch here normally you'd have to wait for the monkey to walk all the way down the slope but you can save a lot of time here by doing this little weird thing on the slope and then you just ground pound here yeah that was pretty good from the monkey juking it was not too bad of a backup strat for the that story yeah yep oh the wall kicks some swag nice not too bad not even know how that works the monkey looks like what yeah but I was trying to explain it I was like so yeah one more star it's gonna be a little this house it causes a little bit of anxiety for sure it's a little bit of a sketchy couple couple bounces onto the mushroom have to have a really perfect angle here can't be off by a little bit and yeah it's very precise yeah it looks a lot scarier than on to the mushroom at ppm now it's no-man's land there's a lot of orangey I think 100-point usually we go for first definitely optional though but 100 coin orangey on this coin is nothing video it's no joke yeah this stage is pretty difficult it's it's really just an annoying stage overall go on top of the head any different stars that are very difficult annoying it's the white Christmas well I mean there's the igloo stars under twin story you know yeah 100 coin the 100 coin is darn jeez it's too much yeah yeah the course is really nice I like it I like the one looks like winter wonderland yeah it's nice there are two easy stars I mean so that's it evens out a little bit onto the eagle is a very annoying star invisible walls everywhere or just it's more the camera really big leap of faith here that was very close almost got it midair but so far is pretty good saves time for sure over going around or anything like that it's like the Yeti to ask him on so the winter the winter stuff true yeah all right the most rng heavy starter probably in the game now very tricky the explosion from the purse yeah you got to be very careful with right yeah sometimes it can be like a pinata just but it'll come on rule t here okay it's a little tricky right here as well slide yeah beautiful oh wow look into the igloo there we go yes he manages yeah just whenever you're in the igloo here it's kind of hard to hear where you're going yeah that was pretty pretty smoother it wasn't too bad yeah good for jump here nice okay no grandpa needed air no I see mr. coin there on accident oh dude okay ground pound here okay yeah so here you have to be facing straight up to when you jumped yeah feet here go around keep that velocity and as soon as you tap it it'll keep the velocity if you touch that shell yeah go up the mountain there too and then there's a lot of momentum tricks yep on the show good point count oh that was very cutting it close if you lose the shell here on that purse it's it's not good no bueno and yeah that's pretty much perfect okay that's good that's can't miss another one here on this guy or will be aware [Applause] there buddy very easy stars very easy stars good for donations I thank you they complain was like dude easy stars joy Marie says you got this cheese good luck with that oh we got a $10 donation from mr. Talon says the last mr. Tell on donation was not actually me but I thought you dinner anyway baby to go to dinner with cheese all right tick tock clock is coming up I'm not sure if we're going for the blj some people call it a different thing going up to the to the Attic to the tip tone call it don't say it what we gonna say it anyway so up to these to the 50 star don't like what we do in 16 star yeah gonna be doing how much time you know if you don't get like five seconds and twelve varies not so far sixteen star for sure to skip through that door before 1:20 optional definitely optional yeah so this stage you can do some crazy stuff here with like a roll out right onto the cloud very very precise I don't know if cheese will be going for it here it's very scary that's random yeah if you get a perfect counter said you could roll out into the cloud yeah it's like a second but I guess it's not something you really go for that or something if it happens to happen but yeah if you fall here you lose like a minute because you have to climb all the way back up you you land outside of the castle yeah it doesn't kick you out of the course but yeah it just keeps you out of the house yeah that was a fast shot yeah knocking the roll out there but that's okay she's gonna miss the pole and missing a coin five coins I was like this doesn't feel right yeah sometimes I feel weird but you're good oh we gonna the ground pound on the bottom of it underneath so this is a really fast force tick tock clock but very precise you will be doing the whole almost the whole entire clock while it's moving which is pretty crazy for a couple of the stars and this one will be stationary buddy yeah so the two fastest stages in the game listen whomps are also the two hardest 100 coin has a couple invisible walls here you have to watch out for oh well didn't I let you kick it what a stir if you just didn't save it today yeah stop it try that again for the 100 it is very very technical stars hunter coin tick tock no joke a little bit of a joke no joke okay sorry very serious matter yeah you can get an extra quart extra red coin there which it's kind of a safety thing but also who said it first we can back this yeah I was triple jump here and back up right there something if you get that if you get the extra red coin there you don't really have to worry about like missing coins later because you get two extra but it loses a little bit of time the wall cook here if there's no visible wall as well thanks pretty precise coin cow if you missed one it will lose a lot of time so try to collect every single one here oh there's a backup yeah kick this guy even lose one more actually I could do this normally after that backup okay just do it also good backup yeah I didn't even know where he was for that part of this babe spaghetti the ghetto school the swamp is not having it there we go [Applause] it's always entertaining to see some spaghetti though so here's moving tick tock clock this is really precise really have to be in the moment of speed running careful right here okay oh oh oh sometimes the tick-tock the clock the pendulum can just smack your face faceplant you but yeah at least it didn't fall from the from the plant yeah that's pretty good it's more moving to more Moving's and should be pretty chill that you raise and stuff nice pretty fast so you probably wondering why I'm I'm waiting till enter the pit I'm actually waiting on purpose because you need to enter the stage after the hand passes the number seven like the dot out to the fix oh okay oh you're waiting on accident I believe if the hand is on the sticks I believe it's random yeah and then if it's before six and after one o'clock it's slow speed tick tock clock and then where we're aiming for here is just after six and before the twelve which is fast it's fast moving tick tock clock where you can just use all the speeds drafts jump up there cracks that quick fashion big fashion wait it's a willful stationary now no more moving is required this time jumps on moving bars here this time and one more star here in TTC the eight red coins I think era the groins is good for donations it's like kind of a chill star you stay for last on tick-tock and then rainbow rides gonna be kind of intense for a little bit as well other than the carpet the carpet right oh yeah they'll be a little chillax for donations as well yeah all right well don't forget you all you only got ten stars if to get your donations in for those prizes that you saw sent showing up so if you want a chance to win some of those prizes already in dotto with $100 says wise yeah Oh says why is Monday almost already here huh oh well at least you the QX has been an absolute blast thanks to all the runners staff and the other donators who already raised nearly one hundred and thirty five thousand dollars for such wonderful charity tonight all right this is a very last stage in the game before the final Bowser also the various theories that's right he's backing up these respect in the Mario you have to wait on here there's backup coins here yeah we might have to be able to we might have to collect all eight rates perhaps or maybe cool up a bomb depending on how orangey is right here it's pretty good yeah we're good I think we just yeah kill a Baba one now or not yeah I might have to take the star animation for a treads favorite coins little bone coins here okay yeah I didn't slide down very close can back that up with a rollout but it's yeah well yeah we have two together yep yeah normally you wouldn't get that last coin because of the animation but you got to get it back up heat those coins coins are kind of limited here on the hundred rainbow ride definitely careful on those wall caves you can't get first used to make it faster but if you balk yeah it's not yes well the blue client the blue coins which is very short there so if you fall then it's the carpet the magic carpet all right yeah definitely a good time yeah it's pretty chill let's see I mean I can squeeze in here swords and roses with $10 says let's the go for 120 keep up the good work gbq silvus with $5 says love everything you're doing JP days with 500 it says awesome event full of awesome resin let's finish up this 120 star run almost there I'm Dan cat 7 $10 go big or go home 120 stars we have a anonymous $100 donation as well yay and the anonymous person says guys donate for that 120 star run and kind of finish up the event strong dusty with $25 says I'm glad I was able to finally at energy the queue in person let's finish our strong also high cent we have 5000 ladies sapphire here's to hoping to win a switch while supporting the Greek hoes got 25 from on draining says hey I let go find some Wi-Fi from our final donation let's work to all the runners $20 and honesty donated says I started playing for cross yesterday thanks to spike vegeta too but an amazing suggestions this bike carpet swag sorta yeah gotta be careful on this last night football kicks sometimes you do it too short it can be very costly and often times people will try to do carpet swag here and then they'll just fall and then it's a dead round so yeah if you bonk it's fine you fall on the carpet but if you're a little too early you'll fall and lose the carpet will be unfortunate yeah couple more stars here that it's a triple jump are gonna be initiating here I believe here and it can be very tricky this can just kill you in a heartbeat it's no yeah it's kind of yeah this is a pretty exciting stage for the rest of it go for Lac to skip or bounce or like to bounce that is right yeah grabbing the pole from the bottom got a mash little faster yeah very difficult start here oh not too bad Adam fountain and he will have to do the lucky bounce again for the cannon star very easy to die on these wall kicks right from the get-go things moving and it's just harder kick so cheese actually does like to bounce there in a different way than a lot of people do it he does it from a different angle nice not ledge driving that time good give the cannon here thanks used to do a side flip in the cannon now we do a double drunk oh yeah Dora meaty [Music] you can we saw a few one donations by the way all right there we got the real Captain Obvious with $25 is okay one more donation assistance for charity shoutout to simpleflips okay so cheese screwed up a little bit there so it's gonna screw up the cycle just a bit I think we'll go for a little bit of a backup strat here see if we can tackle it oh okay Wow he's gonna catch the pendulum he's got the wall kick I think most the time people just go and do the beginner strat at the back up there but yeah they're that trouble John wall cakes pretty difficult maintaining the speed here into that long jump oh the bonk triangles a bit too tricky for cheese only one more star and rainbow Ryan a little bit of a road journey on 100m tricky triangles but everything else was wasn't too bad alright one more star here we technically Khan already did the star the eight Reds we took the star animation it was spawned and everything but yeah so yeah we yeah all right we got $100 from calibrated calibrated says another awesome gdq event hurry up and take my money seriously though you y'all always run great events with great causes much love and here's hoping I could attend one day all right here we go final level the final stretch yeah the Bowser in the sky maybe get a 1:45 hearing the Condor 145 yeah yeah I think it probably meant for 145 I'll call a 146 so - yeah this is also cycle based nice okay that's scary that's one of the cycles there that was a fancy speed kick yeah yeah I like to think you did it for me nice he jumped over the flames sometimes you can run into the flame but jumping over is very tricky on a slope that's all the idea nice okay that's good back up nice nice there's no Goomba here just like free-roaming here good sorry for me yeah it was a rough run but you did really good all right the 120th star nice jump Thanks all one fun yeah I'm coming like perfect throws come on 1:44 money 25 maybe yeah these throws are very very hard especially when you're nervous if you're on a good pace run it was very easy to choke especially if you have a bunch of people sitting behind units the only thing you're thinking about yeah yeah yeah 1:45 did you have fun cheese it was great those guys great in faith it was a fun run they try to have fun and I did yes all of us for sure um yeah thank you so much for this be sure to follow me on Twitter TV slash g05 I'm currently trying to get stuff 139 right now 120 starting to grind yeah yes thanks to the couch Buford simple flips never met him before thank you so much and yeah yeah I'll be back very soon again can we give it up the cheese for sure for the run there's a lot of nerves a lot of pressure a bit of really good job [Applause] I was really good poof shout-out to Caleb's up the Celtics man again you all thank you all so much that fantastic run you all put so much money towards it Mario 64 with cheese off of the current world record holder Ming she go get my follow on twitch now so of course coming up we're gonna wrap it up you all all good things must come to an end GDQ Express here at twitchcon 2018 live from San Diego not standing it where we get there were San Jose look I'm new in California okay it's too many sand cities you know abacus here San Jose before I get like beat up before I get out of this room here again make sure you all if you are mr. Boz anything make sure you all go to games done 'quick calm to check out anything you've missed over the past weekend and of course don't forget that coming up in January awesome games done quick 2019 that's coming at you alrighty so Fidelis no no HQ 2019 is gonna start in January starting on what we've got Sunday January 6th I believe the pre-show starts at 11:30 a.m. Eastern Time so make sure once your gtq fix you go there we need a mic testing oh nice alright everybody thank you so much for attending our first ever gdq Express event here live at twitchcon the team would like to extend its gratitude to twitch and the twitchcon charity Plaza powered by tilt apply as well as the ten benefiting charities AbleGamers American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Call of Duty endowment Direct Relief Doctors Without Borders Extra Life make-a-wish Save the Children st. Jude's Research Hospital and to write love on her arms total the total that we've raised throughout this quick event was one hundred thirty-seven thousand three hundred fifty dollars this total will be split equally among the ten charities in the twitchcon charity plaza thank you so much to all of the viewers donors fans runners volunteers and the staff for all of your hard work and support we want to keep this super short and sweet so we'll see you at agdq 2019 in January [Applause]
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 959,576
Rating: 4.8329878 out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: LV7SsyTI4u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 15sec (6675 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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