Top 10 Mario Games

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so I made this top ten all the way back in 2013 I wonder how well it's held up I have two rules one I have to be able to play as Mario for it to count Oh God well this is a fun one to start off with and when I say that I mean there's gonna be some people totally disagreeing seeing as this series is kind of seen as bland and boring which to an extent I agree with I mean the so-called new franchise definitely overstated welcome but here's the thing New Super Mario Bros on the DS is actually a pretty solid title the games following this game didn't really do a lot to innovate outside of just some new power-ups and throwing in the Koopalings but the first game is pretty sweet like seriously go back and play it and you'll start to realize how awesome it is like do you remember that each world had its own unique boss yeah that's right we got this mummy wiggler guy a giant Goomba liked it too with lightning powers I mean all of them were great now granted the final Bowser boss is extremely underwhelming but I digress since this game was all about bringing back the classic games at the time while the worlds themselves were usual grass desert ice lolly yada yada yada the levels themselves were really inventive and not just in the low design but even in the themes and music like as an example this water world has this level that's kind of like in the clouds and there's a bunch of these really zany and bouncy mushrooms it's pretty cool now on top of playing all the levels there's also toad and 1up houses which sadly aren't as interesting as the ones in Mario Bros 3 but the fact that they're included is a nice touch you can also play as Luigi on the fly just press and hold LNR before entering your save and you can rock the ouija but what really makes this game stand out the fact that there's so much more to do than just the single-player now New Super Mario Bros you had the challenge mode which was neat but it was more or less just more single-player except difficult there's actually multiplier in this game and no it's not that crappy 4 player co-op where the camera zooms out too much and it's so hectic that you don't feel the control what you're doing no no no it's actually good titled Mario versus Luigi you'll pick between five custom-made stages and you battle it out to collect the most stars with ground pounds and other power-ups you can knock stars out of your foe - one of my favorite moments playing this is when you grab a mega mushroom and just haul through everything chasing your opponent when this game first came out everyone was playing this mode like I was at an airport one time and this random dude came up to me and asked if he wanted to play the multiplayer and it was the coolest thing this was before games like Pokemon Go existed so playing games with strangers out in public wasn't quite as common and to top it all off there is even minigames a lot of them are ripped from mario 64 TS which is kind of disappointing if you already played that game but the fact that they included them is pretty sweet I especially loved the new bottom one where you have to keep him out of the way of the fire it's really fun and can get quite tense so yeah if you've never played any of the new Mario games start with this one or better yet just play this one and don't even bother with the others what the heck why did I put Super Mario 3d World as the number two best Mario game back in the day I think I actually went mad I mean don't get me wrong this is a pretty great game but my god it's not that good so a 3d World is kind of like a sequel to 3d Land but I see it more as what Mario 3d Land should have been essentially this is a 3d Mario game that's played like a 2d one you can play as Mario Luigi peach toad and Rosalina each character has their own unique attributes Mario is the most balanced of the bunch Luigi can jump really high peach can float toad runs really fast but as a gift jump and Rosalina has a spin attack my favorite characters to play as has to be peach and Rosalina simply because their move sets are the most fun to use each level has diverse themes which keeps each stage feeling pretty different from one another some of my favorites has to be the Mario car stage where you'll race through was essentially a mario kart track accompanied with the super mario kart music and sprawling savannah because of the section that actually looks and feels open-world having a ton of different stages is cool but it's not the most memorable and that's the biggest problem with this game it's not something you'll likely go back to after completing now sure there's plenty of replay value in extra stages to a log but I can't tell you what 95% of the stages are or even look and some people might not mind that but for me personally the llamas themselves is what really sets the tone and mood for the game so remembering what they look like is really important but with that said this game is still a ton of fun the boss is well not difficult yet again are all brand new to the series and are pretty fun to take on I especially loved histogram because of the sick music and having to use the cat suit to defeat them yeah that's right you can play as a cat in this game it's probably the best aspect of this game with the cats that you can Clawd enemies and climb up walls it's incredibly awesome and clearly the selling point of this game there's other power-ups like the double cherry and the mega mushroom but they don't really serve much of a purpose seeing as you barely use them you can use the fire flower and boomerang flower too but they aren't nearly as great as the cat suit what will keep you coming back is finding all the green stars and stamps in each stage doing this will allow you to unlock one of the hardest levels in the game but let me tell you this game basically pulls that Donkey Kong 64 on you if you want that shiny 5 star rating on your save file you're gonna have to get every green star stamp touch the top of the flagpole in every stage and play all the stages with every character I really don't get why all of that is necessary for a hundred percent regardless though Mario 3d World is a pretty solid Mario game just not a memorable one also cat bowser so much yes Nintendo you know I feel this is one of the most underrated Mario games out there I've always been a huge fan of Super Mario Bros 2 no not that Japanese one obviously that one can burn for eternity for all I care one of the coolest things about this game is being able to play as Mario Luigi peach or toad and yes we did just talk about Mario 3d World seeing as that game was inspired by this one and similarly all the characters have their own attributes and special abilities I think I like this game so much because it has such a unique take on platforming stomping on enemies to kill them doesn't work instead you have to grab giant turnips from the ground and chuck them I really can't recall any other platformer where I've played that as a mechanic like that and it really well and sometimes you'll find these pal blocks which basically spring wipes everything on the screen it's pretty sweet while the controls aren't perfect they're much better than in Mari one and there's fun in figuring out which character works best for your play style I'm also a big fan of the difficulty this game is not easy once you get to the last few worlds you'd better hope you guard a bunch of lives because you'll need them now the way you get lives is probably the biggest negative to this game basically you'll find these potions that create doors and when you enter the door you'll travel to another dimension of the stage for a few seconds you can usually pick up a few coins in this alternate world and those coins are then inserted into a lottery machine at the end of each level so it's kind of luck if you get extra lives or not thankfully there are some continues but there's no way to save your game but that's really the biggest downside what's cool is that this game's enemies and characters introduced some staples to Mario like the shy guys as an example and of course there's Berto who is still one of the best mini bosses in Mario to this day what's nice about Berto is that she or well he I don't know progressively gets more challenging as you play further and further in and the final boss is it Bowser it's this guy called weren't that's a really gross name and you kill him by throwing vegetables into his mouth so there you go kids vegetables are bad for you according to this game now the ending is really stupid of course but man I just love playing this it's always such a good time you know I'm gonna be real with you guys I'm not the biggest fan of Super Mario World that's not to say it isn't a fantastic game because it is but there's a couple of things that kind of bother me about it but we'll get to that in a minute so to start mario world greatly expands on Mario Bros 3 and really showed us what the Super Nintendo can do neut in the game is Yoshi who can of course eat fruit eat enemies and sometimes spit fire or fly depending on what shall he holds in his mouth how that makes any sense I couldn't tell you but it's pretty rad in the music man it's really fascinating that almost all of it is basically the same piece but played in different variants to fit with the world that's in and it's also catchy too I don't know how they pull that off like honestly and if you really like finding secrets then this is the game for you as there's dozens upon dozens of hidden love in the game the boss fights are the Koopalings again and unfortunately they don't put up much of a fight the Bowser fight on the other hand is one of my all-time favorites it's not that difficult that was since beach hands you all those mushrooms but enjoyable nonetheless and the colors are so vibrant and beautiful to look at the NES Mario titles don't look too pretty now but this one really holds up to this day now with all that said I honestly do not like the controls in this game now hold on before smashing that dislike button I need you to hear me out for just a second I personally don't like how Mario loses a lot of momentum in the air if you aren't holding forward like it feels too precise and you can get what I'm saying Mario Sunshine is kind of like this to where the control is so tight and sometimes it's hard to be 100% precise all the time but here's the thing I'm much more used to Mario Bros 3 physics where they're a little bit floaty ER and I think that's why I struggle to like this game more my mind just automatically plays mario world like Mario Bros 3 and it throws off everything and believe me guys I played this game for a good 20 to 30 hours just to try to get used to the controls and I really really gave it a chance for this video but I just prefer how Mario 3 plays in the end and I honestly feel bad about that because this game is one of the best platformers of all time but you know that's just how I feel I gotta be honest with you and that got much deeper than I expected I apologize let's move on alright so I know a lot of people consider a Super Mario Galaxy to be the best Mario game of all time and I can definitely see why this was one of the few games that was actually worth a damn on the Wii and it truly revolutionized 3d Mario you can now run around on several galaxies with varying gravities each of them featuring really cool dynamic levels there's a ton of power-ups like the returning fire flower a nice flower and know the game is beat spring in boo mushroom the bosses are genuinely epic this time around - for one of them you Club a giant robot leg another is a freaky skeleton fish and even Bowser himself the bosses aren't too terribly hard but they're just so freakin fun in my god the music holy crap the music in this game is just unreal Mario Galaxy also introduced Rosalina a female character that every twelve-year-old doesn't love but most importantly she watches and protects the cosmos so basically she rules the universe like an actual goddess that's pretty awesome the most important thing though is the controls in my god are they fantastic you have most of your typical moves from Mario 64 in sunshine but new to the game is the spin jump now yes you do have to shake your remote to do it but the motion is so simple that it becomes second nature and it isn't really bothersome at all you feel completely in control it's really nice and fluid the only real downside I guess is the postgame stuff what CD Bowser and get all the stars you'll lock Luigi and you can play the whole game as him I guess that's kind of cool but there's really nothing additional to unlock outside of just one new level but still I think more could have been done you'll see what I'm getting at with this next entry on the list and this is one of the few games that didn't change from my old top ten I still prefer Mario Galaxy 2 over galaxy one and I've played both of them I can for this video and streamed them earlier this year so this is after tons of time with both the great thing about Mario Galaxy 2 is it takes everything that was awesome about galaxy 1 and just expands well except for the hub world that doesn't really exist anymore but I never thought was that big of deal frankly the biggest inclusion has to be Yoshi Yoshi is such a blast to use being able to eat enemies so he can shoot them up into star bits is one of the best things ever heck there's even fruit - Yoshi can eat so he can run really fast or blow up like a balloon for high eat earth light up secret areas the galaxies in the music once again are also just incredible on top of bringing back most of galaxy one's power-ups there's a new one called the cloud flower this thing is so broken but damn it's so much fun to use you're basically given flow to your jumps and you can use three clouds as extra platforms that means you can actually exploit parts of the game if you know what you're doing and I really love breaking my Mario games the rock mushroom is pretty great too but it doesn't even compare to the cloud flower the post game content is much better than galaxy one as well after getting all the stars and taking out Bowser which unfortunately is basra isn't quite as good as the first game you all Mach green stars for every galaxy what's great is you don't have to play as Luigi to get these stars if you don't want to it's completely your choice this time around the green stars aren't that hard to find but it's a lot better than just doing this missions over again and of course once you find all the green stars that max out your star bed count you'll lock the final challenge the perfect run it's one of the most infamously hard levels in mario where you'll basically go through this giant obstacle course that's death-defying every step of the way with no checkpoints and you can't get it even once and what's great is you don't even need to complete this brutally hard stage to enjoy the game it's purely for the most dedicated of fans while I do wish there was a galaxy 3 for a strong trilogy of these games I really love and appreciate what we got and here's another game that people called her favorite Mario I mean at this point any of these games can be considered the best in the series Super Mario Sunshine really outshines a lot of Mario titles simply because of its innovation first off there's an actual story with dialogue like but what the heck is this but Bowser talks oh yeah you disturb my family vacation maybe that wasn't the best idea but hey Nintendo tried something different and I applaud them for that this is essentially the follow-up to Super Mario 64 and it tries out a lot of new things one of the biggest being the flood pack of course this device works wonders for 3d platformers the most basic ability is shooting water Ford with the squirt nozzle to clear out goo as well as to get rid of this extra feety like come on kids if you're gonna draw graffiti on public property at least be creative and draw something cool there's also the hover nozzle which allows you to hover in the air and it's fantastic because you could recorrect your jump if you mess up initially and that's pretty important for 3d platformers since it's not as easy to make jumps accurately and you can also unlock the rocket nozzle which lets you blast yourself high into the sky and the turbo nozzle lets you run really fast even over water instead of a usual grass desert ice and lava world this time everything is feature vacation themes and crazy enough every level is unforgettable that's because the way you click shiet is really novel at one point you'll be shooting pink balloons on a rollercoaster just sneaking around the ceiling of a hotel to get into a locked room and then pushing a watermelon down a hill to a snack bar and honestly I could go on all day I think that since the game limited itself on just the beach theme it forced the developers to get really creative with the limited resources heck you can even play as Yoshi for crying out loud he works a little differently in sunshine instead of making eggs he pukes this fruit stuff out of his mouth kind of gross but still a lot of fun to use so I've praised a lot about this game but there's a couple of big downsides and I think you know where I'm going with this a ton of the shines in this game involve you collecting these blue coins collecting coins might not sound that bad but there's hundreds of these blue ones and a lot of them are really well hidden the problem is there's no way to tell which ones you've already gotten or which ones you have it there's no map that indicates where you've already gone so you basically need to memorize exactly where all the coins are or using guide some people may enjoy the exploration but most of the time it just feels really tiring now thankfully if you want to beat the game without the blue coins then you still can but for a hundred percent you have to find every single one and also the hundred coin stars in each level isn't very fun either it feels very grindy like in mario 64 it's really just those couple of things that are holding me back from putting this higher on the list so here's a game I've rarely talked about on this channel and that's crazy because I can come back to Super Mario Bros 3 any day of the week there's so much to love about this one this game introduces the most interesting power-ups even to this day including the tanuki tail slash suit the Frog suit and the hammer bro suit I've always preferred the powerup system in this game over mario world because you can basically store and build them up for use at any time before a level now sure you can hold one powerup during a level in mario world but in mario 3 you can hold several and there's much more of them to the hop worlds are not only a first for mario but are really intuitive and if you don't feel like playing a level boom just use this cloud and you can skip it or if you don't want to fight the hammer bros just blast those suckers to sleep with this nice soothing music box what's awesome about Mario Bros 3 is their sub games inside of this game at the end of the levels instead of touching a flagpole you'll touch this roulette box which randomly selects three icons try to match up three for extra lives you don't even realize that you're basically playing a game inside of a game because of how subtly it's added and there's also this card game that you could randomly find in the hub world and you can randomly pick a treasure for a powerup and matching the faces for extra lives and speaking of the levels hotdamn are they impressive been on the short side admittedly but each one offers something brand-new one minute you're running away from an angry son and next you're jumping over chain chomps and then you're carefully avoiding boss face since he can eat you in one bite and then there's this lever where you hop around using only para beetles like god I freaking love these levels some of my favorite world's has to be the one where everything is giant in the ones with the pipes this game is so great that it actually premiered in America from a movie shown on the big screen okay guys this was in the late 80s mind you when gaming had a different meaning and it wasn't seen as mainstream that is genuinely remarkable you can't deny that so which is it guys Mario 64 or Mario Odyssey I'm putting Super Mario 64 at number two yes the game that I used to speedrun have way too many top tens on and have tons of romhack videos based on it I've talked about Super Mario 64 to death and anything I really say about it is something you've probably already heard I mean it's a fantastic game it helps shape what 3d games are like today what really makes this one slightly more special than Mario Sunshine is that it's more sandbox like in structure while Mario Sunshine is definitely an open-world game you generally have to do the missions in a certain order that's not really the case for Super Mario 64 you can complete any star at pretty much any time there's three new power-ups in this game - the wing vanishing metal cap all of them are pretty fun to use even if the wing cap controls are a little finicky and the music is nothing short of classic every song will get stuck in your head instantly even though I wish there was a bit more music in the game the biggest learning problem is the camera it really doesn't work as well as it could it's not like awful or anything but there's lots of moments when you're playing and you just can't get the angle right or it moves too slowly and the boss bowels are a joke okay fighting Bowser three times in a row and basically all the same way is pretty lame and the other boss is like big Baba womp king big boy and as such really don't require any effort to be honest every Mario game has easy bosses but the ones in this game are so simple that they don't even feel any different than a normal enemy and all the other 3d Mario titles it's very clear when you're fighting a boss you can really feel it but in game that's not really the case outside of the Bowser fights and some of the final levels in this game just straight-up suck balls like rainbow ride is a perfect example to get most of the stars you just wait on this carpet it's not challenging or interesting you just wait now look no game is perfect but I think the number one game I have on my list has the least amount of mistakes out of everything already talked about so let's get to the obvious of course it's Super Mario Odyssey so quite frankly guys I've been working on this top ten for a few weeks just to ensure that I really wanted to make this my number one pick I didn't want to make the same mistake I did with the last top ten where I put Mario 3d World at number two just because I've recently played it but Mario Odyssey is a game that I know I'll be playing for months or even years on end this is the 3d Mario game of my dreams they fixed almost every single problem previous 3d Mario games had and have included so many new things to boot the biggest addition is of course copy this hat with eyeballs changes everything you can throw the cap and bounce off of it in numerous ways as well as capturing enemies so instead of power-ups you can transform into things like a t-rex and onion lava balls and an assortment of other strange things and the craziest thing is I don't even miss the traditional power-ups because of how intuitive these abilities are it feels so natural in fact controlling Mario is perfectly natural to Mario Galaxy Mario Sunshine did a great job of the controls but Mario Odyssey manages to make them even better somehow you have so much control and moving on the ground and in the air even the tiny things have been tweaked like long jumping in this game you can turn while you're in the process of the long jump that's just one example every move has been enhanced to near perfection turning around in the air can be done on a dime thanks to copy and it's accurate pretty much every time like when you make a mistake it's probably your fault it's almost never the game's falling and it's so easy to make extended jump since Mario's move set is so interconnected now performing combos of moves is so incredibly gratifying it makes me feel like a speedrunner of sorts in fact I've even started to learn to speed running this game because it's just that satisfying and let me tell you I don't speedrun a game unless I really really enjoy it in the kingdoms too they are just so rich with things to do now they are at all perfect like it would have been nice of the cloud and ruined Kingdom are more than just boss levels but just look at the Metro Kingdom it's simply a blast just running around interacting with all the buildings bouncing off cars and all that stuff I know everyone has gone on and raved about that one but it just does so much right this is like a never ending game - since there's a ton of power moves to collect and when I say a ton I mean like over 800 and it's not obnoxious like the blue coins of Mario Sunshine it actually feels rewarding to find power moons and on top that you can also get hints which is nice and also like sunshine only the dedicated players will even consider finding all the moons anyway and you'll be perfectly satisfied finding just enough moons to finish the game even the ending is interesting there's such a complex dynamic between Mario Peach and Bowser at the end Mario and Bowser are trying to be with peach but she just Street's up rejects them like why did she do that was she trying to be nice to Bowser has she become an independent woman like you see what I'm saying here there's so much the question and so much to think about you actually care about the story in a Mario game for crying out loud like what and look guys I still love Super Mario 64 and I'm still gonna play the rom hacks and all that but I can't let nostalgia goggles block the fact that this game is truly revolutionary like mario 64 was decades ago it has surpassed mario 64 in a lot of ways but here's the thing Mario 64 just doesn't control nearly as well sure there's some speedrun tricks you can do to help break the game and make it easier but those weren't intentional design choices and you can't factor those in and of course Mario 64's that beautiful giant castle and you can jump into paintings but honestly Mario Odyssey doesn't even need that and hey if you really miss jumping into paintings or if you missed the castle you can even play that in the game and you could dress up to 64 Mario - there are so many unlockable costumes a lot of them referencing other versions of Mario or other characters in the universe for me this gave us as close as you can get to perfection I do so wish the bosses were a bit more challenging and I think expanding on the King knows a bit more would have been nice but I really can't complain when the rest of the game is simply a masterpiece wow this was a long video and with that sure to LIKE and subscribe if you enjoyed this and let me know in the comments what your favorite Mario game is and why thank you so much for watching and I hope you have a great day [Music]
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 3,553,713
Rating: 4.5513773 out of 5
Keywords: mario, top 10 mario, top, ten, top 10, top ten, top 5, super mario, super mario odyssey, super mario 64, super mario sunshine, super mario bros, mario bros, luigi, mario games, nintendo, switch, nintendo switch, super mario world, super mario maker, nathaniel bandy
Id: foUD4nMCrqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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