What is the Least Jumps Required to Beat Super Mario Sunshine?

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this video is brought to you by water hydrate Nova seriously before we hop in today's video I just want to let you guys know that - world has their own YouTube channel now now let me ask you this do any of you remember watching the 10 b1 mario 64 videos on the hobros channel well guess what our entire group is still here and we're now uploading one to three times a week we're currently putting out a podcast sometimes you just grab the big bag at the grocery store and you you can feel like there's something wrong with it and yeah sometimes competing in games I don't think you guys understand how lonely a kid I was how many times I played this cake I don't think I've ever heard you make that sound and sometimes just vibing this channel was honestly been a really fun time for all of us and more of a passion project than anything and it's already loaded with videos so if you want to check it out go subscribe right now there's a link in the description and in the cart but now on to today's video the flood pack is one of Mario's greatest tools as it lets him attack enemies with water float in the air blast into the sky or even run across water what's starting to sound so great that maybe you don't even need to jump anymore right well that's what we're here to find out let's see how many jumps it would take to beat Super Mario Sunshine honestly that's up to us to define it could be as simple as you aren't allowed to jump but everything else is fair game in fact there's speed runs where those exact rules apply I'll link one below because they're really fun to watch but I wanted to take this idea and push it a step further because I feel like a lot of Mario moves could count as jumps so not only are we not allowed to do a single double or triple jump but we also can't side flip jump dive spin jump roll out of a dive jump out of the water jump off poles and wall jump this severely limits our options to an extent that we're gonna have to get really creative to get through these levels so throw on that swim where it's time to take a dive into this challenge in terms of vertical movement we really only have three options diving the hover nozzle in the rocket nozzle we start off by grabbing the shine in the del final air strip and it's pretty easy to do since I don't need to travel vertically the same goes for Delfino Plaza spring the piranhas and shadow Mario takes no effort the real fun begins with shine one in Bianco Hills my first obstacle was getting around this giant wall the best method of course would be to get as high as possible so I hovered up to the grass then towards one of the trees to my surprise Mario grabbed it which is interesting because I always thought Mario had to jump first but I guess not the boss is once again just a piranha piranha so he went down pretty easily onto shine to one of the jumps up the tower is a little hard but I managed to make it with a Ledge craft the following piranhas fight is super-weird without jumping you can still easily spray his mouth with water and thankfully you can get just enough height by hovering over his stomach and once you land you simply ground pound I was fairly certain shine 3 wouldn't be doable jump list but we'll get to that in a jiffy getting to the cave alone was pretty crazy diving after using the hover nozzle for some reason launched me backward but then by mashing as fast as I could I managed to climb my way up Mario Sunshine physics ladies and gentlemen Mario Sunshine physics the game just has weird properties with specific Hills sometimes the hover nozzle lets Mario shoot up no problem but now that we're in this secret level well there's nothing I can really do I tried diving on to the little stubs in the corners but couldn't get enough height diving into the trees didn't work either I even tried bonking for extra height but nothing was working so sadly I used my first jump to climb up this tree and douve to the next platform unfortunately the following platforms are way too tall for Mario to dive up so I had to jump three more times I might have been able to save a jump here but it's unlikely next I had to dive onto these spinning stars which while doable was quite challenging I needed to tie my dives just about perfectly alright fall to kingdom come the last challenge was getting the shine itself it was too tall for me to just run into diving wasn't working and the stubs in the treaty were once again too tall or so I thought there's a tiny slant where the star is and I thought that maybe Mario could get some height diving off of that believe it or not you actually can on most of my successful attempts I would land on the stump and instantly fall from the speed but eventually I managed to land on this stump and grab the ledge instead after that I simply Dovan ground pounded to increase my hitbox and was able to barely NAB the star for shine for I got five of the eight red coins but the other three were too high for me to grab we'll come back to this shine later seeing as we can probably do it when the rocket nozzle is unlocked so we'll try it out in a bit the next level to venture to was Rico Harbor but of course we need to take out the Piranha piranha first as soon as I entered the level I knew getting to the other side was going to be fairly unconventional I started by hovering towards this piano then bounced off him to hover again and get on top of the ship while this was a really awesome swag move it honestly wasn't practical at all then I notice the crane up ahead it was moving a platform under and out of the water so I hovered over there to climb way up and managed to get to the blooper the boss fight was pretty simple and was able to complete shine one without a jump shine twos level felt really awkward because I'm so used to leaping over walls to take shortcuts but you can easily get the shine without jumping but wait till we get this shine three all right you've waited long enough this freakin level was one splash of a concoction the biggest hurdle is figuring out where the heck you can go since there were so many options as well as many many dead ends I started by taking this route with the moving pole this was a nightmare because I couldn't jump off of it and pushing B to drop didn't keep my momentum after using the hover nozzle I could slide up to the top and glitched off the pole which worked but it was super finicky regardless if you even count that as a jump it didn't matter because the path wasn't viable seeing as I would need to jump off the girders so I was gonna need to restart and find another way I did find another set of girls I could climb up that didn't require jumping so I use that instead I went back to the crane that moves the platform up and down and had the weirdest glitch for some reason I straight up passed through the platform maybe when it's moving in and out of the water there's not collision I don't know but anyway once I got up top I must have tried at least four or five different routes some of them I was able to make some headway others I ran into dead ends fairly quickly my own option to completing this star was to get the rocket nozzle and only one of them was active at this point in the game the problem with that is I had to jump one time to get to an area that has that nozzle once I got the rocket nozzle it was as easy as pie collecting this shine for was another secret level so I'm expecting to have to make some jumps first I grabbed the rocket nozzle just to make it easier to travel around the level then once I got inside the secret area things were looking rather dire and to my surprise I could actually navigate these spinning crates by slowing my dive at the end of one and getting to my feet it was extremely hard to time but I was actually getting across all these crates with this strategy it was even better when I bunked up something because Mario got on his feet a little bit faster what really worried me though were these wheels I probably tried this part 50 times thinking that I was gonna need to jump until I realized that if I dive at the tip of this wheel Mario slows down fast enough that he manages to stand up before sliding to his death so while this is insanely hard to do I actually managed to dive from wheel to wheel the second half the level was once again just timing dives even the really large crate was possible to get through to get the star I had to dive into the corner again then dive in ground pound and a holy crap we actually beat a secret level without the flood pack and without jumping that is simply mind-boggling Shyne v was incredibly easy I just grabbed the rocket nozzle and snack that blue priscilly shine six was another simple level but unfortunately requires two jumps we have to get these red coins while riding the blooper and there's one coin to jump for as well as a jump to reach the shine as for shine 7 I started by hitting shadow Mario a few times then grabbing the rocket nozzle he was really annoying to take out because I couldn't chase him very easily without jumping after running around in circles I eventually hit him enough times and finished up Rico Harbor next on our journey was gelato Beach and holy crap was shined 1 a disaster getting into the lava was fine but there was no way I can clear this with zero jumps I did try to minimize as many as I possibly could though I was able to save three jumps by diving across most of the sand now as you can see there's four gaps and no matter how many times I tried I could not dive to this fourths and block maybe there's some way to do it but Mario was either too far away or lost too much speed after his previous dive once I got to the green block I tried diving and ground-pounding onto the nails to save an extra jump but I could not get myself up there without bonking so unfortunately I had to commit to another four jumps up this column of sand and after that was another two jumps I was able to barely dive on to the next green block so I managed to save a jump there but it gets worse there was nothing I could do to make my way up the sand castle without jumping at the end I know of and ground pounded for the stars so I saved one there but that totals out to Oh Levin jumps which is just disgusting shine too was very slow going after squirting akattak whack to one side of the mirror I had to run to the tip of the mirror use the hover nozzle and move down a tiny bit so I could ground pound surprisingly this actually worked I was a little worried I had to be on the complete opposite side to flip the catechol axe shine threes wiggler battle was a combination of just random and annoying at first I had no idea how was gonna get myself on top of wiggler since the hover nozzle doesn't get high enough after a few tries I realized I could use the nozzle off the sand mound to get enough height and that worked for the first two hits the third hit was where things got a wee bit tricky to my recollection you can only hit the wiggler in this one spot the issue with that is the wiggler slides really far into the water so I tried the same strategy by launching off the sand mouth and he was so far away that I just couldn't reach them i tinkered around with this for another 15 minutes and decided to try the sand now strategy again and for some reason it worked this time I guess I was higher had more speed but honestly it feels like luck that I even got up here but I'll take it since that's another level with zero jumps now shine four will surprise you maybe you'll even gasp the hardest part of the sandberg shine wasn't the sand bird it was actually getting there after diving up the mountain I needed to bounce off this tarp to get inside the only problem is I'm supposed to jump off this slide and I can't use my hover nozzle while I'm sliding so after loads of attempts I managed to use the hover nozzle halfway down the slide slowly move towards the bottom and somehow grab a Ledge then with really precise maneuvering I climbed up the hill turned around slightly and started the hover nozzle again doing this with good speed allowed me to barely snag on to the tarp and get inside getting the red coins was fairly easy for the ones in the air I just needed to dive in ground pound and nab them and for the star itself I just used the hover nozzle and ground pounded again normally racing pianissimo is really easy but without jumping I was gonna need to get pretty creative my first route was to slide towards this tree bonk into it climb up and make my way up the mirror and simply dive up the hill I got a decent time of 34 seconds but it wasn't fast enough so I decided to try the same strategy but for the tree that was closer to me I didn't try this at first because this strat is much harder but I might have a better chance beating him and this is what happened [Music] [Laughter] yeah I don't think that could have been any closer I'm really glad that I'm good at button mashing there's not much to say about shine six he just swim around and get the Red Coins for shine seven the only word to describe shadow Mario for this shine is pests chasing shadow Mario was nothing short of obnoxious I felt like I was trying to swat a fly with the tip of a pencil unlike the other shines this one make sure that shadow Mario is as far away from you as humanly possible and when shadow Mario started jumping up towards the top I basically had to lure him down to hit him again it got to the point where I had to jab a team to come towards me otherwise I just could not get near him in 12 agonizing minutes later I finally took him out without jumping after that was pin a park and shot one has no jumping involved since he basically just shoot missiles at mecha bowser shine two was another stage that was looking rather unfriendly and shockingly the disappearing platforms weren't even the problem the issue was the platform's after those I tried diving as far as I could and I wasn't even getting close to the ledge so I unfortunately had to do a rollout and the same goes for this jump at the end now maybe you could get this time if you were at a stand perfectly but honestly I doubt it shine 3 was much easier than I anticipated there were only a couple tricky red coins to grab like this one ride to land on this green bar and hover nozzle to it it took a little while to get the coins but it really wasn't that bad shine 4 is wilted sunflowers were much more annoying than I anticipated squishing the small snippet coozes wasn't the issue the last big one was I kept trying to get enough height once it was on its back but every time I sprayed it with water it would just flip over and hit me after dozens of attempts I eventually just ground pounded out of frustration inside the Koopa and somehow that counted look I'll make the rules don't ask me how that worked normally for shine 5 you have to jump several times but I was able to knock this down to only 2 by walking around the edges I'm able to bypass a large portion of this labyrinth however I'm not supposed to jump off of these but I have to do it one time because there's no position I can put myself in where this would work unless there's some other way up I wouldn't know what else you could do my second hump has to be off this clothesline because there's no other way to get off otherwise I was able to save a jump for this electric Cooper though by using the hover nozzle I could blast my way up this wall then fall while I'm higher up and hover once again to grab the girder then I can take out the electric koopa and get the shine shine six was another secret stage that just wasn't meant to be completed jumplist I saved as many jumps as I could but it wasn't very much I tried to dive after the spinning yellow cube but I wasn't even getting close so I just had to jump there next was going from the orange to red cube I got stupidly close a few times but kept bogging off the corner so this was another jump as for the green and black cubes I was able to dive onto them but only by the very skin the blue cube was just a tiny bit out of reach so I had to jump for that one as well on the other side it was the exact same problem I had to jump from black to blue and orange to red but could die from blue to green and green to red next was another orange cube which I couldn't make so that was another jump after that I was able to dive to this moving cube and save two jumps which was nice but for this final part I decided to side flip do a few wall jumps in a big jump dive which totaled out the six additional jumps for the shine itself it was just barely too high for me to do the dive / ground pound trick so I had to jump for that one as well so all in all that went to shoulder the total of 13 jumps and look there might be a way to save a jumper too but this was the best I could do shine 7 was another agonizing shadow Mario shine but not nearly as bad as gelato Beach like before I had to keep stopping to spray shadow Mario and just do that over and over now you might be wondering why I'm not diving after him for more speed well that's because I can't hit a to roll-out and spray him I would have to wait for my dive to come to a stop or bonk into something both of those circumstances wasting too much time but anyway I managed to do this one without jumping no key Bay is the most vertically base level in the game so I don't see there being really any shines where we can avoid jumping outside of maybe a couple the first jump we can't clear is this basket then quite a few more from climbing the mountain then we can save a few jumps on the short stomps but not much after throwing the Bob almost regardless with a total of seven jumps and yes I do know as a rocket nozzle in this level but it takes several jumps just to access it which defeats the whole point this second star in okie Bay would require rest to do dozens of jumps so we're gonna resort to a speed run skip to save on a lot of these well start by climbing up the mountain again and then refill our water this is five jumps well then add in another two jumps to reach this spring now we're gonna use the sprain to get shine to in a pretty fun fashion after positioning myself in the corner I did one more jump through the spring right before hitting the ground move towards the opposite direction and clipped out of bounds I used the hover nozzle to aim where I was going did a dive and finally ended up in the room with the shine and there you have it only eight jumps instead of what may have been around twenty to thirty jumps shine three was really easy because you're literally in the water the whole time but what's nice about shine four is we actually don't have to talk to the Grandpa about the eel we can simply swim to the spawn point where the waterfall is and get our shine for shine five I to do one tightrope jump to get to P auntie sumo but otherwise the race was easy like it's actually embarrassing how easy this is I literally just used my hover nozzle on some of the floating platforms held up on my control stick in the water and one shouldn't have been that easy oh but shine six that was an absolute disaster there was absolutely nothing I could do to avoid jumps here just getting to the secret shell took five jumps alone and the secret level puts us in a box that were forced to wall jump out of there's a couple places in the secret stage where I was able to dive across platforms or even just grab the ledge and pull myself up but those opportunities were few and far between by the end we had to do eight feet jumps so that was pretty painful thankfully shine seven was easy to knock out because shadow Mario can be destroyed in quick succession but now let's take a brief break from levels once we unlock Yoshi we're gonna need him to open up Serena Beach the problem with that is we can't jump under any circumstances because he can't die ever use a hover nozzle so our best and only option is to do to spin jumps to get us to the pipe eat the pineapple and hover into the pineapple afterwards thankfully this is the only time we're gonna need Yoshi so it's really not that big a deal shine one and Serena Beach is just as annoying as usual but it's more than doable shine 2 is another extremely painful shine to get reaching the secret level went much better than I thought it would I only needed to jump one time at the top most of the pink ghosts were level enough that I could use them with the hover nozzle I even discovered this fun strat to use this lamp to reach the ghost a little bit easier but the secret level is just horrible there's quite a few jumps at the beginning that we're forced to take with no exceptions but the hardest part was saving jumps at the end there's this sand pyramid that I have to get around and I found I can save jumps by ledge grabbing the sand blocks as you can imagine this is extremely hard to do consistently the angle that I had to initially die that is hard enough but then I had to make sure I'm at the right height the ledge grab every single sand block without one mistake at the end we do have to jump once sadly but at least we can dive off this stroll and stew for a cool shine grab and with that we did 18 jumps good grief shine 3 is another one where we're gonna have to implement the speed run route since that'll save us tons and tons of jumps once inside the building we grab this banana then simply walk up the staircase once we get up top we're gonna align ourselves behind this wall do a backflip and throw the fruit and bam we're inside and can nab the shine with only one jump I can't believe I did this trick on my first try as well pretty fun moment got a safe shine for his casino portion was fine and dandy but the secret level is where the jumps come in surprisingly I was able to complete almost the whole thing with just dives even the parts with the rotating cubes could be done because their spots right can dive at a high angle but sadly I needed to do two jumps across these wooden bars since they were way too spread out and after that was a slew of easy shines these include the 5th 6th and 7th shine afterwards we nabbed the turbo nozzle in Isle Delfino and grabbed this shine inside the lighthouse once I got that I grabbed the rocket nozzle next now that the rocket nozzle is unlocked we can finish up Bianco Hills or not as it turns out the rocket nozzle still isn't unlocked which means I could have finished this level ages ago so I suppose we'll just finish it now I managed to get six of the eight coins without jumping but I needed to do four jumps to grab all eight and get the shine shine fives boss fight didn't require a jump but actually waking them up did I had to take a similar path that I did for the red coin so three jumps in the town area in two more closer to P rata next was another secret stage before we got the shine six I had to make one jump because I couldn't get enough height off this log the red and blue platforms for the most part could be either walked across or it took one dive all in all we only needed four jump finish the shine and shine seven was really easy since it was just shadow Mario but now we're at the final main level Piazza village getting inside the pipe to Piana village was kind of hilarious because I had to use this overly large rocket blast just to get the height required to get inside but the first shine was really simple the land is all flat so it can be done jumplist the race against P on PC most still didn't worry me because at the beginning I used water to gain a lot of speed while diving however he got scarily close to me near the tree so I had to do this [Laughter] yeah I'm honestly in disbelief at how well that wins the third shine was tricky because we can't use flood for most of this however we can't use a speedrun strat to save on quite a few jumps by letting ourselves get hit by the ghost we can use a jump dive and roll out to land on this guardrail this works because we have invincibility frames after taking the hit this saves us lots of jump since we're practically at the hover nozzle now with only seven jumps by the end as for shine four I basically just played as I normally would for shine five I tried using Yoshi at first but the fact that he can't jump at all is just way too limiting with Mario we can use the hover nozzle to go across these mushrooms but then you may ask how do I get past this gooey stuff we're gonna take another page out of speedrunning again what we need to do is jump backwards clip through the tree behind us then hover nozzle forward and clip through this mushroom to enter the loading zone once we do that we only need to jump twice inside the secret area leaving us with a grand total of three jumps which is much better than if we brought Yoshi across the mushrooms as for shine six and seven they were both easy to knock out leaving us with one challenge left that's right we're about to tackle the old mountain and that is a weird word to censor 2020 what what even are you anyway we actually didn't need to jump inside the mountain but we did need to jump two times to get to the entrance the final boss was fairly painless without jumping when you use the rocket nozzle for hitting the ground and again to land near the middle it simplifies your movement quite a bit and there you have it we have cleared Super Mario Sunshine with as few jumps as possible but how many did it require exactly take your guess the total amount of jumps was 117 jumps I'm not gonna lie I thought it would be way more jumps than that and there might still be a little room for improvement but those secret stages really brought this number up a lot and just like that you've got a fun fact about Mario Sunshine so go tell your friends about this so they can give you a funny confused look I hope you enjoyed this video and thank you so much for watching have a great day and I'll see you next time only epic gamers stay till the end of the video and they like and subscribe and leave a comment and their comment says I had an 8 today only epic gamers know this
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 803,829
Rating: 4.9425349 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Sunshine, mario sunshine, super mario 35th anniversary, is it possible, mario, super mario, mario sunshine fewest jumps, mario sunshine without a coin, without touching a coin, mario sunshine remaster, 3d mario remaster, nathaniel bandy
Id: gZaiAr408Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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