Super Mario 3D World Speedrun - First Attempt!

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okay should be live what's up everyone let me know how volume is volume should be good we'll wait a couple minutes get some people in here everyone doing today um i'm gonna go ahead while uh while we're kind of bringing people in please read the pinned message because no i do not have the switch version of uh 3d world bowser's fury i wish i did uh this is just the wii u version as you can see playing on a gamepad and i thought it would be kind of fun to learn how to actually speedrun this game in preparation for the switch version now before we start i'm going to show you the main thing that i will be doing and there's really just one trick in this game and that trick is called cat momentum and uh i'm gonna really quick demonstrate it and it's something that i am still learning i only just learned it today and it's going to be used throughout the entire run so as you're going to see at the bottom of my screen we have the splits and i'm going to be splitting after each level and you're going to see a number on the right as well as the character the character is the person i'm going to play as for that level because each character is a little different for each level some of them are more beneficial than others and then the number is how many green stars i have to get now here's the thing i've only beat this game like two or three times so um i'm going to forget where green stars are so that's just going to happen so let me go and just really quick show you cat momentum um just so you can see how it is so much faster and what's also interesting is you may know if you're excited for bowser's fury you probably notice the movement in that game is faster than this game well for speed running that actually does not matter at all even if if cat momentum works in bowser's fury the fast movement will still be slower than this so basically what you do is you jump dive dive again and then jump and you basically maintain your momentum and it is if if done correctly it is way faster than normal movement i've only done a couple because i have not mastered this at all like like i said i only just started learning this today but that's kind of the idea um that's what a lot of the run is there's also a couple very cool glitches i cannot wait to show you i've learned a couple of them um and those will be kind of later in the run but yeah they're really cool i'm really excited to do a run oh let's see we got some chats from uh byron emulator and jake thank you all very much i appreciate it so here's this is gonna work i'm actually gonna spend an entire week learning to speed around this game i'm going to do the first stream obviously today right now the rest of my streams will be on my twitch page nathaniel bandy so if you want to watch the other six days of me learning the game learning the route better then make sure to follow me there but i don't want to spam you guys with youtube streams every single day for a week that's why i'm only going to do one today but um yeah we're just going to give it a shot i don't care how bad this run is we're just going to go we're just gonna go at it basically look you're woody what's up woody thank you for the super chat okay thank you very much tim for super chat i appreciate it all right fellas i'm only gonna be able to read chat in the super chats probably in between levels so just keep that in mind um i just want to say thanks again to emulator wink dink skull trooper and that guy in the office okay and this run starts with luigi so it starts it's supposed to start right here hold on did i select okay i selected file too all right let's go ahead and get this started and there we go we are in my dad is here hey he said hello thank you for the super chat um we got one from n-dog and also another one from jake thank you very much [Music] yep he's working right now as well okay really curious this is gonna go i'm actually really stoked because i've been practicing this for i probably only practiced like an hour or two like i put in about 30 45 minutes into the cat momentum jump and i practice the other tricks but i'm not super good at it but i really enjoyed it like i think this is gonna be a really fun game to speed run once i like know the route so i'm honestly really excited about this i have not tried to speed around any other mario game before just mario 64. i think yeah that that's it so this is really cool to be trying a different one today yeah just go out and do peach so we will actually be using peach for a lot of levels um but not for all of them for this first one it's going to be luigi and then we'll you're going to see on the splits like which character we're going to use because peach is not optimal for every single stage but i would probably say maybe like half of them something like that hey what's up dilly thank you very much yeah mario 3d world plus bowser's fury it will be epic i agree okay here we go [Music] another chat from end dog i appreciate it all right now we're in okay have to remember to get the green stars i've been practicing and i have not been getting the stars that much so [Music] okay something i'm gonna try to do i'm gonna try to use a touch strap hit this while i'm moving i missed it come on hit it okay whatever i'll just hit it i'll just jump at it whatever okay here we go there we go that's what i was kind of talking about so you saw a little bit of the cat momentum glitch that's fine i can i can do this it's not really that fast that's okay again first attempt i've never done a speedrun of this ever so i don't expect having a super impressive run or impressive time or anything like that and that's okay okay there we go then we'll come down here get the third one [Music] all right and then we'll grab pull and that's that i actually don't know when to split after a level i think it's probably it's probably when the screen um closes in that's what i'm gonna do so wait till the timer ends right there that's just what i'm gonna split i don't know if that's when you're supposed to do it but okay one world down lots more to go and we will be using a lot of warps by the way so um we don't actually play a lot of world one because there is a warp in one two and we just go right to two one and then from there we play for a little while then there's one more warp that we use i think in world five i need to use no no toad i need to use code i have to look at my splits otherwise i'm gonna forget which character to use okay gotta get all three green stars here remember there's not one down there oh that's kind of slow you know that that's that's not that bad i won't complain okay got our first screen here very nice i don't really need to go up here but whatever oh i need to go in there okay crap i forgot about that okay all right okay come on it's got to go in the purple question mark all right there we go now we're in okay i did that the fast way that is i think the fastest way to do that or to get that star in particular hey i'm back i actually i'm pretty happy with how many of these uh momentum jumps i'm getting i was a little worried i was just gonna miss a bunch of them but i've actually been getting a decent amount oh no no no what are you doing don't go in there okay we're gonna use this to get the star okay i'm gonna climb up here oh okay very good and just like that just like that we're going to world 2. uh thank you jaylord and wink dink for the chat you think blue television games is live that's pretty dope i've watched a couple of his videos okay next we got some peach action i saw someone said i should just play his peach the whole time well now we're about to play some peach is this this is not it's okay so for anyone that's new please read the pinned comment this is the wii u version i do not have the switch version of this game please read the pin comment okay let me go up here first okay yeah i there is like an insanely fast way to do this part i'm not i i've not practiced it at all so i'm not gonna bother trying okay as long as i don't lose the suit i'll be happy and i lost the suit that is a big oof okay so i'm gonna have to find a cat suit somewhere else oh yeah what if i get it through okay that's fine honestly that's okay that's gonna happen not that big a deal i just gotta figure out where to find is there a suit in here i think there is oh sick okay good okay very good he's making me nervous so i'm doing that no oh come on that was bull crap darn it was kind of hoping i'd get the suit all right honestly i'm just i just don't want to die again at this point i can find the cat bell later there's a green star in here come on hit it we do not want to get any stamps either those are really bad to get um just because they waste time at the end screen wait i'm missing a star what did i miss oh crap okay honestly that's okay because here's what i'm gonna do i will go back i'll play the level again it's not that big a deal um okay i know why i'm missing the star god dang it all right okay so we're gonna get the first green star and then we're just gonna try to plow through the level as fast as we can and i will hit my split once i get the green okay and i have all this stuff turned off hello [Music] okay let's get the start see you know what i thought i thought the star was gonna save i think that's my issue thought it was gonna save but i guess not okay i need to figure out how to do this without getting hit um i do not know how to do that okay i'm just going to run i don't want to die i don't touch the stamp this time i'm waiting i don't care okay now we're done got nathaniel joining as a channel member thank you very much okay so this say or this um this split we'll be able to save a lot of time next time i do this be able to save like two minutes probably okay got the star next is two three and we're using toad all right will this be uploaded uh no this is just me practicing right now so today is just like my first attempt day and then the next week it's just me like doing more runs and learning the route better basically okay i want to get hit i gotta get like a uh you know i gotta get like a backup suit i think backup cat suit is there one in here i think it's just um fireflower in this level okay it's not a green star for a little while it's the next one is i think it's the purple box oh there's a cat though right there good thing it's right there after getting hit okay thank god i didn't take damage i was really worried about that oh i can just do this that's right okay i remember that i remembered it this time all right come on i'm too i don't know the route i don't know the route to go fast there no no don't go through the door yet that would have been bad if i went through the door that would've been really bad okay that's all right we got that don't have to reset the level this time which is nice not that way okay all right we finished it thank you kira for the uh the kind message i appreciate it all right and we're splitting we're splitting when the time runs out there we go okay next to four will mario be in this run actually no mario's actually really bad to speedrun with in this game so you're not going to see him at all he is used for one instance in the 100 category and that is it the rest of it is just peach toad luigi yeah so at this point i do know where most though this is kind of slow i do know where most of the green stars are up from world one and world two is once we get to world three that's where i'm gonna start forgetting where they are so that'll be interesting once we get to that point i think we go through here i'm fairly certain it's not another green star here yeah yeah there's two here okay i remember now there's two inside this cave you want to go this way oh that's where we want to go through the pipe okay hopefully we want to hit all these with our finger i'm gonna have to get more efficient at this do not hit me and use the baseball to get the green star oh i'm missing that okay did not what ah i can't grab it now okay yeah normally um if there's a baseball you can actually grab it and just use that to get the green star there'll be a lot more instances where i'll be doing that so that is not the only time green is down here okay up i wonder if it's maybe it's slower to use the pipe to go back up i'll have to check see what the um the run does okay very cool [Music] and we're splitting now all right all right am i collecting stamps so you actually do not collect stamps in this run and that is hold on i gotta pay attention what i'm doing next okay i'm doing the house so you don't click stamps in this run because you know when you get a stamp it like shows up on your screen that's a waste of like four seconds so we're actually going to try to get zero stamps for the entirety of this run that's another thing where you only collect those for like 100 runs um i think it's just 100 i don't even think it's like 380 because there's a few different categories there's any percent which is what i'm doing there is 100 there is 340 green stars but i think it's just all the green stars okay i remember i think i practiced this house earlier it wasn't that hard okay yeah that was pretty quick that was also pretty quick and then we'll go in here oh you just do one slash they're dead i'm honestly gonna grab that let's just play it safe we want that spare one okay i don't know the fast strat for these um i know there is some a method to get those faster but i don't remember oh and then you gotta go there okay okay then we'll grab that i think that's it yeah that's all of them that's really quick thank you for the good luck ethan i appreciate it okay next we got another short one actually 2a i don't know what currency that is is that that japanese if it is thank you i've never even seen that one okay two a we're doing toad we're doing i think we're doing toad up until uh i think for the rest of this world okay slash them around okay honestly that's fine let's just finish it like this for now let's let's knock them out okay then we'll take that okay good we have the backup so it's all right okay let's see we're sitting at 16 minutes i don't know if that's good or not i have no idea okay next we have two five and then yeah then after that then it's the castle then we'll be done with world two already yeah collect all the coins i think i did a video on that a long time ago i tried to get all the coins in this level or in this game um didn't really work okay so there's a super cool um like glitch with this level actually near the end um and it's something like literally anyone can do i only learned it like 10 minutes ago and it's it's really cool grab that oh this is slower because he's behind me all right that's okay i want to go to the right though okay okay i don't need both of you but sure honestly i'm gonna let one die okay and the pipe's gonna spawn right here so this is super cool normally you need four toads to climb up here um so what's gonna happen is i'm going to struggle and then push z get more height boom you get the star isn't that that's so cool like i can't believe i'm only just learning that i also can't believe that works it's really shocking that it's that easy to get extra height okay that level went pretty well actually i i went a little slow at the middle but that's okay all right last level in world two let's go all right thank you very much ethan for the extra four i appreciate it all right and i think okay so i did not practice this level because this is basically just an auto scroller base just don't get hit like that's what i got to do don't get hit and uh i have to use the canon box as well once i get to it it's right now 25 thank you very much ethan all right yeah we're just kind of chilling here actually if i can find another cat bell that would be nice i don't know if there's a cat though on this level i don't think there is you know what okay you know what i'm actually gonna use this for now because i do not want to lose my cat suit by accident so i'll just keep it for this level and then like get rid of it at the very end because i don't need to do any um cat momentum for now like it's not going to make a difference at all so let's get all these red coins because why not blast the cannon okay we can just do this this is a fun game to speed around i'm not gonna lie i wasn't sure if i'd like it but you know what this is actually really fun yeah also i was not thinking about that i have to get stars too i remember where the last star is um i'll probably just see it i can't imagine the second green star will be that hard to find maybe it's like up here i can't remember oh there it's just in the box okay well that's easy and the third one you have to have the canon box to get it so obviously you don't want to lose this i think we're getting kind of close to the end too don't want to get that stamp stamps are bad it's a fun fact for you stamps are bad okay i think this is the end yes yes it is okay i'll get the last staff there we go okay very nice say it with me everyone boom boom the mad lad no longer a mad lad though so i there are also fast strats with the mini bosses i have not watched the runs or the guides enough to know what they are so i'm just going to kind of hit them just as fast as i can and have a nice night very nice day okay i got all the green stars hop in here okay we'll do some momentum stuff oh i actually don't want to get those i just realized that cause that's gonna add time okay yeah so from now on do not get the least amount of timers as possible i honestly did not even realize that okay thank you very much uh colin chaz skywalker ethan and ethan again for all the super chats you guys are very generous today thank you look at that we knocked out world too all right perfect underworld world number trays this is where things are going to get fun because like i said i've practiced 3-1 i think that's it i have not practiced the other levels so i don't even know i'm not going to remember all these green stars are um i will try i'll if i can just um keep my cat suit and just do cat momentum as often as i can i'll be happy that's like the goal for today if i could go to any country where would i go honestly i'd probably go to japan i would like to do that eventually when we're not in a pandemic obviously but yeah it would be very cool to go there um so yeah someday okay [Music] so this i have not gotten very good at this trick yet but basically i need to use peach we're gonna be doing something called ice glitch you do a cat momentum jump and then you crouch z okay there we go and you get like a crap ton of speed on the ice um i have not really done that super well okay i really don't wanna i'm just screw it i don't wanna lose the suit oh my gosh better to play safe much better to play no i still lost it oh my god and there okay so what what happens is you use cat momentum on the ice and then you like push z and it lets you go super fast so like i can still do it i'm just not gonna be as fast so i'm just glad i can still kind of do it i'm not losing as much time okay i gotta figure out how to get this bunny more efficiently as well because when i was practicing the bunny was messing me up okay there we go what what okay he juked me no no you're supposed to run oh my gosh where is he i think he's down here there we go okay oh crap am i i might have to redo this level actually um because i think i might need the cat suit to get this last green star oh maybe not let me see if i'm lucky i won't i do need it no okay let's finish the level for now we're gonna get another cat suit and we're not gonna lose it this time yeah losing your cat suit is kind of like a a run ender i guess if you're playing more seriously you are a huge fan well thank you so much ethan i very much appreciate all the donors oh my gosh that stinks i don't know where to get one fast so i know what i can do i can go to like a toad house and try to get one so let's do that first there's not one in this world so let's go to like world one cause i think no it's actually gonna world too because i don't think there'll be a toad house in world one so we'll try that and if there's no luck from there we'll just go to world one one and get a suit again uh yeah it's not here okay toad house toad house come on there's gotta be wait a minute is that does that count i think it's one honest i don't remember this at all no it's not at all okay let's go to world one one all right we can also get two there which is good okay [Music] we'll just plow through this level as fast as we can we got our backup all right okay there is a much faster way to do that with peach and i do not know how to do it okay there we go nice all right i'll take that you take those holy crap ethan that's a lot thank you okay good we got our cat suits let's continue this run let's get that last green star in 3-1 and then we will move on i do wish you know what i need to do i think after this run i need to figure out exactly where all of the cat bells are so like if there is one that's closer um then like doing that level over then i just need to do that instead okay also i what i also need to figure out is if there's like backup green stars i can get because i'm sure there is but i do not know the backup routes at all i am straight up just following um the guide i found on so oh no no accidentally long jump okay i'm trying to get that big boost to speed off of this okay cat momentum okay i'm always scared of hitting one of these that's why i'm not doing the crouching okay all right now we can get our screen star okay no okay that's fine that's fine okay we're finally done this will be another level where i can save a crap ton of time [Music] and split [Music] okay next is three three thank you again ethan holy crap man you're too kind um and from andrew and dilly as well i appreciate it fellas uh luigi okay we're doing luigi next okay oh i actually did practice this level okay so i know where the uh the stars are here it's not down there because i made that mistake last time okay we go into here there is a fast way to get that star but i'm really scared of getting hit so i have not really gone for it yet what the heck was that i don't know why there was that sound bite it must have been from something previous okay i know remember there's nothing up there okay okay i'm remembering now you got to go up here and you have to like step on a couple of these bookcases i think it's this one where there's the star yes okay awesome all right it's really hard okay oh no no you stay away stay away holy crap we almost lost it almost lost the lay suit and i think yeah we go up here remember where the last green star is here on this level i think it's through this door i'm not mistaken okay oh yeah yeah yeah you go through the cap you go on the couch that's right okay there might actually be a faster way up here now that i think about instead of taking the couch i don't know what that would be maybe you can just climb up oh crap you know what that's fine let's just continue we got the got the uh the backup my gosh this momentum thing is actually insane you really go so fast holy crap it is actually insane how fast you go that's okay ethan it's all good all right and thank you uh skywalker as well all right let's see we have next next we got oh next we have captain toad um okay oh i just practiced this one too i think this is the last thing that i tried before i started streaming there's a lotto thingy is that the tote that's not a toad house oh yeah yeah toad houses just look like a normal mushroom house i guess i just haven't run into any yet well there's speak of the devil there's one literally right there that's right it's time for adventure fellers okay don't know if there's a way to skip this i don't think there is i think i just have to wait yes thank you i know how to play thank you very much video game it takes so long to start running holy crap okay we gotta go this way now the way the runners do it they actually don't move the camera at all which is crazy they do the whole thing like at one camera angle um i am not qualified to do that yet not even close but if i couldn't get to that point that would be great ugh excuse me okay then we gotta go okay i remember now yeah i wanna do this i don't okay i think i'm safe okay yeah i'm safe just walk across any time grab some of this action no oh that's really bad i can't believe i slipped this is so sad can we get some sad in the chat big sad not f's just write big sad because that's a big sad moment i can't believe i fell no i was literally right at the end all i had to do was hit a p-switch and basically finish oh my god no i cannot believe that happened i was trying to go i'm just gonna walk it i am not falling this time okay there we go the beaks adds that's what we need grab grab this next okay at least we didn't die we didn't die didn't miss any green stars so i'll take it i'm not gonna complain we will work with this and split okay cool next we got three four oh my gosh ethan thank you so much and yes donna big sad i agree all right next 3-4 okay now i'm going into unknown territory i got to play as peach and i don't know the route let's do it oh 100 seconds this is the okay i remember the stage isn't there a thing back here yes thank god i remember that how many am i i only have to get first and i think first and third i'm not mistaken my splits do not say okay yeah yeah because yeah i can't actually get the third green star or wait a minute can i maybe i can hold on is that peach i can't tell oh it is peach let's just let's just get this because honestly i don't know the route please don't fall okay no it's just a stamp crap oh that was that was the worst thing i could have done i thought it was a green star no okay hold i don't want to go in there where is the oh wait a minute where is the other i don't know where the other green star is because i know there's one at the end of this pipe okay i'm gonna have to look up how to play this level normally because you definitely the run that i watched did not do this at all that's i know that for certain okay well you know what stars is pretty fast too i won't do any uh momentum jumps okay oh my god oh my god why did i grab the stamp i guess i wasn't really paying attention i was like ooh i gotta hit this button maybe i'll get a green star out of it so that's gonna lose us four seconds i think it's four seconds according to the guide all right perfect so next we'll do three at least that'll be see this is the time uh stick or uh the time loss i was talking about was that right there extra big two pound set exactly wispy uh movie guy i i will not do that i'm not gonna make trigger videos on people even if it's like nico or simpleflips um i don't feel comfortable doing that with uh like real people because like when i make those videos it is with fictional characters um so yeah when it comes to real person even though like if they're 100 okay with it i am just i would not i would never feel comfortable doing that so and thank you again ethan that's super generous of you holy crap man that's wild oh that's it we finished okay wow all right already at three five okay this is only two of them as well i think this is first and third oh i don't remember all right i don't know where these green stars are i hope i can find them do you need to play as peach though apparently is there a green star out here i honestly need to check i don't think there is okay good um okay i think what we want to do is want to bounce off this guy because in the run it was really cool in the run he just like avoided all the water there it's really neat i think i go through here for a s no was it the bottom maybe it's the bottom let me check green no green okay um where i don't know where it's gonna be hmm okay yeah there's one here i remember this one okay uh let's go through the pipe thank you okay we're not gonna take it we're not gonna get those coins we're not gonna get this the time it's got to find one more and i think it was for like basically all the ones where you don't get all the greens it's pretty much always first and third there's a couple words like first and second but um yeah for the most part it's just first and third green star oh oh god okay i thought i was taking damage there oh right yeah let's actually do this this will be faster um i think i don't know if there's something i think that's where actually the second green star is it's through the wall i'm trying to remember because i don't remember the run breaking that that wall or the run that i watched so glad you can swipe these things by the way imagine if you couldn't interesting so i don't know where this other green star is i don't remember okay well let's finish this for now this is fine because like i have to learn the route anyway okay i wish i remember where it was see we got a chat from uh regina and another one from ethan my goodness dude i hope you're okay with that thank you again but please only only do that if you're 100 okay with it but thank you okay let's go back into here we need to find this other green star [Music] you're the real mr beast i'm starting to believe it not gonna lie oh crap what if you actually are though who might be i'm also really sad i lost my cat suit but for this level doesn't matter that much yo let's go let's go that's what i'm talking about i can't believe it doesn't like hurt you just kind of like bounce off of their head everything's fine [Music] is there any more wait a minute hold on hold on is this where the green star is no not even close that's but that is something to know i should just take that next time that's where the first one was is twd 98 here uh probably not he pops into streams sometimes but not too often he usually just tunes in for like the mario kart stuff okay i need to look more carefully i guess um okay wait a minute that's a stamp no i got you baited come on i was like oh yeah i remember this time okay you know what let's just take this so i can blow up that wall at least get this green star i'm just gonna have to look up where this other green star is i genuinely don't remember i don't think it's here either or maybe it is is it it is okay i know this is definitely not what you do but you know what we're going with it if i could actually find the other green star while i'm doing this that'll be kind of nice don't grab that timer maybe it's like you know what it could be up one of those like crevices i could kind of see that too i guess i guess that could be it okay now we can actually hit our split see thank you again ethan all right perfect there we go holy crap three that that split took like eight minutes that's a lay oof okay three seven switchboard oh no there are some crazy skips in this level and i do not know them so i'll probably just be playing this mostly normally i remember where i think most of the greens are in this level let me see um it was not one i didn't think there was one up here i don't know there's nothing up here okay i really i just don't want to miss any at this point i don't think i need i don't need to hit that okay that was close that was so risky i shouldn't have done that please don't get hit okay thank god yeah the straps for this level are actually really good like like they're really cool okay that was really dumb i didn't i honestly didn't know what that thing was doing i thought it was um gonna just keep going like in its loop okay i know there is there's a green star here yes it is like right it's around here so normally the run they like ground pound to it but i really don't want to miss it so just gonna fall casually there we go okay so that was the first one nice do we like to see i really need to get a cat bell is there one where are they no there's none there either i think we go this way okay i remember what to do now it's like inside the waterfall or it's like it's like on the other side [Music] no no stop crouch and there it is i'll have to learn the fast way to get that one too okay okay oh wait was i suppose was that supposed to happen okay fall i okay got a brainstorm what am i what am i gonna do i'm dead i can't believe it this is so sad oh my gosh okay you know what we're gonna do actually let's get this let's get the red ring see if we can get a cat suit from this i don't know if we do on this level but let's see it would be nice come on quickly no come on that's not useful no we don't want that that's kind of okay that right there was kind of faster it kind of worked oh right okay so this time do not jump off okay is this even where okay the green star is here okay there's got to be a better way to get this um i do not know the route for this level actually i really want to learn the wrap for this one because i feel like it can go by so much faster that's for the stamp okay good to know so i don't need to jump down there okay and then this is not really faster all right um thank you again ethan holy crap man make your name disappear off the top chat that might happen because odyssey's still my favorite game it is one of my favorites is it my favorite mario game i don't know i would have to replay it like i've replayed it a little bit um and i don't know if i would still say it's my favorite it's hard to say also i'm going in that toad house we need to get a cat suit just gonna have to hope we get one and if we don't then i guess we're going back to 1-1 because i'm not really seeing like any other quick levels to get cat suits but there is a good chance that we can get one here according to the guide it's always best to hit the big box although i thought it was always random okay let's actually take this um we'll save the cat suit for a little bit [Music] i guess i probably should have grabbed the tanuki although that doesn't you can't do the momentum thing but i don't know the tanooki's more useful than this okay sexy got castle okay and this requires peach oh there are some crazy skips actually for this level and unfortunately i do not know them i remember them though they're insanely cool i wish i could do them i'm gonna learn them on this level because they don't look super difficult basically like you know how you go from like you stay on this side and then you go to the other side to um like get green stars you can do that without using the pipes you can just travel there it's insane um i do not feel comfortable enough in my jumps though to be able to make that especially since i think i need to do the extended hover jumps which is different than just the normal cat momentum oh my gosh really please be a cat suit okay i don't really i don't really want that but all right why not and there is i want to take this there's the what what are you doing toad he like waited so long okay we got all the green stars okay good so unfortunately we lost our cat suit but at least we got all the greens okay pom-pom the mad lad let's go okay see we're almost at an hour um 49 minutes okay we are finishing world three now so that means if i stay at this pace i wish i could do cat momentum this sucks if i stay at this pace i'll get around two-ish hours a little over two hours probably i'd say like two and a half um hopefully i can get better than that but i guess that's gonna be kind of like the goal for now okay well that's that we really need to get a cat suit though if we don't get one soon three b is that from the outer level because if it is i could get one here or not the meowzer level the um histocrat i think histocrats later i can't remember what 3b is it is with luigi i guess hopefully it'll show me no it's not gonna show me okay well if i'm just gonna go and hopefully this is histocrat i don't think it is i think he's like world five but i think he's three and five because i know we fight him multiple times yes okay i think we're in luck i think this is histocrat but let's see uh yes it is okay good okay so there's actually a really cool thing we can do with luigi but we're gonna have to get a cat suit first to make sure that we get one dang i wish i just let's go okay good so we can we can still do this trick i have not tried this but i have seen it and it doesn't look super difficult basically we're gonna stand like behind histocrat and um and so instead of climbing up like the little snake things and going to the pot we're just gonna do a spin jump and hit him from the back and hopefully not take damage okay spin jump and oh then i have to do a okay oh that's really easy actually all right that's my first time doing that that is not that hard okay well the spin jump's a little hard to get but [Music] there we go and what okay why didn't that work there we go okay i'm getting the hang of this this is actually a cool skip i'm kind of shocked um how easy this is i thought it'd be more precise [Music] okay that's it we got him [Music] okay obviously don't grab the timer this time oh that was close okay whatever that's fine we take those [Music] you have a student paypal with like a thousand dollars on it you didn't spell dollars right if this okay ethan if this is your parents money i hope um they're not upset about this because you've donated a lot today okay all right 4-1 and this is with peach a blindfolded speedrun of mario 64. that has been a thought of doing but i thought of something to do at some point okay here we go do i go up here oh no okay yeah so now we're at the point where we're at levels i really don't remember them at all like i remember this level but i have no idea where the green stars are i know where one is actually but that's it this is fine let's get this catfill oh my gosh is this cat uh nope okay there's a stamp up there let's try this is there a green yes there is and it's the first one okay very good that was scary all right i'm just gonna chill on this unfortunately there's not really much of a shortcut i can do here just kind of have to stay on the ant guy i actually think there is something i can do but i don't know what it is whoops okay okay good [Music] okay all right if he is i don't know the thing i don't know if he is but ethan if you are really like that young please don't donate that much anymore um i because that's gonna get you in trouble um i don't want you to get in trouble if that is the case um yeah that's okay that's the last i'm gonna bring that up because i know that's kind of the topic in chat um i gotta focus on this run but if that's the case please do not donate anymore oh i i don't have time to check but that's what the chat is saying oh crap dang it is god it sucks when you lose your cat suit is it no no okay the first one i think is just here oh crap okay good okay that's the first star okay so we'll just grab this to get bigger i think there's one in the water i can't remember yes there is okay i don't know how i remember that all right we take those though that's good no no no don't die please [Music] okay stamp um i you know what i feel like it is i can't remember you know what let's just take the time to check because i can't remember if the third green star is back here or not i don't think it is it might actually be through the door but let's check first okay actually if i get a mushroom though that would be good okay or just a coin oh my god don't die please okay so yeah it is all right so now i know that i can just take that top route that's good all right okay hopefully i can get a cat bell off this yes perfect okay i'm too scared to do cat momentum however i can do touch strats here [Music] okay that was definitely faster than me running around i feel like not by much but definitely a little bit oh i'm so scared of losing this okay good [Music] all right good okay here we go good so wait five castle oh crap i think there was a warp i was supposed to take i don't even remember what the warp is okay i'm legit just going to watch this run real quick i straight up don't remember this run is gonna have such a good time safe okay let's see um okay for two okay so i need to watch all right right okay all right i remember what i'm supposed to do now okay good okay i totally forgot about this warp okay so i hit the split a little early that is all right though [Music] okay then we just climb up here i just climb up like this yeah this will work okay but normally i wouldn't climb up like this i would get the third green star next and go for the pipe okay all right so i have this under wraps on to do that okay cool next we have captain toad we actually play a lot of world five believe it or not i think we play just about every level all right so another one i'm not familiar with okay let's grab this i don't know what door i don't think it's this one no okay so it's this one [Music] all right then we go through here and okay and we're up here now all right probably [Music] what on earth do i do next oh i probably need to fall down here yeah okay you tap this i think yep okay [Music] okay all right we're almost done this is actually pretty easy honestly easier than the other one we did and we just fall down and that's it cool all right yeah i'm playing the 3ds version exactly we're playing mario 3d land that's a game i'd probably never speed run i do not like how that game controls like it's it's fine but it just doesn't feel very smooth this game feels much smoother okay so we're only getting two stars here still playing as peach all right thank you very much brooklyn i saw your super chat earlier [Music] so i love that you can do this it's so cool how do i get out of oh how do i get out okay so i need to do a toss down here to get get that okay i think i also missed the coin i remember where most of these coins are is there's a green star in here i think if i'm not mistaken yeah you have to like kill all these guys now is this the first one let's see that's the third one okay so i'm still need to just get one more somewhere you know what i think it's in one of the goomba things actually one of the goomba sand statues i don't remember which one though maybe is it is it one in here i thought there was one inside a pipe [Music] there's a one up that's what i was remembering okay um there it is okay so yeah we'll just get these okay so now i know where to go to get that one so i couldn't remember where the green stars were all right perfect jump into here is our first time doing plessy because we skipped them uh in world one this might actually be the only time i don't remember seeing us when i was watching the run i don't remember there being the uh desert plessy level so this might be it okay so jumping on those pink fish things much slower so next time just try to avoid more of them there are a couple that i did on purpose yeah plessy go burr exactly let's go brewer all right good that is that look at those look at that sunglasses sticker that's pretty cool thank you very much i see all right all right five two is next then 5a this is a lot of peach levels at once oh yeah this level has some really cool skips too but i do not know them hello yeah it's the iphone version exactly you're right though and this is also just two there's one green there okay i isn't there like a green up here it's either a timer or it's a green okay okay that's the first one all right oh okay that scared the crap out of me okay oh next okay i remember this next one it's just a uh green it's like a green ring so if i just do that i should be fine i don't need to get the mega stamp all right can we not can we not fling onto everything come on there we go yes okay i remember incorrectly [Music] perfect all right good and there's also a really good skip here but again not familiar enough with the physics to do it [Music] okay cool we didn't die did lose our cat suit that's progress i'm not going to complain about that my favorite video game yes the answer to that is yes uh thank you very much balloons master okay 5a oh this will be pretty easy we're doing this with toad apparently i don't know if that's the fastest route but it works we will take it i gotta say world five is actually really fast this is a pretty quick level or a pretty quick world because we're already like halfway through it and it's only been like five minutes okay next five four oh my favorite level i love this level so much okay you know what we're grabbing that cat though well i found the green star it's a good thing i can uh just grab it real quick i totally forgot it was here okay then there's one more in the open field and then there's one at the end okay i remember all these green stars too okay with chem momentum we should get it really easily well if i could actually do it correctly all right you know what screw it i'm just going to chase them okay that was that was still fast all right this is actually a really good level to practice this there we go okay we got it a few times there nice all right i'm starting to get used to it a little bit okay then we just need to get our last green staff i was worried that was gonna happen okay well you know what's probably okay i have to do this that's so sad i was trying to use the touch strats but honestly i felt more comfortable just running around and getting them oh my gosh okay unfortunately we got to play that level over at least it's been a while since we've had to do that i think we've probably done this like three or four times so i guess i'll take it i gotta figure out backup strats too because i don't really know like i've been saying i don't know any backup strats for the green stars oh man okay well you know what i'll take this as an opportunity to just practice the cat momentum jumps okay thank you very much oh my jp there we go it's just like it's weird the timing is super specific there we go okay like if you see stars that means you messed it up if you don't see stars and you do the jump then you're good [Music] that was good okay at least that was partially good i'm not going to smash a through this okay yeah i'm not gonna do touch straps at least not at first i'm just gonna kind of just grab them okay there we go okay now we can hit our split [Music] okay uh what am i gonna do for a million subscribers i i honestly have no idea um i've i've really thought about it to be honest okay five six i mean i'd like to do something kind of big for it but i don't know i mean i always try to just generally do big videos so you know the idea of like saving a big video for a million subs i guess it just kind of sounds weird to me but maybe i'll think of something so i'm sure i'll think of something when i get closer but whoops is that where the second one is i can't remember let me see oh i don't think so yes y'all was right okay yeah okay sure now is this a i just want to see if it's a catsuit it is not okay good to know i'm too scared to do cat momentum jumps i just want to complete this without losing a stock no god this is this is brutal if you mess up that at all you got to do the whole level over this is really brutal okay yeah i know mega dude it's kind of wild i'm not gonna lie yep and we're almost there i can't believe that okay so like okay so here's what i think i'll do here's what i'm comfortable with i'm gonna get the first four green stars just on foot and then the last four i'm just gonna do touch straps just because those are kind of farther away i don't know i don't know if that's gonna be a good idea that's what i'm gonna try okay all right this i messed it up again oh my god i'm just taking the stock oh my god i can't believe it dang i don't have a single cat suit and i got hit dang all right well like i said um this is my first run so i was not expecting anything super good and that's okay let's go with what i have is this a double chair it's also okay i don't what is the point of the double cherry that's not gonna help well i guess technically to help avoid like the laser things but it's not gonna help with my situation i need the cat suit not the double cherry to be fair you know i've actually always kind of struggled with this green star i've never liked getting these coins that didn't count either oh my god okay i'm just i'm gonna keep doing it till i get it i don't care i have to figure out how to do this at least i got the checkpoint this time no i have to run it takes a while to run especially we don't have the cat suit oh my god i jumped i definitely jumped that time okay whatever all right i'm flustered and i need to just chill i start to play bad when i'm flustered so i'm like oh wow i've died like five times see i'm still flustered i need to just relax i need to relax take my time don't get hit by stuff you know what let's just take it we'll just take it okay think ahead i was not thinking ahead okay there we go all right i don't care i got hit that's fine okay yes finally okay now i gotta figure out where to get a cat suit uh what's up uh that political guy that political guy thank you for the super chat use the touch screen i did it didn't work all right it wasn't working i tried um you know what let's just go back we're gonna go back to world one we're gonna get the cat suit twice this level is at least quick uh next five seven okay and that's with luigi okay oh i can actually move again it is unbelievable once you start to understand this this jump holy crap you like don't want to do anything else it's so fast oh my god it's so unbelievably fast [Music] okay hey what's up uh achilles you very much i appreciate it uh first attempt yeah well honestly achilles the run was going okay until like five minutes ago i died like five times but i'm just gonna keep powering through because it is the first one and that's about all i can say i just have to keep trying at it okay so three is next there are three green stars um did i hold on i think i might have missed the green star i can't remember if i did or not okay so there is actually a way to like bounce off of yes i do not feel comfortable bouncing off of these things to get the green star so i'm just gonna do that because i saw that in the run too i was like wow that's kind of insane how do you do that go down here no i didn't think there was a star there i want to get the stamp i do want to go into here though there we go because this has a green okay cool this is officially cool i'm gonna lose my chance at the green are you kidding me come on oh my god you know what i'm just gonna reset i still have a cat bill so i can try again with a cat suit and it saved my green so that's good okay so that's a better spot okay so i climbed up too low the first time i think that was my issue you know what i'm gonna get this so i can try to get a cat bell darn it there's not one oh my this level's really scary and you're trying to do it really fast okay oh my god how did i not get hit at all [Music] okay well that was gonna happen oh my god come on [Music] okay cool is this the new game this is not this is the wii u version my gosh next okay 5c man i i have to go back there's no other toad houses or anything i'm gonna have to okay you know what i'm gonna have to do is learn um this is for anyone that's just hopping in to the chat when i lose my cat bell later in this run um i basically have to go back to this level to get them or go to a toad house but i don't see any toad houses nearby so this is what i'm gonna have to do for now at least this is only like a minute but still adds up fast when you keep going back here okay next we have five see after this we'll finally be done with with a five castle and then we go back to world one for a captain toad level and then world six we're actually getting really close to this very cool skip that i can't wait to do i've done it a bunch of times so yeah it's really neat yeah we're getting close to that area okay next yeah five castle am i gonna stream bowser fury yes uh rifer so the reason i'm actually speedering this is because i want to try to get good at speed running this game for that game in particular so like if i can if i can run the wii u version i can probably speed run the switch version like the day it comes out that's kind of the idea because that's what i did for mario 3d world i sped run um mario 64 in 3d world well i attempted it the the freaking camera was like uninverted so it made it so much harder but i tried so i want to do the same thing for uh bowser's fury okay i need to get all the greens here okay [Music] tap it there we go all right first one you know what i kind of i was like this is probably a bad idea and i still just kind of went it felt like it wasn't gonna work oh crap no i missed the green there that's a no bueno move no stop okay i gotta bust this out whoa that was close too and it is up here yes okay i'm glad i remembered that oh that would have been a little bit rough if i forgot that okay and this boss is super easy [Music] [Music] nice little spin all right i think the green is here although i honestly don't remember i think it's here oh no we already got them all i'm thinking of something else i think i think it okay you know what i'm thinking of i'm thinking of um there's like the boss rush level where you do all the bosses that's where the green usually spawned is there so i was i was kind of right but all right anyway we're done with world five that took a lot longer than it should have that's all right what that means is next time we do a run we're gonna save loads of time on these splits okay so next we're gonna go to world six go up the pipe come back down and then we're gonna go through a couple of pipes to get to the uh captain toad level oh it is not out yet josh the switch version comes out february 12th so obviously you're seeing the wii u version of the game okay great [Music] oh okay you gotta hit this rock i actually forgot about all this until i watched the run today the fact that you can use this to go back to world one then you go down here and then voila look at that we back [Music] okay one two three four five this is a really easy one i remember well obviously it's the first one but i remember this being super easy i love how it's still showing me how to do the camera controls i don't know the optimal route that might actually be slower to go down there first i don't think it is but it could be no i think i actually did it correctly i think that's probably the fastest way always a start on here okay oh okay got a little thrown off there please don't get hit thank you you know what yeah next time let me just damage boost through because like what's the point i might as well it doesn't matter i can take one hit at any point in this level and be fine okay now we're going oh i guess we have one more to do in world five five three well why didn't we do that earlier that's weird okay i wonder why you don't do that one right away oh maybe you have to you know what it is you probably have to unlock it with a certain amount of green stars i bet that's what it is okay and well let me see is this yeah i think this is five three if i'm not mistaken uh yes okay and we're doing toad cool thank you xbox the gamer oh yeah this level okay um hmm i don't i don't think i'm gonna need this for anything one now is the other green up here it's not okay where is it i don't remember it's been forever since i've played this level that's it oh okay i just gotta hit this this is prop please don't be a stamp no it's this freaking stamp i don't trust those buttons anymore those buttons are cursed every time i think i'm gonna get something i need it never happens okay well where the heck i wish i remembered oh my gosh i don't remember at all where this other green star is i only have 18 seconds left oh my god where is it is it up here oh wait a minute is it hold on is it like up here i'm just so perplexed where is it of course of course that's all it was okay oh i don't have the cat suit now no this i'm gonna have to take the stock wow world okay world five has been a disaster i'm not gonna lie okay let's get out of here we're gonna get two cat suits again so now i know what to do okay all right let's go and i cannot wait to learn this route i think this game is going to be super fun to run once i know everything i'm really excited honestly to like just learn the route i think that's just going to be a good process okay you know what screw it i'm not i need to have two suits [Music] okay good i've seen the huge skip in three one using the propeller box i think i saw it obviously i'm i'm not at a point where i can actually do it but i do think i did see it um there is honestly a lot of insane skips um in some of these levels especially the later levels they're really crazy okay this will be easy now that i know where that first star is this will be super easy like i don't even need a double cherry why would you ever need it like even like normally you just literally climb up super simple but okay i'm glad i waited okay and let's just do that okay good so we got that under wraps now we're starting world six okay here we go we got a pipe for a toad house that's actually kind of nice so next time i lose my cat suits i'm going to go to world 5. i got gotta remember to do that okay then we're doing peach for this we're only getting two of the stars that'll be it i don't know which two but i guess we'll see in a bit well i know i know yeah one of them's right there i remember that one i don't remember the other two though [Music] okay that's one that was close oh my god that was close that could have gone so much worse [Music] okay let's just stick with those two i don't know so there is also a skip where you're basically supposed to climb up this pipe um and it's faster than taking the pipe but like it it doesn't seem like it's that much faster so i'm not even going to try to do it however i only need this is actually okay that's really easy [Music] no i was worried that was gonna happen whoops there we go okay please oh my god it's gonna be close i have to do this [Music] okay oh my god [Music] fellas that was close holy crap that could have gone so much worse jeez okay can i uh dive out of this no okay you know that's all right i think you can there's a way to like climb up it yeah and i do only need the two okay just double checking so that's it for that okay good six two's next thank you hazardous material uh how have i been team g i've been pretty good um it's been a lot of fun actually just be run something different even if i'm not that familiar with it that's i think what's kind of cool about it it's like you know i've stream mario 64 what a thousand bajillion times so it's cool to do something different although i because i gotta get all three of the greens here i have no idea where on earth they are in this level i feel like i might have missed one i don't know why maybe not but it does kind of feel like i did it was a stamp does not help me in the slightest oh nice okay i don't know if those will be useful at all but cool i totally missed a star somewhere okay um i remember there's one here okay i remember this one i'm way too scared to do these jumps across these planks okay there i did one oh there's a star for killing these bullies i think that was the first one actually okay uh no no green star from that i thought there was dang i really don't remember where they are okay i'll just have to look more carefully i was hoping i just kind of run into them but i guess not [Music] did i play the splatfest i played about 10 minutes and then i stopped because i've played a lot of splatoon 2. i mean i've played i think i have like 700 hours logged into it so i'm just like completely over that game so yeah i did like two or three matches and i was good i didn't really feel like playing anymore [Music] okay so i gotta find these other stars i think there's one like at the beginning that i just didn't is there no i thought there might have been one year in the beginning um i don't know if i have to like take out bullies to get stars i can't remember i thought i might have had to for like okay i might actually have to since i got that so let me try it for both of these ones okay i actually do think i have to let's see one and yes okay so we found so i gotta get the bullies next time this next one um is i mean maybe it's in here i just didn't see it i i guess i'm not sure okay i don't see it up there is it oh is it um oh there it is it's down here okay all right that honestly that's fine i can get a backup suit after this level [Music] okay this is faster that's why i did that hope i don't die now that i don't have any hit points oh yeah i'll be fine yeah this is like the end now i know there's also touch strats for the bullies but i'm not really familiar with how to use those because i think you can just like freeze them or something but i don't remember exactly okay yeah holding the bullies all right i'll try it next time do not die i swear to god all right so go back get the cat suit and then we move on to six two or we move on to six four i mean i've seen plane rock lego mario dropping i've not watched that no i haven't watched a plane rock video a long time i think i watched his ps5 video but that was it okay let's go back to world five we're gonna hopefully get a cat suit from the toad house if we don't then we gotta go to world one but we're gonna take a gamble and try to get one faster yes let's go okay we got one good very nice let me get some pogs and chat that's a pog moment okay next six four okay ooh this level this is a scary level yeah i'm not gonna take this one that fast it is i guess it's kind of an auto score but you can make it not based off of the footage that i saw you can actually make this level really fast hey thank you very much sam appreciate the kind words there has to be a green star up here right no no green star okay what about this it's all for a stamp oh my god okay i think i need to redo this level um i honestly don't want to die cause i want to keep the cat suit okay yeah i totally missed stars okay um well i'll just get what i can for now that was close yep so i missed the first one i actually think i know where the first one is too i think i remember now oh that was scary i'm glad that works all right okay okay so i have to remember the i think isn't it like i think it's in a clear pipe if i'm not mistaken if it's in a clear pipe then this will be at least quick it'll be quick to finish this uh do i watch anime not really i've watched some but i don't watch it like regularly get top 30 and i'll donate i don't think i'm gonna get top 30 not with this time i've already passed world records so the world record for this category is an hour 35 or an hour 48. um what actually is top 30 what is like the best time for that i think it's like near two hours or something um and this is my first run like i don't i don't even want to submit this like i want to submit it once i have a good run or like something that i'm happy with okay i know there's like ways to save time here but i can't remember what was done i think he like did skip ahead okay so there's nothing there okay yes it's this okay so i was right it was the clear pipe nice that was really scary i'm glad i didn't die there oh no i can't i'm not gonna make that okay so this is i think it's one of those levels where you have to try to do it in cycles like you have to basically follow a cycle and not really mess it up because when i was watching this run i mean he the guy was just moving luigi master that's his name he has world record he was just uh he was just plowing the whole time he didn't take any breaks to stop at any point also i'm a little sad i lost my cat suit gonna have to get another one maybe we'll run into a toad house of world six but uh i don't know or maybe we'll find one honestly i might just play world six and then wait until we get another one that might be a better idea [Music] okay hit that late okay 6a i don't need a suit for that that's fine i'll just play it especially for this one this one's not that bad i'm joining him one okay there we are oh that's so much just literally hold right okay that's something i do from now on that's way easier [Music] cool okay six six is next i hope we get a toad house please [Music] come on spawn i don't want to do one one again guess we'll find out no oh wait a minute hold on hold on this if this is six six yes okay this will 100 have a cat suit we'll be good because we have to climb up the walls yeah so we're set actually we're just gonna have to get one first yeah there'll be one in one of these there we go okay is there a a green here i feel like there's a green around here timer there we go is that the first one okay good to know is there a green in this box no okay next next we go to the right okay i'm not seeing anything okay i hope that's it i i do believe that's it for greens in that part though okay this will be another green okay that's a really easy one start number two okay oh okay just trying to remember where this i have no idea where this third coin is it's either up here or it's up the stairway it's probably this because this is harder let me see unless i think i have to check okay it's there all right good so i found it very nice what what okay good okay all right that one's done i'm not doing 100 i'm doing any percent run so any percent basically means just beat the game and i only have to play certain levels if i hit 100 this would take all day like getting everything and doing all the levels i mean there's a lot of levels in this game there's over 100 i think i'm only doing like 30 or 40 in this run it's not that many oh my god the prosofia gaming is here what's up dude bowser is the final boss you're funny what's up man i haven't talked to you in a while hello oh my gosh that's hilarious i was that's a you were like the last person i was expecting to see all right so um for this level there is actually you can actually skip like all this auto school apart by literally just climbing up but i don't know the path at all so i'm just going to go up it normally i don't want to even try to do something i'm not familiar with yeah this is something i'll definitely need to learn because it saves a lot of time number one oh there's another one inside here oh no never mind it's another part it's coming up okay that was scary okay another start here okay so now i'm remembering uh so i know the last one is this one's getting close as well but yeah skipping this is actually insane because like once you get to a certain point the camera just moves up with you but you like you have to know exactly where to go okay it's right inside here perfect you know what whatever i'll take it i didn't get squished i didn't lose the cat suit so i'm not gonna complain cool all right now we can do some actual speeding there we go that was speedy that's what i like to call good speeding right there [Music] i should add prozaf's gaming to your 12 days of nintendo well he kind of he didn't really make an appearance but uh we did a little a little goof thing on him and i actually i did actually ask him if he was okay with it and he said he was so um i'm not one to make goofs on people unless they're okay with it so i'm glad he was because a lot of people actually really liked that joke okay um i think this is where the house is yes okay six mystery house [Music] i missed you i saw you left the message uh pro sophia i did not read it i missed it oh this level is insane yes okay look at that he just okay this is like lots of touch control stuff boom done look how easy that is it's gonna be so much harder to do this though on the uh on the switch version because obviously won't be a touch screen so i don't really know how this is gonna work i almost wonder if the switch version like isn't even gonna be run [Music] hmm can i tap the pal blocks that would actually be sick if i can do that just tap all these it's so easy roblox gaming says hi pro sophia okay what do we got next um [Music] we got the castle next oh hell yeah let's go already finishing up world six that's what i'm talking about cool all right we got all these stats i think it's another auto scroller so it's another one i can't really go fast in but honestly that's fine with me i just want to keep my cat suit and hopefully find another one somewhere this is like a break level i guess that's like a good way of putting it oh i don't like you though you go away go i do i really do not want that oh is there a green star i don't think there's a green star in these bricks i hope not at least i don't remember there being one um if there is then i guess that's kind of oof okay that was the first one look at that bombs okay i don't need that for anything well that was cool i was clawing the side of the wall so fast there ugh excuse me wait a minute you know what i think there's actually a green star in uh one of these boxes i think it's in that one if it is then that kind of stinks we'll have to redo it or redo the level but uh yeah maybe i'm wrong i don't think i'm wrong i'm fairly certain there's one in there please be wrong [Music] i've never wanted to be more wrong oh wait is it up here this is like it's like a speedrun let's play almost oh wait a minute oh hold on i think i'm overthinking is this star 2 no it's i was right it is in the stupid box oh my god well let's just finish the level for now then we'll go back and then we're going to break that box open get the green star hopefully not honestly let's just not lose our catsuit that's the most important part of this hey you know what is cool though we get to fight boom boom the mad lad twice there's nothing wrong with fighting him twice in a row because he is indeed a mad lad all right [Music] can't believe you watched us for two hours me neither if you've been here the whole time then big props that's awesome [Music] all right fellas i'm only going to ask you this once can we please drop the ethan thing please i don't want to have to to uh slow down the chat more i'd rather not i like keeping it kind of fast that's all i'm asking you the situation is over [Music] okay [Music] let's do this and i hate that i gotta do this level again this level's so long no i'm just gonna hit like all these bricks and see which one has the green star but i think it was the one where there was like four corners of boxes i i'm fairly certain i remember hitting it so i don't it's not this one it's not obviously this is the first one for the first one's coming up i mean but yeah take this to there is that good enough no it wasn't come here no no bob um come here i need you okay i'll i'll take the damage i don't care okay at this point i just want to get the stupid star all right good i can get a cat suit later oh my god please don't die [Music] oh my god i'm so scared of dying that was close i thought i was dead right there okay we just have to beat boom boom okay i'm usually not nervous but like i can't get hit it's just boom boom there we go there we go all right [Music] okay thank god [Music] and boom we're done done with world six well we still have to technically one more level but we're almost done with it all right cool so let's see if we can get a suit here i don't think we do isn't this uh motley i think it's motley so actually this is fine with motley box bob you don't really need a um i don't think you really need a cat suit for this one yeah it's motley blob okay i will still get a mushroom though that'll be good to have but that's gonna be about it okay or a double you know what might as well this is so scary with one health point oh man a toad impression oh that's not a good idea maybe later come here there we go got the bigs up okay oh i haven't lost any of these guys yet actually kind of surprised all right take that [Music] dang a little slow having to work with all of these but you know oh he added the timer no that is not good all right whatever we didn't lose that time we're done with the world six two more worlds to go we're sitting at two hours seven minutes okay so if i can get sub 230 i'll be happy [Music] okay next we have peach we only have to get two coins or only two green stars here and next world we get to do a really cool skip as well okay there i don't think there's a uh cat suit here so i'm gonna have to go back and get one don't have much of a choice but i gotta do it okay all right there we go i can finally play again man i really hope this isn't patched in the bowser's fury version i really like this actually so cool [Music] okay got our cat suit back to world seven mario is not useless he has a strong punch he does in mario 64. this game not so much he unfortunately he doesn't have any use in this game okay you got it yeah just gotta get two here i'm gonna be so careful these levels these levels actually start to get kind of hard just i know i only need two of them okay oh i think there's one up here i'm not mistaken let me check yes question mark yes there is okay i don't know this is faster but uh this is what i will go with i i feel like it's probably not the one i actually want to do oh holy crap wow that was close okay so that's two stars we'll just finish level i think that wasn't the one we want to do but um we'll see i don't want to grab that let's just do this while we're up here okay yeah so it would definitely be faster to not go down the pipe yeah so next time i'll just get the third green star instead also this part can be skipped you don't even have to take the pipe you can actually run across the top of the pipe and uh still make it which is kind of wild i'll just do that okay didn't lose a cat suit didn't die that's what i'm talking about perfect well i was only blue to look pretty and that's the gameplay significance but i feel like it should yeah well i mean technically speaking i think blue lava is hotter than red i don't remember because blue suns because like in real life i think blue suns are hotter so i guess that's kind of the idea i don't really know it would be kind of cool if it did something different like gameplay-wise okay we're getting all these stars actually okay so i'm just gonna do the boost but it's actually faster to just do the um just the normal uh momentum jumps okay that's fine i'm just you know what i'll just roll with it okay go back around okay it's fine yes okay i didn't die i didn't die we have a backup suit let's go that's what i'm talking about yes oh man feels good to not die champions roads can be a breeze with the cat mario amiibo i well maybe i really think it's well only fair enough because you get the white tanuki tail um that's actually an interesting idea like will you be able to spam it because i don't know if you'll be able to do that or not we're doing some four next okay it's this one we're getting all three we're doing uh peach okay [Music] so this level uses a lot of um of the momentum jumps to skip stuff but uh i don't really know them yet so i'll mostly just be playing this level oh my god oh my god the bully is still following me he's gonna die see ya that's the ultimate debate oh that was close i actually remember where the second one is it is on the left over here that's the stamp i remember the stamp okay i'm alive that's what's important i did not die there although i'm out of a cat suit which is really bad hopefully i find one in this level somewhere okay oh man that's really bad i lost my cat suit um let's keep going please be i really hope there's one nearby okay i'm gonna hit this i'm gonna hit this checkpoint i'm glad i hesitated so i was like you know what it feels like i shouldn't go i'm so glad i didn't okay please be a cat suit come on no i don't i really don't need that at all [Music] okay yep i remembered this one this uh remember where that green star was all right we're getting pretty close to the end of this level bully the bullies that's what we're doing right now lethal lava land star 2 except they're all big bullies you know what you can probably skip that with a cat jump i'm not gonna lie i think you can skip that entire section i just don't have the suit so i can't even try it but i think you probably could that would not surprise me if that's possible okay cool so we got that uh whoops hit split okay 7a another easy one um we're not going to go for i'm not going to try to get a cat suit yet hopefully i i honestly might just keep going i don't want to keep going back to 1-1 which one's 7a or is it the uh it's probably the brolder i would guess let's see is it lay brolder yes it is okay oh this is your first stream welcome to the stream okay okay this is oh my god holy crap that took a different turn out of nowhere oh my god so i'm supposed to actually save all those boulders to use them um i'm gonna have to wait for them to spawn new boulders which is slower but to be fair i've never attempted this with that strategy i've always just like sacrificed two boulders and then that was it and i'm dead so there's that too okay let's try again okay save one i want to save one at least well there goes okay come on no it's gone crap okay crap no i thought one would survive i should have picked one up okay at least it's only one more hit okay there we go holy crap jeez i should not have lost the stock there all right yeah that's a brooder moment i agree that's just a brutal moment okay next five oh after this seven castle and then um i think after that it's the really cool skip okay there i'm fairly certain there's a cat suit in this level so i'm just going to go into it we need to get all of the uh i i need a cat suit a lot yeah i really need one as soon as possible okay at least the mushroom okay yeah because i think i have to climb up one of these walls yeah right over there now can i get around there let me see hold on that was close okay sure you know what i think i got a power from taking all these out let me try i need to go back and get the green star still uh i get a green okay so we have that let's just nab this real quick okay i'm gonna try something i i don't know if it's gonna work let's just try wait no i don't want the stamp no no no no that i do not want this okay here we go now we're talking if only i had the cat said i could just climb back up that would be really nice so that's good that's good to know i know the route now to get up there really quickly okay good okay and i room i kind of remember how this works as well yes we got a checkpoint i really thought there was a suit in this level and there might have been it's just that i was small peach unless there's one here no there's not okay i'm gonna save this for the way back there okay i do remember this there is a green here okay i'm glad i remember that one grab this and then this action okay good see this actually skips a cutscene i think which is why we do oh my god which is why they do that holy crap i gotta book it oh no oh are you serious this would be so much easier with the freaking cat okay all right okay let's do something different we're gonna long jump right into this go here we go okay this should be good all right holy crap okay that's my first time doing it like that too i usually don't get the switches in that order okay so unfortunately we lost the cat suit there or we lost we took a stock did not want to take a stock [Music] lots of time steve lots of time saved next time i do this imagine getting a rum where i don't die at all i'd be saving like 30 minutes probably would save a lot of time what pipe i don't know what the pipe is for i don't well there might be a toad house let's check i really should just check first because there could be it's captain toad okay not what i wanted all right i gotta do it because now we're doing a pretty hard level so [Music] well not this one but the one that's coming up also i think am i missing a split i might be missing a split um because it says seven ct oh cap oh i was supposed to do that okay well i need the cat suit anyway so that's fine i thought it said seven castle it's like what [Music] okay this is gonna be close all right it worked [Music] okay good yes kitty momentum it's super cool it's just when you lose your suit oh my god that's like the worst thing because it's so hard to recover from that these this is brutal like i have so much more respect for people that speed around this game because my god if you lose your cat suit like your run is basically over like you you don't have much of a choice unless you're like you know near the end or something then and or like maybe say like you near the end of a level or you're going into a level that you know as a cat suit or maybe if you're lucky there's a toad house and you might get one there like holy crap there is not much room for uh for messing up you just kind of have to do it and it's like not only can you not get hit you have to play fast too okay gotta take the swamp is this this might be i don't know if we do any more captain toads for this run i know there's still one more level but i can't remember if we do any more um uh any more captain toad levels for this uh category okay got to that why does fold i can't just fall down there okay i didn't think so okay good at least that one went well the captain toads are kind of like freebies like captain toads in any of the a levels that's just like your you know time to just kind of chill for a minute okay cool we're done with that we have two cat suits and uh seven seven is next okay so now it's two more levels and then i think the cool skip okay this is peach gotta get all oh we gotta get all three oh my god this is a hard level though oh man okay i honest i just need to be you know what and no it's not this level where i need the boomerang it's another one i think it is um it's the bowser level world eight i'm remembering correctly don't think it's this one okay just making sure i hope i'm not missing any stars i guess i'll find out when i get this oh okay so i actually do the boomerang okay i'm glad i grabbed it i am really glad i grabbed it now that sucks but i have boomerang which is probably more vital so uh i am dead very good just lost my cat suit but at least the boomerang is accessible okay all right you need to get out of here okay oh we need to get this oh my god go away this is so scary okay we're good all right what's next oh it's just right there okay this is easy to spot i will take that honestly i'm just gonna i'm gonna chill here i do not wanna die again okay and then all right so it's over here on the right okay oh my god that was scary okay well besides the death that was that went all right it went okay can definitely improve though [Music] you just joined wii u version please read the pinned message read the pin message all right seven castle don't know if there's a cat suit here but i'm just gonna go just enough green stars all right so i didn't miss any green stars that's good i didn't think so but can we do peach for this one as well okay this level i you definitely need a boomerang i remember this and one of the okay that's fine um because one of the hammer bros has boomerang flower so i know we need it for that and we need it for like the end too well that is not you know what i'm taking a stock i have to big peach i think to get the boomerang flower so i'll just take a stock maybe not you know i'm just gonna try it let's see okay so wow that was really close that was ridiculously close actually okay good first one and the next one is up here i'm not even sure if i can reach this without a cat suit oh i think i have to bounce off this guy okay maybe maybe is that what i'm supposed to do i don't remember unless you know what let me try something it's just the p switch to drop it okay i don't want to do that [Music] oh that was so close i've got to get up there before i hit the p thing because i know the p-switch drops the gate and then i can't get the green star i think i actually need oh my god peach stop dang i might need a cat suit okay i think i need a cat suit i don't know what else i can do to get up there oh my gosh this run is ridiculously brutal holy crap like seriously if you lose your cat suit at any time that's it you lose so much time well i'm not getting i'll be happy with sub three at this point if i can get sub three hours cool [Music] wow jeez i can't believe i needed a cat suit so i have to have the cat in the boomerang because that's what i was thinking of before so i gotta have both i've been live streaming since before today if you're in uh europe then yeah you're right cause i started at seven and now it's nine so that sounds about right okay okay well we got our power-ups now so we can try again okay here we go okay i'm gonna save the cat suit for now oh my god jesus if i lost it there that would have been the worst thing ever i just go hold on oh my god okay i tried something okay i tried to like get up higher but alright whatever [Music] okay i'm so scared of losing the suit i'm keeping this actually this is worse i have to keep this for the third uh green star okay okay oh my god okay got that [Music] no oh i'm so tired of losing the freaking catsuit i have had enough of that it is so annoying when you lose it however i think this is all this is like a touchscreen battle okay this will at least be easy an easy battle incoming oh i wasn't paying attention and i fell that's okay um i think it saves the boss fight it doesn't oh my god this is the worst thing ever i don't have my cast suits anymore wow easy oh my okay that deserves some f's can we get some f's for that oh my god are you freaking kidding me wow i can't believe it was there not a single hold on was there not a single checkpoint or maybe i just missed it if i just missed the checkpoint then that's my fault but if there is no checkpoint what on earth holy crap i don't even care um you know what we're doing this we're running across the clear type or the clear pipe this time wow i can't believe it that's unbelievably unlucky [Music] [Music] okay we keep going we don't stop no matter how bad the run is we keep going there was a checkpoint okay guess who's hitting a checkpoint on that level every single time even if it wastes time i will always hit a checkpoint on that level so so actually that was the first time i've ever tried to do that bowser fight with just the touch screen um because that's what i saw on the run so i didn't really know which direction to aim and that's why i fell it just sucks that it took me all the way back here i had to complete that level again okay here we go oh my gosh i cannot believe that just happened oh no no no you get the star you need to get the start that star is really scary to get by the way it's very close to the lava there we go okay this is what i should have done before it was something like that of course he snipes me but you know what i'm keeping the boomerang i don't care i don't need the cat suit to fight bowser okay yeah i did miss the checkpoint okay and it doesn't really waste time so yeah i need to get that every time now holy crap what is this is this just a mushroom let me check i know there's something in here oh it's just a boomerang okay well that's still good sniping you guys there we go okay close enough wow i still can't believe that oh my god how do you even pull that off how do you actually lose your boomerang like that wow okay i need to figure out which direction to aim in this time oh my god that was wild okay hold this direction keeping it still come on what okay oh mike this is not at all what's supposed to happen i'm supposed to get this like i had the first bowser perfectly there we go dang cause like so the way that fight normally goes is you don't even see this box like ever you just basically take him out in like 10 seconds there we go okay i got the groove now maybe no i just barely missed it there we go [Music] okay so i think i got the hang of this now it just sucks that i had to redo like two freaking levels just to try the fight again what no what okay how do i keep missing that come on i just don't want to die that's all i just don't want to die that's it it's a simple request how is that happening okay it's over we got him ladies and gentlemen we got him holy crap this is the longest this split is 14 minutes holy crap this is a long split [Music] the time save is going to be insane on the next run i don't even know if i can do the glitch when i'm this when i'm small peach i think i can if not i will have to do it i guess after getting bigger i don't know i'll try it is small peach okay hold the split there oh i guess i could have split a little bit later oh that's fine am i doing champions road no champions road is not a part of uh not a part of this run this is just any percent so you're just trying to beat the game in general i'm just glad we're finally on the final world though that's good we made it [Music] i really don't know if this glitch is going to work when i am not cat peach i think i have to be cat peach just based off of how the hitboxes work in this game i will try it a small peach i really don't know if it's going to work but i guess we will see if it doesn't i'll get cat peach again and then i'll be able to do it so basically what we're going to do it's actually really sick so base you probably notice the hub world is all like connected into one place so we're going to glitch on top of this clear pipe and then we're going to basically head down right and then left a little bit and then we're going to land in a different level and that is going to say if done right it saves like two minutes of time so but the thing is i'm small peach so i don't know first try okay sure no then i fell off okay so at least i know it works a small peach okay okay you know what this is a problem i need to be i think cat peach because she falls too fast but that's the glitch isn't it it's super cool um all right i guess i got to be cat peach though all right dang it i'm so tired of this level i'm just gonna speed around this level from now on whole game not worth it we're just doing world one one [Music] i swear to god peach okay nice holy crap even this is going slow because i gotta get that cat bell and then i have to get the goomba one [Music] all right cool okay let's do this glitch because this glitch is sick once we can do it [Music] it's the third live video been on today wow it's a lot of stream watching okay here we go let's get it this time okay try again i didn't mean to jump off like that you're supposed to just like fall down you don't actually jump okay this might actually work okay let's see we're on the money we got it yes okay we just skipped like three levels doing that all right there we go yes okay uh i don't know the timing to do this i really don't want to lose the suit i'm just gonna do that okay close enough [Music] oh okay whatever i'll roll with that okay okay four more to go i had a feeling that was gonna happen i just had a like a crunch you know or whatever it's called just had a feeling okay we didn't die we didn't die we have a backup cat suit that's what i'm talking about good okay now let's finish world 8 this is it this will be the end okay all right we just need to get two stars here that'll be it yep we're in world bowser now the best level or the best world i mean best world music yeah i thought there's a cat suit here oh my god that was so close well this is why we have the backup okay okay i'm really glad i did that even though it was slower that's good [Music] okay oh my god come on [Music] i don't even know oh okay i know where the other green star i think it's behind me if i'm not mistaken it is behind me that is the stamp okay i am glad i'm remembering a lot of this stuff but i just wish it was the right things i was remembering thank god there's another cat bell suit here that's really good to know so if i end up losing it in this level then i can just kind of make up for it later oh holy crap all right good okay last screen stars right here snap that real quick [Music] okay and you can you know you can probably jump to that too i think i remember watching that in the run so i'll have to practice that okay good we didn't die progress that's what i'm talking about [Music] i see a couple people asking when the game comes out so about bowser's fury the switch version of this comes out february 12th so less than a month from now actually pretty soon all right let's see eight two i think we do we do almost all levels in world eight oh wait okay i was gonna say i didn't think we did plessy we have the roulette thing how about a toad house in case i lose the suit that would be kind of nice wait what we do do plessy oh okay interesting i hope i remember where all the green stars are here since i can't really take my time on this level i'm gonna check behind me okay okay i see one in the air just have to bounce off one of these guys you have got to be kidding me i can't believe that happened i just i want to reset no i can't i don't want to lose the cat suit okay i can't reset i'll just have to practice it just have to accept that i uh i'm not gonna get it this one i don't even know where the other oh you know what the third one is in one of these goombas i think but i don't remember which goomba oh it's probably in the bowser i bet it's in the bowser because it's the it's like the odd one out that has to be it i'm sure you check you can let me know since i have to do this level again anyway i only got one star that time okay big slide wait a minute isn't it hold on maybe it's down here [Music] oh never mind i'm thinking of the mario kart level when i saw the big slope i like to think it was the end of the mario kart one it is not in the bowser it is in the bowser very reliable reliable sources here i think it's in the bowser i need all three stars in the level because the final castle still requires a certain amount of stars so that's why i have like numbers next to my splits is to tell me how many stars i need because some levels i only need two and some i need three so that is uh that is why gonna be over a three hour run holy crap i'll be able to get this run down a lot like once i learn the route and get a little bit better at some of these mechanics um these runs will be a lot smoother i'll save tons of time [Music] okay i actually want to skip this i'm gonna start hitting these heads i think it's the bowser i really do it's not oh yes it is okay it just spawns that's kind of weird all right short i'll take it okay got all our green stats yeah this road is so like bumpy okay cool no that next doing 8t i think it's the train level that's next it's not out no it's not out yet when i said bowser i wasn't saying talk about bowser's fury let's talk about literally the bowser statue okay i need some ouija okay come on i swear to god okay you know what screw it this is an auto scroller so i'm saving this cat suit oh i remember this level though this is the level where um i couldn't get all the coins i remember this level very fondly now because of that and there might have actually been a way to do it but i couldn't figure it out at least i got some comments saying that it might have been possible potentially but i don't know this game was so hard to do all coins for wait isn't the star like in the box oh no no no not at all it's in uh goodness okay uh do i climb up here for this green i don't know that's just the stamp okay that's what i thought however i do believe the green is in here yes okay don't know how i remember that okay good okay cool just the boss i really don't need the cat suit for this either i'll just save it i wonder if there's a way to be able to tell which one is uh oh which one is the real one i don't know if there is i'll have to check i'm just gonna have to watch a lot more of the guides i think [Music] okay there we go now we'll bring this bad boy out do a bit of cat jumps okay i got like two maybe i'll take it yeah under four hours hype we're gonna get under four hours i mean we don't have that many levels left we probably got i don't know maybe five or six levels to go that's about it the thing is if i die or lose my cat suit it's gonna make these so much harder i really hope i don't lose my cat suit anymore okay oh forgot to hit my split okay this eight fours is eight four okay good oh i do not remember this level well at all you know what that would have been a good spot for a green star let's just be honest that would have been a great spot for one i think there is one though and on one of these swamps maybe not okay there's a green oh stats let's go very nice so i probably don't need to get stars next time it's not really necessary i guess for safety precautions it's fine but you know we don't have to do it okay i don't see any uh stars on the horizon that's good okay i'm playing i'm not comfortable with this level so i'm just gonna play it safe i will do cat jumps when i am way more used to how this level works [Music] okay isn't this just like basically go forward yeah okay so i thought wait hold on what was that what was that it's a stamp god dang it okay well now i know oh wait there's a purple yeah purple box okay i remember this okay very nice wow okay yeah this level once i once i like learn where the paths are i can do this way faster like without a doubt it won't be like i just have to learn where the paths are because avoiding the bullet bills aren't that big of a problem so good didn't lose cat suit didn't die that's what i'm talking about [Music] there we go got a couple super chats uh please play bowser's furry maybe when it comes out not maybe i will when it comes out it wasn't in the bowser it was i hit the bowser and then the star spawned so technically wasn't inside it but it counts or at least that's what i did and it worked um anyway eight six oh so this level is insane it like um so yeah like i've seen like high high level play on this on this level in particular it is absolutely ridiculous but uh i'm basically just gonna play it normally because there's not really um because like basically like what they do is they like hop onto this question mark block and then hop all the way to the other side and uh yeah that's a little too precise for me to be able to do at this point in time or i can do a bit of this okay got that yeah and this can also all be skipped you don't even need this circle part but um that's like a really advanced route so won't be doing that one okay i really hope i'm not missing any green stars i don't think i am but fairly certain i'm not ourselves a little checkpoint [Music] okay so the run never went inside that box so i'm not going to either you go into this door though and then you go into this one okay all right let's see i feel like i should have got another star by now maybe i was supposed to go inside the purple box i just don't remember seeing it when i was watching the uh the actual run okay this just got spicy with all these dry bones okay i think i definitely missed a green star somewhere god this is a long level i cannot believe i missed the green star in this level let me see yeah god dang it i don't even know where it is i don't remember [Music] hmm is the other star i don't remember okay i'm just gonna have to look more carefully because we are pretty close to finishing this run so i just want to finish it okay i just kind of i want to like look it up or something but i just don't think i have time to do that right now is one of those levels that like i've just never liked at all okay should be good okay i guess i'll try the purple box um i just i don't remember it's a purple box at the bowser thing okay [Music] so i guess all right i guess i'll try it it's a lot of dry bones [Music] okay let's give it a shot [Music] god dang it so there is a green star okay well good to know hard lesson learned and then where does this take us oh okay then it just takes us there all right okay well now we know yeah so next time i will save this is not even a hard level i'm gonna save it bare minimum like two minutes just because i have to redo the level [Music] i see a lot of people asking for a 3d world challenge video uh yeah there will there will be one there'll be another one um thing is i it's not i'm not gonna do it on like this game it's gonna be on the switch version and i'd like it to involve bowser's fury but uh i don't know what exactly the challenge will be yet i mean it's probably going to involve just the bowser's fury mode but i don't know it might just be an all coins video it could be something more interesting i i couldn't tell you i haven't played the game yet so i haven't come up with what would really work well okay all right well we're done with that 3d world without a power up that's a speedrun category so that would not make for an interesting video at all uh this game can be very easily beat without a a power rope i'd want to do something like very very difficult like all coins that was ridiculously hard especially as one person is this where i need to go okay yes it is let me get some ten stats here hopefully we get them all in the first try oh [Music] all right easy enough okay i think it's yeah it's all the way up here that's what i thought okay all right five more oh this is like the exact same thing like the bricks don't add any additional challenge literally the same two challenges this is basically the same as well besides i have to climb up one more layer that's about it all right that was slightly harder i guess come on cool [Music] oh that was way too close there's got to be a way to do that faster at least a couple of those are probably there's got to be something some sort of method okay eight seven all right six oh no not this level yeah this level uh screw doing any sort of fast strats i just want to get the my i will be happy not dying keeping my suit and getting all of the stars playing fast for this level is not an idea ideal not that it isn't ideal it's not ideal for i guess me right now okay there are some insane strats for this level too okay yeah i'm i'm gonna chill here we're definitely just gonna chill right here and then we'll grab the star real quick okay oh that was close oh okay good know what we're going with this because i'm not really doing any fast strats right now oh a stamp we don't want that i think there is a green ring yes there is okay so i thought cool okay i kind of have to have something um okay good we'll just do this okay good now to just not die that's the big game plan here which i don't think i will we're at the very end so oh my god all right grab the flagpole yes no death we have a cat suit that's what i'm talking about let's go [Music] all right two bosses and then i think then i think the final boss so i think three more oh yeah three more levels to go let's go i'm talking about okay luigi if i get a cat suit okay i don't really care about that i'm saving i'm honestly going to save my suit for final bowser probably that's what i'm thinking i'm going to do that's right it's ouija time it's a ouija time it's actually a really fun boss i've always liked this one a lot pretty creative fairly not super challenging but definitely a little challenging there we go he has a very generous hitbox i gotta say because i don't think i should have survived that but you know what i'm not gonna complain okay whatever it's all right double cherry just because i'm probably gonna lose it anyway oh okay back up yes and i didn't lose the cat suit let's go what i'm talking about thank god okay [Music] oh that's okay trimations you should never feel guilty about that it's no problem and uh it's not out sends it is just not okay cool two more levels let's finish this sub 330. can we beat this in the next 11 minutes i hope so now there is also a skip called meowser skip which is very difficult it's not something that i haven't even attempted it so i'm not gonna try it on my run but basically what the skip is is when you get to that um like that circle area that will take you to meowser you can actually use a combination of tanooki suit and cat suit to skip half of that fight it's really really cool but it requires ridiculously precise cat momentum jumps so will not be doing them okay okay i can just do the same stratos before okay cool we're just get back here and do that that's what i'm talking about well not gonna work now that i don't have that all right but at least i can get a cat sit here pretty easily spawn one cat suit that's all i need well i'll be able to get one at some point now what okay there it is noise okay we're gonna try to do the uh the skip for this for the last hit so it still is kind of hard to do but it's not as difficult as it looks [Music] okay good cool you like the snakes the snakes are not only a great boss but it's like some of the best boss music too all right let's finish this final level we're on the meow level for once i don't have to get any green stars i just play okay so here's something interesting is it only 170 stars oh interesting okay so i guess what that means is i can skip so i can miss three stars on my run i didn't actually know that that okay if i knew that then there would have been at least three times where i would not have had to redo a level so that's that's actually really cool i didn't know okay i'm really glad i know that now so i guess if i just like miss a star at any point um i just have to keep track of any that i miss and if i miss up to or more than three that's when i have to replay levels again okay i don't need to get any uh stars for this i just got to beat the level damn that i mean i really wish i knew that before i started this run but at least i'll know it for the next one all right cool uh when these guys have a cat belt i'm gonna grab a spare okay i thought there was oh wait it's here isn't it yes okay that's where it is okay yeah so normally like on that balcony you basically do this crazy jump all the way to near the top of the building and it skips a crap ton i wish i could do it um maybe at some point i'll be able to do it maybe by the end of the week because um i'm gonna be practicing this game for a week hopefully by the end i will be able to do the skip i don't know if that's gonna happen but that would be cool all right let's finish this fight that's right meows are gonna skirt yeah we'll get sub 330. i'm really curious what that is on the leaderboards i think it's probably the worst time um i i saw a couple of three hour times but it's not a very good time and there's also there's actually a lot of really cool stuff you can do here you can skip basically all this auto scroller stuff or you can skip a good portion of it if you know where to jump but that takes a lot of time to learn and again i have not even attempted it like i'll show you where you can do the uh or you can save lots of time so for the meowser skip the general one you land about here so that saves like what probably a minute if not more okay where am i oh okay i was i was like i kind of know what i'm supposed to do here okay so the other skip you can do which i also don't know it is oh it's coming up after this part so there's gonna be like a bunch of clouds and um let me see i'll i'll explain it when we actually like get there okay yeah basically let's hit the checkpoint you never know you start like here and then you just basically climb all the way up and then there's like a certain amount of clouds and the clouds kind of move a little bit so you have to figure out exactly um like when they are like like when you can actually climb up because you'll see on this left side that clouds be moving left and right so you have to kind of know when that happens but you can basically skip this entire thing if you get to the very top of this portion of the building which is pretty insane you have to also know to move a little bit to the left too because this is in the way but yeah this i can probably i can probably learn this in a week this shouldn't be that hard this is just a little bit of memorization that's really about it okay well there we go we skipped like two seconds of time there doing that oh i can't see i don't know exactly like you can even like bypass a lot can i just climb up no i can't okay all right let's finish this time's about to end and time three hours 27 minutes okay i'm gonna go to right now and see where that puts me [Music] do i want to yes save this three hours 27 oh okay i'm actually uh [Music] i think 163rd 163rd place there we go so yeah that was my uh that was my run um i'm not gonna do another one i'm pretty tired at least i think it ends there if you're not mistaken i don't think you uh do this if you do then you know whatever this is like another like 30 seconds so you gotta go through this cut scene as well then you grab flagpole this might actually be the end of the run but um regardless i mean that was basically the end there we go so yeah 327 um what yeah so like i've been saying i'm gonna be doing this for a week however i will not be streaming runs in just practice on youtube for you know the whole seven days uh the rest of the attempts will be on twitch so tomorrow probably around 3 p.m est roughly around there tomorrow uh i will be streaming again and it will actually probably be longer as well because i think the first few days i'm just going to practice individual levels and then like the last few days i'll do like actual runs because as you can see you know i didn't know where a lot of green stars were i died a lot i don't know where i can get back up catsuits i need to learn all those things so yeah that's pretty much that though let me see um is anyone live i do not see anyone live so before we go we're gonna do a raid to a channel this is the best channel it's called minus world probably heard of it talk about all the time uh go ahead click that link watch a video or two and within 30 seconds you'll be like wow this is the best video i've ever seen in my life and you're going to hit subscribe and you will love it so please go check out the mysql channel we are it's a group channel that i'm in and we're trying to uh grow it a lot more so please go check it out yesterday we had a hilarious mario party video that i think you guys would enjoy um yeah that's pretty much that i hope to see you guys on twitch tomorrow so if you follow me at slash nathaniel bandy i'll be streaming more runs and more practice so thank you all for tuning in i'm gonna get off i am tired after that and uh so long you
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 1,319,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Rbw5VKLZMoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 48sec (12828 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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