Super Mario 64 4K 60FPS (Render96) Part 1

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[Music] gamers welcome to my boulders you're not gonna believe this i managed to get my hands on the kf console that's right i got my hands on the kf console and guess what i loaded up render 96 basically the only way to possibly play mario 64 in 4k so here's how this works this is just vanilla mario 64. not much has changed about it however you may have noticed the graphics look much much better i'm going to go ahead and click new and boom brand new graphics and what's awesome about these graphics is they're not just super high depth they're not super clean but they're actually based off of the promotional material that was used to promote mario 64 back in the day so everything i mean everything has been repolished and not only has everything been like retextured and redone the text is going to look different and a lot cleaner you can unlock luigi and wario which we're going to get to at some point there's brand new unused enemies that have been re-added that were discovered last year like that weird baboon thing in lethal lava land the blarg enemies re-added this is to be freaking sick i'm so excited to play this so let's see how mario looks of course we're in beautiful widescreen right now mario's looking hella chunky hella thick love my guy and before we get started i do kind of just want to show you guys all the customization that is in render 96 so if we go ahead and go to options um with game we can change the language just right here on the fly that is awesome we can change the camera to be free analog mouse look i'm not going to change this stuff but the fact that you can do this so easily is awesome just controls display lots of options for display as well full screen vertical sync there so there's a bunch of things you can do here with all those options we're just gonna kind of have some fun we're gonna probably do 70 stars maybe 120 if i'm feeling up for it and uh we're just kind of a freaking blast because this game looks goddamn gorgeous and heck this video is also rendered in uh 4k for no reason it's not gonna look any better but we gotta do it just because this looks so goddamn good even like the doors like it's actually insane so here's the thing with this um with this render with this render with this game um render 96 has been around for a little while but a lot of it wasn't finished so i waited to play it until basically the whole game was done and some extra stuff was added yeah let's go ahead and just jump into bob on battlefield and we'll start doing some stars of course check out bible battlefield so here's the thing as i mentioned earlier you could unlock luigi and wario there are basically luigi keys and wario coins that we have to find to unlock luigi and wario and they even have different play styles so will we unlock them today i don't know hard to say but we can try dude check out those goombas though i love the goombas in this game they look pretty sick the bobbums actually looking pretty clean as well new sound effect that's interesting of course the coin off dude look at that coin oh so shiny so magnificent oh my goodness gracious looks so good let's uh yes that's actually gonna be like the main challenge i will be exploring a little bit just to try to find the luigi keys and the wario coins okay uh i guess we'll go to king bobbum i love the chain shop he doesn't look scary anymore he just looks kind of goofy so something else that is pretty interesting is um i'm getting rumble in my controller which of course the original mario 64 did not have but the shindo version the i guess like the the newest patch right did have rumble so it is kind of nice that it's like just added in there we go there's luigi keys so we found whoops we found one luigi key very nice okay oh i just i love looking at this game even like the canons look so neat i'll never like you know hate how the game usually looks like this isn't gonna like you know change my opinion on it but my god this is one hell of a fresh one hell of a coat of paint okay that's all i gotta say all right let's take out the king the band okay we beat him he stood no chance against us and there's there's our uh a good look at the star as well we did see one a little bit earlier near a chain shot but damn look at that star heliclean all right let's do uh let's do some foot race put race with oh yo check out koopa he is heck oh okay well his arm could use a little work but overall he looks pretty cool i like how big his head is he just said that he has like a super big beak head which he does in the original but it's really pronounced here okay so what i think i'm noticing is a lot of like the sound effects are what's like extra loud i don't know why that is but anyway let's go ahead and beat koopa's ass all right cooper there you have it stand number two um shoot to the island in the sky you know what i would but i'm gonna try it the gamer way first so we'll go ahead and open the cannon in case we fail but i wanna get this the cool way okay so we're gonna try the gamer strat once if we don't get it oh well ah damn it [Music] all right very nice okay let's go ahead and get one more bob on battlefield and we'll go ahead and check out another level okay you know i think i'm actually gonna get all all the stars probably not all of them today but i do think i am gonna get all the stars just because it's so much fun to look at this game go ahead and take out the chomp did it okay what do we want to do next let's go and do slide we'll try out the slide next the door slowly opens oh yeah so this is one of the few things that's different in this game um when you jump into this pipe um you're going to get basically kind of similar to 64 ds where you can play as luigi and wario also i gotta say i love this artwork of these characters um it says the artwork that everyone's been talking about that they want for like a 2d mario game um a nintendo will probably never do which they really but they really should so yeah we're working towards slot unlocking luigi and wario of course let's go ahead and actually do the slide i have a feeling we might find a key on the slide somewhere i don't know for certain so i think we'll do is we'll go ahead and take the the shortcut and um then we'll just go down slowly just to check oh there's the key okay key number two so i guess that's probably it then we probably won't have to go down the slide but i'm gonna check it anyway just in case but first we got to do the fancy speedrun trick which actually this is really easy even if you've never sped run a game ever you could anyone could do that trick it's not that complicated gamer all right cool so we're done with the slide let's check out whomp's this looks like an actual pastel painting oh my god that looks so cool damn that's sick okay so let's check out womp's fortress okay so again we're just gonna kind of explore a little bit on our first star just to try to find the keys or the wario coins i hope they had waluigi in the future that'd be a reason to come back and play this for sure what the heck they have purple hands now why do they have purple hands i don't know why that's okay that just looks kind of weird let's fight this boy yes okay [Music] i gotta say guys it's so weird playing just vanilla mario 64 in this challenge or for this video channel channel that's the one i was looking for the channel it is very very weird i have to say so what i'm thinking is we might have uh which one is it i think it's this one there is the key let's go and the one up very nice okay i'm actually really surprised it was there i'm not gonna lie boom easy ooh shoot into the wild blue easiest star ever oh we're gonna have to do cannonless too we gotta try all the speedrun strats that i know all right let's go ahead and do uh oh we'll just do 100 and red coins why not [Music] cool look at that look how easy peasy that was stat number 10 and stat number 11 if i could grab it boom okay fall into the cage island i'm going to show you a super fun trick again that anyone can do you don't have to learn owl to skip because normally speed owners are like oh yo i gotta do a boom boom this and then like a left but you see that's too annoying we don't like that trick that trick doesn't work it does work but i'm not good at it so there is a better way to do this okay so we're going to climb up here do a little bit of this action just like that and then we're going to turn the camera to mario cam and then just boom easy does it just like that no problem all right let's blast away that damn wall damn wall where's that damn wall okay we're gonna we'll we'll go for cannonless we will go for it we'll see if we can get it i actually don't know if it's gonna work with uh this frame rate but we'll see it works okay good glad to see that okay so we are done with course two already look how easy that was boom no problem no questions asked i have no questions do you have a question leave a question down below if you want i don't care okay jolly roger bay let's go to the aquarium first that's a nice easy one to do okay so yeah parts of this is done it's just like the fish the fish should definitely be um changed or at least at least you know just retextured to some extent and that is the secret aquarium no longer no longer a secret secret's been out exposed let's do some jolly roger oh i'm so curious how the eel looks how does the eel look let's go and check that out oh my goodness yo look at these rock textures okay these ones look a little weird not like bad but just weird um the clay okay the claims have been redone as well the claims look actually really nice yeah those are pretty clean oh i love that shell shell looks good they still made him derpy but he is definitely updated oh my god he's actually scarier than before can we get it yes we broke it open didn't get the ground pound but we did break it open obviously we can't ground pound out of the water anyway but okay so i think the last thing we'll do here at least for now because honestly i am probably 100 this let's go and check out the cave see how the cave looks oh wait the key oh the key come on neil there we are i can't see i have a bad camera okay that's honestly that's fine we just want the key in can we mario buddy there we go okay all right we'll get the eel star later that's fine those look pretty good too okay very nice very cool we should land right on it did i miss the hitbox no i didn't me miss a hitbox never would never happen let's go to uh cool cool mount we'll check that out ah this is so much fun to re-explore oh let's do wing cap okay let's do it okay oh yo okay there's a wario coin we found our first mario coin let's get that i missed it like an idiot okay so we got our first wario coin oh oh my god there's another one right there no way okay hold on it was it was it hold it's right there i told you you thought i was lying so okay so i guess there can be a multiple of like the same secret in one stage interesting oh dude i love these clouds too they actually feel like they're in our face that's so cool i think that was all the wario coins i have not seen any other ones so here's my here's my assumption there's going to be two wario coins in all the caps maybe that's how that works i don't know for certain but that could be it okay good so i'm glad we got that anyway let's go and check out cool cool mountain now again okay let's just appreciate this beautiful pastel picture look at god damn this looks so nice all right let's try out cool cool mountain i love these the snowy trees they seem like extra big which i'm kind of okay with everything looked that is the chunkiest little penguin ever oh my gosh i love him he's my favorite penguin so yeah we'll actually go down the slide normally we'll do the shortcut route first i do have to say though the slide does look very cool the uh this like the textures look really nice god damn i love this art of tuxey can we just appreciate this background as well this looks like we're in a painting this is insane wow that's so cool okay let's return the pinky the pingu go ahead do our fun little speed run route except i'm using the wrong cameras okay we're going backwards screw it didn't quite i actually don't know why that happened a little bit of that action and that's it there we go i found your chunky little baby oh i didn't mean to land here but okay i do kind of want to cheat um just to see what the inside of the cave looks like i won't do it though that's what penguins sound like i've been to antarctica believe me there are lots of snowy boulders in antarctica all right let's go for uh not a frosty slide we're gonna do a fun epic strat here where we jump down pull back and then i mess that up [Music] okay cool did it a little bit of this action boom look at that we're even gonna do it the actual way or you wall jump why does the camera do that that's honestly so much harder than just doing a side flip off of this that's way harder so let's go and finally fight bowser oh wait a minute hold on we did not get a key here okay we got to look for a key first let's do that oh i have an idea where the key might be actually is the key yeah let's go while we're here we might as well just get a hundred coins and red coins why not we already got the key and we're already here so okay i guess we'll do that one eternity later okay then we'll get the hundred coin um in like three seconds just gotta grab this look how easy that was and then we just do a bit of you gotta do bonk first bonking is required it builds character and then you go ahead and get this the star just like that and then you finish after that you just get the coin you slide down here do a bit of that a jump and then boom i am going to die i'm gonna slide off and die aren't i okay okay we didn't die we didn't die i'm happy look at those snowman okay they are adorable look at those snowman they're so adorable i love them those are my favorite snowman cool anyway you want to go back to first bowser oh my god look at the look at this background oh god damn gorgeous dude i cannot get over how good this game looks look at that fire even the fire looks pretty good i'm actually gonna explore this as well just in case there is a key here i don't think there's gonna be keys in this level i feel like that's only normal levels but we'll check anyway crystal's looking sick the amps looks so good as well love that electric effect okay so yeah i just i can't get over how awesome the background looks like everything else looks good too but damn that background is like i don't know really gives off that vibe well i did not mean to hit that that's fine though we'll do a little bit of this action do not go in the pipe thank you well i mean we explored pretty thoroughly i did not see um any sort of key or wario coins so i guess that's it so let's see what bowser looks like because bowser looks really cool in the promo art and he oh my god he actually looks pretty intimidating i love like the red in his eyes too like his eyes are really straining out like he's trying to pop his eyes out like ah i don't know how he even does that he looks like he's in good shape now too he's not so chunky he looks like he's in really good shape also i love the spikes the spikes look pretty nice and so is the key very good so we did it we did bowser in the dark world it's been done congratulations i don't know why i'm saying congratulations to you congratulations for watching this far in the video you have earned um the option to now like the video if you have not already congratulations on that let's go somewhere else let's try uh let's try outside let's do the courtyard yo the classic promo art booze i love these booze with their hands always sticking up oh my goodness look at that sky i love the mansion as well mansion looks pretty clean all right let's go in let's start getting some booze whoa they made this place look so much more like decrypted or decrypted and they made it look creepier okay we're gonna take you out sir love the eyeball as well eyeball looking hella dope okay now we call out big boo the biggest boo of them all besides the other two they're the same bosses we don't talk about those ones all right let's take the gamer route up we're not gonna take the stairs stairs are for chumps we don't like the stairs okay we do a bit of this action boom easy don't care next next next next more big booze all right also you know what's interesting i never noticed like this purpley pink eyeball this is actually so cool it's like a face i don't know if it's always been a face on the door but if so that's actually really neat everything's actually just the thwomp in this game every boss is secretly a thwomp that's just a dead swamp that's what booze are boos are long forgotten enemies anyway secret of the haunted books let's do it we're gonna actually go through the library as well okay the library looks pretty much the same i actually a little disappointed i thought it looked kind of better but oh well okay we figured out the puzzle that was a pretty crazy puzzle right there and boom look at that here we go all right so we're not gonna do too many more here i think we'll just go ahead and do like star five but before doing that i want to explore try to find the key if there is the key here i don't know obviously it'll be key i want to see where it is exactly oh there it is it's right there okay so yeah let's go ahead and do the big boo balcony star and then we'll just get the key and we'll be on our way all right hottest hottest hardest boss fight in the world let's go and that's it boom okay got ourselves the next key and assuming i don't fall which i might because i am slipping like crazy there we are ya ahua you know let's go ahead and do uh like hazy maze cave oh what does the bunny look like i'm so curious how the bunny looks okay bunny what are we feeling the bunny looks pretty much the same they kept them pretty faithful which i kind of like i think that's fine actually you know what let's actually go to lethal lava land because i want to show you guys the new enemies so lethal lava land um we'll go ahead and start with this first enemy this one was completely unused and it was only discovered last year and here it is i don't remember his name i think it's rob ohm and he's basically like a chukkya but he's also like a bully at the same time they even got him animating so goddamn cool so let's go ahead and check out the next enemy which are the blargs now the blargs are just these were these were kind of known about for a while but it's cool to see them back in the game okay so we'll leave them be and yeah you know let's just get rid coins for now because it's right here we might as well i just love that they added those brand new enemies like they feel like brand new enemies to the game but like it also doesn't and i guess we'll take out one of the big bullies oh my god look at the boys they look so cool they have such big eyeballs they're like anime bullies but anyway let's go ahead and take out these bullies next we also still need to find the key which might be in the volcano let me do the cool trick to knock him out first hit boom bam look at that all right let's do some red hot log rolling no problem yo it looks like you can ride this one i have to try it um what what the heck i don't okay i don't think you're supposed to be able to do this if you can holy crap this is so freaking cool what the heck this is amazing no damn it i don't care it was worth it we don't really uh well okay i guess we'll go for 100 we might as well 100 is really fast in this stage anyway i'm a freaking idiot these stupid blogs oh there's the key okay we found it okay all right well we'll just grab this real quick i guess we'll get star six since we're you know we're really close to it also likely to not die and that's it so that's lethal lava land let's check out uh hazy mace cave let's get ourselves a free toadstar though real quick the audio i can't get over the audio balancing oh wow look at that that inky goo looks really nice okay hazy maze let's do it we also gotta do metal cap i mean it's gonna be a lot harder to find the key in this level i feel like just because it's so much bigger and more vast i'm dead also that's not gonna help our problems oh you know what i have an idea of where it might be actually it might be near my favorite star uh watch out for falling for falling boulders this star is freaking epic probably the best star in the entire game by far here's what i'm thinking we're gonna go up here is the key in this spot it is not that would have been a good spot though okay we'll just grab this while we're looking okay let's go to the dory area actually what does dory look like oh dory looks awesome they made his eyes extra big okay uh i mean i do want to get this star i'll just get it already here wait hold on i just saw the key oh that was so weird i think it was in the toxic maze okay well for now so now we have an idea where the key is i kind of want to go back to that spot just so i can try to like pinpoint where it is well i need to get um star 3 anyway so let's go ahead and do that there's some oh okay yeah yeah so this is definitely in toxic maze okay so we know that much let's go ahead and since we're down here we'll go ahead and do this start real quick so we know where the key is that's good it's in one of the hallways near the toxic maze what okay that definitely should have worked hundred percent oh no okay so it's just like i don't know maybe the hitbox is different for some reason maybe i was just doing it wrong that's the more likely reason okay so let's get the key and then we're gonna get metal cap i wanna see how awesome mario looks in metal hmm so yeah we need to go into one of those hallways is it it's going to be either this one up here or it's going to be um the other one i couldn't really tell i think it's in the hallway it's honestly a little hard to tell let me try uh is it here it's not underneath here okay um is it under here it is not okay i guess we can check up here i think it's actually in the maze so i thought it was in the hallway but i think it's in the maze all right well i guess we'll get the star why not you get stars so fast in the basement it's actually crazy there it is oh it's in this spot oh okay okay so it wasn't the toxic base so we found that very nice well while we're down here let's go ahead and just get star four because it's right here well you can still do this i mean obviously you can't it's the same game just re-textured all right 40 stars okay so before we leave let's go ahead and knock out metal cap hopefully we'll find two wario coins as well if my theory is correct oh hell yeah look at that looking pretty slick there's our first wario coin and hopefully there'll be another one close by is it in the water perhaps yes it is so okay i think my the theory is right we can just get two wario coins in each bonus level okay grab these hope we have enough time for these reds i'm going really slow so i don't know oh i think we'll be good yeah there we go so i guess if we wanted to unlock wario it wouldn't be that difficult yeah basically just do the vanish cap and then find the two wario coins and that'd be it for now though let's go ahead and check out uh shifting sandland wow look at the scent the sand actually looks really nice oh my goodness the pokies i love the pokies i love everything about this hack oh this is so nice man all right let's get this star real quick since it's nice and easy i guess the only thing i would say about the textures is maybe change the color of like the quicksand because it looks it looks way too similar like yes you can tell that's quicksand because it's moving i don't know maybe just make it a bit darker everything else looks great we gotta go in the pyramid the pyramid probably has the key is it behind me no okay it doesn't hurt to look is it in this corner nope so yeah we're just gonna check the pyramid pretty thoroughly to find this this is so much fun i gotta say like i don't usually play mario 64 this slowly and it's really nice to not only play it more casually but it's fun to actually have to find new things too okay honestly not much to say this pyramid is not quite as fancy as i was hoping it would look it doesn't look bad but it just looks very basic i guess so no key in here unless the key is like in the quicksand maybe it's where like the hand fight is but i'm not certain you got a key uh anything at all no all right i'm actually stumped i don't know where it's gonna be well i guess that's that i i want to find the damn key okay that's all i want to know let's wonder where it is [Music] all right well i guess we'll just grab this spanish cap time vanish cap looking crisp as hell as well oh wait i keep forgetting i need to go for wario coins okay okay there's one had a feeling we'd find that okay there's probably one at the end as well hopefully because i don't really feel like climbing all the way back up okay and there is the coin right there awesome okay yeah so we'll go to dire dire docs and uh we'll find the key well we do have to get one star here just to unlock second bowser but otherwise that'll be it wow this level is not fun still but it's still it looks goddamn gorgeous i kind of like the um these textures more in this stage compared to jolly roger bane i don't know why let's find that key well and we got to get a couple stars there's some pretty easy stars here we can get all right i am not seeing the key it's not that big a deal i don't think i don't think it's in the water which honestly would have been too easy if it was in the water i think they want to make it somewhat challenging i i straight up don't see it my only the only thing i can come to a conclusion is that the key is like behind this bowser gate which i guess could be it there's there's definitely potential for that oh hell yeah looking slick okay this stage i like have to play the speed runway i can't play it casually it's just like it's actually way more fun to play this stage the speedrun route so here oh something else i just kind of realized if if they want to i feel like they could add waluigi as another character but then like add like waluigi tokens or something and put them in the bowser stages because there's nothing in the bowser stages right now yes i haven't said much about how the stage looks and that's because we're starting to see a lot of the same textures now that we're playing more of the game a lot of the textures do kind of repeat themselves so i won't have as much to say in the later stages like this one yeah you know we've already seen lava we've already seen a lot of these bricks so that's gonna just kind of happen i can't get over how like nice and fit like that bowser's been hella lifting dude he's got some gains not that it matters because mario can just do that no problem so now let's see if we can find the key here for the moment of truth will there be a key uh nope i don't see it okay that's done i did not check the floor that well let's keep looking see we can find that key okay so i just looked this up there's apparently only 10 keys um to unlock luigi okay so i just looked up where one of these keys were in shifting sand land and i don't know if it's still here because this is an older build that i just looked up but if it's in this spot this is so stupid just wait and wait and see if it is actually still in the spot this is gonna be so stupid oh my god there it is oh my god i cannot believe that why okay now there's one more spot there's actually only ten keys now for this last key it is actually in the secret aquarium again i just looked this up and i'm i don't know why i didn't do this i should have checked this spot it is actually fairly obvious literally just look up and uh it should be up here somewhere yeah there it is that's all of them we have officially unlocked luigi and wario so you know what that means we got 50 stars plenty of stars to still get but next time on the next video i don't know if it's going to be tomorrow or next week i have not decided yet i've not decided the schedule yet but next time we're going to unlock luigi and we're going to unlock wario and we're going to just use them and it's going to be awesome so make sure to stay tuned for that as that's going to be a great time and with all that said thank you all so much for watching thanks for hanging out near the boulders it has been an absolute pleasure and i'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Bathaniel Nandy
Views: 313,621
Rating: 4.9426398 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 64, mario 64, super mario 64 4k, super mario 64 60fps, super mario 64 speedrunning, speedrunning, mario 64 speedrun, mario 64 hd, mario, super mario, bathaniel nandy
Id: 3lBTjbeFOJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 17sec (1757 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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