Super Bunny Man :// Markiplier Twitch VOD

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this intro is likeing party mode Co-op [Music] story [Music] story mode might only be sorry guys I went I went somewhere I was I was off in a world just I was in the music could hear that weird invisible sounds thing again like were you dancing again that may have been me that may have been me it was not me that's for sure I was I was dancing yeah okay all right uh start well that ain't working great I'm playing Super B something great okay well fixed it what okay I'm using keyboard apparently death match a basketball or carrot grab I like it oh my God this [ __ ] start screen is so good well clearly it's got to be wait okay I got the controller working I got it I got it I got it where you get your controller working uh you have to go into settings and you have to go to controls and there's there's a button that says ass sign joystick and uh I think that's what causes it to be like oh yeah you're using the controller I'm stupid and then it'll correct itself oh hell yeah I just did it thanks gamer yeah thanks do I why you saying thanks I'm turning the music down I know this is sacrilegious but my God how do you have to mixer this is there no ingame there's an ingame it's in the graphics setting yeah the sound settings are in the graphics set towards the bottom oh sorry I I figured I missed not for stupid reasons I think we have to do Remote Play Still guys that's my guess are you going to host it Bob you want me to make who's making it I I'll do it yay I'll do it seem to only be two players you're right you're right you're right you're right we can always Deathmatch basketball and carrot grab I'm going grab my carrot guys that's what we're doing I'll grab your carrot Wade thanks Sean if you jerk my turnup anything please anything but turn-ups anything else get him why turnup why specifically turnup oh God like turn-ups he L turnup with turn-ups and I just I don't want to be a part of the turn-ups oh my God Bob your your game is loud oh hang on I might have a way to fix this is that better you could go into the settings just turn music to 50% that makes it like a dream all right apparently I can't do that anymore oh yeah can we not do that for we're in here cuz uh whoops we can do it we can do it could not computer oh God thank God okay there we go so how do I fix the joystick thing I go to assign joystick assign joystick and then push your joystick it's not it's not working you didn't are you able to press your joystick press don't press an analog press a boy I'm pushing all the buttons on my entire controller okay well I don't know then H I feel lied too uh Bob can you invite me again cuz I forgot to unmute myself and then I tabbed out and it doesn't work I need another invite too cuz I couldn't connect to the remote I hate all of you I'm in here and I'm doing fine you don't hate us Bob love you bud me thank you love to me okay look at that pink bunny going for it dude oh yeah do I get to pick my color of bunny oh please [ __ ] just come on please God yeah get it bunny please God hey uh cannot connect hosts I think that's a you problem can you restart your steam or something yeah I'll restart everything everyone else is here I'm pretty sure it's you what have you done uh did I did I [ __ ] it what' you do I can press the joystick button but you can't hang on hang bu how are you hearing the music Wade I'm not I'm just remembering it it was almost perfectly in sync with my game yeah was it it was all right I guess I'm playing with keyboard [ __ ] me I mean it really is only those two lines back to back so I guess I didn't have that much of a chance on getting it wrong oh wait I think I have to play with keyboard now as well I don't think joystick Works wor maybe we all have to considering the online thing no the controllers work with that H mine doesn't on the menu but my keyboard do heo use controllers yeah but I mean maybe this game isn't particularly perfect for it yeah this game I think this game's perfect just the way it are no Wade it's you that's perfect just the way you are oh stop I will guys I'm done when's the wedding well no I wanted more music it's it's so much music though all right B I'm ready for another sweet invite I hate you okay tough crowd all right this will definitely work this time I'm I'm in and I'm ready and I can move the menu and that's pleasing me and I can move the menu can you move the menu mark huh let me try ooh yeah I got it wow to the remote computer again underwhelming [Music] conect yeah I can do it does Wade need to host it maybe or something just give him another just keep trying Wade God get it to work oh I actually I didn't mean to send you an invite I was trying to join I'm here and I'm not moving this is the hill I die on like it goes to a loading screen then it just immediately pops up and says cannot connect the remote computer does invite sent on my end okay I'm G try again am I here can you move the menu still says invite sent it didn't say can't connect this time but like I'm still just at the main menu can you press can you move it around he a keyboard no that's that's not it you can't wda oh wait is that you Wade that's me oh okay oh Bob it's me can you send me another invite P do you like super strict internet or something not I know what is your natat type sir yeah you want that type strict I don't know blonde brunettes cuz we can't play Modern Warfare 2 then if your that type is strict yeah I'm pretty open I got like I'll take whatever type you know it dinged I I don't know what's happening all the carrots in the back move what are you seeing describe it to us story co-op Story party mode settings quit like it goes to a loading screen game yeah just it goes to the full loading screen it's the thing moving around is the menu moving it's just shaking left and right like it normally does the menu itself is so no one's selecting anything no how is this happening I don't know I'm going to quit out one more time I don't know man I don't know heo makes Bob turn French super Bunny man makes him dag in his own oh hey now it pop up and said cannot connect the remote server great now that I closed the game what do you have do you have the game open and then you're trying to join should I have the game closed yes I yes don't okay I thought you to re okay game is fully closed now you should not have any instance of the game open only stem got it perfect done are you kidding me we've done this before we've we've covered that exact topic before if that fixes it when did we cover that I didn't have to do that with heo you don't have okay hey look there he is you don't you don't run the game only the person hosting runs the game that was a big important thing that we talked about a lot when we played heo can't join the game if you open up the game don't you get it I didn't have to do that with he heo I did have it open no game just game wait can you move the menu is that you uh I was and now it's oh God now everything is horrible yeah the stream is like collapsing on itself it's fine oh good but can you move it Wade not right now cuz it's all Frozen use your wda yeah it's frozen on my end as well I can't see anything moving someone's moving it what was that yeah I see it moving i' I've pressing buttons but like my my game is move move move move borked as hell yeah mine's Frozen and it's all like glitchy likey I'm getting the glitches but I think it's just cuz wait are you uploading anything right now you downloading anything you oh yeah U my entire uh screen play for the next film I was working on oh there's your problem okay there now we know guys now we know f for me I can see I can see movement I can move wait waade left and now it works um huh are you like streaming at 10,000 bit rate or something like that or uh 52,000 actually oh okay at least Wade is setting us up for what the rest of this recording will be cannot connect to the RO computer again godam you host it you host it want me through how to do that open the game and then just open your steam overlay and right click on our names and invite us to uh to the thing it should start the stream I'm backing out okay do I need to go into like the multiplayer and S the game mode no don't do anything in the game other than open it and then invite us to remote play before I even go to the Press Start thing unrelated to the game it's entirely through Steam just done this before why am I the only one who understands how it works I've never done this I don't know what I guess I'm the only one who's ever hosted it recorded this but I was not a part of that yeah you are the only one who ever hosted we did we did this with you though you were here okay so remote play together I click remote play together on this to you all of you uh there's one to Mark okay here's one two here we go again all right I've never actually been on this end of remote play together how loud will it be what is your what is your on here cuz I don't see you toss boy toss there you are actually he's just a different one it's not a new one okay I've sent you all invites I'm connecting I'm connecting like a bag of ass oh yeah this is what it looks like when oh wait no not this bad I fa I'm watching a 360p video that's what I saw whenever I joined for like the brief second I was connected can you send me another one wait I it's not happening for me oh what you can't believe it or you don't know what we've done this before Oh my God is still a you problem Wade what the [ __ ] are the [ __ ] [ __ ] dick donkey dick [ __ ] [ __ ] that's not Copa compliant can't believe I'm here now cool can you can you can you move menu Maybe I've not seen anyone move the menu yet not moving the menu currently oh Jesus something just happened wait can you go to settings uh I can move it I can move it oh wait I think I'm moving it left right left right left okay that's me yeah all right I'm using my controller yay okay up down up there is a God yay right right left okay so what am I doing now party mode yeah I think so see what happens all right party mode pick those four carat boys four turn off your notifications don't do look at those they're in my recording well congratulations I'm not I'm not going to minimize now I'm not [ __ ] with it now uh Death Match basketball or carrot grab death Mitch yeah do Death Match let's kill each other first there's four Maps green Hill Zone all right power plant zone I actually have no idea how to play so I I I'm not 100% why are there only two of us why are there only two of us am I dead I'm pink okay I am nothing I'm yellow am I not here at all me and Mark are pink what happened I can't move so I don't even think I'm here I don't am I oh no yeah oh my God yeah wait you're here all right something happened uh menu wait did you actually go down to two or did you no we IIT are you sure are you sure okay it was not funny funny how it was not on four I couldn't move the thing I thought it was on by which one am I I have no idea who pink again for sure wait what do we use W or arrow keys [ __ ] wait am I pink wait who's p is Jump I'm pink I'm definitely pink oh I'm green I think I think oh I'm yellow I'm yellow I'm yellow I think what are the ah and who's purple they're really not participant any of my buttons are cooperating okay I'm yellow that's I know that for a fact sound off I'm green my I think I'm purple I don't know I think I'm GRE ow my neck I just dunked myself Oh my legs my legs wait wait wait wait wait wait everyone just chill out for a second I think two of us might be pink is anyone is anyone moving pink right now no no oh wait somebody else is yellow I'm green I know this oh I'm controlling yellow I think okay I'm did you take control of yellow yellow is me I'm not doing anything right now and yellow is having a good time I'm jumping as yellow right now that's it's me okay I'm pressing left and yellow yellow as well we're both Yow and I are both yellow apparently that doesn't make the most sense no I agree ow maybe we should be better at this no we Su we're live we're going on come on purple do something oh see get him get him now purple's fine leave him alone okay wait we'll take turns when when you die I'll take control oh my God Mark I just stomped you in the face are in the air yeah I notic that ruin this for me Sean I got this i got this I just killed him nice oh I'm dead wait it's up to you all right uh I want to be purple oh God who did this who paused oh stop it that was me that was me that was me that was me how do you grab people bumper buttons for controllers I don't know [ __ ] my controller was not working I don't believe purple what you doing bud oh Mar you dead no no I'm alive I'm fine got him oh dunk him dunk him Mark boy that's right now Wade and Jack you just have to kill three lives on the purple one without losing of your own got it well it's never going I think this is going to go really well how do you how do you grab bumpers I I can't use gra I would try clickings maybe or or there you go oh left left bumper on the controller seems to work I don't I have I'm using keyboard well that's probably why you two of us the same yeah that's probably why two people are the same people I've deduced it everyone it's because he's using a keyboard wait hold on this is totally working wait wait what what wait wait what it's like he ho all over break his neck all right Sean you take the last one I got two kills there you're I got I got this Sean after everyone's yelling at [Music] me break your spine on his ass don't you ruin this for us it's so lagy there you go there and there he goes and there he it is better if you just don't play apparently yeah apparently we've learn we killed ourselves we killed anybody else we need to go to settings and we need to figure out who the freak is freaking who player four or just yeah all right so player four now somebody take this uh okay wait hold on I'm pluging my controller back in on something and we'll got it I did it I pressed a I'm four wait is four 3 two okay so now we're now we're maybe four separate people I hope sure yeah okay I don't I kind of likeed being one going we lost I can automag basketball going very well on this wait how very dare you I don't even know who I am okay I'm green again you should be yellow I'm purple now yay I'm yellow come here okay and o there I am destroying who's purple me ah no I did it too there we go ow [ __ ] you stopped on my headphones oh no don't just stop on my head bones eat some get some B got you [ __ ] I broke your neck [ __ ] what how did do it again no wait wait wait wait there you go got two for one sale Mark actually just murdered all of us wait what's what's C there you go in half with you oh no no no no come here [ __ ] that's my foot what the hell no you green bastard nuh me me my neck wait I can't grab anything what's grab bumpers uh bumpers bumpers R11 try oh I broke my own neck wait I want to see if I can gra I can't ow you broke my neck two for one i' I've got so many kills here I am just just absolutely you're absolutely murdering how did you break my neck again I'm just that good don't oh my back you just launched me oh I only have one life left I'm I'm hiding I'm hiding here there you go there in there no no no no no no no no no no yeah fun ah I'm go away don't be on that all right so kicking is like the way to win as I've I'm just going to stay right here no you're not I am I think I will there you go [ __ ] sick air Wade Wade how' you do that I have no idea I've launched myself more times than I meant to hey come here give me your I'm going to here you go no not my head get away from my face ah nice does that feel good why wait why don't we go after B help help all right wait we're going to go for I literally can't move and this is my last life I can't do anything no you I'm going to get you wa holy [ __ ] nice you injected me so hard yeah yeah yeah and I like snowball I killed both of them yeah man that was a surprise that was I was not expecting that I just died twice twoes I'm down to Seven Lives oh you [ __ ] the game had even started oh god oh there I go got him oh wait wait wait wait wait ohoh oh no no no no stand right here right here right here wait go away that's what I thought broke my neck St breaking my necks my sweet neckies that's keep happening to me oh God a come on I didn't get a chance to do anything this is stupid oh God oh God oh God oh God I think I've got the Strat I think I've got it the kicking oh God damn you uh gu a little help no you want some help some help I'm going to oh boy hang on I thought I could get out you're [ __ ] help no I'm not once you're in that position you're done no I'm not there you go get your body off me I broke my own neck broke your own NE hey Mark here all right see you I'm completely out of lives already I have to play two rounds no no God I hate you oh come on Bob your strategy so I'm going to get you right [ __ ] I'm toxic no no no no survive I'm going to survive I like that I like the Buddies [Laughter] like you have seven lives jeez yeah I haven't died in a while oh [ __ ] oh boy enjoying this game yeah I bet you are we can we can we can double team him oh I'm dead ah no not bra the softest death bye wa oh I've got the Strat now yeah what are you going to [Music] does no no no no okay we're good I looked out this position I'm coming for you no you're not I'm dead I recommend not touching him oh I can't what okay all right Mark you just have to kill five times [ __ ] good job good job all right okay really tried there really tried I'm very proud of you let's do another let's do another map oh yeah am I still yellow yeah we should be the same humans wait why am I the what happened oh we're humans are we oh yeah wa break my to break your neeg get off God bye way oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh God H guys a little help um dude I'd like this wait oh sh hit balls oh wait we don't want to be here don't want to be here get away from me get away from me I am not good at this game I'm I'm very not good as it turns out oh oh no hey hey how's it oh no no no no never let go I got somebody no no no no oh there we go ouch ouch oh I'm mostly just killing myself for repeatedly yeah see there we go see n together death see ner oh god oh don't you do anything to that Boulder my God man I broke my own NE I don't know and I don't want to know get away from me oh God oh God on push the goddamn ball I can't I just Tred to kick the ball and it don't work very good oh [ __ ] A you killed me but you knocked yourself into the pit dud I'm so good at no no b b Bob Bob what are you doing hanging out no please alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive you want some how's it going pretty good you can't use my Strat against me oh [ __ ] apparently he can't get that's what you get for using my Strat against me come here [ __ ] oh well is way oh it's Bob yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hi how you doing see see see how uncool you guys are for doing the same Strat wait wait wait yeah get out here oh my God get out of here here you nerd d a is the master of yeah how do you get so good so quick no wait a minute never mind never mind never mind never mind This is Where I Live Now break from that uhoh see you oh [Laughter] uhoh there yeah you hate to see out with my friend it didn't work man I'm really this game yeah all right here question do you have to hold down both bumpers to grab because that's what I've been doing I think so I left bumper for mine I've been holding both okay just checking cuz I'm like I don't know if I'm like grabbing and then letting go at the same time oh is that is that the problem yeah yeah yeah man look I'm going to got him you didn't get nobody freck all I know is that I have not won so hi giant thing oh wait yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh my God oh my neck wait wait wait wait wait ter wait ball wait wait ball wait wait ball wait I got the ball oh here I am and here I come oh no no no oh it's a it's a death train oh no wait double kill I have I have the ball do you I have the ball I have the ball no oh no no I I don't think you have the ball I think the ball has you I have the ball whoops I'm going use my I'm going use my head to move it there we go Mark hello hello hello [Applause] hello don't don't don't don't don't don't don't please I can't grab grabbing doesn't work I don't want be in the middle of this uh uhoh uhoh oh I may need assistance oh god oh [ __ ] yeah that's what you get that's what I please give me something no no no no no oh my God what why did I do that okay okay I'm going to grab I'm going to grab no I was going to grab all right I'm ready don't touch me don't touch me I'm going to grab don't touch me I've got a death Spike you better watch out don't touch me see I let go why do I let go I can't hold like you guys holdit Jesus get get away get away [ __ ] oh dear that's a spike why is there a spike there he I'm still here no oh [ __ ] okay grab ah frick oh I'm on the lake hey no oh I killed myself [ __ ] oh come on powerful legs oh my God stop stay away no Pap you dead forever yeah I'm out okay so are you so damn it you come here often yeah hey uh hey Mark eventually your grip RS out I don't know if well that was just unfortunate to watch oh hey don't you do that not not in there not again no not again get back in there I will not using Jack this is not what why do I keep me appearing on this side of the thing stay away I'll get you that's a cool little spikey got there oh get him Mark Now's the Time now is the time now is the time don't let don't you dare don't break your he's not going to break my neck I'm going to break his I've got the spike now not this one I see you're using the pat patented Jack method of just spamming buttons no no I'm not spamming what are you talking about you get back down there okay okay wait what are you doing to that Spike nothing what are you wait don't hold Mark it's fine mark You're an enemy of yourself it's [Laughter] fine I will show you the power of mice you better believe it Mark you I going to get over there we go come here neck neck neck I Six Lives I I think you either win or suck at this I think there's no in between I suck please really just changed my perspective on things I it's a good game isn't it way yeah I want to oh no I didn't mean to touch that oh God oh God oh God you can swim I can't swim what is happening oh God oh God guys the drownes are happening oh oh please please oh God I'm so lagy 360p here we are oh some some really cool some really cool effects have oh no water goes down oh dear I love being able to hey bud back away Bob just stay here how you doing Bob just let it happen no oh God I'm so God damn it hey Mark God oh you exploded what did you hit Seine there was a Seine good God I I cannot for the life of me figure this [ __ ] out I can't water oh no water come back uhoh damn it I'm just going to wait here and see what happens we can help each other out stop spaming God I hate you Wade B no I'm coming to kill you Wade no I'm stay that's what you get oh I'm dead too I guess I'm staying here yay I can see the game again oh god there mind oh no no Bob Bob you leave me alone here I'm enjoying my bush uhoh I'm enjoying my tree this is the only way I can win Bob hey no no do that you did that to your own self my grip ran out oh God I oh that's a cool spot you got there I suck the mosy see I'm just going to stay over here I guess till the water comes back give me a boost no stop trying to boost off my skull God damn you I was having a good time by myself over there hey I just crushed my oh I feel like oh God oh God God I am [ __ ] awful at this I can't I can't navigate how do you navigate it's impossible wait oh what happening oh no God no no no get off me damn it Bob that kill you killed me on the way to you panicking and now I'm dead we're all dead no you're not all dead well we're not permanent only you were that bad ah freaking pulled your own feet into me I didn't I I didn't see that the Strat is to just keep on SP oh no oh my neck bye Bob it's okay I can I'm winning this round even if it kills yeah I'm coming for you just you wait a few minutes you guys fight it out there I'll be fine on my my little palm tree leaf I'm just hanging out Wade get him get him Wade yeah get him Wade oh wait wait are you okay I'm fine fine I'm fine I'm fine wait wait wait wait no I killed myself hey no don't you kick get away from me get away from me I don't want any I broke my own neck again whatever you guys have I don't want damn how did you die this let me have this how did you die you crushed me with your your big feet I didn't even touch her hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay well you asked for that see I'm seeing what I'm seeing what I'm seeing is that I'm better at killing myself than you guys you all are floundering I'm finding the skill to do what I need to do on a scale of one to how many kills you have Mark is definitely winning I am winning yeah no I agree with that why am I dead what not fair yeah that happened to us a couple of times oh holy [ __ ] I uh exploded NOP no what you doing over there friendos stop wait wait go go left go left go left go left go left you may have won this battle but I'll be back yeah yeah yeah go left I've got the eye of the tiger now [ __ ] yeah that's what I thought yeah God you didn't die what not for oh there he goes come over and Challen I'm I'm coming ow God damn it I don't like that I can break my own neck so easy how you even do that oh I did the same thing come on this is stupid oh wait did you why break neck easy oh what I just got annihilated wait wait what the hell Wade's muted but he doesn't know it cuz he's an idiot ah oh all right yeah Sean I think we got the Strat just bow down just the ground we have to work together H the ground come here boys oh [ __ ] good job good job thank you good job praise ground praise ground ah I love dirt smell the grass in the morning this is so good how don't you dare coming our grass pile stay in your get out of here I Fallen Mark I will save you I am grass block hey Mark how's it going get out of here gr blever grass block forever ah dirt block is so much better than GL grass block no yes grass block has smelled dirt block stink round all the way through wait wait wait listen listen listen yes truce truce I'm like a horse you startle up behind me I'm just going to kick I'm going to I'm trying to scoot away from you but I want to stay on the Block okay okay okay I'm slightly further away how's that uhoh uhoh fair fair I the butt one point I guess I was muted yes you were yes you were yes you were that's good to know stop stop stop stop stop it yeah yeah yeah no he he deserved it that was kind of harsh for your friend Bob I think you have to kill him Bob I think you have to fight him oh God wait oh you can survive move okay okay this is our this is our this is our comeback it's wait out of lives oh yeah so busy being aggressive he used all this I trying to jump from one land to the other yeah this is this is hard my last life I spawned in with a broken neck [ __ ] hey how's it going douchebag oh no what the hell Invincible what do you mean Douce this is your strategy I know it's a good strategy don't use it again it's pretty good oh goodness oh sweet Jesus I will admit it feels cheap it does feel cheap doesn't it though but isn't it fun to win mark it is fun I do like winning all right isn't it fun to win all right Sean all right okay holy [ __ ] I broke the seam I broke the pressure Val I'm on the spring the dirt is mine oh God oh God oh God I'm stuck I can't get off you're kind of boned huh yeah not today I'm notay my crotch my gu right in the grindle ah oh Merk bad strategy no good good it's it's fine I'm good enjy that I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm get that Noggin right on the spring good to I'm good I'm good I'm good watch this dirt block dir here we go here we go come on oh come on spring me why would I spring you you sit on a Bob no you trying to come for me and my throat was trying to hang out with you dude no you weren't you trying to I like dirt block Kingdom you were trying to you're trying to user me okay now Bob is dead all right here we go here we go here we go here we go the only one without a win he's the dog I've won I've won oh yeah you have not that I remember I've won I remember that either I won no you haven't a I have all right I'm coming for you here we go what's your what's your Lea going to do on I'm just waiting I'm at the right angle all right listen that didn't go as I expected it to I I want to participate cuz I only have one life left and the feels no no no I'm coming for you I'm coming for you wait for it a God all right I'm coming okay wait Mark coming for you not like this I don't want to win this win this doesn't count oh God G played all I have to do is sit still dude you were really locked on target I this game's impossible this game is not possible yeah whatever please let's dunk it it's not possible oh all right you and me Wade all right no Green Green Hill Zone yeah oh God wait so it's you and me Bob yeah all right we're going to kick their ass yeah I got him you get the ball I got oh you can still die oh no this is this changes everything h no no no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh no no this way I'm dribbling no no no no no okay that's okay we're good we're good we're good let go of me I have a game to win I will let go of no one hi my my name's Trey I got a basketball game tomorrow I I got a shoot game on point guard God even getting to the ball is an ordeal don't talk to me that been so good dunon no okay no no no no God scor yes get him get him get him it's all us it's all on you I'll play defense get him get it in there all you got to do is get it in there oh [ __ ] hey have fun get it in get it in get it in get it in get it in get it in in stop King I got this no no no it's it's mine it's mine it's mine get away get away get away get away get away get away get away go I need some air time no no no no ow I'm dead oh yeah hell yeah hell yeah what good game that's how you win at burket bow that a b all right Wade this is it this is our time to shine got it I got the ball oh wait no hang on I got I feel like right side team has a little bit of a disadvantage what's the oh no uh with the yeah yeah the the pointing in the direction is a bit of a bit of an issue hang is uh really something huh goodness straight get the ball wait get the ball let's do this roll roll right roll Right Way roll right roll right roll right roll right keep rolling we're rolling yeah we're here yeah we got it okay there you go I'm sorry you killed me I didn't kill you it was your own uh I'm lagging lag lag lag you scored a away good great get off going oh God [ __ ] that hit his body so no I had it no no wait help help get up oh no oh God it's only you kick it kick it [ __ ] no God damn you well who scores now [ __ ] [ __ ] okay get get no okay come on dead body score I got this no you don't oh yes yes yes no yes no yes oh no Bob don't worry I got this you don't got nothing legs are no match for my face oh god oh not me in the basket teleported okay okay I'm coming back oh my God they're attacking me we're not do oh my God that would have been such an epic dump that would have been [ __ ] awesome it would have been but it wasn't all right interesting way oh no go excellent save Bob this is like playing rocket League great shot great shot oh okay I'm dead now oh you can do this if you hold it wait how do how if you hold it if you hold it oh that's a lot easier no you don't what the jump button down ah okay let me kick it let me kick it let me kick wait get out of the way wait what are you doing what are you doing wait do not do not dunk it on our own okay good listen man there's only so much scored both of their points I know I'm really good right uh no all right Wade we're going for it here we go all right yep that counts no no wait wait what are you doing wait what are you doing F hey don't dunk me wait go get it you won't oh wow we got it Bob get it oh oh no did you die my time to shine Yellow Nice dunk dude trying to sh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you no no no no no go go in the that would have been epic that would have been a nice little oh wait you godamn [ __ ] oh my God yes yes yes no no get it get it get it get it get oh no no no okay okay okay yes oh my God we almost did it again listen Wade mostly did that okay I sure did wait God damn it God Jesus I was dead it wasn't my fault wait I wait God damn it oh I I got it I got it I got it I got it [ __ ] I don't got it Bob I might not got it I dumped I dumped way it's all good so good right now me yeah that's how I do there we go no yes no who who kick it kick it no kick it kick it Mark kick it kick it more kick it a don't kick me wait grab it this is so frustrating I'm trying hang on it'll come back and then I'll just damn it holy [ __ ] okay well kick it no go away wait let go of me okay kick kick it kick it kick it I'm I'm interfering with them Dunk Dunk that [ __ ] God God we're defenseless Bob B slightly the big guns oh no here there we go you're clear you're clear nice one Bob nice one Bob I got it I got watch this no you don't no you don't no you don't no you don't no you don't Mark listen this don't feel right [ __ ] Wade kick me kick me Wade kick me kick me in no stay out of here kick me waade kick me kick me in stay out you stay out of here kick me in not this way Wade kick me in over me I'm trying go not that way way that's the way my neck [ __ ] that was me that way that way no it's all me it's all me baby here we go here we go it's all me get off my head oh no I'm dead we're all dead oh no not that way [ __ ] help no yes yes go in go in you sexy ball wa wait wait wait wait wait wait [Laughter] no oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] whoa hey thanks Mark oh my God we're oh balls oh [ __ ] oh God oh God oh God yes yes oh no God come on I need to grown more I've got it I just need the right I just the right down oh my God sexy man that was amazing that was the most amazing thing God holy [ __ ] good God we're F get it get it wait get it no get it oh my God okay all right Bob that was exactly what all of us want to do I know that was that was [ __ ] incredible that was some Jordan Air time on that one oh oh my God this is really not what I'm trying to do right now there oh my god oh Jesus Oh all here here we go this is it for all the means oh no I heard that no that would have been so cool come on I can't get over there the ice is stopping me give me no no oh no no wait you're on the wrong side hang on hang on this is my chance my opportunity get it get over there godamn it get him go get it I'm working on it hang on he breaks get out of here yeah go get it wait wait it's all you man it's all you I set it up for you you're going to win it for I've never been so stressed in my entire life no not today no yes I got it I got it I got it son of a [ __ ] I got it wait hang on we can do this I want to I want to commit a murder I'm going to win this for all the beans no where am I oh God no I need to grab the thing get away all you okay don't get it Wade Wade you suck you don't have the power I can't going to grab [ __ ] I'm not going the direction go here we go here we go no stop damn it get it get it get it get it together together we [Laughter] shall I got him I got one of them I got the other get off of me where did you go wait wait wait wait wait wait time out time out time out out everyone sto wait what pause it unpause it and someone come here I want to test what just happened someone come here and grab me face to face I don't trust this I think if you I think if you here we'll do it we'll do it we'll do it now we have to get to where we can kick one of us can kick the other one I think we need to grab lower scooch scooch hang on that that might work no this is this is some heave ho [ __ ] you're trying to do here Bob did you see we just [ __ ] launched into SP oh dear listen it's an accident here Bob if we lose this game because you're [ __ ] all right you know what just let's do this later I don't want to thr this game H why kill banana man he's so nice holy [ __ ] oh yes get him banana oh God please Wade it's all on you I trust you I believe I I believe oh there I am wait listen mar mar just kill yourself it's easier do not be used as an instrument for their evil oh yes that would have been so cool [ __ ] can't I I would to be cool like Bob was oh no I'm dead I'm dead ignore me oh here I come no you don't you [ __ ] no not to do oh [ __ ] okay I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready for ball I'm ready I'm ready for ball yes okay I'm ready for a ball no I don't know if you're helping as much as you think you are I don't think Wade's helping you much at all God damn it way that was hey that was me that was me I earned that I kicked that good [ __ ] Bob I did that that the most unbelievable dunk i' I've ever seen in my entire life we could not make a basket to save our [ __ ] lives I made two I I scored like eight baskets we got destroyed did you see I got it was going in for them I going way at all I I think Bob scored all of your points beach beach beach oh [Music] boy [Music] I thought someone was just going to be like nah all right are we on other teams now no I don't think so oh my God why is Mark on my side which side are we trying to score on it's the headbands it's the Colors oh oh okay yeah Bob okay here we go okay interesting all right okay all right okay interesting very interesting very interesting oh oh oh Jesus I'm dead oh we're all dead oh God I'm not dead I just suck I'm dead I've dunked myself more times than I'll ever dunk a ball Mark Mark get get the B no oh oh come on the water oh [ __ ] Mark that was a straight up murder that's how I do oh oh oh not dunking not dunking not dunking not dunking I got them I got them I can see that I can see okay here we go swimming swimming oh I'm dead [Laughter] all right all right here we go here we go not today Jesus here we go here we go do it B oh I killed you with the [Applause] B this is pure torture it's fine let go you are you grabbing me Hey Hey ow get it get it get it get it get it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what are you doingit on [ __ ] do it to him come on come on come on go the ball's back the ball's back get all right wait that was no no no no I'm dead okay well you had to get fancy with it why did you get fancy with it I didn't mean to yes yeah teamwork well that was mostly Sean but okay teamwork oh wait wait are we scoring on the wrong baskets no no no I was just told that Mark and I won the last match cuz we've been scoring on the wrong baskets the whole time we're Reds no we no does that mean we're defending red or scoring on red though oh wait no we we just scored yeah we just scored on blue purple and green both have a point so we can we score on both we did it right yeah we're we're doing it right I think I think I'm a dolphin it doesn't matter the same system appears why' you do that to me okay well that kind of work yes sake that was me ow okay well it doesn't matter even if we're scoring on the wrong baskets we're still trying to the same ones we on the rules oh my God [ __ ] [ __ ] go this way you go this way oh that was some dirty dancing [ __ ] oh my God even if we win we win in style ow we have the stylish the most stylish Hoops I don't think so I I don't think so I don't think so there we go never mind nobody nobody scores like I scores I defend I defend good Bob has some serious Dunk game guys you ever feel like oh God you ever feel like this is you ever feel like this is more of a 2v one situation what you say I've been feeling a little bad for you what are you saying you set it up so well and then that's that's it that's where your story ends oh God there I go wait let go of me wait if you're not actively trying to win I'm playing defense oh dear that was that my skull no that was BL skull all right there we go we're [ __ ] gymnast Bob we're we're we're we're doing we're doing some aerobatics that's what they're called aerobatics we even making we're even making a war there we go there we go there we go get like me wait I'm in an fres here we're going to go this wa a thanks Wade thank you I got it you go you go [ __ ] there you go oh no For the Win not the win did we kill each other that's how we do that's how we do that's how we do pure Go Get It Go Get It Go n no totally intentional completely 100% like on purpose H yeah my I will not get out of here get out of here you oh there we go okay here we go wait is it going backwards that's not physics ooh I'm here wait come I got you happening no thank you no thank you oh there I go I well I'm joining you oh oh die [ __ ] I did oh I got it oh why me God why we both got it we both got it not today not on my watch oh that was almost so stylish God okay here we go wait get it oh St I don't know man I don't know sometimes my neck real strong it's fine it's fine oh yeah oh no not like this oh yeah get out oh yeah baby no no I scored it with Mark's own butthole not ow wait ow that's my that's my Kink scoring with Mar no oh Bo baby that way oh god oh now I'm dead okay here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go wait no why why don't you go away I don't want to do why don't you go fall in a hole guys even if we're scoring in the wrong baskets it doesn't matter we're both aiming for the opposite it once yeah it's fine you don't need rules when you make your own Mar I got it get over there you can't win wait you can't win not like this we have The High Ground oh God Bob go how is your neck still intact from that I got the ball here we go we're going for it oh yeah not not mine though get off of my ball get off of my ball oh wait wait that's my ball my ball my ball my ball my ball my ball my ball wait wait wait wait set you up no wait God damn it wait God good job fre no it counts it counts I popped that out I popped it out oh it technically said you guys win that wasn't my fault we are doing it the wrong way no no I we know you won well I mean I think I won I feel pretty good about that one I think we all won all right that one what's the last game mode what's the other game mode carrot stick pass the carrot what does that mean got to grab each other's carrot not wait not wait not wait not wait I'll be with I'll be with hey what I'm pretty good I think we can watch jet pack what the [ __ ] okay it's you and me Merk all right where are we getting it in I don't know the Red Basket I think we got get think t for the wrong team there again thank you okay no I broke my neck okay here we go and I'm in wait Spike the carrot in the spike I can't get it out oh God we SP not good bye mark thank you okay oh I should not be allowed to control the heavy Vehicles okay okay wait I'm here I'm here I'm here I'm here all right you got it this is horrible oh this game's hard enough as it is it's fine it's just about fine motor control sorry sorry sorry how do we get this carot out of here okay don't it's [ __ ] um don't don't don't don't don't don't don't I I died in your goal does that count I die too okay I'm on this way no everybody keep holding you J and see what happens horrible oh God oh God all right I want this no wait wait oh I was right there wait what the hell can you steal our carrots God what yeah I got one out of your thing apparently it said it was oh hell yeah oh it's Whoever has the most in their baskets by the end oh there goes my neck guys I'm just going to say oh there goes my neck I have not been helping at all there goes my neck oh God I am just keep I'm the neck Destroyer go away okay well I that's my bad oh oh there's one up here oh yes wait Duncan get on it [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm going to try not to mess this up I have okay okay okay that's great that's great that's great I got in okay get away from the stinky W okay got one I got another do I have another oh I got here I go got it no no no you got this you got this yes ow don't Bob get away from I'll steal yours I'll steal yours that's what I thought oh did you see that dunk did you see that dunk did you see the steal [ __ ] come on bring bring it in Mark bring it in here I'm waiting for it come on oh yes Wade defend the parrots Wade oh come on Mark bring it over here I bet you can't do it in 11 seconds I bet you you're you get out you your your face away from me don't worry Bob I'm away from I'll kill you Bob I'm I got I got I'll kill you oh yeah camping the carrots that mode sucks that mode I like thate that mode sucks we we won W man no I don't think so oh okay it was the other it was the thing where you were scoring for us we won no we won we won guys it said we won I'm pretty sure we won okay we're the best yeah we are obviously oh God I'm very good with carrots who's ready to Rocket at a th000 ouch that's not a unit of measurement ow no no not this one not this one no no no what give me that carrot Wade give me that carrot Wade why why did you suddenly decide to be good at this game now cuz you me you have to let go it Wade let go of it Wade kill him kill him kill him dead got it God damn it nice way oh [ __ ] that was so good 30 hands away from here you're coming with me yeah that's what I thought oh I'm dead I'll Blast Your carrots right out of here I just I just knocked R of the carrots in wait out of here what the hell okay I don't think so I'm taking this one oh where am I where am I going I'm I'm hold on [ __ ] get away from me [ __ ] all right wa his weight so good I'm going to here we go I'm going to need you to grab carrots and get them over not the carrot I grab Sean why would that be the thing that you do get get that get that ah and I was excited get away from ours get get out of here stop being a Steely stew I got one I got one I got one yeah that's right you deserve that you do not I got one I got one no you do not sir no you do not me in let me in let me in one second no we won we won that we won that so no it was a draw it was officially we won we won we won we won that team win yeah it said we won it did not did everyone said we're the coolest it really did I did see the coolest message hey Mark how's it going better than you it's going better than you that's what it's going I'm staying in here well funny how all you guys can do is steal ours while we we we're the you killed each other that's what you get get get I'm hunkering down these are my carrots ow get away for my carrots you stinky yay I hate you Bob get out of here how did that not break your neck how get get your goddamn neck broken that's my car that's my carrot Bob that's my wait get out of here wait I I will crush you oh you did yes okay I'm playing Zone how you doing Mark great great great great great carrot theft going it's great it's great how's your carrot theft going Thief you godamn thief in there so ah well we have two and you have zero [ __ ] loser [ __ ] [ __ ] loser loser loser you're a loser gone loser go getting out of here I'm getting out of here I'm getting out of here you do it buddy I can't you're let you're grabbed on to me why would you be grabbed on to me grabbing the carrot okay in in in why am I in yeah no someone okay well won Prett sure we won that we won we won fair s Won Won most handsome Team of the Year award goes to us we won yeah that's only a subcategory though so it doesn't really count it's a you know a win's a win it's an honor to be nominated alone but you know you weren't nominated so I read contestants and nominees suck though if they won they would have been smelly so uh segue segue penis nice are we going to do more of this you guys want to switch up the game because think we I think we got this game you sure I feel like we could really do a lot more with it I'm so hot and bothered and sweaty right now you don't need to know the details Wade very turned on all I need to know is that when you play on my team you dial your gamer skill down to the bottom of the barrel and and then when you're going against me it's like oh I've got the mechanics perfectly here slipstream let me just grab on to you def to win yeah Bob is a good motivational teammate Bob didn't even say a word to you I was cheering him on the whole time I no you were admonishing us the whole time and there's a difference no I was yes nicely done you shouldn't have to punch down to rise up yeah are you all ganging up on me is is that what you're all get him Bob I'm I'm ganging up on Bob I'm with you yeah yeah yeah yeah get them both Bob I mean just ganging up on me doesn't really work cuz I don't fight back that's you're the so you're saying we win yeah we win that's right no but so
Channel: Markiplier Clips
Views: 40,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n3mOEActglg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 35sec (4355 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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