Sundays at the Chateau: BROCANTE IN LIMOGES!

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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter mommy and i have just arrived at the in miu's charity shop in lima we've realized neither of us have ever been here which is amazing all these years we've never been to the limage one but it looks really small so i'm curious let's go in and see what we can find very chic master mummy for your first proper outing outside the chateau let's see and i'm wearing one of the masks handmade by thomas's mother i love this one i'm getting quite into the whole mask thing now it makes me feel as though we're in venice in the eighteenth century and everywhere we go yes grandiose yes oh clandestine rhonda i like that now what treasures could we possibly find here i mean hopefully as we're in limage we'll find lots of pieces of limage porcelain here that's true i can see that there's a but it's not lovely yes 45 euros amazing prices charming little plaques yes far more limage porcelain here than most of the others and i like these cups very much yes they have nice because they're a nice size aren't they they're huge i don't know how much it's got to crack how would they empty in your mouth sometimes it makes you drink do you have a dribbling problem mommy well it depends on the ship of the cup there's napoleon looking quite cheerful actually there's a lovely cake plate and this is a copy of one of the things that marie antoinette liked because she loved to have corn flowers on everything and this is hand done with real gold on the edges did you see the barber plate is that what it's for yes mommy's telling me that this little cut out is because it would have been a bowl used by a barber yeah it's pretty i like it some lovely things this one is beautiful yes that's got the n of napoleon at the top mommy and i are very curious about this one i think it might have been a special drink one millennium the third gerard perry fees i wonder and it's got tobacco it would have been a tobacco maybe it says underneath bernardo it is beautiful isn't it beautiful i reckon bernardo made that for a company because it says 2000 on it so it's not that old i like that don't you think that would look nice in a man's room for 40 euros really i think that's rather good but let's keep looking but which man room it'll be nice in the winter salon oh yeah we could hide a bottle of brandy in it or something but let's look around because we mustn't just go crazy for the sake of it i found a little bit of england queen elizabeth silva jubilee 1977-1952 glass mug a 1977 mug from england i know it's a good size do you know who would have bought that even though he had no interest whatsoever from the royal family daddy just because of the size and the fact that it's glass daddy would have loved that that's the set isn't that pretty yes but you cannot have everything that's pretty you haven't got space for everything but mommy look you could have a little soup for two people in there couldn't you you and percy snuggling up together on his return it's not limage it's from strasbourg and it's all hand-painted i honestly think that for 15 euros that's really charming is not possible yes pottery it's the cups that match our dessert set we have this set at home we do yes we have a dessert set of one tray and about ten plates of these really yes yes how extraordinary we definitely have this are you sure yes a hundred percent certain so perhaps for five euros and look they're a good size big that's a good size yes i like that as they're not even from limash the sheer fluke of us finding the other part of our set all this way away from bavaria i think that's a sign and we need to get those shall i put them away then yes good idea and put them to one side are you sure yes these are pretty pretty plates five pieces for 25 euros which for here is actually not that cheap so ah yes indeed i thought it might be they're from bernardo um so those of you who haven't seen my video about bernardo yet can look at that it's one of my sundays at the chateau it's a wonderful day out very very pretty place oh what do we have here very table decor fabric 25 euros mommy for all of those blue and white plates italy's version of england yes yes that's tempting um no no mommy says it's not it is tempting but we're not going to get that we have enough to feed 50 people we have this set yes we do we haven't got this shaped bowl let's have a little look oh same but different we have it in this color adams yes english scenic we have this at home yes well let's not add two weeks old mummy that's so stretched [Music] yes they're lovely this is quite nice and that costs 12 plates for 25 euros and oh gosh it's sagumin windsor by sagamine that's mommy i think that's really rather nice you're telling me they're nice and they would go very very well for um in fact i'm going to get them yes because i can imagine these with my turkey under plates than the cream rail flooring plates and then these on top for pumpkin soup at thanksgiving yes yes oh you're very keen on these aren't you mommy let's check that baby isn't that lovely for breakfast sports people oh yeah two croissants questions i wonder who that was made for it's a very unusual pattern i don't know i find this rather sweet because it's not often that you see a wheat on a coffee thing i think we're okay there's a little matching sugar bowl 20 euros for buying and look at these charming little things yeah that's really much but i don't know which 13 13 so you could have the strawberries in there and then everyone had little that's a beautiful dessert service for fruit or dessert it's it's from limage and i actually think that might be bernardo but an old one gosh it's very pretty so there's lots of fish serving dishes always here but i noticed look i have found oh yes thing to go with the coffee pot actually no it's not it's just similar it's not the same set no it just happens anyone looking for lots of wheat this is the place to be today i'm very taken by this one because it's only six euros and it's alumni which means that it looks like a beautiful dish you can put on the table but it goes in the oven that's really pretty it's just a bit small for la land we never we never make dishes that small because there are so many of us here is a huge service 420 euros for 65 pieces including two terrains several platters very pretty union of porcelain limage it's just an extraordinarily big surface isn't it look at all of that very very pretty there's yet another bowl and all of the side dishes to match is the cake plate even the chicken yes the sauce bowl another bowl it's incredible that'll be a lucky find for anyone looking for a beautiful set for the first time to find all of that at the same time 26 28 31 plates 31 large plates and i think these are [Music] bowls fantastic absolutely fantastic it's beautiful this is a lovely color yes that's you know how much i love that soft pink i think i must get that from you very pretty color i'm having such fun looking at these pretty things and so many terrains it's a treasure trove of coffee pots so many coffee pots maybe some of you will be able to help us because mummy and i are very confused about this we messy what could this possibly be very heavy so very heavy this comes out and then there's just a shallow tray and then this fits into it so we were wondering hot water and then that to keep things warm on top well mommy was thinking maybe you put a candle into each one but [Music] well maybe it says something underneath it doesn't say what it's for no no idea is to keep something warm i'm sure somebody watching will know he's very heavy that must be a clue either for boiling water or that was my first guess boiling water mummy there's a lovely print for chambo de la tour le crouche that is beautiful and she's getting into a bed alia la polanez rather like the one in the chamber de roje in fact it would look very nice in the chamber roger her eyes filled with a soft langer zealous is going into the heart of her enchanted sleep to re-find a new beauty i think it's very pretty for land i'm going to take it there's a vintage french bed for 180. this is unusual because it still has the base that goes underneath the mattress usually you don't find these which is quite useful because it means it's got that curved shape already otherwise they can be very hard to find i love the school bench i think that is gorgeous i really have no need for it at the chateau sadly but it's lovely i think someone's bought it yes someone bought it for 120 euros really delightful a little inkwell when you think of the poor children who have sweated yes working so hard it's wonderful there are so many books there's a treasure trove of cooking books but of course almost all of the books here are in french so it's not the best section if you don't speak french look mommy it's about the cheeses of france but it's in one of those packets like the kabam bev's coming i think that's really fun and there is the book and it's all of the different ones see these are the ones from us very that's where we live and the pulini is a type of goat cheese that's also made at the goats farm that we went to visit in some days at the chateau all of them are here every single french cheese what an amazing book wow oh and what's interesting is it tells you at what time of year you can eat the cheese okay so for example if you're lucky enough to have a busy cheese i've never even heard of them you can eat it between summer and winter okay don't buy it at the time no don't do that this one must be eaten cold at the end of autumn or the beginning of spring very specifically don't do it at any other time i don't know how we can survive that sheep two euros magnificent i like this i think we should have this is a good um research book [Music] here is a book on the beautiful garden at the prairie ocean that i went to with mommy and mari and antoine four euros there's the interior as well that's a beautiful book there's a beautifully bound book of the el grecos in the prado it's a canvas cover i wonder how much this one is this is beautiful wow unfortunately it is entirely in spanish natalya would have to translate the entire book for us and i also have them and at the back there are slides of all of the images have you ever seen anything so wonderful slides of all of the el greco's in the prado look me it's exquisite we haven't got a machine for friends what a wonderful book and it's complete they're all there if that had been in english i would most certainly have been getting that that is a beautiful beautiful reference piece to have in someone's home but i don't know how much they're selling it for actually there's no price on it oh yes there is 40 euros daddy would have loved the art section i suspect he would have got that el greco even though he couldn't speak spanish look at this one all about german painting isn't that delightful they have a gorgeous edition of the de cameron of picacho isn't that pretty it has the most sumptuously lovely frontiers piece thank you mommy isn't that the most beautiful frontis piece oh with yep peacocks [Laughter] 40 euros for the three bucks oh it's lovely oh daddy would have loved this edition such a beauty that would have been in french for him i wonder when this edition was made it's kind of like the 60s or something doesn't it you think so 71 good group 71. i'd like this very much i don't think that i can justify getting that at the moment but i do find it very very beautiful this is a collection of the fable of lafontaine that's the same as esops fables they're known as the fables of lafontaine in france because he is the man who translated them into french a stunning edition stunning lovely book looks as though it might be the same um editor doesn't it because it's a very similar way of putting together the book 1969 yes i think it must be and they've got illustrations by fargo now oh no what a beautiful book i'll find out there's also a section of very very old books but they are all and key and there's nothing that screams out to me particularly not funerary orations i'm not sure that's going to be my bedtime raiding tonight there are lovely old dresses this one is quite exquisite in the way that it's made can you show underneath there mummy it's so stiff a stiff organza underskirt and then more netting underneath the tube and then covered with the embroidery [Music] beautifully made that [Music] mummy has spotted possibly the world's most awesome hat and now i feel drawn to find out the price of that hat clearly a very practical piece that's very pretty i think that was that was a good purchase we've got that lovely print some beautiful bits of porcelain which i'll open up when we get home we did get the pretty books of lafontaine the set of three books was 30 euros we of course have the epic cheese book and the piece de resistance oh yes i will model it for you later i got the hat i'm very happy you spotted the hat mummy very happy i don't know whether i should regret it or wait till you see me in it at home and the lovely thing is that everything that we spend in that shop goes to charity so we have a little splurge everything is reasonably priced so it's not too bad and everything that we spend goes to charity so it's win win win win win win win win right let's head home this is such a lovely room mummy and i think that the print will be perfect in here the colors are just right this is exciting so this is the chamber de rojer and as you can see there's a li a la polones in this room and there's also a bed very similar to that in this print so i thought it would be lovely for it to go in this room and it's gorgeous against the wall color it's picking out all of the gray blues yes wonderful mummy okay so okay let's swap and i will hang okay it's about there he's indeed yes so maybe a little bit lower i think so the hook will go in line with this we shall put the hook somewhere in line with the dragonfly butterfly hard to know lovely i have found a picture hook you did a julie good job with those bed curtains with you mommy it's not every day we get praise in this house only when you stress you fight sweetheart oh hang on we had a hook here do you think that's too far off center should we just see how it looks i can't believe there's already there's something there there's already a hook in the wall i don't know why it was invisible because it was silver and it's alright so right i dropped my tack we'll get there eventually i'm only putting a single because it's not a heavy print well no it's not very heavy this delightful is that better it's not straight there's somewhere else we could have hung this mummy what do you mean let me know what you think of this idea having put little holes everywhere what do you think of that because it's a woman going into the bed so as you get in you're seeing that and then we can arrange the curtains so that they go sort of like that around the painting you see what i mean no i think it's too fussy can you hold it for me to have a look of course actually the thing that's bothering me there is not the fact that it's there it's the fact that the mount the cream mount doesn't work it's not quite bold enough to have in that pride of place in the middle it's just too much cream i think what could be done here is hanging something on the ribbon from the top um in front of them but it could be a shape not this an oval an oval would look much better that would be softer bring back the oval of this elderly yes and and i think that would be nice it could be a mirror it could be something freaking hanging okay so back to plan a i love it in here that was a very very good find we got very lucky didn't we much yes it is excellent it's as though it's made for this bedroom just beautiful and i love this but we need a comfortable armchair in this room yes nowhere to sit well there's a sofa it should be here well let's put one in here finally you'll be happy mommy i am voila there we go a beautiful spot of course and there should be a little table always about to say go to the board we will find a little coffee table and a little foot store those little touches are so important i love these they're not really that should not be there voila excellent i mean i realize it's not quite the right style we'll have to find something a little more shadowy and that can go um for the terrace it'll be really pretty on the terrace but at least for now i think maybe the other way around a couple of these books a guide to elegance and christie christie's cat auction catalogue from 1930 something 1931 there wonderful it's a perfect place for somebody to read a guide to elegance now shaumbra roger is ready for its next guest there this is how it could look obviously we decorate much much more for thanksgiving but i wanted to give everybody an idea of how the new sagamine plates that we got could be dressed yes and i've used them as i said i would when we were in the shop with the plain cream ralph lauren plates and below that the lovely spode for william sonoma turkey chargers and they i think marry really well they do three different companies um and these are from three different countries and look it looks so pretty we love mixing and matching here i don't feel that we have to buy every piece of a set and obviously when i finally come to making a table for thanksgiving we'll decorate it with many more gourds and flowers but we're very lucky that marie's made these beautiful flowers for today and look she's used the hops from the garden aren't they gorgeous isn't it pretty mummy very pretty there somehow the minute you put a bottle of wine on the table it starts to look more convivial ready for some lovely dinner and good company and for now i've used our led candles and they are fantastic they were a very great purchase which i got at christmas last year we use them all the time but for the real thanksgiving dinner we will obviously have real candles at the table what do you think of it mommy oh it's delightful it's really lovely very inviting warm it warms the cockles of your heart and that's what you want in the midst of autumn we're ready for the autumn and winter now this is not a summerset no no no no absolutely i'm glad you spotted them because it's you who found the windsor plate from sargomin isn't it yes very very elegant all right mama i shall await my guests looking at the beautiful engravings of high buonard's work whilst reading the fabled la fontaine at the lovely new table oh do you like my outfit for tonight uh do you don't you think it ought to be pepped up a bit it is a bit drab yesterday yes um but i didn't like to see that but it was you know it was only 20 euros perhaps so we can't expect miracles [Music] isn't it amazing i have to have a sort of party just so that i can wear the hat which i presume has to have been for a wedding and never mind that we'll just have a party anyway absolutely i mean and imagine you'll cut a fine figure when you go to um oh what their name bricomachi or whatever imagine if i started a new craze in iguarand and by this time next year everyone will be wearing them everyone would put a meringue on their hatch and there's one last thing i wanted to talk about which is that now that we have the french cheese book in the comment type wooden holder i've decided that i will make in the future a vlog about french cheeses or maybe a series of vlogs where we try to get hold of the cheeses in this book at the right time of year and look at exactly how they're meant to be mentioned and then we can really start to learn things about french cheese all together using this book it's very specific some have got a shelf-like life of about two months i don't know how they can survive right this is a really really good trip to the volcano mummy i loved it well all this this look this lecture is stable and our afternoon tea which we have to have now mommy let's go and have a delicious cup of tea yes indeed yes please i'm dying for a cup of cheese i'm done for a piece of cake this is the life mommy the table is laid for dinner and now we can focus on the lovely new teacups that we got because like i was right i just left the center free to show you i already had the desert set of exactly the same set if you lift your cup of tea mummy thank you it's ever so happy voila also from bavaria because it's very pretty identical and the dessert plates that i've got are in two different patterns that's the one with the smaller central point i think i have about 12 all together and this one has a much larger pattern in the middle exactly matches the teacup and saucer excellent this is the life isn't it yes yes i could get used to it well let's have a nice cup of tea some jamaica ginger cake matchmakers one of those lovely delicious marzipan salzburg chocolates i shall do that thank you i think i shall have this and i think next week let's go back to the book hunt a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land jaedel and ether alice allen anna brandon and john michael daniela dan bandelore vince barone denise barones lindsey bradley veronica castillo zoe dork sakura dennis jackie allison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari l fine caroline firster brenda gibbons abigail grant brenda harris delane holbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson jacqueline holmes helen jacobs jimmy kemp david and summer la land victoria lepine janet hoof lombard kim matlock meredith nina messick robert miller cathy nori jc award mp maureen palmer tamara price tonya renee yvonne and peter richards rjb bettina rojack hanny ross elizabeth scanlan sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks patty suhu susan stevens jenny stevenson sarah thornton colleen troyer brandy walton carolyn ross webb greg wood david young and lodovicos ordonazo and thank you to all of you [Music] you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 142,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, the chateau diaries, chateau, chateau renovation, escape to chateau, diy, brocante
Id: iMD7ed7fj8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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