Sundays at the Brocante: CHINOISERIE AND CARPETS!

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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter how excited are we families another day another in my visit extremely excited we've come up with a rule haven't we stephanie have we we have come up what is the rule the rule is what if okay if we want to but if anybody wants to buy something that won't fit in the car all three people have to agree on it so what you're saying is if i want to buy say a wardrobe yeah per chance you two have to agree yes how did we come up with this rule and why i said that we're going to buy something that fits in the car and then you said well what if it's awesome right your mother's going to be furious she told us we have too many things and she's not stuff she's not wrong you do have a lot of things i love the fact that it's philip who just said that when it's always he talks me into buying the stuff always every time i just see what you want and i'm like well okay i'm not going to stop you really and that's not true you're like the little devil sitting on my shoulder you're such an enabler does that make me the angel i'm seeing so many things oh really anything you've spotted this chair looks like the one you've got uh one of them is now in them yeah i've got a pair like that yeah i like that as well like the fabric and there's a secret hair there oh hang on we have one almost identical and if it's what i think it is it's actually a wash stand don't break your neck there's one in nick's room you ready for this [Music] so we have one almost identical back at the chateau so it's a it's a little washdown it's a a dressing table for a gentleman right well this gender will need something perfect for you you have your armani there ah we lost you excuse me i'm trying to work good did you finish the novel looks like the one in the tour phillip i'm not buying another one i know zero bedside tables today that's the only thing i'm saying do you know what i saw this when we were here last time and i thought it was epic and i just think i want to go on it is it i don't think it's so good i don't like it oh we'll find out okay okay i feel like she needs some knitting i think i feel like she needs to do some knitting just keep an eye on everything it actually works super easily it's got a good central balance it's actually amazing you should have a go yeah okay it feels really scary right yeah and i really have no idea whether it's safe or not i mean just let yourself go just just yeah it's really nice so you're gonna go around yeah right uh no no no i need your help i mean so start we've got a rescue cat look she's lost in the middle of the random porcelain the poor thing doesn't know what's going on we almost love the foresight i have to walk away because i've not been terminus with you before and i hadn't realized just how embarrassing is vlogging in public i do think we need those because we saw them last time and i think they're still very beautiful the big ones or the little ones the little heads oh the heads yes yes yes yes yes we need them we do you're right we need them um the big ones are no big yeah they're too big the little ones are great actually you might need a basket as well or maybe the two like in the room i am now oh we've never had the fireplace cleared there we could try and get that clear that'd be really fun i think even just putting something in it to make it look like it is usable i really agree in that case i will need the guard oh but the guard hasn't got a sock i had seen that yeah okay so oh the one behind dude the nice brass one oh still here okay well it has a bit of rust on it but it means it's just for show i think that's fine we can polish that up sure yeah i think that's okay so we're taking that one the two ahead yes and the two baskets yes great because last time we were so successful with the rocks remember it was an epic success last time around here and see and i think that one's quite good i love the color of this one i'm quite surprised at how nice that is i think it could look very nicely in a room i don't really like it on its own yeah but it's it's nice i mean it's not broken or worn anything like that yeah and this one last time as well you're thinking for the winter salon maybe yeah andrew has too many colors yeah blues there's another one there as well it's not bad either i mean the edges are a bit warm yeah it's not in such a good state that one colors are quite nice oh wow we're making a big mess it's not as big that one is it oh i vaguely remember we looked at that last time i think so because yes the pattern in the middle i think you weren't crazy about that i think we're still not crazy about it okay so not this one no let's have a look at the others i don't mind them i don't know yeah i agree with you they're not awful no they're not great but the price of great carpets is so high that it's something for the future there's more important things that leland in the meantime it's nice to have a carpet to like probably dress the room especially with winter coming if i'm honest that's the reason i'm looking for them now it'll make us feel much warmer interesting so where do we still need a rug actually we need them all over the whole chateau so we should just get any that we like and we will find where to put them i'm gonna get this one as well i don't like that one so much i don't like the little pattern in the middle yeah yeah i've got the same issue with that one but i'm quite i'm really quite pleased with this very big one i think let's see how big it is yeah let's see if i can help okay so that's the light it's quite warm oh dear it's quite big i like it though i think we get this one yeah depending on the price okay so we spotted i like this a lot me too i think quite delicate actually it's a bit damaged as well but not like it's not bothering me what do you think i think they're really adorable look at the little people [Music] and the gold is lovely on it and i think 60 euros is a good price for that i think it could look great in the winter summer it's the only room i could imagine it might be a bit low yeah it's very nice i'm sitting now on this one thank you i just like it as an object where to put it down maybe in my bedroom when it becomes my study when i have a sofa in there i really like it because i have my father's paintings in there they're very bold i think they could go with something like this i mean is there a coffee table now in the tech room i don't think there is it might be really nice in there i don't think it wouldn't necessarily work but i think for the time being yeah yeah we could store it there really beautiful yes but do you see we've got a major problem what i'm not convinced it's going to fit into the car and if it doesn't we need cat's permission [Music] you know i honestly think it will fit if you put it upright in the boot we will make it fit i will have it on my knee if necessary we will get this into the car or we will get cat's permission by any means just get it and then see what happens too late oops okay yeah i'm going to get it great you've done so well for them well yeah but yes well yes what what are you holding it's horrific i actually really hate it is that why you picked it up i think it was awful no i like cows um so i see you know you just don't try and distract me look at him he's buying the bloody shots it's for charity [Music] is that that's not a good excuse okay what rooms do we need them for i know that you've been in charge of fixing all the curtains so you know what we need for that honestly i don't know great the one person in charge of this doesn't know i mean i thought they might go in your either dressing room yeah they're great they match the curtains and they're just being fun okay great these oh they look like unicorn horse the difficulty is that they can only be used yes they do look like unicorn horns and that's why we like them new bathrooms silly oh god they've already got ties tie backs um it's yeah so it can only go in a room with one window have you got any yeah there's a few with only one window but look at the ones below you've got lots the same okay so these are four okay same ones that could work in the marquee sitting room and they only got two of them yeah two windows and they're red curtains so that's a yes right would that fit with the wallpaper you chose yeah i think so yes i think it does yeah okay and these are uh i think it's one short of a perfect set okay one two three six windows 13. okay and one extra four yeah i was having we've got numbers and i think they're a bit boring for the grand salon because those honestly i don't really like him but corridor but you were just so ecstatic yes so excited to find them well it's because it's 13 the same ones in here it is a truly exciting moment for all of us i just don't think we have to have it i think it's going to depend on price let's ask what just happened can you repeat what you just said i mentioned that at the moment the thing holding the curtains back in the 12-3 room is my suitcase you don't have tie-backs no and in all of the things that we've looked at do you think there are tie-backs that could possibly work for your room that only has one window i was wondering though um you should whether you wanted to do 12 or 3 time packs though no i think you could need model you can have those tie backs and philip and i are feeling pretty smug that you a joined in and be wanted no you've got to stop representing me as some sort of philistine he knows nothing i can recognize that these are pink and the room is pink you found a tray we're always looking for trays i really like this one me too i really like it also i quite like all of these they're always useful we need to get candles as well because i know yeah yeah we definitely need candles not again that's true what it's gonna renovate the whole chateau you know it's gonna create so much work still not finished the bloody sofa from the last tray excuse me i've got to get back to work [Music] i think i found a bargain okay let's look again again i think we need it i don't think it's necessary for the chateau okay but it's this um armoire is that the right no because that's the sort of is it a dress i don't really know what the word is um but it's only 100 euros but the details on it is so beautiful look at the face you could like let things rubbed off each hair and the quite magnificent messed up the detail in the eyes it is amazing actually yeah that that is amazing i mean yeah the craft it must have taken to make yeah i agree with you i think it's absolutely fantastic what's it like on the inside oh someone's remodeled it and they've put some nasty paper on it oh yeah so i don't know whether it shows up on camera this is sort of a shiny bronzy someone's cocktail cornered that someone has cooked up corn it's got the actual keys oh yeah the keys are still there great that's a really nice thing oh yeah it's that little secret one look like that please secret please that's that's just to delete these just to lock those oh we wanted a secret one i bet there is a secret on someone that is really impressive yeah so i think it must be a mistake that it's that from i think it's just waiting for you no because we know there's nowhere to put it a piece of phone it would actually go in the marquis apartment but no let's oh no oh if there were a spot i mean okay let's not get it i don't think it's going to go anywhere let's go to the marquis kitchen have a think about it if it's still here it's a sign can we hide that can we hide the price on it maybe make the one or seven or something okay no we're stepping away and picking up the much cheaper things that we've chosen today we need you over here phillip we found something very exciting okay hold this up to the light it's a woman she suddenly appears i think there's a different one in that one oh jesus this one's a way that one's really detailed isn't that this one's not so much but that one that one's like a portrait yeah a portrait i mean i participate that one i find really pretty and there's amazing let me have a quick look at this one to show everyone there's amazing uh plates that go with the one you're holding i don't like the plates that go with it can we get an option have we got is it a trick question have we got enough shin was away uh especially since this one is complete because it's only three cups and five sauces it's actually the plates i like more than anything else [Music] yeah this is a nicely much service how many plates and bowls um one two three fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen so seventeen plates ten ten bowls six small plates four five six seven um a terrine a bowl and a platter all of that for 45 euros and it's all liberation it's just amazing the things that you can get here no i don't mind them actually i think this one's quite pretty could go in the dining room uh no no i agree i mean the color scheme it could work great in the entrance hall as well yeah yeah so many lovely things oh it's just a heaven okay we're entertaining ourselves by looking for the things we least like in the entire shop and it shows this and i love it so i'm not gonna get it but i can just imagine the easter table which is covered in animals it'll be really fun it's a dream it's brilliant it's so brilliant it's horrible yeah but not as bad as the thing you're holding which okay okay yeah no it's so ugly that i can't know no just know for that i hate it i mean i actually like the sort of ones you know that are kind of molded but this looks like an illness of thought it does not look like grapes i have quite a soft spot for ugly you do i really do the teapot speaks for itself yeah but that yeah i'm with you cat that's it's beyond like the duck admit dark brilliant yeah no big fan of duck you'd have like duck soup in it yeah wouldn't you it would be really i should genuinely love the duck okay i'm not allowing myself to get the dark it's horrible and i like it i love it where's that it's it's horrible and i don't love it it's pink how do you not love this it's your color i think we've done surprisingly well we said only buy something fits in the car yeah i mean only buy stuff it does actually fit in the car i put that stuff that stuff was perfect there don't question where the h m bags went there's a load of empty space here yeah okay let's go back in i'm closing the boot now i'll be in the car i've been going we're going that was another very successful in my use outing and now i want to show you the exciting things that we've done with previous miu's finds you may remember and if not i'll put a link to it here that we have found a great wardrobe in my use for the tack room and a quite ugly coffee table that we felt we could transform so here's what we're doing with those i have lots of new people to introduce to everyone in here here is nick yeah and andy and there's tracy at the back hello hello nick and tracy are here just for a weekend helping out so much thank you it's amazing and you are the best cooks ever and the best margarita makers yeah definitely that was amazing and andy's here for a while with us which is really lovely and you've set up a production line in here this is our specialty painting furniture it's part of our business so so what do you do what is your business we import sort of antiques and bricant type things to new zealand and um we come to france every year and yeah it's a good way to make a living it's a lifestyle right it seems like a perfect job doesn't it spending half your time in france have your time over there exactly but we do a lot of um you know buying old pieces that need sort of bringing back to life yeah yeah so i'm extraordinarily lucky that you two are here just when this huge consignment of things from in miu arrives it's good to be useful this is the huge wardrobe that i bought from emmaus from michael's tack room apartment that hani's living in at the moment and i can see you've all done the undercoat already yes great pieces yes and the wood wasn't bad but i think in our case that room had too many colors of wood and it wouldn't have worked to put another one in it needs a color yeah yeah it's better it's more bluish you think you've got the color well i think that's a lovely color this is better yes yes this is more of a purpley one yeah and then that one is a bit paler than i was looking for and also how does have a little hint of purple only a slight but this one is a lovely color so how did you do that mix uh randomly mixing everything here do you know what portions that is i'll just keep going until i get it right thank you yeah that's all right it's gonna look great yeah i'm excited color on the trim yeah whatever you think is best there i think that you've clearly got a good eye okay cool thanks and there's a bell's little coffee table too yeah i'm so excited about that already that looks so much better quicker you like the color it seems to complement i think it does yeah also makes it disappear a little bit which it needed because it was so orange absolutely and that's the paint that philip and i bought in bricomachi yeah the furniture paint casing based a profound matte not just a matte you can't really tell because it's still wet and it's looking far from being a profound mat at the moment have you used that one before this i think it's one of the better ones oh good yeah i've used their paints on the wall of my bedroom and i thought it was amazing so thick so yeah yeah the color is great to get this will take two coats and then we'll do a little bit of gold on the maybe rough it up a tiny bit yeah i think that'll be nice oh i'm so lucky that you're here it'll just give it a new life yeah yeah it was a little bit tacky at first but mommy does need a coffee table it's a really good size the color of the marble is great for apartment so i think it will work well that's a good size okay good luck perfect isn't it amazing the difference i really like it yeah me too it looks way better like the orangey wood was terrible i think the orangey wood was making the shape look cumbersome but now that it's white the shape looks much more delicate imagine it like when it's really dry with the gold bits on as well yeah it's going to be great and we're so lucky because tracy and nick are professional furniture restorers so this is amazing very happy about that it looks good i think it would look great in your mom's apartment me too andy that's looking lovely yeah well we are a little bit have a discussion about yeah these colors which color do you prefer which is well this one yeah i'll show you outside it might be easier okay it's quite subtle that's say the [Music] difference very very slightly yes so it's not going to be a big yeah that's a lovely color and i think once we rub it because it'll look great yes yeah it's a beautiful color they're very adventurous with colors yeah i love color we're used to painting things [Laughter] which is also beautiful um but i think in this room we have an opportunity to do something a little bit brighter yeah so what's going on here just finishing up wow yes it looks better looks great yeah so we've just rubbed it back a little bit and of dark um on this corner here it's just really funny it brings it to life nice yeah it's going to look great up there i think it will work yeah it's going to be a new trend blue otherwise nice and um this little one here is starting to put the gold on so oh that looks great but i think i might wax it first and that'll make it look a wee bit older and then do the gold sounds good yeah excited we'll see what happens good luck that is amazing amazing i love it love it love it i was saying to philip that's gonna start a new trend in blue aren't nice i think so you saw it here fast you know this is for you mummy this is for your apartment yes look with the marble top that's wonderful i don't have an uh yes that's why we got it and look there's the top for it this color is coming together yeah isn't that incredible because we didn't actually plan for that but somehow put a wax on it it's a yeah slightly pinky but um and it'll dry a little bit lighter and then i'll put the gold on the yeah that's what i wasn't expecting that the wax was slightly pinky where did you find the wax mixture so clever you keep mixing things up so it wasn't a fluke at all was it no it was very much planned great idea it makes it look do you like it i love it i love it i can't wait to see it with the marble on and in place i didn't realize it was for me you see yeah oh that's wonderful well i'm glad we picked it up now we nearly didn't because the wood was just so ugly it was only 20 euros so we thought it was worth a risk we came for a moment just to have a little egg oh the color's superb with that beautiful and the color is absolutely superb but i'm i'm just perfectly amazed mommy that's going to be so pretty in your room it could make a big change from my cardboard box i do that's wonderful well nick and tracy i have to go out now and i know you're leaving today yeah we are yes and that is a horrible news yes please promise you'll come back oh we're in the neighborhood it's four hours away okay that's basically a neighbor here isn't it in france yeah if you ever down airway pop in i'd love to and yeah please please come back because it's just been such fun having you here it's been great good to see you to see what what it looks like now i do think that seeing transformations is good for the soul to see that things can get better better and uh we couldn't have done that in issues we couldn't have done it without you yeah this is the new dream team the three of you i don't know where tracy's gone to i'd like to say goodbye to her she's taking a few photos okay okay i'll go find her bye then well done oh no well done i wanted to say goodbye to you and a huge thank you thank you for hanging out great it's been amazing so amazing and everything's looking so good and i was just saying to nick please come back absolutely next year really we have to wait till next year i know but it was just such a a whirlwind but we really enjoyed it yeah we did too very very much so and i'm still obsessed with your trousers sorry zara oh i love zara all gone now trapped dreaded anyway enjoy your day thank you you too and have a safe journey bye well mummy the coffee table is a triumph i cannot believe how well it's come up it is beautiful still still a little bit it is you can lift it yes but it's quite heavy but otherwise you can make small wooden yes here inside that it stays i don't think that mommy's going to be having difficulty with that and you can read so absolutely it's beautiful i'm really glad that philip spotted it because it was actually really very ugly in the shop so ugly are you surprised at how nice it's looking you you put oh this table okay yeah yeah but indeed and i needed one no no no i think you're just right basically we've off-centered the wardrobe the wardrobe is designed to go in front of that door towards mummies because eventually both mommy and michael will have fire escapes out through the balcony but the balcony hasn't been built yet which means that in the meantime we're going to have to put it a little bit out of the way so that you can still get through that door if you need it yeah but that's not long term i love the color in here andy yeah yeah it looks beautiful i i think with the mirrors and then the reflection is yes it's lighter now it's a little bit yeah still yeah no i think it will look very very pretty yeah i think too so okay we leave it here i will put on the top okay here we go in this house right here yeah yeah here it's oh this one parts right okay yeah yeah okay something yeah okay in the room the cupboard looks very solid and it adds weight to the apartment yes it was needed everything was low so it had high tender yeah i agree and it'll be even better when it's in front of that and when it has doors on as well and the doors the glass doors yes so this is how the apartment has been transformed just by going to the local charity shop here's the wardrobe that we got and that nick tracy and andy have transformed i love the blue i know a lot of people don't like painting wood but i do i love the 18th century i love the fact that wood was painted a lot then and i enjoy doing it now i wouldn't do it over incredible marquetry or truly beautiful wood but i thought it was fine to paint this piece and then we have the coffee table and the rug so it's made it all much snugger very very simply and really inexpensively and of course let's not forget than the last world cup that we did we got the equestrian tray for the tack room because this was the groom's bedroom where over the stables and the coach house here so i think it's important to remember that obviously in my father's painting we have a horse and i'm going to add horses here and there we have my father's artist's model of a horse as well i love the tray it's so great so the room's coming together thanks to in my use and the local poor camps and next week hopefully we will manage to transform a fireplace with the great things that we bought for the fireplaces too so i'll show you that in the next bulkheart video until then bye from lenland a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land jaedel and ether alice allen anna brandon and john michael daniela dan banda lauren barnes vince barone denise behrens linda c bradley candace and ed borkhovsky veronica castillo zoe dork sakura dennis jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari l fine caroline first of brenda gibbons abigail grant brenda harris delane hallbrook kim hasselhoff david and tom henderson jacqueline holmes helen jacobs jimmy kemp david and summer leland victoria lepine janitor lombard frank martin kim matlock meredith robert miller kathy nori jc award mp maureen palmer tamara price amin rahman tonya renee yvonne and peter richards rjb bettina rojack hani ross elizabeth scanlan's friend schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks patty suhu susan stephens jenny stevenson sarah thornton colleen troyer jessica walker brandi walton laura watkins greg wood david young and lodovico zodonatzo and thank you to all of you [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 217,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wkEW7yqvaCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 59sec (2099 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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