CLEARING THE MESS OF A THOUSAND YEARS (well it felt like that...)

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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to laland a chateau filled with life love and laughter it feels like the first day of autumn here at la land rainy and gray and it's a day for staying snuggled indoors but i will not be doing that because i just saw my cousin when i went downstairs my cup of tea and he's told me that he has been working outside on the carpentry all this time because there was nowhere to set up inside and that is not going to be possible anymore so kat and i throwing on our work clothes and we're going to go with him and start clearing out the maintenance room it's absolutely full of things so we have to re-house most of those and make a space so that emery can move in i'm in my lovely snuggly jumper with my cup of tea ready to go out into the drizzle to move some furniture you look like the moon business right don't i look at this oh oh yeah you ready for some furniture moving yeah big time with a dream organizing and clearing what's your favorite how much i can convince you to take time out of the day yeah i think we should clear at the same time morning morning how was breakfast this morning again yeah we've accidentally worn almost almost the same thing but that's why you usually wear your super bright jumper because you know that cat would never wear anything that bright yeah but i was feeling very autumnal today so i thought well surely it'll be fine and it wasn't it would no no with a very unhappy cat i've never seen a very unhappy cat what does that look like it's just as soon as she walked and i was like not again you didn't get the autumn memo i mean what's happening here you're still summary of your array of sunshine on this day [Laughter] i like your tough it's like you've self-rewarded yourself three stars i really like that yeah i've never thought of that i have i got up i got dressed had a shower yeah and i'm ready for work so i it's a three star day have you had a tea yet we've got a cup what did you think i was just drunk lipstick marks all right it's my second tea of the day oh great okay you'll be fine look at this team you've got like you couldn't expect a better team could you yeah yeah good teamer team go-getters yeah i like it team get stuff done right oh yeah i'm going to turn the fountain off for a start so we can actually hear ourselves think in here okay i mean it already looks extremely empty yes you're better to the panel yeah the paneling's gone that was something that has been swapped for the soap that was in there oh yes i love that sofa yeah but it's napping so for now ah okay important am i gonna be allowed to nap i thought you're gonna be putting a camera just look every second thing and an alarm if i see you sleeping a buzzer will go it doesn't look like he's sweating enough he hasn't been greased up by cat with a wd-40 no there's a dog dog collars you can get when the dogs bark yeah when they bark they get like electric shock every time you drift off right we've got our work cut out so this is this is it am i this is what i'm gonna be getting yeah this is it this is your room emery and you're going to bring your carpentry equipment over from england my workshop yeah it's a cool workshop spindle moulders uh fixed planers yeah thicknesses bandsaws table saws three-headed tenant the only one i'm is going to be interesting you're making that up what's the last thing you said three heads do you wanna see uh you can't have one three headed now that's the three head attendant there i'm sorry what what that's the three headed tenon i thought that's what it was yeah yeah yeah i just spotted that yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah no he's got three motors that's why three okay and his heads are the spindle i should probably be very interested in this this is your workshop back at home with your dogs half of the workshop you can't see that's only half can we see the other half no because i need to get my dogs though but no so yeah phoebe so i'm bringing all of that and then all of this is coming and another and another half of that wow table saw yeah okay so we need to clean i'm gonna fit in here extra what's what's behind that wall yeah good luck nick's sitting room [Laughter] i would enjoy like a little bit of you know who knows i mean i don't think antoine's ever had an experience to do a bit of carpentry and i love it they're going to be here next month so oh really yeah i'll try and try with a carpentry with them so yeah no it should fit it'll fit you make it work make it work and put some of the machines on casters so i can move them around and whatnot so yeah all right i i'm going to start look because i can already say that i think that the playstation dance pad i don't know about you i think you can go okay what about this is getting weird okay in my use is this what it's gonna be like for the next six hours it's like yeah yes so where do we put this yes it is yeah you know your cousin i'm just taking off my hoodie so they're smashes right let's make a and an dish pile and anything else we moved to its new home great dishwasher i don't know why what [Music] yeah it's dishwasher oh yes sorry i did buy that yeah that's my natty's apartment i bought the whole kitchen carcasses oh you mean the integral units yeah yeah i've got the integrated units i've got everything for that that's gonna have safe drying cleaning yeah yeah okay [Music] it turned on no no the odd nintendo ds we just found it in here covered in dust it does it works it turns on it doesn't have a stylo anymore oh no but what's the what's the game start gba game you still remember how to do this oh yeah this is my old one fire emblem oh that's epic you know that is brilliant that is the best game on it one reason dragons dragons and men emery co-existed great dragons yeah and men those real live creatures do you need to resume chapter it's kept your progress noble lady of kailyn do you remember how to play this not at all but i remember it i was utterly addicted really yeah as well as nick nick will be able to tell you how to play this straight away okay let's see if we can find the charger [Music] cousin emery has found a massive box of keys look at this the key to the cemetery in kozong so anyone's up for a party tonight let's do this section uh it's not a big key i hope they haven't changed their gate what else have we got the tower of the guardians this is amazing this is great [Music] [Music] behind me that's all the rubbish pile all of that is going to the shetley so that's incredible is that all for the over here well we then get um the sheeple from a long time ago it is yeah the long line really really clears some things out so we're getting really really excited because this door hasn't been open for 15 years uh and we think that we're doing so well we might be able to open it today this would be a huge day right do we need to get a step ladder turns a bin [Music] this is it was just really really bright no emery's like he means business now that that's the bracket the end is in sight [Music] this is amazing oh my god none of us can breathe anymore we actually genuinely need this hat i can't pull it that way there you go there you go i mean there's nothing leaning okay so that's fine yeah it's nothing let's just move this the door from there oh it was the old door of nick's apartment which we don't need anymore because he's got a glass one now i'll take it yeah okay extremely heavy emery is it worth us keeping just that bit of wood with the hooks on it look come on i've said yes there's so much going today okay this is his wedding grubby yeah that's lucky no it's already ripped philip wants to put a three-eyed teddy bear on it oh nice oh yes that's the old shower door isn't it yeah yes okay that shower door can go as well and we are going to open this door three legged chairs you've got three of us now as well yeah have you been through the door yet no try i'll see you nasty come here come here you're about to see something you've never seen before you did yeah we have another door wow yes we have wow and nearly everything in there is for the discharge everything at the back of the room is really cheap and everything on this side is put in my use so is that coffee no i'm taking it the whole room yeah that's great that's really great it's going to be used it's perfect the shutterly pile is huge all of that is about a quarter of the room go to the room see this mummy all of that is going well careful what you show her but yeah we'd be gone yeah i'm going tomorrow all of this is for in my use all of these beds as well and the yeah the little feet of the deer are also going to my phase two is going to be decided sorting out this wall yeah so all the paints that have ever been used in the shadow are there we need to work out what's moldy and rotten and useful and then all the tools i can see at one point someone had the lovely idea of put the tools back where you found them that was percy was it oh brilliant well clearly it's been abided by very strictly anyway so we'll sort that out and then this cupboard i heard phase two you say phase two phase two join us next year [Laughter] i don't want your mother shouting at me yeah because my mom was bringing the workshop with papa oh yes i'm so excited that his workshop's coming it's incredible oh look we were looking for this this summer yes we were the days that we have a summer day yes we were looking for these and there they are well next hammer all right that circle is the last thing look at this beautiful floor hello floor i think how much more floor there's gonna be i can't believe that pile neither can i oh i just spotted my tea mug right at the back i think mine's over here too yeah nestling near yours let's go and fill those up hey siri where are you i'm here nice oh is it it's definitely okay i thought it might be in the pile somewhere we did so well in the maintenance room i'm amazed just amazing it's been awful for so long and i feel it's quite cathartic i feel like i can breathe again which is great the best bit was opening the double doors and seeing all that light and air coming in and i'm also really excited that it's going to be used for emery's workshop because he has the most incredible equipment he really has the most amazing workshop so to think that he's happy enough here to want to properly settle and bring everything over from england is really great right i've changed out of my work clothes and i have just told phillip about the keys that we found when we're clearing the maintenance room the cemetery of course yeah but i'm really excited to find some of the other keys remember the door extensively closed yeah yeah it was closed the other day again but luckily i had already like taken the bolts out so i could just push it open well i brought them up they're all outside the door to my bathroom so go and have a look and have a look through there to see if you find anything exciting i'm missing so many keys i'm really excited there's no stopping you today is there absolutely not i'm all clean and clean it's not i know you don't love leftovers but i don't mind leftovers i love everything you cook okay so this should go up with that amount of garlic everything's going to be nice well yeah it's split between two dishes it's not just that amount of garlic but look at my tupperware hall not whole um purge whoa so i went wild i went through every single one finding lids for them and now all of those have lids and all of those don't bye-bye um so basically you started clearing outside and you're like right that's it i'm clearing everywhere now and then i did the tough one and now i'm doing the fridge basically by trying to cook with all of the leftovers and i'm loving today it is a great day are you having fun with your keys yes from the key to the door between the entrance hall and the stairwell entrance hall and step oh it doesn't close really yes well i i you can get it to close if you no no yeah no you could do already do that but now we can lock this on great now i'm going to go and see bonnie in the winter salon because one of our guests with a candlestick well she literally designed the eyewear for downton abbey seriously so let's go let's go about it you know i'm watching downton abbey at the moment i didn't know yet yeah okay we have to let them know right see you later bye on the way phillip is showing me the big excitement yes i did there was one thing that went wrong this is another one that said salam moji because there's a little dining room yes it was this one and now i can't get it [Music] right literally just foamy and said you need to look out of your bedroom window dan i can't believe it i just heard a noise we didn't know she was on eggs we didn't know she's had a second brood four [Music] no wonder she did better not only we didn't know she was on eggs the predecessors didn't know she was on eggs she's been saying i don't know where she was okay so last time when poor darling baby chick died we uh discussed it with kirsty that we should try and herd them into the walled garden and keep the doors closed because they won't be able to fly out but she'll be able to like stay with them there and then hopefully that'll stop some predators okay let's try to do that then yeah try to get them that way and then we'll see what we can do this is insane what a great day what a day to be alive hey brilliant what were you doing with your little wheelbarrow just burning weeds could you not do that with a digger oh yeah yeah we found something you can't do with a digger i never think of the digger it's weird yeah it just sits unused i don't want to get too close because i don't want to stress her but i want to just be in the distance over here so that she walks the other way just heading out off let's try and go this [Music] way oh they're beautiful look at that four i will not go through that door isn't it amazing emery i can't believe we didn't know she was on eggs i thought it was too late in the year this is a treat to get back from the dish attorney too isn't it so what we're trying to do right if you go the other way cat cat you go the other way or maybe if you and cat stand there and we stand there and just all just walk slowly to try and get her to the door but you have to go far that way because she needs to get to the door oh poor thing she's stressed i don't want to stress her but yeah i need to get her to safety she's making her feelings loud and clear we're really good at moving peacock and sheep yes it's a real la land speciality i don't know about your peacock authority dam but you've got one they're young must be this might work dan you're a genius he is a peacock wrangler i love emery just like normally just appearing from a bush yeah just in here i think he's going to manage it [Music] this is one of the strange assaults i've ever seen here paul thinking here all of her chicks are all being super loud she doesn't want to walk towards him because that's what everyone is [Applause] [Music] follow the screens sicko i don't want them to get cold yeah [Music] [Music] there we go okay she has all her chicks again she's now thoroughly cheesed off with all of us she won't be talking to us for a few days that's for sure so if we keep all of the doors in this place hermetically sealed she can come and go but they can't so she'll stay here no well there's shelter there there's loads of shelter for them we know that they're safe from foxes now we're pretty sure they're not safe from other possible predators but at the same time that we can't put her in her in a room no she won't cope no seem to stress her out i think this is the safest place anyway isn't it it's completely warm yeah it's the safest place now fine and they don't get harassed here so i think it should be all right just think if one disappears we're going to have to rethink it and i think we need to tell every single guest who comes that we can't ever leave the doors open yeah that we've got to keep the chicks in maybe yeah we're going to make some scrambled egg to give to the chicks we may as well make some for ourselves at the same time silly yes cheesecake is it ready your cheesecake's ready well another couple of days before it starts to thing we thought that was going to go i think it will if you leave this one now [Laughter] this is an oreo cheesecake quadruple layered yeah too layered twice it is so yeah yeah there's a chocolatey layer quite popular over this side of the room as well straws oh oh oh perfect [Music] dan dan the man oh am i the first to try it and we're all going to watch you oh good i went wearing cream i'm off to feed the baby chicks i've made them a little bit of scrambled egg let's see if we can find them [Music] we've got a very good sign up now pea chicks inside let's hope they are still inside where might i find a pea chick there's a rooster wow i got distracted by the red cabbages because they are beautiful absolutely huge there's so many of them thanks to yeah there's a few coming not many ah so we're going to have some blackberries hopefully okay don't want to get too close it's kind of stressful right look i'm not getting any closer for their scrambled egg very buttery scrambled egg that's delicious thank you let's try and get a little bit closer now yeah should i put it on the ground i don't think she'll come into this um there you go okay let's leave her alone i'm sure she can find it now and they won't be in the sun yeah were you the author of the sign it's an excellent sign amazing it is a good good song i think they're going to be all right i don't know no i shouldn't have said that just we'll just he will be what will be will be i like that okay i'm gonna use down the gardener's wisdom it's good to see things go mommy's gonna freak when she sees that leave but we have tried we've tried it we've tried from here right thank you for skipping in the stable yeah we tried sharing everything okay i did swoop in and save one thing from the dish this was the chair that my father always used to paint in his studio and i know it's not in a good state and it really was supposed to go it's in the path of the duchete but i just kept thinking about it during the night and couldn't bear the thought of it going so it's been saved and then i will not immediately but when my study is done fully i'm going to cover this in a really pretty twirl and i'm going to use it myself i'm sorry you caught me in my flannel it's a bit embarrassing i need to be snug tonight so the flannel came out and then you caught me yeah well i had to come and say good night because i don't think we'll be up tomorrow morning thank you so much and um see you soon come back soon they will promise okay thank you swell okay all right i'm gonna miss you missy too love you mommy love you we'll be waiting for you okay marie's family i don't like it but she has to go she has to go and do her own thing and follow her own dreams i know that i just hope she can pop back regularly i feel like someone whose child's gone to or something i'm really pleased for her she's doing all these exciting things i'm going to miss her a lot time for bed at the end of a very long but very fantastically productive day i'm happy i'm wearing the flannel a huge thank you to all of our patrons who make this vlog possible and the duffan's and dauphines of la land jaidel and ether alice allende whaling banshee brian barnard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise behrens daniel bernakovich jill bidwell candice blackburn candace ned borkowski clara butcher paulina calabro chloe chalikani lindsey c chelton steve and sarah cole linda concepcion aaron conklin jimmy connolly zoe dorks sylvia dem jim demersman and richard patternord sakura dennis zane dixon jason w jackie allison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first to kevin fossum abigail grant fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delaine hallbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson camilla herrera jacqueline holmes and ken bates priscilla hoop lissandra hawley melissa jamson brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy cam nadia kennedy lisa laforge dave and summer la land morgan lowly angel leonard victoria lepen janet huff lombard marina frank martin grant and erin mcloone meredith robert miller joanne morton karen nicholson kathy nerd maureen palmer ellen person wendy piatek frank popovsky and james snow tomorrow price almond ramen tonya renee rjb bettina roject hanny ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlon sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks rebecca shurick carl and laurie c but theresa sloane annette sullivan patti suhu susan stephens montes de pora sabrina saret and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer renee valelli victoria jessica walker brandi walton laura watkins lucas wallin james whalen cheryl whittaker linda wiest christine wilson wins la cockapoo gregory david young and lodovico's ordinator [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 183,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, stephanie jarvis chateau de la lande, the chateau diaries, hoarders, clearing
Id: R6Q2rxejbCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 7sec (1747 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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