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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter welcome to sundays at the chateau where we are about to take you on an adventure with us i don't quite know exactly what our day is going to be like but i do know that we're going to the chateau of shomasyalwa in the lua valley and they have a special floristry exhibition today marie's told us all about it she's really excited and me too i absolutely love seeing floral art so it should be great it's just going to be philip nattie marie and me special day out we don't do this very often and look at this just sometime kind of lisa from santa she sends you that yeah so maybe we can be a little bit warmer today oh hang on salisa is where mommy and i got the amazing pink and blue dresses exactly and these are scarves [Applause] let's have a look there are three fortunes wow they're beautiful wow oh oh this is like a french one eiffel tower i really like that one yeah i absolutely love that one for travellers as myself this is a very good gift so they are lovely and this this is one of my favorites what is it look thor's i wonder where the doors are from because i know that in the town of pezenas it's kind of famous for its doors but these don't look as though they're from peasant ass i wish i knew where the doors were from they're gorgeous maybe lisa can tell me look at that yeah yeah we should ask yeah they're beautiful yeah they're stunning are we ready to go yeah marley do you want to our scarf all right have you seen these scarfs but no less getting out how do you call this or in spanish do you call it dragonfly dragonflies that'd be beautiful i love that one look wow the colors on that one yeah i really like it beautiful okay okay you two choose which ones because it's actually quite chilly out all right well i like the pink one [Laughter] it goes well yeah with the skirt it's perfect perfect it's so warm nice and i would choose a dorsal right which means i well actually i think i love this one and i think it goes well with your your outfit too look at that that's perfect what do you think that's the one for that we are ready the three of us we have three floral beauties ready to go yes i feel like you need to be wearing some flowers oh i'm not i'm very autumn today i like it though i love it with my coat you're the little splash of leopard print in between the flowers yes hello hello you're the only one that's not wearing a salisa scarf every single one of you wearing yeah see you're a very lucky man to be surrounded by such visions isn't he can borrow my scarf if you like well i'm very excited to go to this exhibition yeah me too a lot what about you natalie so the floral exhibition we're going to yeah is designed by three different floral designers master florist one floral designer and one um rewarded for designer as well plus 25 apprentices this sounds like a really big deal so excited i wonder what shadow that is maybe it'll start i think we're going to get a better view around the corner is it valancia it looks like valencia to me are we already at valencia yeah i think so yeah it is very stunning we can go there one day yeah i'd love to the gates are here they have a wallpaper by zubair that i have long wanted in there they have only one wallpaper just the one a joy driving around france another one so many castles in france castles and tractors oh it's so beautiful look at those beautiful flowers maddie's just spotted matty has to get out of the car to take a photo of them she has to bring some be careful they're not for pig oh look how pretty they are are they much her dress bye maggie [Laughter] she's gone back by a little bit i can go there yeah it's just bye maggie [Laughter] that means 60 photos and three five minutes of video yes yes that's exactly what it means that way marie and i are quite similar oh we know about your five minutes already effort you said you know you don't see that every day your dress was exactly like the flowers yes that's fine what's perfect it's meant to be you look forward and see if there's anything coming just because i can't tell oh you're fine it passed forward you're fine if you just stayed where you were come along james faster please thank you if you just stayed [Music] there will be enough flowers for you to take pictures let's find out we can always stop at the days on the way back oh there it is there's the castle oh wow don't stop me now this is a great day don't stop me now i'm having such a good time i'm having a ball yes this is the entrance to the chateau okay on the left car park is to the right good this is how leland should look i agree with you i 100 agree with you so we'll be sending all of the footage to dan yes and then i reckon by next week should we jump these are beautiful trees i don't know what they are i think that's our grass looking so green yes the new watering system oh that would be a dream did we just drive under here yeah but yes that's the way we came don't stop me now is there i love that don't stop me now sign how excited are you right now well i think we're going the wrong direction do i go outside first [Laughter] we're off to a great start this one's quite mysterious and just a little bit creepy just what we like if you say so the gardens are just amazing each year the garden rooms at charmar are slightly changed to represent a different theme and this year's theme is return to mother earth so there's a sense of wildness of nature taking hold again it's quite fascinating to wander around and quite mysterious i feel like we're not going to stop arguing about where the flowers are until we found the flowers for mari so what's this exactly it says it's resilience it is apparently designed to tell a story which is both new and primordial by being forced to go back to basics we will be able to live happily and harmoniously as part of the global ecosystem oh yeah there's a pond at the heart of it that is gorgeous that is quite magical to look into a little window and find that oh with the red trees just above it and this kind of extremely well planned wasteland with the dead tree at the heart and a pond behind in the sound of running water this will be the perfect place to come and read just imagine all the gnomes just walking around having fun whoa look at the size of those leaves wow i mean i'm sure we have that many old bottles at la land but it's the leaves i love it yeah can you stand by the leaf so that i can get some idea of scale it's crazy the great thing about visiting this garden is it's the same climate as where we are so if anything grows here it will grow at home [Music] now you would probably enjoy it if they were all full natty if this was just where you went to get your bottle for the party but only for parties we didn't have that okay fair enough for parties for decoration the whole year you know i'm getting anxious about the exhibition look how pretty this is it's not the exhibition though is it no this garden is called regeneration the blues in this garden remind me of yves saint laurent's garden in marrakech but i think the blue works better under that bright bright sunshine of morocco quite a green i feel like those are like the colors out of that plant which one the pinky yeah i don't think i've ever seen that before so tall and spindly and then the flowers at the top and i like frames in the garden and it immediately makes you just want to look through to the other side i'd love to have frames in the garden this is so mysterious yeah i think so too marie are you going to pose have you seen all of the um little bird houses oh [Applause] just you know this is this is the reality of instagram nice [Laughter] looks like i have leaves in my hair this one's nice oh that's beautiful nelly what are you talking about that's stunning that's beautiful yeah very nice yeah love it well done thank you okay so i think we haven't been down there are those animals really what seems unlikely they look really funny i can't believe you found the chickens that epic what a great great chicken a little waggling we have to find chickens like this look at the feet oh my god it's too good for words it's very dramatic i love a dramatic chicken i really like the color the shape it looks like little pom-poms yes beautiful yes you are stunningly beautiful they're funniest from behind it looks like a stuffed animal but the way it walks is just yeah i'm very happy me too we found the best bit yeah it's going to eat you mary it looks it's really cute but it's ferocious yeah especially this one this is a very ferocious chicken look at the bottom yeah you i didn't actually see what this garden was called but i'm wondering if it might not be the garden of solitude because i have a chair by myself facing a hedge there's no view and my bottom is cold is that is that part of the garden design do you think marie i don't think so i mean i feel that it wouldn't be the best place to gossip because you've got to shout quite loudly to be heard i feel like this is the best place to get a urine infection [Laughter] this has been fun i'm not a hundred percent sure about the fountain here but the pond yes and are they dahlias in the background the pink ones it kind of looks like a gardening accident in pink well oh the pink is great oh it's so much better now with maddie there bye it's so whimsical and that i do like i love the water and i love the water bit the way the water's coming out of different angles like that makes such a gorgeous noise i'm just not sure about the garden implements i don't really like the pink flowers down here but that's personal opinion but yeah this wetland planting is what i would love up just below the fish pond the old fish pond at la land going down towards the lake uh an area like this covered in wooden walkways like the one we're standing on because i think the planting is spectacular i can't believe how many flowers there are on that tea house imagine if we did go around the path and find a tiny little tea house i love this it's like a maze i found a bench and another pond with a little bridge leading to some red twigs well that is exciting but honestly i really like the idea of it and with the thing that goes around imagine like having a little table here yeah chairs uh nice tea set also i just love the idea of hidden areas in the garden yeah it is making me think that all our trees should now be gold have you noticed the gravel it's the same as ours it's the same color i love this and all of the trees around it in that circle oh that's gorgeous we've spotted it marie we must be getting close but one day we'll get that it's a fairy tale isn't it you literally just said that knowing us lot it would take us ages to walk to the castle exactly and every three meters we're stopping because you're taking a photo of a daisy every single flower in photo every last one i do think you should photograph that one now and that one that tree over there the right one yeah against the grey sky no stunning no and those flowers there the the purple ones later well i'm gonna take a picture of the tree we're never gonna make it to the castle at this rate yes that's why i said it's all your fault two seconds they're your favorite trees aren't they philip in this garden i really like this tree these red ones i just really like autumn so yeah but that's particularly spectacular i know so the view here is great because there's that and there's marie and she's adorable and with the sky as well because i yeah this guy's superb i think it's great we came here today and then when we turn castle get another great view so we're still having some difficulty working out how to get to it and the flower exhibition yeah you make a vlog about this chateau you do watch my vlogs ages ago it was about two years ago and i came here for my birthday with dana and with juliet and there was a concert cyril was performing here it was beautiful yeah and it was so stunningly beautiful because it was inside one of the barns with a slideshow of the most beautiful photos of this garden and he was playing dubucy and just the most romantic music over the top of it but look at that it does look like a fairy tale doesn't it it is a fairy tale i can't think of a more beautiful place to come to a floral exhibition oh whoa what's that the old stable blocks i wonder what the round build or maybe it's their pigeon coop that could be that was my first thought imagine if we got a sculpture that big to fill our entire hangar at the chateau imagine as people arrived at the chateau they saw that i love it but admittedly we'd have nowhere to store the wood but it's so great the stables are wonderful because they all have their original stalls and they're filled with the most beautiful stunning modern sculptures this just looks like a chess set you're right i do need glasses because i had looked at this and phillips just pointed out that there are faces on top i lost my glasses three years ago because i'm not that short-sighted i haven't bothered to get another pair i really like this one and like the ones at la land they've still got the names of the horses there's mire in the middle and gusman i can't see the other one from here look at the monogram of the chateau just behind every horse store i don't know about you phillip but this is giving me big ideas for christmas decorations white feathers that is beautiful so beautiful this is one of the floral designers oh exhibition so this is charlene and she's based in paris but she's also got some shops in orleans so it's quite exciting that they use the stables as one of the areas it is magical and it's giving me a lot of ideas for christmas when we first moved to la land all of the stands and all of the tack and saddles were still there in the room that's now the tack room but the previous owners kept them all it's beautiful i don't know if it'll come across on the video but when i'm standing here i can hear the wind in the trees in the distance and then just from next to me there's a gentle murmuring from this room which is called the nest of the murmurs incredible mom this is the interior of the circular building that we mistook for a pigeon coop from a distance in fact it was built on the foundations of an old pottery kiln and was used as an indoor ring to train horses it's currently being used to house this extraordinary work by the sculptor stefan gieran who loves to work with crystals and at the heart of all of these crystals there stands a single amethyst we've arrived at the chateau finally having been through pretty much most of the gardens to try to get here and all of the stables but this is it i feel dwarfed by it it makes leland look like the parking garage it's huge we can go and see the flowers you excited lived in by catalina medici and then transformed by the princess dubli in the late 19th and early 20th century so as we walk through we'll really see renaissance rooms right up until rooms that were still lived in just a hundred years ago you'll just have to stay outside phillip feel very welcome it's not for dutch people what's through here oh spiral staircase ah natty is it beautiful we're coming home wow yes wow this is amazing this is by gary taffan who in 2015 was named the best floral designer in fl in france oh so gorgeous this is the catherine de medici bedroom and all of the floral art in here has been made by charlene pritzkeloff who was named one of the finest artisans in france in 2011. it's fascinating they just work so well in this renaissance environment and it's really perfect for catherine de medici it's powerful and bold and intricate very very strong floral art for a very strong woman there are beautiful details everywhere even the stained glass windows are worth pausing at this grand room is the council chamber and i think it's also the room which has possibly the most successful floral displays because there's something about the strong purple with the feathery red that works very well against the verdure of the tapestries and the brown of the wooden paneling i can think of no more perfect setting it's just too beautiful the colors are so perfect with that tapestry we're gonna need a lot more vases this was the guard room which is still filled with various medieval weaponry what do you think mary i love it i know me too i'm in heaven i'm in heaven and i haven't even seen the whole garden and this is so beautiful i'm so glad you have flower hearts and it reminds me of when i went to floristry school and we would go to copenhagen for ex exhibitions and competitions and i love it so much i'm so happy you told us yeah and i think even though if you're not a flower lover you can find inspiration of course you can [Music] [Applause] it's hard to know what i love most here spiral staircase or the flowers it's huge my camera does not do it justice and so intricately carved [Music] i love a streamer this is some one of my favorites oh you often get some of those delivered to la land don't you you got the dahlias here hydrangea roses the colors are breathtaking yeah in the emeratus which we should have in the garden really yes so beautiful let's go and see downstairs downstairs has the rooms that the princess de bruy lived in this was the dining room of the princess dubai who lived here only a hundred years ago imagine the grand dinners they must have had in this dining room the beams are exactly what i would like to do in the glass salon yeah we have the ceiling now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is the moment at which i realized that all of our table decorations so far have been under done is that your favorite one stephanie it's absolutely hilarious can you go and stand next to it so we get an idea of scale yeah that's quite some sculpture here is the library with just the most stunning art installation by pascal conveyer the installation in the library is mind-blowing the books are superb i wonder what they're made of it's wax they're wax oh it's books and this is the princess to play the rich ass who bought this chateau she saw it when she was very young and immediately announced that she had to have it and she lived here for most of her life so you me and marie nattie having a good gossip after a party that's our perfect gossip chair no you're not no i'm done getting your drinks or what no wiggle something about you [Music] seems fair and now for the billiard room wow the beans and that's the castle okay so we found the beams for the winter salon done well imagine that with um pieces of la land but oh i just can't get over the table decoration philip shall we decorate the table like this one day and then just eat on our laps around it [Music] conversation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] one of my favorite color combinations is pink and red finally we know what to do with the billiard table at la land this was the billiard room just getting really free range absolutely anytime she wants i love the fabric on the walls sumptuous and then we go through to the sitting room do you play the harp philip i love this room oh a porcupine with a crowd never seen you so no fair enough that is brilliant a porcupine with a crown oh and he's look at his little face yeah he's adorable yeah that is just the best possible crust i think this is my favorite bit so far porcupine i like the colors of this room very much i like the golden walls i would love to know who this spectacular wool fabric is by amazing the scale is vast the piano has seen better days but it's probably never seen so many flowers before wait i love the flowers they get miraculous it's just glorious talking about the ivories yeah poor thing this is part of the princess debre's coffee service you can see the monogram of the bee they must have sat here having coffee in this very room [Music] but the nicest thing about this room is the courtyard that it steps out onto and the courtyard looks straight over the loire isn't it spectacular it truly is did you enjoy it very much and do you think we're ever going to find marie again maybe at the car i think she might still be in the first room she's loving it so much but it gives me hope that i can just keep going with la land and keep adding to the beauty of the gardens because i can't make the exterior as perfect and magnificent as this that's out of my control but the gardens that's a different thing [Laughter] yeah and it makes me feel emotional because i just feel so lucky to live in a french chateau even a modest one just to be part of this tradition it's very special now that we've seen the chateau what do we most want to do coffee cake cake cake oh did i mention i really love this place this is magnificent yes it is and i'll take this which is another castle for my next visit okay so it looks as though we're going to start a little bit of a tour day trips to the chateaus of the loire yep okay it's not they're doing it leaving one but [Laughter] never enough i loved it so much because um when i used to work as a florist in a shop i was much more exposed to floral art installations and we went you know traveling and visiting art exhibitions so you had inspiration all the time yeah and i haven't seen this for a while so it's quite nice to get this reminder of how beautiful floral art can be and um what i can do in the future and how dramatic you can be with flying no that really took my breath just so eye opening and especially with the tapestry and the contrast of color i just love it don't hold back now we're going to finish the perfect day with a typically french meal in a little restaurant called la madeleine de poste we were saying that we love the flower i love cauliflower too you should try yours this is puff pastry with vegetables it's delicious i absolutely love scallops oh this is just so perfect and so french and i'm so happy right now and you have butternut squash soup yes i do now i am having beef with stuffed pasta i think there is celery and mushrooms in the pasta and you have duck with a carrot yeah it's amazing oh i am happy to hear that because i have the same it's like cutting butter what a day cheers which is a coffee with a little tiny selection of all the desserts all of them one of them i am a little bit jealous it's good and fill it guys i'm just going to compare these [Music] well you went for the swimming pool i did yeah yeah no nonsense what are you having over them i've got cheese nice yeah i'm pretty happy and wait did you get a swimming pool i don't know what's more beautiful the way they're all the way back it's been amazing and especially made me crack up when the lady and then tell us here oh you're french and you home sweet home everyone yeah thank you all for a beautiful day thank you it's amazing it's been awesome it has been amazing i can't believe we're arriving home it's just gone midnight who's that cat we missed you so much yeah we did we missed you too did you have a productive work day extremely good yeah um can i just specify that that was for your job oh yeah and that we didn't like crack a whip and say cat's got to stay here it should have been a really productive day for my job yeah so i did every job the noodle instead yeah rooted the sofa in the entrance all the way salon is looking amazing a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land jaedel and ether alice allen anna brandon and john michael daniela dan banda lauren barnes vince barone denise behrens linda c bradley candace and ed borkowski veronica castillo zoe dork sakura dennis jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari l fine caroline faster brenda gibbons abigail grant brenda harris delane holbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson jacqueline holmes helen jacobs jimmy kemp david and summer leland victoria lepin janet hof lombard frank martin kim matlock meredith nina messick robert miller kathy nuri jc award mp maureen palmer tamara price tonya renee yvonne and peter richards rjb bettina roject hanny ross elizabeth scandan sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks patty sue who susan stevens jenny stevenson sarah thornton colleen troyer jessica walker brandi walton laura watkins greg wood david young and ludovico zodonatzo and thank you to all of you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 106,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie jarvis, the chateau diaries, chateau, chateau renovation, escape to chateau, chaumont sur loire, floral art, floristry, flowers, garden tour, chateau garden
Id: F8zuF_ur0nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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