Sunday Morning Worship at the Greater!

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children you kept our jobs you've kept our friends and our loved ones you've kept our communities how great god you have been and how great god you will continue to be we lift up this worship experience to you on today would you be so kind to visit each of us you know what we stand in need of you know every individual need you know every corporate and collective need you are the need meter you can meet us right at the point of our need so hear our cry o god and ten into our earnest prayer rescue us from the hand of the enemy change and rearrange our situations mold us make us and shape us to be all that you have called us to be we lift up bishop on today give them a word from on high give them a rhema word that will speak to us that will help us to change to give us a mind and a thought after you we lift up our worship team we lift up our musicians we lift up our media team we thank you for ushers greeters and nurses we thank you for transportation god we thank you for free talking we give you praise and we give you glory for all the ways you've made for all the ways you continue to make and we speak to the enemy even now and we declare that no weapon formed against us will ever be able to prosper we call you out for who you are we say you are a liar you are a deceiver you are a manipulator we abide in god in his word and his truth and his truth is what will make us free so bless us o god as we continue in worship and will always be careful to give you the glory we'll always be careful to give you the honor and will always be careful to give you the praise it's in jesus mighty name that we pray and we put our hands together and we still with a handclap of praise believing that it is so and believing that it is done it's in jesus name amen hallelujah god you're amazing you're kind you're sweet and we come to worship you come on take a moment to lift up the name of jesus take a moment to cleanse this atmosphere take a moment to give him his due worship take a moment to wash away anything that may have happened before you stepped into this sanctuary because after all he's an amazing god he's still an amazing king he's still an amazing deliverer he's still an amazing healer he's still an amazing responder he's still an amazing rescuer so god we give you our all yes come on lift up your praises to jesus come on open your mouth and begin to speak well again come on take a moment he deserves it he deserves it he deserves it he deserves [Music] that's a place i can run and be safe there is a name that can heal calms my storm peace be still i can call [Music] [Music] things will change so i stand and proclaim there's no greater name than jesus [Music] jesus [Music] stand and proclaim there's no greater name [Music] than jesus jesus sing there is that's a place [Music] peace be still [Music] things will change [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] she [Music] that's a place [Music] peace be still [Music] things will change [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] deliver [Music] it works it works it works help me sing that name yes [Music] one more time [Music] it works it works it [Music] works put your trust in him put your faith in him [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm a witness that is [Music] i'm excited because i'm excited [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i believe [Applause] [Music] and i know it's true [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] there's no greater knowledge [Music] jesus [Music] victories in that name [Music] [Music] [Music] my forgiveness has sent that name my blood washington's in that name i call on the name of jesus i call on the name of jesus the more i call him hey the better i feel the more i call him the better i feel no weapon comes against me when i jesus jesus [Music] call the name of jesus he is my healer i call the name of jesus [Music] he is my provider [Music] i call the name of jesus he is call the name of jesus he is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause he is my protector [Music] he's my deliverer [Music] [Applause] [Music] help us [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] he is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's been my protectors [Applause] [Music] he is [Music] one voice one voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] when i don't have the words to say i can't cry [Applause] [Music] there's no name that is great that is stronger than our savior there's no name that is [Music] is [Music] that is [Music] that is [Music] do you believe it do you receive it do you know that there is no name that's higher than the name of jesus that holds one power his name is great his name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] his name his name is [Music] [Music] [Music] single [Music] sing real sweet singing real sweet to jesus watch he responds to you when you worship him [Music] come on close your eyes and think of the goodness of jesus praise him in advance and lift up your own he will respond to our worship he will respond to our worship i dare you to get lost in him in worship i dare you to get lost [Music] come on lift up your voices to jesus lift up your voices to jesus lift up your voices to jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus or for grace to trust him more anybody trust the name of jesus hallelujah [Music] if you believe what was your song clap your hands and thank god no that's like you're clapping for me clap your hands for the lord for the lord is good there is power in the name of jesus there is power [Music] is that my king break every chain break every chain break every chain anybody ever had any chains broken off of your life and today you're free no longer bound for he whom the son makes free is free indeed good morning everybody this is still the day that the lord has made we are rejoicing and we are glad in it it's so wonderful to welcome our streaming audience thank you for tuning in but you know i am so happy to see all of you who are live right here in the building give god a hand clap for giving you the strength amen amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord we sadly announce the homegoing of one of our most precious and faithful members at calvary for over 20 plus years one of our leading ushers for so many years sister christina gardner and she will be [Music] she will be sent home officially to be with the lord on this coming wednesday ten o'clock will be her viewing and 11 o'clock will be the home going will you join me in praying with and for the gardener family this is difficult for any family member and the church family so will you lift all of us up in prayer amen i want to look um at chapter 8 in the book of acts and i want to read this from the message bible and i'm reading the whole chapter that is very strange for me but i want to do that for emphasis and maybe if i read the long chapter and you pay good enough attention to it that i won't have to preach so long acts chapter 8. that set off a terrific persecution of the church in jerusalem the believers were all scattered throughout judea and samaria all that is but the apostles good and brave men buried stephen given him a solemn funerals not many dry eyes that day and saul just went wild devastating the church entering house after house after house dragging men and women off to jail forced to leave home base the followers of jesus all became missionaries wherever they were scattered they preached the message about jesus going down to a samaritan city philip proclaimed the message of the messiah when the people heard what he had to say and saw the miracles the clear signs of god's action they hung on his every word many who could neither stand nor walk were healed that day the evil spirits protested loudly as they were sent on their way and what joy in the city previous to philip's arrival a certain simon had practiced magic in the city posing as a famous man and dazzling all the samaritans with his wizardry he had them all from little children to old men eating out of his hand they all thought he had supernatural powers and called him the great wizard he had been around a long time and everyone was more or less in awe of him but when philip came to town announcing the news of god's kingdom and proclaiming the name of jesus christ they forgot simon and were baptized becoming believers right and left even simon himself believed and was baptized from that moment he was like philip's shadow so fascinated with all the god signs and miracles that he would leave phillips side so when the apostles in jerusalem received the report that samaria had accepted god's message they sent peter and john down to pray for them to receive the holy spirit up to this point they had only been baptized in the name of the master jesus the only spirit in the master jesus the holy spirit had not yet fallen on them then the apostles laid their hands on them and they did receive the holy spirit when simon saw that the apostles by merely laying on hands conferred the spirit he pulled out his money excited and said sell me your secret show me how you did that how much do you want name your price peter said to hell with your money and you along with it why that's unthinkable trying to buy god's gift you'll never be part of what god is doing by striking bargains and offering bribes change your ways and now ask the master to forgive you for trying to use god to make money i can see this as an old habit with you you reek with money lust oh said simon pray for me pray to the master that nothing like that will ever happen to me and with that the apostles were on their way continuing to witness and spread the message of god's salvation preaching in every samaritan town they passed through on their return to [Music] jerusalem look at your neighbor even though your mask and repeat my subject after me everybody say bewitched but the spell is broken said one more time bewitched but the spell is broken [Music] [Applause] i'm going to deal for a few moments from the theme break through from bewitchment tell your neighbor it don't work no more tell the other neighbor it don't work no more anybody glad god delivered you from some stuff that it don't work no more clap your hands if you love it already [Music] in the background of the text there is a man named saul who had not become paul yet and he put the christians in jail causing many to because of their belief in jesus christ now i know the pandemic is going on but aren't you glad that you're not living in the time that if you believed in jesus they put you in jail and killed you let's celebrate that fact somebody want to live back in the bible days go on and help yourself but i'll take this pandemic that god is bringing us out of rather than to be killed or put in jail for just loving jesus as a matter of fact deacon stephen one of the first deacons of the seven deacon stephen was just stoned to death in chapter 7 of acts for believing in jesus and saul was standing right there looking at it and intensified his quest to destroy all believers because of the deaths and death threats the christians were scattered everywhere and everywhere they went they continued to talk about jesus they preached jesus which says to me this was a deacon it says to me you don't have to be a preacher to preach jesus as a matter of fact if you just live jesus or you miss that one if you just live jesus you don't have to be an evangelist to spread the gospel because your lifestyle is the only sermon some people will ever see or hear i wish i could get a witness for that so i wish more of my deacons were here so they could hear this in chapter eight deacon philip another deacon went down to the city of samaria and preached christ to them philip one of the seven who had been picked out by the apostles to take care of the business of the church preached christ because he was full of the holy ghost and wisdom god give us more deacons that are full of the holy ghost and wisdom and the city caught on revival fire philip deacon phillip preached that thing so until the whole city which had been bewitched by simon the whole city forgot about simon and turn to jesus philip preached christ and the people with one accord the bible says gave heed to the word of god from philip and god backed his word with miracles bring back the day god when you back your word with signs wonders and miracles and people came to the altar running saying what must i do to be saved yoke breaking demon busting devil chasing deliverance crusades where the message led to miracles oh you missed that where the message led to miracles where the preaching led to deliverance clap your hands and somebody shout bring back the day nobody was mad but the devil demons were cast out of people the lame walked great healings came about god was moving by his spirit and there was great joy in that city god wants to bring back great joy to us god gets no glory when we are sad and mad and depressed and feeling bad god gets no glory there was great joy in the city but it had not always been like that before the revival before the joy in the city the city was bewitched by a man named simon he put a spell on the paper bewitched means you are affected by witchcraft or magic cast the spell over it's it's like what did they used to say without like you've been jinxed and given over to bad luck the witch man is the practice of a witch or which doctor who specializes in sorcery black magic whose major influence is this is how you gonna tell tell today whether you are a witch or which doctor sitting up in here the main way you know a witch or witch doctor they specialize in three things intimidation domination here's the main one manipulation all i need is about 50 people to help me if you want to know who has a witchcraft spirit it's a spirit of control intimidation manipulation and they try to dominate your life but somebody shout that devil is a liar somebody shout we're going to kill every witch up in here today every witch doctor i just need a few god give me that but help me chase these demons [Applause] i've come to declare war and i want to encourage somebody to know that the spell what is it the spell is broken clap your hands if you believe it clap it your jinx is going to be unjinxed today your magic black white or gray is going to be destroyed by the blood the red blood of jesus christ can i get another witness up in here because there's power i said there's power [Applause] in the blood of jesus they call simon the great wizard and the city was in awe of him they did not know that there was a greater than simon they did not know that god had preordained jesus christ to infiltrate this city and have a man of god who was just a deacon to cast that spirit off of that entire city can i get a witness [Applause] the spell bound had to be loosed and let god arise and his enemies be scattered in order for someone to jinx you put a spell on you pronounce bad luck over you declare magic on you it must first get to your mind and if it can't get to your mind it can't get to your body oh i said something powerful that's why you got to keep your mind right you got to keep your mind purged you can't let everybody talk to your mind and speak to your spirit you got to know the people you can't ask everybody to pray for you because some of them will pray p-r-a-e-y on you i'm very careful who i let their hands on me i believe god has specific designated people and they ain't standing on the parking lot waiting for you to get a word from them no baby you better know who you getting the word from and you sure better know who you let lay their greasy holy hands over you that devil is that devil is a liar [Applause] the bible says you better know those who labor with you if i don't know your baby if i don't get a witness in my spirit because the bible said you would know the spirit by the spirit if i ain't got no witness no baby god bless you but you can't lay hands on me i don't know what you trying to put on me give me 50 people that know what i'm talking about that's why you need to have your own circle know the people in your circle stop hopping from church to church you don't know what you inherited oh i've said it i said it i said it you better know those who labor among you [Music] now before the revival simon had put spells on everybody they were crazy about him he controlled the whole time he was more however influenced by greed than a need for the gospel greed will mess you up i have some a few members on the rolls of calvary who i had to cancel because they had such a greed spirit that they were so hung up on the lottery hung up on going way out in maryland to one of those 7-elevens where where they feel nobody would see them why are we more afraid of people than we are god god sees everything you do the bible says don't you hear men that don't have no heaven or hell to put you in if you're going to fear anybody be scared of god not scared of people that greed spirit is is is demonic and we don't hear too much about it because it's a hidden thing but you would be surprised in my research i found out the gamblers we're talking about alcoholics and and drug users gambling is a drug because if you sit at that table too long and keep on spinning or whatever they do keep on sit there too long you're bringing on an addiction anything that's going to pull you down like gambling and cause you to lose everything you have and if you figured out you put more money in than you've ever won what's sixty dollars when you already spent six six hundred dollars thank you simon was captivated by greed and greed will mess you up greed messed up judas greed messed up somebody that you know through a demon called gambling remember ananias and sapphire simon as y'all s ananias and sophia i i have a sermon some of you that have been with me a long time you heard me preach the sermon dumb and dumber so pastor peter said to simon who got to church first and got in the tithing line first bless your son is this your tithe every bit of it pastor every bit of it is my time and the bible says he dropped dead right in front of peter right at the altar lion greed and he come miss late sapphira who had she come in with a husband bastard tree had they come to church together but she was one of those prissy ones that came in late all the way to her front seat so everybody could see that new dress or that new jacket or that new piece of hair [Applause] has she been there with the husband had to been to church on time she would have known her husband just lied to the pastor and fell dead now she gonna come and repeat the yes this is everything god blessed us praise the lord this is it then she died dumb and dumber let me pause right here anybody glad god ain't killing folk in the church now i said is there anybody glad god ain't killing liars in church right now because i would have a whole we would give horton a whole lot of money if the city the people of samaria wanted a shortcut by believing in the wizard for meeting their needs and they entangled themselves in magic and sorcery and fortune telling and crystal ball gazing and t-leaf reading and palm reading and a rabbit's foot around their neck like a lucky charm not realizing that the rabbit been lucky he wouldn't have lost his foot but god doesn't need you to light any incense and burn any candles to get rid of spirits because the only thing that can get rid of spirits is the blood of jesus the name of jesus the word of god anybody know what i'm talking about down on my knees when trouble rise i talked to jesus beyond the sky he promised me he would set me free down on my knees don't get so desperate that you have to take matters in your own hands what's the song say take it too the lord in prayer father i stretch my hands to thee i don't know no other way out that's what i've been doing doing this pandemic god is keeping me from being depressed and staying upset no father i don't know what else to do jesus but i know you know what to do and i know what your word says this is a light affliction and some way somehow in the midst of the republicans and the democrats going to town in a negative way about our future i know that trouble don't last all way and it's just a matter of time can somebody shout is just a matter of time it's just the matter that was nice whichever one of y'all that is i'm just not ready to go there yet i got about 10 more minutes god does not need the devil's tools to accomplish his purpose for our lives god does not need you to win the powerball you know you know there are people that ask me to pray that they win you know that don't you they're people who believe in me that much and then they say i'm gonna pay my tithes and i pay off your house i said why don't you penetrate now that's why you're not blessed now why don't you let god stretch what you have now why don't you stop giving god a tip and really give him a time oh i lost about 50 people there let me go on there's only one power that can release us and break the spell of witchcraft and deliver us from possession of evil and magic and that is the power of the holy ghost through jesus christ he breaks every feather any chain any shackle take the shackles off your feet anything that confines or constrains anything that binds shake yourself loose thank you mary mary the name jesus has power that's your powerball and satan's power is broken whenever jesus comes the enemy may try to vex you but he can't hex you i'm gonna let that marinate for a second i said the enemy oh yes my god he will vex you and get on your last nerve but there's a difference between vexing and hexing the devil can't hex you and i'm trying to free somebody's mind who's covered by that horoscope and that's just what it is it's a scope of horror telling you what you want to hear making you feel good when you know you living bad help me holy ghost the enemy may try his tactics but you have isaiah 54 and 17 no weapon that's formed against you shall prosper the enemy may try but you at first john 4 4 is he that's in you than he that's in the world the enemy may try to bind you but you have philippians one and six he who hath begun a good work in you will will continue it until the day of jesus christ no voodoo no hoodoo but i know one who will do exceeding abundantly above oh you can ask or think clap your hands with that one right there simon lost his power and influence and the people no longer believed in astrology or the holy ghost or the horoscope the people no longer believed in astrology or the horoscope because the holy ghost invaded the stronghold of the occult can i have 10 more minutes y'all really pray for me this week because whenever i have preached like this and uncovered certain demons they will try to attack me this week because i'm exposing some people without even calling their names and i'm only preaching what god told me for this communion sunday but i will be under attack but how many know god's not going to let me feel it clap your hands if you believe it clap your hands like a mighty rushing wind the holy ghost field samaria samaria and a lay leader deacon philip in a strange land face to face with a magician bewitcher who had amazed and bedazzled the people for a long time through the power of the devil through the power of god he was able to be defeated and the holy ghost broke his spell the spell had bound people for years and there was the bible says great joy in that city however here's the catch in the text simon believed and got baptized too [Applause] but you can't just believe and you can't just get baptized then see if you can catch this there's something called what's it called somebody said that i heard it you can't just believe i believe everybody in here is a believer i don't believe you got out of bed and came here see that devil i don't believe you came here got out of bed came here and you don't believe you believe and so many of you have gotten baptized but you have not [Applause] in case we have some slow people in here look at your neighbor across the island tell them you gotta turn simon believed god baptized but he never repented you never hear him say forgive me for my sins forgive me for my magic forgive me for dissuading people from the true and living god he never repented he followed peter around but he never repented and when peter and j am i born y'all now when peter and john came to samaria at the second part of the revival to help deacon philip they introduced the holy ghost and when simon saw what the holy ghost was doing to people he said my god this is magic at its fullest extent and you know some of you some of you don't know because you never move but some of us have experienced a real move of god when they get in your hands when it gets in your feet anybody ever had him to get all over you and sometimes you don't move your body but you pat your foot oh when the holy ghost will get a hold of you you going to do something can i get a witness when simon saw this he said i want some of that a sign that he had not repented that he had not turned and now let me let me give you a little cpi course there are three ways in the bible that you receive the holy ghost one way like i got it years ago is called terry t-a-r-r-y it means to wait and that's what they happened in the upper room in the first part of acts they went one place on one accord and the holy ghost came through there like a mighty rushing wind and they all spoke in tongues as the spirit of god gave them utterance that's one way you can get it everybody say terry and then the other way that you can get it you read in the book of acts where many times they were in church and the spirit just fell y'all ever read that the the spirit fell in the whole place and they received the holy ghost and the third way was like simon was witnessing hands were laid on you and when the apostle or the pastor laid hands on you you begin to speak in tongues those are the three ways you know how it makes you act so simon thought this was some type of magic he never seen people hands laid on people flame in the spirit what is this simon said i want some of that oh yeah this is better than what i was giving them i want some of that and the bible said he made a mistake by going to simon said can you sell me some of that can i buy some of that he never repented the greed was still there he believed and was baptized but there was no change of heart there was no psalm 51 created me a clean heart and renew with me the right spirit simon was caught up in the excitement of the moment he responded to the altar call and the pool but he did not repent change turn simon wanted the power of the holy ghost for his own convenience his own preconceived ideas his own predetermined motives he wanted the life god promised in phillips preaching without surrendering his life to god am i still making good sense he wanted to add something to his bag of tricks and magic he asked how much does it cost i buy that power so that i can lay hands and the people act like that peter responds with one of the harshest rebukes in the bible peter said thank you eugene peterson thank you so much for this interpretation may you continue to rest in peace with the lord peter said to hell with your money you shall perish with your money the gift of god cannot be purchased with money you will have no part of this ministry your heart is not right in the sight of god man looks at the outward appearance but to every hypocrite watching us and listening and every hypocrite who may be in this building god is not impressed with how you dressed how much you paid for your shoes god is only impressed when he looks at you and he discovers a clean heart can we celebrate a clean heart right now come on i know it's been hard to get there but anybody that can testify if you become one of the statistics and we have to bury you will you be able to say it as well with my soul because the only thing that matters how's your soul how's your soul how's your soul i'm almost finished god looks at the heart he says repent then peter who came and laid hands for them to get the holy ghost peter said repent peter said you this is not cussing but look what he said peter said you in the gall of bitterness and you in the bond of iniquity and there's still no record that simon repented some people only want the blessings of god so they continue they can continue in the compulsive determination to go in a direction they know is wrong they have no desire to change and they want god to approve and bless their mess anyhow simon still viewed everything through a magician's eye he still wanted to manipulate god for his own personal gain wherever truth exists there's also error wherever there is reality there's also shams and scams and hypocrisy i'm speeding on but i want to just finish every note i have because the god of my salvation told me this would help somebody there was great joy in the city because it was once bewitched but the spell was broken and the magic the jinx and the bad luck did not work anymore god wants to deliver someone today whether you're viewing or whether you in this room somebody shout deliverance is here god wants to break that spell cast that demon off and set you free help me out john yes i'll help you out orange if the sun therefore not no prophet or prophetess but if the son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed i don't know what sermon it was years ago with some of you who've been with me for a while you remember when i i used that illustration with the chain and hands were laid on and the chain fell at the person's feet but it was up to that person let me stop because somebody said that i only oh is that some money that's the simon spirit let me come over here because somebody had had sent me a uh email wanting to know why do i only preach to one side of the church and we're here too that's what it started we're here too so let me try to help that you ought to be thankful that your pastor who's almost 76 is still preaching at all [Applause] jesus said and i close with these scriptures then i'm going to pray jesus said saying luke 10 19 behold i give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and anything that bites you anything that stings you harms you i give you safe passage of the seen and the unseen demons and over all the power of the enemy you got you don't know what you're sitting on jesus said you got power over all the power of the enemy and nothing's by any means harm you that's why it's so important that you bless your food i believe in washing your hands and wearing your mask and i've already been vaccinated and all of that i believe in following the cd regulations and let me just pause right here and i hope i can find it again in my notes get vaccinated all of you that's sitting up in here on the same road with people you don't know whether they're vaccinated or not get vaccinated it's the devil that's telling you unless you have a severe sickness get vaccinated and keep all of us whole thank you somebody said it real loud that's right saint mark 16 17-18 and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils not running from them anybody that's acting like the devil they're not to control you you ought to control them they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up servants and if they drink any deadly thing or eat any deadly thing shall not hurt them those are promises that god has given you they should lay hands on the sick and they shall recover in his name all you've got to do is believe bewitch but the spell is broken what has bewitched you what has you bound what has you in a spell what is controlling you other than god that's why when i go out to eat because i don't know what they did in the kitchen i usually bless the table when i get my drink i don't wait till the food comes i want everything blessed that i eat it's very important but if by chance the devil slips something in there no weapon no weapon want to pray i think i've i've finished all of my notes i am free praise the lord i'm free no longer bound no more chains holding me my soul is resting it's such a blessing praise the lord hallelujah i'm free i am free praise the lord i'm free no longer bound no more chains holding me my soul is resting [Music] it's such a blessing praise the lord praise the lord we can only praise the lord hallelujah i'm free [Music] y'all got your mics yet come on i am free praise the lord no longer bound no longer no [Applause] it's just a blessing [Music] lord hallelujah one more time [Music] no longer [Music] it ain't nothing but a blessing [Applause] [Music] this is the last time i'm getting ready to pray last time i am free [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the spell has been broken it ain't nothing but a blessing [Applause] [Music] i want to pray i certainly have those who are veering us by way of our various streams i'm certainly including you because i can't get close to you i'm just asking you when i get ready to pray just put your hand on yourself and those in the house i don't mind if if the bible says confess one to another you don't have to do that but if you if you're bound by something and you know it's nothing but the enemy and you want to you don't have to but if you want to come a little closer to me come on i don't mind that i don't mind come on darling just stand right here you don't have to i don't want to embarrass anybody but sin is what will embarrass you i want to break some witchcraft spirits i want to cast some demons off of people who in situations that they don't know how or if they would ever get out god sent this word for a reason come on let me hear you say it anybody else [Music] one more time and i'm gonna pray one more time i am free [Music] [Music] no more chances [Applause] [Music] it ain't nothing but a blessing praise the lord [Music] i'm getting ready to pray that's why i'm i'm just looking i'm getting ready to pray there are three people there are three people that need to be here forget your pride this is making you free come on down we're gonna we're gonna give you a chance come on and get get get close to me there's one yes there's two more just move out and come on down here let me see here there's two there's three give god a hand for that give god a hand i am not i'm not going to lay hands on you i want you to lay hands on yourself put both hands on you thank you on your chest area on your shoulders or whatever have both hands and i'm asking god in this prayer listen to me carefully i'm asking god to become your hands [Music] i'm asking god to let your hands become his hands when i begin to pray and i want you to keep your hands on yourself with your god's hands your hands are representing his hands and don't remove them until i tell you to it's not going to be a long prayer because god has already ordained this you had to be here today don't know nothing about you but this is gonna be your freedom and i don't care if the message was just for you although it wasn't just for you but your hands are gonna be god's hands of contact i'm getting ready i assumed i assume that many of you could really identify with this message because you know what it means to be jinxed held by something that you couldn't get yourself out of but the holy ghost is here and allah [Music] did joseph leave gladys joseph chaboosa where are you ha shaman old ti alamosika joseph or wayne powell either one of you i will use come as quickly as possible i want you to hold this at my mouth so i can put my hand in the same position that those at home and those here are i want to be heard father in the name of jesus here we curse in the name of jesus every witchcraft spirit every witch doctor everyone who is not operating in the will of god to cause us vexation devil you are still a liar [Music] devil we're not scared of you you are a liar and we decree and we declare we send you back to the pit of hell where you've come from and we stand on the word of god no witchcraft's spirit will keep a hold on us in the name of jesus we rebuke in the name of jesus intimidation we rebuke manipulation we rebuke domination satan your hope is loosed off of us in the name of jesus and from this day forward we declare freedom in our minds freedom in our hearts freedom in our mouths freedom in our walking and i'll talk in the name jesus [Music] in the name jesus satan the blood is against you satan the word is against you say to the name jesus is against you in jesus name we are free in jesus name we are delivered in jesus name the spell is broken in jesus name no longer jinxed [Music] no longer hexed in the name of jesus we are free now lift those hands as high as you can get them and begin and begin to praise god open your mouth thank you jesus thank you jesus i can't hear you thank you jesus thank you everybody everybody wave your hands and thank him for freedom [Music] [Music] in the name jesus in the name jesus in the name jesus in the name jesus [Music] in the name jesus [Music] in the mighty name of jesus now clap your hands as if you're going to clap them off clap your hands to god be the glory to god be the glory to god be the glory i said to god be the glory [Music] so [Music] let the lord hear you shout no longer bound i said shouted no longer bow my mind is free clap your hands to a free mind [Music] i come against in the name of jesus i come against every spirit in this room whom the devil has said you're going to die in this pandemic i decree and declare that the devil is a liar i shall live and not die celebrate the fact over your life that you shall live you shall live you shall live you shall live [Music] hush [Music] outside i decree and i declare you shall live and not die and in the name of jesus we cover your whole household in jesus name let me hear you celebrate one more time in jesus name in jesus name [Music] what are you what are you what are you coming son yes you may or you may not know what did they call this do it again what do they call this what we just did bumping huh okay said we since we cannot are not supposed to touch hands as you go back to your seat and even you out there and those at home bump yourself that's what you get for not being here just going to bump yourself but i want you to give somebody around you it's a bump oh a fist bump okay okay there's a whole group of sanctified back there led led by nurse women's worst william she said her elbow so either do what she said or do what i said but she's a nurse she ought to know i'm gonna tell you when you do it you didn't know what i was talking about but you're real anxious to bump right now aren't you what i want you to do when i count to three and you can bump more than one person but make sure you get one fist bump in and fist them don't get in nobody's business because we're all going through something but i want you i'ma count to three and when i get to three i want you to fist bump somebody around you and tell them the spell is broken one two three the spell is broken [Music] so [Music] so come on help mother dance help mother dance and we gonna leave you alone go ahead and give it to us give it to us give it to us the spell is broken essie is broken so yeah yes [Music] amen thank you thank you do you need to get your communion because we're going to do this next right now amen so appropriate that this message was given to us on communion sunday i hear you back there go ahead and praise him it's all right that's what i said yes wayne are you doing chameleon because there's an extra one up here if you want to hold the mic for me you can undo yours and hold the mic for me take take what is representing the bread the night before jesus was crucified is called morty thursday and they were in the upper room he took the bread he he blessed it and he broke it and he said this is my body which is broken for you my body will be symbolized as i go to the cross they will hang me high and stretch me wide but i'm doing all this for you shall we eat [Music] so we talked somewhere in the message we talked about this blood unless you accept the fact that my blood was shed for you and belief in the power of that blood there can be no removal of your sin and it's not necessarily once a month every first sunday every third but as often as you do it remember me who i only went to that cross when you were yet sinners you had not even been born but my blood was shed shall we drink oh [Music] [Music] as often as you drink this do it in remembrance of me shall we drink it gives me strength [Music] say it one more time i love that song it reaches come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i thank god for that precious flow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the blood that gives me strength [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to the highest [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it gives me strength today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on why don't you put your hands together and praise a god whose blood shall never lose its power come on let the redeemed of the lord say so oh y'all not shouting good enough for me i said let the redeemed of the lord has anybody been redeemed by his blood come on praise him praise him praise him but we lift up an awesome god who is constantly redeeming us for his mercies are new daily amen amen and amen come on why don't you put your hands together for the lord for he has been good to us on today [Music] it says when i think about the goodness of jesus and all that he has my soul my soul hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes he's been that good he's been that good calvary he's been that good to us come on why don't you praise them praise them even in the pandemic praise them when you don't know where to turn praise and praise and praise them praise them [Music] [Music] why don't you put your hands together we gotta move we gotta move [Music] but just one more time one more time for our god for our god for our god for our savior jesus christ and why don't you put your hands together for our bishop on today who told us that while we may have been bewitched we surely will break the spell so we praise god for the man of god and for the word of god this morning amen and amen and amen i am here on assignment this morning i am here to transition us to our giving period um this morning yeah yeah come on come on put your hands together for offering put your hands together for offering for those of you who are streaming you can see our ways of giving on the screen for those of you who are in the house we have about i believe six ways to give put your hands together for that a church who is able to help us with our resources and give so as you ready your gifts as you ready your gifts we pray that you would just um remember our senior pastor in the in the blessing and which he has given us today uh we also pray that we have multiple ways and multiple opportunities for you to give so not only giving of course to our bishop and his love offering but of course your ties and your offering let's put god to the test this morning put him to the test that if he will open up a window of heaven and pour pour us out a blessing that we may not have room to be able to receive is anybody i want to test god today come on come on does anybody want to test god today i don't know about you but i want to push them in my finances lord i dedicate my whole entire life to you but i don't want to fall short in my finances so god i'm going to put you to the test and see if you will not show up and deliver in my finances well if your gifts are ready let us go ahead and pray dear lord heavenly father we come before you this morning just to say thank you again thank you for the many blessings that you have bestowed upon us thank you for the mercies god that you have graciously given us daily so now lord as we render a portion of our finances unto you god we pray that it be for the edifying and for the building of your kingdom lord heavenly father we also pray for your manservant may we be able to sow into his bosom god because he has sowed into ours so now lord heavenly father bless every gift bless every giver bless the ones who wanted to give but just didn't have the financial means to give we extend a special blessing unto them lord heavenly father that they may be able to give in due season because it's you who gives the blessing and we're just simply giving it back to you so lord heavenly father blessed take it and use it in jesus name amen can y'all sing can y'all sing can y'all sing bishop bishop loved that song i love that song too can y'all sing the blood of jesus again again again it was it was good to me i'm sorry yeah yeah yeah yeah you may come down you may come [Music] that down shed for me [Music] [Music] the blood it gives me strength from day to day it will never ever [Music] is [Music] to the lord oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it gives me strength [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen amen amen if you're glad about it put your hands together thank you please prepare yourself as calvary news comes [Music] good morning greater mount calvary family and guests here's today's calvary news for the week of september 19th calvary thank you so much for your cooperation as we worship in person with you phase three has begun with general seating in the sanctuary all other covet 19 prevention protocols will remain in place to include adhering to social distancing guidelines of three feet and approaching the alter is permitted please note that on tuesdays when you register you will no longer be prompted to select a section on saturdays when you receive your covert prevention questionnaire email you will be assigned a sunday morning arrival time based on the time of your registration we ask that you arrive only at your assigned time as this allows for social distancing during the on-site check-in process should you have questions please see a member of the check-in team we appreciate your cooperation and look forward to worshiping with you the road to greater is full step ahead with new free parking directly next door to the main sanctuary at bryan street northeast parking garage on sundays to access the bryant street northeast parking garage for all westbound traffic on roll island avenue northeast coming from the direction of montana avenue make an immediate right after passing under the rhode island avenue metro bridge up the new ramp immediately before reaching the greater next you would turn right as it would lead you into the bryan street northeast parking garage for all eastbound traffic on roll island avenue northeast coming from the direction of north capitol street make a left onto fifth way northeast directly next to the mcdonald's proceed up the hill turn right and continue along this path for approximately 800 feet once you arrive at the stop sign it is asked that you turn right and proceed down the ramp approximately 50 feet next you would turn left into the bryan street northeast garage all members and visitors are asked to begin parking at this location immediately shuttle service will be provided for those needing assistance from the parking garage parking will no longer be permitted at foreman mills and lieu of the bryant street northeast garage availability be encouraged as we continue on the road to greater tuesdays are all about giving back we invite you to join us this coming tuesday as we bless our community with groceries if you want to be a blessing to others feel free to donate we ask that you type giving tuesday in the memo section say yes this word wednesday as we continue our series the seven holy virtues wednesday september 22nd with co-pastor susie c owens at 7 p.m calvary our special time of intentional intercession focusing on strategies strength and ordered steps continues this saturday september 25th at 7 00 a.m with co-pastor susie c owens to join simply dial 1-978-990-500 [Music] access code 197-754 pound join us as we continue to bombard heaven for the greater the holidays are near and we want to do our part to exalt christ by embracing the community project feed 5000 has officially begun help us meet our goal of 4 000 turkeys as we prepare to feed over 5 000 people in the dmv this year's distribution will take place on tuesday november 23rd at our susie elizabeth crowder owens empowerment center located at 600 w street to donate become a sponsor or to volunteer visit or contact kerry clark at 917-971-3423 or ch chclark this concludes all of cali's announcements for the upcoming week and we ask that you also visit or the app for additional information have a blessed and safe week amen amen what a hard time we had today in the lord with a high time we had come on put your hands together for that we also also asked for extended prayers for our co-pastor as she will be leading um this week's bible study intensive um on wednesday night i pray that you all tune in um and just check us out check us out we'll have an awesome time my prayer for you as we leave this place is that you have experienced god's love experience god's grace and experience god's mercies here today i pray that you would take that on with you throughout the week and share the goodness of the share the good news sorry of the lord with somebody this week amen let us let us plan stand and pray i've been addiction our benediction this morning is coming from first kings chapter 8 verse 57 i saw that it was befitting and it says may the lord our god be with you as he was with our ancestors and may he never leave us nor forsake us god bless you calvary love you be blessed amen but i want to let you know something that this praise is not even about you i don't want you to praise god for you but i want you to take the next few seconds and i want you to praise god for somebody else now i know that the devil's been busy and i know the devil's been trying to take you out but coop teddy mike josh tone elijah jaylen they gonna think i sound crazy but i need y'all the next 32 bars [Music] because the hell that's been trying to find you is being driven out praising that good i said the hell is backing up [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] we drive the hell out of your life the devil's going to find you start dating [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Music] how power power power [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GMCHC
Views: 926
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: SweX8tHvX1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 23sec (7283 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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