Victoria Orenze - @Stand In the gap virtual experience 2020

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wherever you are can you just lift your voices and pray in the holy ghost [Music] pray out loud in the holy ghost [Music] pray out loud in the holy ghost we worship we pray in our understanding and we worship and we pray in the spirit [Music] for we know not how to pray but the spirit himself make intercessions for us with groanings that [Music] foreign foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign we leave by prayer is communication we lead by communication with our father we hear him and we follow his leading city [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] hey foreign [Music] [Music] my [Music] i [Music] yes [Music] the bible says the effective father and prayer of a righteous man unveils much i say to you if you have nobody to give you money if you have nobody to give you a house but if you have somebody to pray for you if you have someone who will lift you up in prayer if you have a righteous man or a righteous woman who will lift you up in prayer trust me it will avail concerning you rather yeshua [Music] we are people of prayer we live and read prayer and prayer is not just in terms it's not just in words can be in song can be in dance you can pray you can war in the spirit with songs you can war in the spirit we dance you can war in the spirit with shout you can warn the spirit with noise you can war in the spirit your weapons are not cannot but you are mighty through god to the cooling down of strongholds your weapons can cool down strongholds our weapons are not carnal they are mighty they are mighty they are mighty to pull down struggles here oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] a [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] uh [Music] hey in our kingdom our dance is a welcome [Music] in our kingdom our jump is a weapon in our kingdom our club is a weapon [Music] [Applause] in our kingdom the lifting of our hands is a weapon in our kingdom our knees our weapon in our kingdom our shout our self is a weapon [Applause] in our kingdom our song is a weapon [Music] in our kingdom our words our weapon is only the foolish that doesn't know how to deploy his weapon i might not have money [Music] but life and death is in my tongue life and death is in your tongue and if you have jesus in you you can produce money money is a by-product jesus is the real deal jesus is the real deal so if you don't know him accept him you see every other thing he says seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and then every other thing will be added to you i always say including weak it will be added to you you don't need to chase it your children are here again we are here again we are children are here again we are lovers [Music] we've come [Music] [Music] draw from you again [Music] we have come to draw yesterday's time today we are in need we've come to draw from you again from you again today [Music] we have come to draw yesterday is gone today we are in need [Music] from you again [Music] again [Music] we have come to draw we can never never ever be full enough to prove from you again we have to draw [Music] [Music] we've come to draw from you again [Music] again [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] draw from you again we've come to the road yesterday's gone today we need you right now to roll from you again [Music] draw from you [Music] say we have gone to draw we have come [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] here we have come to draw [Music] [Music] salvation [Music] is [Music] draw from you again [Music] [Music] [Music] you again [Music] from [Music] [Music] true draw from you again [Music] we can never be tired of drawing from you jesus as we get full you empty us and you feel us again and again and again and again and that's why we love you jesus [Music] we love you jesus father we love you we worship and our adore you and we say glorify your name in all the years we say glory by your name [Music] [Music] you see in stand in the gap or stand in the gap i love this meeting even though i've never attended one because my friend nathaniel always talks about it of how you just pray and pray and pray [Music] i love to pray i don't have another option as believers we need to love to pray and like i said to you earlier prayer is not just in tongues or in words it can come in songs you can come in dance you can read out prayer you can pray in your understanding and you can pray in the spirit so i love meetings like this where you stand in the gap for 48 hours praying i don't know about you if you don't think the world we're living right now needs prayer and i don't know what you think yes we have revelation from his word that these are those times spoken of and so that's why more than ever we need to be a people of prayer prayers simply communication you are communicating to someone who is talking back to you we need to love and live a life of prayer and when we pray jesus gives us direction he gives us revelation and then his name is glorified father we love you we worship and we are w and we ask you to glory in all the earth in nigeria in ghana in america in the uk glory your name [Music] jesus blow refine your name we need you [Music] we worship and we all know you we ask you to glorify glorify your name in our lives the hidden will see your glory we say glorify your name [Music] glorify by your name [Music] surely the presence of the lord is in this place surely the presence of the lord is in this place surely you won't forsake the ones who seek your face surely the presence of the lord is in this place and this is how i know the bible says where two or three are gathered together in my name i'm there and you might say oh you know this is a virtual experience and you might think we are not together i realize that unity in spirit is the key not necessarily the physical gathering we are not neglecting that and we will have it again by the way we can be all gathered in one place and we are in different places because our spirits are not united but at the same time we can be in the same in different places and our spirits are united and then we bring heaven down on earth it goes beyond the physical it is spiritual we are spirit beings [Music] i love jesus the presence of the lord is in this place right where you are surely the presence of the lord is in this place oh surely you won't forsake the ones who seek your face [Music] surely the precious of the lord is in this place you know the glory the glory the glory of the lord is in this place the glory the father your glory your glory o [Music] [Music] is your mercy rather your mercy the mercy oh god [Music] is [Music] your goodness [Music] father your goldness your goodness is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your is [Music] is right here you see when he shows up if the bible says he is good being good is not something he does he's who he is so when he shows up goodness shows up like he shows up and he is goodness he is mercy he is love he is kindness he is forgiveness is everything so next time you hear that the presence of god is here do you know what is there [Music] do you know the legions of angels that are here do you know healing is here is the children's bread do you know he's here you don't because healing is him by his tribes [Music] his tribes right here you are healed your goodness [Music] father your goodness your goodness oh god is in this place [Music] next [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh the glory oh jesus [Music] r it by our grace [Music] is in this place [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] as we [Music] [Music] cause we want to see [Music] so we can leave your days we need to see god [Music] we need to see we need to see your face we need to know your wish we need to touch your grace so we can live your days we want to see we want to know so we can leave oh we want to see your face we want to change [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] we [Music] we need to see your favor we need to know your ways we need to touch your grace so we can leave your days we [Music] [Music] we need to see [Music] god [Music] here i am [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign need to know your wish we need to touch your grace so we can leave your days we need to see [Music] we need to see [Music] [Applause] standing in the light of your glory [Applause] [Music] [Music] shining in the light of your glory we want to see [Music] [Music] [Music] as we want sing see we want to say in every country [Music] we want to share [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] we want to see [Music] is [Music] is the song says pour out your power and love power and love not power and fire but power and love [Music] because if we don't have the love of jesus the power we seek we consume us and consume those around us the love of jesus is the regulator for the power it helps to control the power trust me sometimes i think about it if i have my way there are some people i would just do this and they'll be out but jesus will not allow that's why the power and the love goes together if you're seeking the power and he's not coming check your love you need the love of jesus to handle the power [Music] so that you don't be like elijah and just send fire to consume or lions to devour [Music] don't you love jesus [Music] please pour out your power and love as we sing [Music] cause we are in your presence singing [Music] we are singing we are singing we are in his presence singing we are singing [Music] [Music] is [Music] you know [Music] singing [Music] here we are singing [Music] presence hey we are singing singing [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] we are dancing we are [Music] hallelujah is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is i [Music] shouts [Applause] the bible says make a joyful noise unto the lord all you people [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] you [Music] death could not hold you down [Music] you are the reason [Applause] you are seated in majesty and majesty you are the reason kings [Music] hey [Music] that could not hold you down it's impossible [Music] we are you have one of these [Music] [Music] it's impossible it's impossible you are seated one more time [Applause] victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's impossible it's impossible you are seated [Music] you see god is wonderful [Music] the bible says his ways are not our ways [Music] he is mind blowing [Music] never put god in a box [Music] sometimes i feel like my mind is going to explode my brain will explode don't try it [Music] these ways are not our ways [Music] he's mighty there is nothing you cannot do [Applause] nothing too hard for [Music] you is nothing you cannot do there is nothing you cannot do [Music] father there is nothing too hard [Music] you see when we say those words guys is not to make god what he is not it is to bring us to where god is it is to help our mind come to where god is he's not something we're saying to become true it is truth we come to that place of truth [Music] you see sometimes i might not see what i'm looking for but trust me when i say there is nothing god cannot do i'm not saying it based on my circumstances by the way if i'm to testify we won't have time but you see when we sing songs like this is so that your faith can arise to where god is what do you think we are lying is there anything he can do no [Music] there is nothing you cannot fix nothing beyond repair okay there is nothing you can't not do jesus there is no one you cannot touch [Music] no one beyond your reach there is nothing you cannot do she is us [Music] and i love this one there is no one you can't not save yes yes yes no one you can't redeem there is nothing you can't not do jesus if you are that one that they've said your case is over that you have gone too deep in sin and you can't be saved i have come to tell you that jesus died so you can be saved he says he didn't come to condemn the world but that the word through him can be saved the level of your sin does not face jesus all you need to do is surrender to his love and sacrifice oh you have killed somebody before god can save you you have a butter children god can save you name it what have you done that you think is beyond repair that is making you run away from god rather than run to god only god can save you only god can save you nobody can [Music] so before we continue i would just say this for anyone who is listening to me and doesn't know jesus and feels that there are cases beyond redemption i come to tell you that that's not the truth if you just lift your hands with me [Music] and say lord jesus i realize my state and i have also realized your love from the things i've heard right now [Music] i've come to realize that it doesn't matter how far i've gone [Music] you came because of me [Music] and so i surrender my life to you now i surrender the rulership of my life to you now take charge and control of my life from today [Music] i receive you as my savior and as my lord in jesus name we prayed the bible says with the heart will believe and with the mouth we confess so jesus is coming don't run away from him when you sin run to him [Music] is the one that can clean you that can help you only him nobody else no pastor no man no woman of god can save you by jesus welcoming to the beloved there is nothing you cannot do [Music] nothing is too hard for you there is nothing you cannot do jesus yes that's why i love you there is nothing you cannot fix nothing is beyond repair [Music] there is nothing you cannot do jesus i also take this time to pray for those who are sick you see i'm not the healer jesus is the healer is able to heal sometimes whether i believe or not this is nature [Music] and i just pray for you wherever you are in this world listening [Music] i declare over you that by the stripes of jesus you were healed and i receive your healing with thanksgiving in jesus name jesus is the healer he's not me if he be god he will heal you [Music] that's why i trust him he's so that no man takes the glory no man does it jesus does it no man no matter how powerful no matter how powerful jesus does [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music] so that's why i say he has done it for us he has done it he has done it for us [Music] he's a miracle [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's a destiny changing god [Music] you see he is [Music] he's a life transforming god can you shout his name i know god is able to do just what he [Applause] [Music] he is to you and you and you and you don't you dare give up on god cause he won't give up on [Applause] [Music] he's able [Music] i will say it again listen to me god is able to do just what he says he will do [Music] he's gonna fulfill [Music] don't you dare give up [Music] he is [Music] [Music] he is [Music] according to his word i know god will never keep give up on you i want to beg you not to give up on god for whatever it is don't give up on god his word is ye and amen and his word will come to pass [Music] this word will come to pass god is able to do just what he says he will do [Music] is don't you dare give up on god [Music] [Music] [Music] he's able [Music] we'll to you with this he said he'll never leave you he said that he won't forsake you you walk beside you and that is all that he'll never leave you he said that he won't forsake you he'll walk beside you and that is all that matters the sun will smite you and the moon it will not hurt you the flood won't sweep you the lord is [Applause] [Music] you are the [Music] the covenant [Music] he'll never leave you he said that he won't forsake you he'll walk beside you and that is all that matters he'll never leave you he said that he won't forsake you you walk beside you and that is all that matters see the sun won't smite you and the moon it will not hurt you the flood will sweep you the lord is your name is yahweh yahweh you [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] is [Music] you [Music] god [Music] [Music] is may the blessings of the lord be with you [Music] his face shine upon you may his peace be upon you may his rest be upon you [Music] may his love envelope you may surround you and flow out of you may you be his true weakness in all the earth thank you precious jesus [Music] just lift your voice and bless him thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] thank you lord thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] we are grateful jesus thank you
Channel: Victoria Orenze
Views: 623,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: By_YN5Ka_0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 31sec (4891 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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