"A Man Named John" - Guest Preacher: Bishop Kenneth Ulmer

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I'm still kind of in a fog just to be here I am hippopotamus happy and peacock proud just to be in this house today this helped me praise God for this music ministry Wow Wow sang saying like they met at somebody I don't know what's going on Lao praise the Lord for them I I said this morning that there has to be a scripture somewhere that says it's against the law to have Anthony Brown and Steven Hurd in the same church he's got it's got to be somewhere to help me praise God for these gifted men of God bless you man love you so much amen wow this is this is 30 years Wow tell your neighbor that's a big number that's a big number and it is an honor to be here with with my friend ai ai ai ai ai often wrestled between pride and humility when I think about John when I'm trying to get into some doors I dropped his name I just tell us much oh I know him I know the man I know that brother man you know but I I joined literally thousands around the world who's whose lives have been touched by this man of God I I I [Applause] yeah yeah yeah come on come on come on help me somebody help me [Applause] some sometimes we we struggle with the nearness of greatness sometimes we're so close to it we'll miss it but we honor this man of God today amen men and for the woman who walks by his side first lady of this house shout out for the first lady at his house amen she just makes him look so good I'll taste anything but I am honored to have my wife with me we've been together now going on 42 years 42 years and she she is the apple of my eye the beat of my heart the wind beneath my wings and I'm I'm 71 I'm 71 no don't don't let this black hair fool you babe don't let it fool ya till my church as long as uncle Charlie and Smokey Robinson go black I'm gonna stay black I mean Daniel I'm just sayin I'm just letting y'all know how we roll or anything though let me let me show you how almost seventy looks like stand-up monitor god that's 70 what was I talking about I don't know I lost my mind got to have my son and my granddaughter with me stand up Missy re and Kendon my son she's here scouting universities we're gonna take her to see how what tomorrow and just how its enhancing their on this 30th anniversary I come bearing gifts so gift for $3,000 for you my man from family faith god bless remember [Applause] he's he said give it to me again at 12 [Applause] i-i-i hope you know and I'm on my time I'm on this clock here y'all so you always work with me I hope you realize how much God loves you and that you know that being a part of this house is a demonstration of just how much God must love you to plant you in this house and I hope you never take it for granted I hope you never take it for granted come with me to the book of John the book of John the book of John John chapter 1 John chapter 1 pick me up at verse 6 here we go there was a man sent from God whose name was John this man came for a witness to bear witness of the light everyone said worked witness that all through him might believe he was not that light but he was sent to bear witness of that light there was a man sent from God whose name was John and we have come to celebrate 30 years of excellence 30 years of the power and presence of God [Applause] Joseph was 30 when he ascended to the second highest rank in Egypt priests they are anointed and inaugurated into their office must be 30 when they enter the priesthood david was 30 years old when he became king the people of god jesus launched his earthly ministry at age 30 john the baptists was hanging out in the wilderness and the power of god touched him and called him at age 30 the revelation of the word of god is that 30 always pushes you into more every example is one where God moved on a different level into a different dimension at the benchmark of 30 I suggest to you that all that you see around you that God has done in 30 years has been but preparation for what God is yet to do and so we have come to celebrate what God has not even done yet anybody can rejoice in the past tense of what God has already done it takes a man a woman of faith to look at what God has done and based on what he has already done have enough faith to praise him and worship him for what he hasn't even done yet I wish I had about 19 praises here who could say that we are about to move into a new dimension I came to declare unto you that this is a milestone in that God is about to move this house God is about to raise this man of God to a new level of effectiveness and visibility in the kingdom of the Living God I didn't quite understand this when God called this to my attention as I was studying preparing I didn't understand it because I kept feeling there was a more that was high and I kept sensing it was some kind of high level and passage inglis and I had not spoken but then he told me just of yesterday actually that he has been elected to the president of the national evangelical Association you have no idea how huge that is tell your neighbor that's huge and issues because it means that God has now given him a higher platform and the influence the discharge the influence of this church shall now spread literally around the world because of the visibility that God has given him after these 30 years III I don't want you to miss it because God would now add an addendum to what the choir just told you what God is about to do is going to be big but it's going to be new you missed it I'll give it to you again I'm going to fast till somebody is gonna be big and it's going to be new the prophet Isaiah said that God is doing a new thing I declare unto you that this 30th anniversary is the benchmark that signals that God is about to do a new thing it's going to be big but it's going to be new God says you've got to make a shift in your mindset now because there's some things that God has brought you out of that he's now about to take you beyond and into something I don't know who I'm talking to this 30th anniversary signals that God is moving you because you're a part of this house into a whole new dimension you are not where you are going I said it too fast you are where you are but you're not where you're going somebody needs to get that don't unpack your bags where you are don't get too comfortable where you are because what God has for you is big and it is new it is big and it is new God is saying that you're gonna have to let some things go now because where you're going the folk that came with you cannot go with you I don't know who that was for there some folk that came with you in this past season who cannot go with you into this next season they're going to be stuck with where they are and yet God says to you this 30th anniversary is a celebration of what is yet to come I need about 50 people who have enough faith to praise God for what is coming one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten twenty no it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming this is not an X this is not an average anniversary this is something big it's something big tell somebody it's coming it's coming along now you've got to be able to speak that you got to be able speak yet if you think this is just anniversary 27 28 29 30 you're gonna miss this because this is about a bear ship in this house based on the anointing that's on this man's life because somebody is gonna be new God says God says First Baptist behold I do a new thing one more time God says I do a new thing it is important that you see in the spirit realm what God is doing at this 30th anniversary God says behold I am doing a new thing I'm doing a new thing the choir already helped you it's going to be big it's gonna be big it's gonna be big listen if you ever realize how big your God is it will impact how big your dreams are how big your goals are how big your visions are you got it I'm back on this side over here if you ever they just got me telling you it's gonna be big but until you realize how big your God is you'll never be able to grasp how big this new dimension is they just told you it's gonna be big if you ever realize how big your God is it will impact how big your goals are how big your dreams are how big your target is and how big your future is if you serve a great big old God you will set great big old goals and dream big old visions anybody hearing me today don't miss the significance of this thirtieth year what's this because in the Bible in the Bible when God says he's gonna do a new thing listen to me there are two words for new everybody said - there are two words for new two words for new God says I'm about to do in this 30th anniversary celebration I'm about to move you First Baptist I'm moving you into a new dimension and there are two words for new God says I'm doing a new thing he really says behold which means don't miss it I'm already doing it I'm already laying the groundwork for it listen to me and there are two words for new everybody said to God says there are two words for new one word for new is the word that means new in time if once a time the other word footing it was the word and do in kind everyone say kind y'all you have a car what kind of car you have a Malibu what year 2015 Malibu girlfriend has a 2015 Malibu she comes to church next Sunday keys in her hands praise the Lord praise the Lord praise of her praising the president I have a new car and the Saints that ain't jealous will rejoice and he'll dance we're in their very because she has a new car your car was a 2015 Malibu right all right we go outside and out of the parking lot there's a brand spankin new 2020 Malibu y'all ain't got it she had a tooth she's already receiving it already receiving a [Applause] 2015 Malibu now she has a 2020 brand-new Malibu and the Saints that Ainge Ellis will rejoice with her for her 2000 Malibu it is a new car new in time she had a 2015 Malibu now she has a 2020 Malibu its new in time rewind we go back and she comes in next Sunday again with another set of keys and she said praise a lot of praise no pressure I got a new car got new konoka we got to the parking lot and there it is a brand spankin new 2020 Mercedes Benz she receives that one too now now here's good she has a brand new car it's new it's new but it's not new in time it's new in kind she had a Malibu it's not an upgraded revised remodel model of the old car updated if she has a new car in kind it's something that does not look anything like what she had before what God is about to do in first baptist it's not an upgraded remodel edition of what he's done for the last 30 years he's about to kick this thing or to appear your eyes have not seen your ears have not heard he's about to do a brand new thing new in kind somebody help me bless God for [Applause] hurry up come on I'm caught him on the pokémon the pot come on clock it's amazing that this man John this man John its man John had a very unique anointing the Bible says he came in the spirit of Elijah he came with the spirit of Elijah he also came in a spirit of Isaiah 4 the Bible says in Luke about Malachi there would be one who coming in the spirit of amount of Elijah who would turn the hearts of the father's to the children and turned the hearts of the children to the father's and he himself said I am coming as a voice crying in the wilderness so he has a very unusual anointing on him here's an anointing of God listen to bridge generational gaps you come in here every Sunday so you may not realize the uniqueness of this house God has an a unique anointing on this man and on this house to bridge generational gaps everybody in here over 50 clap that's enough everybody under 50 clap now now I see some of y'all ya'll must have missed the instructions but yes all right here in the ballpark my upon listen to me that's very unusual as I travel around this country what is happening in this house is very unusual there is a unique blending and bridging of a generational gap that is becoming more and more widespread in many places many churches offer all millenials of the young and yet those churches that are millennial young God's doing a great thing but they don't have the wisdom of the generations before them first church I pastored have a great church with a church we'd had we used to brag about nobody over 45 that meant we didn't have anybody who knew how to pray nobody would any great testimonies nobody would any stories of how faithful God has been you've got to have generations coming together in one generation talking to the other and another talk to the other one and that's a unique anointing that's on this house it's the spirit of Elijah that's blessed on this man right here you say you say you say that you are called to make disciples I read it on your own your own on your website say your call this is a house of discipleship making but unusually passage because I also noticed that in your in your description of your vision it says disciple disciple disciple at the end then it says duplication you're missing its disciples with the end product of duplicating so it's disciples who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples now that's the first thing that's different about this church because most searches are trying to make members Jesus did not say go ye therefore into all the world and make members he said make disciples what God is doing in this house is according to the very anointing and call of God on the body of Christ and you are doing it like God said it's supposed to be done because of the anointing that's on this man's life to not just make members not make organizations but make disciples so disciples who sing disciples who play disciples who study disciples who serve that's what the church is all about don't think this is happening all over the world my friend there's a unique anointing on this house because there was a unique knowing on this man's life right here John the Baptist John the Baptist John the Baptist had a clear call a clear call he said as he called to turn the hearts turn turn turn the hearts turn the hearts he's called to turn the hearts of fathers to children turn the hearts of children the father's it's a turning it's a turning as a turning that we're turning has two connotations first of all as a soteriological implication of it means this turning in the sense of salvation that he's called to lead others to salvation it speaks of a turning of one's life a turning of one's direction fixed of a change of the path that you're on when you look over this house look over this house look over what's happened in the last 30 years you see lives that have been changed there are we could be here all night long with testimonies a folk who say that their lives were going down the wrong trail going down the wrong path and God brought you to this house and just the atmosphere in here caused you to turn your life around and walk in the things of God because this is a face with an anointing for turning turning it didn't also speaks of a turning generationally and relationally since the turning of hearts of fathers to the hearts of the children hearts of children the hearts of fathers there's a healing in this house listen to me there is a unique relational healing in this house what's God so that God would bring someone into this house today and your home your family is under attack generationally so that the breach the gap between parents and children parents who who anguish at night wondering about sons and daughters sons and daughters who've gone the way of the world and who forgotten differs love but in this house there's an anointing for healing watch how God says it happens he says turn the hearts of fathers to children watch this now and turn the hearts of children to fathers don't miss that don't miss the sequence there's an anointing of God in this house to turn the hearts of father's first the sequence is not coincidental it is the mature spirit that looks beyond stuff that was said in anger and in the flesh and recognizes that this home shall not go out like that this family shall not go out like that this testimony shall not go out like that and it's gonna take somebody mature enough with the door wisdom of a father to turn and reach out to that son and reach out to that daughter and watch God do a miracle of healing in that family to the glory of God and so you say you say you say that you're called to be a disciple maker it's a cycle it's a cycle disciples make disciples make disciples when John and when Paul wrote that wrote wrote that wrote to Timothy he says Timothy what I've given you pass it on the faithful men and women and then they'll pass it on the faithful men and women and they'll pass it on to others that's four generations Paul got it from Jesus Paul gave it to Timothy Timothy gave it to the faithful men and women faithful men and women gave it to another generation that's four generations so discipleship at the very minimal is four generations it's passing down what you've received God blesses you to bless somebody else the choir just told you God's gonna open windows and pour you out a blessing that you cannot contain God's gonna pour you out a blessing you cannot receive that doesn't mean that God is gonna waste the blessing he means he's gonna pour it out into your life and fill your life so that when it overflows it'll overflow into the life that you were touching into the life that's in your life because not only blesses you to bless others he blesses you to receive he bets you to release he bets you to receive bless you to release listen to me because the anointing of God flows through you to somebody else I'm going to fair shore mister the anointing of God flows through you you I just left I just left I was in Israel two weeks ago and the the the map of Israel is defined by two bodies of water as me in the north there's the Sea of Galilee in the South there's the Dead Sea in the middle there's the Jordan River the Sea of Galilee receives water pours it out at the south end and it pours into the Dead Sea the Dead Sea is the Dead Sea because it's dead and it's dead because contrary to the Sea of Galilee it doesn't release water it only receives God wants you to be a sea of galilee and not a Dead Sea that's what discipleship is about it's about receiving and releasing the anointing that was on John the Baptist the Bible says he came in the spirit of Elijah stay with me I'm going somewhere on this one so that there was a spirit of Elijah that was passed down over 400 years of prophetic silence until John the Baptist picks it up and connects what was with what is because the anointing flows down the anointing that was on John the Baptist said life was to be turned into lives who would turn their lives over to God and they would turn their lives to be disciples of Christ because of this one man who had a spirit of humility through the field today the Bible says he's not in the wilderness he did he didn't try to make a fashion statement he he a strange food because he knew who he was as I travel the country I'm amazed I'm amazed still amazed at how many people who know of our hero of Pastor John Jenkins who can't believe he's got all this because of the because of the spirit of humility that this man walks in oh yeah you all appreciate that I can't tell you how many times I hear Wow have you been have you been to first it's been the first Aptus well I'm gonna tell them I've been here now so I'm gonna put my listen the point is this it's about connections in the spirit one one one Sunday one Sunday uh Anthony a Stevie Wonder came down church one Sunday just just this came just came to the distortion you know so Stevie came and about halfway to service Stevie said I want to sing a song so so Stevie go go to the piano and it starts playing and sang a song about about four bars the end you know the drummer picked up the rhythm you know about eight bars and organ came in you know by sixteen bars in the bass comes in and so the band starts playing with them about three months later I hear that one of our musicians is up for gig in Hollywood for job somebody sees it and he put on his resume raise my hand to heaven put it on his resume played with Stevie Wonder I'm just letting y'all know right now on my resume ministered with John's English is gone I'm just under letting you know how we gonna roll here cause that's how many I don't know he's gonna roll down on your bra you know let's listen it's because of the appreciation for the hand of God on this man God must really love you listen to me because the anointing flows down it wants it down the anointing that was on Elijah went to Elijah came through 44 years for 400 years of silence and fell upon this man named John because the anointing flows down God says you're called to make disciples faster call to make disciples and discipleship means that you're pouring thing from one generation to the other you're passing it down passing down now listen to me something happens thank you Father when we gather like this don't ever take this for granted when you gather you're not just coming into a building Psalm 133 says when we gather something happens because all how good and how pleasant it is for brothers and sisters to gather in one place on one Accord this army then it goes on to tell you about the anointing that is created in this atmosphere there's a shifting thank you father a shifting in this atmosphere just because you came up in here some of you work on jobs where you're the only person in that it knows Jesus that means when you walk in Jesus walks in when you walk in the anointing walk in when you walk in the power walks in when you walk in celebration walks in because you represent the kingdom of God so when we gather like this to Bible says something happens in the spirit oh how good and it's pleasant but we gather then a Bible says it's light let me tell you something there are things of God that are so profound God can't tell you what it is he just tells you what is life y'all missed that give it you over here there are things that God explains by he says here's what it's like here's what the anointing is like the rest on this man's life the Bible says it's like the dude [Music] [Applause] on Mount Hermon that flows down yelling got it the dew on Mount Hermon Mount Hermon is 40 miles north of the Sea of Galilee the dew on the mountain forms riblets and streams that form the Jordan River which flows down 40 miles into the Sea of Galilee 13 miles across the rich general Gao Sea of Galilee it pours out on the other end through the Sea of Galilee the Jordan River the Jordan River flows down a hundred and twenty-seven miles and pours into the Dead Sea yelling get him the dude started on top of the mountain 9,000 feet above sea level flows down 40 miles into the Sea of Galilee flows across the Sea of Galilee 13 miles Psalms out the southern end in the Jordan River and flows a hundred and twenty seven miles down and pours into the Dead Sea y'all and got it the Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth y'all still missed it it started on the mountaintop but the anointing that started on the mountaintop flowed down down down down into the lowest point on the earth which is the Sea of Galilee which means there's something about the anointing that does not just rest on you when you at the top of your game and at the top of your best life but there's something about the anointing that flows down when you're going through trouble and throws down when you're going through storms that throws down when you're going through trial and when you at the lowest pour in your life that's something about the anointing that kicks in that holds you even at the lowest point on your life here comes the real shouting there's something about the water in the Dead Sea the density of the salt in the Dead Sea is so strong and so concentrated that you cannot drown in the Red Sea y'all Inga there's something about the anointing that starts when we gather like this and you take it when you go to your job and when you go to your home and when you go to your family and when you go through the lowest parts on your life that's something about the northing that will hold you up when it looks like you're going down for the last time the power of the anointing will hold you up till you can step up and step out and give God some glory somebody help me left guarding this out I got 9 minutes I got 9 minutes and how do I want to go with this thing John Hanson on either way I got 9 minutes or 30 years means it ain't over I know it's bad English but it's good theology it means that this 30 year anniversary is about to launch you into a whole new dimension it means that God is about to take this man to a higher level of visibility it means that God still has another move after 30 years God is not finished yet after a hundred and two years God is not finished yet after whatever you've been through while you've been a part of this anointing God says to you I'm not finished yet I don't care how dark it was I don't care how bad it was God says I've still got another move tell your neighbor God is not done yet that's the wrong neighbor tell the other neighbor God is not done yet he still has another move it's like that man was walking through this famous museum and this man was an international chess champion and as he walked through the halls of this famous museum being an international chess champion he stopped and his mind was captured by a peculiar picture on the side of the wall this picture had two men on the opposite sides of what looked like a chess table and the title of this picture was check mate now you chess players know that checkmate means the game is over but this man was an international chess champion and as he perused and looked with careful scrutiny at this picture he remembered his skills as an international chess and he began to move his eyes and move his hands and move his eyes and move his hands and move his eyes move his hands and he called his friend and said my friend we've got to find the man who drew this picture and the friend said what's wrong he says I because I am an international chess champion I recognize there's something wrong with this picture he says this picture is entitled checkmate but because I am an international chess champion as I look carefully at this picture I've moved my hands and I move my fingers I move my eyes and I'm moving my hands I move my eyes I'm moving my hands and I have this coming determined that he's got to change the name of this picture he says what's wrong he says either he must change the picture or he must change the title of the picture because the title of the picture says checkmate and checkmate means that the game is over but I am an international chess champion and I have discovered as I look carefully and I look carefully and I look carefully and I look carefully I have determined that the King still has one more move I came to tell somebody the game ain't over yet because the King still has one more move I don't care what the devil throw that your life I came to tell you today that the King still has one more move it ain't over till God says it's over there's no Northey on your life and the King still has one more move mold it was down at the Red Sea yeah Red Sea in front of him not was on both sides of him family behind him it looked like the game was over but God stretched out his hand put a karate chop on the Red Sea gods foot walk through on dry land because the King still has one more move three Hebrew boys don't you put them into a fiery furnace so turn up the fog higher than his heart ought to be a God sent in an angel or turn down the thermostat duck out Walsh a tracker out walk me shakka I'll walk the bad Negro came unto the fiery furnace because God said this thing ain't over yet because the King still have one more mover you remember Paul and Silas tone you down and a Philippian jailer learn about midnight they begin to have a little prayer meeting Paul said my name begins with P so I'll do the prayer Silas your name begins with this so you do the singing of singing and praying and praying and singing and singing and praying a long about midnight God calls an earthquake go down and release my children earthquake said Lord do you want me to level it but no just kind of shake things up a little bit I'm talking about a jailhouse rocker because the king still has put him on his side all day Saturday because the steel has still one more move somebody give God some praise clap your head all ye people shout sound sound shout to the Lord of triumph somebody give God some praise hallelujah hallelujah I'm gonna give God some plain tell you maybe if you knew how good god been you praise God for me new people lift up a word and you've got some brave hallelujah Yanni president somebody oughta praise Him just a make the devil mad he thought he'd snap to put that rope down the last time he jumped you only hallelujah come on give that for free [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody thought it was done but God said I got another move you ain't seen and I think it ought to be somebody in hitter said I'll go ahead and give him a phrase I don't have to wait until the move is made [Applause]
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 23,001
Rating: 4.7314148 out of 5
Keywords: Sheryl Brady, T. D. Jakes, Jasmin Sculark, Dr. Jazz, Joseph Prince, T.B. Joshua, Billy Graham, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Chris Oyakhilome, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland
Id: jrPqptqye9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 17sec (2717 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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