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my troubled mind is the only voice i hear that makes a [Music] at the time is [Music] me [Music] friends when he speaks he relieves my troubled minds [Music] [Music] at a time amen shall we praise the lord everyone god is so excellent we want to welcome you to another service thank you for joining us thank you for joining gates of praise this morning today is youth sunday and we are going under the theme apostolic ambassadors anchored and ablazed amen remember we'll be starting with the pentecostal conquerors song followed by the pentecostal conquerors pledge we dedicate our lives to thee and by his spirit that dwells within [Music] [Music] or better we shall keep on first and by his power his holy spirit [Music] we shall evangelize [Applause] [Music] lord keep us ever so meek and humble that thy will will gladly do this gospel message we shall ever tell because it won't be very long until it's coming in clouds of glory and we shall sing the conqueror's song the battle fears will march triumphantly his loyal soldiers breathe and chew his hand is guided in him abiding we shall press the battle through like all of old we that can humbly see when life on earth comes to an end i've got a good fight i've kept the faith a crown of righteousness to win we are the panda gospel conquerors there is this ahead we are the panther conquerors we triumph over every [Music] [Applause] the panther costume conquerors the world shall hear our concrete thread each day we're getting new attaining there is great story act we are the pentagon conquerors we but my spirit asleep [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen praise the lord everyone god is wonderful thank you jesus we'll be reading the pentecostal conquerors pledge i will begin i am a pentecostal conqueror i serve in the forces which earnestly contained for the faith once delivered to the saints i am prepared to give my life in its defense i will never surrender to anxiety but will trust the lord for strength i will make every effort to succeed in christian services and to help others find christ i will accept neither gold nor glory in exchange for my convictions if i am persecuted i will remember how much christ endured for me i will neither do nor say anything that might be harmful to my fellow christians i will attempt to guide others into deeper consecration i will obey them that have the rule over me in the lord and will work with them in every way to further the cause of christ i will abstain from all appearance of evil to the utmost of my ability i will make no statement disloyal to my god or his church or harmful to its purpose i will never forget that i am a pentecostal conqueror responsible for my actions and dedication to the principles of the word of god i trust in the lord and in the power of his spirit by the grace of god these things i will do we give god thanks for his goodness and his grace especially for our hands and worship the king of kings worship the lord of lords and omega you are the beginning and the end yes you are you are great you are awesome you want god there is none like you none we give you all the glory we give we give you glory and praise we give you all the praise for the honor thank you for your prayers we worship you we adore you oh we adore you lord jesus praise thank you lord praise god thank you lord today's reading will be taken from romans chapter eight thank you jesus and i will be reading from verse 31 to 39 romans chapter 8 i will begin what shall we we then say to these things if god be for us who can be against us he that spared not his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things who shall lay anything to the charge of god's elect it is god that justifies who is he that condemneth it is christ that died ye rather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of god who also make it intercession for us who shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword as it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us for i am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor heights nor death nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord this is the word of the lord and we honor it by seed thanks be to god please bow your heads as i pray heavenly father we give you thanks for your goodness we give you thanks for your grace and your mercies jesus thank you for allowing us to see this day that you have made lord we give it thanks for giving us life one more time thank you for allowing us to be on the land of the living one more time lord jesus i pray that today's proceedings will be for your glory and for your honor i pray that whatever is said and done be uplifting to those who are in its habit not to be uplifting for those who are on zoom for those who are on youtube lord i pray that you will intervene i pray that you will stretch forth your hands towards those who need you i pray that you will heal those who need healing bless those who need blessings provide for those who need provision lord jesus nothing is impossible with you what is impossible for man is not impossible with you and so god we're exercising our faith today as we look to you for guidance and for strength in your precious name i pray amen amen you deserve the glory oh yes and the earth [Music] i lift my hands in worship as i praise your [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i lift my hands in worship oh yes as i praise your holy name for you are great you do miracles so great [Applause] there is no one else like you [Music] there is no one else like you you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you hallelujah hallelujah there is no one else [Music] one more time oh you deserve the glory lord lord i lift my hands in worship as i praise your holy name oh yes you deserve the glory you deserve the glory and the honor on the lord oh i lift my hands [Music] you do miracles there is no one else like you no one else like you lord there is no [Music] there is no one else like you oh there is no one else and worship the lord you are great you do miracles so great there is no one else like you we adore you we bless your holy name thank you jesus at this time i turn over to sister danny wilson praise he the lord praise he the lord he's great he's all together lovely nobody else like jesus oh let's adore him as she comes let's lift our hands us shout the name of jesus jesus let's shout the name of jesus they shout the name of jesus jesus oh he's almighty god he's our help amen praise god hallelujah hallelujah can we can we from where we are begin to just stand and just get ourselves before the presence of god hallelujah on our feet we can't be uncomfortable praise the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah god sees and knows the soft the soft whispers he sees and knows the soft praises he sees and he knows the lord praises too praise the name of the lord jesus but we're gonna stand in unity whether you be on youtube or on zoom hallelujah it doesn't matter where you are we welcome you hallelujah as we join in hands and in hearts and song as we present to ourselves before the god of all gods and the king of all kings but there is no one else like him no one is like jesus you are great you do miracles so great i know that song is singing in our minds and we're gonna continue to sing that song hallelujah there is no one else like him there is no one compared to him we worship you today we worship you this morning we give you all the glory god for you are great praise god oh your jesus praise god oh god i feel i feel some people stretching their hands i feel some people stretching for their hands yes i say god my hands i praise you this morning you are great [Music] there is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes way back [Music] let's when worship [Music] was [Music] i don't know what you came to do i don't know what you came to do i don't know what you care to do is [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah is if you know the lord is [Music] if you know your [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] i am [Music] i [Music] the grace of god i am [Music] [Music] [Music] oh is [Music] again [Music] again [Music] names [Music] she's jesus rock upon jesus jesus christ [Music] we wrap up on jesus jesus i have protection from my lord apart from my lord above jesus walks beside me every passing day yes i'm overshadowed by his oneness jesus walks beside me [Music] [Music] oh yes i have and i have protection from my lord [Music] this is a moment where we look back [Music] yes i am overshadowed by this boundless love and i have protection from my lord upon hallelujah jesus he walks beside me i am not alone in this thing called life i am not alone in this thing called life for if i'm born at the water and of the spirit and of the blood and i'm trusting in jesus yes i'm overshadowed by his boneless love i have protection from my lord above i'm gonna give you some momentum zoom some moments on youtube those who are in the sanctuary so look back and to say god i give you that [Music] [Music] mighty axe praising for his excellent [Music] to god in greatness highest you are worthy to be praised and adored open up your eyes god open up your ears god we worship you lying on the tribe [Music] lift us up in the name of jesus we exalt you oh god for you were great and greatly to be praised oh jesus we don't have the opportunity to sometimes to spend moments and left in our hands because we may be disturbing someone but on a day like today we're gonna continue to press uh in the cloud of praise and worship oh we're gonna press in the cloud of praise and worship oh yes we're present in the praises [Music] hallelujah brother and keep playing that song for you alone on my strength and my shield to you alone that my spirit yields to you alone that my heart desire and i long to worship you our scene for you sunday is all about the apostolic doctrine i am a young person and i'm telling you there are days even last week i felt irritable i felt weary i felt giving up i don't feel like doing what god pledged in my heart to do but on a day like today sunday september 2021 oh when i noticed that my eyes are now open and i'm breathing in and out the breath that god has given to me it has done something to me and i'm not being hypocritical you are if you fall down you get back up oh cause god will catch you hallelujah for you alone on my strength and my shield [Music] oh jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] out [Music] oh it's so sweet and so sweet [Music] ah [Music] i am hallelujah [Music] nothing else [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she [Music] sleep holy spirit [Music] to you my space [Music] are my hearts desire and i love [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] says [Music] to your way [Music] i will follow when you call me [Music] [Music] yes yes lord hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] bless the lord bless the lord [Music] if you will you can be seated for a moment [Music] praise the name of the lord i will invite our president sister andy cooper to come and then following her minister daniel wilson and then i will return and introduce our arrival to give over the service to we pass the pastor marcel award francis we welcome you to gates afraid but more importantly we welcome you in joining us in praising god wherever you are because we are on zoom and we're on youtube today is youth sunday praise the name of the lord jesus and we hope that your heart it will hear from the lord jesus through his words we pray that the songs being sung will minister to your heart because it's not just the word of god many times artists they use the word of god inspired as their lyrics and it becomes rubric and so we pray that you are indeed blessed welcome once again and to all the persons who are in the sanctuary god bless you richly praise the name of the lord jesus god is a good god and we honor him by showing up in love today praise the name of the lord jesus sometimes we just get up and come and drag ourselves and not in love and i've done that so many times pray the name of the lord jesus but we can always open with god and tell god where we are and he will he will do just what he normally does praising of the lord jesus so i at this time i will ask our president to come speak for a moment as well as sister alicia to say at least get ready to just come and just speak um briefly crazy lord so sister and dean will now come for president followed by the assistant president praise the name of the lord sister alicia and then we will have minister wilson and then mr wilson will turn over back to me bless god amen shall we praise the lord everyone let's just lift our hands one more time and worship the king of kings and worship the lord of lords you are great there is none like you we magnify your name we adore you jesus i want to greet you all in the mighty name of jesus indeed god is a good god he has been a faithful god and i just want to share these few words last night i was praying and talking to god and this thought came to my mind and stay committed to your journey and i was reading some scriptures and i read romans 8 verse 38 to 39 i read deuteronomy 6 verse 5 i read proverbs 16 verse 3 and all of them were in alignment to being committed to the things of god to being committed to what god has in store for you and so i just want to encourage us our youth on zoom and a tabernacle if you have not yet started your journey with god it's never too late i can tell you that it is a great experience it's not an easy experience but it is a great experience and a rewarding experience and as the song says only what's done for christ will last amen and so i just want to encourage you as a young person myself to fellow young persons stay committed to your journey and if you haven't started your journey it's never too late and even if you have um fall aside or lose your way it's also never too late for you to ask god to put you back on tr on track amen so i just want to encourage us all today to stay committed to your journey god bless you in jesus name shall we praise the lord everybody let us lift our hands and just bless the wonderful name of jesus lord you are worthy to be praised there is none like you i just want to greet everyone in the mighty name of jesus god is excellent yes and as i was called to come and greet you know the holy spirit said pray for the youth and i'm going to be obedient to that this morning and so i am going to pray our president says that we are to be faithful to our calling and it is through prayer and the grace of god that we will be able to do so and so i'm going to be praying wonderful mighty god [Music] sovereign [Music] [Music] the keeper of mankind the god that knows all things i come before your throne i humbly bow holy holy lord god almighty as i stand in your presence i'm unworthy of your grace and your mercies but i thank you for salvation i thank you for the redemptive power of the holy ghost oh glory i thank you god for the blood that was shed for our sins and because of that we can plunge beneath the floor and lose all our guilty days and so this morning we plunge mighty god glory we plunge mighty god in the name of jesus i lift up the youths hallelujah to you this morning abba father have mercy upon our souls we pray hallelujah we pray mighty god that you will endure with power from an eye to live in this time god almighty worthy of the vocation that you have called us in almighty god almighty we pray today that you will sanctify us worldly hallelujah god we come mighty god you see us lord where we are at god you see us yes god i know you see us in ditches hallelujah some of us are falling in some deep places hallelujah our souls are looking up when our hands are stretched forward hello check hello god almighty lift us up and let us stand our face on your solid rock we pray today mighty god awake us we pray to your calling help us to remember that is not by our might nor by our power but it's by your spirit and so it is in you we live in you we move in you we have our beast and so god almighty no weapon that is formed against the youths of the united pentecostal church of jamaica international and all the youths that are tuned in today nowhere hey for we are standing on the solid foundation you have called us by desire and you are able to keep us from falling and to present us thoughtless before the throne and so we stand upon the promises of god we tear down every stronghold of the enemy and we walk forth in victory we walk [Music] god we walk hallelujah not my side but we walk in faith this morning yes and we declare it and recount it as we commit everything in your care in jesus name thank you for hearing an answer in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise god [Applause] [Music] i am free praise the lord and free no longer bound no more [Music] is [Music] let's do that again i am [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] my soul is resting it's such a dream [Music] one more time my soul [Music] it's such a blessing [Music] raise the lord hallelujah [Music] can we lift our hands and praise the lord praise the lord god is god hallelujah i'm free amen i just want to give the lord thanks for his goodness and for his mercies i want to give him thanks for being in his house today to worship and to praise his holy name my testimony is that i'm free praise the lord i'm free amen i want to greet everyone in the house today amen count it a blessing to be here can you lift your hands and give god thanks amen amen i want to agree to our pastor bishop france in his absence our assistant pastor which is here amen we greet her in the name of the lord amen our production team god bless you amen it's just wonderful to be here and to be able to praise the lord amen i was listening to one preacher this morning and he was saying the number is fluctuating one week it's 51 week it's 20 one week it's 10 amen but we are giving thanks that we are able to give the lord thanks and praise amen let's continue to pray for those uh this morning i was really calling the names of those who are experiencing grief this day amen the guys family the mitchell's family amen those who are sick sister christine is out of the hospital we give god thanks for that those of us can we give god thanks sister clearer amen she's at in the university hospital amen we need to pray for her could we stand and pray for her right now those of us that are here oh god father we give you thanks you are the never fail in god and right now we come to you on behalf of sister clara henry we pray you will touch her right now she's in the university hospital in kingston we pray that you'll visit her in her bed touch her healer hallelujah lord we come to you right now oh we are living in such a troubled time but god you are still god and your promises they are sure and right now we pray god that he will come through in the name of jesus we claim victory we claim deliverance yes in jesus precious name amen amen amen amen god bless you lift your hands and give god thanks say yes i love you lord yes i love you yes i love you lord amen regardless of what is happening we love you lord amen your hands in the air amen and give god thanks wherever you are hello god is out here in virtual space lift your hands and said i love you lord i love you lord god bless you in jesus name amen hallelujah praise the name of the lord jesus praise god praise god i have a song for us and i know it's going to minister to our hearts because indeed these lyrics do connect praise the name of the lord jesus my strength is surely failing his trials come both left and right [Music] and if tears were only raindrops the universe would be flooded now so lord i call on you [Music] hold today hands [Music] [Music] my today all the way [Applause] please [Music] [Music] walk me through the day that's all i [Music] of am now surrounds me a failing heart is all i see broken dreams with painful memories requests for help still i know you [Music] today please [Applause] [Music] all the way [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] of this world is please walk me through the day [Music] [Music] is [Music] not a trace [Music] would be bloody [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the [Applause] of this world is [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] through the is that's all i ask [Music] steps hear our call for the cares of this life is all we now see but hold our hand master told us jesus thank you for holding us that we will go all the way in jesus name praise the name of the lord praise god praise the name of the lord at this time i now hand over to our assistant pastor pastor marcelo ward francis praise the name of the lord jesus and we welcome you all if you're joining us on youtube welcome praise the name of the lord jesus this is gates of praise united pentecostal church in a collaboration with praise tabernacle upper room praise god almighty officiated by bishop her word francis and pastor marcelo word francis praise the name of the lord jesus and so we hope that you will continue in on our service god bless you richly as our pastor comes praise he the lord everybody what a blessing to be alive when so many persons are gone we are still here to spread the good news to help one another to share in giving and worshiping always lift our hands everywhere and shout thank you jesus [Music] what a great time we are having with the youths today we just clap our hands for the youth we are doing marvelously the church is moving on we are not any cold dried out dried up insufficient weaklings we are strong when the youth can lead a service in this manner we are very happy that the lord is with us hallelujah and he will never ever leave us you may see it i want to reiterate a warm welcome to all those who are in the house today to all those inland that is in jamaica and those who are overseas in another country worshiping with us this morning into afternoon we are very grateful when you listen and subscribe to youtube and to zoom to show that we are reaching you and we are very grateful for that in the house today are some people whom we have not seen for some time in the house because of the protocols and so i don't want to call out your names i know some of you wouldn't want that so i'll just all bundle you all together and say i am happy we are happy that you make it a point of your duty to follow protocol and let the numbers just be right for today i know god has already been blessing us i can see people dancing rocking clapping speaking waving shouting for the joy of the lord since today and so i just want to say to you continue to enjoy the lord with us today and of course because of protocols we do not have as many testimonies sometimes as before this is one of the days when we just worship and give our entire being to the lord and go on with the service so i'll just sing uh one or two more choruses and i have a word i'm sure i have a word from the lord for us in the rock i'll hide in the [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] everybody in the room oh [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh yes [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] hide me under the rocks [Music] lord let is see thy face let me see thy face my beloved brothers on fire [Music] oh [Music] we [Music] my beloved brother when this world is to be happy i'd all right is is [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] drop your feet up your hands and shout the praise is [Music] [Music] glory to god in the highest i just wish today that we will all put our hands in the hand of the man who steal the waters i would just wish today that we all put our hands in the hand of the man who calms the sea i just wish today that we will take an introspective view of our lives hallelujah and know that his hand is still over the world and god almighty is still in charge hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah although we are losing so many of our loved ones yet god has speared us and good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people and we don't know what god is doing but for sure for us to be here today and in virtual space whether on youtube or zoom we are very privileged to be able to be worshipping the lord hallelujah and we continue worshipping the lord and giving him praise until he takes us out god bless you i am coming to you from first samuel's chapter 7 and verse 12. i am going to be asking brother darlington who danced in the spirit to bring me a stone hallelujah the message is this tone of help so we are at first samuel chapter seven hallelujah and i borrowed the bible from the tabernacle as i used a different vehicle today and my bible is in another vehicle but i'll work with this one it's in my heart come with that stone come this way hallelujah that's the rock of help late here thank you glory i love it the rock of help i'll read the outstanding verse that hits me and then i'm gonna go all the way back from first samuel chapter four i won't read all the verses but i'll pick parts or episodes and come to this so it's first samuels chapter 7 and i'll read verses 12 and 13. then somewhere took a stone and set it between mister and chen and called the name of it ebenezer saying hitherto the lord hath helped us hallelujah so the philistines were subdued and they came no more into the coast of israel and the hand of the lord was against the philistines all the days of somewhere so someone took a stone like this rock and set it between mispa and chen and called the name of it ebenezer same hitherto has the lord helped us i want to talk to you today about the rock of help or the stone of help when i sang in the rock i'll hide you may sit in the shadows i will abide when the storms of life are raging and what a time we're having the storm of life are raging not only in the life of the adolescents or the young adults or the teens or the children or the middle age or the older age the storms of life in this time of serious pandemic where doctors are disagreeing lawyers are disagreeing health personnel in all the countries are disagreeing we're even the vaccines are not very acceptive of what is happening with other vaccines where biologists or those who do these kinds of studies are not having the same kind of ideas or concepts it is a confusing time it is a worrying time it is a time of need a time of depression a time of uncertainties a time of impossibilities but in this time church hallelujah there is a rock hallelujah of defense there is a stone of help after you've been through it hallelujah let me go from my notes here in chapter 4 israel hits bottom there are some of us in this time we are hitting bottom what does that mean we are at the lowest degree we are at our weakest end some of us are looking at our bank account and saying do jesus do something because this money is going down rapidly some of you are studying and you are sending your dollars abroad to get your papers some of you are have to be paying your mortgage bullying money come with me church i can preach today you know israel went to rock bottom defeat was in their quarters we have to change some of the drink that we usually have some of us have to be taking water instead of tropical rhythm hello it is different disaster hallelujah you will hear this word again i said disaster has struck in our finances at home some wives and husbands are having turmoil with children because it's socially togetherness hallelujah and there is hardly any distancing because you're in the same space and so trouble is in the land is in the whole disaster at your workplaces you are put to stay home and because you're home you cannot get through all the tasks that you have to perform and it is disaster sitcom is disaster and don't come is disaster hello church it is a time of defeat and israel experienced it it was the darkest day for israel at that time they had lost the presence of god read chapter four and you will see that the philistines capture the ark of the covenant the ark of the covenant was the presence of almighty god and where the presence of the lord has left but people had defeat i want to tell you church of god those who are with me here and those who are over there in virtual space i love what is happening in the house i can see that people still have the presence of the lord for in the presence of the lord there is fullness of joy at his right hand they are pleasures they are more help than you can imagine so father don't cast today from the disturbed today for the anointed today for the eerie temple i like that word i heard one of my daughters talk about irritability and i said my god it is true sometimes you feel so irritable at home because we are bouncing over one another you mix your juice you put down your juice and when you go back for your juice your juice is gone and no duckies in my house it's a rough time hallelujah so israel was having their time because the presence of the lord was taken away if you read verse 11 of chapter four you will realize that because of the atrocity the two boys hophni and finale finia the two sons of eli battle came and although they were god in the ark they died both of them died and when the news reached their father hallelujah in verse 18 i think on 19 18 going on to 19 in chapter four when the news reached the father he was a priest all pastors dying in this pandemic and it's not because they are not good leaders but it's the way of the things that are happening so eli when he heard that the two boys were dead he felt it but when he heard the presence of the lord the ark of the covenant was gone he dropped dead scripture said he was heavy and he was old he was 98 the man fell off his tear broke his neck hello many necks are breaking in this time because of the horrible time or horrific time that we're having it's like that you don't feel you can make it any longer but hold on church hold on my child joy comes in the morning wait on the lord hallelujah that wasn't all finais one of the wives of the sons when she heard what was happening in verse 18 or 19 rather of chapter four she held her tummy and she bowed because within her was a child coming hallelujah and she started travailing she started to feel labor pain come with me church i know some of us are feeling lemon pains because it's not easy i looked on the screen and i saw three young men over in saint thomas they were tied up by the police officers they each had a gun and they were tied up and the police was scrutinizing and antagonizing with questions hallelujah when they were told to lift up their faces i saw that they were young people young people stay with god it's huge service and they were handcuffed and they were taken away i said ichabod came when vinayas felt the pain she gave birth at the sound of the death of her husband at the sound of the death of of her father-in-law she felt the pain she travail she give birth she named the child ichabod i kabod hallelujah and she said it means the glory has departed hallelujah i don't want any news to frighten the church i don't want any news to get you devastated or frustrated or down-hearted or sick hallelujah i want you to understand that you have to keep the presence of the lord because the rock of help is with you you've got to be hiding in the rock some writer says oh bless rock of ages i'm hiding don't let the glory depart hallelujah have a rebirth of the anointing hallelujah have a rebirth of the infilling of the holy ghost if you are here today and you have lost that evidence that you have the holy ghost i want you in your mind as we preach as we sing as we minister that you'll ask of the lord oh praise the name of the lord do it again lord so they took the presence of the lord and they put it in a wrong place hallelujah hallelujah in chapter five you see they took the presence of the lord and they went and put it at ashdod ashdod is one of the big cities probably if it were this time they would put it in austria or they would put it in kingston jamaica or they would put it in montego bay and when they put the presence of the ark of the covenant hallelujah in the presence of dear god dear god trump yes youth when you put your presence of god in the presence of the ungodly they are going to drop they want to mess you up they want to spin your head they want to turn you over but when you have the presence of god in the presence of the enemy he trembles oh hallelujah let's clap our hands for victory that stone of help is with us after the stone of help is with us the rock of our courage is with us hallelujah the wrath of our support is with us hallelujah put your hand upon the rock sect yourself lean upon the rock stay on the rock of ages get sheltered get delivered get protected by the rock or the stone of help the lord said he will not leave us nor forsake us and his mercy says endureth forever oh praise the name of the lord so dear god fall down his fears got smashed for at the name of jesus every knee shall bow so when he bowed his head fell off we don't have a god that can't hear us we don't have a god whose hand is short we don't have a god whose ears are death we don't have a god who is sleeping hey hallelujah even when it seems like our hopes are gone like the men on the ship you just go and wake him up and immediately somebody needs to wake up jesus in your individual situation call somebody name and say wake up jesus and i'm trying to remember your name it won't come danny wake up jesus hallelujah the seattle anointing you felt in the pulpit and all that worshipping knew of that the adversary the philistine coming the philistines said watch me on earth the philistines saying to you andy watch me anna echo shadow wake up jesus when the philistines come upon you welcome jesus so they fixable back and when they come back the next morning the han [Music] break off hello the presence of the lord people will block up the devil let's get it real jamaican oh kushaya the lion of judah speaking about jesus christ god almighty shall break every chain again and again and again let the church say again and again and again hallelujah and so the philistines realize that something is happening the philistine keepers say all right let us move it out of this place we are dear gunnys and let us keep it a little closer to us guess what the lord start to affect them and impact them in another way he start to impact them in the genital areas in the private parts private part is a dangerous power church i'm not rude his bible said it it is in chapter five so they move it to ashdod then there's some more we can't keep it here for too many bad things happening here you see when you have the presence of the lord he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me i'm his own and he tells us to negotiate the corner on your side you didn't know that the truck was coming and didn't even hung behind but god just tell you to keep your corner oh hallelujah tell somebody keep your corner stay on the right side don't cross on the other side you'd stay in jesus when some writer said give me jesus in the morning give me jesus in the evening every moment of the day give me jesus he is my reason for living is my source is a rock of help oh praise the name of the lord i said is the wreck of hell is a rock that has a substance you can draw from the rock oh hallelujah one person says there is honey in the rock in the rock christ jesus that we hide we can get a sweetness immeasurable sweetness you can measure i can't tell you how sweet the lord has been to me it would fail me to tell you how the lord is sweet to me i didn't buy all these feathers never been where they are i've from been in queen elizabeth's palace hello sir but i wear the things that palestine's will people from the palace have nothing over me because the rock is my source and i don't beg or borrow god almighty send them isn't that wonderful tell somebody stay in iraq come on church stay in iraq if you're not getting them yet they soon come for times is striking the hour and the lord is just opening up the windows of heaven and pouring out blessings that we can contain when the tides are gathered in tides of love and willing service the ties of goodness and of joy god bless bishop senior he taught me those songs when i studied years ago oh praise the name of the lord so when the philistines were affected they moved the ark from ashdod to ekron and when they reached on to ekron in chapter 5 and thought that was it and the lord start to make their private parts you know what m rods are it's towards the end of the anus and there comes a big bump or a or a right and you can't sit and you can't walk and you can't let out the waste easily and some people have to go to the medical doctor and the surgeon cuts it so it might be easier to do all of that come on young people you got to know these stuff so when people come to you you say careful i don't send an em rather than you because you interfere with me hey the lord is with you ladies and gentlemen and when you have the presence of the lord and they come in your way to give you hard times or make an obstacle for you the lord said i'm going to take care of that one for you so when the men were affected hallelujah and the boils in their parts that's what the bible said the boys were in their parts they decided to have a plan to return the ark hallelujah they've got to leave your hands off i'm anointed touch not the lord anointed and do it so but no harm you got to know your privilege sister melanie you got to know you have a privilege you are anointed and appointed sister wallace so when the gunman walk to the ballista black holy ghost and came into your house and came into your bedroom with the gun pointing at you and you shout jesus he had to run he only didn't run he ran with a fear running behind him because the presence of the lord was upon him you were all the way in one take away minister wilson broken down in a very drastic area where the presence of the lord woke up somebody and told somebody to call you in the wee hours and told somebody what to do to get help and man stay 600 miles away and fix what was a problem on your boss and you turn the ignition hala messiah and you were able to move my god is a stone of help my god is a rock of hell glory come on church keep the presence of the lord in your life they can take so much from your shop sister bailey and no more when they thought that everything would go to pieces but business is still going on one of my sisters had praised tabernacle she was in a van a car the man took her up when she got going from san anton's bay to discover me the man turned their eyes on the gun beside him and say look at this you know what could have happened and she looked up to god it could have happened but the stone of help was with her and it could have lifted the church be not dismayed what he'll be tied god will take care they decide to return the ark in chapter six and i want to read chapter seven now remember when the people start to think about the ark of the covenant and the children of israel plagues remember plagues began to break out among the philistines and they realized it was because of the ark some of the things that are happening to your neighbors and your friends and your co-workers and the community people and you don't understand the troublio and god fatigue them amen so we reach chapter 7 now oh praise the name of the lord and in chapter seven i'll start from verse one and the men of you might have to help me curse us during came and fetched up the ark of the lord and brought it under the house of abinadab in the hill and sanctified eliezer his son to keep the ark of the lord so they're getting the ark away they're putting the disaster from um remember the ark symbolized god's presence they are in a battle hallelujah the children of israel are captured but the ark of the covenant the presence of the lord is about to be set up and the act seemingly was gone forever hello if you are here and you think i will never feel the presence of god again the devil is a liar just stretch your hand towards god hallelujah i want somebody to say jesus will bring these things to you i said these things because i don't know what and what you want to shame jesus will bring those things to you i know as a young man you might have fallen but you are restored and god wants to bring some things to you brother darlington the source wants to bring some things to you oh hallelujah sister ethlyn sister melanie i said the lord wants to bring some things to you oh hallelujah i say the ark was gone stolen taken in battle by force camille what the bible said asked okay why you stab us holy ghost sister pat why are you stubborn sick knock it's not easy to knock the rock sometimes tough hard but keep on asking seeking and knocking but those things will be brought to you hello mushander they looked for a card hello is the word i mean you know the children of israel they were one side praying and covering and threatening but looking to god the philistines looked for their own cart brother mikey they looked for their own cow is a lord bringing things again to fruition you know brother brother peasy when god ready to work he doesn't need any help he can do it all by himself they can't so he made the philistines get the two calls now much kind the young call is a first they having calf and if you know anything about farming i knew my father had animals he had clothes too and when the cow has a young car there's nothing as strong i know you may know about that because i know you farm although you have other businesses when the car has a young car and you pull away the car from that young cow he will tear down any fence dick on my they can recharge he will tear down any sense but those two young cows were taken and they put a yoke up on those two cows and they put the ark of the covenant upon those two young cows milkshaking and the bible said they went straight where you can imagine come with the church you can imagine those calves were bellowing [Music] those calves were crying those cars were on a rage but when the presence of the lord was on those cows they went the straight way and they turned neither right nor to the left my church people nothing is impossible with god read it in luke 1 and a 30-something verse with god who only all these words to your heart you know is a source of help is a stone of help is a rock christ jesus i'm talking about i said the cows went straight neither to the right minister or to the left although there was a call coming a profound wailing of the carves but because the ark of the covenant was upon them hallelujah they had to go straight i don't care of irritability or frustration or upset or emotion or social or physical pains hurts thank you when the presence of the lord is in your life you will take the straight way keep me through lord jesus keep me through sometimes the wives say some things that cut you to your tool sometimes the husbands do some things that destroy you to your vein sometimes the parents say some things and want some things and make some requests on you that make you feel you want to fly like you have board wings don't you understand what i'm talking about don't you know that these things are real sometimes you're in the valley of the shadow of death sometimes you wish some other children parents would jump in in this pandemic and do something and not leave the stress on one or two or none oh my god i said sometimes the battle is hot it seems that nothing is happening some of the things that we worry about and can't see how they could happen jesus will bring those things to you oh in your mind's eye just close your eyes and just see jesus bringing some things to you it was a philistines that decided i can't keep this ark of covenant any longer i've got to send it where it belongs come on there are some things you are worried about i said close your eyes hallelujah and tell yourself you don't have to worry anymore because the god who is fighting for you will send it to you what belongs to you is yours i preached already that god has a package with your name on it god has a packet with my name on it nobody can interfere for too long with my package the danielle package was interfered with 21 days but he continued asking he continued seeking he continued knocking won't you take this message of hope won't you take this message of deliverance won't you believe this message of high authority from god won't you take this anointed word and believe that even if the philistines have taken away what you should have had the presence of the lord will bring it and deliver it to you let's give god thanks for that your blessing is yours i'm preaching now as the lord spoke to me as i prepare this word your blessing is yours marcella ward francis your blessing is yours won't you call yourself and talk to yourself talk to yourself your blessing is yours your money is yours your house is yours your car is yours your health is yours i've sent a prayer over to the university of the hospital where sister clara henry my childhood friend is the blessed is hers and most of us have different kinds of blessings they are diverse kinds of blessings sister wallace your husband is gone teen amount of years but the blessing is yours god here the blessings coming is yours lift your hands and give god thanks some people's faith have risen up today to grab you got to learn to grab your blessing take it by force crescendo those kind of house went straight ahead while the presence of the lord is in the house grab your blessing while the presence of the lord is moving up and down the tabernacle while the presence of the lord is going from bench to men to grab it sister donna say it's coming my way come on church hit yourself under and say it's coming my way it's coming my way glory i don't know how you feel but as the presence of the lord is operating i'm saying it's coming my way i receive it brother pays me grab it it's coming your way yes it's coming my way i feel the assurance can we just stand and give the lord thanks i feel some answers to prayers so some people are seeking are getting it some people who are knocking are getting it shutter the stone of help i'm talking about jesus christ he's a stone of help jesus knows how to program sit again sit in faith jesus knows how to program who can program like god who can program things like god nobody a culture nobody can do us like jesus he's our friend he's our stone of help he's our source hallelujah he's a fortress he's a bulwark he's a strength he's a covert from the storms of life that are coming to us individually but the blessing is coming my way the stars are still in place isaiah 13 says the constellation will fall but it's still in place until god says it's to fall curse honda i love you lord i feel the prayers of the saints going up i feel the anointing in the assembly i feel it on youtube and zoom i see your faith rising hello some person's faith have gone from 10 to 50 percent to 80 percent to 90 percent to 100 percent i see it in my vision i see the faith rising because the stone of help is talking to you today so i said jesus knows how to program he knows how to direct into your hands mother bailey you never miss any youtube or zoom operation i want to bless you for it as an elderly person you keep coming on i can always depend to see your name hello although you've gotten to good age and your children and grandchildren and maybe great-grandchildren are around and you're still living and almost every week you're sick but you are still in good hands and god is sending blessings i wish i remember your name you always come i know you have the holy ghost i know your daughter has the holy ghost i'm glad to see both of you in the house of the lord your blessing is there too nobody's name is on your blessing your name is on your blessing tell me your name nicola your blessing has your name on it one of these days if you wait and be of good courage god's gonna show up hallelujah just trust god i want to say to you donna that jesus is going to surprise you jesus is going to surprise you remember anybody wants a surprise from the lord yes i want a surprise from the lord and i'm believing for it holy ghost again jesus is going to surprise question when the children of israel saw the ark they made a big noise so that somewhere what surprise make a joyful noise unto the lord holy land come on people of the king of kings serve the lord with gladness in pandemic because shadow be not dismayed whatever be tied god is still taking care the stone of hell the rock of hell the rock of offense the battle is the lord the lord never lose a battle i said the lord never lose a battle don't take it lightly george foreman i think he's dead and gone and some more there will be many battles cars unbox his name now help me tyson that one was such a bad fighter when he walks salt and struts out no matter how big they look he gives them a knockout punch in two minutes they are gone he knows how to zero in on the weak side and when he puts a punch it's well given my god his name is jesus he's giving some punches he's giving some uppercut shanda he's bowling some yaka going right down on the wicket combat it too well timed he's an untime guard i say he's an untimed god he is on time i say kushanda he's on time he's going to surprise some of us so be encouraged church better is on before don't give up it's always too soon to quit don't give up things going grow again things oh hallelujah your final destination is insured if nothing else we are sure of if we keep true and faithful heaven will surely be worth it all and there are some things that people get down here that destroy them then nobody want to go to heaven neither me want them sister i don't want them if they're going to let me lose my way i want nothing here anybody here is holding on to jesus i keep holding to his nail scarred hands i'm pushing back i'm pushing back i'm pushing back the frustration i'm pushing back the emotional desires that will destroy my soul i bring back the financial needs that will destroy my soul i'm pushing back the physical things that will destroy me i'm pushing back the material things that will destroy me i'm pushing back the pleasures of this world that will destroy me i'm holding on thank him for this presence in your life shall we stand up [Music] has the lord helped us in the truth has the lord help us think about the stone of hell he's the two right before until now has the lord help us we could have been down and out we could have backslidden things happen that could make us not have any joy things come to us that would make us not want to come back to the tabernacle maybe pastor hurt you or his wife the assistant hurt you or a member hurt you or a d can hurt you or your family hurt you so many things happened maybe you were discouraged maybe you were frustrated maybe you were down-hearted maybe you couldn't find a cent to give unto the lord maybe so many things happen to you that could have prevented you but you are here in his house you are here under the sound of my voice thank him for his presence in your life lift your hands and make a fire lift your hands and give god thumbs that the stone of help is still in your house help lord continue to help your heart let the world soak in you a little bit more heaven will surely be worse it all [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] heaven will show [Music] all the struggles [Music] it's life [Music] often [Music] i'm hindered on [Music] my way burdens so heavy i all [Music] listen [Music] just before we sing that verse again the means kind the young cows although the horns although the voices are those that stomping of the cows were bellowing they were physically mentally socially hindered but because they had the presence of the lord on their back they went the straight way listen to the second verse and go the straight way [Music] often i'm here on my way burdens [Music] so heavy [Music] i all [Music] most then i hear jesus [Music] and care [Music] oh yes jesus [Music] has promised and i [Music] it's [Music] [Music] has promised and i i am sure avenue will surely be worth [Music] before [Music] is [Music] we stand in god's presence surely his presence is with us today minister wilson is coming to give the final moments [Music] oh he has we are improving [Music] we love you lord we love you lord stone of hell hallelujah the lord jesus christ what a stone oh praise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord and we give the lord thanks hallelujah we thank you jesus we thank you jesus just for about two times we'll sing this song while pastor was preaching it was on my mind isn't he wonderful amen amen amen you know when you work with stone you know it's not easy when this thing squeeze you you're well squeezed but we can depend upon the lord as a rock to stand on him and if we have a stone to defend us like this [Music] praise the name of the lord isn't jesus my lord wonderful amen it is said that eyes have not seen that's right and ears have not heard it is recorded in god's word yes is it jesus my lord wonderful [Music] wonderful wonderful [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] one more time but we can shout it one more time hallelujah praise god praise god praise god amen i'm happy to be here today we are going to pray that god's presence will go with us yes and that we will be well protected by the rock we're going to stand on the rock oh praise the name of the lord god is good amen and you know i felt the presence of the lord today and his his anointing was in the house amen he's still in the house amen amen amen and if if we need to draw closer to him let's get closer oh praise the name of the lord whatever we need to do to ensure that the presence of the lord is within us and dwell richly within us then we can do it amen let's pray together father we thank you you are great you are wonderful we thank you for your words to us today hallelujah oh god showing us who you are lord i pray that you will continue lord to anoint us i pray that you'll continue to be our guide our protector i pray that we continue lord to be lord o god who you are to be to us god let us look to you directly thank you lord for your guidance and for your protection lord we pray god for gates of praise we pray for the viewers we pray for those in virtual space we pray god that you will be with us lord and as we go this week we will have no fear hallelujah but we will trust you more and more and more hallelujah help us lord to put all our trust in you and our confidence in you lord as we go from day to day we know the enemy is lurking around but god we know you can do lord god anything and so we pray god that you will continue to guide and to protect us bless us lord and comfort us hallelujah those who are unable to make it to the tabernacle we pray for comforts and them lord in the name of jesus we give you thanks and we praise your wonderful name thank you jesus thank you we pray a special prayer upon our pastor today we pray that you will continue to bless her comforter strengthener in the name of jesus we give you thanks in jesus name give up the praises send out the praises send them the praises send them the praises hallelujah you're worthy of greater power thank you jesus hallelujah god bless you we want to thank all those who have participated in the tabernacle those on zoom and those on youtube we appreciate you sharing with us god bless you and at this time we'll sing and while we sing don't turn off yet we are going to sing my god can do anything and you bring your offering and tides and place on the on the table before us here come one by one i want to tell you something after we have brought the offering and the system is off i'll tell you something interesting and so let's bless the offering lord we thank you for that which you have given unto us and for the willingness you have put in our hearts to share and to give back to you something that you have given to us may be used for your kingdom's glory in jesus name my god can't do anything yes my god talking about my god he can do anything oh he's all the power he's all the power can't do anything oh my god yes my god can't do anything do anything my god my god can do anything we got the power you
Channel: Gates of Praise Tabernacle UPCJ
Views: 171
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: kNNwTlfovfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 10sec (8950 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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