Sunday Morning Worship 9-26-21

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he's worthy this is not a dead church jesus is still alive say enter jesus with thanksgiving and into squats with christ be thankful unto him and bless his name this morning so let us all praise god like we know he's real he's god hallelujah oh that's not that god let's praise god this morning worth is worthy he's worthy he brought you here this morning for a time like this this is a new sunday this is not last sunday this is a different day this is the 26th of september so it's a different sunday that you have never seen before so let's continue to worship and praise the lord and prepare for the singers this morning entering entering his ear the spirit of god is here entering hallelujah [Music] praise the lord saints praise the lord saints hallelujah hallelujah god is so good yes he is i'm gonna try this sunday without my shades god's been blessed amen he's worthy to be praised god is a good god god is a merciful god god is a mighty god yes he is god is a strong god god is a healer he's a deliverer yes hallelujah nobody doing like jesus came nobody [Music] no you didn't know it singing new like jesus [Music] nobody [Music] [Music] heal [Music] nobody knew me like jesus came [Music] pick me up [Music] told me there's a storm out over the ocean and it's moving want you to get somewhere want you if you're so nice too jesus you will surely drift away there's a storm out on the ocean and it's moving this away if come on help me out there's a storm out on the ocean and it's moving this away if you're so not thinking of jesus you will surely drip away just the drink away you will surely drip away if you're so not hanging in jesus you will surely [Music] and it's moving this away [Music] [Music] yeah little music prank hallelujah [Music] you ought to be praising the lord from where he brought you from on the main line [Music] jesus tell if you need a doctor pay what you want if you need a doctor tell him what you want you can't call him up and tell him if you need a lawyer tell him what you want if you need a lawyer if you need louder [Music] call him up call him up tell him what you want you can't tell him [Music] whoa yeah yeah hollywood hey amen he's worthy hallelujah glory to your name lord yes hallelujah [Music] [Music] the faster i'll go if i have to go by myself to go by myself i'll go if i have to go by myself [Applause] my mother don't go father won't go my sister oh my brother [Music] [Music] by my [Music] here's another thing i do y'all i'll pray if i have to pray by myself to pray by myself i'll pray if i have to pray [Applause] my [Music] yeah if i have to shout by myself how many of y'all gonna shout if you have to shout by yourself i'll shout if i have to shout by oh [Music] send me [Music] send me jesus [Music] sometimes i get lonely send [Music] sometimes people scatter like sometimes i get [Music] sometimes oh [Music] hallelujah yes lord [Music] [Music] good morning church let's go to the lord in prayer this morning bread of life the great i am the lily of the valley the bright and morning star we come to you today father god giving you praise honor and glory for father god we're not going to ask you for anything this morning because all father god you already know what our needs are before we ask and for that god we say thank you god i realize that father god that no matter what it is that we're going through you see you know all and you know what it is that we need god i ask so father god that you bless this waiting congregation on today but most importantly father god that you bless the man of this house our pastor father god i ask that you touch his wife as well that you can touch the entire family god there are many people that come today for psalm and there are many that came for others but god would i thank you right now in advance that the way that we came in will not be the way that we go out today god it is for your grace and your mercy that we're here today and god we realize that you made a when our back was against the wall you made a way when we didn't know how we was gonna make it you made a way when we was trying to figure out i was gonna put food on our table god you made a way and for that this morning father we say thank you god i give you the praise and honor on this day i ask oh god that you be with my family protect us keep an edge of protection around us oh father god god i pray right now for my children it is in route father god that you will guide them this morning that you will let the pilot get them to their destination safe and sound god we thank you in your son jesus name we pray amen [Music] [Music] well i'm waiting on my pastor to come but um let us all stand and prepare for the offering [Music] let us all repeat uh [Music] that it will bring forth prosperity in every area of my life i have no time for doubt or doubters i am taught to obey the word of god so that the blessing of christ shall overtake me and the favor of god shall find me and my cup shall run over hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah what time is it [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let us all stretch our hands towards our offering father god we just want to thank you for this offering that was given god we asked to touch each and every one that's so today god with god we ask you to touch their hearts and thank you for those who know the the reason why we give and know and expect that it will come back to them good measure pressed down and shaken together it's in jesus christ holy name that we all pray and everyone says amen [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] praise the lord church praise the lord amen out of all we've been through last two years we still here praise the lord and it's only by the grace of god that we are here not boasting but praising the lord for all that he's able to do how did i make it all these years how did i make it this far [Music] through the valleys over the hills i know it had to be gone [Music] how did i make it through the rain [Music] how did i make it through the storm [Music] you want to know just how i got here it's so easy to explain it was god's grace great god's by the grace of god oh god's grace i praise god's grace god's grace his amazing grace lord i thank you for how you brought me how you brought me through the night for you kept me and you never left me you stood by my side there were so many times i came so close but old man death tried to take me in but the reason i'm here not hard for me to see in fact it's so easy to explain it was god's grace our grace god's grace god's grace his amazing grace i have made it this far by the great father grace listen i remember i remember the time when i strayed away even though i knew the word still i wouldn't obey but god's mercy and his grace stayed with me it brought me brought me all the way god's grace i pray god's grace god's grace his amazing grace i remember a time when i strayed away even though i knew the word still i wouldn't obey but god's mercy and his grace it stayed with me it brought me brought me all the way god's grace i praise god's grace god's grace god's grace my great god's grace his amazing grace i made it this way oh yeah by the grace hallelujah hallelujah yes lord [Music] lord jesus jesus yes lord [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] jesus the bible say let the redeemed of the lord be the one that say so [Music] come on redeem let us open up our mouths and give god the praise and glory hallelujah [Music] glory jesus hallelujah lord so worthy to be praised you're so worthy to be praised from the rising of the sun to the going down of the sun your name not depending on what you do for us but your name [Music] alone is worthy to be praised hallelujah lord your mercy [Music] your goodness toward us hallelujah lord you for your thank you for your presence [Music] in the midst of us without your anointing and the presence of your holy spirit nothing would matter but because of your presence because of the presence of the holy spirit all things matter hallelujah lord jesus we declare that yokes are already broken burdens are already destroyed [Music] in the mighty name of jesus matter of fact let everyone under the sound of my voice that can hear me call the name which is above every name [Music] come on magnify his name hallelujah lord jesus lord jesus hallelujah lord thank you again for your divine presence among us in the also mighty name of jesus and let every heart say amen [Music] glory be the god you know we should above everything and everybody else we should seek the present we're going the president of god we're going to be at proverbs 4 today if you want to turn there or be on the screen in a few minutes above everything else we should be seeking the presence of god in our lives can y'all say man a little louder the presence of god in our lives and when i was praying i thought about the church universal you know when i think about the church i don't i just don't think about parkview christian life center because god church is worldwide or every corner of the globe god church lives inside of people so when i think about the church and um how the church has fought the presence of people worldwide is not because it's a worldwide pandemic and the last place people are going to come back to probably the church but thank god for his presence come on church thank god come on come on church thank god for his presence jesus said just give me two or three and a whole lot more than two or three in here today amen give me two or three gather together in my name and i will be in the midst of them amen so i when i was praying the holy spirit just brought that into my spirit to give god praise for his presence come on somebody give god praise for his presence amen as we go uh to proverb chapter 4. amen i've got a couple of things i'll announce that in the end proverb chapter 4 and we want to look um at verse 5 amen i feel blessed not only feel blessed i am blessed amen somebody how many can declare that god is blessing you right now that was a song we used to sing the lord is blessing me right about now oh right now uh proverbs chapter 4. let's start at verse five get wisdom get understanding forget it not neither decline from the words of my mouth forsake her not and she shall preserve thee love her and she shall keep thee wisdom is the principle uh wisdom if you will work on that wisdom is the principle thing therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding exalt her and she shall promote thee how may y'all want promotions wisdom does that she shall bring thee to honor when thou does embrace her you may be seated in the presence of the lord just and um amen look at verse 5 again i want to start there now i want to start at verse 7 because i want to talk about um what solomon said about wisdom and he says that wisdom is what the principle thing wisdom is principle it is the principle thing with getting wisdom and applying wisdom is a principle of god the great thing about a principle is it doesn't care who works it it works for everybody the same way every time so principles in the bible is really what christians ought to be seeking for can i find the principle of god and if i can find the principle of god and if i'm willing to apply the principle of god it can't help but work for me glory be the god principles are no respecter a person amen and every time i start teaching on principle the principle of gravity we all know the prince of gravity right whoever activate gravity no matter how you activate it no matter who you are if you jump what gravity gonna do why it is a principle that works every time for everybody the same way so if you please don't try the principle of gravity saying well i'm special and gravity won't pull me down off a hundred story building or off a mountain yes it will it doesn't care who you are it don't care how you got off the mountain either it does what it does because it rooted and grounded in a principle that will not change so when solomon says to you and i wisdom is the principle theme what solomon is trying to say is that if you were if we were to apply wisdom and get wisdom it is a principle that god will bring the blessing behind it amen in the book of james chapter 1 the bible says if any man like wisdom you need wisdom if you like wisdom on anything in your life how many y'all need wisdom on something today what is wisdom wisdom is not education you can go to college and get a degree and they say to you you're educated and you'll be feeling good man i'm educated in this subject here's a subject that they say i am qualified and educated to teach or to do you can be educated and not have wisdom you can be an educated fool amen and not have wisdom to apply the education so we held our hand up and say yes i need wisdom for a certain thing today well in the book of james chapter one he says if any man like wisdom if anybody liked wisdom for for a certain situation he said first thing we have to do is ask of god if we ask god for wisdom then god you're born again you're a child of god you have a spiritual right to ask god for wisdom all the qualification you need i'm a child of god and god says matter of fact we need to turn to it instead of just quoting this scripture let's go to james chapter one praise the lord and let's look at these scripture in james chapter one put it on the screen for me get a lot of feedback too uh james chapter 1 and uh i want you to put verse 5 on the screen it says if any man like wisdom let him ask of god y'all see it that give it to ho who god give it to who all men what'd he do liberally he upbraided not it shall be what given to him so god hath said it shall absolutely be giving to a person if any man like wisdom and i know somebody left their hand and people listening online they probably lift their hand at home because they're we're you know we get a situation situation in our life where we don't know the right thing to do we don't know the right decision to make it's bad to be guessing you know hoping in a praying that things turn out right sometimes you need to know that it's god's will amen we need to know this is the will of god here's the wisdom of god for this situation so god makes it plain if anybody asks for wisdom he give it freely and he hold back not he don't hold it back it shall be given now if god tells us if we ask he shall give it that's the end of that i know you someone said well i asked god for wisdom and he didn't give it to me he didn't god cannot lie if he said if we ask he's going to give it to us and hold back won't hold it back so as far as asking and being given that's an absolute well where'd the problem come in where did the problem come in then if we asked and god say he will absolutely give it to us where is the problem the problem lies when we ask and god give it the application come next and sometimes the wisdom god give us is something we don't like because a lot of times we pray to god to give us what we're already thinking and so god when we ask for wisdom god said now when i give you my wisdom it is not to make you feel good because if it came from god it's going to disagree with the flesh anyhow if god tell you to do something and give you wisdom on it your flesh may not want to stop it or agree with it so the problem come is that not that god has not told us something we just can't come in agreement in many cases with god like lord i heard you but isn't that how a lot of people talk back to god yeah i heard you god but amen god jesus told the rich young ruler well you want to follow me you want true riches sell all you have give it to the poor follow me and then he said this can't do that jesus the wisdom of god didn't agree with him his principle so when god start giving out his wisdom we must be ready to receive it and then apply it suppose the guards say stop this thing tell us to stop something that we really don't want to stop don't you think they're going to be a battle there not that god is not right not that he didn't give the wisdom but god we didn't think he was going to say that if any man like wisdom god say i will absolutely give it to him it's a guarantee aren't you glad for god guaranteed what god is saying after that i can't guarantee you'll use it amen and we're going to look at a few principles that deep rooted as jesus taught every time jesus would teach us he would teach us in a way of kingdom principle jesus said the kingdom of god operate this way the kingdom of god is like this jesus just wasn't talking to talk everything he said had power and authority behind it so when jesus spoke anyone that applied what he spoke would be blessed that's why sometimes it seemed like jesus was giving up on people but he really wasn't giving them up on people he just understood steps people had to take to be blessed so sometimes when jesus got through preaching such a powerful message he will stop at the end of his message and say now he that have ears to hear go ahead and hear and he that don't have ears are here i don't expect you to hear but those have eyes and see let them see and those who don't have eyes to see you won't be able to see unless you ask god to open your eyes that you might see hallelujah somebody so wisdom is a principle how many y'all again want to want me wisdom for a situation today god is saying to us today let's apply the principal wisdom and watch god work i'm telling you god has more for god has more blessing for us that we'll probably ever walk into in this world oh jesus now here's here's the thing i tried to do as a pastor i tried i'm trying to get everything god has for me on earth as it is in heaven i'm not trying to wait till i get to heaven to walk in kingdom blessings if you waiting to get to heaven that stuff's already there it's some stuff we need to bring we need to bring the kingdom down to earth that's what jesus said jesus said pray thy kingdom come that thy will be done on earth as it already is in heaven god jesus you know what jesus was saying i want the kingdom of god to be moving on earth on your behalf ought to be walking in kingdom principles today so he says that uh to us uh look at verse six he says now as if you get wisdom apply wisdom get the principle he says now when back in proverbs 4 and verse 6 he said once you get wisdom don't forsake her y'all see verse 6 once you get wisdom don't forsake her don't use wisdom just to get what you want one time and then kick her out the door wisdom is to be applied all your life hallelujah somebody he says so don't forsake her look at verse six don't forsake her and she shall preserve thee oh lord i wish i had time you know when you preserve something it lasts longer than it should how many y'all got that when you preserve something say it with me it lasts what longer than it should and it keeps what are god's saying he'll keep us longer than we should be kept he will preserve us hallelujah somebody so he says don't forsake her and she'll keep you she'll preserve you amen exalt her verse eight no verse or seven again wisdom is the principle thing therefore get wisdom now you get your understanding exalt her and she shall promote thee she shall bring thee to honor when thou does exalt her now this is how the holy spirit works the holy spirit inside of us how many are born again and giving god pray for the new birth in your life the holy spirit inside of us is trying to get wisdom to our souls you know we have a soul too right and we have the holy spirit the holy spirit is working hard every day trying to apply wisdom to our souls whereas our souls our soul is our emotion our soul is our mind our soul is our will the holy spirit is saying i'm going to do everything in my power to get your soul to apply godly kingdom wisdom see wisdom is the holy spirit is trying to get wisdom to us every single day and and we have to be ready to say well let you know what god i want to hear what you have to say come on say it right now lord i want to hear you from you you know sometimes it's good to get advice from everybody but sooner you got to stop and pray and say lord i want to hear from you and i want you to make this thing clear and see we got to quit thinking that god only speak to a few people like god god may speak to the bishop the pastor no god is no respected person anyone that has the holy spirit god talks to him because that's his spirit so god is wanting us to look kingdom god the kingdom of principle of god is talking to our soulless realm every day if we will stop and allow god to begin to grow up in the soul it'll be so many things that's stressing you out today causing you worry that you'll stop you'll stop right now that's why jesus when he was teaching he said i don't know why y'all worry jesus it's amazing to me why my children worry he said why y'all worried he says the birds the fowls of the air who my father don't love as much as he love you you're much more to him than the sparrow so why are y'all so worried the spirals don't figure it out that god take care of them the sparrow get up every morning with no preparation he don't have a stored up stuff he get up in the morning and the first thing the sparrows and the birds do is scratch out with a song and the rest of the day things take are taken care of what do we do when we get up in the morning come on talk to me how many let's get up in the morning and sing and give god praise and bring him into our presence if we were to do that he will open up doors that have been shut don't get up in the morning worrying about your bills give god some praise in the morning and he'll open up some doors in the financial realm so god is saying uh that we are to apply wisdom the very first thing to do is apply wisdom even though wisdom amen even though wisdom is not based on our feeling i want you to turn with me uh if you will to matthew chapter 5. let's go to matthew 5 and let's look at verse 43. matthew 5 and 43 praise the lord look what it says to us oh god of fact let me let me go to let me shift that put matthew 6 and 14 up first and then we're going back to 43. matthew 6 and 14 says for if you forgive men their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you all right what did we just read a principle the first part of the principle is that we must forgive our trespasses the second part of the principle then god will forgive us well pastor i don't know about that you don't know what they've done to me the principles don't change because of what they did to you you still have to forgive to activate the principle that's why the devil the devil the devil let us hold great animosity and bitterness in our souls the greater the animosity the greater the bitterness of what someone have done it make it harder to forgive so the principle is waiting on you to get over what someone have done so god can activate blessings in your life we come back and say but you don't know what they did god said yes i do people may not know but they are not the one who said who put the principle in motion god put it in motion come on now see we're too busy worrying about people instead of worrying about god god is the one who said you must we must first forgive principle number one the a phrase of it the b phrase then god say that's when i'm going to forgive you and now let me forgive you god say i've got other things i want to do for you now look at the next part of that the latter part of that verse he says in verse 14 or 15 but if you forgive not men their trespasses neither will your heavenly father forgive you your trespassing so god says let me put it so we got it if you don't want to apply the principle of forgiveness then god won't apply the principle of forgiveness towards you now i look at it this way i'm not going to have hatred and business in my heart towards somebody they're not worth god not forgiving me they're not worth blocking my blessing come on church god want to bless me and i'm letting a man or a woman who'd done something to me stop god from flowing in my life if you do that then what you have done is given them double power over your blessing in life they already didn't hurt you now because of not allowing them to be forgiven they're also stopping you from the blessings of the kingdom so look at this principle that god gives us now listen carefully the principle it's a principle if you forgive others now there are trespasses then we go to jesus and and then we want to deal with our feelings she said i didn't say that principle is based on your feelings remember if you jump you can jump off a mountain happy you can jump off a mountain sad the prince will not based on how you feel when you jump for god is saying i didn't give you principle to put your feelings in the way oh god i felt that all over my sanctified so because no matter how well i preached that and i did preach it good in your mind you got that yeah butt that butt gonna get you in trouble [Laughter] listen church god is not saying that principle work according to our feelings we are human beings i understand we are emotional beings and we get our feelings hurt and we don't want to talk to people we don't want to forgive people let me tell you something forgiving people really has nothing to do with them forgiveness has nothing to do with their apology to you why are you god didn't let when the talk started talk about forgiveness you forgive them in your soul and spirit in their absence they don't you don't ever have to see them again to forgive them or you can see them every day and be unforgiving it has nothing to do with the person asking you for anything i apologize i'm sorry forgiveness not based on their apology why are you waiting on and apologize for you get better anyway he says if you apply the principle something happens now listen what's going to happen to us since god knows how he made us up he also know what causes us anxiety stress and worry he knows that we don't have the ability within ourselves to forgive people he know that it's not in the physical realm of a human being natural mind or heart to forgive a person so now the holy spirit is begging in us to release people and he's saying apply this wisdom when we do what happened is that god sets us free and who the son have made free is free indeed something inside of our minds our souls and our spirit start relaxing and feeling joy that it never felt before and something is happening inside of us there is a release in the realm of the spirit where all of a sudden you feel so good and so much joy come and it comes fast when god because god is not once we forgive god say i don't wait two weeks to release what i'm gonna release the moment you let it go he said i began to activate the blessings stress anxiety resentment and all those things that we carry unforgiveness we're never designed to be in the emotion of a human being it'll make you lose sleep it'll cost you a lot of other physical problems it is not designed to be in us god created us in his image and after his likeness amen somebody so watch what he says now let's go now to chapter five glory be the god he says in chapter 5 now and let's start at verse 33 he says you have heard that it has been said thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thy enemy now when jesus came to earth he came as the authority of god because he was god and is god and when jesus came earth he didn't say moses said abraham isaac said he said but you you heard it said through other people but now the authority is here i say unto you see jesus talk like jesus talk different than anybody else he didn't come with like i need a second opinion i need somebody to approve this when jesus spoke he said i say jesus i don't need nobody to back me up here is the principle of god here's the authority of god here's the wisdom of god i say unto you no matter what you heard he's saying i'm overruling it come on church jesus said i'm overruling whatever you heard like you know we heard an eye for an eye and somebody hit you in your eye you hit him back jesus said i never that was never from the kingdom of god y'all thought y'all came up with that now i say turn the other cheek somebody said well i'm not going to turn my other cheek y'all don't hit that side she said listen i wouldn't talk about that either turn the other cheek meaning to do the opposite of what been done to you okay i know i will here we go with our human mind again because of our emotion and because of being ruled by our emotion in many cases the principle of god cannot be applied in our lives we got to get over lord let me become let me be sometime i just throw out things and i might need to put some sugar in this casserole hey man somebody they put a little sugar in the casserole casserole you know back in the day they gave you cash cash draw some nasty stuff now young people might not know about castrol but all we knew about castro there's some nasty tasting stuff but it showed no work oh i'm telling you it's bad going down but it do what it do and sometimes when your pastor preached he just throwing castor oil out there and i realized that sometimes i might need to put a little sugar in it because it's hard for y'all to swallow so should i sugar here uh i'm gonna do it anyway but listen jesus is saying if you're going to live by your emotion and not by principle what's going to happen to you you're not going to get anywhere so he says in the very next verse chapter 5 he says verse 44. he said you heard it listen 43 again he said you could somebody told you you can love your neighbor you can hate your enemy he said but i say unto you you got to love your enemy you not only that you got to bless them that curse you preach pastor preach then jesus he didn't stop then he said you got to we got to do good to them that hate you lord have mercy jesus anybody filling jesus in here today it doesn't sound like nothing on earth are nothing we want to do what are you coming jesus do do you know how the earth worked jesus and jesus said well do you know how the kingdom work jesus said i'm from above you from beneath the earth didn't make the kingdom the kingdom made the earth and jesus said let's keep reading what he's saying because throwing nothing but castro jesus just gave us raw castro what y'all agree he ain't put no sugar on it he's saying and do good to people who hate you dude what to who how many are there yet i just heard my deacon say lord help us help us indeed to get to kingdom principle oh we got church down we got church down we churchy we got we have the thing called church god said but i don't want you just in church i want you applying the principle of the kingdom he says watch let's keep going he said now let me read it again do good to them that hate you and when you get ready to pray and when you get ready to pray pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you lord help us don't sound like again that sounds like nothing that we want to do why is jesus telling us these kingdom principles the very verse start explaining it see when jesus you know when jesus would talk when jesus would talk on earth let y'all look up here everybody look up here please look at me for a minute when jesus would talk on earth people would be like this they had he had all their attention because the things he was saying nobody talked like that people never said pray for folks who hate you and despise you and persecute you people look like what you have my attention so you need to explain why because everybody on earth never told us that this is something that we ought to do so what is this new teaching it wasn't new it was the truth what is this new doctrine and does it work because god if we're going to do this what is the benefit of doing this because on earth that is not how we operate aren't y'all glad y'all came to church today come on give god a praise for just being in church we live in a world of nuclear weapons at the push of a button society can be destroyed because we can't forgive we have warplanes warships we have satellite in space every we have everything you can name to destroy another country or ourselves because we can't pray for our enemy and forgive them we live in a world that any minute now we can destroy each other because we cannot forgive each other and so in order because we can't do it we build bombs jesus need to talk to all world leaders but they probably wouldn't listen because they addicted to power but let the church say amen let the church hear the lord jesus said look what he says to us go a little further he says watch this he says but i say unto you bless them that this fight will use you and persecute you look at verse 45 that you may be children of your father which is in heaven for he making the sun to rise on the evil and on the good he sent rain on the jets and the unjails watch what god said god says god says do what your father does he said you want to be children of god then do what jehovah god does do what christ jesus does he said let me show you what i'm talking about he said love your enemy love those and pray for those who respectfully use you because god said what i do when i let the sun come up it come on up on my enemy jesus say i'll let that sun shine on some atheists jesus i know they're not on my side he said but just i just don't let the sun shine on the jealous also i'm good god said i'm good to the unjust when it rains it just don't rain in the sinks of god yard come on church you know god if he wanted to he can stop the rain from falling in the unjust yard he said but when i let it rain it's my rain god said it's my reign i can send it where i want the senate but i let the rain fall on the jets as well as the unjust i let the sun shine on the just as well as the unjust if you want to be children of god act like god come on church do what god do pray for those that love you and pray for those that don't love you do good to those that do you right and do good to those that do you wrong [Music] and god says and god says watch me start working in your life watch me do things that nobody else can do in your life watch me give you peace with passes all understanding just keep your heart in mind in christ jesus watch me prosper you watch me give you the joy of the lord god ain't saying doing do these hard things and he ain't gonna turn around and show us who he is hallelujah that we can walk in his glory god say watch me now and jesus jesus had to even deal with the apostles you know when jesus died on the cross and shed his blood he died for the very the very people who beat him what kind of god is this that the people that slapped him spit on him he died for the very people that put the crown of thorns on his head father forgive them they know now what they do i hope y'all hear your pastor preaching today [Applause] because one of the biggest problems we have in our lives is unforgiveness hallelujah we live in a world we so backwards that we can be i mean we got problems all in everywhere our whole humanity is split in gender ethnicity and race we got all kind of feeling about you and feeling about you because you look like this and don't look like we got problems when jesus died on the cross his blood was red y'all hear me preach it word it blood was not uh uh it was just red that covered the cover the sin of everybody his blood didn't come out black his blood didn't come out white blood came out red [Music] somebody to give my god to pray [Applause] god is trying to get us somewhere and this world has taught us to be like the world i told us to be just like the world get all you can step on anybody you have to step on to get it longer you got yours i don't care how you got it god i said let me tell you something you want to see me blessing you you want to see me pouring listen i feel like shouting up in the church because i don't see you as old saying i don't seen god do it i'm not just talking about it i don't seen him work if god be for you if god be for you when god is for you it really doesn't matter who is against you people cannot stop god blessing you he cannot stop the floor of god in your life when god makes his mind up and look down on us and start the flow of blessing [Music] hallelujah somebody you'll never stop allowing god blessings turn with me let's let's let's try to find a place to park today turn with me let's go to the gospel of saint luke chapter 6 luke chapter 6 and verse 38 let's look there let's look at another principle that we just cannot seem to want to apply in our lives look what jesus says now matter of fact i go up a little uh uh i'll go up a little farther to verse 37 put luke 6 and 37 up luke 6 and 37. look what it says he said if judge not he'll go principle quit judging people and you shall not be judged quit condemning people condemn not and you shall not be then he put forgive and you shall be again now you got judging and condemning and someone's bad with that you know what god just said every time you judge somebody he judged you every time you condemn somebody you get condemned that ought to help us but that's not the verse i want to look at this next verse 38 is what i want to look at the principle of receiving how many i love to receive come on come on let's be honest don't feel good to receive like let it rain let it rain rain on me jesus pour out your blessing on me come on now i want to do something here i need all honesty in your sanctified soul today if you love to receive give god a praise offering [Applause] all right now here's the principle to receive amen since you love the receipt let me give you the principle to receive look at verse 38 give it and you what and it shall be so the first part of receiving the first part of the principle of receiving is you must give you want to activate receiving you got to give now here we go we don't like a lot of folks don't like giving they have no problem with receiving but when it comes to the giving but as long as the earth shall remain it shall first be sea time then the harvest i need to ask because y'all are in the house of the lord today now you gave a praise off him because you love to receive don't be hypocritical now if you love giving give god a praise often [Applause] amen you gotta we gotta love giving just as much matter of fact you gotta love giving more you got to love giving more than receiving it is more blessed come on help me preach church it's more blessed too than to the blessings start coming when you learn how to give and not just give any way god loves a whatever you do for god do it cheerfully god loves when he seals with a joyful heart plant our seed now the world has picked up on this principle we have no problem applying it in the world you've been you you go ask you go fill out the application online or in person and you um trying to get a job and then you get a job they don't pay you in advance you must first give them something we got to give them at least two weeks or a month it's amazing they want us to give first come on church and it's amazing that we don't have no problem giving them folk two weeks of our hard labor and time two weeks in the hole hadn't seen the harvest at all sometimes they want a month in the hole my time and labor been sold and i'm trusting you as a man to bring a harvest how many have you ever done that you we are giving time and energy first and we hope they will keep their word you know man will deceive you we hope we know god will do what he said man might do it he might not do it his whole company may close up this has happened the whole company shut down you people outside where my check they got packed up and left overnight with your time in the hole i'm here to tell you if we can trust man and give him our energy and time hoping he'll keep his word how much more can we put our trust in god who cannot lie who will never forsake us nor leave us how much more will god come through but the principle first of all is you got the soul give and it shall be given unto you the bible says if you want friends show yourself friendly you want a bunch of friends be friendly that's a principle if you me ain't gonna get no friends you can my body want to be around you you don't get friends by being mean treating people wrong dogs know that you want a dog to like you you can't kick the dog let me be treat the dog if you treat the dog right he'll give you loyalty he'll he he'll learn the sound of your car when you pull up in the driveway he run to the door peep out the window he know your car he made when you're on the door he just happened running around all over you let a stranger come in there he don't have the same attitude dog don't have to say how to why you've been treating it right god said if you want free and show yourself friendly i don't have no friend well maybe there's a reason you don't have no friend god said how many you want how many you wanted want your blessing coming down back to you pressed down shaken together and what god said here's my promise to you if you were to give i will have men give back into your bosom not like you gave but press down come on church shaking together hey run over yo you know i'm preaching i'm not preaching i'm watching i'm preaching now about giving and some people walking up giving because they don't heard me preach it in the giving and they just giving i never were preaching that you came up to give but you're catching on lord have mercy listen i i hope y'all were doing the same thing while we're talking about forgiveness too you can't walk up and put forgiveness up there but it should have been being activated in your heart and your soul hallelujah somebody hallelujah somebody somebody shouted here i am so blessed we've been watch we're about to activate something in here before i close because see too many times we have not learned how to even activate personal blessing over our life you hear people see this world is all backward and crazy the world tell you you know you when people say don't talk to yourself i'm going to talk to myself i'm fine people say uh you should be telling yourself you love yourself i'm not gonna wait on nobody else listen listen we we people have cut dreams and cut vision and and messed up principle why because the world is waiting on somebody else to tell you you we're waiting on somebody's approval we know somebody else to give us across and and we know somebody else to esteem us but god want us to know who we are in him god wants you to know that you are somebody if nobody ever tell you you're somebody god wants you to know in yourself that you are a child of the living god so go ahead and tell tell yourself i'm blessed i'm blessed every season of my life matter of fact matter of fact we're about to activate some blessing right now are y'all ready to activate blessing see god say start calling those things that are not as if they were that's a principle don't wait till it happened open up your mouth and speak you don't have to have money to start speaking prosperity you don't have to be healed to speak healing god said call those things are not as though they were he looked at abraham and he looked at sarah and abraham is a hunter sarah is 90. and god said before isaac showed up next year by the same time you should have a son not based on your feeling but based because i said it somebody say i'm blessed right now and something good with my name written on it is coming my way i'm blessed right now and something good with my name written on it it's coming down from the kingdom of heaven right now i'll make a degree i'll make a decree in jesus name [Applause] somebody shout i know i'm blessed her i don't need a second opinion i declare myself less matter of fact i'm going a little bit farther calling my children blessed i call my grandchildren blessed i call him the fourth generation blessed i'm declaring blessing and i'm and i'm coming against curses somebody say i'm blessed right now y'all ready to do something that a lot of us a little hesitated to do because we feel that you shouldn't push it the bible say by his stripes we are healed not will be we are say in jesus name body blood joints and marrow line up with the word come on y'all got to talk body joints blood and marrow line up with the word if the word say i'm healed i got to open up my mouth i got to agree with the word i declare my healing whoa hallelujah you got to get bold you got to get bold you got to get beyond what a doctor say what medicines say in the name of jesus [Applause] in the name of jesus open up your mouth and declare that your body got to line up with the word of the living god open up your mouth to the cloud that in jesus name by the blood of jesus hallelujah somebody he's able to do it seemingly abundantly oh lord have mercy somebody missing pastor today there are some people that's everywhere pastor don't mess with that don't mess with that listen jesus is a healer he still have healing power the blood of jesus shall never lose it power it got power right now hallelujah somebody can somebody make a decree today why i'm preaching under the anointing of god make a declaration today that your body will line up [Applause] with what the word says hallelujah hallelujah all right all right all right i think i'm about to close the doctor says if you take these prescriptions and take them three times a day and take this here one time a day and take this and two times a day in a month or two your body will align up with the prescriptions well if the doctor said it i got a word for you today jesus said it [Music] jesus told a man take up your bed can i preach to somebody and walk we had brother jackson come down not long ago had that thing in his arm i'm going to pray right now that god will release it again in totality how many all believe that god is able how you believe god is able matter of fact let's let's let's make the whole world upset with us right now [Applause] god is greater than covet 19. it's time that the church start giving god some praise it's time that the church believe that god is able it's time to church open up glory be to god [Music] i stand on that that god is able [Music] hallelujah [Music] i believe god come on help me we're going to say this if y'all count it right we're going to say this together seven times i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe god i believe [Music] [Music] father god in jesus name in jesus name let there be obvious signs in our physical bodies that you move today lord let there be obvious signs in our soulish realm that we are over animosity and unforgiveness let there be a sign god that we don't mind giving to the kingdom we love you lord we exalt you lord jesus let the redeemed of the lord give him one more shout praise [Music] glory god glory god i feel like praising my love while long of glory god hallelujah jesus somebody help me praise him somebody that loved the lord and know he's been good to you let's not stop praising him let's keep on praising him come on somebody that know what he's done for you give him a shout grace glory to you [Music] hallelujah jesus [Music] glory god glory god glory god thank you lord jesus [Music] for your goodness [Music] thank you god for your mercy thank you right now god hallelujah thank you lord [Music] thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah i believe healing took place today [Music] i believe somebody got their breakthrough today [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah keep on praising him hallelujah [Music] i think the lord is blessing me right about now glory be to god glory the lord keep blessing me right now right now he woke me up this morning and he started me [Laughter] right now [Music] i see the lord you're blessing me right now oh right now oh the lord he blessed me right now right now he woke me up this morning [Applause] [Laughter] me [Applause] i see the lord keep blessing me right now oh right now oh the lord [Music] he woke me up this morning keep blessing me [Music] blessed in me he blessed me he blessed me he blessed me he blessed me he blessed me he blessing me are he best in you he best in me are he blessing you are he blessing you right now oh he woke me up this morning and he started me all my way hey the lord is blessing me right now [Music] let us all stand [Music] this is the day the lord man i don't know about you but how you how many y'all just feel this anointing all over this place oh god it's so good hallelujah jesus father god we thank you for your present this morning [Music] how you how you came with hard truth how you tell us that we are to do things that nothing we don't feel like doing [Music] everything in our souls is against praying for people who hate us thank you for your word though god [Music] it is the principle that will make us free thank you jesus as i'm standing today i love this time of church this is a time when people make commitments to the lord about their lives that's why i love it some people come to give their life to christ others come to join the church because they have already given their life to christ and you never know who's coming [Music] you never know would that be none maybe maybe 15 20. that's why i love what the lord does at this hour so as we stand today [Music] and you hear the holy spirit speaking to your soul about giving your life to christ or by becoming a official member of this local church either way [Music] the opportunity and the invitation is before us right now is there anyone to hear god voice said this is your day start coming down and make a move amen in jesus name god is waiting for those steps if god prays give god praise that they're coming god is waiting god is waiting for your bone god is waiting for your boldness amen in jesus name god bless you anyone else on this side over here you know you hear the lord god is speaking to you anyone in this middle this is your day to give your heart to jesus anyone on this side over here that you hear the lord pulling on you amen and telling you to make that step today [Music] yes [Music] you may be seated in god's presence give god a hand for yourself uh give god a hand for those that are already here amen all right thank you isn't this a beautiful time there's not too many sundays that somebody don't come god is still good in the midst of everything going on god bless you we have keith richardson who's coming to give his life to christ amen god bless you brother rich amen and we have melvin and yvonne elijah elisha and marley christian experience amen what's their last name allen allen allen all right let's start with you brother rich i'm glad today that you're coming for turning your life totally over to jesus man i'm excited about this hallelujah even before i lead you through the center of prayer father god i want let me i just want to pray father god we just want to thank you today that you're leading this man into the raw family thank you for all the years of divine protection to this moment of confession so why would you pray repeat after me father god father in jesus name in jesus name i come now i come now to receive you as my savior i confess my sins confess my sins i believe i believe that you are the son of the living god you are the son of the living god who died on the cross shedded your blood and got up on the third day by the confession of my mouth the belief in my heart about the death and resurrection i now receive you as my savior name glory be to god god bless you brother god bless you ah in jesus name come on give god a shout praise hallelujah glory be to god the bible says that the angels in heaven rejoice over one lost soul being saved brother alan god bless you and your family here i give all of y'all the right hand of fellowship y'all are now full covenant members of this church the poverty christian life center pray for your family i've been seeing y'all for a while and today y'all make this bold move to be connected with this church and i thank god for you and your family pray many blessing upon you all right anyone want to say anything before you're good you're good y'all good all right god is good and they it keep adding to the church such as needed amen i'm gonna have y'all go straight up that way they're gonna take excellent care did you want to say anything you're good all right [Music] brother and sister before y'all leave today don't yeah yeah tree twitter tweeting right yeah you treat it sad pretty i need to see you for your lead today because people get out here so fast and i'm going to see brother castro today too young brother all right listen if you're here for the very first time worship with us first of all we say thank god for your presence and we want to be a blessing one of the things i love to do is just shake your hand we got a group they're going to be a blessing to you i love to be praying for you so if you're here for the first time let me see your hand anyone for the first time this young lady here my brother back here don't be shy anyone else glory be to god all right only two today we're gonna ask that you come down and god gonna be such a blessing to you glad to have you amen glory be the god i want to say this to and we're going to be dismissing in a few minutes your first time come on down glad to have you amen glory be to god [Applause] amen all right amen another person amen uh what oh oh okay let me hold this glad to have you all amen give me just your name if you want to sell the more you can amen here visiting from orlando from orlando glad to have you sister scott amen elizabeth art alyssa alyssa god bless you jamal glad to have you brother jamal latisha glad to have all of y'all for the very first time here i pray that if you that it's not your last time although y'all young people in the middle here but i pray god we'll bring you back over and over again and pray god if every time you're in this area i pray god will speak about coming and worship with us uh where you from you just moved here from where now palm beach amen glad to have you glad you found us i pray that you keep coming over and over again all right uh let me pray with you and then i'm gonna have you go to my left father god in jesus name each person that's up here today thank you for their present the word that was shared today let it be uh for them god like never before that they would hear it walk in a higher level principle from the kingdom let certain things go that need to be let go of and god filled them with your joy and present like never before in jesus name i pray amen god bless y'all so much just go there they're going to give you some things and i'm going to be praying over any prayer requests that you may have given all right y'all been blessed today let's give god another hand clap of praise [Applause] hallelujah i want to say this uh we have uh i was told that there is a lot of things out front and lost and found glasses umbrellas hats all kinds of things so if you've been lost something uh misplaced this lately 23 pair of glasses many hats i don't know what that shade there i need i need one of those 23 pair of glasses amen amen scarves umbrellas big and small earrings fans toys children play toys so quite a few things out there checking sees in here huh bibles got some bibles out there okay amen and uh it's just the key here where's the kid way back in the corner it's just a key anybody birthday anybody's birthday today in here all yours by yourself so it's the key happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday sister keith happy birthday to you amen to god be to praise and glory amen [Music] god is good god is good man i just can't leave today we give god one more praise offering amen god bless you so much i won't want to say too that we are having an awesome time in our wednesday night service marriage and relationship yes give god a hand it's been so good and if you want to be a part of the marriage and relationship uh part of the teaching it started at eight we're out here right on time at nine we had um a lesson only gonna teach three more lessons and we're done until we go back around again but last wednesday we dealt on this on effective listening the art of listening it was so good you'd be surprised how people need to learn how to listen amen [Music] my [Music] shamika birthday my daughter-in-law she's not here but happy birthday my son there so when you get home saying her happy birthday just take this word that we heard today the man of god gave us what god told him to remind us of forgive and we shall be also forgiven and given it shall be given unto you so the word has been spoken amen going to peace [Music] okay [Music] is [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign all right i'm sorry i mean uh [Music] all right [Music] for next week if i didn't do that uh i don't know you you
Channel: Pastor Henry Babers
Views: 458
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Life and death, god, did god create death?, god of death, dying, living, holy spirit
Id: Vz1l-dv7RsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 12sec (7692 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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