Passion Week 4-1-21

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had seven last saying that he said while he was on the cross and throughout this week starting right now tonight we are going to be sharing the last seven saying of christ our minister going to be sharing with you and i'm excited about what the lord will have them to say so let's just go right into the word i know it's going to be a blessing praise the lord church praise the lord church my name is minister roxanne anderson graham and i just want to give honor to the lord they're in the first lady in her absence and to all the ministers who have gone before me this week and those who are coming after me to bring the seven words of jesus christ from that cross before i get started i'd like to pray so let's bow our heads in prayer father god i just thank you for this opportunity to share on this night one of the words that your son has spoken from that cross on that cro on calvary over 2000 years ago i ask lord that this word will penetrate the hearts of those who don't know you who come to know you and i ask lord that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart will be acceptable to you my lord my redeemer and my strength in jesus name i pray amen and amen i don't think this is good my word this evening is the fourth word that jesus spoke from that cross and is taken from the book of matthew chapter 27 and it's verse 46 but i'm going to start out with verse 45 and then read verse 46. now from the sixth hour unto the ninth hour there was darkness all over all the land and about the ninth hour jesus cried out in a loud voice saying eli eli lamat that is my god my god why have you forsaken me jesus cried out in a loud voice a voice of sorrowful anguish despair desolation a feeling of complete abandonment forsaken what is forsaken forsaken means to leave without intending to return left helpless without any protection here he is nailed to the cross by his hands and his feet his body full of bruises all for our iniquities wounds all over him for our transgressions and for our peace for our peace he was chastised he was talked about he was ridiculed he was scorned he was spit on he was mocked he was made fun of they did that to our jesus and of all the painful bleeding stripes he sustained on his back for yours and my healing isaiah 52 and 14 said that he was so disfigured he seemed hardly human they beat him mercifully he wasn't even seen human praise god this fourth word is the fulfillment of the prophetic statement that is found in psalms 22 and 1 where david also said my god my god why have you abandoned me why are you so far away when i groan for your help here we have king david and jesus the messiah both in anguish feeling deserted despised rejected by mankind you might say to yourself how did this happen why did it happen jesus the son of god the one who is the ultimate healer of many jesus the one who performed numerous miracles raised many from the dead the jesus who fed five thousand with two fish and five loads of bread four thousand with seven loaves of bread and a few fish jesus who stopped the wind and calm the sea jesus who came to serve and to save now jesus was fully man and fully god he was the son and he was the savior he was the man and he was the messiah he was human and he was deity he was the victim and he was the victor throughout scripture you always hear him say my father this my father then me and my father are one if you see me you see the father my father's in me and i am in my father i am in you and you are in me we always heard him say my father my father but this time he cried my god my god because this cry came from his human nature this cry came from that man what brought him to this point why was he up there on that cross let me take you back to a garden that garden is called the garden of eden in the garden of eden this is where the first adam who was made from the earth now this adam had a choice he could eat from any tree he wanted in the garden he can eat from any tree he wanted in the garden but god said except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil because if you eat of that tree you will surely die now he didn't mean a physical death he meant a spiritual death well you know how we are with our strong will because we work and do what we want to do and that's what adam did and if someone tells us not to do something more than likely we're going to do it it intentionally or not if you tell a child do not touch that hot stove do not eat that cookie do not go outside and they will do it us adults you tell the adults have i told you to stay away from them people some evil people didn't i tell you not to do drugs don't you know that you're not supposed to be talking about people don't you know that you're not supposed to be speeding drinking texting while you're driving anytime we hear don't do something it seems like it means to us to do we have a tendency to do to do what we want to do because of the first adam and his disobedience he caused the downfall of mankind he plunged us into a world of sin spiritual darkness and a spiritual separation from god because god is spirit and to worship him you have to worship him in spirit and truth and unfortunately all of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of god all of us are like sheep gone astray we do what we want say what we want go where we want talk what we want we just want to do everything we want to do we're just like sheep gone astray praise god but god wants you back god wants you back he wants you back in that spiritual fellowship and relationship with him that takes someone who was willing to sacrifice his life for us so that we can be reconciled back to god and for this reason jesus came to earth jesus became our human sacrifice for our sin it takes the shedding of blood to be saved and he was the only one who could fit the bell because he knew no sin jesus became our second adam he came down from heaven to undo the damage that the first adam did the first adam brought death but jesus chose to do the will of his father and jesus the second adam he made us all alive now this choice for jesus was very heavy very heavy joyce he didn't have to do it but he knew he needed to do it and he did it and it was a heavy choice that jesus had to do and i moved from the garden of eden to the garden of gethsemane kissimmee means to press this is because somebody the garden of kazumi was at the foot of mount olives this is where they took the olives and they pressed them pressed them into oil and jesus was in the garden of gethsemane and he was pressed he was pressed because all the sins of the world were going to be placed on him and it was heavy heavy heavy crucifixion was the most painful and notorious method of execution ever devised excruciating which literally means from the cross matthew 26 38-39 says jesus so was exceedingly sorrowful even unto death oh my father if it's possible let the cup pass from me but nevertheless not as i will but as you will luke 22 and 44 said and his in his anguished he prayed earnestly he prayed hard he prayed so hard that the sweat became like great drops of blood and it fell to the ground he was in anguish that he had to drink this cup this cup contained my sin past present and future your sin past present and future the whole world sin this cup that he had to drink contain the sins of the world and it was poured out on him that he had to sustain this praise god hallelujah but no greater love than for one to lay down his life for his friends for god so gave his only begotten son that whosoever believe on him should not perish but have everlasting life so god gave so you and i could be saved jesus did it all for you and me now although jesus was in physical agony painful he cried out in a loud voice and it was not so much because of the bruises because of the wounds because of the nails it was because of their spiritual separation from his father when he was on that cross god who had made him sin who god who made him who had no sin to be sin for us god had to turn away that scripture god could not look at him he couldn't look at him he had to turn away and that's what broke jesus down that's why he cried my god my god why have you forsaken me because he couldn't take that hebrew habakkuk 1-13 stated that god's eyes are too pure to look on evil he cannot tolerate the wrongdoing that is why jesus cried out the way he cried because him and his father were separated during that hour although jesus felt forsaken he was not forgotten jesus cried out from his soul because it was trouble but his hour had come he had to do this he had to do this but in the end god will give him the glory the honor the majesty and the power his name shall be great in all the heavens and all the earth fast forward from the garden of gethsemane to today 2020. the year 2020 was a year to be reckoned with praise the lord that was the year many of you experienced your own darkness many of you experienced heartbreak anxiety hopelessness disappointment despair i lost my only child in 2020 and other family members and friends went home in 2020 2020 was the year of covet 19 praise god with ravaged the virus ravaged our land praise the lord causing many to lose their loved ones to that dreaded virus many lost their jobs some homes went into foreclosure some rents went unpaid some couldn't even afford the food to put on the table some became homeless some were we were all quarantined and some of us were in isolation and to make it worse the church doors were closed many went through family crisis with their children young and old broken relationships and marriages suicide unbelievable mass shootings racial tension and injustice and a rise in our society and i'm sure many of you hollered out or want to holler out my god my god have you forsaken me have you left me i i feel abandoned lord i feel abandoned where are you where are you god i feel abandoned what's happening to us what's going on well let me tell you brothers and sisters psalms 1 41 45 18 says the lord is near to all who call upon him to all who call upon him in truth in hebrews 13 and 5 as we all know he said he will never never leave us or forsaken us all of you have all you have to do is believe and receive jesus did it all he did it all for us just believe and receive praise the lord jesus had to finish this process he had to finish this process so that you and i can be kept through our process he kept us remember he sits at the right hand of god the father in all of his glory during this season we usually sing the song because he lives because he lives i can face tomorrow because he lives all fear is gone because i know he holds the future and life is worth the living just because he lives you might feel forsaken at times you might even feel alone at times but i want you all to know this remember this you are not forgotten you know why because he got up and he got you blessed be the name of the lord amen oh my gosh what's good yeah good afternoon everyone i'm minister miller and i'll be with the fifth saying for the words of christ seven words of christ i thirst start off with prayer father let your word go forth in the name of jesus i pray amen in the first in john 19 28 after this jesus note that all things were now accomplished that the scripture might be fulfilled saith i thirst the prophet said that jesus said the prophet isaiah said that jesus said in isaiah 44 3 for i will pour water unto him that is thirsty and floods upon the dry ground in psalms 107 35 he turned the wilderness into a standing water and dry the ground into waters of spring the word i thirst when i get revelation of some of the scriptures i've read means i trust i draw when i was about 15 years old i lived in orange center and if you don't know what i said that's in orlando florida and it was about two miles long which is the biggest projects in orlando and i met this family they stayed like a the next subdivision over from me and they would go to church every day i mean they would go to church on sunday from 10 45 every sunday they will cross our path at they will cross our path every every every every um sunday at 10 45 to 11 o'clock and make their way back from one o'clock to 1 15. it was a father it was a mother it was a son it was a daughter and at that time orange center was a bad place back in the 90s and people just didn't walk down the street they had a car but they chose to walk down the street and the most amazing thing i've seen they would walk down the street and all the so-called thugs would just move out of their way and i was like man what is that that they have that people just move because we thought we was something special here we are with guns on our hips goals in our mouths pocket full of money nobody else would dare walk down the street but this man his family every sunday walked through our path and we all just moved out of their way and i thought the world of that that i thirst for whatever he had because i thought that what i what i had was going on i thought i was doing something but what that man had i thirst for and it left an impression on me to this day as i you know later in life me and my wife move i i bought a home at the age of 24. my wife had a good job i had a good job everything seemed to be good you know we was doing whatever we want to do like everybody else does my wife is she was raised up in the church i wasn't and one day she was like tony we got the we got to go to church i was never against church i didn't know much about church so i was like okay let's go i got the church loved it we had a great church it was a they had a lot of singing they had praising the pastor was amazing he was young you know he was handsome you know it's just all the things that drew me in you know that i thirst for that drew me into him so a couple years later i gave my life to christ now take i gave my life to christ but i still was living the way i wanted to live but i gave my life to christ and i just you know i just kept on just pressing forward and you know doing the things that i had to do but a couple years after that about after i was in church about like maybe six years or whatever five years or whatever case may be my pastor died that broke my heart you know this is my first experience of going to church i loved church i gave my life to christ and then my pastor dies like six years after i get to church so i didn't really want to go to church anymore but you know my wife was still going to church she said well let's go to church let's see who the new pastor is going to be and i was like okay fine i just i wasn't hard to go so i just okay fine i'll go we didn't like the new pastor we stayed by the probably about a year and my wife kept telling me we should leave church and let's go somewhere else so by that time after a year passed i started actually hearing from the lord and the lord didn't tell me to go anywhere he was like he didn't say nothing and and at that time he was talking to me and my wife was still telling me no we need to leave and we need to leave this church and let's go somewhere else and i was like no i didn't no i know the lord wanted me to do something he he he will tell me because i had to just start hearing from the lord so long story short a couple months after that i got the word to leave the church and just like what we hear in church here and i heard pastor say it all time where there's vision there's provision because when we got here we had a house set up the church ain't nothing but what six miles away from our house everything was working out you know i got here i love my man of god i was i was excited that i thought the first man of god couldn't be replaced but pastor babes i love my man of god and he was a great man of god and i was so happy to be somewhere that i felt loved but shortly after that two years in because i've been with i'm with the church four years now but two years in the church i started feeling you know i needed more direction from the pastor i started feeling complace i started feeling like well i don't know if i should do this or not so i started praying to the lord and one of these ministers came to me full of joy full of compassion you know he brought that fire back into me because you know he was a joke so he was laughing all the time he was funny he had a good personality that thirst of of of god i seen in him that obedience that that that drawiness that i wanted back was it fired me back up again so i started going you know i started doing what i do in the ministry and you know my life just took off i was praying to the lord one day because i started going out to homeless shelters preaching to people you know trying to you know preaching to people and um it was this guy there that he was um you know i'm thinking i know you know a little word or something i'm peaking word thinking i know a little word and this homeless guy he actually was a pastor so here i come thinking i'm going to give him a word he stopped me i'm like hey i come back again i give another word he stumped me meaning that i had a word he had about three four words i'm like wow i need to go back and read my word and i was like i didn't you know i underestimated just because he was where he was at they didn't have the word but that just made me more determined so i asked him one day i said man you're a pastor why are you here he said i lost my thirst for the lord i was like wow you know i was i was you know i was amazed that somebody had so much word was in the condition that where he was at but it gave me more thirst for the lord because i knew i had to be more obedient to the word i know i had to trust in god that thirst means trust i mean i had to trust god so after that i've seen that i said okay i'm giving full full blast in this ministry i'm going to do what god called me to do what i believe god called me to do and since that day i've been going non-stop now i prayed to god one day and i was just as i was going out ministering to people homeless shelters on the streets on my job i asked the lord one day i said lord you know what's what's the issue you know why you know why are people so resistance towards you and he said he just told me said thomas i said thomas he said spirit of thomas thomas was one of the disciples when jesus came back from glory to check on his disciples he was the one that had doubt thomas was a doubter doubter the word doubt and thomas is his people actually represent people there's people that doubt god so i was like wow you know you know they got the spirit of thomas because you know in the bible you know thomas had to show his hand he had jesus had to show thomas look this me i'm i came off the cross the holes in my hand the pierce is in my side it's me thomas as i started you know learning about the bible i learned that you know that was the weaker faith to see things because we know we walk by faith not by sight but as i was learning the word god was telling me that i said well lord i always been type of person if i knew something i wanted to help people you know i was drawn people always was drawn to me wherever i went because of my personality because i had the love of god in me i was easy to talk to um i didn't mind talking to anybody you know i love the fact that i had to thirst to draw people i love the fact that i had the passion to trust god and as i started trusting god things started happening miraculously in my life so that just elevated me and pushed me forward to do the things of god i asked god one day as i was praying i prayed a lot you know i come from the streets so i prayed a lot i stayed on my knees i was so happy to be part of so i'm so happy that i heard from god i was so happy that god chose me you know so i was like just like i was in the world going hard i was going to go hard for him when i get on this side so one day god gave me a scripture he said tony he was like you know i i kept asking god questions i was like lord you know people ask me questions why why they life can't get the way they you know wanted to be and and i just told people um you don't trust god so i said lord i need a scripture god just took me to proverbs 4 5. get wisdom understanding forget it not need to decline from thy words of thy mouth then he gave me proverbs 4 7. wisdom is the principle thing therefore get wisdom and with all thy get understanding i said okay as it started understanding people lack understanding of the word in in my ministry i've noticed a lot of people that i preach to i talk to they know a lot of word if you are a pastor if you are a leader you should know a lot of words because if you should know the word if you're trying to reach people but also what i've learned from god you have to learn to have the you have to learn the principles of god's word that means you need to know what god word will do and you need to know when you speak his word that you have the love of christ in you as i started learning words i will speak words you know i started learning all kinds of scriptures and and um and some people will always ask me man you you pray a lot and every time you say something things happen i said well the lord revealed to me well when i pray my word don't fall on stony ground because the word is the seed that comes out of your mouth and if you don't know the word you don't have the understanding of the word it's going to go on authority ground and it's not and it's not going to produce anything and as people came to um all you know i started ministering to everyone and people start asking me questions and i always tell them you got to trust god you have the thirst for god you got to know god principles you got to know you got to have the love for god it's good to know the word like i said if you're teaching the word but you got to be the word you got to walk the word some think someplace i've been i was i was the bible for people that didn't know the word so i had to know the word i had to trust the word and most of the time when i spoke things happened so i get that a lot when people tell me things in in in life they always ask me i said trust god you got to have the thirst for god and thirsty for god doesn't mean that you're weak you should thirst god for all the days of your life and and i had someone question me one day and say why is that why should you thirst god because when you thirst god you trust god you obey god you you be o you trust him and you thirst for his obedience you you trust god for all the things that you know he can do for you you know you know being being a minister you know it's it's a day by day journey and i love doing it i love i love the i love everything that comes with it my life has took it off miraculously since i've been in the word of god miraculously things happen to me that i have no only got a high school degree you know i don't have no extending degrees or anything in life and god has skyrocketed my life and um so when i meet people that i'm not and i'm not a young man but i'm a middle-aged man and people always ask me what kind of job you got and i tell them i got a decent job i'm trained as a truck driver but i got jesus and jesus opened up a lot more doors than that truck driving job ever did and i always try to talk you know i talked to the young i talk to the my age i talk to the old and they always ask me questions about that and i say you got to work the pr the best scripture god ever gave me was proverbs 4 7. wisdom is the principle thing therefore get wisdom with all thy understanding you have to understand that word you got to work that word you know you got to be willing to do the things that god called you to do you got to be obedient obedient is better than sacrifice and you know a lot of people i talk to you know um you know they they really you know struggle with that and i always try to minister people out of love and care and i always tell them if you want to do better man you know you got to want you got to want better to do better and you have to work that word you have to trust that word and you got to make god the center of your life you know jesus is the way the truth end the life and i'm just thanking him for every opportunity that he's given me and i know things are going to be better yet to come so i leave here today by saying god the thirst of god is what you should always thirst for you should thirst for his obedience you should thirst for his trust you should thirst for his understanding no matter what you do in life if you backslide or whatever the case may be repent repent means to turn away from your sin and go the other direction life life gives you challenges ups and downs of course it does but you you have to know that god is in control of your life if you gave your life you got to be obedient and you got to be willing to do the things he wants you to do i'm just going to close by this throwing up my threes for the father the son and the holy spirit god had wrapped in one and if you're a believer he resides in you have a blessed day oh saints of christ on the cross first let us pray father god in the name of jesus we just want to thank you right now father thank you for allowing us to minister your word to your people god we cancel every assignment of the enemy right now let not let us just move forward in this word god i die to my flesh right now father and you take full control it's in jesus christ holy name that we pray first of all i want to give honor to my god who's the head of my life to my pastor to my first lady the only lady to each and everyone that's here to my media staff over there it's been so awesome all week to all the ministers that came forth in the past this past week i just want to thank god for you and those who are watching tonight on live stream i want to thank you just for watching for tuning in i hope you'll receive something from the lord tonight amen tonight i'm going to go back to the first saying luke 23 34. when when i when we were asked to you know participate in this week i already chose this a lot already gave me and then i heard other preachers ministers were ministering in it and i'm saying wow but you know everybody had a different information and whatever god gave them to do and that was awesome and and i said i was going to change i said don't change it because what he told me to do so tonight first we know what it says father father forgive them for they know not what they do you said last night them we are the them where are they but here's what amazes me over the years because i might go a different way you'll understand at the end over the years a lot of people were born and may have been in church when you were young and um some got saved when they're older and you're in church and every year if you if you've been saved long enough you've been here easter story when we go passion of the week and we go to a week here in all these scriptures week year after year you have some people who go to church twice a year christmas and easter and they come and they hear the same story and then when it's okay it's so good oh god god is so good he died for me on the cross and jesus died for me and you feeling sorry for jesus like jesus need pity like oh poor jesus jesus import you know for us and um they would go back after this week a lot of them go back to their you know our tradition like don't eat meat in the this week and fish and all these traditions of men but what god is saying he said jesus is saying fought he said father forgive them now in order for him to say father he had to have a relationship with him because you you you know as you know all the scriptures that went down and when he said why did you forg father my god why did you forsake me in that moment in time he was scared all our sins on his back and he could not cross over to his father with all her sins he was tainted but he still had compassion on us he first have to forgive forgive us it himself and then he asks his father forgive them he had compassion on us but what he's saying tonight he you have ears the ears and ears ears to hear hear what the spirit of the lord is saying tonight he said i did it for you i died for you i paid the price for you and i forgive they did me so many things you know but i forgive but there are so many people right now even who said they are christians that have not forgiven from a child it's 30 years many years maybe 10 years maybe two days maybe two weeks maybe yesterday but he's saying tonight forgive because if you don't forgive somebody their trespass i will not forgive you and it's amazing that you have people let me deal with the church folks right here not just here but you know whoever is watching or will have we see this again they will come to church and they're in the choir they're at the door they're doing works and they they do different ministries you help you heal the sick you raise the dead you feed the hungry and there is this one particular thing that's in your life that may have happened 20 years ago 30 years you refuse to let it go you refuse to forgive well i got news for you tonight if you can't forget that one person forgive that one person you could pray all you want serve what you want do all you want he said he will not forgive you either you have people that's going there and say oh you come and you wait you come to church you praise god and you still refuse to forgive it may have been a situation where you know in the lord's prayer it's a prayer forgiveness oh father church in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our death as we forgive our debtors and leaders not into temptation but deliver us to me for thines who came upon glory forever and ever amen but if you look at matthew 6 if you look at matthew 6 where he says this is the lord's prayer he continued after he said for if ye in matthew 6 verse 14 says for if you if you forgive men their trespasses then your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you forgive not men their trespasses can you hear me if you do not forgive men their trespasses then your father won't forgive you and what god is saying tonight forgive we could preach all this and speak all this and years we're talking about how he died on the cross how he got to the cross he had to go through a process to get to the cross and he didn't promise you that you're not going to go to tribulation it may be a situation where you know first of all he never will give you more than you can be okay and it may be a situation where somebody said well mr vivian you just you could say all what you want to say forgive i'm not forgiven i remember there was a time there was a book god had told me because if the truth be told we all have it in us we all are under grace right now and and and there was a book that a lady said she married i read this book she said i was married many years ago and she and her husband divorced many years ago and she's married now and she said but i will never forgive my ex-husband she talked to her pastor passed it what you still carrying harbin hate and unforgiveness in your heart but let me tell you i don't care how rich you are how successful you are you think in the world there's a lot of rich people today after and entertainers whoever when they get off the screen they go home and they'll drink themselves they'll get high whatever they're addicted to something when you really check back and see what's the problem there's this one thing in their life they couldn't forgive they can't forget mama because she gave them up for adoption mama wasn't a good mama can't forgive daddy because he left me you can't forgive the person that raped you and molested you and and and listen i'm not saying it's right but this is what god is saying you can't forgive he said forgive you you can't forgive the spouse can't forgive the husband can't forgive the wife you know he left me or she left me my children abandoned me you know there's so many i could go on and on and on there's just so much things you just figure i can't forgive these people i hear people like i'll never forgive you in church i'm not even talking the world in church they come they sit over there another one sit over there they just had a little disagreement they don't talk to each other you hating on each other but you're coming and praising god you're serving me all up in in the place and you can't forgive your brother and your sister that don't move god see god is saying if you jesus is saying if you can forgive i can't forgive you either listen forgiveness is not for them and that's what the people thinking well you don't understand if i could no it's not for them because sometimes you having unforgiveness for the person who already died they may have killed off your whole family maybe i've did some crucial things but it's not for them it's for your peace because when you walk around with unforgiveness you harbor hate you wonder why you have migraines diabetes hypertension name the sickness name the disease panic attacks anxiety attacks stress pains you don't even know cancer you think it's oh it's i have i'm getting my mother had cancer my fa but if you say you're a child of god and you're connected with god and he is your heavenly father like you say do what he said to do have a thirst for him love on him trust him at his word he said vengeance is mine saith the lord i will repay he didn't say you must repay he said i will repay so if you think that and even if you are the perpetrator he's saying for forgive yourself because when he said love the lord with all your heart with all your soul and love your neighbor as you love yourself so if you don't he's saying forgive us everybody's going to deal with consequences when we do we are going to deal with the consequences but he's still saying forgive that's the key word he's saying tonight he said i did it jesus said i did it i forgive those people and i didn't even sin so how you could sit there we are all sinners saved by his grace we are under grace period right now so you're going to live this life do you plan to live this life and go to hell because you choose not to forgive that one person or that one situation it doesn't matter what it is because you're here if you are here today if they knew they wouldn't have done what they did to you you're here to give god glory and praise and win somebody as a christ maybe not everybody because you have some people you could preach from now tomorrow they go into they say i am not forgiving that person so that's on them for you who know christ and want to have a relationship with him because we think we could just come to church you have a relationship with church you don't have a relationship with him because when you have a relationship with him you're going to do what the world says to do he's saying so many scriptures in the bible forgive forgive and he said tonight forgive you can't i will not forgive you if you cannot forgive your brother or your sister he said love your enemies those who persecute you i misuse you love them he didn't say go kiss them because if somebody did you are wrong you have to still go up to their face and oh no you love them from a distance but and still forgive them because while you are there you know sometimes people have done you wrong they have moved on and the thing is they went to god and asked god and repented and asked god to forgive them and he did forgive them now you stay you harbin hate in your heart unforgiveness in your heart and you're getting sicker and weaker and you're walking because it's a weight it's a weight that weighs you down you so you you can't drink it off you'll drink of as much alcohol as you want because i guarantee there's a whole lot of people who rich people we think oh they got up there you you don't know what they got there but they figure how they got this somebody had to do them something or they did somebody something and they're thinking ah so when they go home you notice on the television is always advertising alcohol you know because it's everybody a lot of people think oh i just can drink off my sorrows today i hate that person i hate this person or you could get high you're drunk you're junkie or you overeat yourself and and you just walk around looking unhappy because you choose not to forgive somebody you will know what you have to forgive because this is the only way you're going to make it into the kingdom you see a lot of people think this is the end of the story right here when we leave this earth we all have to answer to god every man have to give an account so there's a whole lot of people that's still going to church and don't realize when you die you still have to face a judgment seat we are under grace now but the judgment is coming and we all every man have to answer god for what they did and what he said and you what you did so you could feed the homeless you could clothe the homeless you could raise the dead it don't matter what you did you could heal the sick because you it's in us god gave us certain giftings but you still have that one person you choose to forgive so search yourselves tonight and go into maybe you seem to maybe somebody have amnesia i don't know i don't know who i'm speaking to tonight i don't know who god because god told him to say this tonight i don't know who i'm speaking to search your heart maybe you probably act like you want to forget that you hated this person or what they did to you god is going to deal with them nobody gets away with nothing he will deal with them look at paul he was a christian killer and god used him he had to give some consequence but god used him i can't count out nobody because they did me wrong you don't count nobody that's between them and god because you don't know if you know when when you notice when people are sick and and they get a chance to repent that's an awesome thing but the reason why god is saying forgive tomorrow is not promised to no one you know somebody might say well pastor is going to preach tomorrow and sunday so i'll get it going on but he's saying to you tonight wherever you are forgive because you may not make it for tomorrow then when you enter the kingdom you'll go because it says you shall perish or you shall have everlasting life you choose to perish or everlasting life the choice is yours tonight so while i'm here tonight he said he told me to say tonight tonight wherever you are give your life to christ tonight make him be lord of your life tonight so you could just say after me first you have to accept him as lord and savior for real don't fake it because you have people going to church for years and faking it you don't even know they're real christians and he's saying accept jesus so say after me father i ask you wherever you are tonight if you hear our dear father i give my life to you tonight i surrender my life to you tonight and then repent from your sins father i turn away from my evil ways but then what he's saying you see because now jesus is with the father he said no man can commit to me but too much to my son so now you go to god in prayer and you're going to say father in the name of jesus i forgive whoever the person is call the name tonight he's talking to all of us because the truth be told all of us have this thing that we think i'm not forgiving that person he said forgive quickly this is the message he said to me forgive quickly because tomorrow is promised to no one so check yourselves forgive each other and he didn't say go and hug them and kiss them he didn't say pray father forgive them he said say i forgive it's about you right now because he said i forgave these people have to forgive if you want to be in my kingdom or you want to be my child because if you can't forgive then you're not my child whose child are you satan because the devil don't he don't like you he don't like us he come to rob steal and destroy and take your joy away from you when you say yes to jesus and let me tell you you just if you just said that prayer you're gonna feel a release say i forgive that person and you're gonna feel a release i guarantee so i hope you all got something from the word of god tonight because this is the message you're saying tonight forgive and forgive quickly amen amen please stand let's close out and as we say the word has been spoken amen walking your blessing you
Channel: Pastor Henry Babers
Views: 509
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 0z6r36TDr1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 45sec (3645 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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