Bible Study 9-15-21

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uh we were sharing in our bible study in our class uh sunday morning service and bible study we were basically dealing with having the right attitude right attitudes uh about all things in philippian we were talking about well paul says let us do all things without memory let's do all things without any complaints uh that and i and really he's talking about chronically common that chronic complaining uh where the is getting deep down in the soul of the person and down in that person's spirit not a casual statement but just on and on and on and on as if we have no faith in god ability to do great things in our life without faith it is impossible to please god and if we show four faith in god once he's pleased he start working on our behalf and that's why i always say quit worry you know sometimes we worry about the opinions of others and what they think and it's okay i guess to a certain extent and then sometimes we forget about god and we forget about pleasing him and that all that really matters deep down for the covering and the blessing of god is that are we walking in line with him pleasing him believing in him and that should be our top priority in all things now in the first book in the book of jeremiah chapter one it sort of lays out for us the beginning and the end how god sees us from beginning and how god sees us to the end beginning to end and how god has planned our lives our lives are planned out by god a lot of time we go around as if god uh has not figured out our whole lives uh it's amazing how amazing god is to be able to look at our lives and uh see uh from beginning to end and then give us gifts and talents and then and the gifts and talents he turned around after the gifts and talents he wants us to get in line with him by receiving his spirit that we may carry out the work for god everyone in here has gifts everyone in here has talents to carry out the purpose for being born and our purpose is a laid out plan this is a great thing about god guarded like a good architect engineer um who are playing drawer they don't start building the building until the plan is finished and once the plan is finished then you give it to a builder the builder the builder is to carry out a drawn out plan well god draws out our lives just that way and we become the builders and we need the holy spirit his wisdom his guidance that we make build what he has laid out everybody's life has been laid out it's no accident now if we once we line ourselves up and say well i'm going to take god course the course that god has for me then everything starts falling place our spirit falls in place our joy fall in place we're happy with what we're doing in life because we're walking in the will in the plan of god so look at what god says to jeremiah he says this he says in chapter 1 let's start down at verse 4. he said the word of the lord came unto me saying before i what form thee into what belly i what knew thee so god said before you entered your mother womb and got in her belly god says guess what i knew you so that mean that we was before we was we existed before we came into form we was so we asked ourselves god you knew me before i was in my mother womb you knew everything about me then you put me and my mother when we put us in our mother womb at a certain year century century you know we weren't going to be none of them are going to be born in the 14th century 13th century 1800s uh because god had a set time for us to come forth so we couldn't be born you know 200 years ago we came forth in the season that god had planned to carry out a pacific assignment in a season with the gifts and talent that he gave us so as we have come forth in this earth we were born on the right time to carry out god assignment no one you know ought to complain about the day they were born because it was held in god and released from god at a particular time and so i thank god for this span of life i had because he planned it i'm praying that i carry i'm carrying out the season and the plans of god before i knew you he said now i form you in your mother womb so if he knew me before my mother received me i you and i existed in the heart and mind of god waiting on a season good god almighty and god now says here's the season i'm going to release millions of people around the world give them such time and gifts and talent to carry out and look what he says to jeremiah he says i knew you before you entered your mother womb and before thou came forth out of the womb i sanctified thee now he was sanctified uh before before he came out of the womb sanctified for a particular thing to do with the gifts and talent the anointing of god now does that mean he going to necessarily do it no because if god sanctified jeremiah before he came out of his mother womb god cannot be a respectable person you cannot just do it for jeremiah he just can't say jeremiah sanctified you i had a plan for you but now everybody else i can't i won't do the same thing for them because if god did that he'd be a a god who had his respect a person where he would do something for one person and then he won't do it for the next person so that simply means that god sanctified every person uh be in their mother before they came forth we were sanctified before we came forth now somebody said well sanctify for what for the character things of god other words i'm standing here preaching teaching tonight teaching to you tonight i'm standing right before you teaching and god had a lot of us do certain things out here this on these grounds this what we're i'm doing tonight what the day is the august what 14 september on what being called september what 15th september 15th all right september 15th i'm standing before you right now tonight but don't you know god knew this 50 000 years ago i'm just finding out but i i didn't have to find out i could have done something totally different with my life and not walk in the plan of god god says when you do something in my will and carrying it out god said really the only person that may surprise is you god said it doesn't surprise me because i've done these things before you ever came forth from your mother wound i've done certain things for you this is the god we serve he's not trying to figure out what i'm going to do for you next next and next and everything god wanted to do for us was done for us before we came in this world he laid out our lives with all the provision all the protection all the gifts and the talents and he said here's your life now that's why i'm talking about mumbering complaining god said but none of that will get you through it now god said i have a particular plan for your life i have all the provision you need if you tap into uh that spiritual consciousness that spiritual uh connection with god through the holy spirit and start listening to god god said i'll walk you right through all your blessings and look what he says now he said to jeremiah he says um before you came forth i sanctified thee i ordained thee then he said jeremiah you will be a prophet unto the nations so here jeremiah his assignment is that you will probably be a prophet to all the nations prophet to the nation so his life laid out ordain sanctify you will speak to the nation where that god said i speak to you isn't it amazing so jeremiah jeremiah came out and said well you know what well lord thank you for them gifts but i want to be a carpenter i want to be a i want to be i don't know i want to be a tent maker god said well you probably can learn how to make tents nothing would stop you from making tents he said but you will ordain and sanctify to be a prophet to the nation get in that line and everything that before you enter your mother wound you'll be walking through it and so that's how we have to look at god god what is it that you want me to do with my life what is it that you have planned that should be how we pray and if we have never prayed that way it's time to start praying that way god you knew me before i entered my mother wound you laid out a plan lord what do you want me to do with my life what is it that you have assigned me to do now and god will speak if we're open god know how to say this what i call you to do now don't try to imagine what it is that god called you to do that's where we mess up we try to think we want to think too much about trying to figure out what god wants us to do you never have to figure out what god wants you to do i'm about to give y'all a nugget that's worth i know y'all waiting some of you waiting for the relationship by marriage class but you need this some too amen you need listen to you never have to figure out what god wants you to do you don't have to figure it out i promise you some people say well lord i'll never know what god wants me to do because i've been trying to figure it out for years you would never call about you and i were never called by god to try and figure out what he called us to do we were called by god to carry out not figure it out now let me tell you why you already know everybody already know but sometimes the the desire for this world goods and the things that certain jobs and assignment uh titles and prestige and power give us we will go for that we'll flow with it but whatever god gives us to do is greater than power prestige fame and money and all that because he's going to bring all that with it plus the joy and peace of carrying out his will so there's no comparison and thinking that there is something greater because how can god give us something to do here's your assignment and the world said no here's a better assignment the world cannot give us a better assignment than what god has ordained us for all right this is how we're not to search and that's how you would know whatever you enjoy doing and come easy to you god has called you to do it i remember when let me just give you a quick um way when i reflect back i can go all the way back to a childhood and i can remember start talking i can just start talking like i'm talking to you and before i look around now i was telling jokes and kidding around but when i looked around other bunch of people around me and i'm just joking they carry around they say boy you so funny man you just kill it off but i didn't tell them to come i was talking to one person and then we started joking and they think they can keep talking keep talking now what what happened that was a gift that was not perfected but because it was a gift it came easy now what did god show me that i give you the gift to stand before people and talk and make things plain that they understand it now i don't want to use it for the world i want you to use it for the kingdom but it's amazing how easy and joyful it was for me to carry out any type of speaking explaining assignment well now gardner took that and he got me doing what i'm doing now supposing i couldn't keep my hand off a hammer and a soul every time i'm always building something well what would god be telling me i want you to be a carpenter for the kingdom i want you to be your houses i want to give people fair prices i want you to make them happy and then i want you to even tell them about me so somebody said man that is a great contractor he builds great houses he's a fair price person he talked about the lord he loved the lord i'm about to give him i like the lord and go where he's worshiping why because he enjoy what he's doing and he worked for the kingdom y'all got it whatever you enjoy doing and get great fulfillment out of doing it is your livelihood and it also is your gifting area and you take that and you witness to the uh can you imagine somebody that was a mechanic a good mechanic how many you knew how many would love to have a honest good mechanic that you can take your car to that i know you're gonna give you a good price how many luck will love that he was sanctified born again and loved jesus all right and then he will also witness to the loss about the lord and you always feel comfortable you will take your card out all the time he will be building the kingdom by fixing your car and and he's happy and putting money in his pocket and giving you a fair price see we don't we're not to try to figure out what god wanted us to do he we already know what god wanted us to do but certain things pull us away to it because this looked more glamorous which is never can be because a bird got a fly a fish got to swim the fish came your mind up like you know i really like to get out of the water and do what the birds do no you wouldn't design the fly they got a few fish that flies you know but they got to go right back down in water but god designed you to swim so the fish the minute he get out of the water he struggles they flap flop flop around why because he's out of his assigned uh and gifting area so it is with human beings so when god says to us i've called you to do something you find that thing that you do in god you find the joy in doing it you find the peace in doing it you'll find the livelihood and doing it you'll please god everybody don't have to be a bishop everybody don't have to be a preacher everybody don't have to be some type of evangelist whatever gifting area god called you to do you'll find the joy of the lord in it you'll find the provision you're you'll find uh prosperity you'll find able to be full of your peace and share it with somebody else just how good god is y'all follow me so when god says i know you before you enter your mother wound then i want to pray then god since you knew me you has an assignment for me lord what is it you want me to do with my life it's certainly not nothing to do with the world come on church it's nothing to do with the world god didn't give us gifts so that we can take it and take those same gifts any area of gifting can be used for the devil also god gives a gift the devil can take it and use it for his advantage you know most people who are doing things illegal are brilliant people they are brilliant because if you are that brilliant to do something illegal and to get on top that same illegal mind can be a legal mind for the kingdom they're brilliant to be that sneaky amen somebody they bring it to be able to do certain things but they have looked they said well look man i can figure out this to figure out that but i'm not going to use for the glory of god i'm going to use it for my uh self-gain so look what god says again he says uh he says to jeremiah he says um uh and be sure to count me down too okay all right he says look look church now i can stop you i want to ask question two he says now watch what jeremiah said in verse six he said well okay lord i hear all of that that's what he said then he then said i he said oh oh lord god he said okay i hear all that but behold i can't speak i cannot speak for i am a child now god went through all of that and what did jeremiah tell him can't do it i know you say i'm a prophet i know you said you sanctified me and ordained me and gave me a gift can't do it and god how many of you know that it would be unfair for god to tell us to do something if we can't if he told you to do it don't you know we can okay i asked a question and asked your pastor why we love you the word i can't come on church what as soon as something seems a little difficult what comes out of our mouth i can't i can't god i can't and then we started doing a lot of strange thing when god tell her to do something uh one of the first things that we do when god tells to do something we add up the cost financially now here again here comes something worth your worth in this bible study worth you um being out here when god tells us to do something the first thing we do in most cases we add up the financial cults we add up the financial costs of it god says do it we add up the cost and when we get the weight of the cost usually what god has said and what we add up money-wise don't match how many ever been there that god told you to do something about the money you didn't have the money to do what he said anybody been there lift your hand if you've been there god told you to do something but you didn't have the money that that's the god we serve that's the god we serve he tells us to do something that requires our faith if you had all the money how much faith we would need none you had all the right contacts how much faith you would need none god calls us to do something and he requires that we have faith to do it and as we start moving he starts showing and providing i need somebody to know what i'm talking about now as we start moving god starts what revealing to us his plan as we go and he start providing glory be the god god don't call us and say well look i call you and then we go check out baker council oh yes lord i can do this out now we ain't gonna never do it unless we have 10 times the amount we ain't gonna do it we have just enough if god tell the doosan calls a half million dollar we need about 6 million to think about doing it amen well lord i can try that because i have so much more god called us to have faith he told abraham go to a place where i would show you abraham packed up his uh belongings and uh he went and sojourned on his journey toward a place god would show him god didn't tell him get up and go here get up and start moving i will show it to you as you go guess what he did start what you started doing what he started moving toward the things that god and god took him to where he wanted to go this is god uh god does this and i found out through the year that's what god does and that's why i don't that's why i don't remember and complain about anything i don't do all that money complaining because if god has a plan for my life that has been preordained sanctify all the provision in it before i enter my mother womb when i when i start thinking about that god you're not short in anything everything laid out so here's what i do and i've said this for about 20 years one of the main things that get me to the next level and get moved me out of this stuck place in life where you get stuck bogged down it's whenever i get to that place where it looks seem like i'm stuck a ball down bog down i ask god this one question one question it had worked for me for 27 years the first about 10 years or 8 9 years well about 10 years i didn't know they asked the question i'm just trying to pray trying to figure out things that's why god said okay until you come to me and ask me an important question you always struggle i'm going before i get to the question i had god one time we was out here and uh when we got ready to build this sanctum uh sanctuary it was kind of new to us i mean god led me to be to oversee the first one up there but something this side it was kind of like this is really new and it was a lot different trying to figure out little things down there which i shouldn't have been but i did and try to figure out some things here so one day me and brother carter deacon richardson and maybe someone else around here and we were trying to figure out about the the construction of how to get the the steel in here because what i told them i said i don't want steel beans in the middle of the sanctuary you see how the sanctuary built and we have if you look up there still being there then they go all the way over here to here and that's nothing in the way we got an open area we don't have to you go to some sanctuary it's still being in the middle of where you worship i said i don't want that so we're down here on uh i'll tell you uh we're down here trying to figure out figure out figure out figure out figure out and to the point where you start getting these little these little uh you know heads are hurting and then and so all of a sudden i looked at them about three or four of us i looked at them i said what are we doing they said we're trying to figure it out pastor i said but that is not our job they have engineers we're not engineers we don't sit here for hours let's tell them what we want they they have the answer so this i do with god also i'm not going to wreck my brain to try to figure out what god already have the answer for come on church so when i get stuck like we was in here that night what am i being stuck for why not give it to the one that has the answer so this is one question i always ask god whenever it seems like i'm stuck i always i say well lord in my practice lord well no matter if it's stuck or whatever causing this friction it's something you want me to learn so here's a question i'll ask god what what are your lord what are you trying to teach me if i learn what you're trying to teach me i can move forward but if i stay here and don't learn the lesson i'll be here [Applause] that seemed like it leaned into the class tonight listen listen when god is trying to get us to the next level it's something we must learn many of us have gone around in life over over around the same circle it seemed like every year we right back where we started last year and like god jesus when you gonna move and god just said move me you're asking me when i'm gonna move god say no i i'm not stuck you stuck when i'm gonna move is when you turn to me and get ready to learn life lesson hallelujah if you're ready to learn a lot life lesson god said i'm ready to move and god is not in the promoting business just because we have hung around okay let me put it away you can be 60 years old still stuck in the same place you were when you were 25. god doesn't move just because we've been around he moved when we learn you ever heard people say old people are wise how many you know that's really not true come on church they say they'll say just because you don't got old you or what why how many y'all know come on now how many know old age don't make you have wisdom okay well have anybody seen some old foolish people and you say they too old to be doing what this is just too old they're just too old to be acting like that they're too old to be doing them the thing they should have done when they were 20 and you think that age make them change no life learning life lesson makes us change amen if we learn god is ready to promote us so i said god what is he trying to teach me once i get the spiritual understanding from god what he's trying to show me and then begin to be a do all the word put it in action i realized wow now i made another step toward the things of god or i can sit there and try to figure it out and god said no he don't want to figure it out so jeremiah said lord jeremiah said lord i cannot speak and god say what watch what god says to him god says but the lord said unto me god jeremiah said what god said unto me he said don't you say that again say it not don't you ever say jeremiah or any of us god said don't ever say when i tell you to do something don't come back and say i can't god is doing the total opposite of what jeremiah said jeremiah said i can't god say don't say that no more isn't that awesome don't say that anymore you know what god says say that don't say it anymore you know why god said that if we speak certain things and think certain things that's where we are god said don't even let that come out your mouth anymore somebody go and say with me not tonight i'm more than a conqueror i can do all things through christ all things through christ that strengthen me come on say this i'm not what the world say i am i'm i am who god say i am i can do what god say i can do hallelujah hallelujah see don't say that no more don't say it anymore what have you been saying that you need to stop tonight and say it no more i told you about what i i learned i don't there's a certain thing i don't say it it was it's kind of comical but it's true i remember you know people just come and say i need to borrow some money and i just say i'm broke until i heard the lord say all right keep keep using that for a reason you don't want to loan money i'm broke and god said keep saying that i said no god made it plain don't say that no more so this may be comical but it's true if i if i'm feel like i don't want to loan money or don't trust a person they ain't going to do what whatever i'll say i don't say i'm broke i don't say i am broke i say yeah i have it i'm just not gonna loan it to you now isn't that the right thing to say why because at certain things don't you say it no more don't you say what you can't have don't you say what you cannot be i can never have a home like that i can never reach that uh that that uh goal of um striving for this dream that's for other people i can't like god said listen let's start off by not saying that again amen call those things that are not as if they what were jesus call yourself blessed quit waiting on somebody to call you blessed i declare myself blessed because i'm a child of god and people talking about you know and look i love me well somebody said you shouldn't be talking about you love yourself well i'm gonna wait on you when you start saying what is first need to come out of your mouth quit saying what shouldn't come out of your mouth you find that you saw a pleasing god so jeremiah said i can't speak i'm a child and watch what god says again or god says god says to jeremiah he says this he says in verse 7 say not don't ever mention you a child because what you're trying to do jeremiah is take your age and use it for a legitimate excuse not to carry out my will amen and sometimes people do that well i could if i was so and so only certain people can do that but you know because of who we are oh jesus don't say stuff like that because you know how you know how this world is yeah i definitely know how this world is but i know how god is amen somebody so he says be careful what you begin to let come out your mouth i can do all things through that what how many things through who that do what that strengthened me all things through christ that strengthened me amen somebody so let's continue to read that verse he says to jeremiah he said don't speak that again that you're a child why for thou shall go to all that i shall send thee and whatsoever i command thee thou shall speak then he says be not afraid of their faces for i am with thee to deliver thee said the lord then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth god put a double anointing on it and said unto me behold i put my words where about in your mouth and so god is basically saying whatever i have for you to do whatever i have for you to do i have ordained you for it how many y'all feeling blessed to serve a god like this here tonight [Applause] this is exactly god we serve don't say you can't do don't let the spirit of fear enter in by all means murmuring and complaining i don't know why i thought about that in proverbs now this won't be a part of the class tonight we're going to be starting in about 20 minutes and um god says um about a con a contentious a contentious woman y'all ever heard that in the bible a woman that always nagging back and then you hear they say it's better for a man to be on the rooftop sleep on the rooftop to be in the house with a contentious woman a nagging woman it break down to nagging now back then now we thought about it today we got all kind of strange roof you know we had the a-frame roof blah blah blah they had a flat top roof where you could really go up on the roof rooftop they didn't have all the a-frame then you would go up on the rooftop and there would be a place like bob said peter was on the rooftop and he got caught in a trance it was sort of like a balcony up there and said would be best to sleep out there how did i get on that i don't remember how i got on there but evidently i need to say it didn't it he made somebody uh and and to be in that house i don't i really don't remember so i know my bible study time is up amen all right we have about three minutes anybody want to ask or interject anything with the bible study now anything y'all good all right well all i got all i have to say then listen god has made all provision we have time and space are closed in these two minutes we have time and space and and let's use it wise wisely and let me talk tell you what i mean by time and space you see where i'm standing tonight i'm taking up space cause i'm here cause i have time one day i can't take up no more space because why time up so i learned thank god for time and i'm sure gonna take up some of my space hey man somebody amen yes thank you like like uh do we have a mic ready henry no you i can hear you but they can't bring me one right quick but go inside speaking yeah like uh i remember going to college and wondering what i was going to do i wanted to be an international banker i wanted to be a pharmacist i wanted to be chemists all kinds of things and um you spoke to me tonight tonight all right it's all back over they want to hear we're going to rap we're going to do this we're going to do one tonight okay i'll stop okay no you want to be quick coach i just need go ahead i was saying like i remember my youth when i went to college and i wanted to be all kind of things to pharmacists i wanted to be an international banker i wanted to be a chemist and it wasn't my calling and prior to me coming out here i've said thousands of people i've been honored for it you did what now you're failing i've fed thousands literally thousands of people right i've even been honored and fed it for it and like food is my thing okay and like you know i was wondering what i'm supposed to be doing and when you said you said it was something that comes easy to a person come easy till you're right and uh when i came out here it was funny because i got a job working at a five star resort okay but my heart was conflicted because i love to feed people who have less than me that's where my heart is it's not in the monetary gain it's in doing god's word and i thank you for that and like you know i i needed to hear you say that because that's what i need to be pursuing and i need to take stop taking up that time and space and being stuck because this is what i've always done and this is where my heart lie and that's doing god's work and i i i mean i i was like i'm here now and i was like what do i do now we have the house we are content we we're not house broke and what do i do now i do god's work do god work and what you love doing and we have uh brother castro back there who is part of the feeding ministry uh it don't have to stop there because god will take you in that which he ordained for you with that calling with that or ordaining and sanctified the provision is there see we say well we look again how can i god say do you think i will give you something to do and i can't provide god said who do you think i am i made the whole world so that's the god we serve amen all right now listen we're about to get ready for the uh class um and uh we have about uh 10 minutes if someone wants something people are going to be here is if some people want to come up here now y'all can say well you want to but we don't want to get out of these two sects well y'all when i went over there if we can let's stay in these two sections here right in here um and find whatever distance you are comfortable with but i want to try to stay because i don't want people too far over there and too far over there you can come here you can come in anywhere in here and after we um if we keep building it up we will begin to spread out more because i want to keep it as close as connection as possible all right so in about uh 10 minutes 13 minutes we are going to start our class so whatever you need to do get ready and uh for 8 o'clock on the dot all right god bless you um you
Channel: Pastor Henry Babers
Views: 320
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Life and death, god, did god create death?, god of death, dying, living, holy spirit
Id: fqLQ_f9JX4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 48sec (2568 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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