Bible Study 9-8-21

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coming together to study your holy divine word we ask for your wisdom and knowledge as always god because our knowledge and our wisdom is limited and yours god is all-knowing you're sovereign knowing everywhere at the same time and we give you all the praise and glory of being a holy righteous god in jesus name amen all righty we was disgusting discussing sunday and in the word of god in philippian chapter we was in philippian and we were talking about um chapter two and we talked about the having the right attitude about life and meeting all of our challenges with that attitude of gratefulness amen life has some challenges doesn't it but god here's the key but god has given us that believe in him the ability not just to go through life challenges to go through them victoriously that's what god wants us to do not just say well i survived you hit a lot of time i made it because i want you doing more than just making it he never said he gonna remove the challenges he's never mentioned removing challenges but he says that you are overcomers you're more not just a conqueror but you're what more than conquerors in christ jesus that's why our ability to overcome and be conquerors are at is that in christ jesus not that we are have the strength of our own the might of our own matter of fact a human being is so vulnerable and so you know um in a position of needing god sometimes we think in our own strength we're good we can handle this and handle that but then we find out whoa how much do we need god we need him so dearly so god wants us to understand that when it comes to the trials that we are having he never said anytime in the bible and i don't know where we may get the notion that if if um we get saved and give our life to christ that we won't have life challenges because he never mentioned not one time that the christian is exempt exempt from the same thing the world go through by the fact he talks about it when he says i let the sun shine the sun shine on the jealous that means his children he let the sun shine on the unjails let the rain fall on the jets and let the rain fall on unjust what what the lord was saying to us is that both going through the sunshine both going through the rain the save those who trust god and those who don't trust god both are going through the sunshine in the rain he's not going to pull out the christian from the same thing the world deal with so the world has their trial we have our trial the world has rain the world has sunshine we have sunshine and rain but god is saying here's the difference i will be with you i won't pull you out but i will be with you and that is a tremendous difference his presence makes the difference we have lived our lives in many cases without his presence and if you have began to live your life with his presence you know that okay same trial but different attitude and my health is present god is a present help in time of trouble so that's what i have found out personally that makes all the difference i have the same trial everyone else has if i have a family and raising children as a pastor god don't say well look your family isn't from all trouble you won't have to have the issues with children that the world has shame issues with children same challenges to raise them to make sure that they you know shield to protect it all these things that we meet and all the challenges that they may bring well the difference is god says again i'll be with you i'll be with you i'll be with you so when we come to attitude and i was talking about it sunday the attitude must be developed because identity must be different it got to be developed and it must be different than the world notice what jesus said about us he says let your light so shine now were you saying the spirit in you not light we don't have no light light just representing your light their darkness he said let the spirit in you you want we can say light light let the spirit in you so shine that men will see god they'll see how you work and the scripture is quoted this way let the spirit let the light let the light so shine in you that men may see your good works and they'll glorify god now notice what he says let it shine when he used the word let your light so shine he's saying also to us you have the ability to not let it shine if i if you're telling us let it shine it'll come back to our will we cannot let it shine come on christian i'm pretty sure there's somebody here as we are being taught and listening tonight we can go back and reflect on some time yeah pastor i turned that light off i didn't let it shine so we know we have the ability and a free will to let the light shine and the purpose of letting the light shine is that the world may see is not a guarantee but uh hopefully they will see our good works what it what works are works are how we handle difficulties the works that we do we are going through the same thing they are going through but we are light for them the works although we're busy we're life we are busy with the things of the kingdom of god and while we are busy we don't mummer and we don't complain and we don't do all the things the world do we start letting the light shine we find the good we find the good in things you know everything has good to it if you look at it everything has good to it it's a matter of fact we came in tonight the clouds are dark look like we may get a pretty good rain somebody don't like the rain tonight they are they have other plans and the rain about to mess it up all right but that's some good in that rain amen and some of us glad to see it some people not so god said if we look hard enough we'll find good in anything so let's go back to philippians chapter 2 if you will and let's go back to what paul was saying to the philippians about having the right attitude and he says and again in uh verse 14 that we ought to do we are to do what all things all things you know i take a lot of training doesn't it to do what all things without what mommy complaining now okay i know how a person we are human we are children of god there's a physical side natural side to us we have a natural mind and we can have we have a spirit mind we are natural beings as well as spiritual beings now god says now okay do all things and that not leaving us room for nothing to complain about because he said all you know been nice well i'll say nice it's been a little breaking god has said well do 75 of things without complaining we'll say lord thank you because i got a little leeway i can complain 25 of the time god said no you're a child of god so we ought to do all things that is 100 complete no room out no way to back up so how do a person uh get to a point where they're not complaining and i mean chronically complaining you know it's one thing to make comments and another thing to have an opinion or something but to get into chronic complaining where just wearing on your mind your soul your spirit um how do we get away from that and that's the main thing it's it's it's two ways to uh complain uh the bible says a fool would say in his heart fools will say in the heart there is no god the bible says that god looks at the heart of a man he looks at the heart of a man heart represents the spirit who the person really is so if a fool said in the heart there's no god then there's something wrong with his heart um god looks at the heart of a man not the out appearance of a man um so what god is saying to you and i exist the way we uh complain and not and you got to be careful with this is that we can make a comment in the natural but we cannot begin to mumble and let that natural i mean you know you made a statement let that natural get down in the spirit dave even said the lord um would not um die didn't deny a contrite spirit a broken heart so when we get down in our spirit and become who we are then we have no other avenue to fight but to get into fasting and praying and get ourselves back out of that it's because it become it become part of our spirit so god is saying guard your heart uh god's your mind god's your soul guard it away from starting to do something and continue to do something so we have to realize that yeah you might make a natural statement like man you know get out there man it's so hot today it could be something different then you say you know what uh somebody said oh you complain they say well you know it is hot but i am not i am not a chronicle complainer because i thank god for uh the sunshine but we're not to the point where some people you know it's so hot they're not going to move they almost want to uh blame god and chest and um almost cursed the son and whatever the case may be so god is saying to you and i tonight that be get don't get to the point where it is who we are you know you can tie that into the prodigal son the prodigal son you know we say he went away and he got lost he was never truly lost he was physically lost he was mentally emotionally lost but deep down inside of him when he had to pull it out of his spirit he said i shall arise he came to himself i shall arise i'm going home all that lostness never got down into who he really was so when it was time for him to get up and go home he knew where to go see now lostness total losses would have been when he when he tried to figure out where to go it was nothing to hit nothing inside of him to say get up and go home so he were lost in the glamour of the world the excitement that the world could offer the money was on his in his pocket and the ring on his finger and all the stuff he had he was lost in this fantasy world but he never was lost deep down in his spirit i shall arise i'm going home to my father i'm going to say this and that to my father so you know the devil want to take us to a point where we murmur so much and complain so much that when we want to come back we only know how to get back amen somebody they're like some people who was serving god with all their hearts serving god with all their mind then something tragic happened that they didn't understand and they murmured so much and complained so much that they blame god and i've seen people do this over and over again god is your fault and you know god is so loving when we're blaming him it's amazing how loving god is when we are shaking our fists and blaming him and threatening uh that we would never serve him again we will never go to church again because if you were god you ought to did this and you oughta done that why didn't you do it why didn't you stop this and stop that and god said you know what in all of that blaming me i mean god is saying to us i am in control of your heart your lungs the air that you breathe and while you're complaining don't let the heart keep beating don't let the you keep breathing in air lungs keep working and god says i'm going to love you through this and you get to a point where we get to a point where we say well now lord you know what i look back i shouldn't blame you but look at the long suffering of god look at the patience of god toward us you see so god who lives on the inside of us and see every time i come to bible study i preach or talk with a brother or sister about the things of god um it it's just sharp enough on the inside this is the sharpness that god want us to have see because we're renewing our spirit we're renewing the holy spirit don't need renewing but what we're putting in you're feeding ourselves and re renewing our hearts renewing our minds all these things is what we're going to need when it comes down to letting the light shine that men may see your good works and we'll certainly now if the body of christ ever needed to stand up god knows it's time now but let's come back home let's come back home and it it doesn't matter how many times a pastor or someone say to you you know let your light shine stand up you're a christian no you have to get to the point where this is developed i was like look what paul says let's go to philippians let's go over one um um chapter chapter 3. uh look what paul says in chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 4 and verse 13. let's go to chapter 4 and verse 13. i can do what oh how many things all things use the same word that god used with uh do all things without memory and he says now i can do all things how through who which where which strengthen me i can do all things through christ through christ that what strengthened me what is god saying to us what paul is saying he's saying the last word two words has strengthened me who strengthened me well if you're being strengthened that means you're weak somewhere paul is saying we get we have area of areas a weakness okay if christian was to um if we were to admit okay lord we have areas of weakness we all do we don't have to get up and name what our area of weakness may be god knows we know i hope we know but we have area of weakness weakness paul is saying those areas of weakness god can strengthen he strengthened where we're weak we if we can strength strengthen where we are we will need god so that's it's where we depend on god for strength what you're going through in life and say lord i wish i could stop this lord i wish i could do this god said well your strength is going to come from me all things that cover whatever you're thinking about what all things and so god says i'm your strength i'm your strength i came so the baby and i came out here tonight we didn't walk out here in fact i said will you drive and she said yes i'll drive so i didn't have to do any driving i didn't have to do any walking i got in the car and it was let her drool and it was my strength i can get out here by the strength of the car and not even drive i can do all things through christ that strengthened me just like i got in the car and relaxed didn't have to drive let jesus do the driving i just sat in the car then she pulled up out here i got out i didn't sweat i didn't get fatigued but i made it out here because i was in the car if you're going to make it you got to get in jesus amen somebody and a lot of us we we want to do the driving we want to do the heavy lifting and we're too weak for that so how do i get out here just like man i'm sitting inside of this car amazing and all this car is doing is taking me where i want to go it take it's taken me where i want to go and i'm not using my strength but i got i have enough sense to get in the car i have to have enough sense to know it has the ability to do certain things i don't matter of fact it can take me very far go to new york i get leave we can leave out here tonight it's all heading to new york and somebody said you can't make it to new york if i get in the car that strengthened me i can make it we can make it to new york because right now if someone didn't know they'll say how you won't be in new i i can tell them about tomorrow night this time we'll be in new york impossible yeah if i were doing it on my own strength i couldn't make it probably to orlando i know it'd be hard to make it all later between nine tomorrow might get ran over i'm trying to go to orlando and i mean i'm gonna take a few few breaks along the way right and just say man i can't do it i can't do it i'm tired why are you resting why you stop because i'm doing it in my own strength i had to stop i had to stop and matter of fact i'm ready to give up it's already made up in my mind i'll never make it to new york i i had a lot of trouble getting all 11. i just can't make it in new york so i'm i'm going to give up i'm going to stop i'm probably going to turn around it is too hard but the minute i get into the car a lot of things come with it i can turn on the air if it's cold air conditioning if it's cold i can turn on the heater if it's um air conditioned if it's hot the heater if it's cold matter of fact you got some entertainment in there just turn on the entertainment and matter of fact it got it got that um uh cruise control control just get a certain speed get in your own lane and just relax all the way to new york because he strengthened me if you're going to make it from birth especially after you know parents our parents start raising them they tell you this they you know they get to a certain point 18 back in the day was younger than 18. they you were grown and ready to be on your own by the time you were 15 or less now you know children stay in the house at 35 and they're still not ready to be strengthened on their own all their strengths come from the parents i can do all things long i'm in my parents house now there are times when they need to be there because of other reasons maybe parents are not doing well physically or some other reason but they get to a point where we become independent in adults and now what do we need we need to learn how to be strong in the lord and in the power of his might being strong in the lord and the power is might it's amazing i use some simply as a car how we can take a car and we don't have to use our strength why are we trying to use our strength and uh to go through the trials of life that's why we mumble that's why we complain that's why we lose our joy because we are saying god i'm going to handle this and god said you're going to wear you out you're going you're going to get tired you're not going to be able to continue he says even to us that are working inside of him come on now unto me all you that live in hebrew laden and i'll give you rest uh my yoke is either my burden light i give you a rest i give you a rest he didn't say retirement he said rest that we get right back out there and uh but if we say well lord i get i have this we we we get too tired of trying to do the things of the lord so paul says this i can do all things through christ that strengthened me now let's look at what he said before that although he can do all things through christ that strengthen him he says down in verse of 11 verse 11 i for i have learned now that not just speaking speaking respect i want for i have learned now paul is saying it's a process of learning how to be strong it's a process of learning like lord i don't want to handle this i want you to handle this amen somebody giving things to jesus is a beautiful thing just say lord try it sometime try giving things to jesus now when you get things to jesus you basically say well see here's the thing when we give things to jesus we can't determine the outcome or direct the day-to-day path just it's in your hand lord you know uh let's go back to the prodigal son his father gave the prodigal son father gave that his son up to jesus somebody said well how you know that because when he left that house the father was getting prepared himself mentally emotionally to know how to greet him when he came back you notice when the the sun came back the father ran hugged him greeted him put the ring back on his finger shoes back on his feet rolled back on it killed the fat and said kill the fatty calf that means the father was spiritually ready to receive his son he was like i want to receive you so bad i want your home so bad but at the same time he said watch this i'm going to give him to jesus i'm going to give my son to the lord so while the boy was out there he said lord whatever way you bring him home is going to be up to you so when the boy you say he got hungry he was in the hall he had no money now watch this i want y'all to really go beyond sometimes what you hear let the spirit lead you he said he was in the hall pen he was hungry and he had no money now his father's rich right he has no money how many you know if a rich man's son was in the hall pen that everybody gonna let the rich man know where the sun is at right you got a billionaire son in the whole pen everybody's going to tell her hey hey mr billionaire you know where your son at yeah he's in the hall i thought they gonna be glad he's in the hall open because they want to see something you know that is not going so right with the fact that some people won't be glad so don't you know he got news that his son was broke now and in the whole plan don't you know he knew that and you know he brought home said god you're working this thing out you getting it there what he did not do is getting god way hallelujah somebody he didn't get in god's way when the boy was out there parting living righteously he never said let me go down to this club and drag him out of there he's at home praying getting himself right god chilling protecting god but if he got to learn a heart lesson through the clubs and then when he um nobody gave him nothing and he looked to find work if the father really wanted to he could have been rich he could have called over to the local place and said look give my boy a decent job he's very well known as jesus talks about this story in the end he's in the hall pen and the father basically said i got to stand still i got to stand still i got i must get out of god's way finally the boy come to himself otherwise he turned it over to god sometimes we got to learn how to turn things over god and it's so hard sometimes to let god have it because we especially when we come to our children and certain other things god if you you know what we say god if you don't move fast enough we're coming in there even with our own selves lord i trust you you will tell god god i trust you yes i do but you better not take too long because i don't have to take matters in my own hand i trust you to next tuesday you ought to be on brought him home by tuesday or y'all been worked this out in my physical body or my financial situation by tuesday god i have faith and we'll tell people god's going to do it i'm waiting on god watch about and god said listen if i told you about next tuesday i'll do it by next tuesday but if you're going to give me a deadline hallelujah somebody god said i don't move by your deadlines i don't move by god doesn't move about retiring so the boy came to himself the amazing thing is the father was ready to receive him he used a strategy as jesus teaching the lesson he used on the strategy is that uh sometimes let god have it just just turn it over to god what are you going through tonight that you say lord i really need you to have it now whenever we let god have something emotions is going to pay a play a big role in it if you just want to stop something that you enjoy doing watch your emotions although you say god you have it lord it's yours let me emotions start coming in and i'm telling you uh the motions have all these ups and downs good feeling bad feelings it can have turmoil it can be agonizing um but yeah you got to understand they're going to come in but then you turn that over to god for strength all things god i'm turning everything over to you you strengthened me in all areas amen there come a time in our life what we call the breakthrough everyone heard people teach about breakthroughs breakthroughs well what are breakthroughs breakthroughs come at the peak of agony hurts sometimes at the peak of agony at the peak of hurts when it looked like you just can't take it no more but yet you keep continuing to endure then a breakthrough happens if you ever heard someone talk about even a runner because you do a lot of running they call it and you can go home and look it up don't look it up now look it up when you get home a runner call it high a run or high you don't have to be a great athlete to do it you can be someone just starting off it don't come because your gradually it comes from wherever you are physically whether you're a great athlete they have to do it they may be running 10 times faster then they get to a point where their legs seem to not be able to move hearts seem like about to pop out of their chest and you're so tired like lord i can't take another step then all of a sudden your whole body get a renewal you were just about to fall out two seconds ago something happened inside of you that you pushed through and you get uh get them moving like what the world just happened here it was a breakthrough at the peak of our weakness or the peak of our giving up something transferred where we went into another level same thing happened in the in the natural in in our day-to-day walk you're going through so much and saying lord i don't know can i take this no more law this is just too much god said you keep going glory be to god you keep pressing you know isn't that what the apostle paul said he said what i press toward what the mark there is a press scene going on of the high calling in christ jesus so uh we quit murmuring we said lord uh that must be a breakthrough about to happen good god so many things coming my way a breakthrough about to happen so if i press on i keep going i'm going to get my spiritual high my spiritual breakthrough why i see things different i said i'll talk to one i remember i won't call this name tonight he said you know what i'm gonna use that we were just having a great time in conversation over the phone and i said sometime the saying is that everything's been thrown at you even the kitchen sink you ever heard of that where they throw the kit off even the kitchen sink i said well if life throw you the kitchen sink you might well wash dishes don't complain about the kitchen sink be thrown at you tell them thank you for the sink i think i'll wash i'll just wash some dishes in other words when you thought when you thought the believers were going to give up they took what you threw at them and put it to use hallelujah somebody that's what we have to tell the devil okay and look at this life okay you threw some at me today but i can do all things through christ who strengthened me so i'm gonna take this and i'm gonna do the best i can with it i'm gonna use it for our good amen so paul said i learned how to be content i want you to go with me now uh to the book of exodus where we're closed tonight in exodus chapter 14 go there with me and exodus 14 and verse 10 and when and when pharaoh drew near the children of israel lift up their eyes and behold the egyptian marched after them and they were so afraid and the children really cried out of out unto the lord i want you look at verse 11. and they said unto moses here come the mundering complaining oh there were because there were no graves in egypt has thou taken us away to die in the wilderness wherefore has thou dealt with dust with us to carry forth out of egypt it's not just the words that we did tell thee in egypt saying let us alone that we may serve the egyptian for it had been better for us to serve the egyptians then that we should die in the wilderness all right now wow you see how fast they turn if you go back a another chapter or so you'll find that they're leaving out of egypt with a high hand a high hand god blessed them so much when they left egypt they listened when they left egypt they were rejoicing now they're going to say they're murmuring now and telling moses it'd been better we had stayed in egypt if we had died in egypt there's graves in egypt we had to come out here to die we told you for your life with us that we would be better to serve the egyptian than to come out of here they didn't say all that when they left out egypt they said they had borrowed from the egyptian uh the best of the cattles and the oxen the gold the silver the necklace all the pearl they left out their bless nobody when they left egypt matter of fact nobody none of the egyptians are kneeling to israel like when they left egypt wanted to turn around about fact as soon as they walked out the gate they could have turned around and they wanted to stay i didn't go a whole day journey in the wilderness now all of a sudden is a problem it's a problem it's a problem because they see pharaoh coming and they fearful of their life and now they're going to start the complaining but i'm here to tell you the same god to deliver you can keep you can i said again the same god that delivered you out of egypt whatever your egypt may be it's a saying god can keep you once you leave if god brought you out he can keep you while you're out how many of y'all believe that moses is standing there and watch what's going to happen moses is standing there and all these complaints are coming from everywhere they turning on him and they're turning on aaron bad enough the enemy is coming the trouble in the house moses now do something that i said earlier he realized if we gonna ever do the impossible remember earlier in this teaching i said i can go all the way to new york by tomorrow night 24 hours i'll be there so maybe i'll get in that car and go we'll be there i get you know but that seemed to be impossible unless there's some something greater than my physical ability my strength my legs got to get in something greater than me i cannot do it unless i get into something greater than i am neither can i do anything spiritually lest i'm mean someone greater than me all of my help come from the lord look unto the heels which come as your help and what all of your help comes from the lord so moses now he need to get a crawl he need to get out of danger not only do he need to get out of danger you need to get the people out of danger so all of a sudden moses is trapped but he needs somebody greater than himself to do the impossible he could have stopped murmuring too i'm how many you know when people start murmuring easy to get right along with them you know you should have never brought those out of egypt most of these attorneys say look tell y'all something y'all start complaining about me i'm complaining about you we all gonna start a complaining issue here moses never complained he never turned to them and said nothing at that time moses turned to the lord and he began to talk to god and god said moses look why are you scratching that roar why are you talking to me i love how god said it matter of fact let's look at that and uh the first time i saw this the lord don't sound like you sounding too good to moses it looked like you a little upset with him look at verse 13. put it on screen thank you uh look at what god said in moses uh no uh 15 look at verse 15 and the lord said unto moses why why are you crying why why are you crying why christ died unto me what are you crying to me about that don't sound too good here come the egyptians soldiers with shields and swords and sheriffs and horses i call on you god you turn around and say why are you crying under me if you don't know the word of god you look at that word like lord he needs you what we do when we're in trouble we call you and god said to moses in this case and every case could be a little different he said why are you crying unto me then he said speaking to the children of israel that they go what forward now let me close tonight god is saying listen moses it's no time to be praying moses you know the plan i told you all along way back when you was in the desert dropped your rod he turned to the snake uh then he said um told him put a hand in the chest turn it left he healed him healed him down so many strike the river with with your rod blood in the cane car said listen when you left egypt i told you i was going to deliver you that has not changed just because it seemed like you trapped don't cry under me when i don't give you a deliverance plan carry out the plan go forward we don't have to pray about this god said this already settled and he said if you sit here praying listen church if you sit here praying right now y'all gonna get caught there's a time to pray it's time to move you you praying don't you see them coming why are you calling on me right now when you already know we're gonna settle this thing glory be to god this thing's been settled before you left out of egypt i've already delivered you they will not so quit the crying because like you confused you want to murmur now you want to complain now because you're in a trap situation listen even if your bill is facing you and you don't know how you're going to get out my marine will get you out go to god and say god you already have a plan god has already given us a way out he is a deliverer i'm going to say something look might sound a little conversation i'll go back and close god will is always the way out sometimes god give us long life and he call us away from this earth and we still don't understand god plan is always delivering his plan is always delivering delivering from earth to our reward from this world to in his presence god said i'm still delivering i'm bringing you absent from the body present with me i'm a deliverer no more pain no more sorrow no more sickness i'm a deliverer all the ways all the time and god is saying that moses you see them people coming now sometimes and when i say that we just said lord i don't want to be the hand of delivery i'm talking about sooner or later that delivery has to be accepted and in due time we gotta understand what i'm teaching all right god is saying to moses you can remember you can complain or you can get in me and just like i can go to new york in 24 hours god said you can get in me don't burn me with them people i'm going to get in me and i'll become a sailboat across the red sea you will do things which are impossible in the natural when you're getting me glory be to god so we've got a choice tonight mummer will get in him and go across our red seas whatever your red sea is hallelujah whatever your red sea is hallelujah jesus glory be the god i like what god having me say whatever yours is are you willing to go across it and god will take you across it that's the god we serve and amazing god said don't cry under me spread force you rod god moses heard him stretch forth the world and all of a sudden there's a dividing of the water and the land red sea somebody said well you know here you know god said it god did it i believe it uh and whether i believe it or not really don't put the last stamp on the thing i need to say that because i got caught up in that saying myself god said it i believe it and that's what sell it and i you know when i first heard it being young and the lord i i went right along with folk god said it i believe it that sell it and god says to me one today i was you know when i'm out just relaxing god speaks god said why are you joining them people who say i said it god said i believe in that seller i thought about it god says spoke just like right into my spirit god says if i say it i don't need you to believe it for it to be settled like you got to believe it if i said it it's several quit putting yourself in there come on church like i got to say it you got to believe it it got to be settled then it's settled god like like god said i'm coming back the second time because i don't need y'all to believe that it's settled whether whether you believe it or not i'm coming back god said i never said i'm coming back based on your belief hell hallelujah god said it let's sell it we love to put ourselves in stuff to help god we love to help god out i believe it now he settled no no our belief helped celebrate with us we need some settling so we start believing and we get settled god said i'm not waiting on you to cause a lot of folk won't never sell it right i don't know god they waver back and forth so when you start talking about certain things that god is able to do some people say well i don't know about that well i don't care if you know or not if god said a thing then i move on what god said because god's word is final glory be to god hallelujah and i moved by look i don't read it now i just gotta get myself to do it because it's settled god's selling it and so that's what god had did that's what god said to moses i settled this thing why are you crying unto me like you got to come in agreement it's been settled scratch your rod out stretched it out god said listen you could have done a long time ago i don't change my mind i told you i'm going to deliver you he did it in a miraculous way but god brought them out how many you know god can bring you out tonight hallelujah he will bring us out it's settled that's why i love serving god i'm wrapping this up this is why i want to reason i just love serving god because of who he is that's alone is enough but one of the things that i've learned is god is this unchanging god he is so consistent that you can stand on what he says he doesn't he doesn't say something and get along the way and change he is the same yesterday today and forever god's word is so eternal let us wrap it up god word is so eternal listen church god says his word is so perfect so right laws and principle that he said that when the earth passed away his word don't have to pass other words god said my word is good on earth my word is good in heaven god said i don't have a different word when you get to heaven like you get to heaven and say oh god whoo i like this word up here god said the same word i have up here is what you have now if you can't if you don't look god said you can depend on it now as if he was in heaven god said there's nothing different when you get to heaven like god's gonna say well i need to write a new bible i need a new word god said no no the word that i gave you for life for victory for strength is the eternal word that has power now and forever so heaven earth shall pass away god said but i don't bring my word because it is nothing wrong with it is life in the word and so god i thank him so when i get into the bible i said this is an eternal word you're not gonna do anything different in heaven that's so much more we don't know but everything in here that is you god all of this for us what you say you say and you have said and god said and i like jesus in the book of john jesus said now i'm about to leave i'm about to leave you he said i'm going back home and be with my father sitting on right hand of the father and he made a prayer he made a prayer and this one of the things that i can never i mean it's so rich to me to pray one of the scriptures what the scripture that jesus prayed he says father i desire that all that you have given me all the disciples one day not right now they will come and be with me that they may see me in my glory good god almighty god jesus said there's a time like sometimes i get in prayer and sometimes i get in fasting and i get closer and closer to god through prayer and fasting and i say lord this i feel better i'm closer to you but god said one day you could be transformed and be like he is and we're going to step in and see him in his glory hallelujah and we're going to say wow the lamb of god and all the glory that come with him so to god be all the praise and glo look the same glory that we're going to see one day is now we don't have to get to heaven he's glorified now so what we have to do is begin to get as much glory get close as close as possible to him now there's so much to god that we have not discovered yet amen and so we leave here tonight in courage i am so encouraged i l we get ready to leave out of the church so when we step by the church we're going right back into the world but i'm in the world but not of the world i'm encouraged all this craziness going on in the world but i'm letting god strengthen me through it amen somebody to god be the praise and glory [Applause] what could what would we do without jesus not very much but is this father god in jesus name we pray we thank you for tonight we thank you for just speaking with us about how far we can go in you who strengthened us and god when we leave here tonight just as you had me teach we get into an automobile and it's going to take us faster and farther than we could ever go on our own and we waste no very little strength and we thank you for it god thank you for the example of how we can be in you and you are our strength in jesus name we pray let the heart say amen let us not forget i think we got flowers out brother sister castro about saturday right it's friday friday and starting at 10. what time yeah i'm getting everything i need to have fly in front of me five to seven five to seven in front of the church gonna have a full drive giveaway looking forward for the people who come if it when it go on it gone and i think it'll last quite some time all right to god be all the praise and all the glory amen y'all be blessed you
Channel: Pastor Henry Babers
Views: 246
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Life and death, god, did god create death?, god of death, dying, living, holy spirit
Id: Dou6uHuqZ4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 58sec (3298 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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