UPPERROOM Sunday Night

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[Music] [Music] do so [Music] i wanna be the sacrifice [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] am [Applause] [Music] and completely set apart [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] for those of you that call up a room dallas home or for others who have simply been blessed by the live stream and you want to sew back into our house i want to invite you to give by utilizing one of the following methods you can give online by going to urdallas.com or text to gabe text you are dallas and the dollar amount to 77977 or finally by mailing a check made out to upper room dallas to our finance team at 1350 manufacturing street suite 107 here in dallas texas just be sure to put the fun that you're giving to in the number line [Music] thank you so much for your generous giving to our house and to the lord we could not do what we do without people like you [Music] [Music] got my paper here um we are going to open up the carpet tonight for worship [Music] we just asked one favor that if you come up that you would please stay on the front side of this white line here um yes carpet is open amazing starting tomorrow we are doing our mara not the fast the our maranatha man time twister maranatha fast uh we fast the first monday tuesday and wednesday of every month we call it a maranatha fast and i'm just going to read this to you it's beautiful we continue to cry maranatha come lord jesus come we believe prayer and fasting positions us to receive more of his presence and to see his kingdom come to the earth and we want to be a body who lives a lifestyle of prayer and fasting never forgetting that we are getting ready for our bridegroom to return amen nicole did you write this you're just so good with words um isn't that so good that there it is there's the announcement so fast with us a monday through wednesday and then lastly if you are a young person in the house lift your hand up and go this one is for you our young adults retreat what's up if you have not registered or sign up i want to invite you to sign up space is getting really limited it is the last weekend of this month we're going to go away it's the first young adult retreat ever it's going to be amazing it's going to be really simple and it's going to be full of jesus so if you haven't registered i want to invite you to register you can find that at yourdallas.com events again uh space is getting really limited so i'm assuming registration is going to close sooner sooner than it was supposed to man them tongue twisters um that's the last one actually no i do have one more do we have that qr code for uh end of year this was one on the fly i was asked to announce end of year 2021 maranatha we if this is our end of year event it's december 29th through 31st today is the last day for early bird registration so if you want the cheapest discount to get in uh this is the qr code for you right here scan this come um if you've been around our house for any time you know maranatha we're crying maranatha if you don't know maranatha is an aramaic word to say come lord jesus it's and it's the cr it's the prayer of our house it's what we want to continue to cry so our end of year we're taking three days to worship and cry maranatha together so register for that all right will you stand with me and we are gonna worship amen hey this next hour if you do not know this next hour is for the lord it is not for you um so i want to position you to just really behold the lord worship is really simple it's really easy in the back before we came over jaylou leaned he leaned over to me and he said worship is really simple and i just want to say that to you tonight that worship is really simple there's no right or wrong way to worship and so again the front is open the carpet is open if you want to get on your knees tonight you can get on your knees if you want to get on your face you can get on your face if you have tears and you can't hold them back you have permission tonight to let your tears flow whatever it looks like we just want to worship the lord together amen so jesus we love you we honor you we want to experience you tonight we want to encounter you tonight jesus you are the one we want to see and we want to know so we love you jesus and i thank you that coming into your presence is really simple and really easy in jesus name i pray amen [Music] thank you for the crosstalk thank you for the price you paid fearing all my sin and shame [Music] thank you for this love [Music] wash me in your cleansing floor [Music] embrace and worthy [Music] [Music] jesus son of god darling of heaven [Music] worthy is [Music] is [Music] thank you for the price [Music] and gave amazing thank you for this [Music] i know is [Music] many crowns [Music] victorious [Music] jesus son of god [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] the throne we crown you now with many crowds [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] worthy is [Music] so were these [Music] my god my [Music] is amazing [Music] grace and grace [Music] is [Music] seems like an amazing grace grace [Music] [Music] i [Music] me [Music] amazing grace [Music] his mercy raised amazing my chains are gone i've been set free [Music] my god my savior is [Music] amazing grace [Music] forever [Music] your forever i could see [Music] forever [Music] set me free i'm happy to be in the truth and i will daily live my hands [Music] came down [Music] forever [Music] foreign [Music] i could sing of your love forever [Music] so [Music] of your love forever [Music] forever [Music] i know [Music] like we're dancing [Music] and it's foolishness i know [Music] sing that again [Music] it's foolishness i know [Music] now [Music] i could sing of your love forever [Music] of your love forever i could sing of your love forever thank you jesus thank you jesus oh that you pour out such love and such mercy and such grace so you pour out yourself you pour out yourself jesus so much love so much grace so much mercy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and it's foolishness [Music] [Music] feel like dancing and it's foolishness [Music] um [Music] beautiful things you make beautiful things i know you changed [Music] i know i know you did it to me [Music] you make beautiful [Music] beautiful things you make beautiful [Music] you make [Music] out beautiful dust i know what you're doing right now and you make beautiful things thing i see that you make beautiful things [Music] look at us look at us look at us [Music] foreign [Music] you may i know beautiful i can see what you're doing [Music] [Music] know i oh [Music] oh you bring color [Music] [Music] you make things [Music] things you make beautiful things [Music] you make beautiful things [Music] beautiful things [Music] things [Music] things [Music] resurrection [Music] look at what you did look at what you did look at what you did in me oh look at what you did look at what you did look at what you did in me look at what you did look at what you did look at what you did in me [Music] look at what you did look at what you did look at what you did in me look at what you did look at what you did look at what you didn't mean you make beautiful things you make beautiful things out of the dusty [Music] did things at what you did in me hey look at what you did look at what you did looked at what you did in me look at what you did what you did look at what you did in me look at what you did look at what you did look at what you did in me and you make when you make beautiful things [Music] this is what you did [Music] this is what you did right here in this earthen vessel this is what you did in this broken vessel you made everything new oh look at what you did in me [Music] oh look at what you did [Music] you made everything new [Music] um even now even right now in this moment in your presence [Music] changed in your [Music] presence a change in your presence [Music] foreign oh let the children prophesy oh let the children prophesy [Music] don't let the children see you make beautiful things [Music] beautiful things [Music] things you make beautiful [Music] you have ordained strength [Music] [Music] just let these children prophesy over you make beautiful [Music] out of the mouths things babes and infants he is ordained strength [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] sing us when you make beautiful things [Music] come on out of the mouths of babes and if [Music] you redeem the best [Music] you redeem the past so [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful things you make beautiful things out of us i [Music] you am beautiful things out of us oh i am [Music] things [Music] things [Music] out of us [Music] the voices [Music] [Music] things you make [Music] you make beautiful [Music] you make beautiful things [Music] you make beautiful things out of us [Applause] you make beautiful things [Music] i am me [Music] my [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] holidays [Applause] good [Music] just look up just look up just look up [Music] stand in the glory to stand [Music] foreign [Music] now [Music] so [Music] [Music] you're holding all things together you're holding all things together [Music] you're holding all things together you're holding all things together [Music] you're holding all things together you're holding all things [Music] together you're holding all things together holding all things together you're holding all things together [Music] you do everything perfect oh see you're holding all things and you're holding all things together you're holding all things together [Music] [Applause] [Music] together i know [Music] there's no mistakes with the father there's no mistakes with the father there's no mistakes with the father you do everything right you do everything perfect you do everything right you do everything perfect [Music] together you're holding all things together i know i know you're holding all things together you're holding all things together [Music] you do everything perfect [Music] you do everything [Music] just lift your hands all across the room tell them there's no mistakes the lord has no mistakes with the father there's no mistakes with the father [Music] no there's no mistakes [Music] [Music] together [Music] you're holding all things together you're holding all things together i know i know that you do everything right you do everything perfect [Music] oh i know that you do everything you're wrong [Music] [Music] you're holding all [Music] things together you're holding all things together [Music] just one more time just lift your head up to heaven something about acknowledging who holds us but we lift our heads we lift our eyes to the one who is above jesus we lift our eyes we lift our heads to the one who is above [Music] we say you do everything right [Music] you do everything just tell them just tell them you do everything you do everything perfect just lift your eyes one more time lift your head and just tell them confess you do yes you do [Music] there's no mistakes [Music] oh [Music] would you just lift your voice for a moment if you sing in the spirit if that's unfamiliar to you you can just hum for a moment just to continue to engage the lord jesus we love you thank you jesus you do everything right lord you do everything perfect oh thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus oh you do everything right lord you do everything right lord i can see you in everything if i have that perspective that you do everything right oh i can find you in every detail that i didn't see you a moment before if i come in with that perspective you do everything right oh you don't make mistakes you don't do things wrong thank you jesus you know tonight as we were singing i felt like the lord wanted to mourn with those who were warning and i felt like he wanted to give comfort to those who needed comfort i just was just so felt in my spirit like there were maybe many in the room walking through hard things and i just saw the lord wanting to comfort you and mourn with you and maybe for some it's grieve with you and um in your seat you have communion we're gonna take communion but i was thinking about how it says in scripture uh on the night he was betrayed he took the cup on the night he was betrayed he took the bread [Music] and on the hardest night he would walk through the hardest night he would endure the meal he took beforehand was communion in fact it was the last meal that jesus ate when he died on the cross this would have been the mill that was in his belly was communion and i just felt like in the midst of this song we're singing and this place we've been in worship with him making everything new making everything beautiful maybe for some you feel like your life is full of ashes right now but he gives beauty for ashes and i felt like the way he wanted us corporately to respond was with this mill and so sebastian's going to help me and if you'll take out the bread and break it i like to break it because it reminds me that jesus was broken for us but as we take this i i really want you to think through your life right now and if there's an area in your life where there's pain or mourning or maybe it's hope deferred or maybe there's something a trial you're currently walking through that you don't have the perspective of the lord i felt tonight that as we partake of this meal that we were really going to encounter the power of his body broken for us and the power of his blood on the night he was betrayed he took this meal in jesus lord we thank you for your body lord that was broken for us lord there was no other body broken for us but yours but i thank you that our healing is in this broken body lord i thank you that our peace is in this broken body lord all that we need the sustenance for life the lord is found in your broken body lord it's our life source [Music] lord scripture says that you were wounded for our transgressions lord you were bruised for us you were pierced for us and so we thank you for your body lord that was broken for us i just declare over anyone in the room or maybe watching online that's partaking of this mill tonight maybe their their physical body is in pain lord as we partake of this mill that we would find healing in it lord if there's pieces of their life that's broken they feel like their life is shattered right now as we partake of this mill lord it would remind us how we're seated at your table lord and you are holding all things together so i thank you jesus only your body broken for us was powerful enough to affect our lives and so we do this lord in remembrance of you today in jesus name you can take the bread [Music] yes lord i thank you father that your blood has power i thank you that it's actually the most powerful substance that work that we could ever have i thank you father that through your blood we're able to see life that through your blood we're able to see new life i think that through your blood we have access to you that if it wasn't for your blood we would not have access i thank you that your blood carries power and i thank you that has the power to heal all hurt all shame all sin all illness anything wrong with our bodies anything wrong with our minds anything wrong with our emotions your blood took care of it i thank you father that your blood carries substance i thank you that we're able to see through your blood and without it we would have nothing so i thank you father that we could take the blood over our lives over our marriages over our situations over anything that we may be going through father that we could see every situation that we go through through the blood father we thank you for the blood tonight you may take the blood yeah i wanna we're gonna do a couple things in worship before we transition but one thing i want to do i just feel it really really strong is i want to gather around and pray for anyone in the room who you just feel like what we were singing tonight was directly for you you just feel like maybe your life is in ashes right now i was i was thinking i have been thinking about this the entire time during worship but about a year ago my wife and i have a friend who their life just it was like it fell apart and in the midst of it uh kind of at its when it was at the worst this trial she was going through was just kind of at the worst she said this phrase she said i don't know what's ahead for me but i know what he does with ashes i've been thinking about that this entire set and if you're in the room tonight you feel like you have ashes in your life um i feel like we're supposed to lay hands and pray for you so if that's anyone in the room you feel that would you stand can i ask you to stand yeah and if there's someone around you can we just surround these guys and lay hands on them and pray for them i just really feel is so strong man i feel like the lord is here to give comfort to those who need comfort and to grieve with those who are grieving mourn with those who mourn [Music] just a beautiful exchange of beauty for ashes tonight so i thank you lord that you're the only one who can take ashes from our life and make a beautiful exchange [Music] you're the only one jesus oh so holy spirit we asked tonight that you would touch hearts in a way that only you can touch hearts lord all that it would it would surpass english and wisdom and things in the natural lord that you would come and touch hearts tonight giving beauty for ashes where it feels like everything is falling apart lord that you would hold all things together [Music] yeah let's just be the body tonight and encourage one another thank you lord [Music] yeah just take another 30 seconds [Music] hey for those that are standing can we just sing this over them jayla is going to lead us but let's just sing this over a couple times together you're holding all [Music] things together i know you're holding all things together you're holding all things together yeah we're gonna do one last thing before we transition out of worship um so i'm gonna call up our executive pastor peter slover [Music] [Applause] yeah we're just gonna stay in this place right now [Music] when you find yourself in a moment where it's very uncomfortable and you don't know what to say you should just rest in that moment because that's the glory we try to rush through it because we want to feel the emptiness and god just says sit in my presence and i just since we're in that moment right now i want to share something with you because i sense that there's a need for faith in the house it's not what i was going to do and it's not what i'm going to do but i'm going to share with you to build your faith i've been on a journey for about a year dealing with a health issue not too many people knew about it they didn't know about it it's me long story short three operations um on august 19th i came face to face with a diagnosis of cancer and on october 20 i mean sorry september 21st i got the miraculous news that i had no cancer at all [Applause] [Music] [Applause] left and i share that because some of you may be facing a mountain that has a different name but it has a name and you need to take every thought captive see i'm a fighter and when i started going through the process i just drew a line and said let's go because the lord had given me a word he says the battle is mine and i said it is yours lord but i'm gonna run my race with endurance and if that means i have to go to this day and to this day into this therapy and this that whatever i know in the end that god is for me and i am going to be healed and i'm going to walk through that fire it's a mindset what i'm telling you today is it's okay to have some kind of doubt you can say i believe lord help my unbelief but if i can give you any encouragement i would tell you having done all stand and stand in the authority of your king that he will deliver you from the hand of the enemy so i want to encourage you with that i'm still processing it i i literally am still processing with my wife i mean we're just you know to use an australian expression gobsmacked because we were preparing for a physical battle and it's like the lord said no no no no and even the doctor said i don't know what to tell you i'm like oh i i think i know he goes i've never seen anything like it i said well praise god let's just keep on going and seeing more things so be encouraged with that this morning this afternoon this evening yeah thank you lord thank you jesus but no the reason why i'm up here is we're going to continue in worship and in worship we're going to continue with our tithes and offerings and you know we haven't done this a lot but we really are convicted about walking and living in the fullness of god's promises for us whether it's for our physical bodies whether it's for our mental state our relationships or our finances he cares for your finances he speaks more about finances than a lot of other topics in the bible so we're going to receive our ties and our tithes are the the first 10 percent of what he's brought to us in offerings we've got a couple of people are going to be up front and a couple of people in the back and what we're going to do in a minute is i'm going to pray and then j lew and then they're going to play a little bit and you can walk up and you can place your tither offerings in the buckets and then we'll we'll move on but i want to challenge you if if some of you in here going yeah i have a lot of faith for god for healing i have a lot of faith for relationships but you're struggling financially you need to get into his word and tonight may be a seed night for you it may be a night where you say i've intended in my heart and i've not been able to do it but tonight i'm going to give a dollar five dollars whatever it is but i'm planting a seed and i'm going to believe that god's going to do in me what he wants to do with my finances and i know this is a funny topic for a lot of people but i can tell you as a 56 years old if i could get anything into you in your 20s or 30s it's get control of your finances i'm going to preach at you a little bit it's not everybody's else's responsibility to venmo you or cash out you money there's time to put faith to faith and do the job and work but he's not gonna bless you in your finances if you're not blessing him with what is him are you robbing god or you giving to god i'm not hey that's just what he says right so in obedience open yourself up to the possibility that he wants to bless you abundantly more than you could ever dream hope or imagine in the area of your finances okay so father we come before you tonight [Music] and we just say thank you thank you thank you thank you for all your gifts the gifts of relationships the gift of friendships the gift of health and healing and lord most importantly we thank you for providing for us the means for us to pay our bills and to do the life and to send the gospel forth to reach the nations for you and lord as every person tonight gives makes a seed gift makes a commitment to give i ask that you move on their behalf right now father you said test me now in this and so father tonight as each one tests you father i know you're going to come through and when you come through they're going to give you all the glory and honor so lord bless both gift and giver tonight in abundance in jesus name amen [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey amen [Applause] some of y'all felt awkward coming up here giving your tithes and offerings just to encourage you jesus was stalking the temple one day just watching folks bring their offerings and so it's okay it's biblical you can bring your offering in the presence of people um you know i've been pondering the tithe and the bible says for god so loved the world that he gave and so giving is actually one of the uh some of y'all get awkward with money in church um just want to meddle with that for a second for god so loved the world he gave see giving giving is one of the most godlike things you can do it's one of the signs that you've been born of him see nothing you have belongs to you we talk about tenth but he gave all so it all belongs to him amen you can do with a smile on your face he's a generous generous god how will he not with him jesus freely give you all things with that one statement in romans 8 he destroys our value system he gave you christ when you least deserved it does christ have value to you is he worth more than a million dollars are you sure so he gave the thing of unmentionable worth when you were least deserving it he gave it to you he gave it to us he gave his son to us while we were in the height of our rebellion and sin and iniquity think about that for a minute he did not withhold his son he gave you and i his son in our sin in our depravity in our brokenness he said i'm going to give you something of unmentionable worth why so that from this point on as your dad you would never stumble over things and to the extent that you value christ above all things is the extent that you can freely receive all things from him let me say it again if you value christ above all then all is fair game for him to give to you but he's a good dad but if you value money more than jesus then he can't freely flow through you because he knows if he gives it to you it'll corrupt your heart same with opportunity open doors blessings see you can't like we're not for sale you can't buy me with money or open doors or opportunities or favor because i've already been purchased i'm not for sale i'm completely satisfied in him so everything else that comes to me is just a blessing to flow through me see he gives to us so that we can be like him i'll say it again he gives to you and me what you have is to give so you can be like him for god so loved the world he gave and if you have nothing to give then you can't be like him that's so encouraging amen that's not what i'm preaching on tonight but we can leave those buckets back up here actually the buckets are in the back so if that convicted you or stirred you you're welcome to give as you go um it's for you for your heart amen amen um man can we honor j lou and jordan where are you guys at in the hold on in the dance team zion and the dance team [Applause] y'all i've been going to church a long time that was special i don't know if y'all if y'all realize that what happened tonight was really really special it was very heavenly god was speaking to us through them like there was music and dancing but god was speaking to us and he was he was reminding all of us that he makes all things new [Music] wow when one of those amazing children shouted i am not broken i was broken by [Music] wow i loved what peter slover said too sometimes you just don't want to marinate in those moments you know we live in such an instagram scroll to the next thing culture it's good just to sit for a minute and just to reflect on what we experience it's heavenly is holy it's a privilege it's an honor the way god spoke through through jordan and j lew and the dancers is when you started playing that fiddle man you went from the violin to the fiddle i thought i was going to lose my mind about ready to have a hoedown in here did y'all feel that y'all feel your legs start moving we weren't ready he dialed it back i could tell we were we were not ready to go there it was about to some of y'all were like nah oh man i love you guys um let's let's look at the word and then we're going to pray and then we're going to look at the word some more go to romans 5 17. uh we've been in a three-week series on on the gospel and and how big it is and how um god saves us and then he saves us and then he keeps saving us and one day he'll save us and we've just been talking about how big it is the gospel when we say the gospel it's not just this one message one time only that you go from hell to heaven it's it's also the very the very life that we live in in the new covenant it is the environment in which you and i grow up in looking like christ and so how many of you know god's purpose his intent this whole thing is unto you and i both individually and corporately resembling the son of god in the earth this is the end of our faith is that we would look like him see you get born again you get saved not just to get saved god always saves with a purpose come on getting saved isn't the end god always has a purpose to his salvation the purpose of him saving us from sin and death and depravity was so that he could form his image inside of us and that we could grow up into him and that we would look like him this is your high calling if you want to know what you're called to in life you're called to grow up into him you can see and here's why it's beautiful because you can be a banker you can be a a mom you can be a dad you can be um a lawyer you can be an accountant a math teacher professional athlete you can be uh in transition praise god how many of you in transition i know a lot of you just captured a lot of you i speak with seems like everyone these days are in transition praise god and and you can be in transition yet you can still be like him and you can manifest his love and his beauty and his character and his nature wherever you are this is our high calling see this what i'm doing isn't whether this isn't it this isn't like the pinnacle of christianity my job is actually to serve you in your faith in your journey to equip you so that we the church can actually manifest christ in the world it's the purpose of this gathering is we connect we we we meet with god we touch his heart by loving on him and then he transforms us into his image and we're made like him amen so that's what's at stake tonight let's look at romans 5 17 we'll pray and we'll hop in and see what he has to say to us romans 5 17 says this for if because of one man's trespass death reigned through that one man much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man jesus christ so father tonight we come to you and we ask holy spirit that you would breathe upon your word that you would speak that your voice god would come into this room god that you would speak through my voice but you would speak two people's hearts tonight god i ask that everything that causes us to resist your voice and your speaking your love and your spirit god that you would remove it tonight that you would silence every distraction every worry every fear that you'd have mercy on us tonight that you would give us grace to hear what you're speaking to us to receive it lord to receive your word into our hearts and that it would bear 30 60 and 100 fold fruit and everyone said amen i love this verse if yeah i love this verse so let's break this down because this is what's at stake tonight this is a big verse a big promise this is a mount everest uh of of promises in christianity he says it is i'm going to read it again if because of one man's sin he's referring to adam death reigned through that one man so when adam sinned death death began to reign over the earth and over you and i and over humanity death was master okay not a lot of amens amen death was master through adam so everyone that was born into adam was born under the reign of death because death reigned through sin okay so so a transgression occurred and as soon as that sin happened death began to reign and sin was perpetuated and death was perpetuated and mankind was ever moving towards the grave if someone's in not in christ their entire life is moving towards the grave it's moving towards death because death reigns over those who are not in christ wow amen so he says this so if that was true if death reigned you have to picture i'm a real simple guy you got a picture like this big scary monster death reigning through what adam did through the sin so that means he's master he's king he's leader over mankind everyone prior to christ was under his rule and reign he had to die there was no escaping death was master death was ruler death was king and he reigned through sin and paul is writing he's saying if that was so then i need you to understand something he's saying much more will those say those i love that word i love that word those oh those who those guys those ones who is it it's those is not see those those does not discriminate there is no class system in those there's no race or socio-economic status in those there's no political affiliation in those there's a those oh we got to figure out who those are those who receive say receive now say with a smile on your face receive oh receive receive those who receive the abundance of grace in the free gift of righteousness much more will those who receive abundance of grace in the free gift of righteousness those ones will rain rain i said rain in life through him you were created to reign to reign in this life as a king some translations say to reign as a king in this life this is what's at stake the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness will cause you and i to reign in life that does this does not mean in our reign we will not face trials it means that we will face them with a level of dominion and confidence and authority and peace and divinity and spirit that doesn't belong to us because our life is in him so you gotta you gotta put the the dipstick in the oil of your spiritual life and to check am i reigning in life let me let me check let me just let me dip it down in there if you know i'm talking about cars you dip it in and if you pull it out in your oil if the thing is wrong you're like oh i need to change my oil or i need to put oil in there heaven forbid you put it in and it's dry it comes out dry your your car is in trouble i burned up a 1977 chevy pickup yeah it was sad if you don't put oil in the car it's done how many of you done that ladies there's just kidding that's rude that is rude i did it so i can say that okay that's a joke all right you can email reward if you have a problem with that [Laughter] so you gotta check now what does it mean to reign in life reigning life means this it means that you're you're you're walking in freedom from sin it doesn't mean that you're not being tempted doesn't mean it's not coming at you it means that there's a level of freedom god has wrought in your life it means that you have peace in the midst of chaos and trials it means that you are are not allowing circumstances to crush you you're actually through your communion and relationship with the living god you're rising above real obstacles and real challenges and you're conquering them in faith and this is what's at stake but sometimes i feel like we get this spiritual soup called grace and righteousness and faith and you know all these things come on how many of you are like oh this just seems hard to like to parse out you with me like when you hear this then you sh your heart should immediately say well then how do i get this abundance of grace in this free gift of righteousness because if you're not reigning in life here's what you don't want to do you don't want to just start trying to flex on life because if you if you live by the flesh and what you think you should do you're going to stay over here where death is master because death is master over the flesh but christ is lord of the spirit i remember when i was in south africa in this was a while back and we we were doing an outreach in the townships we were in cape town uh red hill cape town and it's called red hill because it's red dirt on a hill and it's gorgeous but there was a a township which was a shanty development uh in this in this little place and it was man it was really intense one of the first days we got there um it was our welcome we were like we were with this mission organization they were like you're gonna minister in this township we're like okay awesome we were just you know bright-eyed bushy-tailed you know eager for the lord the lord's gonna move and south africa is gonna be saved i mean that was the only option and uh worldwide revival you know sprouting up from our mission trip and we go in there and there was a guy literally trying to kill a guy with one of the wives whose guy was whose husband was being killed screaming like yelling at the top of her lungs he had this giant boulder and he's like about to crush this guy's head and she's this lady screaming we were like wow this is they're like welcome you know and um so we we couldn't really uh there was no open doors and so we just worshipped for a few days we just like posted up and did what we knew how to do we had a wonderful worship leader with us we started worshiping and we finally got invited to this guy's house long story short selvin gives his life to the lord he was a uh kind of a drug dealer he was addicted to marijuana and so he surrenders to jesus he heard the gospel he's like i'm ready to live my life for him we're like great let's go baptize you and so selvan had like i don't know like two sets of clothes and so we we bring all of his clothes down to the ocean we were there in in fishhook or somewhere and um we we baptize him and we pull him up out of the water and we celebrate and it's awesome and selvin has been baptized and circumstantially he still lived in the shanty in red hill and we're walking back just he and i was a very ordinary moment yet it was it was heavenly i'll never forget it and i'm walking with selvan and we get his clothes and and i said selvin how do you feel and he looked at me and he looked at me different than when before he went into the waters and i swear if i could have seen in the spirit he would have like his chest was puffed out a little more he stood a little taller and he looked at me right in my eyes and he says i feel like a king and he meant it he said i feel like a king and see in a moment in a moment he identified with christ and he came up out of the waters a king he came up a king and and even though nothing in his life changed in the natural he began to reign in life from that day because he had received the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness and so i want to i want to position you tonight and just give you some practical some tools to um to really understand how spiritually how this stuff works because sometimes it can seem like how come that person has spiritual power and anointing and how do i get that well maybe it's they pray and maybe that i want to demystify all that can we do that tonight can we just level the playing field because you are all you are all called to reign in life through jesus christ so let me do this i'm going to give you a quick little cursory overview you can write this down but this is really important so you've got these ingredients you've got you've got the gospel you've got jesus you've got grace you've got righteousness what else did i say faith so you got the gospel jesus grace righteousness faith salvation sin this whole thing right so we're gonna we're gonna quickly dissect this spiritual soup so that we can understand how do we receive grace and righteousness and how do we continue in it because grace is abundant the christian life from beginning to end is grace in case no one told you that in case you've been like if you're a tired christian here's why you're not living by grace you're living by your own works see the grace of god is amazing paul said man i risked my life to testify to the gospel of grace he did it's everything the grace of god is how you pray it's how you walk with god it's how you wake up in the morning it's how you share the gospel it's how you worship it's how you see god it's how you dream it's how you walk in righteousness it's how you it's grace from beginning to end it's not your own strength it's the grace of god so let me show you how this works when you and i got born again and i'm trusting that most people here are born again if you're not um i pray that tonight you get born again amen but here's what happened is you heard a revelation of jesus okay so you heard someone declare to you that jesus came he was god in the flesh he died on a cross he was crucified for your sins he was buried and three days later he came to life and he did this because he loved you because he wanted relationship with you because he wanted to be in covenant with you and if you will surrender your life to him and you will pray and you will confess him as lord you can actually be born again receive eternal life have the forgiveness of sins and you can now live in relationship with god amen so you heard that and so when you heard that and you saw that jesus did that you got an opportunity to have faith you were at a crossroads you could have had faith in god and go yes i want that or you could have said no thanks i'm good i don't believe that i don't receive that i'm going to harden my heart to that you had an option amen now that that valley of decision that god brought you to by his grace you said yes oh it was his grace that called you to himself that gave you power to say yes to him and so when you said yes i want you to see this it started with your eyes then your ears so you saw jesus you heard the word of christ all of a sudden jesus began to author something called faith which is a substance it's when your life connects with his it's it's a touch point it's a substance are you with me and when you touched him the bible says this it says that he released his grace to you now god's grace is his power it's his spirit biblically you'll see those words exchanged the grace of god and the power of god you'll see him exchange those words so so this is how it looked like you were dead in your sins you were stuck death was your master you had sin you the wrath of god was on you like john three like you were in a mess in his power his grace came the moment you put your faith and he began to scrub and apply the blood of jesus and the work of the cross and the work of your messiah he began to apply that to your life and make you clean like jesus about 18 of you appreciate and remember that moment oh don't you ever outgrow your appreciation of what i'm talking about i'm telling you your our condition in the church today is because we've outgrown and we've bypassed and we've said what's next and we've kept scrolling on the screen and god says i don't have another post it's my son [Music] i'm serious this is what's at stake we've scrolled on looking for grace and he goes i don't have another one that's it i'm sorry if you're bored of that then i've got nothing for you i gave you my son and we wonder why we're not reigning in life because we so quickly pull our attention away from that which he said [Music] it's high time we reign in life church so he takes us and he he washes us in his blood and he takes his grace and he and he scrubs you and he makes you clean and he saves you from your sins and he forgives you everything you did wrong every transgression and he doesn't just forgive what you did he actually takes the thing that did it the sinner aspect of you and he puts it in a grave he buries it wraps it in grave clothes and says it's not going to come out again wow his grace does that but then listen i want you to see this his grace also doesn't just take sin away from us see his grace also imparts to us the very righteousness of christ how many of you believe jesus is righteous clean pure divine grace by the power of god through faith when you see his resurrection and you hear of his resurrection he takes your blood washed heart and he goes man i'm now gonna write the very laws of god on your heart meaning what does that mean that's god's old-fashioned way of saying i'm going to program you with hardware you now have a hardware called a new heart oh man you have a brand new operating system internally that is divine that's the righteousness of god as a gift that you receive which means as a born-again believer you and i are hardwired to walk righteously you're wired for so when you wake up in the morning it's like all of a sudden if you realize this and your eyes are opened you can thank god that wow today i'm wired to actually fulfill the will of god i'm wired to hear his voice i'm wired to step into the good works that he's prepared beforehand that we should walk in him for we are his workmanship created in him for good works that he prepared beforehand that we should walk in them you don't even prepare your works god's ahead of you preparing all of your good works and he's just saying keep walking with me so you've got you've got jesus the gospel which is a revelation of his son and through the gospel comes the grace of god and the righteousness of god which saves us and makes us like him and in that place we were called to live the reason why so many of us had failed to continue in the faith i don't believe is because we've failed because we don't want to it's because our gospel has been small and we haven't known how to continue in the faith meaning we got born again once but we're like okay now that i'm saved what do i do now anyone like you you remember that born-again moment and you're like oh that felt so good i felt so much power i felt so much joy i felt so much freedom but now where is it come on like where is it i want to show you where it is can i do that all right can you put that up for me the the first part of the chart yeah look at this my friend my friend aaron drew this and then we made it and then joe awesome made it digital amazing so so hebrews 1. y'all stay with me i'm going to fly through this hebrews 1 you can look this up make notes you can probably get a hold of this somewhere take a picture of it hebrews 1 says this that in the last days god spoke by the prophets to the people but in these days he has spoken to us son so so god if you're wanting to know here if you came to church you're like what is god saying today in the earth today i can tell you he's saying son not enough amens you're like that's not what i wanted well that's what he's saying i'm serious everything you need to face what we're facing in 2021 we in 21 yeah in 21 is found in that word there is there is enough grace and righteousness and spirit power and anointing and fire and all the things you want in the voice psalm 29 4 says the voice of the lord is powerful it's full of majesty so when god speaks son you better listen because the last time god spoke this whole thing was created oh y'all didn't y'all miss that see when god opens his mouth things happen he's like he's like let there be light stars he's like let there be come on he's like he said he wanted to speak to a son and he didn't just say son when god wanted to say son you know what he did he began to knit in mary's womb see god's very words took on life took on flesh the word of god christ himself came he is the word of god jesus's life not just what he said not just what he did but who he is is what god's saying to us you got to hear this when god spoke and wanted to speak to you and i he said son when you see that word you're like i see a three-letter word you've got to look at the very life of jesus he began to knit from from age past the lamb slain before the foundation of the world this plan he began to knit god almighty in the womb of a woman the incarnation are you kidding me what we're just gonna skate past it and not live as believers in the earth with our jaws open going are you kidding me like this is good news this is not history see church i'm afraid we live as though the gospel is history like some history book it doesn't say the gospel literally means good news means every morning you get a newspaper from heaven son and you read it and you're like wow [Music] and the reason you say wow because grace and righteousness and spirit flows every time you hear good news and your heart is supple and soft and tender towards it come on but i'm afraid our attention has been captured by other things you're like why is he yelling because of what i'm looking at i'm not okay but i've never been better i'm not i'm undone inside because of who he is i'm undone i live undone inside because of who he is listen i'm not talking to you as one who doesn't walk through like radical pain and trials i've i'm married i have five kids i've got a ministry like things life happens painful things happen but there's life and grace and son and his voice and the condition of your heart matters it matters you've got to pay attention to your heart what does your heart do when you hear him say son does it say i know and for many of us it does it says i know what you're saying i'm not telling you anything you don't know no more than a waiter serves you water that you know i keep saying this it just hits right you go to a restaurant a waiter serves you water and can you imagine someone coming in thirsty and they sit down at the table and the waiter brings them water and they go i wanted something else and they knock it over they say i know what that is that's water what it's not about what you know just drink it man just drink it you're thirsty see water is meant to be taken in it's meant to be received and the majesty of the gospel the majesty of the son is meant to be imbibed he's meant to be consumed with your affection and your attention so put the put the rest of them there down to the the unsearchable yeah you can just put it up there because we're so so god speaks son but the gift of the gospel is that it reveals jesus to us and we this is a continuation of the series if you haven't listened to the messages you can go back but i believe that that these three distinct aspects of jesus as our messiah the lamb of god who takes away the sin of the world he's our high priest who baptizes us in the holy spirit amen and he's our bridegroom judge who will one day baptize this whole thing in fire amen he's coming back to marry us and to judge the living in the dead and this triune revelation of christ is connected to sun see many of us here son were like i don't know what to do with that i don't know how to interface with that and i want to tell you that's okay have you ever been frustrated in environments like this people say look to jesus it's frustrating i've been there i'm like i don't know where to look come on y'all don't you're gonna be honest and pretend like you're like okay i got it i'm gonna look right at him where is he you've never asked this question hey guys i want you to just look to jesus right now where where do i look and and through this wrestling and frustration intention i've had to ask god god you have to show me what to look at and he says i want you to look at any one of these and from jesus flows what the bible calls in ephesians 3 8 the unsearchable riches of christ and you can throw those up there and this is what come to comes to us through the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness you see things up there like we're forgiven our old man is buried the devil is destroyed every time i say that one i just get tickled that's hebrews 2 in case you didn't know the bible says through death that's the messiah that's the lamb of god through death he destroyed the one who held the power of death that is the devil that should make you want to kick this podium over and run around this room this other one john 16 the world has been overcome we should live we should walk around as they should be like oh those are the believers why how do you know because they're walking around with this goofy grin on their face they're living in peace they're looking at the same pandemic the same unrest but something's wrong with those folks they're so joyful they act as if nothing in this world is gonna bother them and it's because it doesn't and i'm grieved yeah this guy's gonna follow me around and just blow the shofar come on you and i we're gonna go on the road together and just preach the everlasting gospel wake people up i [Applause] i've been so grieved and stirred in my spirit at believers grumbling and mumbling and be crying what's happening in the world i declare to you the words of our master take heart he says i have overcome the world [Applause] so so do we put our head in the sand like an ostrich and pretend like it doesn't happen no you you go out into the world with the gospel with bright eyes as ministers of reconciliation looking at the world saying not counting men's trespasses against them i forgive you by the blood of jesus receive the gospel be born again be forgiven be loved by god god loves you and god wants to put the gospel of jesus back in our hearts so that it will come out of our mouths and the battle my friends is for your attention it's your attention your attention is a multi-billion dollar industry mark zuckerberg's living high in hog heaven on your attention he's cashing in on it every single day your attention and my attention and we think that social media and these things are the issue it's not the issue it's that we don't know what to do with our attention and for many of us our gospel has been it has been a single tense it's been past tense it's it's not this majesty it's not this this thing to behold do you understand that any one of these things you could camp out on for for a decade and never get tired of i've been looking at the gospel for 15 years straight you're like what do you do what do you study i just do this this is it i finally this is the first time i've ever said this this is all i do like i've stared at that for 15 years i want you to know this i've stared at it i've like wandered in the canals of the spirit down what it means to be born again and to have peace with god and the blood to bring me near and i've stared at it and in the staring this this substance called grace and righteousness has poured out and it's like and like i'm not the same something happened in the staring and i'm giving my attention over to this one thing i'm like oh wow and it's filled me and it's real it's real in sin and death and discouragement and depression and depravity and suicide and all the mess of this world doesn't have a hold on the gospel on our jesus [Applause] so i want to provoke you tonight i want to stir you up to put your attention and your affection back on the lord because the bible says this today today not tomorrow not yesterday today right now if you hear his voice don't harden your heart don't harden your heart you say what's he saying son what does that mean it's the voice his voice is the sound of many waters many waters and so every single day for the rest of your life i want to tell you something there is grace there is power there is life there is dominion you can reign in life through jesus christ by beholding with your eyes and your ears the word of christ when the bible says the word of christ it's referring to the fullness the unsearchable riches and majesty of who jesus is and what he's done and so my my challenge to us tonight as we close is that you really allow god to examine your heart god have i have i made a small gospel in my life have i made this something of like now that i've just moved on that this this is something to be central that this is the core of your christian faith your christian walk is that this gospel would be big and majestic that you could never ever ever ever say oh i figured it out because i've stared at it for 15 years i i literally that's no lie i've stared at these truths in the scriptures morning after morning i've stared at it and i'm like i have not even began to scratch the surface of the beauty and the majesty and the power and the goodness and and i don't know how to tell you this but it's touched every area of my life it's touched my marriage it's touched my finances it's touched my health it's touched my relationships it it does everything it does everything i can't i can't describe that to you in time if we had like more hours i could try but like it whatever you need tonight if you need affirmation validation if you've had trauma if you've have suicide if i don't know what it is if you need healing if your marriage is broken if your children are wayward everything all the grace and the majesty is found in his name but my hope in my in my desire tonight wasn't just to frustrate you by saying it's in his name it's to break this down so that you can see wow if all you can see is that jesus was on a cross and that's the only thing you can see and that's the only thing he's speaking to you then just stay there just stay there and let him speak to you and marinate in that place until you receive that which you were intended to receive from your father because his desire is that you would reign in life amen amen did did he leave did y'all leave you text him will you come up to i just want to pray for you guys for just a few minutes as we close is this helpful foreign if you've never ever received jesus i want you to receive him tonight i want you to get right with god i want you to just surrender all when he died on that cross it was actually god saying i love you so much will you marry me it was god's proposal to mankind it's incredible that god would want to marry us but he did and he does and he will i just want to give you an opportunity tonight if that's you and sometimes people say let's everyone close their eyes but you know on my wedding day i wanted everyone to see me i really did so i just if that's you we just you can close your eyes you can just lift your hands it's unto the lord yes it's in the presence of your family we've all done this and it's not just a private thing with god it's a public confession we belong to jesus i am absolutely i'll just tell you tonight i am absolutely unashamed of my love for god i'm unashamed of my zeal tonight that was displayed i'm unashamed of it like and i i had to dial it back so you guys could understand me because if i just gave full vent i would just i don't know i would have thrown this thing i would have broken something i would have kicked wesley over there just punched him right in the gut for no reason just out of my sheer excitement [Music] being a christian a follower of jesus christ his friend his lover is the greatest privilege and the greatest honor of my life it's the highest honor it's the greatest joy so if that's you tonight you're like man i don't i don't have a relationship with god i want you to stand to your feet [Music] yeah come on amen [Applause] oh yeah it's on it's on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's on it's on it's on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh stay standing it is on says the lord [Music] welcome home welcome home that was a little shadow of what heaven's doing right now [Music] may the spirit what's your name giancarlo come on may the spirit of the living god wash you cleanse you you're forgiven by the blood of jesus you're completely forgiven and washed in his blood and may he fill you with his spirit may he baptize you from on high and put his spirit inside of you clothe you with power to be a messenger for his name and may the very light of god fill your life in jesus name john carlo i bless you and i honor you come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey anyone else you want to surrender all to jesus tonight [Music] one broke through so many could break out [Music] i'm not going to pull teeth you know if it's your that's so true [Music] i mean [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's your name [Music] daniel [Music] welcome home brother i love you i'll honor you and i bless you i just declare it's the very heart of god over you that you're forgiven been washed by his blood and i pray that you would even now experience such a nearness of the presence and the person of almighty god jesus christ would fill your soul in your mind and everything that you inherited from your mom and dad that was not from him that was of the fall is broken off of you it will not dominate your life you will not be marked you will not be marked by that you will be marked by your father who is in heaven his name is jesus and you've been born again into his family and i commit you to the grace of god and to the power of the holy spirit i bless you daniel and i honor you in jesus name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see giancarlo you can stand in daniel you can stand in the presence of god because when you're accepted by god it doesn't matter what men think of you see the fear of man gets just broken off of you that's what you're feeling right now there's a freedom you feel it's the spirit of the living god he's breaking fear off of you and your lives are now not headed towards the grave they're headed towards life [Applause] i would like the rest of you to stand with our brothers who've stood tonight you just close your eyes and we're going to close here again if you finish before we do you're welcome to leave god bless you just put your hand on your heart as an act of faith as just a sign of of what belongs to your god what's rightfully his and just take a moment to present your heart to the lord tonight i'm gonna ask jordan and jonathan to play the sound of god's majesty over your heart to speak to you through their instruments just for a few minutes and let the spirit of the living god i believe the vision i have tonight is that he's going to circumcise our hearts and so that which has kept us from giving our him our attention the distractions the lusts the comparison the fear the anxiety the the things around you that you know are distracting you and pulling your attention away from him i believe if you're willing to present your heart before the spirit of god he's going to circumcise it tonight he's going to take the scalpel of his word and he's going to begin to just cut away everything that has kept your heart from being soft and tender towards his son so i'm going to pray and then they're going to play and then our ministry team will come up and minister to those who need it um and then we'll we'll close there so father we bring to you our hearts the best we know how god we present them before you tonight your own words i just encourage you to pray this for to agree with me we ask that you would cut away by your spirit by your spirit you would cut away every distraction everything in our hearts that keep us from heeding and hearing the voice of you god that says to us jesus and god as we respond to your voice tonight as we hear your voice and receive your son god i pray a fresh deposit of grace a fresh outpouring of the grace of god the grace of god over your mind your heart your body and a revelation of the free gift of righteousness and as they play i encourage you to look for that grace to look for and discern the very power of god coming upon you over your mind i see depression being broken off anxiety i see it coming off in this place these aren't things we just say these are things that god's wanting to do he's wanting to break off the heaviness he's wanting you to reign in life all pour out your grace lord pour out your grace pour out your spirit [Music] foreign [Music] you [Music] so so so [Applause] so so [Music] hello so so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] me so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] you [Music] um foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey we're going to invite our ministry team up um if anybody needs prayer you can come forward for prayer um i want to encourage you to pray for just whoever you came with um just as we leave don't go without praying with someone um man i love you guys i love this this place nights like tonight are just so refreshing to my soul it just reminds me of why we do church why we come [Music] it's amazing it's beautiful so we love you come join us for prayer the altar team is up here before you go grab the hand of someone next to you and pray a quick prayer over them with them together we love you good night [Music] you
Views: 5,379
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 25sec (10045 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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