Man Dies During Lung Transplant and Meets Organ Donor in Heaven!

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welcome back to another episode of the two christian dudes podcast we're getting quite a bit of a ways now at this point into season one if you and if you've been following us along for all the previous episodes we are continuing our journey talking about near-death experiences our guest today had a lung transplant he dies on the table he goes to heaven and we're going to let him tell you more of what he encountered during his time as we might say on the other side of the veil so let me bring randy and mike into the conversation here and we will get our conversation underway randy take it away sir thank you sean and it is such a pleasure to bring mike with us on the show today we've been waiting a long time to bring him on the show so that he can share his fascinating story you're going to hear something very exceptional from mike today and that is that he is not only an organ transplant uh recipient he also um went to heaven and met his donor in heaven so i'll let you tell that story mike and what happened but let's start with uh your reason for having the transplant and how that came about uh with your experience with jesus christ in heaven sure to have you here glad to be here guys and um yeah what a journey it's been so i'm gonna kind of tell you a story before the story okay so kind of leads up to it so i was sick for about five years with a what's called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis which is the scarring of the lungs they don't know what causes it it's killing as many as breast cancer and so in 2014 i was diagnosed um prior to that there was a ice storm here in kentucky and uh i had pneumonia and i think that kind of kicked it off but anyway so i uh had been diagnosed with uh this disease um i went uh and had a lung biopsy done to just make sure that's really what it was and uh after biopsy i i was put on oxygen 24 7. so i had uh two of what we call e-tanks that i was dragging around behind me for quite a long time so i got on the transplant list but for me i had to wait a very long time on that list so as i was waiting on that list i wanted to tell you this story so my wife and i uh we're doing a lot of public awareness to bring awareness to this lung disease that nobody knows about and so i was meeting with politicians and celebrities and anything i could do to get the word out about this disease now i i'm a preacher i believe in signs wonders and miracles a god can do anything he wants and uh and yet here i come down with this disease and i said well i could be bitter about this or be uh better at this and so i decided to be better and be proactive in what was going on so i used to meet with uh lung patients when they called uh i i tried to you know just be there for them online in the different support groups for lung disease so anyway uh i got a call one time and a friend named mary said hey i'm i'm in the area i'm gonna be at this uh state park and i was wondering if you'd come meet me you know i like to meet face to face i said sure so we go over there and we meet we have a really good time and and then uh my wife be known to me she was really struggling with the fact that i had a terminal lung disease and so we were driving home late at night and uh she started singing this song by a catholic monk musician christian musician named john michael talbott and the song was uh father i placed my life in your hands so we were driving down the road and this is what she told me she was doing she was lifting all her burdens up to heaven and said you know i can't handle this i mean financially physically emotionally all these things that are going on with mike so she started like lifting them up like placing in them with our hands in the car and just placing them in god's hands and says you take this this is too much so she starts singing father i place my life in your hands and i joined her and all of a sudden right in front of us we're driving like i don't know 55 miles an hour down the highway and uh also this deer appears out of nowhere and so i i slammed by my brakes and i and we just both cried out jesus you know i thought i'm not going to get yeah i'm not going to die from a lung disease terminal lung disease i'm going to die from this deer come to the windshield so all of a sudden when we cried out this deer was like 12 inches from the bumper we had no other choice but to you know brace for impact and all of a sudden this deer disappears into thin air and we're looking and we're we're shaking you know we stopped on the highway and we're looking behind us and i'm like where'd this thing go where where is it where did this go so uh we uh you know started driving home and for the first day or so we were like really baffled like what was that i mean like it was like a star trek episode i mean this thing appeared dematerialized and just wasn't there anymore so you know being the uh you know bible student that i was i i i started thinking of scriptures you know like what does this deer mean we call this our deer story what does this deer mean and i'm thinking of scriptures that say as the deer pants for the water so my soul pants after you god well that didn't fit and so then i called my son because he was an irish dancer and uh we adopted him and he got into irish dancing he loved it so his nickname was the leaping deer and uh we were at a service one time this guy calls them out and says your name is leaping deer and so so i called my son i said hey like uh you got to show you anything lately or you know any kind of deers come in your pathway and he's like no dad i don't see visions i said okay all right just checking son so we got off the phone with him and then all of a sudden it's like like an epiphany like in my mind i thought wait a second i remember studying the tribes of israel in bible college and i remember them you know had banners all around their camp with signals like signs uh images and one of the images was a deer so i looked it up and it was the deer symbol was the tribe of naphtali one could have uh uh i think it was the story of rachel lee one could have a child one couldn't and the lord said to the one who is uh hiding and and he said to her i have seen your struggle all of a sudden i thought oh my goodness that's why we saw this deer got it god answered our prayer that we he saw that we were struggling not in our faith but in our emotions and and knowing that i was dying and so anyway that's the kind of god i serve i mean to me uh that's natural christianity really that god would send a sign like that to to to encourage us to say it's okay and that happened six months before i got the call for transplant okay so fast forward so i i was diagnosed with this terminal lung disease um never smoked so i was you know really wow like how did this happen and so uh so anyway i was diagnosed with this uh ipf uh idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and i started getting weak uh pretty quickly and my oxygen needs increased and uh i was just purely running out of time so i uh you know as i said i was i was doing some uh you know uh awareness and meeting with people and i how i did that i have no idea because i was so weak but i did it anyway so then it came up to the time i i finally got a call and i was in my backyard and i i do like folk art so i was out in a cabin and i'm working on my folk art and i hear the lord's voice saying you put that stuff up you you need to go now you just put all that stuff up wow that's kind of weird that i would hear his voice saying to do that so i i put it all up got back to the house and my wife says the hospital's on the call they have a pair of lungs for you i'm like wow that's you know after waiting a very long time on the transplant list i thought wow this is incredible so uh we go to the hospital and um and i think everything's gonna be hunky-dory i thought man this is this is worth the wait and uh god had already told me ahead of time a lot of people were praying for me you know saying we're gonna believe a miracle and we're gonna believe in supernatural lungs to come to you and you know interesting enough we had a friend that came over right before the lord spoke to me to go back into the house that a couple days prior to that a friend came over and we had never met her my wife knew her from work and her friend came they said they wanted to pray for me so i said sure so they came over and this lady just says out of the blue she goes you're gonna think i'm crazy but i just saw a vision of a pair of lungs coming down from heaven and being put into your chest she had no clue he didn't know i was gonna get a call for transplant a couple days later so anyway and sure enough i got the call so anyway i went to the hospital got prepped and uh you know got wheeled into the or and uh you know for you know first what hour or so you know things were just going okay and uh my wife was back home uh because we lived like 15 minutes from the hospital and um she was home sleeping and all of a sudden one of my oxygen tanks on the front porch fell over boing these things are like really loud when they fall so anyway my wife's like what that's never happened in all these years we've had these oxygen tanks stored on the front porch so anyway she woke up and she called the uh hospital and they said first lung in so she's like wow okay god woke me up to let me know the first lungs in so then after that uh it was like 12 hour surgery so uh second lung goes in and uh as they were closing me up the doctor took the clamp off too early and i bled out i died on the table so what they do during those situations they're trying to get me back to life so they uh transfused me with a bunch of uh blood but during that time i see myself rising off the operating table and i'm a jokester so i just said to myself well at least i'm going up you know because that's a good thing so uh now you know as a pastor i i kind of knew i had the assurance you know i knew the scriptures i had you know i knew that i i would be going to heaven if i ever died but you know i just i found it i don't know i just found it kind of comforting to know i was rising up off the table so then uh as i got off the table though also and i heard all these negative voices and they were saying you're not good enough who do you think you are and just taunting me and i thought well i know what that voice is and i said in the name of jesus leave me alone and shut up because i'm a child of god and you can't say those things and all those voices silenced and never spoke again and as i was anyway this is where i get emotional it's as i was rising off the table further toward the ceiling um i saw these rainbow lights swirling all around me and i'm like wow what is this i was trying to discern you know like i still had my mental faculty so it's trying to discern is this the medicine is this you know what is this and then these uh bright rainbow lights uh started singing and then i knew it was angels and i saw like a mirrors of angels and and they were singing mike's coming home mike's coming home they were so happy and then uh i heard a voice saying no he's just here for a visit and as i rose up into this bright light i uh i was just overwhelmed i was like i'm standing in heaven and as far as the eye can see it's so it's bright and it was just the feeling i had was like total bliss total like i can't explain it was just like i just felt like i was engulfed in light and then i felt like all of a sudden i didn't i was i was thinking i didn't feel you know like my life i i started thinking about things in my life that i had done and it was like the realization came right there in heaven i was like it's all taken care of mike and then i just the thought came jesus is all in all every molecule i feel his presence throughout this spans and i think oh my goodness i just thought to myself i worried about way too much stuff on the earth i was worrying about my finances i was worrying about my health i was worrying about my even as a christian my spiritual condition did i do enough you know was i good enough or you know like you know i knew jesus took care of it but when i got there he did take care of it i mean it was like the slate was washed clean everything was like the realization was like mike it's not you anyway why why are you even thinking that it's all jesus i mean the whole place was filled with his presence you know the glory of the lord fills the temple that was that's the lord and so as i stood there though all of a sudden i got emotional i started thinking about the donor i thought oh my this guy died so that i could live this guy died so i could have his lungs and so i was like i don't know i it wasn't like i thought i'd said it out loud but i think it was my spirit man because in heaven when i was talking back and forth it wasn't like we were speaking it was like our spirit was speaking i guess so anyway i i cried out through my spirit and i said i want to thank my donor and then just all of a sudden i look behind i don't know why i just felt a presence behind me and i looked over my left folder and then there was jesus and there was the donor how do i know it was a donor i just knew it was like jesus like here he or she is i don't i can't remember you know the figures were like even jesus was kind of like i couldn't see them fully and i don't know why for me i don't know why that was and uh but anyway the lord came up to me and he put his hand on my left shoulder and he said mike these are your new lungs because just receive them and i said yes lord and at that moment when i said yes lord i started floating back down to the o.r table and i just had the feeling that i had to agree with him i had to agree that i would take this person's organ into my life into my body and you know as a transplant patient that's so you know strange to even think about having somebody else's organ in your body so god gave me the comfort to know that he knows about it he knew about it before i even got the transplant done he knew all things and so okay i felt like i came back well i came back let me tell you what happened i came back into my body and then i didn't remember anything after that but i was in a coma for 10 days so my wife was at home and she uh just they discovered mold in the house well that would that would do me in as a transplant patient so that she had to take care of all those gut the bathroom and remo you know do everything to get it ready for me so during those uh first few days though my wife was sitting and talking with her sister kaye and she said she's just all of a sudden said kay i i don't know how do i know this she says but mike's in heaven right now thanking his donor i don't even know how i know that because i just know it like i'm this you know something i just know deep inside so her sister said well we'll see when he gets out of the coma so what happened was um first of all one of our friends uh jonathan called my wife um during the transplant and uh or several days later i can't remember the scenario but anyway he called and still told my wife i was in my bedroom and he lived like 45 minutes away from our house because i was in my bedroom i got it woken up by an audible voice of god in my room and the voice said mike is with me he goes i was so startled and i didn't want to call you because i didn't want to you know let you know that he's dead so he waited so then several days after that he got an another awakening out of sleep and the lord said he's back and he's with me i mean he's he's back and he was with me anyway so she tells my he tells my wife this well i'm in a coma so she's like wow and uh kind of confirmed what she already knew so then we have a friend who's a doubting thomas his name's jeff so jeff hears patty's story about me being in heaven thanking my donor and he goes listen mike when mike comes out of the coma and he's in icu and they take out the intubation tube out of his throat i want to be there so she said okay jeff so 10 days goes by um they take the intubation tube uh the ventilator tube out of my throat and jeff comes in and he says to my wife patty he goes don't say anything i want to speak first so so he comes up to my bed and literally the nurse had just taken the tube out of my throat i mean i was talking like three octaves lower because you know i hadn't obviously hadn't talked in over 10 days it was in a coma so jeff goes mike when you were out in the netherlands he goes did you experience anything and i mustered up strength enough to get my first words out of my mouth and i said yes i went to heaven i got to thank my donor when i said that my wife's eyes were like just overwhelmed she was like she tells jeff i told you i told you he he went to heaven and thanked his donor and jeff goes you were right patty and i was like i'm like nodding my head i'm like yep that's what happened and uh you know i just came back with i i feel like i came back with a message to tell people you know you hear about you know people saying don't sweat the small stuff and that's kind of really what it came back with this message is even as christians you know like man trust god i mean he's got everything orchestrated everything in our life he knows what's going to go on in our life he knows what's you know ahead of us and he he knows it and he orchestrates angelic beings on our behalf to orchestrate things to happen the way it does and so you know i just came back thinking i don't i guess i just don't worry about like i came down with coven this past january now listen kovit would kill somebody like me that is immune suppressed who who had 55 surgery right but you know what during that whole time you know i went and got a bam infusion the antibody infusion but mainly i stayed out of the hospital because i thought these guys would kill me if i go in so i got the infusion and went back to my bed i was in bed three weeks but you know what god's mercy knowing i had that experience in heaven i thought this is nothing you know i mean like he's he's got this i'm not going to die from this i will not die from this and god knows and i believe he's oh yeah this is what happened by the way um after my transplant and i got home i'm laying in bed recuperating after 64 stitches across my chest and they break the rib cage open and go in and get to the lungs so anyway i was in my bedroom and you know my wife is at work and i uh just laying there trying to recuperate and uh all of a sudden i open my eyes and there's an angel standing in my room tall as the ceiling to the floor and just staring at me so i i just said out loud like what is this lord and the lord said they're just watching you they're just they keep watching you they haven't left you since heaven so i thought that is amazing i mean that is amazing that you know we read about these stories in the bible and even like uh you know just angels appearing to joseph in a dream right or or other circumstances and we just think well that's a nice story or that that happened then but will happen now yeah well and god continues to do things like that and we just need to believe that he's uh much bigger than our problems much bigger than what we go through and uh you know that's it's just been an incredible journey um and just like just telling my story to you guys i mean like i didn't really go out and tell my story i mean like just i'm not that type of person where you know i want everyone to you know look to me you know i just i want them to see the lord in my life so but one day the lord said you need to start sharing your heaven testimony and i said okay lord so like i've been sharing it like with nurses because i go every month to the hospital to do blood work and things and i've been sharing it with i don't know people on the street you know like i don't know it's kind of weird but you know i just start sharing and people just break down and weep and i had this one lady i was in a store or something no i was in a hotel uh when my sister in law was uh in the hospital and we were visiting her and i was at the hotel and the lady said i see you have a service dog with you i said yeah i had a double lung transplant but i died went to heaven and she was tell me more so i did and she just starts weeping and she goes you know what i was really struggling with heaven is it real is god real and she goes man you just you coming to to see me today at the front desk here and tell me that story i i i i'm so peace now it's it's not going to bother me anymore and i think you know that that's we overcome the enemy by the word of our testimony by the blood of the lamb and i just believe that's what i've been doing is is just sharing the testimony every one of us has a story and of course people with ndes yeah we do have a story and it might seem strange to people and and almost unbelievable that these things happen but you know what uh i'm still engaged in heaven i mean every time i tell a story it's almost like i relive it and i have the same feelings as when i was in heaven and uh and i don't know it just it shows what an awesome god that there that he allows these things to happen to us to assure us sure everybody that there's there's a place called heaven and uh he he wants you to go there and i tell people you know like i was kind of brought up in a religious household so um so we kind of knew all the stories of jesus we uh i was raised catholic so i knew all about jesus in my head but he hadn't reached my heart and so when i was a young man i think i was like 19 i could say that because i'm old now but when i was a young man i just simply said god if you're real you know you know show me who you are and believe me he he did i asked him to come to my heart change my life do whatever you need to do and man i was i was totally radically changed from the person i used to be and uh it was all his doing and you know and he showed himself faithful throughout all these years he knew down the road that i was going to have the trouble with my lungs and that i was going to have a terminal illness he knew he knew that already and he kind of went before me and line things up so well a couple comments i'll throw out so uh in terms of all the people that we've interviewed so far um mike is our our second closest to his near-death experience we had another gal who was about a year out from her near-death or afterlife experience so mike you're about two and a half years out so it's it's interesting to me to be able to talk to somebody who is not as far removed from their experiences also in terms of kind of that spirit to spirit communication we pretty much get that from every single person we've talked to where uh there was almost like a knowing or just yeah you you didn't have to talk you could just understand and and converse and it was just just kind of how it was um what i'm curious to hear about so uh you going into this experience you were a charismatic a charismatic anglican priest that's that's a bunch of words to fit in together but so you a pastor you come from a christian background uh before having your near-death experience and that hasn't been everybody's uh circumstance heading into their experience but back on your i guess now on this other side of the journey how has how has your um time with the lord spiritual walk devotional like how is that shifted what's different for you because like many of the people we've talked to they always kind of and you've kind of alluded to this a little bit ago talked about how they always kind of have a foot in heaven like there's still there's there's a deep constant connection to what they experience on the other side so for you just how does your your daily walk with the lord look different uh on this part of your journey i've never asked anybody that before so i'm kind of curious well you know i was dubbed the hippie priest because you know i wore the robes and the clerical collar but yeah i danced a lot and raised my hands a lot so you know i was a probably an anomaly in the ancient church but i i also was an assembly god pastor before i became a priest so that kind of blew people's mind anyway so uh so anyway uh what happened was i retired from the ministry when i got deathly ill when i couldn't stand in the pulpit any longer so uh which it was kind of a heartache for me because we had a great little uh church and uh you know we just loved ministering and you know we did missionary work we did a lot of things like that but after my heavenly experience things like really changed where i thought i was going to go back to ministry or do something after um after my transplant but god had other plans and so we always have to go with the plans that god lays out and so um so things are so different like i would be in groups of people that i would never normally and hang out with okay so and i got god wow you know like you're putting me in situations where like i would choose to be in these situations only because you know it's uncomfortable or it's like i don't know and like what do i do but uh it's so funny because he just he's just like i don't know i just had this chill attitude after being in heaven and it's just like everything's okay and i want to be super spiritual or super religious and it's almost like that was lifted off of me where not that i was but you know gotta admit sometimes christians can be a little judgmental or a little uh i don't know religious and i don't care what church you go to but you fall into that trap so anyway uh i just find myself just being me and letting the lord work through me through through my experience and so i know i was such a blessing in a way that i died because it's opened doors for me to share my story in different avenues and to um to let people know you know uh it's okay you know like it's okay that you're suffering it's okay that you know it's not okay but it's okay that you could talk about it you know and and normally you know we we want to always have the answers even as christians we want to have the answers and this is what the scriptures say and and you know this is how it should be and and i i've learned more since my heavenly experience to listen seriously just listen to people let them talk let them share their story and their experiences of life and so now i think my ministry has switched to just i don't know to just be there you know i i heard this quote from some this week uh to be a witness is really to be with someone a witness you know like be there be present in people's lives and you know i think when we have these kind of experiences uh and the experience i don't want to say this to be proud or boastful but i feel like i've been touched by heaven and that's an awesome responsibility and i feel like i want to i don't know how to explain this i just want to give that to people i want to give what i've been given from heaven to other people and i really just feel that like when my sister-in-law was uh dying in the hospital you know i you know part of me was like come on you're gonna be healed and and then another part of me was like you know what god's got her in the palm of his hands and so i was just present there with her and you know you know and i think that is important to be with people weep with those who weep right rejoice when they're rejoicing and just to be a real heaven ambassador to people you know to be there and to uh you know when i came to know the lord myself um a lot of it happened in my bedroom you know like i went to churches and yeah i went to the altar and i did some things but most of my encounters with god happened in a personal way walking in the woods or you know just uh i don't know i can't explain it so that when i went to heaven i came back and i thought you know what i think i made things too hard you know i i think god's got it i don't need to help him as much as i thought he needed to help him you know and i think he's always reaching out to man he's always reaching to to show his love his mercy and uh and i just believe that and i'm just a vessel i just now i just you know say god what do you want me to do you want to be a motivational speaker what do you want me to do so so that's what i you know i'm just just listening to him every day and doing what i can and and then doors open for me that like i think really like i had mike huckabee call me and say hey i'm making you a hux hero can you come down to nashville and be on my tv show like sure and like and then my story i had a documentary from a news station here in louisville they followed me around for a year and here's the funny thing okay it what my story wins an emmy award the funny thing about that was i was an actor in new york in musical theater and so i gave that up when i was 19 to be in the ministry and like 30 35 years later i'm walking the red carpet with this newscaster and he hands me the emmy award and he said this is yours and i'm like you know i teased i said took dying to get noticed around here but but seriously i looked up to him and i said god you have a sense of humor he always turns things for our good it may take a little while longer than we expected but he always does so when i go in my living room i look at this emmy award i just chuckle because i think because it's engraved uh i'm dying with you help which is my story and i just laugh because i'm like i'm just like a little podunk pastor in kentucky with an emmy award you know like who does that god does that so mike you're a walking miracle and you know one of the things we talked about prior to the show was just how you've been able to minister to others and what i find so fascinating about your story and i followed you now uh as you know we've exchanged on facebook you recently had some challenges with pneumonia you mentioned covid actually that you contracted which for somebody who has what an immunodepressancy depressants uh as you have with your medication uh that uh typically doesn't end well um no and so what i find intriguing about your story and encounter in heaven is that you wanted to meet your donor yeah and i've learned in just kind of the brief interactions on social media and the like that you have a tender heart toward other people yeah and i've heard this from other um donor recipients that they're very thankful for the donor but the lord gave you this the sight of your donor in in heaven have you followed up at all uh since that time and you uh expressed that gratitude yes uh you know as transplant patients were encouraged to write the donor families and i have twice but sometimes the pain is so unbearable that it takes a while for them to write back and so they have received my letters they know that i'm interested in meeting them and i can't wait to beat them because i want to share with them that your loved one was in heaven i think that would mean a lot to them and so i'm waiting for that day and praying that that would happen and so you know i did reach out to them so uh hoping for that day to come well and randy that was a short answer so if you got another question to throw in there i'll let you get a second one if you'd like sir i've got more but i don't want you to miss out you know there is a uh kindred feeling that i have uh since we've done this series uh mike and sean and our audience uh with others who have had encounters of different different uh experiences but much different but the same um and mike you and i had met the lord as believers yeah but one of the things that i discovered was that my faith that is was prior to this was one um i i realized for me personally was more of a hope rather than a conviction yeah and that conviction that comes through the experience is is obvious and that you have an encounter like this how can you not believe it is i you know i feel like we're the doubting i was the doubting thomas at least you know and jesus held out his hand and said go ahead and and touch my hand the the where the crucifixion had occurred so you came back having been a pastor and having ministered to others i'm curious as to how your ministry to others is from a pastor who preaches the word of god to now a pastor who has met the word of god how does that how did that translate for you in your own pastorship and ministering to others well you know we pre as a pastor i i preached things from the pulpit preached from the word of god and believed in what i experienced but it's a whole another ball game when when you actually you know are in the presence of jesus and in heaven and came back going it was like i don't know you know the scriptures where it says uh didn't our hearts burn within us because we were in his presence and you know that's kind of like it is for me now is that i just want everyone to know how much god loves them deeply and that's what i try to convey maybe i'm not in a pulpit now but i have other avenues that i'm using to to convey that message is that you know we are so tunnel visioned uh even as human beings about our life experiences and what all that how all that affects us but you know i guess my focus now is to let people know god loves you deeply god understands even your shortcomings even your failures you know a lot of people just give up because they thought i'm never gonna be good enough or i'm never gonna overcome the situation or or forgive people you know and uh i just don't i don't know i just don't think they understand the grace and the mercy that god affords us if we just let him work in our everyday lives in our everyday circumstances and just you know i don't know just see him high and lifted up you know who he is the high king of heaven and uh just to see maybe we have misconceptions about who god is maybe we we just you know i've seen him as that authoritative figure with a with a bat in his hand ready to bop us one because we've messed up or i don't know people just have a lot of weird ideas about god but i just feel like after my experience i have a lot more compassion tell you truth and i'll tell you there's one story and it's happened to me often since i've been to heaven is i'll see someone on the street and my attitude my like beggars you know on the side of the highway and my attitude used to be like come on dude you got brand new sneakers on and a brand new backpack you're not fooling me you want this money for drugs you want this money for whatever you know i was just you know a little judgmental and a little sarcastic you know and after i came back i started looking at the people maybe as god would see them even if they're shysters why are they there why are they doing that what brought them to that place and and and you know if we would only see people through god's eyes and to say yeah there could be people that are annoying you today people who you know are just you know making your skin crawl or or maybe certain people that you know you you see in the news that really you know like oh man god can you not take care of the situation you know we need to see things through god's perspective and we need to see things in the light of eternity what's really taken place here with my neighbor what's really taken place you know with the cashier at the store and if we could just be sensitive you know i try to smile a lot i mean that's my mo i smile i engage even if just for a moment with a cashier at the supermarket you know like i'm given a moment in time with a person and i want to make sure in that moment of time that they feel validated they feel loved and that they've you know they know because i always talk share something about my life something about heaven something about the father heart of god so they they can think about their own life and normally i think when i share what i've been through which i'm finding myself sharing it a lot and and it i think it brings hope and what i think one thing we need in this world right now is hope so yeah i'll give that an amen we definitely need a lot of hope in this season but as the world uh grows continually darker i feel like that that want that need of hope only exposes how much more we need jesus in our lives and so that while it's it's dark it's challenging i feel like that's also a hopeful aspect of the season that we're walking through uh and mike we've had other guests talk about how you know being in heaven they're in an environment that's just saturated in love and that they're immersed in love and they come back shifted and changed and clearly that's shifted uh your perspective with how you see see people almost sounds like you're able to see people with the eyes of jesus you're able to view people kind of through that lens of love that jesus has for us and i i just really appreciate you sharing that um almost time for us to wrap up uh you know with these sorts of interviews uh you know we start talking about near death experiences out of body experiences all the different things it attracts a wide range of viewers and listeners uh some who grew up in church some who came to faith later in life but others who they're just interested in the paranormal or supernatural maybe they've never darkened the door of a church and for the the person who's taken the time to listen to this conversation or watch it um they don't really they're they're far away from jesus they maybe don't have any idea who he is as they process what they've heard as you've shared your story what would be your invitation to them uh that jesus wants to meet them and jesus wants to impact their life just as much as he's impacted the lives of all three of us who are on this broadcast today sure you know like i i've done some interviews where you know i looked at the comments afterwards and some people were like didn't like the christian aspect of my journey and i i would just tell them or anybody you know like god is love in him is the fullness of love and so if you're searching ask him ask him i mean he wants us to ask questions he just wants to say you know who are you who is this jesus that mike's talking about who who is this who i don't want another religion i i and i i always tell people i don't have a religion i have a relationship that's the best thing is is not to minimize god on my level but he's a friend that sticks closer than a brother you know i talk to god of course every day and and just i talked to him and just even in all my struggles in every every situation uh that i go through i just talked to him like a friend like god i'm i'm struggling here i'm not perfect my halo isn't above my head you know just uh you know i'm still a work in progress so i just you know try to tell people even if they're not believers you know like listen do you ever consider that maybe god has a plan in everything that you're going through and try to kind of point them heavenward that god god can work through you know god can work i believe god works through every religion every every person and he's always reaching out he's a god that's always forward thinking always looking toward us and wanting the best for us and so when i have people that maybe don't believe in jesus i say you know what you know uh i i know you're struggling with that thought but you know what god loves you start with that god loves you and you know uh consider that jesus was more than a prophet you know more than a uh you know what we view and what christianity has you know put out there consider who he really was and look at his teachings and look at his life you know and so i try to direct them in that way and you know what the bottom line is we're living examples we should be living examples every day on who who you know i've heard this time and time again you kind of start acting like who you hanging around with and you know i hang around with jesus so hopefully you know i'm he's rubbing off on me and i'm rubbing off on others you know and as uh you know that's what i hope you know i i can only hope that my life made a difference here on the earth that i could that i made an influence for the kingdom of god and that people see the joy of the kingdom that's one thing that's undeniable that there's joy in the kingdom of god and there's peace and and man if anything that experience in heaven showed me wow what i mean i want everyone to experience that that's why i share the story you just got to go there i don't want you to die to go there but i'm just saying you got to be in the presence of jesus when i was there he filled all in all and you know what he could do that for you right here on earth you know it's his prayer way you know and i i did i just said god if you're real jesus if you're real make yourself known to me and that's what i tell people try them out you'll never regret it you know mike the uh and then we're uh we're closing here and uh you have spoken to so many hearts uh people who just are struggling today this seems to be uh kind of a era a time when many people are going through pain suffering and doubt and so you're assuaging many of those with just the genuineness of of who christ is and i know that we pay tribute to god it's god of love you're expressing that in a way that is sincere because you've had that encounter with love himself and so we so much appreciate you being on the show i've wanted you uh for a long time to be a part of this program and i know that our listeners and viewers have been greatly bl blessed and we thank you immensely for being with well i really appreciate you having me you know uh i i really haven't really told my personal testimony but i came from a very abusive background and uh a lot of uh sexual abuse and when i was younger and you know what when i met jesus he set me free from all the wounding and you know and so when i went to heaven to just feel that that slate was washed clean and uh i knew that here on the earth i knew that through scripture but when i got to heaven and and and that feeling of being bathed in his light you know that's what i want to tell people you might been through horrendous things in your life you might have been you know through things that are unspeakable but you know what god was there with you no he didn't like what you went through but he was there he's and he's guiding you out into the light amen amen and and mike thank you so much for sharing your amazing journey your powerful story i know for some of our listeners and viewers maybe this conversation challenged you for some others i know it encouraged you either way if it provoked you uh we'd like you to leave a comment if you have a question leave a question wherever you listen to or watch this video because randy and i will do a follow-up session where he and i will kind of process mike's story you know where do we see this in scripture how does this compare to other conversation other conversations that we've had uh throughout the season so if you have something you want to contribute to that conversation uh we'd welcome those questions so randy and i can respond to those personally and you know for those of you who have been on the journey with us we just appreciate you being a part of each and every one of these two christian dudes podcast one way you can help us get the word out is to follow like share all the things you can do to help get the word out about a podcast uh if you listen on apple podcast give us a five star review and leave a review that helps other people uh to find it more and so again thanks for being a part of this conversation we look forward to seeing you again soon on another episode of the two christian news podcast goodbye thank you
Channel: Destiny Image
Views: 37,990
Rating: 4.9143434 out of 5
Keywords: mario murillo, bible study with me, prophetic word for today, prophetic word, larry sparks, destiny image, encounter today, holy spirit, lana vawser, Sid Roth, it’s supernatural network, end times prophecy, prophetic word 2021, prophetic word for today from god, prophetic word for me today, Bill Johnson, jesus christ, near death experience, lung transplant, organ donation, near death experience story time, near death experiences interviews, nde, heaven, 2 christian dudes
Id: H9emT5kHpYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 43sec (3223 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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