Sunday Morning LIVE - August 11, 2019

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[Music] verse 24 this is a day that the Lord hath made let us rejoice and be glad in it in Psalm 106 verse 1 praise thee the Lord all give thanks unto the Lord for he is good for his mercy endureth forever Isaiah 53 verse 5 he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed good morning I am Sharon Duffus grantee Oh presenter on behalf of our founder presiding bishop dr. Dell for Davis and his wife Minister dr. Petrova Davis the Board of Directors ministers and the entire congregation of power Faith Ministries International we welcome you to another Sunday morning light broadcast beaming former headquarters church located at LOX 13 to 24 tone Center for Merce and Catherine hare in Jamaica hair AB power Faith Ministries miracle Cathedral we preach the undiluted Word of God for the healing of the body and the saving of souls at the end of this Sunday morning light broadcast I will return with some important information but let's now join the service that is already in progress watch people lift up your voice and worship the Lord this morning lift up your voice and worship leaves up your voice and worship the Lord hallelujah come on children of the Most High we are in the presence of the Lord of smarted lift up your worship unto the Lord in this room lift up your share we worship You Jesus we magnify your name Jesus God is in this place come on take quality time out to worship take one at a time to give Him glory send up some worship in this room set up some worship we bless your name Jesus we buy by your name we worship worship You Jesus we glorify your Jesus if you don't do anything this morning come make sure you give God the worship if you don't do anything else this morning my shredder with horror worship send up the worship in this room we worship You Jesus we magnify your name Jesus we magnify your name [Music] hallelujah we worship worship worship your name Lord hallelujah hallelu we are we magnify your name Jesus he magnify your name Jesus we magnify your name Jesus hallelujah I come just now to say thank you okay you're not just a part of my life but my everything your love reaches way down deep with a passage human understanding they will always be a song for you I have seen what word alone just can't express my heart desire gratitude for more day my needs of life your warm embrace it's in the name patience with me the alma mater I come to one conclusion you are the bay oh yeah [Music] oh yeah I will see you I see you're hunter [Music] feel [Music] say hallelujah hallelujah yeah [Music] [Applause] you are mighty sit out harder to lift up your voice and say hallelujah No say honey No [Music] you are my set our [Music] so you are see you little diversion say hallelujah ah [Applause] I would say you upgrade my tea [Music] whoa let's see or holla because you [Music] King [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I will say see [Music] I don't mind waiting I don't mind way [Music] [Music] I [Music] I don't my my my I don't by the way I don't my way I [Music] I I know my I don't mind I don't my way my way don't bother nope Oh [Music] come on lift up your voice and worship I don't mind waiting [Music] [Applause] mine waited [Music] across your way [Music] I will wear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] come on children of the Most High come on children of the Most High God we are in this worship this morning we are in this room to worship come on lift up your voice lift up your voice and worship hallelujah these words waiting up this morning come on mix up your boy worship chef we magnify your name Jesus be glorified your name come on I need to hear praise this going up neither hear praises going up in this very place this Martin woah cheffy Jesus we worship You Jesus ha ha ha yeah somebody made this request this morning say [Applause] I don't mind [Music] society rates me [Music] saturates me [Applause] [Music] I got more of you my love that's a there [Applause] [Music] [Music] priors a media presence love [Music] [Music] we work for times days that's ready somebody says that to Romina president saturates [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're anointed I got my socks arrest for the last time I gotta have more pure and light say Oh [Music] the markets is a very good place to worship it's a very good atmosphere to give ignore it come on lift up your voice children of the Most High God lift up your voice and give Him worship in this place we bless your name we bless your name Jesus hallelujah we bless the name of Jesus at this time if you can take with us in the redemption on him number 52 how do you stand up stand up for Jesus stand up stand up for Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's read [Music] brah hi [Music] [Music] Oh flesh will ha [Music] Oh please make your way down to the altar stand up come on down to the end of the concentration [Music] Kiba sorry hallelujah hallelujah he's so down by a time in the house Holly Lou [Music] glory to God hallelujah its prior time in the house hallelujah if you can stand hallelujah once you can stand hallelujah stand with us please hallelujah hallelujah we bless your name Jesus we glorify your name this morning your exalted high on the throne you reign in majesty and splendor God Almighty or the awesome God hallelujah we are sufficient one the or sovereign one the all-powerful one Oh glory to God Almighty angels bow before you heaven and earth adore you hallelujah the 24 elders cast their crowns at your feet and cry holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty the own earth is filled with your glory for the earth created all things created saw was created all things and for thy pleasure were they created hallelujah dawa worthy O Lord and this morning become divine got to worship you this morning we come to exalt the name of Jesus for the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run it into it on our saver o Great God Almighty we come to you this morning Lord God Almighty because there is an other divine God to whom we shall look some trust in horses and chariot but we will remember the name of the Lord and so divine God Almighty we lift up our eyes unto the hills from whence cometh or help this morning our Hill comes from the Lord God Almighty or he'll come from the Lord whose holy and righteous or he'll come from the Lord who is mighty in battle and so we look to you this morning in the mighty name of Jesus you are Oh bot laksa you are the hope divine God that we cling to you are the anchor divine God for soul oh great God Almighty and we thank you for the privilege to be in your hosts this morning amidst your people Oh God Almighty and so we lift up our hearts to you in the name of Jesus father God we invite the mighty presence of the holy spirit ah for he is the one that makes a difference in our worshiper he is the one that that makes a difference in our prese he is a Oh show us hope laureates or God Almighty to offer a sacrifice that is pleasing unto you Almighty God and as you release or spirit unto you Emmanuel God in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth ah we are see Vanguardia consecrate ursa in the mighty name of Jesus we pray manuel gallo cleanser or god almighty from our secret sins and carnal witnesses in the name of Jesus beset in shainsa Oh God Almighty pre-emptive Angora the various sources of all soul and you will apply your precious blood the efficacious blood this morning in the mighty name of Jesus for it's a blood that make it possible for also enter beyond the veil or Great God Almighty and obtain mercy and help and grace to help in the time of need and if there ever a time that we need is now we need even God your own Shunta function we need even God the Father the Holy Spirit or Great God Almighty to consume OSA Oh God Almighty that flesh will die and that you O God Almighty be glorified in the mighty name of Jesus we present divine God Almighty here every aspect of the service to you our mighty God may you arise in the name of Jesus and all your enemies with shattered Lord God who is found in the authority of the priests and of the King this morning because you have called Oh Steven para and have set us aside Almighty God as kings and priests are in this power Almighty God so expanded a kingly Authority and we take authority over every advance of the enemy in the mighty name of Jesus we push back every assault of the adversary in the mighty name of Jesus we ask that you stand for us this morning for you are the captain of the Xhosa and we'll look to you this morning in the name of Jesus ah let everything that can be shaken be shaken Almighty God ah let everything divine God Oh glory to God that present an endurance and a destruction to your Will O God removed in the mighty name of Jesus we pray Manuel God that you will devour that you destroy that you shake our mighty God of heaven and principalities and powers oh great God Almighty here with every absol you clear the very atmosphere let it be conducive for worship in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth ah we pray Emmanuel God that you'll meet with us this morning collectively and individually let the fire of the Holy Spirit burn in our hearts in the name of Jesus we pray divine God that those who are far will be midnight we pray even God that those even God Almighty who have not encountered you will encounter you in a new way in a mighty name of Jesus we pray divine God Almighty that your Holy Spirit will direct and coordinate every aspect of the service of Great God Almighty here the various ministries that will be offered Oh God in song Oh God Almighty pray that the Holy Ghost Oh God Almighty will set us on fire that will burn and place up in the mighty name of Jesus for you of course Almighty God and you're established ourselves as ministers of fire in the mighty name of Jesus and your call us Almighty God as a firebrand or great God Almighty so if we're in the name of Jesus that you'll take complete control we pray in the name of Jesus that you were annoying just serve answer Oh God that will bring forth your word in the name of Jesus may the word event guardians on time word Oh God Almighty let there be no itching years of you know means Oh God what we pray in the name of Jesus that every heart even God Almighty be prepared Oh God to receive be engrafted word of God which is able to save our soul and make us wise unto salvation we pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth ah now clear the very atmosphere in the name of Jesus let there be no hinder answer let there be no disruption in the mighty name of Jesus as a word go forth in the furious waves Oh God Almighty across the various media in the name of Jesus we pray that your power Oh God to be released and someone will cry out ah ah he liked you to you we pray Manuel God that you'll breathe afresh upon us we're nothing on our own great God Lord Jesus behold even got off realty Oh God Almighty but when your Holy Ghost come Oh God Almighty here we shall be set apart we shall be empowered Oh God Almighty for the work that you've called us to do great God we are mindful that is not by our might neither bites or power but is by your Holy Spirit ah the spirit of the Living God take complete control spirit of the Living God lead us this morning in a mighty name of Jesus Oh Lord God with trusting you this morning for the mighty release of your mighty power oh great God Almighty we pray about father God that you would consume us this morning with a fire of your spirit Oh God Almighty let's all be safe Oh God across the various media God and let your name be glorified in the mighty name of Jesus we'll look to you Almighty God for you are the author you are the finisher of our faith and you that be kind of good work in us is able to perform it even on to the very hand father to you we give the glory the honor and the praise in Jesus name we all say the Our Father prayer of Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread as we forgive those that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen lujah as they return to your seat just returned with a praise just return with our worship hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah just wave your hands in the presence of the Lord this morning and just magnify his holy name just give him a note of praise hallelujah for his word his word his word is worth it ha ha ha - oh mama ha raise your hand with your hands in his presence and just worship the king this morning he's worthier for offering his word therefore offering his worthier for offering his worthier for offering hallelujah glory to the lamb hallelujah hallelujah what a privilege it is for us to be in the presence of the Lord I mean his wonderful people one more time hallelujah this is main Sunday morning worship service hallelujah men's president Minister Andrew Brown along with deacon Ella cope elder Coburn along with all the other odd working members of the committee hallelujah we thank God for them this morning hallelujah amen glory to God Almighty hallelujah can he turn with me please in your Bibles hallelujah to Philippians chapter 3 and we'll read it from verse 1 through to the end hallelujah if you find it say Amen thank you Jesus I'll read while you follow finally my brethren rejoice in the Lord to write the same things to you to me indeed is not Grievous but for you it is safe the weir of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the concision for we are the circumcision is worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh though I might also have confidence in the flesh if any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh I more circumcised the eighth day of the stock of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin an Hebrew of the Hebrews as touching the law a Pharisee concerning zeal persecuting the church touching the righteousness which is in the law blameless but what things were gain to me those I counted but lust for Christ's ye don't less and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and do count them but dung that I may win Christ and be found in him not having mine own righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his suffering been made conformable unto his death if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the Dead not as though I had already attained either world marry perfect but I follow after if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus brethren I can't not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are before I pressed was a mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus let us therefore as many as be perfect with us minded and if any and in if in anything be otherwise minded God shall revealed even this unto you nevertheless we're two we have already attained let us walk by the same rule let us mind the same things brethren be followers together of me and mark them which walk as so as he have us for an example for many walk of whom I have told you often and now tell you even weeping that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ whose end is destruction whose God is their belly and whose glory is in their shame who mind earthly things for our conversation is in heaven from whence also will look for the Savior the Lord Jesus Christ 21 and final who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself here in it a reading of a portion of God all the world we own it by saying flerbie in to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning no one ever shall be world without end amen put your Bibles don't please and just raise your hands above your head and clap them for the Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah as you clap your hands or Jesus is giving the highest praise this morning he deserves it this morning he deserves it this morning my hallelujah belong to you Jesus up my heart I knew you belonged to you you deserve it ho hallelujah he deserves it this morning glory to God Almighty indeed I deserve it he may be seated hallelujah just before you see this turn around and shake your neighbors hand greet them with a smile and say I'm happy to see in the house this morning hallelujah hallelujah I'm turned to the other neighbor just turn around shake someone hand so I'm happy to see you the house of God this morning hallelujah it could be otherwise minded but thank god you're here and we're happy that you're here with us hallelujah to God be the glory hallelujah to do a general welcome and acknowledgement please make welcome Minister Michael Smith as he come hallelujah [Music] we bless the lord of the house this morning that's how you bless the Lord bless the Lord with all your heart with all your mind with all everything every breath in you must praise God it is indeed the keeper of your life we have the blessing hallelujah indeed it is a wonderful thing to be free from sin and to have Christ within I stand here this morning to extend a warm welcome and acknowledgement to our 1st and 2nd time visitors in the house of the Lord I invite you at this time to indicate by the reason of your hands if we have some first and second time thank you Jesus raise those hands in the sanctuary so you can be acknowledged hallelujah you may put them down thanks very much indeed it's a pleasure having you in our mates Paul would say grace be to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ it's of utmost importance that you know how excited we are to have you sharing you know amends with a mission morning worship service we're eternally grateful that you have chosen the powerful ministries as you make yourself comfortable and the presence of the Lord to share in this wonderful fellowship we hope you will experience his mighty presence in a supernatural way praise is definitely what we do here and we hope you will allow the presence of God to saturate your soul mind and bodies the poor faith church family is here with open loving arms to receive you if you are without a place of worship please be reminded that these door and our hearts are always open to receive you and your precious families on behalf of our founders Bishop dr. Dell for Davis his wife Minister dr. Petrova Davis our senior assistant pastor minister I still the note man and the man with a mission president Minister Andrew Brown we welcome you to our worship this morning we welcome our viewers visitors on the p FM channel 6 o 2 6 7 to display 20 and our browsers on those on face book life and youtube in all we do brothers and sisters around the world let us endeavor to show our self approval to god and communicate god's words without fear of favor malice or ill will have a wonderful day in the presence of the Lord congregation will you please put your hands together and give our visitors or viewers or browsers a hearty poor faith welcome the Lord bless you all hallelujah thank you very much mrs. Smith you're indeed welcome this is your father's house hallelujah and you're welcomed with open hearts we receive you this morning may you be blessed of the Lord hallelujah at this time hallelujah please put your hands together I may welcome the Ministry of the United voices square freedom up as they come to minister in Jesus name hallelujah [Music] somebody give God over this morning somebody give God a praise in the house of the Lord lift up your voice and give him I pray is the Lord good to you best morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we worship You Jesus [Music] say the word was this way before I came along and it may not get better by the time [Applause] but if ha ha through you would start from my hearts Lord to sing you are we going again they said the word was this way before I can't and it may not get better but as I my god but if I I had a song what through it would start from my heart Lord to see about you yeah ah and I'm so [Music] but you'd make me happy [Music] some tear trucks [Applause] [Music] our meats wore those rainbow so NT so lonely and so until I bothersome Lord to see [Music] [Applause] [Music] think about [Music] [Applause] chitra [Applause] rosemary Baum [Music] so lonely to see happy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on express your love firm this morning I love you Jesus and I love your name it's been a long time ago but I'm glad you came hallelujah so that others go on doing what they wanna do stand with me please love me huh you know be because deeper [Music] Oh whoa I love in raise their own and express her love for this morning [Music] [Applause] my Jesus is real [Music] is me Oh God my dog my sitter and I know I know Hey [Music] is it real to you this morning if it real to you this morning hallelujah are you experience that the experience that the disciples felt as they walk on Emmaus Road another heart burn within us is real this morning hallelujah it's really new this morning hallelujah is real this morning hallelujah oh thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you just wave your rent and say thank you the sweet earrings and giving away this morning Kotori Baba for saya labor for glucose Tata shimo hey Baba horrible she is real this morning he's real this morning it's really my soul it's really three he's really my soul III look III nice thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus it's all because of You Lord so because of You Jesus so because of you we are glad that you came we are glad that you came are you glad this morning I am glad I am glad hallelujah thank you Jesus at this time we'll be having the presentation to the families of the month please put your hands together and make work on Michel Dixon's Sangha welcome please shall we bless the Lord let me hear you bless the Lord another time that's the name of Jesus one writer declares that the family is one of God's greatest masterpieces and so this morning as is our custom on second Sunday's here at the poor faith ministries we post a highlight and to celebrate two such masterpieces we ask that as the name of each family is called the family members make their way down to the altar and stand facing the congregation or first family Deacon Neil Chambers and family [Applause] as the family makes their way this family resides in the waterford community Deacon chambers has been a member for 23 years and has been married to missionary Sofia chambers for four years all the members of this family are song the bontoc sister-in-law Stephanie and needs Ashanti his favorite passage of Scripture is found in some 37 verses 1 & 2 fret not thyself because of evildoers neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity for they shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb Deacon chambers hosts our leaders in high esteem he loves to hear bridger preaching and he admired Minister Davis's interaction with the members one of Deacon chambers desired is for the entire church family to catch a burden for soul-winning and build brotherly love as we seek to mature in the fruit of the Spirit the family crazier sincere purse the second family system earn more and family as she makes her way this family resides in the Greater Portman a system your has been a member for nine years other members of the family are children Deborah and Althea and a Dean she is grandmother of five system your ministers with the voices of inspiration choir her favorite passage of Scripture it's some ninety one verse one he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty system your declares that our leaders give good teaching and preach sound doctrine and states that the ministry is both a family and a community Church her greatest desire is that her son will come to know the Lord as his personal Savior system your craves your continued purrs for her and her family a photograph of each family is placed on the wall to the front of the church and we ask that you give them a call or an encouraging word bless them as you feel led and keep them in your purse their contact information is available from the church office at this time I will ask that the families turn to face the altar congregation will you please stand as Bishop dr. Delphis Davis comes to pray for the families we thank the Lord for all of you we pray that these blessings will be upon you even more than they are at this time as we celebrate you as a missionary family for the month the expressions of love from all of us will be shown to you in all the ways that we can and indeed it will be a very special month for you let us bow for prayer the chambers and the meals family gracious God you are a wonderful God you do all things by your own design for your perfect will to be established on earth as it is ordained in heaven it is out of that we believe that these families are standing here the chambers are the kneels in order fear the more nearer we know that there are no hacks identify miss earth they came as a result of your own divine ordination so we commit the mirrors to you Lord all of them those who are present here and those who are absent at home and abroad through this family standing here or the members Lord you'll reach out and minister to them in the name of Jesus let goodness and mercy follow them in a very special way but the pillar of cloud would be with them by day the pillar of fire by night to give coverage and protection and to ward off the enemy in the name of Jesus Oh God you tell us those whom you bless their a blessed and if you bless your people no one can curse them Deacon Neal and his family we commit them to you now father and I ask you to bless them watch over them with special I eagles eyes because they already hop laughs you're high hide him under the shorter fuel mighty wings and Oh God bless them and continue to make them sources of blessing so we pray that as we celebrate them during this period our love will be shown the favours of God will be upon them and when all is said and done Lord you shall get the glory the honor and the praise for their good and for your glory we celebrate them now and we tell you thanks in Jesus name Amen somebody give the Lord praise give the Lord praise hallelujah yes the Lord bless all of you and may's favour be with you as you walk together work together serve the Lord together please turn around and face the congregation amen [Music] the circle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] never [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] may the Lord bless all of you and Saints please rally with them during the spirits well if no other time certainly during this period I hope it will be all times god bless you give them a big hand and celebrate them thank you [Music] hallelujah families they are the apple of God's eye and he has called them to be the bedrock upon which he built everything that he does God depends on every one of us hallelujah and here we are a part of his his family amen so let us pray for them reach out to them in whatever way we can we are blessing to them it's a marvelous vision hallelujah from a great visionary we thank God for Bishop hallelujah and his wife Minister dr. Petrova Davis for such a wonderful vision hallelujah amen it's a good it's a good thing to see things and to acknowledge it I always say I'm not praising them no Lord in them but I am happy amen they are my family they are my parents and I thank God for the three biological children but whether they believe it yes or no there are my parents Bishop is my father ministers my mother they taught me in Christ hallelujah and though there were many many fathers around hallelujah there is only one father amen was birthed us unto salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ and we Honiton this morning hallelujah it's time for the Ministry of the echoes of faith choir can you put your hands together let them welcome us a club hallelujah [Music] [Applause] worship the Lord this morning and as your Oh Caesar this morning looking all beautiful I want you just to close your eyes at this time and just to lift those hands I don't know where exactly you are this morning I may not know what your need may be but I have recognized that the presence of the Lord is in this place and so it is that if you were broken he's able to mend you if you're hungry he will feel you and so this morning I just want you to understand the God is able to do exceeding this [Music] do you love him this morning is the word [Music] how they survived [Music] mic I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] No here's my fill it up and make me [Music] [Music] teto [Laughter] [Music] Oh feed me too [Music] here's really [Music] my vessel is empty right now and ones had plenty my son is bad and dry somewhere Klose fountain beyond Eastern Mountain [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my vessel is and once indeed my soul is bad andr [Music] somewhere close that fountain beyond [Music] mountain let me drain the Lord Peter children [Applause] with [Applause] [Music] [Music] then [Music] and with where the rivers are running very soon [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] that to me [Music] with where the rear very soon [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] from the tractor [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 'lord feed your children lift your hand and say feed me Holy Spirit feed me Holy Spirit's all glory be did sing so often bread of heaven feed me until I want some more fill my cup what a refreshing number and all the others that preceded them give the Lord praise for his people hallelujah to the lamb reach out and embrace or shake the person's are closest to you tell them I love you with the love of the Lord I can see in you the glory of my king and I love you with the love of the Lord greet somebody yes I love you when Oh I can't see I oh yes I love Oh yes I the I one more time now hallelujah the Lord bless you please be seated for a couple of minutes maybe five thereabout before the preacher comes what a joy it is to welcome all of you once again to your father's house [Music] where there are many rooms in heaven they'll be mansions down here we have rooms god is good amen we're so delighted that you have joined this wonderful company of believers celebrating the goodness of God worshipping Him in spirit and in truth preparing for his second Advent and we believe he's coming back again and he could be coming very soon Jesus in all his glory those in distant lands by whatever means we welcome you home and abroad across the globe we give God thanks that we are able to reach you overseer Michael our chincin and your family and the Saints there in Miramar they went to Alabama yesterday in our behalf to receive special honor and recognition of this ministry I didn't tell you this but a particular television station in the states of Alabama has been carrying our services for the last seven years seven years they have invited us to receive a special honor and award for that based on the responses of the citizens all around those southern states and the overseeing his family and some 13 members of the Miramar assembly went on our behalf and yesterday Amen Lord is good two quick ones and then we move along sister violet violet right please remember in your parishes in the hospital Spanish tone Ward six bed seven so pure visits and give her prayers Ward six bed seven Spanish tone Hospital Brooklyn convention starting on next Sunday the 18th through Friday nights the hard-hitting Bishop author grant will be trumpeting the word there so all a few viewers around Brooklyn Bronx Queens Manhattan Staten Island all of those cities 36:19 Church Avenue Brooklyn New York that's where you ought to be for next week from Sunday to Friday for great convention at the power faith ministries with Bishop author grant whose past Oh past Lalor and his wife Minister Sharon Craig Lawrence assistant and all the saints there will be happy for your visit and those of you want to buy a ticket it's not too late buy a ticket and fly to Brooklyn and enjoy a little of Brooklyn summer and not winter amen and of course Goshen will be engaging tent revival start in the next Sunday also in Goshen st. Elizabeth or prayers and support be with them I'll say a little more later on in the service today but the Lord is good do remember our brethren or overseas on their vacation so many of them are all over the United States of America and Canada pray to the Lord keep them safe and bring them back safe amen from their annual vacation the Lord is still good brother Hamel from Bronx assembly who told that you're here someplace in this vast sea of people we were user okay the Lord bless you give brother hammy lehand from Bronx assembly having said that Minister Winston foster from the Brooklyn Assembly wonderful servant of the Lord but you have yourself he's down for many reasons Jamaica evangelistic Center convention commences today also many conventions during this month so we want you some of us will be attending on some of them during the remainder of the month choirs and groups and whatever we prepared for all of that amen what else do I say all credential officers please let us meet on Wednesday of this week the 14th for very special meeting when the night 7 o clock you have a title as Bishop elder minister evangelist exhort a deacon deaconesses Christian worker and all the other titles please let us meet for a very special meeting on Wednesday evening means therefore there will be no public service on Wednesday night but be out for daytime fasting and prayer and we love o first time voice to speak to us on Wednesday and it's usually a great service 9 o clock through 2 o clock amen oh you're not seeing any Amen down and of course I promise that we will continue to remind the public in general that illa family Allah nation for 2022 the Lord tires will be on the second Wednesday which means the 8th of January and not on first Wednesday which will be New Year's Day I have a special assignment for all my members here on New Year's Day so don't you plan anything else you heard me right yeah you heard me right special assignment for all of us our New Year's Day Bishop you mean after watch the night yeah we did it before we can do it again we are gonna have a lockdown session everybody's a lockdown session dear Jesus lock don't session on New Year's Day for at least 5 hours it's not all day just about 5 hours before the Almighty God on our knees on our face on our back on our side on your head if you can whoever but we are going to touch Evan for 2020 in a very special way whoa I feel the anointing of God touching me on this somebody lift your hand and give him praise in the house blood I tell you from now yeah praise God ok two more things and then we get the Word of God upper room sanctuary will be alive as at other times 11 o'clock this morning those of you missed this 7 o clock join me 11 o'clock a.m. I got a fresh word a powerful word on my heart to speak to upper room sanctuary and all you viewers join us also amen god is good and please remember finally that we look forward to your sponsorship for yearly family in the nation and area that you can sponsor we'll be happy to receive your sponsorship for a bus are some buses for some cheers for the arena for the equipment for printing materials for just about any area tell you more we look forward for your sponsorship and for the items that will be item that will be distributed well will be contribute somewhat to that it's gonna be personal to you so I have me some envelopes that we print for ill the family please get one before you leave today if you have not yet done so get one and make your special contribution and all of you Facebook YouTube PF and family org whatever platform you're on I want each of you to make a contribution towards Ely family know you can't just be sitting there enjoying all of the blessing and not sowing some seed that's not fair lady called me from Connecticut three times Bishop I want to contribute please tell me how to get my funds to you three times and I had not responded to contact her again and she insisted I wanted so please all of you let the Lord speak to your heart we are being a blessing to you you can be a blessing to God's world that you reciprocate the blessings as we give we receive and as we receive we gave let us stand please everybody lift up your hands in his presence and worship the king this morning open up your mulch and giving praise giving praise from the depth of your heart [Music] the Holy Spirit is in this house and easier to bless you he's here to heal you easier to deliver you easier to set you free [Music] hallelujah so if I say this way I mean if this way Christ can bring a free fetter Christ can pray breathe better Jesus Christ three fetter and Wilson you raise your neighbors on and tell them Christ can't breathe yes lift it up lift it up it doesn't matter what you're feta is this morning cries get free feta Christ glory to God we feta and Wilson yeah free up your Hansen give him the high praise Adele's oh I feel the might the touch of God's Holy Spirit I feel the mighty touch of God's Holy Spirit Laurie good users the president of the men's fellowship men with a mission Minister Hanja Brown is no strange voice to this congregation God has used them repeatedly to bless our hearts and all the congregations here in the areevo he comes to bring us God's Word the modifier to remember Minister Mirage he's going to sing to Mary to preach this morning Halloween Saint Mary what it is mr. minister under Browns turn as president of this man's fellowship on men's Sunday to minister give him a hand as he promises [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah praise God just shake your neighbours hand and said glad to be in the house this morning you may have your seat praise God it's always a blessing to be in the presence of the Lord Narada said I loved the thrill that I feel when I get together with God's wonderful people and certainly it's so nice to see happy faces not sad faces praising God in heavenly places I love the thrill that I feel when I get together with God's wonderful people isn't God amazing isn't God incredible oh praise God let me greet the presence of a lord that is so evident in our myths praise God and all many know that he's always here before we reach here praise be to God hallelujah let me greet my spiritual father praise be to God one that I love and respect overseer the Honorable dr. Dell for Davis I greet him well this morning put your hands together for him and of course my spiritual mother adviser dr. Petrova Davis a wonderful woman of God a worshiper you just can't slow her down praise be to God she is indeed a worshiper praise be to God and to all my ministerial colleagues on the upper on the lower platform and the elders accept greetings praise be to God but most of all one of the most outstanding this Rose is no ordinary rules it's the I bread of the market she's most beautiful most gorgeous and of course she's one in a million I speak of no other than my wife missionary Brown I greet her well I know she's on my left and I know she's smiling just now I certainly appreciate her and I said to God be the glory for the one who had brought her into my life father I stand before your people this morning I am nothing without you you know Lord God that my dependency is upon you and so Lord God as I stand before your people this morning and Lord God those across the globe I pray right now Lord for your anointing I prayed by Lord God for your visitation I pray your action this morning and I prayed my Lord God Almighty that I will use me to deliver your word Lord God in such a way it will bring transformation it will bring healing it will bring deliverance and restoration a great God Almighty I pray that I will bring down every strong break dong every barriers right now demolish every walls of the devil divine god I pray that they will cancel every plot the never plan of the wicked one this morning divine god I pray that thou will move in this congregation arise in the midst of your people show yourself mighty show yourself powerful divine God Almighty every deploy of the devil we pray right now to take a stand against them in the name of Jesus and so father I thank you right now what you already begun and that Lord God that which you're gonna complices God somebody need a word from you somebody need an emergency attention oh god you know their place God you know their troubles you don't got their heart take this morning but God Almighty you can turn it around God you can turn it around here cold Oh all about hey Jesus I give you things I give you praise in Jesus name Amen hallelujah hallelujah there is such of God's presence here this morning hallelujah the scripture was already read this morning by ministers Tamar Stewart from the book of Philippians chapter 3 I read a few verses there from verse 9 then I will skipped over to verse 30 and be found in him not having mine hold righteousness which is of the law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousness which is of God by faith that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death I go home for the first 13 brethren I called not myself to up upper ended but this one thing somebody said this one thing this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus oh praise be to God let us therefore as many as be perfect be thus minded and if in anything it be otherwise minded God shall reveal even this unto you but nevertheless we're two we have already attained let us walk by the same rule let us mind the same thing my brothers and sisters I want to choose for a theme this morning let's get personal with Jesus let's get personal with Jesus praise be to God and I want you to look at the neighbor on your right and on your left and tell them it's not for you it's for me it's not for you it is for me praise be to God hallelujah to be personal speak of one's own or a particular person's own it speaks of one's private life praise God it concerns one private life or relationship or emotion praise be to God it all come down to me the individual oh praise be to God brothers and sisters there are some things that are personal in our life and these things we ensure that we do everything to protect them we do everything to secure them because they are dear to us is that amen for some persons their driver's license very personal you never dare drive out and recognize that you have no license and continue on the road you know it is personal you're going back for your license praise be to God your birth certificate your passport these are personal items you don't play with them praise be to God you ensure that they are in assay place oh praise be to God Oh hallelujah and one of the ladies of the market is your phone because some person cannot function well without your phone especially it is the high fall praise be to God if it's going on to charge you're gonna make sure that you recharge it because if it ever go out of charge some people panic because you cannot function properly without it so you ensure that your phone is in full operation because it is personal oh praise be to God but to say all these brothers and sisters none of these can paint the place of our relationship with God oh praise be to God Oh hallelujah our salvation is personal oh praise God because the Word of God said every man will have to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling before Almighty God Oh blessed be the name of the Lord so is it in the natural so even more it must be in the spiritual and brothers and sister we are in a world that have so much to offer all kind of presentation all kind of things to distract us to try to take us away from our relationship with Almighty God but I challenge us to be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of Almighty God Oh blessed be the name of the Lord this should be the desire of every one of us this should be the card of every one of us that we stand in defense of a relationship with Almighty God Oh blessed be the name of the Lord when you read the book of Philippians chapter 3 brothers and sisters you can feel the heart of the brother Paul Paul was so sincere to the Philippians Bridgman oh praise be to God part of everything boss Paul of everything too broad Paul of everything to show off because he was well qualified he was an intelligent man he was highly educated oh praise be to God the testimony of the Apostle Paul was powerful Paul said you talk about laws I know the book he proper Hebrews you talk about he'll talk to me I prosecute Christians you can't tell me about that that was my passion and zeal persecute Christian oh praise be to God but the Apostle Paul said oh that was gain to me I called them but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ oh praise be to God let me take a little time here oh praise God when you looked at chapter 4 verse 12 hear what Paul said I know all to get along with humble means that is your possible he said I know live in prosperity in any and every circumstances I have learned the secret have been feel ongoing angry that's the Apostle Paul both up up in abundance and suffering needs that's the call of the Apostle Paul he cries a testimony for the love of God he knows what it is to achieve he know what it is to happen to halt praise be to God but the Apostle Paul passion and desire is what for Christians to live in spite of and when you look back on the first one he said to the bridge is a bridge and rejoice in the Lord don't take it as Grievous to me let me take my time don't think I am tired of writing the same thing to you I want you to graph this I want you to get this because you must be we Russell dogs oh praise God some of us know how some dogs behave oh praise be to God your feet and your take care of them you do everything to them that you would surprised to know that the same dog turn on and bite you that's what the Apostle Paul was saying here full of dogs be careful of those you share your dream with be careful of those you share your vision with because when you think that they are with you they are dream killers or you don't hear me somebody when you think you're going to back you up you realize that they are the one that is fighting against you all the hearts but Paul said beware of dogs with a Doberman the Rottweiler oh praise God pedigree who named them beware of them because they will turn on and bite you oh praise be to God hallelujah I remember my supervisor praise be to God he heard that the dog that he raised bit his wife he took her to the hospital doctor put from a little puppy she been taking care of the dog and my god that dog his wives Oh terrible and the story goes on when he went back home he looked on the dog and he said to the dog why did you bite her wanna communicate with your dog why did you bite her and he hold the dog in talking to the dog and to his surprise the dog bite him so you'll find out that the wife in hospital and the husband have to go to the hospital because of Hiva dogs he but beware of Hiba dogs and because that dog was so evil he had to put him down glory be to God brothers and sister we are living in a time and in an age that we must stand in the corner of Almighty God and it doesn't matter what you are going through it doesn't matter what you're experiencing this morning it doesn't matter the circumstances that live May brings to you stand up for Jesus because at the end of the day every man have to work behold salvation out oh praise God you think is everybody that smiles with you this morning is genuine you think every smile and every praise and every laughter is genuine this morning little did you know that they have second agenda they want to see you go down they want to see you go on doctor but in the name of Jesus I challenge you People of God I'd say to you be steadfast be unmovable because guess what you may be going choose some stuff now but guess what God is gonna turn things in your favor [Music] it's time to be personal be personal oh praise God when the Apostle Paul the clear I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ I knew exactly what he was talking about oh praise be to God he said it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth brothers and sisters you are faced in a world that has no desire that has no interest in your spiritual growth and your development you are faced in a world that wants to Crump and paralyze your privilege we don't mighty God o praise be to God but I want to call upon Christian everywhere that it is in your time we are gonna stand resolute if there's a time we're gonna stand strong if there's a time we gonna strong bold it is now because guess what we know that we are on the brink of Jesus returns the devil knows that and he will try all kind of things he will send up all kind of agenda because he want to ship your focus he want to stop your progress but I want to say to you today like the Apostle Paul ER I'm not a shame did he clear the gospel of Jesus Christ I'm gonna stand up for Jesus maybe where I go I'm gonna clear it where the people want to like it or they don't want to like it I'm gonna stand up for righteousness I'm gonna stand up for holiness I'm gonna stand up for uprightness because people need to know that guess what the end is near Christian must know that Jesus Christ is about to make his entrance on Planet call hurt and if your life is not line up with the word of Almighty God we must stop Rhonda material stuff those are not priority seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything will line up in your life hey if I will line up her lesson will line up prosperity we line up healing will light up your deliverance will line up because Jesus is leading the Hobby huh and when you're in the company of Jesus Christ you don't have to worry a silver sister no worry brother no worry your weeping may endure for a night I said the night may be longer it may be cheery sometimes you wonder will there a breakup day is coming but jesus said hold on my brother hold on my sister is only a matter of time now you gonna rise up more stronger than ever before you're gonna rise up more powerful than ever before because greater Z that is in you than everything that is coming up against you what the devil throw at you it will not catch you because God went block it block it block it by blocking the way he's gonna shift the dark God will send it back to send up that I challenge somebody you may feel dog you may feel how you wonder if there is a better day is coming that I said oh yes brother your better days are ahead of you just stand fast in the Liberty where Christ has made you free be not entangled with yoke of bondage what you remain faithful what you mean true what you possess the whole ethos and that's what God making laughs God will make you shout God make a dancer because what the devil meant for evil God working working in your favor huh he's gonna work it in your good I don't want to see your daughter they're gonna see on the hop Lord of Mercy because you're pressing order the upward way new heights your Canaan every day still pray hit still fasted still pray still fasted things must break things must go things must break things must go ha it's not about get some of me huh I'm breaking some stuff I'm getting them out come away I'm cooking the way with prior it is personal [Music] said that I might know him and the power of his resurrection we are talking about a relationship or praise be to God I say to the church is time to get dressed put on your wedding garment guess what put on your jacket and suit because the King Lord of Mercy will send it for you nobody can stop it nobody can't hinder it get personal for me to live is Christ and to die is gain [Music] Bulova journey savior let me walk with you let me talk with you I want to live in your presence I put in your presence that's where I wanna be wanna be at your table I wanna feel your Jesus when last summer you feel a presence of God how is your prayer life Oh is your altar column washable is your all on the altar sacrifice sleep is your har the spirit control what controlled you how much time you give to a mighty God where are you now from where you're coming from for time for you to judge your actions judge your lifestyle church your time with God the brothers and sister we are living in serious time this is the time for personal inspection [Music] it's not about your title it's not about your position it's not about what you drive or where you live God is calling the chart for reasoning um let's reason together I can't find you in your place I visit the place we ought to meet me but you're not there where is the hull to sacrifice we're with the aunt of consecration the Holy Ghost came in his message he said my people are gazing in the wrong direction [Music] she could even warn my people warn my people my people before us [Music] hallelujah praise God I love job experience even though job lost everything but sure did not leave or lose its praise or his worship or is ulta Aris prayer life we never lose that job kept this praise job kept this worship I jumped at all my appointed time I'm gonna wait until my change come Lord of mercy I know that with the betta will be greater come on somebody will do only to hurt me what can I tell you a man's life is not defined by the abundance of things that he possesses no Jesus must be in action in your life not all top action it must be in action in your life don't use God for convenience no use in for convenience or using for convenience because you are promotion your mboga heart because you want a new vehicle you remember God what about those are the times but can I tell you the God of the valley it's a god of the mountain can I tell you the god of the good times is still God in the bad times oh praise God God in the midnight huh he's still God in the break of day I want you to know my sister you may face in the worst circumstances of your life you may feel broken and sad like you're out of it you can't continue Lord of Mercia give up on your prior you give up on your fasting you give up on your consecration and the devil is telling you it's over they'll never tell you no more but I come to challenge you it's time to rise up and clear your shoulder and look the devil face to face eyeball to eyeball let the devil know that it's not all whatever it is not the end the war has just begun and I know who is my jacket I know who is in my corner I know they're all time on this poopit the undefeated champion never lost a battle never lost a fight never lost a war nakawara warrior warrior warrior Jesus Christ will step in your corner yes Lord [Music] [Music] Toliver yes let the demon let the devil know that you're stronger now you are wiser now you're more powerful [Music] come on somebody don't lose hope hold on to hope don't lose Peter don't lose Jaya because the joy of the Lord is your strength you need to let some but my need people Nora you need to let some hypocrites Nora them laugh with you my temperature but every now and then behind your back they are questioned oh you're still standing you're still going on then set our kind of Tareq in your we're a long time [Music] hallelujah [Music] no retreat no surrender the high water must see the king so we'll tell you if I perish I perish but I must see the king Ruud will tell you don't try to discourage me don't try to tell me otherwise where you go I'm coming your God shall be my god your place shall be my place believers in God now is the time now it's the moment that we need to stand up let the devil know that we are hard let the devil know that we are dangerous let the devil know that there is a greater power that is in me hallelujah [Applause] support challenge to Philippians Bertrand and said I'm not tired to write the sium thing isn't that what the scripture said the same thing I'm not tired I'm not discouraged because some Hiba dogs Hiba dogs beware of them he workers my god Oh some people care up upon tie up a Eva you met the devil whip you let me tell you something there is a cord whatever because I you lasted a kill or you don't hear me somebody hallelujah we must arise God sent to Joshua why are you weeping why you're discouraging Moses has done is part got up Joshua rise up just one in the world before me as Moses walk here beware your food trod you shall have it I want to live in that authority anywhere I go I am a representative of the lordship of Jesus crowd sir Joshua anywhere you go you shall our success your part shall be prosperous support challenge to Philippians between he said all that was gained to me I can't but lost one scripture say rubbish because I want to win Christ and I want to experience the knowledge the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ what do you want today check your spiritual level there's a thing in the automobile world they call health check when you put on that diagnostic machine and it's a go hell check it tells you what's going on we're problem is where you must address I'll check believe us we need a hell check we're not good we dress good we so good but God knows that we need our help check silent on me no it's not a where we preach it's not how much we see but there's a writer said Lord see in me if there is anything wrong doesn't belong get people to me some of us a money's keep up with easily be diverse one another what kind of horny boys you have [Music] Jesus you're keeping his word and I'm delivering the way you want me to deliver it because your coming is near some of us speak to me Peter quick to have malice against the person that you used to talk Wheaton shear your puppet I shear your tea know it and cheer your fridge with no malice you [Music] don't set your house in order Oh hallelujah we must add the mind of Christ si mi pasa pasa let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus oh praise be to God we must cherish the relationship that God has established us oh praise God Parsa finally my bridging present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is our reasonable service I'm closing that we might know that good and acceptable and perfect will of God Oh your steel check yourself you don't see all the world going all kind of activities keeping your busy you are not time to prayer keeping your occupied you don't have the time to fuss easily devil you can find time but if you find yourself slipping in the things you do time out for Jesus brothers and sisters I call you in awareness what is your altitude where your spiritual life is concerned cannot be business as usual it's not how much your taint church that is gonna qualify you for heavy bishops allostery clean hands and pure heart who don't lift up their souls unto vanity you write your own file you write your own record but it is God who will give the final chapter Tyler Jesus how many times we go against God's will Oh many times tell me we do the things that you're not supposed to do but the love and God still called us my own name Jesus Oh glory let's get personal it's not about your neighbor it's about me search me Oh God no my heart I pray try me to see no my door type poke oh Jesus the church need to arise is the Church of Sardis the decennial name that doe liveth but you're dead but the little you are strengthening Street work Old Glory many of you forget your first love the seal and the passion that you have for you Jesus [Music] but if you find yourself slipping if you find yourself drifting take a grip [Music] Oh glory only those you're speaking hold fast to let go no matter what the pain from the world is a holdfast holds us help us help us help us don't let go Russia could roam about subtle beyond about shaking glory said I was personal in my statement I know everything I have everything but my attainment my achievement my accomplishment nothing compared to the love of Jesus all love of God Oh God Zorich of pure where are you today in your spiritual walk where are you that does not be it like we're holding on anybody else or a righteous day nobody else we are weighed in the balance and found one death Jesus oh my god Oh God Holy Ghost Holy Ghost take us back to the hole vehicles I want to go back where I first made my commitment and begin fresh dough help me find my direction place a burden in my heart for Lord take me back take me back Jesus hey me back I need my prior heart ah I need my my heart of consecration I need my time I worship but praise and thanksgiving coca oh god no Jesus oh Jesus where are you today Jesus want to fix it Jesus want to turn it around oh Jesus [Music] Oh God Oh God that sister Hussein it's over no more I can do because you're broken you are broken you're so frustrated you're so confused because you are praying and it seemed like things are getting worse and the devil is whispering in your ears Jesus wants to mend your broken arm Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus oh my god the holy balls is moving - holy goes his ministry you know your private plaza you know your private lights [Music] Oh God Oh God let us not play a cute [Music] oh Jesus fix it [Music] oh Jesus send the pilot art porticoes fire three kingdom the fire the fire worship Oh God oh Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus make some more space on the altar Jesus Oh reach out you know the relationship you have with your makeup you know the time you spend with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh come Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus yes reach out to him reach out to him you know the place reach out [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rich occasion Jesus Jesus to the play [Music] yes show ticket yes we charge it REE Cho chikun make a connection make a connection make a connection [Music] [Music] yes yes oh Jesus Jesus where Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus she [Music] [Applause] the hands of Kostas auditorium we talk to touch and reach out for him Jesus [Applause] Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus my God my God my God [Music] [Applause] Jesus Jesus yes yes my little wave shuttle about yes the Minister Minister to North Minister Minister cheese [Music] [Applause] [Music] raise your hand [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take me back one more time [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] everybody pray everybody prays prayer time and else be personal with your God personal this is personal Jesus Jesus [Music] we bow in your presence and we ask you to look down minister to the needs of your people or God a spiritual desire the craving for God we seek for the water broke in the name of Jesus we seek for the fountain and never shall run dry a glory to God sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet mighty holy spirit descend upon this gathering descend upon people everywhere do your work in us do your work do your work do your work do your work my father in the name of Jesus break down every Idol cast out every fall remove the idols cast out the fool remove the idols cast on the floor in the name of Jesus because into your image in your likeness Oh God let nothing on Olli remain apply your blood and extractivist a to be more like Jesus to be more like Jesus to be more like Jesus Oh God Jesus sweet Jesus Oh glory [Music] hallelujah in a name of Jesus touch up people everywhere torture people everyone mighty God my god Holy Spirit Holy Spirit sweet [Music] sweet I know 80 whoa to me [Music] my [Music] stream sweet Sooey and oh sweet lift up your hands in its presence to [Music] Oh sweet anointing sweet Sooey and all Lorena VI sweet lift your hands sweet and all I mean ooh yeah all right now to make me tea combining tree nice swing swing swing [Music] No [Music] Warren they are ah raise your hand under singing to the mod one more time in the said you're sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet I know I could Jesus cheery oh sweet Sooey [Music] they are Oh [Music] worship God worship our Lord soul care spirit soul care spirit circus all sake mi casa socket slop hit sloppy damn the holy vows such a rat such area [Music] socket socket song Sorkin Sorkin walk it saturated [Music] hallelujah [Music] in the early days when believers were more conscious on solo we would sing some songs that will help keep us on the firing line would sing song like this II Jesus is coming again he is coming Horus all you gotta meet him in wine you gotta meet it you gotta meet people [Music] you gotta [Music] put your hands up you got to be deep [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time Tina [Music] [Music] [Music] why Oh outside Jesus Bobby not coming on his own bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name we do hope and trust that you were renewed revived and reenergize by today Sunday morning live broadcast your continued support is greatly appreciated and we look forward to your presence this and every Sunday morning Bishop dr. Dell for Davis and his wife dr. Petrova Davis The ministers and congregation would love for you to be a perfect partner as your generous financial contribution will continue to enable us to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ beyond the shores of Jamaica kindly call or Church office at the numbers appearing on your screen our offices are open Mondays to Fridays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. as someone is standing by to tell you just how you can become a powerful partner you may also send us an email at church at - family dot o-r-g for your convenience you may also make your contribution online at you and make your contribution our mailing addresses are appearing on your screen the power of faith Ministries International is one church with 11 locations please visit our website at fearful family dot o-r-g for detailed information once again on behalf of our founder Presiding Bishop dr. del Fred and his wife minister dr. Petrova Davis and the entire congregation of her faith Ministries International I say thanks for watching Sunday morning life until next week same time same place and same church I am Sharon doofus grant reminding you proverbs 10 verse 22 the blessings of the Lord maketh rich and he added no sorrow have a blessed [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 13,424
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Worship, Praise, Sunday, Morning, Live, God, Bishop, Delford, Davis, Petrova, Power, of, Faith, Ministries, Portmore, St. Catherine, Miracle, Cathedral, echoes, faith, voices, inspiration, dynamics, silent, worshippers, united, triumph, golden, women, worth, town, center, lot 13, michael, maragh, smith, andrew, brown, icilda, noteman
Id: WlmQ1rRtaGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 47sec (10247 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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