Power of Faith Ministries International Bronx Assembly October 31, 2021

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[Music] [Music] and to your day i will bring your set preferred [Music] [Music] nor any other treasure or any other [Music] [Music] a spirit without measures and to your name sing i don't eat no foreign [Applause] [Music] spirits [Music] i will bring i [Music] let's do that one more time i don't need i don't need i don't need no [Music] you are my heart's desire you are my heart [Music] i will break my i feel like do this one more time i don't need no foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you are my heart [Music] and to your name [Music] i will break free [Applause] [Music] i will break my sad [Applause] [Music] i will bring [Music] [Applause] [Music] to your day [Applause] [Music] your day i will hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] we bow down and worship you your way your way come and do what only you can do [Music] mighty man of war [Laughter] [Music] come and do what only you can do [Music] we bow down [Music] [Applause] do what only you can do [Music] you are my glory as a lifter up off my head keep my tremble at the mention of your name come and do what only you can do [Music] we bow down [Music] come and do what only you can do [Music] and yet you are the lamb of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] my head [Music] demons tremble at the mention of your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can do [Music] we bow down and worship you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what only you can [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what only you can do [Music] come and do what only you can do [Music] come and do what only you can do [Music] come and do what only hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of jesus glory to god hallelujah hallelujah [Music] praise the name of jesus glory glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah we might be few this morning but glory to god i come this morning to worship hallelujah hallelujah praise god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah years i wander like a beggar through the heat and through the core but my burdens were so heavy and my sorrows with jesus i am clinging let me hide myself in this for this old world landed sorrow it's an unfriendly world [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] my [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me hide myself [Music] [Music] like a paper [Music] my sorrows [Music] is is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes i [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] but my birthday [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] here's i wonder [Music] let me hide myself [Music] let me hide myself is [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise the name of jesus hey jesus jesus praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus [Music] christ [Music] [Music] hallelujah glory to god glory to god praise the name of jesus [Music] praise the name of jesus to our moderator praise god evangelist andrew martin in jesus name somebody go ahead and give god a praise come on lift up your hands and give god a praise in the house come on everybody lift up your hands and just give god a praise in the house come on if god has been good just go ahead and worship him this afternoon come on somebody go ahead and worship him this afternoon hallelujah come on somebody i feel like praising praising him come on somebody just go ahead and praise him this afternoon come on somebody just go ahead and worship him somebody just go ahead and exalt him this afternoon hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus we praise you we worship you hallelujah hallelujah come on somebody just worship him come on move your body stamp your feet shake your body come on do something this morning come on somebody lose your spirits come on lose yourself and give you praise [Music] hallelujah jesus [Music] hallelujah can we do it one more time [Music] come on worship [Music] [Music] let me hide myself [Music] one more time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and my sorrows [Music] with jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on somebody hold our praise i wish i had about three worshipers in the house that would loose themselves and begin to praise him when i think of the goodness of jesus and all that he has done for me my soul crosses out i wish i had hallelujah in the house come on somebody shout hallelujah i don't know about you but i feel like praising praising him anybody came here with a praise in their spirit [Music] anybody came here with a praise in their spirit hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah thank you lord thank you jesus you may be seated in the presence of the lord let me extend greetings to the spirit of the lord that is in our midst this afternoon extend greetings to our presiding bishop bishop apostle dr delford davis his wife reverend dr petrova davis extend greetings to senior assistant pastor of the headquarters church minister isilda newton we give honor to our divisional overseer of bishop michael hutchinson and his family put your hands together for our leaders this afternoon [Music] and on this side of the vineyard we want to welcome and acknowledge our the angel of this house our senior pastor pastor joy miller come up give it up for the woman of god this afternoon giving honor to minister messer and his wife giving honor to reverend dr lewis in his absence i greet my wife sister shantae martin brown put your hands together for her i greet all the officers and members of visiting friends do we have any visitors in our roommates this afternoon if you're visiting with us for the first time the second time the third time i'm gonna ask you please to stand praise the lord remain standing put your hands together for them this afternoon i'm just gonna ask you just to tell us your name and who invited you this afternoon praise god welcome we are happy to have you in our midst sir praise the lord praise the lord come on put your hands together for our visitors this afternoon we want to welcome you to your father's house and i want to let you know that you're at the right place at the right time to meet with the right person is that amen is that amen praise the lord as you know today is fifth sunday and it is recognized as our warfare sunday and so we're here to pray anybody have a reason to pray so we're here to pray this afternoon um our pastor under the leading of the holy spirit got a theme for this morning and the theme if you can see it the battle is not yours but it's the lord's hallelujah and i want to encourage us this afternoon that whatever situation you're going through put it in the hand of jesus because only he alone will be able to fight them for you is that amen it's not my mind nor is it by power but it's by the spirit of almighty god somebody shouted praise come on somebody shout our praise praise the lord hallelujah i'm going to ask you to grab your bibles with me we have a couple powerpoints prior points that we're going to be putting before the lord this afternoon um so i'm gonna ask you to just grab your bibles quickly and turn with me to the book of second chronicles chapter 20 and we'll be reading the first 15 verses i'm gonna ask everyone please to stand in respect of god's word ii chronicles chapter 20 reading from verse 1 to 15. and it reads us it came to pass after this also that the children of moab and the children of ammon and with them other beside the ammonites came against jehoshaphat to battle then there came some that told jehoshaphat saying they commit a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea on this side syria and behold they be in tamar which is at gediyai and jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the lord and proclaim a fast throughout all judah and judah gathered themselves together to ask help of the lord even out of the cities of judah they came to seek the lord hallelujah and jehoshaphat stood in the congregation of judah and jerusalem in the house of the lord before the new court and said oh lord my god of our fathers are not thou god in heaven and rule us not thou over all the kingdoms of the heathen and in thine hands is there not power and might so that none is able to withstand thee art not thou our god who did us drive out the inhabitants of of this land and before thy people israel and gave us it to the seed of abraham that i fought thy friend forever and they dwelt therein and have built thee a sanctuary therian for thy name saying if when evil cometh upon us as the sword judgment or pestilence or famine we stand before this house and unto thee in our affliction then thou will hear and help and now behold the children of haman and moab and mount seir whom thou would hast not let israel invade when they came out of the land of egypt but they turned from them and destroyed them not behold i say how they reward us to come to cast us out of thy possession which thou has given us to inherit oh our god will thou not judge them for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us neither know we what to do but our eyes are upon thee hallelujah and all judah stood before the lord with their little ones their wives and their children then upon jehazal the son of zechariah the son of the nia the son of jahil the son of matanya a levite of the son of asa came the spirit of the lord in the midst of the congregation verse 15 and he said ark and e all judah and the inhabitants of jerusalem and thou king jehoshaphat thus said the lord unto you be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battle is not yours but the lord's can we just do verse 15 again together and he said i can e all of judah and e inhabitants of jerusalem and thou king jehoshaphat thus set the lord god unto you be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battle is not yours but gods praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord just look at your neighbors and neighbor the battle is not yours but it's the lord's just look at your name as a neighbor whatever battle you're fighting rule your peace and watch god fight for you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god we honor the word of god by saying glory be to the father to the son and to the holy ghost as it was in the beginning it's now and ever shall be word without end amen just put your bibles down and just clap your hands and give jesus a praise in the house come on somebody just shout a praise in the house come on somebody showed up praising the house come on somebody shouted praise in the house come on somebody show the praise in the house [Music] hallelujah we're getting ready to pray at this time i'm going to ask you to join with me in singing for my redemption redemption 871 where he may lead me i will go for i have learned to trust him so and i remember trustfully that he was slain on calvary our first prior point after we're through singing will be a prayer for the body of christ and for spiritual revival and i'm gonna ask mother matt to get herself ready mother mcintosh should get herself ready and she'll be raising this prior point to the lord on our behalf this afternoon amen hallelujah thank you jesus where he may lead me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i remember [Music] [Applause] [Music] that he was [Applause] [Music] jesus shall lead [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus shall lead me [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] foreign fear [Music] with [Applause] [Music] trusting someday [Music] i shall see [Music] jesus [Music] shall leave [Music] night and day hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] god hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus shall lead me jesus [Applause] [Music] jesus shall lead me it's prior time in the house [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] praying for the body of christ and spiritual revival in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah the name of hallelujah praise the lord [Music] that i am [Music] i am [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] i surrendered [Music] god i thank you i thank you this morning i thank you father i thank you my birth and thank you i thank you for everything [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] but there [Music] [Music] what i'm gonna when it comes to [Music] god my [Music] [Music] oh this is [Music] oh oh is oh oh [Music] [Music] 20 years [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] hey oh my god [Music] oh oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] am [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stand with me church that i am from be still and know that i am gone be still [Music] i am the lord just lift your hands everybody [Music] i am [Music] somebody wanna declare peace [Music] come on lift up your hands please [Music] i am [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] on somebody foreign yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] [Music] let me [Music] somebody go ahead and praise him come on somebody go ahead and praise him we're gonna invite the exhorter terry to our young people our youths this afternoon exaggerating the youths hallelujah come on just stay in a mood of worship church hallelujah come on somebody stay in an attitude of worship hallelujah exaltery hallelujah hallelujah [Music] i am [Music] let me be [Music] [Music] that i am [Music] god hallelujah glory to god father in the name of jesus of christ we come before you god father we exalt your name this one father we thank you that you alone can be god lord god there's none beside thee and lord god we come knowing that you o god can never change and will never change father in the name of your son jesus christ we come before you lord god we come this morning knowing god almighty that you remind us in your word that we should knock and it shall be over if we seek god you with our all our hearts then we'll find you and so god this morning we come oh god on behalf of the young people this morning father they are your children god that you have caught that you have saved o god and set apart father remind us that youth is the time to serve you lord god this morning we come because we know god that all our answers are in you this morning father you know our beginning god you know our ending father you know us oh god before we oh god the foundation of the world god you knew us oh god when we were in our mother's womb and father o god this morning as we come before you knowing god almighty that you remind us o god in your word that we are to serve you father this morning as we come god almighty lifting up o god our children to you lifting up the youth to you god this morning father without you god we cannot make it but we will not make it without you and so god we thank you that you love us and that we have a high priest that we can call unto this morning father we come against oh god so many challenges oh god we come against so many oppressions so more many oh god are disparaged this morning but god we know who holds tomorrow god and we know who holds our hand father our young people god almighty some o god almighty has gone oh god almighty o god to their own way but this morning god we place them god in your hand oh god and ask of you this morning to bring them back oh god to their first law father you remind us god almighty that if anyone lord god almighty should call on your name then you will hear us and so god we place them o god almighty as they come up against every heart this one father they do not know what to do and so god i pray that you may grant unto them wisdom knowledge and understanding lord god i pray that you may touch their heart touch their lives oh god touch their minds o god almighty because the enemy o god as a roaring lion god almighty seeking whom he may devote lord god almighty as you remind us that we should seek you o god while you can be found and so god is mourning the children or young people o god almighty is looking oh god to so many other things this morning but god i pray this morning that you may shine your light from heaven shiny god deep down in their hearts to know that there is no other way but to you jesus father many o god are on truth many o god almighty has fallen into giants many god almighty has gone about oh god not having oh god almighty your spirit oh god in them to guide them and so almighty god this morning i pray that you may remember them this morning i pray god almighty that you may build a fence around them so many things oh god they come up against oh god that they will give into god but this morning god in the name of jesus christ we claim them back from the hands of the enemy lord god we claim them oh god almighty from the traps and the sneers of this world and of this life lord god i pray that you may take up residence god holy spirit of god you remind us that none can draw them except your holy spirit and holy spirit of god i pray this morning that you may go forth in every nook and every cranny oh god in their homes god in the school lord god the schools god almighty i pray god that you may take up residence lord god i pray that you may teach them your way but most of all god i pray the teachings start from whom lord god i pray that you may go in every homes this morning i pray god that you may save oh god the parents to the utmost god i pray that you may do a new thing in their lives god that they may know you god that they may be able god to train up a child in the way that they should go lord god many o god has left them oh god to the elements of the world of the schooling system oh god almighty to school them but god almighty i pray that you may train us experience how to treat our children god oh god i pray that the parents god knowing that we have a responsibility o god almighty to grow our children in the fear and the admonition of the lord and so god this morning i pray that you may help us lord god to understand that the world god cannot save them oh god the world is about to destroy them but god i pray that you may help us to grurt our armor on to fight for our children to be the advocate oh god for them i pray god that as they lay up and in bed at night that we may minister unto them that we may pray for them that we may anoint them that we may talk to them on the way out oh god talk to them as they go by the way oh god i pray oh god that you may teach oscar help us almighty god we are depending on you god almighty let not the enemy destroy them god almighty let the good oh god instruction come from whom knowing that the schools god cannot teach them furthermore god they have taken you out of the schools what can our children do god what will they do god but i pray god almighty that as the church and as the family and hope we may stand stand flat-footed for you god stand o god almighty let us be an example for our children those that god abort god some has turned their backs god almighty some circle god almighty to peer pressure and so god this morning i pray god that you may draw them clothes back to you jesus oh god a seed o god in our hearts so we can plant it in tears oh god almighty remember the church this morning as leaders god and as servants of the most high that we too have a responsibility oh god to train up the children in the way that they should go and further more god help us to live a life that they can come to know you as lord and savior i pray god almighty that we may be an example to them oh god almighty without you god we know not what to do but god help us god almighty to seek you in order our god to train them to plant the seed i pray god that you may take o god full control of us this morning draw them back to you know god we pray hallelujah hallelujah come on somebody just shout hallelujah i'm pressing on [Music] the upward way new wide some gear mean every day [Music] lord bless [Music] my heart has no [Music] [Applause] [Music] unfair dismay come on church though some may dwell on [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord lift me up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] everybody lift your hands up lord leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] me is come up church come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] save your [Music] of the holy spirit [Music] close to thee [Music] [Music] [Applause] save your life [Music] not far east [Music] shall be [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait [Music] me [Music] what if we just close our eyes again in the same atmosphere brethren we cannot make it without god we cannot make it without the presence and the power of god in our lives glory to god hallelujah and i'm asked to pray for the outpouring of the spirit of god upon the believers hallelujah glory to god hallelujah oh but let me pause this morning brethren glory to god hallelujah just let you understand a bit hallelujah because the outpouring of the holy spirit glory to god ain't no joke glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and we will have to have our vessels turned up to him we have to open up our hearts and our spirit of god hallelujah glory to god the bible said on the day of pentecost they were in one accord they were all gathered in one place glory to god hallelujah and suddenly there was a sound as it were a rushing mighty wind glory to god and it filled the temple hallelujah glory to god and guess what that was the outpouring of the holy spirit at that time as well hallelujah it filled the place glory to god and each person began to speak as the spirit of god give them utterance those who were standing by who knew them that they could not talk in such a language glory to god they couldn't understand they think they were drunk glory to god let me tell you if never time as believers we need the outpouring and the baptism of the holy spirit glory to god is now hallelujah god promised that he will pour out water and those who are thirsty where are you this morning [Music] to be [Music] me is [Music] [Music] on me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] in god [Music] [Applause] one more time [Music] [Applause] me [Music] god [Music] on me break me break [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] um me our heavenly father we bow one more time in your holy presence because in your presence lord there is fullness of joy we bow before you this morning because you are the king of all kings and the lord of all lords heavenly father and our god we come this morning oh god on this special day god that you have selected for us to come and to call unto you father there are so many different needs and situation in this house but we know that you are the master of every situation glory to god heavenly father and our god we give you glory we give you honor and we give you praise we adore you this morning lord father we come before you as your children lord god hallelujah and father god in heaven this morning lord my assignment is to pray lord that you may pour out your spirit upon the believer and so lord in the mighty name of jesus i come before you god on behalf of your precious children on behalf of us oh lord because we all need a fresh outpouring and a fresh touch from you mighty god hallelujah hallelujah oh hallelujah indeed god we are living in a time god almighty that we really need more of you lord and so unless you pour out of yourself within us and upon us god then we cannot journey on and so today in the name of jesus christ of nazareth lord we believe god that there are persons here and they are believers here god who are anticipating our outpouring in the mighty name of jesus and so we position ourselves today god in aha yes lord oh yes lord in the name of jesus god we forget about ourselves lord god almighty father god we forget lord god about our own selfish ways and desire and we look to you this morning oh god almighty and so god we pray today lord god that as you have done it lord god in olden days and lord you have done it times and times again i pray in the mighty name of jesus that you will pour out of your spirit upon us god in the mighty name of jesus father we know it's not by might it's not by power lord it's by your holy spirit lord god and today lord as we ask lord we believe in the name of jesus that it shall be so hallelujah oh yes lord oh glory to god as we look to you today lord god we just pray in the name of jesus christ of nazareth lord god that there will be outpouring in the name of jesus oh yes lord lord we want to carry on your work lord we want to make a difference oh god the time and the season that we are living in oh god it take much of you oh philosophy overflowing oh god in heaven i cry out unto you oh god go beyond everybody this morning and dig deep down in our hearts oh god oh in the mighty nehem in the mighty name and orianda oh my god you have so much in store for us god may we just reach out and just receive it in the mighty name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh strengthen us on the inner man in the name of jesus glory to god hallelujah hallelujah father we know that there is a battle that is raging there is a battle that is going on god in the name of jesus and god it is raging against your children oh god because even satan know those who are yours oh god so as we take the car to the gas station oh god to refuel so we come in your divine presence and we ask you to refuel us god give us all god almighty a double portion in the mighty name of jesus holy ghost in oh shut up we are living in a secretion of a high in a country god almighty where sometimes we have to think twice lord before we mention your name to someone but may you anoint us god as you anoint o god almighty o god your servants of all in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that god even as we sit among them even as all god we walk among them even as we dine among them god that your very presence holy ocean will make a difference oh god let it be so in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth oh stories of lord stir up the believer hey let there be a holy ghost story now in that osandora and i pray god that you will help us to stir up god the gifts that you have placed within us in the mighty name of jesus because so many gifts god are lying dormant oh mighty god but today i pray in the name of jesus that there will be a story oh god i pray there will be a shaking [Music] you are the purifying fire come with fire god fire and purify god lord let nothing stand in your way in the mighty name of jesus hallelujah god because we desire to be changed in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus come on lift up your hands to him lift up your hands to him bridge during the church is too silent come on church come on church lift up lift up your voice and you ask god hallelujah oh hallelujah to pour out on you in the name of jesus my god my god minister we have to have a desire we have to have a desire the bible said these signs follow those that believe glory to god glory to god brethren when i was seeking for the holy ghost let me tell you something you would not understand you would think he's a crazy woman hallelujah whiter than snow lord lord wash me and i shall be whiter than snow that was my song that was my song in my mother's dining room going to a church that did not believe in the baptism of the holy ghost but when i come go to bible study and they begin to teach under the holy spirit and i go home and take my bible i said god if this is real then i want you i said god if this is real i want him glory to god you hear me hallelujah and let me tell you when i read all about you will be a father and to the father that's a god remember me now i say if this is real give me double portion oh glory to god and i start to clean my mother all calvinator fridge singing whiter than snow lord wash me and i shall be whiter than snow and when i take the bleach i soon give you back evangelists but sometimes some of us you don't even know hallelujah how we get it out and where the time we spend glory we don't just come in a church and lay back like that hallelujah it was because i had a desire what my mother got on a market to buy the la catan banana it was many of us so she didn't have to buy the la catan banana come full of the fridge and sometime it stay in the fridge and i technically chose a pasta and i put it on the pizza rag singing whiter than snow i thought i was clean in the fridge but i was cleaning up this wretched life i was making another house for my god hallelujah and when i exhausted all and couldn't i never know what else we'd do and say because i cleaned attack water splash i wash it i dry it i shine it down and when i look i feel well satisfied all i know minister throw my hands up in the air and i said god if you could even wash me and make me even be as white as this fridge heart of sincerity and all i know is boop straight on my back hallelujah holy ghost and fire came down hallelujah and god annoys me from the corner of my head to the soul let me feed my foot back home glory to god and he gave me another language while i was there speaking and speaking and speaking in that language all my sisters and brothers are running the room and when they run you know the first let's see this in the house mama not there nobody else not there one of my sister said mrs silva live up the road and sometimes he used to hear sheila guanzo and one of them is a wrong caller and when they run and call her and she come lied on there and god i speak to him of my hearer and as a leaver thank you jesus thank you leave our chosen best this have you we already have your way and let me tell you something from that day until this blessed day i have gotten a lot of weeping for him but i would not change him and i will not change him i will not change i will not give up i come to america limited 25th of this month is two years and i said god may i hear that our mayor let me look on facebook i miss some from my own church i'm a mentor with me prayer with my father sweet and all that my glee it's like i don't have to film a portion of yourself why are you rooting me up out of my country and saying something and i say i'm being real this morning how you don't even know what i'm going through for these past two years sometime i said i said i can't even call my bishop and talk about that i read as the scripture said pastor joseph when i reach and i hear the scripture mighty god thank you i hear you voice again i sit on the bus coming over and i'm reading it over again second chronicles 20. and when i reach the part let's see i don't know what to do about my eyes around you i said god i'm going to church and i say my eyes god it's you it is on keep it glow on you because i need something from you so i don't come here with frills i'm fancy this morning i said god the tree is very significant this will be my third year and i said god it's not gonna end like the other two amen glory to god and i'm not ashamed because i know god is gonna give me my own testimony brethren desire god go after god left everything else behind go after god go after god grab a heart who will love the altar when friend left younger and go at the altar awesome and i take over my church you know but we can't get two more minutes hey [Music] let me tell you something veteran i mean i remember going to a crusade once and the preacher called me out i was red on the back selling some tip cassette tape because that was one of my duty under the tent as well wherever the tent was going hear me and that particular night i was sitting down by the the back at the table a sister and a very close friend of mine she just come down here and begin to nudge nudge me and i tried but just that wasn't where my heart was i know i may have said easy man all right you want something to stare here so me we're going at the line i'm from get out of my seat i'm going to the line my realization i can hardly even walk the ushers them off the army up because let me tell you the glory of god was under the tent and the anointing and the presence had gotten on me here the preacher said bring her over here skip everybody and say bring her over and say when i come up one other word that apart from the word was but that anointing on her my god that woman has gone through stuff you hear me tell you someone i'll come at church oh no no one got you nothing hallelujah hallelujah if no one get a 19 from god i don't want to be lifted up in god on a better endure persecution and affliction hallelujah you hear me hallelujah because it's not in the pretty pretty it come from the presence of god all of you please stand up everyone are you lift up your hands to the lord lift them up lift them up close your eyes not one or you look at me look to god look to god look to god take something from god man holy ghost in the name of jesus holy spirit hallelujah hallelujah glory to god receive something from god hallelujah glory to god come on open your mouth hallelujah and give our glory and give our praise and give a thank you jesus hallelujah express your desire to god hallelujah jesus oh yes lord oh hallelujah jesus hallelujah holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh let it be like a wind lord sweep through god in the name of jesus in the name of jesus come on go ahead hallelujah [Music] there is none like you no one else can touch my heart like you do [Music] hey could search throughout eternity lord and find there is none like i wish somebody would just lift your hands as we declare there [Music] one is can touch my heart like you do i could search throughout eternity lord and fine there is none like you [Music] oh [Music] there is like you come on lift up your hand and tell him this afternoon no one else can touch my heart [Music] i could search throughout eternity lord and find there is none like for the very last time oh there is none like you [Music] one nobody can touch my heart like you do i can say i could search throughout eternity [Applause] and find there is none like you [Music] i could search throughout eternity lord and find there is none like you lift up your hands everybody i do tell him one more time i could search throughout eternity lord and find there is somebody just go ahead and praise him come on everybody lift your hands in his presence everybody lift up both hands in his presence close your eyes for a minute [Music] somebody take something somebody received from the holy ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus jesus hallelujah jesus hallelujah churches of jesus hallelujah what do you say ah jesus hallelujah [Music] jesus jesus jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] says yes god i feel holy my soul says yes yes yes lord god almighty lift your hand everybody my soul says yes yes yes yes lord everybody lift your hands lift your hands hallelujah [Music] if you want it you have to do something to your hands i feel like stop here a little bit but lift up your hands everybody yeah and i want us to block out don't worry i'm getting out of the way the preacher is coming but i want everybody to lift your hands in this presence and i want us to just tell the lord yes come on everybody just say yes somebody just say yes yes come on musician bring them bring them bring them everybody just tell him yes not my will lord not my will but your will your will my soul says yes yes [Applause] yes lord lord of mercy where's the church my soul said yes yes yes yes lord [Music] from the bottom of my heart [Music] to the depths of my soul i say yes lord completely [Applause] [Music] somebody declare yes lord yes lord from the bottom of my heart into the depths of my soul [Music] yes lord [Applause] somebody wanna say i love you i love you i love you i love you from the bottom of my heart and to the depths of my soul lord i love you i really do i really do my soul [Applause] this afternoon [Applause] [Music] come on somebody shout out hallelujah somebody shout a hallelujah thank you so much you may be seated for two minutes the preacher will be coming momentarily and i ask you not to leave because i know there's a word in the house for us this afternoon anybody is blessed here today anybody's soul refreshed this afternoon hallelujah as the ushers get themselves ready we're going to be lifting that day's offering before i release the speaker and while we get our tides and our offering ready let me just say we have received greetings from deacon selvin sent his greetings to the church this afternoon put your hands together deacon selvin might be watching at this time and also we have received greetings from evangelist jackson and deacon jackson which hands together for them we continue to pray for our brethren they're not here with us but they're here in spirit is that amen is that amen so we continue to pray for them also we want to acknowledge deacon donkey where is he he's in the back is celebrating his birthday today deacon donkly where are you come from drop the box sir praise god but we want to wish nikon donkly a happy happy happy birthday today is that amen we continue to pray for him there he goes that's deacon donkly happy birthday to you deacon donkly and may you leave to see many many many more put your hands together for him one more time congregation all right i'm going to ask us give me this afterwards afterwards you'll say what you have to say um also we want to acknowledge um missionary roach missionary carmen roach as maybe some of you have heard she has lost her sister and um so at this time she know she's grieving the loss of her assistant so we offer our condolences to missionary roach and her family and will be offering a prayer for her and the family at the end of the service amen amen god bless you thank you so much also we have it was announced last week we have um our sister church will be having their 26th annual christmas banquet the tickets were introduced to us last week if my memory served right i was the only one who took two and everybody else was just looking at them so nobody is leaving here to the antenna take one say amen oh church quiet now i said nobody's leaving here to the end and late and you have to take one say one and if you want ten we can't give you a ten to say amen amen it's going to be on december 4th at 7 00 p.m at glen terrace 5313 avenue n in brooklyn new york so they won't be having it at the church banquet all as for you draw so the ticket is only 100 us dollars and the time we talk about money at your church but anyhow praise god so please before you go we you know we have to give them our support because next year the lord hopefully we can have ours and we're going to expect them to support us is that amen amen so i'm going to ask you like this time please stand with your tithes and your offerings in hand everybody just stand and this is one thing i always tell people if you're here if you come to church and you don't want that offering don't sit in your opinion get up walk them down touch the bucket i said lord next time i come to church i'm going to have money to train at the boxes listen you have to put foot on hand by your feet you know is that amen so don't sit at your seat like everybody knows saying our friend get up like you have a friend come come touch the ball go back on your seat is that amen amen i'm gonna ask my wife to pronounce a blessing on the offerings everybody just raise your tights and your offerings to the lord as she pronounced a blessing on the offering this afternoon hallelujah most righteous eternal father we come before your god just to give you thanks to give you praise to give you honor oh god as we're about to take up a portion of what you have blessed us with oh god i pray am i together that you will bless it i pray my to god that will be used for the furtherance of the work of your kingdom oh god i pray for those oh god that don't have to give at this time i pray almighty god that the next appointed time they will have to give have your own sweet divine way now in jesus name amen thank you so much i'm gonna ask you just to come from the back aisle i'm not seeing any ushers but let's come from the back come to the side i'll give you off and go back to your seat taking the center i have gonna ask the price team just to give us a live look for us while we collect the afternoons off victory victory over all the power of darkness victory when the battle is in our ray grace shall never fail god will fight for those who pray victory victory victory over of the power of darkness victories when the battle is in our ray heavens grace shall never fail god will fight for those who pray victory victory victory over of the power of darkness victory [Music] when the battle is in our ray heaven grace shall never fail god will fight for those who pray victory victory over all the power of darkness victory when the battle is in our raven's shall never fail god will fight for those who pray victory victory victory over us the power of darkness victory when the battle is in iraq and christ shall never fail god will fight for those who pray victory victory victory over us upon darkness victory when the battle is in our ravens grace shall never fail god will fight for those who pray victory somebody give god a praise come on somebody shout to praise to the lord somebody shouts a praise to the lord the praise to the lord somebody shout a praise to the lord somebody told the hallelujah to the lord somebody shout hallelujah to the lord somebody shout hallelujah to the lord hallelujah [Music] gracefully i'm gonna ask those who are sitting please to stand with me we're getting ready to receive we're getting ready to receive the speaker for this afternoon she's no stranger to us she has shared with us in i guess on many occasions and so i know that today the lord will use her mightily to communicate the man of god to us amen i will pray and hope that she will do a shorter version of her message so if she came to do or what she'll be doing half an hour and um and i know we're gonna get a blessing from her is that amen from the lord so will you at this time put your hands together and help me make welcome she serves as the present latest president of this ministry i'm gonna ask you to put your hands together and make welcome missionary lucille gibslong receiver now in the care of the holy ghost [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah what a mighty god reserve this afternoon say mighty god of daniel [Music] [Music] stand by me stand by me i know he will deliver [Music] [Music] me [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hey mighty god of daniel stand by glory glory to god glory glory glory let's worship the lord let's praise the lord let's magnify his name this afternoon god is great and he's greatly to be praised oh glory to god you can be seated hallelujah hallelujah glory to god i greet my bishop bishop delphi davis and his wife minister petrova davis bishop hutchinson and wife reverend hutchinson our pastor pastor john miller glory to god minister messerman his wife evangelist martin brown and his wife glory to god my name is um pastor cameron and oh glory to god the officers members visitors children and viewers agree to you in the precious name of jesus christ our soon coming king glory to god today we are here is that your regular preacher but i'm here standing in the gap to encourage someone hallelujah i'm not a preacher but i'm here to encourage someone that is maybe down and hold this afternoon glory to god hallelujah hallelujah today we're looking into the book of hebrews hebrews 11 glory to god hallelujah i'm gonna read just a few scripture and then i'll go down into the the entire scripture i'm just gonna read from one two three for this time no faith is the substance of things can we stand please we're in church glory to god thank you please no faith is a substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtain a good report through faith we understand that the world were framed by the word of god so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear glory to god this morning oh glory to god i thank you i praise you almighty god i am not my own i belong to you and so mighty god as i stand into this gap this afternoon i pray god that you god will turn our situation around but back over forces of darkness this afternoon almighty god make me the vessel you can be used god i am available to you almighty god speak through me speak for me and speak to your people i give you praise i give you glory and i say thank you in jesus name you can be seated this afternoon i will use for a team uncover your faith arise out of your slumber pass the camera and already preach the message you cannot sit and die if you need something you gotta get up you gotta move you gotta lose yourself oh as the songwriter say oh let me lose myself and find it lord in this land itself let all self be slain my friend and see only thee when you need something from him you gotta see him this afternoon is saying to us and cover with faith arise out our slumber we sleep too much we are asleep in zion god said if we are cold he's gonna spill us out hallelujah we don't want to be spilled out this afternoon we want to be on health ire fire for god and if you want that fire pastor come on say you gotta move you gotta move bridging you gotta move if you need that fire you gotta go for it oh glory to god when we speak up feet it has three components the effect which means successful in producing a desire are intense results so you gotta move for that result you need taking a exam your weird final results hallelujah hallelujah a glory to god the second the cognitive which means relating to or involving conscious mental activities such as thinking learning and remembering glory to god the third the practical aspect often include the actual doing of use of something rather than theory and ideas it's not my idea that my seat still it's not time for still sitting oh glory to god we gotta get up we gotta move brethren we cannot sleep this is not sleeping time the boss is at the door the mining bus he's at the door oh glory to god and the evil one is gonna be too late so you have to wake up now hey lava shake [Music] there are two basic meaning to the word fiat first complete confidence in a person our plan oh glory to god hi hi hi the second one is a strong belief in a supernatural power her powers that control human destiny glory to god we are younger we can see it it's time for we uncover we fear it he says it's time for me to take care of the covenant and run for our life our life is in danger one swole and we have to run for it allah sheikh indoramasata faith is of christ that we are made righteous in faith our belief we just have to believe that if we ask god for things he is going to give it to us hey you want to fill me the way it goes you ask god for it and he will feel you shakunda rebound so you may ask which one come first in james 2 verse 26 he tell us for so the body without the spirit is dead so faith without work is dead also you've got to get alive hey i'm a sheikh condola starter you got to get alive you've got to uncover with fear now elaborate and rise out our slumber glory to god glory to god and match you in much your arm so we believe first then we exercise the feet we have to exercise our feet for glory to god i told you pastor cameron already preached the message we need to fill with the holy ghost first of all let go in the flesh shakunda yamasata you need a host you got to save for that house you need a car you gotta save for that car you're gonna go without food for that car but yet still you want the holy ghost and you're not putting in to take out you're not praying you're not fasting you're not reading the word but you want to feel with the holy it doesn't come that way you got to put in something you got to tarry the altar sheikh honorable you [Music] we got to give up some things we got to give up some things holy ghost of god i'm just here encouraging you this afternoon that we have to give up some things hey we used to eat three times a day we have to give up a meal we have to turn down the pot hey this is time that we need to move we cannot stay in our slumber no more no more no more brethren we pray one time idea we have it three or three four times every time we open our mouth we have to cry out to the almighty god hey it's not gonna come god is the man that need invitation and he is not gonna come unless you're inviting me [Music] the songwriter said my heart is at the altar i have sacrifice we have to sacrifice say quran in matthew 14 30 and 31 but when peter saw the wind boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink why taking highs losing feet oh hallelujah losing faith he cried saying lord save me and while god perceive you will you take your eye out for god no no no but nevertheless and god immediately jesus immediately and immediately jesus stretched 40 son and caught him that is the time when he turned back in height that he could have said jesus stretched forward in hand so we have to turn back our hands and our eyes and lift up our feet oh glory to god and he said and he said and to him hold thou have little feet we have to get big fear now oh glory to god it is available it is available god have everything and he looked behind our fault and he said oh i need what you need is what that got to give to you he's not going to you're not going to ask him for stone i didn't give you bread you're not going to ask him for fish hallelujah and give you a serpent you may not come when you want it but it is on time our glory to god hallelujah hallelujah faith is being sure of what you offer and certain of what we do not see we don't see the care but yes still go out the car and we are going to try everything to get the care we want the holy ghost we have to tarry for the holy ghost we have to seek the worldly gross holy ghost of god [Music] somebody worship god don't look at motherland worship god hey i'm a starter god is worthy he is worthy to be praised it doesn't matter who stands before your god is worthy of happy praise oh glory to god hey lover shaking though glory to god get back to hebrew hebrew 11 1 now faith is a substance of things oh far the evidence of things not seen though faith we understand that the world was framed by god so the things which we seen were made of made of things which we appear which do appear unto us glory to god in matthew 2 matthew 9 verse 2 he said and behold they brought him a man sick of parsley glory lying on a bed and jesus in their faith glory to god said unto the sick the sick of the apostles son be of good cheer thy sin be forgotten thee be forgiven thee glory to god we've got to exercise our faith as i come this afternoon i come just to encourage you i say uncover your feet you can't cover it up oh glory to god you have the pattern the fire and when you're cooked on and you need to eat you have to uncover that part so you have to uncover your fear for what you want from god jesus jesus go back into hebrews hebrews 11 verse 4 by faith offer unto god a more excellent sacrifice than kian by which he obtained weakness that he was righteous god testified of his gift and by it in being dead yet speaking glory to god you got to do something that touched god when you got on in prayer your prayer till i water come to your nose and knows what to come to your mouth and you swallow and it is nice and sweet because that's the holy ghost shakunda bahaya shima you become nice and it becomes sweet you don't know what you're doing look at the holy ghost take you over hey many pastors say when you reach from the back of the line the pastor said yeah you the holy ghost is upon you because of what you go through you got to go through it hey jesus pastor cameron i was there laughing because i said thank you for preaching the message oh glory to god let's turn back to genesis let's turn back to genesis 26 verse 22. abraham and isaac isaac abraham father dig well and him dig a lot away labor and dig up well and the enemy them stop them plug them up and he never worked he moved again and he dig again and then come and then block it up and he never never were he moved to another state and indeed again hey and he never were and he moved to another spirit and indeed again and in the world how many reach to another state and in dig [Applause] please with him god please with him and god said this is yours this land is yours we got to dig we got to dig we're not digging we need to dig in mario said got to dig we got to dig we got to dig we're hungry and if we're hungry in the house we have no food and the fridge now no food you think we're going to let all the money stay in the bank we're gonna go to the supermarket we're going to find food so you got to dig for food yay jesus glory to god hi hi hi hey jesus then call upon him one another pour them in at the same situation then call under one another and then say come let's go over there if we stay here we're gonna die pre-adventure we go over there we may find food exotica they say come and at midnight they start and when they start remy echoes i i imagine i imagine they are creeping and they're taking their time they don't know and nobody hear them so they're taking their time and they're moving slowly and they're listening and they're listening if anybody hear them but but at midnight the syrians [Music] yes then lift up their feet they uncover it unless every day we are fitted but we're going over there we have to make up our mind every day we're dead but we have to see god we have god we are provide for us [Music] jesus brothers and sisters it is time we got broken it is time that we got broken for god ask him to let us be like elijah we are his arms extending here ask him to let us be like elijah that cry out and say let there be no orient god arms extended we are the one we have to use now elijah is gone we are the one god gonna use oh glory to god hey jesus let there be no reign and no rain for three and a half years we can do it god say you can do all things to you that strength me oh hallelujah oh hallelujah let us be like joshua cry old friggin he's not himself joshua was crying over joshua was crying out forgive him to win the war hey i'm a satan he say let the son let this one around excuse me let the son stand still elijah cry or finorian joshua cry out for the son stand still until gideon win the war brethren bridging they were horizon they were horizon we got to get all glory together we can't sit down the songwriter said sit down sit down sit down make your sit down stand up stand up make yours see the arab trump yeah you are my sutter we are bedroom no he's not sitting down we have to jump oh glory to god oh glory to god hallelujah hey god hey jesus i'm coming down daniel daniel 3 20-26 glory to god with shadrach meshach and abednego then lift their feet to god they live for them fear to god this time they're not eating the enemies meat may not bow into the enemy we can't bow to see eternal we can't bow it's not time for us to go it's time for us to stand stand anything around us and to hold glory to god it's time for us to stand they did not go to nebuchadnezzar they did not bow he is the same god yesterday for daniel prashadra mishakana bendigo he's the same god today and forever more we need just to cry out to him we need just a ball we need to call out to him we need to live right we need to walk holy we need to live for god in the name of jesus glory to god [Music] the word say if we have this defeat the feet like a grain of mustard seed we can speak to every problem we have every pro-mountain sickness mountain cancer mountain arthritis mountain kidney problem liver problem we can speak to every mountain we're crying about poverty poverty mountain we can speak to them and they remove to the sea but we need to oh god and cover the fear that is given to us oh glory to god oh glory to god psalms 86 verse 5 6 and and it said let us call on the lord for the o lord our god and ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy and to hold them that call upon him call and he will answer knock and he will open god look behind our fault and he see the needs of his people oh give here unto my prayer and attend to the voice of my supplication glory to god on the day of the trouble i will call upon thee father will hansen god that's our heart plan if you're gonna put the water to your mouth say god bless it because he's god he's god and if he's blessed the water he will bless everything else everything except none is god all by himself glory to god back into hebrews hebrews 5 by faith enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because god had translated him for before his translation he had his testimony that he pleased god this is what we want in time like this to be pleasing unto god everything that we do pleasing unto god in our lifestyle pleasing unto god our work pleasing unto god our talk pleasing unto god everything in our life pleasing unto god god will bless us god will bless us and bless us and abundantly oh glory to god but down the line with hebrews we're going down the line but without faith it is possible to please him by faith noah being warned of god right by faith abram and ansara conceived by faithy sojourn for a look for a city which had foundation back to the foundation the foundation of god is not the foundation of this building it's a foundation of prayer it's a foundation of fasting is the foundation of living right before him oh hallelujah i i need a hearing lesson i need a hallelujah oh glory to god whose builder is god through faith our sorrow our self receives strength to conceive we need that power from god if we see god we will find him if we hugs he will answer if we knock him will hoping there is nothing impossible for god god made the impossible possible negative into negativity oh hallelujah him can do everything all things and him tell us in his word so we can do all things through christ that straighten us we just need to cry out to him we need to bowl out we need to come out our slumber we need we sleep too much we are asleep too much we are asleep i remember minister god first in service and sat down and glory to god but thanks be to god i am here i am here oh glory to god when you need god you have to seek him you got to get time out for him you got to have time out to see god sometimes we live in some room and we can't call out lord we can't say hallelujah without a host you're upstairs and you can't step car right here nobody not complaining nobody complaining come on barlow check on the lava kusaya glory to god glory to god in mark 5 5 25-30 the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years she had that problem no purpose a problem right now we have heart problem kidney problem liver problem head problem hypertension problem sugar diabetes problem head problem food problem scholar problem back problem a time for cryo a time for press hard time to seek god hallelujah the woman got out of her slumber because where she was she was confined and she was only waiting on death because she spent all that she have she go here she go there and she go everywhere but she never look up she never look up but when god when jesus appeared she heard she heard she didn't look up but she heard glory to god that the ila is in town hey and she showed up and the crowd was very very thick but she said i can't go on back with this 12 years what about problem no shoulder problem i need healing and she press and she press and she press and she press she could not touch the schwaller haha yeah but she could but touch just the hem have his garment so glory to god just the hem of his garments hey jesus she spent everything she run all tie everything no more money no left but jesus christ never charged jesus christ never charged he don't need your check ain't no why you going on your checkbook hey hey the doctor of our doctor the greatest physician is in tone he's in tone glory to god the woman prays and she prays and she squeezed and she squeezed through the crowd and she touched jesus said i feel virtue leave my body we need to praise the sibling we need to press brethren we can't sit on hand praise we can lay down and press we got to move we got to come out and we slumber we got to uncover the fiat i said if i die i die but i must say god i must touch him this afternoon glory glory glory you are my shatter yeah glory to god and he said and he said unto her daughter daughter your foot make you whole mark 5 34 check it your eyes don't make you whole jesus say your mouth make you whole hey yo god say your friend make you whole god said jesus said your brethren make you whole yeah i'm ashamed about jesus said to the lady thy faith you have faith you have the faith brother and sister oh no our feet only only need to lift your feet to god and make god use it hey hey jesus this afternoon we are um i'm closing i'm closing we are the children of the most high god and there is nothing that he will withhold from us he told us that he'll look beyond our fault and he see needs all right my need is for ten dollar and motherberry need is for twenty dollar exalter cheese hi she one thousand hmm they can't don't have the back one five thousand but and then i turn around and look behind me pass the camera on she won 50 000. [Music] 5 10 20 40 50 500 50 000 which is high but we have feet we are fit are we going there god is not gonna give the wonder tax for five he's not going to give me pastor 50 million no no give me fear i want many bugs for it midnight when get exerted we asked for what we can hunger some people have some 16 apartment house and they get five helpers to take care of it but man you live in a one room we don't need no helper we have time philia don't we believe we have time to barlow we have time to walk to the street and tell somebody say jesus love you he died to save you [Music] the person with the 10 15 16 bedroom she have to go look over help us what they do we now have nothing like boat we only have time to see god we only have time to see god hi hi hi hi pass the camera within 50 million me with my five minute roger so extend it no so if you have a little feet are you of a little oil give it up but god can multiply the little oil make god multiply your oil this afternoon let god multiply your eyes this afternoon stand with me stand with me please we're going to live for our faith to god how are we gonna ask god to give us the faith of the woman with the issue of blood we're gonna ask god allah shanda robertson we're gonna ask god to let us be the elijah of today
Channel: Bronx PFM Live Media
Views: 401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 51sec (9591 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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