Sunday Morning LIVE - July 7, 2019

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[Music] to [Music] I [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this morning Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Bigelow reorder and praise man Oh [Music] Rosi [Music] [Music] so we come this morning towards the king of games of hand in the Lord of lords of this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice you will return we will rejoice and be glad good morning good morning good morning to all our listeners all our viewers when you're watching us right here on BFF family an orgy you're wanting a lot Facebook live or your new tube we'd say good morning to you and welcome to the Sunday morning live broadcast coming to you live from the Bob a minute since what you in forward to catch him or we preach the Word of God to save the Simsek soul of heal the party's a new touch with paper box plan as this morning on the we have over presiding brilliant bishop dozen Deborah Davis is lovely wife Minister dr. Petrova Davis the board of arizim the ministers and begins a congregation we want to come you to another Sunday morning live broadcast be ready to receive them God up be ready to be blessed of God up be ready to be changed this morning but refriger contella to the Word of God and just watch the guard up our God up of all in answer this morning sit back up relax up worship with us a clock with us some sing with us up and who could give God all the praise and honor glory because of the word in the house for you this morning if the business of the trucks there was this morning we can turn it I delivered a mmm inside of the upper sanctuary until then God bless you watch and be blessed [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] man Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] - an awesome race Oh [Music] [Music] my turn my [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all day long [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my eye [Music] [Music] [Music] we might use it certain to your Redemption song became number 25 holy holy holy Lord God Almighty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody live Khmer hand in the heart or take a moment and give God some worship give God some praise hallelujah God in three persons Blessed Trinity all glory to God there is no one like him there is no one to be compared to him he is altogether lovely no small he's altogether worthy hallelujah as we gather for consecration oh praise God hallelujah hallelujah lift up a hands my bread my sunshine my whole little the Great Creator became my savior and all God's goodness I love Tori my bread my sunshine my holy door the Great Creator became my savior and all God's goodness well [Laughter] [Music] I love babe hallelujah Oh Tory my bread my sunshine my heart lean on the Great Creator [Applause] be my Savior Lord and all God's goodness [Music] well in me [Music] hallelujah my bread my sunshine my little the Great Creator became my Savior and good well in me [Music] hallelujah all glory to God oh I Love You Lord oh I adore you you are my breath you are my sunshine you are my all in all Oh glory to God the great creator the great Emancipator The Anointed One you became our Savior this morning and Lord God Almighty we just want to thank you Lord we just want to praise you again Lord we just want to lift you up again Lord we just want to magnify your name Great God Almighty will lift you up in the highest place Oh glory Oh glory Oh glory just another touch from you Oh God this morning take us into that place Lord in that secret place your Lord God Almighty where we can be with you where we can fellowship with you where we can commune with you Lord God Almighty I pray divine God Almighty as you look down upon your congregation this morning I prayed about God Almighty that thou will manifest your presence again I prayed upon God and mind that I will show up in a personal way this morning Great God Almighty I pray that I will move by your power move by your spirit this morning Rome on the ward - again this morning Oh God we pray God that we shake everything that need to be shaken this morning I pray to my god almighty that they will walk to get me drive from the sue morning live on God Almighty I pray that they will touch their hearts Lord God Almighty in a way Lord God that will bring transformation divine god I pray right now Lord that they will take the service in your hand and I prayed upon God Almighty the Lord God will do as you please this morning the great God we pray by your Holy Spirit that's something supernatural something miraculous something extraordinary will be release in the midst of your people this morning God you know heavy hearts you know the place of everyone this morning God you know what you're facing but God if there's a Red Sea you are the way may come Lord God if there's a jar Lord God Almighty you are still the one who can dry up Oh God Almighty 'truth on this morning Great God I pray this morning God that they will walk through every bench we pray this morning Lord that dowel annoying - in a very special way great God this service let me lift up your name as we adore you this morning and Lord God I pray great good that as we are people come together we pray God that our unite us in oneness Lord God and we pray God as we send up the praises unto you we pray that I will show for your glory Lord God Almighty in a way that you have never before a great God I pray that Dowell Crump and thou will paralyze every kingdom of darkness Lord God you're my shopper every burger king of the wicked this morning you will crumble Oh God Almighty every drop of the enemy and bring victory to your ha me huh bring victory to your kingdom bring fiction to your people and even though God we may walk through some valleys of the shadow of death we shall hear no heave of that because God is with us and Lord God you're fighting for us you are standing as our battle hearts this morning moving this service in a supernatural way I pray God you strengthen the weaker a break God your touch every troubled mind this morning I pray God that Lord God that you will bring Lord God the spirit of peace that will pass all understanding Great God Almighty lift up every fall in this morning and we take a stand we stand mili sometimes we stand erotic alha against the armies of hell and we declare no weapon no weapon no weapon that is for my kisses will about prosper I pray in this day and time that God is Jesus now more than ever who cooked we pray God Almighty as we commit the service to you this morning I pray for television audience I pray Great God Almighty from whichever electronic media god almighty somebody that connects somebody that you need I pray divine God Almighty that God your ministering power great God will minister unto such a one this morning I pray this morning God Almighty that your presence will engulf Lord God this auditorium Oh God Almighty no one that came to the store Jolley the same Oh Lord God but something soul burn in fire Oh glory to God with burning our soul this morning Oh God Almighty God as we here to keep it a Honda as we here to give it a praise oh praise be to God I invite everyone that is seated to stand up Oh glory to God and I want you to open up your mouth this morning I want you to open up your spirit this morning oh praise be to God things just don't happen now we got to make it up and there is something in your show this morning I want you to lift your voice I want you to lift your spirit I want you to living like a mighty trumpet this morning because when the brains go up demons got to back daemons gotta back out when the preys go up I said when the preys go up things without then I don't kill all your feet huh I don't care what you're going through huh I don't care what your yesterday was about I don't care what your this morning was a lift up up raise a little pop raise lift up appraiser lift up a shout a little show time show total along shout up Showtime Showtime make a joyful noise unto the Lord oh praise be to God but the Lord your word is good his mercies are ever lasting his truth endureth forever be thankful unto Him manda but he's merciful huh be thankful on together for his love in her be thankful unto him her because he is faithful baba Sheikh Alaba Alaba Sheikh all about we love you we love you we love you we love you huh tell him something tell him something tell him something huh tell him something tell him something Oh glory to God Oh glory hole glory hole glory our feeling my feeling my feeling my feeling my feeling my feeling my feeling my feeling he's here he's here he's here he's here he's here he's here he's here this here visit the houses in Taos can't you be in his presence can't you be nice presence came to be need presence who glory huh Oh glory glory glory huh blowing all glory all glory all glory to God we thank you Jesus we praise your name daughter that's why we're here this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yeah we'll glory to God thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus hey get your glory get your glory get your glory get your glory get your glory oh glory all glory all glory you may return to your seat with your worship hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus Jesus hallelujah [Music] praise God hallelujah Oh glory to God if it can whip me take your Bibles we look to the book of Deuteronomy chapter 20 that's the book of Deuteronomy chapter 20 we read the first five verses Deuteronomy chapter 20 hallelujah glory to God there is no place better than this hallelujah hallelujah we all find it let me hear praise the Lord praise God I'll read and you follow this morning when thou goest out to battle against an enemies and see us are seized and see a chariots and a people more than you be not afraid of them be not afraid of them for the Lord thy God is with thee which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt and it shall be when he are come nigh unto the battle that the pre shall approach and speak unto the people and shall say unto them hear o Israel he approached this day on to battle against your enemies let not your hearts faint fear not and do not tremble Oh glory to God neither be terrified because of them for the Lord your God is he that goeth with you to fight for you against your enemies to save you and the officer shall speak unto the people saying what man is there that are building new homes and are not dedicate it let him go and return to his house less he died in the battle and another man dedicate it oh praise be to God hallelujah hallelujah praise God here a portion of the reading of the Word of God we know honor them by saying Lord Peter father to the Son and to the Holy Ghost as it was in the beginning known and ever shall be world without end amen and amen praise God put your Bibles down praise God and just give God a cup of praise this morning this is the day that the Lord has made we must rejoice and be glad in it praise God shake at least three person Sam Davidson I will enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise I will be thankful unto Him and bless His name for the Lord is good His mercies are everlasting and his truth endureth to all generation good to be in fellowship this morning I greet you all in the mighty name of Jesus at this time coming to give us the general welcome and acknowledgement praise God is Minister Nicholas Stephenson make her welcome as she come to give general welcome turn to your neighbor and give the neighbor the broadest smile you can the broadest one yes you look good amen praise God it's the best day to be alive and in the house of the Lord why because this particular day the seventh day of the seventh month in the year 2019 is the only one of its kind we have never seen it before and certainly we'll never see it again every day above ground is our blessing now appreciate this blessing by shouting hallelujah [Applause] if you are visiting with us for the first or second time please let me acknowledge you by a wave of your hand praise God happy to see you praise the Lord welcome to the power Faith Ministries International the house of God where his mighty power ignites our faith creating a spiritual explosion as we recognize and we worship our King we are related to have you among us this day and we pray that as the service progresses you will receive a mighty blessing from the Lord to our viewers on pfm family TV channels 672 and 602 on the flow Network channel 20 on digits digital play and our global viewers by way of our website in the sanctuary welcome it is our prayer that you will all receive a special blessing today as the service is geared toward a major release from the Holy Spirit please participate however you can and enjoy a special blessing from the Lord now remember you are not to dirty for God to cleanse you are not to broken for God to fix you are not too far for God to reach you are not too guilty for God to forgive and you are not too worthless for God to love yes God loves you once again on behalf of our presiding bishop and his wife Bishop dr. del Fadi Davis and minister dr. Petrova Davis a warm welcome to everyone our visitors viewers browsers and our members congregation put your hands together and let's welcome everyone [Music] god bless you all have a Super Sunday praise the Lord praise the Lord praise God at this time the voice of inspirationally coming with your ministry please spread them up as they'll make them welcome as they come to minister to us [Music] I serve but sweeter since I started for that Kingdom [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] worship the Lord everybody giving praise and glory celebrate the good god of heaven lift up your hands and his presence and worship [Music] Oh hallelujah [Music] father we bless you worship [Music] be merciful unto me O God be merciful unto me for my soul trusted in thee yea in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge until these calamities be over past I will cry unto God most i unto God that performing all things for me he shall send from heaven and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up God shall send forth his mercy and his truth my soul is among lions and I lie even among them that are set on fire even the sons of men whose teeth are Spears and Horus and the a tongue a sharp sword be thou exalted O God above the heavens and let thy glory be above all the earth the psalmist David wrote this Psalm when he fled from King Saul became a fugitive anointed of God but had to be running for his life and he cried out be merciful unto me O God he says my soul is among lions and Lions are predator beasts they devour some of you this morning in my audience could pin similar words or hearts or similar words you are among lions what God shall be exalted [Applause] the fullness of time came when King saw looked on David an otter these words you are more righteous than I have I pray for you now the God who stood by David will stand by you olan which your neighbor let us pray God lions are everywhere lions are not only roaming in the forest in the woodsy chorus a cabarrus ender a shock or Ndebele sutiya lions of the workplace Lions in the community Lions and home lions among family members God some lions are in the church too who wants to devour what I lift up your people now in the name of Jesus Christ I pray that you hide each one under the shadow of your almighty wings I pray that you go before them and fight each battle as they arise in the name of Jesus I pray that the teeth of the enemy that stand ready to devour let their teeth be broken break them let me a jaws be shuttered let all their hero devices come to nought in the name of Jesus every pit that they dig let them fall in them every truck that is settling their feet be caught if we sneered at their lay let them be wrapped in them but bring out the righteous bring out the right shots he said none that trust in you shall be ashamed in the name of Jesus I pray this morning the Holy Spirit shall overshadow your people give he's one the pillar of cloud by day the pillar of fire by night I pray that today and this week will be a glorious week a week whenever free sight of defeat shall be turned into victory let them snatch victory from the jaws of defeat in the name of Jesus it means that you're going to give them miracles father it means that you're going to confound your enemies it means that you're going to take hold of shield and buckler and stand up for help glory to God hallelujah yeah I speak it upon the body of Christ today and I say the weapons that are formed they will not prosper in the name of Jesus glory let the star of david' arise and lead your people and guide your people aren't your perfect day let the enemies be confounded so we blessed Sian in the name of Jesus we blessed the Church of the Living God in the name of Jesus we bless the chosen generation the royal priesthood a holy nation a peculiar people bless them this morning from the crown of their head to the soles of your feet let Aaron's oil flow and we thank you that you're leading the charge and everything gonna be alright in Jesus name and amen give you praise if it praising glory hallelujah my god [Music] with [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god bless you enjoy the fullness of God's blessing as we serve Him in spirit and in truth March up to 10 verse 13 says they caught brought young children to him thought he should touch them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them but when Jesus saw it he was much displeased and said unto them suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for if such is a kingdom of God verily I say unto you whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child he shall not enter therein and he took him up in his arms put his hands upon them blessed when mold birds are sailing their children draw to cheeseless let's turn these apples throw them back and Ethan all depart but Jesus saw a mere band left speechless smiling kindly stop [Music] to me I will receive [Music] or if their heart [Music] Oh Oh shine upon sure when parsley / - bro - geez let's turn the ciphers rubber back [Music] but she [Music] let us stand please all across this auditorium it's for a time in the houses we ask the blessings of God among these young lives let us look to God in prayer it's about a nicer clothes that means parents and godparents and grandparents and guardians and everybody participates in the moments of praying to Almighty God Lord we thank you because you're the great and mighty God we've declared you to be King of Kings Lord of lords conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah one who was found worthy to open the book and to loose the seals and John was able to declare weep not one has been found worthy you are worthy among us this morning and we exalt you on high we come in your name to bless these children who are yours made in your image and in your likeness and as you were sent by the father even so they have been sent by you to be a light shining in this world darkness will try to overpower the light but you tell us a light shine it in the darkness and the darkness comprehended not I pray for them now in the name of Jesus that you will bless them in a very special way bless them in ways that only you can bless cover them under the shadow of your almighty winds assign each one a mighty angel a mighty fighting angel because there are so many elements of darkness in this world that ought to be fought against Lord that flesh and blood cannot fight this battle Amen but a mighty fighting Michael and Gabriel will stand by them in the name of Jesus Christ from the home to the school the community to the church wherever they go at home and abroad in the development of life I pray that you cover them let those sicknesses or diseases impair mind our body in the name of Jesus but I pray at each ago all we grew up healthy and strong Oh God and above all at an early age they will come to know you whom to know is life eternal keep them safe from occult practices demon and devil activities keep them safe from the evil faces of our time keep them safe Lord God from predator men and women who do not fear God nor regard man but will exact all kind of evil against even the innocent children cover them Lord everybody's to cover them Lord cover them Lord God from the demons and Devils up penetrate this earth in all shapes and forms and grant that they will be to your praise to your glory into your paw no less than with strong retaining brain strong mental faculties give them the ability Lord God and the head appointed to reject the wrong and to cling to that which is right in the name of Jesus no guns no guns in the name of Jesus Rocha koremasa Ronde Cassata no abominable hacks or actions in the name of Jesus for these children shall be blessed by you so we come into your blessings upon them now in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost the blessings of God Almighty we pronounce upon these children and set them for to be victorious every step of the way as we commit them to you in Jesus name Amen lift up your hands those who can open your mouth and praise God I did say open your mouths and praise God some are you're not hoping and well to open your mouth the Bible said if you are Brett you must praise God Jesus be seated prayerfully please [Music] Heavenly Father I give you thanks this morning Oh God as liquor joinery wiser is brought into your house to be blessed I lift her up in your very presence no Lord and I pronounce heavens blessings upon her from this very hour she's blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen Lord we present him to you now and we ask you to bless him in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen Heavenly Father I present to you Dominic Italian brought to your house to replace pronounce your blessing upon her right now in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost filet labelled wonderfully me in your image and in your likeness Oh Lord your bless you Nino pronounced upon this child this child is no bless this child is not consecrated give him back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost what I hold in my hand this morning Kylie can Bob I need Laura Lee for his child to you this child is know bless consecrated and given back to God in the name of the Father gosh the name of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name Amen father I present to you little a tree Neil Richardson god I pray Lord that you bless him from the crown of his head to the very soul of his feet Almighty God is know bless consecrated and given back to you in Jesus name he's blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen [Music] this child is no place unconsecrated given back to you you name of the father son of the holy ghost a mess [Music] great guard are given thumbs for little Jessie Miller brought into a house of a place he is now blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the son of the darlin Holy Spirit amen Emily father I give you advance again this morning Oh God as little Kate and Kelly brought into your house Lord to be presented back to you I give him back to you now Lord and from this very hour I pronounce your blessings upon him he's now blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen father here is kid Ian Campbell brought into your house to be blessed Lord God we present him to you now and we ask you to bless him in the name of the Father and of the son one of the Holy Ghost amen father thank you for a mere bakery brought into your house to be pleased it's not less concentrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the son immorally keys you are not blessed consecrated give him back to God in the name of the Father and of the son [Music] this child is no place consecrated and given back to God in the name of the Father in the name of the son and in the name of the Blessed Holy Ghost amen father I present little Liam Rodney's to you right now God is brought into your house to be blessed father God is know bless consecrated and give him back to you in the name of the Father the Son and the darling Holy Ghost Tamika Nelson you are blessed consecrated and we give you back to the Lord in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen Emily father I present to you Rajani chicory as he so Nathan brought into your house to be blessed this child is no blessing consecrated and given back to you the name of the father of a son of the Holy Ghost [Music] I pronounced a blessing upon this child in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Great God I hold in my hand little national camera one of your choices so fun brought into your house to replace he's now blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the darlin Holy Spirit amen [Music] Angelique Samson so named Oh God and brought to be blessed this morning I present her back to you now Lord and from this very hour liquor and unique is now blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen brought into your house to be bless Lord God we present her to you now and we ask you to bless her Lord in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen Justin Nash as he Sony brought into your house will be placed 7li father your blessing I pronounce upon him right now in the name of the Father and of the son father here I hold in my hand Shaquille Francis wonderfully made in your image and in your likeness your blessing we now pronounce upon shocky Shaquille is now blessed consecrated giving back to you the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost child Lord I pray you will bless this child the Braille country to cover his Challenger your blood is Charlie's know consecrated I'm dedicated and given birth to God in the name of the Father in the name of the son and in the name of the Blessed Holy Ghost amen [Music] I presented it Israel Brady to you Lord God is brought into your hosts to the Blessed this morning God is not blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father in the name of the son and in the name of the Holy Ghost amen Hakim Marcus the blessings of the Lord be upon you you are blessed you consecrated in the name of the Father and in the name of the son amen wonderfully me Lord I pronounce your blessing upon this child in the name of the Father and of his hond she's brought into your house to be bless this child is now blessed and consecrated are given back to you your name of the Father of the son of the Holy Ghost amen Heavenly Father I give it on Spotify [Music] bless unconsecrated given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the darlin Holy Spirit amen [Music] money Simpson brought into your house this morning to be blessed right now Lord I'd resent that Monet to you heavens blessings be upon her life from this day onward little money she's blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen [Music] Gilzean brought into your house to be bless Father we now pronounce your blessing upon her from this moment onward we bless her in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen but I thank you for little Alexia right brought into your house to be blessed she's now blessed consecrated and given back to you in the name of the Father and of the son [Music] praise God thank you Lord for media waste the blessings we pronounce upon her now father she's blessed she's consecrated and we give her back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost amen oh it's time for the parents to be dedicated to the Lord did you make some steps forward please some of you looking on me like your fix with me huh don't fix with me you must dedicate your life to the Lord if you're gonna guide these children in the way of peace and righteousness such as I have give ID am i right if you go to party all night such a tonight comments on the morning and live like the devil they will follow your example train them the way they are to grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord don't send them to Sunday School bring them come with them to church read Bible them pray with them do not impair them in any way let them choose Jesus when they tell you they want to get baptized don't tell them they are too young they should tell you you are too old not to be baptized alright let's get it right heal the family and we will that's it good to see all of these young fathers gentlemen your responsibility role in your family stand up as a husband not as a boyfriend not as a baby father now look on me straighter stand up as a husband not as a baby father and a boyfriend the children don't want to see me be father and baby mother they want to see husband and wife the month of July free wedding no charge free of course no charge [Music] yeah I get it better than that boy your heads please and let us pray Lord we thank you for these parents they have acknowledged you in that they have brought their children to your house it shows Lord God that they are mindful of your blessing upon their children and upon themselves so we ask you to be with them as parents Oh God who want the best for their children I pray that you minister to all of their needs I pray that you open up doors that are no close to them give them give them your divine favours and blessings and above all me the salvation of God come to their hearts today Oh God grant that they will apply themselves to the teachings of your word so that in living exemplary lives oh god they'll be setting a path for your children to follow in the name of Jesus bless their homes bless their families and those that are now not know constituted according to your word I pray that you minister to them Lord speak to these father's speak to these mothers and help them to say what shall it profit one to gain the world and to lose his soul so I pray that you be everything according to their spiritual needs their material needs the physical needs the academic needs the financial needs you promised to supply them according to your riches in glory by Christ Jesus please Lord show them how much you care and how much you love them and grant that in return they will show you all much they love you by giving their lives to you thank you for the blessings upon them and their families in Jesus name Amen god bless all of you thank you for coming do that which is rights you will never regret it give them a big gun please let's listen the Lord bless all of you members of power Faith Ministries dedicated your babies would you stay for another couple of minutes please as we give special recognition to you as members this church just give the Lord a wave offering this morning just worship the Lord out of your soul he deserved the glory and the honor and the praise this morning we honor him we khana him glory to God thank you Jesus one member has been registered at the churches office that's information that I have this morning to acknowledge Minister Nastasya maze and her husband brother oral maze they are the proud parent of their second child Samuel Hezekiah Mays born at the Jubilee hospital and the 15th of April 2019 grandmothers are iris Mays and Doreen Johnson grandfathers are Kenneth Mays and Frederick Johnson godmothers are audit area Todd Vivat Lou Edwards Sheila Davis Harvey Godfather's are Wavell Morris and Naren Hyatt Harriet praise God we are happy for our little minister by a mother and you name it let's birth of our second child we congratulate you and we give God thanks for you and we share your moments praise God this time I'll be coming to present you with your baby dedication certificate also a gift from the church on behalf of the women of word department give them a very big hand again praise God for mothers you should start [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] minista's you should stand she's a part of us [Music] all right we give them means a very big hand again we are happy for you we hope to share in the growing up of your child's life but richly bless you enjoy the soccer game bless you you made alway standard pitchers and withstand in here only because you [Music] you made always understand interest and and only because you away you made away made you made always understanding he only because you away [Music] with your papa there is nothing that it before you close to fall with your father mirakl interest and babe he won't leave me Paul away you may know yeah made aware it was empty we'll be because ooh away hallelujah I must take my leave and the next voice he hear is that of God's anointed an appointed servant the prophets an endtime preacher he preached with no fear nor favor our Bishop and founder dr. Dell for Davis but I want to say to you that it doesn't matter the battle that you're facing God will make away Oh hallelujah I don't care what the battle of your life is the way makers in the house and he's gonna give you the formula oh praise God it was my pleasure serving you but before the man of God come for the second time the voice of inspiration will be coming to bless our hearts stay tuned stay in the spirit because god of a blessing awaiting you god bless you [Music] is to be praised lift up the name of Jean ladies a trade-off I mean here to adorn us thank you too [Music] Oh Lord my god [Music] [Applause] no wonder Kahn cedar the world thy hand hath me [Music] I see this and I [Music] through love the humors [Music] oh my [Music] Oh ha sido they ask me I [Music] and I by thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] and I [Music] his son nhut speery fifteen - time Oh ah [Music] and the chair [Music] ah [Applause] with show ah chubbie whoa with ha [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all griddle arts all grits the lard [Music] when Christ shall come with shouts of arkla mission take me all what joy shall fill my heart and I shall bow in humble adoration here proclaim my god How Great Thou art and when I feel that God is son not sparing sent him to die I scarce can take it in that on the cross my burden gladly bearing he bled and died to take away my sin then sings my soul my Savior God to thee [Music] all create the law all right Oh Oh raise her hand and do that again ah precious Oh Jesus [Music] Oh Oh god bless you be seated please [Music] praise the Lord [Music] wonderful cheese's ribs and mighty is the Lord our God great and mighty is II want to welcome all of us here gathered and those present in other places it is a Lord's Day it is the Lord's doing and these doings are marvelous in our eyes we celebrate the goodness of our God well praise the name of Jesus welcome to all again or prayer warriors one has been missing from the number I'll say some more later ministers or elders deacons and OSHA's and evangelists and missionaries and Christian workers and everybody welcome to musicians and welcome to all worshipers today at home and abroad just a couple of things before I get into the word time is far spent already be mindful that at 11:00 a.m. the upper room center will be indeed hopparoo you know what happened a Purim in Jerusalem over 2,000 years ago the Holy Ghost fell and I'm believe in God at one of these days the Holy Ghost will fall not just in Daraa Peru but in all the rooms around this place tell yourself I am a rule yeah you are dwelling place God's arbitration so we want the Holy Ghost to fall in us July 13 and 14 Saturday and Sunday of next week and will be man in action Men's Conference engaged for kingdom building conference 7:00 a.m. our 7:30 to 2 p.m. and the Royale OS is one of the guest speakers Bishop dr. Ronald a Blair outstanding prolific speaker you need to be there man if you haven't yet gotten your ticket to be part of that great event get yours today and then on Sunday morning the 14th will be here and Sunday night air for the expressions of men's convention men engage for kingdom building and it includes ladies too not to the conference at 7:00 a.m. but to Sunday morning and Sunday evening amen great mark your calendar because come the 28th of this month last Sunday through to Wednesday 31st night Bishop dr. Mervyn arting from Grace Fellowship Church of God in Brooklyn New York will be our speaker he speaks on the morning Sunday night Monday night Tuesday night and Wednesday night is a powerful man of God listen to him on gospel jfm you listen to him every Monday night 9:30 to about 12:30 a.m. he can pray this place down you don't have to preach if he only prays that would be all right what is a powerful preacher he travels literally around the world really preach the gospel so much for all of that and of course Tuesday the 6th of August will be Independence Day celebrating Jamaica appears for many years of Independence oh you want me to tell you ok right here the place will be abuzz with Xtravaganza 22:19 you don't want to miss it it's an all-day event rides and rides and more rides games and concert and powerful gets our teas and food and food and I know you love a lot of food so all of that will be here get your ticket this morning a very special offers being made this morning so if you want to save $300 on your ticket cost buy it this morning dear God you can't let that miss you $300 off only for this Sunday morning you better cash in on that somebody say Amen all right so much for all of those I got to get into the word there's so many other things I wanted to say but we'll say some more later in the family Allah Nation 2020 the law hours will be on the second Wednesday which means the 8th of January and not New Year's Day 1st of January so please mark your calendar help me to spread the word by all the means that you can use and it will be held at the National Arena in Kingston 7:00 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. I gotta put half an hour more on it 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. look forward to a tremendous time because it will be part of the nation's spiritual diet for 2020 I look forward to having all our nation's leaders and it's gonna be great amen person some overseas have already booked their hotel they're getting ready to be part of this great event on the 24th of July yeah this July 24th Wednesday evening 6:30 p.m. all the stakeholders are feel the family committee leaders this that let's meet for a meeting on the 24th of July at 6:30 p.m. and finally remember that I need sponsors everybody says sponsors yeah you can sponsor the National Arena you don't think it cost us anything so you try it sponsor the National Arena you can send a check to them you don't even have to send it to us independence bar sponsor the National Arena sponsor the song GT song yeah sponsor Cheers sponsor JPS power that's separate from the arena JPS sponsor the power sponsor some Ju TC buses sponsor the souvenir items that will give out we will be giving out can sponsor sponsor the printing materials you can do something the Lord has blessed many of you out there if not in here but some may be in error but you can be a sponsor to God's work and help to spread the gospel every man according to his several ability so let him yeah every man according to several ability you may not be able to pay the million odd for the arena but you can sponsor Ju TC bus for twenty thousand dollars you can sponsor thousand cheers our hundred tears Cheers don't you look at me like that some of you bishop why don't you preach what I'm preaching preaching God's business fix if you want to fix I'm preaching God's business alright some of you would think Church don't need money this church need a lot of money what did you say I say it again this church needs a lot of money to keep it going that's reason those a few are robbing tides should stop tell your neighbor pay your tithes they are fail pay pay pay pay up your ties pay pay pay you don't DJ to cut the lyrics of that for me you made up here your time it's on beeping peace the tides will a man Rob God somebody check your vehicle please check that wanted to check your vehicle will a man Rob God yet you have robbed me it's a sin to rob the house of God tell your name it's a sin it's a sin some of you're not saying not to you know K you're so guilty your dress up looking nice and sweet and your dignifying this church missionary Michele Dixon she's back in brand-new style [Applause] [Music] I didn't sir husband what gentleman Charlie's position two shall be one [Applause] because Samuels was faithful standing over there I saw none of him last week all the way taking care of some other business whatever those business or whatever he is sitting with his wife this one give them a hand please [Applause] okay let's do more serious business at this time three four outstation churches Grove Road Goshen bog walk st. Thomas odd field Miramar st. Petersburg Brooklyn Bronx Toronto pray for them amen pray my strength on the strength of my partner dr. Petrova we need God's strength [Applause] [Music] so God be the glory of doing well but we need a purse of the same say Amen pray for families you know we got three children and three grandchildren yeah pray for them too that God will have his way in their lives this note says a family flew in from the United States of America this morning for this service would that be true whereas a family flew in from the states to be here for deliverance where are they that's Marlys amazing give them a hand please which with which state you flew in from [Applause] flew in from Florida this morning Street to church because you're under attack demonic attack well we are gonna believe God to deliver you set your free and give you the victory glory god bless you [Applause] the message I preached this morning was not my message what do you mean bishop by my own choice I would not preach this message this morning but because I know I'm just a messenger boy I have to obey that which he says by my choice I would be preaching another message prepared and ready but I don't know what the Holy Ghost wants to do that I really don't know why he tells me to preach from the book of Deuteronomy chapter 20 the first five verses were read earlier and I read them to refresh your memory it's a short message I suppose when Doge Urus oughta battle against thine enemies and siehst horses and chariots and the people more than thou be not afraid of them for the Lord thy God is with thee which brought the up out of the land of Egypt and it shall be when he are come nigh unto the battle that the priests shall approach and speak unto the people and shall say unto them hear o Israel you approached this day on to battle against your enemies let not your hearts fangs fear not and do not tremble neither be he terrified because of them for the Lord your God is he that good with you to fight for you against your enemies to save you father in Jesus name we pray that your holy anointing will rest upon this place rest upon this lump of clay anoint every person who can be anointed anoint everything that can be anointed speak through radio waves speak through television true speak through Facebook platforms speak to everyone everywhere in your own way behind the enemy that's fighting them defeat them now in the name of Jesus and let your people stand up in victory by the authority of Jesus we speak into the maze of principalities and powers and father we tell you thanks in Jesus name Amen somebody show too big a man down there under the theme follow up clear instructions follow clear instructions this text that we have read it speaks candidly to what God told his servant Moses to tell Israel in relation to confrontations that they will encounter along the journey instructions therefore are very critical as it relates to the proper and successful executing of a plan especially battle plan especially a war strategy if an army is going to enter upon a battle upon a war upon aiming that kind of engagement without a strategic plan properly explained to the soldiers you could have even friendly-fire what that means soldiers could turn and kill each other because they are not clearly instructed us to how to strategize against their enemies are you with me somebody so wise instructions are very critical clear instruction is the master key for proper execution and successful combat clear instructions God was not ambiguous anywhere in his words to Moses he was very clear he was very precise and definitive because he knew exactly what his people were about to enter upon and he worked for them to be victorious over their enemies for the gates of hell should not or never ever prevail against a child of God somebody says something there when you look at the text you could see clearly that Moses possessed what I call a devastating plan for the army of Israel a set of clear instructions that came from the very top from God Almighty Himself the instructions came from God Almighty to Moses it came from the brigadier general it came from the rear admiral it came from the head of all forces the end of all principalities and powers but before I get there imagine with me the confidence booster it must have been for any field officer when his generals commander says to him on my instructions go forward you cannot lose Oh glory to God we have air of prepared and of security forces in different formations here today and there will tell you that when they put out a strategy for a grown operation they know for sure that it has been well-studied it has been carefully looked into so that the force that will be deployed all they need to have is to have clear instructions from the commander somebody sees something when the commander said go forward on my word into the battle fearing nothing fearing no one you cannot lose the ground troop and all executed burn would go forward with so much strength and courage knowing that on the words of my general on the words of my commander-in-chief and the words of him who know what buckles are all about who was spotted it and a farted and I won them all up on his word I go forth fearing nothing I go forth fearing no one because under that general we are more than conquerors under than general the weapons that are formed shall never prosper under not general we shall bring them down I don't know why the holy ghost gave me this message what I believe he gave it to me because he knows somebody maybe this is family from Florida somebody is facing a cut of your life by principalities and powers by here of forces that you do not think that you can win your shoes are your feed sacks in your in your shoes your spine is wobbling on you your head is swirling on you your heart is painting within you when you see the kind of force that you're up against I told me to tell you this morning in the name of Jesus that you have nothing to fear because God is with you and if God is with you that never came home you if God is with you the gates of Hell cannot prevail against you and now some of you almost lose your fighting spirit almost lose your fighting spirit but ballclub Juarez ballclub soldier ballclub child of God get on your shoes guard up your llamas pull your sword put on your breastplate take up everything you need because into the battle you're going and victory is guaranteed under general Jesus somebody lift your hand and praise general Jesus [Applause] Cosette and AH [Music] under general Jesus [Music] let's welcome Minister Vivian Miller overlooked her she being away for one month what a welcome you're getting my god give her hand please welcome so God gave amen God that gave the instruction he gave a guarantee an absolute guarantee and if there is anybody's words we fall to the ground certainly God's Word will never fall to the ground heaven on earth shall pass away but my word said God if he speaks that you can bet your life on it it's coming to pass time will not change it circumstances will not change nothing can cause his words to fall to the ground somebody wave your hand and show to praise only you give the guarantee to Moses to give to his rayul and it says although you will face military forces that are more formidable than you are more trained militarily than you are a man more dangerous with their weapons than you are the truth is they shall not prevail against you come on somebody they will not overpower you God says you cannot lose and if he says you cannot lose tell your neighbor I win long time I don't win long time I may not look like a winner what I'm a winner god I feel like preaching here you may not see me as a winner because my back might be still against the wall but I've lift my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help a man I'd ever walk like a winner but down in my blood running a man winning is in my van and I'm just waiting on the physical manifestation for him the spirit it's already settled it's already settled it's already settled business taken care of deal don't shine defeat that enemy victorious child of God somebody praise God with me here dear God was a follow clear instruction given to them by God today I give you those same words that God gave Moses to give to his realm when you go to battle and indeed you are in a battle against the enemies you will see AUSA's on chariots and a people more than you are be not afraid of them for the Lord that God is with thee which brought the hosts of the land of Egypt and it shall be when you are calm nigh unto the battle the priest shall approach people and say to the people and this is where my message begins I have a word for the people I have a word from I Harris from the Father I have a word from the son I have a word from the Holy Ghost and those of you don't think there's a father there is a son undersell Holy Ghost there's only Jesus I have a word from Jesus for you so I got a word for everybody I have a word for those who believe in the Father believe in the son believe in the Holy Ghost and those who think it's only Jesus I still have a word from you from Jesus oh you don't want me preach the gospel hallelujah hallelujah somebody praise him down here [Music] God says today everybody said today verse three of the text makes it clear he says you are in a battle you are in a battle today are you with me somebody and you shall send to them ear or Israel you approach this there on Tabaka against your enemy everybody said this day the battle doesn't begin tomorrow the Holy Ghost said this day we are in the battle some of you been in there a long time this is their 54 some of you they for today 29 day one day two but this there you are in a battle when the Holocaust gave me this is said to me the greatest battle of the saints or engage and involving today is the battle for their spiritual survival the battle for your spiritual survival is the most intense battle that you are fighting today because he'll wants to defeat you he'll want to bring you down hell once attack yards of the Covenant he'll launches a backslide he'll want you to go back to hell you're not Butler for your spiritual survival all hell is mustered against you that never wants to take you back where God brought you from you better let me preach up the sauce I'm seriously fights your fasting if fights your prayer if fights your Bible readings is fighting your church attendance some of you who would come to church three times a week no you're only coming one time that's Sunday morning and you don't know that is the enemy's strategy to weaken you one meal we won't do tell them one with me we meal a week water the battle for your spiritual survival because he knows if you lose your spirituality you lose everything if you lose your commitment and your connection with the Holy Ghost you lose everything if you lose the anointing of the Holy Ghost you lose everything there is sense that some of that was creeping up on him and Davis I beg you please please take everything take my wives take my children take my heart possession what I beg you please Lord take not Tech not tech not tech not you are all in Spirit from me restore me somebody lived for Hannah's a restore me Tata Runa masa thus the greatest battle the charge is engaging today it's not so food is not for shelter it's not for your health it's for your spiritual health so let the holy spirits return us to where we belong where last of you song the song echoes of faith Lord take me back to where I make a new commitment and begin a fresh start help me find my direction lay your burden in my heart Lord take me to the wolves I know I've decided to follow you a long time ago and there's a long and deep within me to feel your spirit once again on whom yes along in the heart punch after the war Brooke sound 42 on one soul and death my soul cannot reveal God my song fast for the Living God when shall I appear before him oh Jesus I know this would have been tough right here because this is where the cookies crumbling people are losing their consecration losing their commitment to Christ amen Fox in charge these days calling this is a part time thing can I preach this God said this is a greatest battle you're in for your spiritual survival hauling has seemed to be come apart I'm failing not the full-time life anymore so can be Holly when I come to church on Sunday morning or Sabbath morning holy aduba sure the duma thing but for the rest of the week I'll do it my way I'll do it my way I got my wet o mighty go back to the boyfriend go back to the girlfriend I go back to the gambling line I go back to the smoke in the drink I go back to the fornication I go back to the adultery I go about to all kinds of immorality in my way from a part time all of us believer God says 99 and a half one who lifts her hair is a full-time holiness open up your mouth it's a full-time holiness say holiness our hell holiness ah he'll follow peace with all men and all in us without which no man shall see the Lord if not Magnussen's the fall of the charged house and your life is not right the churches to help you get right the charges to help you straighten out your life so when the charts give your spiritual instruction set come out from among them be separate set the Lord you must come out hallelujah when the charge of any man be in Christ is a new creature you must know that you're a new creature I know this is not in time preaching I know this is not what church people want to hear when the charges sin is a reproach bunch o Hanuman but righteousness exalts a nation knock it in your ears Oh God somebody help me praise him here somebody help me praise them here because it's getting heavy on me it's getting heavy on me down here because too many sinners are in Zion too many chests of sinners in Zion too many dressed-up sinners in Zion too many hypocrites in Zion excuse me please too many Sunday worship ranch Shabbat worship while we meet people worship God 24 hours a day seven days a week Paulinus unto the Lord somebody praise him over here the only God said not disagree this battle greatest battle Minister Peter is a battle for spiritual survival the latest high-end vehicle I live in a nice house good job they don't worry about that he'll just want to make sure that you lose your connection with God are you not saying anything down here drive the best vehicle live in the best house in the best food wear the best clothes hell is not intimidated by that but when you begin to draw near to God and said consecrate me now do your service Lord by the power of Christ if I let my soul look get fossil let my will be lost in then hell is on your heels hell is on your back hell is in your host hell is up the workplace hell is olive oil because it doesn't want you there might be somebody wave your hand with your hand say something here on the second buckle the end the enemy is reaching it's a battle against a family buckle against the family if I shall be in one of two divided against three and three against two mother ger against daughter father against sons and the host shall be an approver the devil is fighting to bring down family fighting to disintegrate your family to send some reason west and north and south and to make a don't you love your home what you have to fight for the family tell your neighbor fight for the family you gotta fight for the family fight for your husband fight for your wife fight for your children fight for the grandchildren I mean fight on your knees I mean cooperate with your husband cooperate with your wife are you not saying nothing don't sleep on two different bed in two different rooms you're not Philistines on Israelite don't let the Sun go down on your wrath make it right and go to bed together so your parents sleep in peace you better let me preach the Church of the Living God you're surprised to know how many Christians sleeping like dog excuse me please one another kennel on one energy to a room and then say people come to church and nobody shows like that nobody's speaking comes like them nobody dance like them nobody see beam in other people's eyes than them and don't see their watch in people's eyes and the beam is in their eyes you never clean your eyes clean your eyes clean up your eyes bring up your eyes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah somebody showed up raise their fight for the family I don't let see it done being a third lover in your family well you're not saying nothing but do you seem to be a trend going on we're third lovers are coming in and the third lover is not even the opposite sex as wrong as it is the third lover is a cm sex lover excuse me please Elmo the third party is this is a same-sex love a woman loving a woman and a man loving a man and talking married men and married women you don't want me preach it short what's going on in this [Applause] [Music] I'll get on there but you better check your ruse chuckles see who you live with know who you live with but if your wife keep rejecting your rejecting era continue I'm tired and weary and worn and sad something might be going on that you don't know she may be meddling up some other Wells as chose me please [Music] [Applause] [Music] lesbian bisexual woman told a wife excuse me xxx one bisexual lesbian woman told a married woman wife if I get one with you when I don't you doing no use for your husband [Music] that's why some of them not a need for you under use for you anymore excuse me please bishop you can't preach like that bishop that's what she told me do you know them both bishop yes I know aborted him when you were booted him by their church people a shop yes my church people a break I gotta fight for the family what time is gonna let me soon so fights for your spiritual life fight for your family you better be careful of all these little and I inverted common little prophets and little prophetesses and little this is and doctors the serious are everywhere on the place they have no track record they have no foundation they have no base they are playing without a landing bears playing without a take obvious but all of a sudden they're prophets and prophetesses an always of a word for you always have a word from the Lord and they do not have a word for themselves these days everybody wants to start a ministry everybody wants to become a general everybody wants to start evangelism everybody wants a prayer a Groupon at this Groupon otaku some are my mess up some are your life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody's a priest bishopric so I don't think I'll come here to do I come to preach and tell you open your eyes and fight for your spiritual life open your eyes and fight for your family clear instruction from God ordained anointed leave it lead us follow clear instructions and you cannot lose a battle when Jehoshaphat stood up in second chronicles chapter 23 harm is coming against them and yours I say hear me this is what the Lord says does is so like conventional Baca plan but this is what the Lord says doesn't sound very conventional and strategic but this is what the Lord said let's in unto the Lord it says believe the Lord and you shall prosper believe his prophets and you shall be established somebody praise God with me give him praise and glory when God gave the battle plan in Joshua chapter 6 to bring down the walls of Jericho it wasn't a conventional battle strategy but God moves in mysterious ways he uses foolish things of the heart to confirm the wise march on the walk one time in seven days seven times on the seventh day the priests appear the trumpets and drums on when they when they blast you shoot on the wall with four clear instructions you cannot lose when you follow the instructions given to you by God through His anointed servant Jesus somebody lift your hand I said Jesus said Jesus I [Music] praise you so this day you are in a battle against your enemy that's what God said 15 you are in a battle against your enemy but here the peer instructions from the Almighty God the general he says number one let not your hearts be afraid it said don't worry don't be afraid somebody praise God with let's look at the checks and see clearly what he says let not your heart faint that's instruction number one let not your heart fail you'll see mighty chariots and horsemen with swords and all kinds of weapons of mass destruction but let not your heart faint number two fear not have nothing to fear number three do not tremble before your any man do not tremble don't let them see your tears smile fill your fears lift your head up high and give the world a smile just be faithful all the way for God will work it out tell your name but God will work it out be not dismayed what here be tied God will take care of you Bonita swings of lava by God will take care of you so God says let not your heart face hallelujah fear not do not shrimp neither be terrified because of them don't worry because of them are you worrying about the demonic attacks coming against you and excuse me here but somebody is you is you invite me money now your life because of your fooling around demonic stuff hands will follow those facts you don't love the truth this morning mmm you can't go to your bed at night before go to bed you're watching all kind of x-rated sex movie from hell with all kind all kind of pornography from the dark underworld and when see a Sun come up sex with your night your coral and calm pasta prayer the demon are for me get the demon out of your house get the demon out of your house burn the books life's I'm Undead [Music] Jesus the possum you never get like a stimulation from them you know a demon you get stimulation from fix up your wife fix up your husband fix up your wife and fix up your husband and get stimulation from your wife or your husband you don't need your image to stimulate you excuse me in the Sunday morning some are you bringing demon in your life on a masturbation wow it must appear mr. beard mr. Smith mr. Fishman cut out the mr. Biren caught on the me spear shot caught on the me suspicion if you're single you're single you can wash sex are you two married are you looking at me like a pre-trip disgust fear ain't nobody talking these kids [Music] ah kendama saw somebody leave Japan and praise God in the anointing of the Holy Ghost pappadimos and praise God let him freeze open your mouth and praise God let demon rod [Applause] [Music] you [Music] my god a gentleman in Canada reminded me of a message I preached years ago it's a bishop it can leave me a No what does a message sir the most measures was steer clean stay clear you will be sick you will stay covered steer clear steer clear will stay covered if you're honest a clean clear covered clear clean cover the double Cambria not wrong [Music] can't penetrate not let's finish I must stop so God says let not your heart French fear not do not tremble not I'll be terrified because of them why Lord for the Lord your God is he that goeth with you that's number one the Lord your God is he that goes with you and dear God none of us can walk and Moses would step and Moses stood on one time and said God you tell me to go you know and I'm willing to go all ready to go but if you're not going with me you're not with me here if you are not going the journey with me glean some Moses himself recognize what it means to have God with him it is a Lord that goes with you that's number one confident booster to the ground troop your general is with you some years ago I saw SSP leading up to a tune of men and he was taken upon wrapped up in his in his duties drilling those men come on go on I can do him see me [Applause] see me when the general is with you his case is on you Oh glory to God let me stop it is a lord of God's with you number one why is he with you to fight for you against your enemies mama - he's not just here to accompany you is there to fight your enemies for you know what the third things this thing he said he's with you so don't tremble do not fear let not your heart face those of you who are in the battle of your life for your spiritual survival for your family for your finances for your health jehovah said to tell you do not fear do not tremble do not become faint-hearted because of all that's happening against you I am with you to fight against your enemies and to save you sign with me everybody peace lift up your hands and give him some praise got anything give him praise got anything giving pretty oh my god i tol it up not my choice message is the Holy Ghost message Shar poco Sundara oh shut up family from Florida run only or let me pray with you run run run run run and then I'm gonna give a general call let me bring my olive oil let me pray with this family if they flew in from Florida today for the service as a big sacrifice my Jarno near to them and let God break every feta every attack of hell jacquimo sana a la bouche Allah mother and children all glory to God hallelujah [Music] Christ can breathe [Music] professor cries kill somebody let's go to heaven from them now Christ every Taco Bell [Music] Christ country [Applause] [Music] the strees the power of God I speak of my deliverance for you for your daughter like your son for your daughter in a name of Jesus your respect for him if we attack from the dark world their propensity Jesus is against [Applause] my shirt off I should talk this shrine Haman and his plot this ride ever truck destroy ever sneer keep them victory from the head to toes let salvation live deliverance come to them today we speak it in your spirits and we say in the name of Jesus be loose being free be delivered [Music] Charcot sada [Music] make a circle all of you family members make a circle make a circle [Music] yeah Mecca sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] Moses stood in the midst of death to bring forth life in the name of Jesus as turned in the midst of their circumstance has turned image of their situation I cancel death I cancel destruction in the name of Jesus I can't stand amid severe death and speak life live for you life life Kasana namaha Oh God Almighty Alleluia lift up your head no impressive prism prism Christ Cadbury prism everybody crazy everybody worship go back to seeds go back to Florida delivered set free by the power political quick quick a Beyonce every box lighter everybody under the attack of Satan fierce in the buckle of your life is your time to run on down here to let the anointing fall on you then we are saying every box lighter every person fight in the buckle of your life [Music] Christ can't breathe where's a church [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] lift your hand and singing again everybody Christ Cadbury [Music] Christ [Music] [Music] everybody free everybody pretty everybody pretty santa prey a friend you bow your head in siempre se ho a father if you don't know what to say or a father prayer God understands the depth tough it's all now you shabba corey send up a prayer your deliverance in the minutes but are you pray commit your ways to God commit your thoughts to him comment life to him lay it all on the altar [Music] hey Jesus shall not puss in time Oh tell Jesus can I fight this battle Lord your gentleman is spawning you're going with me you tell me you're fighting for me you tell me you're fighting against my enemies you tell me your fight and took save me come on tell God tell God yeah [Music] shutaura bah bah bah daaaaaah McCrory security everybody Prairie talked to the almighty Jesus [Music] oh Jesus Jesus [Music] Oh all this spirit is moving in your bottle but my angel is gone before you God of heaven also a sea chest and everybody's down lift up water hands come on three minutes so bring it on stand lift up yawns continue to pray with hands raised the Bible said lift up holy hands without don't without fear knowing Timothy sure God said I gone ahead of you God said I'll fight your enemy God said I save you in the name of Jesus not every person in my audience at home and abroad I point my hand to fears right now and I release the power of God in you I release the anointing of God in their such situations be his spiritual be his physical be his financial be it social be hidden marital I released the anointing of God upon you now and I say in the name of Jesus let not your heart faint do not tremble be not afraid God is with you to fight that battle in the name of Jesus accursed principalities and powers the rulers of darkness the spiritual wickedness the unclean force' the unimaginable battles battles who never thought to enough to fight in the name of Jesus billy meier people set them free right now break the chain bring the train Wow glory to God glory to God tolerance of God let your people walk in victory let your people walk in victory in the name of Jesus holy spirit find that bottle find those enemies give them the victory in the name of Jesus lift up your hands and give improves emotionally no come on or pre-emergent prayers i'ma tell you be God Almighty crazy before your innermost being the rivers of living water flow let enemies be confounded when you praise it let enemies be defeated when you praise Him hallelujah come take a victory tackle victory take a victory in the name of Jesus take a victory for yourself or your family hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah somebody giving praise give him praise give Him praise give Him praise [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] yeah but when we get to glory line [Music] [Music] go back to your seat crazy lawn [Music] watch [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well to God be the glory wonderful powerful Oracle service Thank You Robin China's spread the word and every Sunday morning 7 o'clock 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock 1 o'clock we meet for these great services join us for revival July 28 31 Sunday morning fellowship with us remember Gila family in the nation 8th of January 2020 National Arena Vincent Rebecca 7:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. the seal until next week same time same place but remember head to the website send us your contribution we need your financial support sponsor sub-segment of nearly family and God will bless you Haitian Davis and behalf of everybody say god bless you see you again you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 17,471
Rating: 4.5521235 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Worship, Praise, Sunday, Morning, Live, God, Bishop, Delford, Davis, Petrova, Power, of, Faith, Ministries, Portmore, St. Catherine, Miracle, Cathedral, echoes, faith, voices, inspiration, dynamics, silent, worshippers, united, triumph, golden, women, worth, town, center, lot 13, michael, maragh, smith, andrew, brown, icilda, noteman
Id: 3UoPZZGH99g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 47sec (11027 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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