PFMI 36th Annual International Convention Wednesday Night Service - April 24, 2019

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know I please [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] the Lord I worship yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we come to work Oh God somebody we come to words in the King of Kings we pop to worship the Lord of Lord we are the words live in the prior I'm gonna Hawks us all your worship into fire but God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth tonight oh god my father we thank you tonight God for this another marvelous privilege we thank you that we can come boldly to your throne and we can find a rest we thank you Great God and Father for your Shekinah presence of Kolkata brea fill this place with your presence tonight we pray God that you will touch her every man every woman every boy every girl we pray God that everything that can be shaken will be shaken tonight we pray father for your Holy Spirit to Tabernacle with us we pray God for the hot words killer did you hold yours will do the pillars dust and spray oh great God and Father in the name of Jesus a brilliant touch your people a break order for your presence I pray for your power huh you said behold I give you power to tread upon serpents huh ho spirit of the Living God cause the power of God to fall in this place tonight both cover the double portion of your anointing may rest upon your people o God so that when we call from here Oh Spirit of God we will join your strenght we will run through a tube leave our walls friend Genoa card little cards and steno about as a great card and father here we are tonight we are here at this patron this place is holy we are standing on holy called you said to Moses take off your shoes there are some shoes that doesn't fit in this setting tonight we shall take them off and we shall empty ourselves to receive from the hand of God from your hand Oh spirit of the Living God hallelujah can't control tonight tag Bohemians tonight Oh God mija was friend tonight Lord as we seek to pursue you that we may pursue and recover everything that the enemy has stolen God my father we come tonight to recapture our first love I remember those first days when we fell in love with you lord help us to fall in love with you over and over again now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Lord we thank you somebody praise Him if somebody would praise him tonight if somebody would worship the king if somebody would give him a note pray hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah just raise the hands believers just raise those hands just raise those hands and just give him a note of praise I heard somebody's there out of her belly shall flow rivers of living water let that water star let us live in water flow let the anointing let the anointing let the no change let the force hello God come from the source oh great God there is a force and there's a source we come to drink oh great God my father Oh God we're not alone but we belong to you somebody said we belong to you lord come on somebody said we belong to you lord we belong to you lord we belong to you hallelujah hallelujah see how a Sheila know about lentonite in the name of Jesus take for full control me your people if totally and completely immersed hallelujah in the deeper depths and higher heights in Jesus hallelujah god bless you god bless your church the scripture as you know a theme suggested hallelujah a double portion hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the scripture from 2nd Kings 2nd Kings chapter 2 hallelujah in verse 1 through to 15 as we continue to to gaze hallelujah in the supernatural realm the natural man does not understand the deep things of God because they are spiritually discerned hallelujah and I'm gonna Hawks everyone who can stand be standing and everyone who has a Bible please and if he doesn't have one please find someone and share hallelujah because the word is a lump on her feet the light into a bath hallelujah I heard David said I word have I hid in my heart that I might not sing hallelujah in the scripture read as follow and it came to pass when the Lord would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind that Elijah went with Elijah from Gilgal and Elijah said unto Elijah tarry here I pray thee for the Lord had sent me to Bethel and Elijah said unto Him as the Lord liveth and as thy soul liveth I will not leave thee so they went down to Bethel and the sons of the prophets that were better who came forth to Elijah and said unto Him knowest thou that the Lord will take away thy master from thy head today and he said yeah I know it but hold your peace o God my father and Elijah said and Elijah Oh tarry here I pray thee for the Lord God sent me to Jericho and he said as the Lord liveth and has my soul liveth I will not leave thee so they came to Jericho and the sons of the prophets that were at Jericho came to Elijah and said unto Him knowest thou that the Lord will take away thy master from the head today and he answered yay I know it hold your peace and the Leiter said unto Him hurry here I pray thee for the Lord God sent me to join him and he said as the Lord liveth know thy soul liveth I will not leave thee and they too went on and fifty men of the sons of the prophets went and stood to view afar off and they too stood by Jordan and Elijah took his mantle and rubbed it together and smote the water and deal word incited ether and thinner so that they too went over and dry ground and it came to pass when were going over that Elijah said until I saw hot what I shall do for thee before I be taken away from thee and Elijah said I pray thee let a double portion of thy spirit Hopi upon me and he said the horse walks a hard thing nevertheless if thou see me when I'm taken from thee it shall be unto thee but if not it shall not be so and it came to pass as they still went on and talked that behold there appeared a chariot of fire and horses a fire and parted them both asunder and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven O God my father and Elijah Siot Oh God he cried out my father my father the chariot of Israel and the horsemen their Alpha and he saw him no more and he took hold of his own clothes and rent them into pieces he took that fell from him and went back and stood by the bank of Jordan and he took Elijah that fell from him and smooth the water and said where [Applause] not cause of Elijah and when he also are so smitten at slitting the water they parted hither and thither and Elijah went over nod of his mercy the lost verse which is verse 15 it says something like this and when the sons of the prophets which were too few jericho saw him they said the spirit of Elijah do it rest upon Elijah and they came to him came to meet him and bow themselves to the ground before I don't know why you came here tonight I don't know why you came but I know that some people came here for a double portion and if you came for a double portion under prepares for Shana we may receive if you come flurry top golfer it when you come for a top searched beretta if you come for it to reach out to take it huh becausee here [Music] glory glory the water Lord is blessed and consecrated we now said blessed be the Lord come on somebody just a lord I bless you for your word because they are spirit and they are life so we speak life tonight in the Holy Ghost come on turn to your neighbor and said live come on speak dog come on talk to us about it speak to a neighbor holiday behind now grab a neighbor on and said life death and life is under the power your tongue now I want you to speak lies to your day bar if you need tonight to be aspirin night of sleep tonight baba oh Jesus life Jesus somebody do do something for me just point towards me to me how a James Granderson Mike your hands towards me and said life pod Jesus I receive that of course above I receive it [Applause] [Music] you may have your [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just want to welcome the Holy Spirit I want to create God's servants God's general somebody said general it takes a general to carry the mantle it takes someone with a certain level of gravity to carry they slander this is not a hardener reminder so I greet God's general bishop apostle dr. del foot Davis and the first lady Minister Reverend dr. Petrova Davis stand together and give them up come on put your hand up here come on get the general give the chatter on the hood pitcher on the hood come on give the general hallelujah we bless the Lord for you sir and mom for being obedient to D call this is a I call it's a dangerous call if you don't if you cannot understand this call it can kill you because it's a high calling but because of obedience Thank You Bishop Thank You Misha dr. del for Davis and Thank You Minister pitchover Davis I want to greet all God's ambassadors the ministers of the gospel boat and a higher platform and the law form you're God's ambassador I want to extend greetings to all the offices and members of this great work the power Faith Ministries and behalf of my wife beacon is Granderson of 48 years and the people at Bob walk where we minister we want to greet you tonight we want to extend the congratulation and this 36 staging of our convention anniversary or anniversary convention God richly bless you those who are viewing those who are streaming those who are watching from far we want to welcome you to a place where the fire is falling we welcome you tonight and your healing is certain if you tap into the source so we welcome one and all and we trust God that tonight we'll be able to leave here without the shoes on we'll dance off our shoes I talking to anybody so we greet you in the precious name of Jesus Christ and time will not allow me to single out individuals so before any further ado give me a one-song now ladies give me one song [Music] where's the song remember that song but they were singing just give me what am I just give me one there's a son they call him how the father you know it you don't know it singer sound quick quickly give us a quick a quick one I put Pentecostal hallelujah I wish somebody [Music] yeah yeah Oh [Music] my soul yeah [Applause] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh the fire truck [Music] fire somebody shot fire holiday we have Minister Minister corner Robinson from the st. Petersburg assembly and persons might have been here with him stand administered put your hands together and make welcome god star Burton from st. Petersburg just to say hello hallelujah somebody help me bless the Lord bless the Lord it's really good to be the host of the Lord one more time and to celebrate in your in our convention is that amen let me just greet or Bishop Bishop dr. del pho Davis and his wife minister dr. Davis also is that amen let us greet all Rustom associates all the pastors and all the officers of the perfect ministry please receive holy Christian greeting from the st. Petersburg assemblies that Amen just receive greetings on behalf of my wife evangelist Robinson assistant pastor Minister by field I greet you in a matchless name of Jesus we are here to receive the double portion is that amen if you come with an expectancy then you can receive something but if you don't expect a thing you can't receive nothing god bless you in Jesus name hallelujah said said nothing from nothing leaves nothing although heard hallelujah we have here with us tonight the pastor pastor Holland from church ecclesia where is pastor Holland identify yourself please stand please just wave your hands the brethren are with you the Saints are with you the Saints are with you god bless they will soon get to them god bless you hallelujah put your hands together for him again we have a church here we have the power faith the power faith may then Bishop Wilson we're under heavens is Bishop Wilson it's the era Bishop Wilson here from a pen Wow don't mislead me somebody praise Him we have Church sent the light minister send the light who send the light Wilson the light stand up mister come on Reverend Reverend Reverend burn it put your hands together for hallelujah to send the light ministry welcome served welcome ma'am welcome we have Jamaica hallelujah Bible Church Jamaica by the church we have overseer Nicholson stand up overseer and your wife and the Brethren we are the Brethren stand up brethren from st. Thomas Trinity bill come on put your hands together for them this is convention time welcome sir welcome one and all hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody praise Him somebody breezy so we have the pfm nights Ville st. Thomas Choir to come and minister to us I want you to put your hands together everybody come on choir put your hands together and make welcome your younger sister church they're coming they're coming and we are traveling they are coming and we are they are coming and we are welcoming halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah [Music] [Music] [Applause] Lord we lift your blood side we want simple Jesus you're awesome in this place you're awesome [Applause] [Music] where every human heart and you mine was a bow rap claim the life will town [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where [Music] the door would sound [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] a long long night each pass tell more rape and left that dreadful wave Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm trying [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the great king of Pee Wee - hey [Music] triumph rain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come come the risk [Music] come on put your hands together for God's people hallelujah the people was amazed that Jesus had to go but he said if I don't go the comforter will not come but if I go I'll pray the Father to send you another comforter somebody said the comforter has come are you afraid to raise your hands and say that comforter has come thank God god bless you choir beautiful number hallelujah we have one of God's ambassador worshiping with us tonight Reverend dr. Peter Burnett is here he and his wife lovely wife may I invite him to come and share a greeting is there another make somebody so that he can just hallelujah put your hands together and make welcome dr. Peter praise the Lord but well give praise to the Lord want to give honor to the Lord Jesus Christ who's a king and Lord of my life for the opportunity to celebrate with you on this 36th anniversary wanna greet are a wonderful example of a parcel and a mighty man of God Bishop dr. Dell for Davis and his wife and the church and leaders here please put your hands together for these men a woman of God my wife Kelly and I we are glad to be here tonight to receive from the Ministry of a great man of God here evangelist and pasta filbert win we look forward to what the Holy Spirit will do tonight amen I am really thankful that I get to stand up here after the group from Knights Ville I don't know if you noticed fast bishop but I grew up in Knights Ville I grew up in Knights Ville grew up in E Alice Indiana's I heard that you know when I was growing up that Jamaica was Babylon and everybody was saying nothing can happen in Jamaica because it's Babylon but I'm so thankful that there is a place and I'm standing in that because of the power of faith anything can happen the power of faith is still in operation in a the power of faith will move mountains you're looking at a young man that they pronounced dead from drowning at Bailey's Beach Indiana's and the power of faith to the Lord Jesus Christ cause me to stand here tonight to say to you the best is yet to come the best is yet to come this is not bad Allah and this is Jamaica and God has given it to us he says occupy until he comes I want to encourage you in this convention don't be satisfied in what you have possessed to the power of faith in this time in this season the best is yet to come continue to possess the land continue to possess by faith because faith pleases God we're in a country are living in Montego Bay in Saint James where our parish is wracked by violence and our young men are hurting but it's the power of faith it's the Word of God and I said he has room for power faith and there's room for the mighty word of God so thank you for allowing me to come and share we have a Christian University that we have started in Montego Bay to continue the journey of training men women to be preachers and teachers and leaders in the body of Christ that's what we are doing that's our ministry and we're glad to be here with you tonight god bless you so much thank you come on come on somebody put your hands together for God's servant hallelujah the church is fully equipped hallelujah whatever resources there is we have also visited with us tonight one of her all-time stalwart overseer Barrington Nichol Nicholas Nicholson is here put your hands together he and his wife is here tonight and the brethren is coming to share a quick read it with us receive him in a care of the Holy Ghost put your hands together and receive God's servant publicity [Music] you're eager Ettore I give honor to the Holy spirt tonight and to be here in my right mind the Lord has been good to me and good with children first of all I want to acknowledge the presence of my friend and is their wife and all the members of powerful ministries international we are here to celebrate with you just to inform you that our general overseer is unavoidably absent tonight he has asked me to tell you that you would have liked to be here but because something came up and he could not be here but exas express them is desire that we will receive from the Lord what we have come from is not making a sense to be trouble foreign air I don't get anything to go back Amy the same God o minister unto Elijah and Elijah his telemon is trained in his last day and in being lost as well Seymour for a moral pouring more blessing conquering to conquer and the game of the Lord will continue to be exalted I want you to know Bishop on brethren and all my photo current workers our friends I have started at longbow in the Lord and I have no intention to turn what now amen aim whatever we have experienced stepping-stone for progress I do not think of giving up it's better you never start since you have come this fall press forward tonight Alleluia this whole pouring oil and the Lord ain't going to give you a double portrait go for it to make about the church is here to receive what God has in store Oh [Music] hallelujah god bless you put your hands together for oversteer hallelujah to God be the glory great things he has done hallelujah to introduce this gentleman pastor Holland one of my young convert many years ago his first pasta it's good to see you again and the Lord has raised them up with a wonderful fellowship there in Mandeville a glaze your worship center I can't forget those days these young men grew up in my hands in the Lord trained them in the ministry and today standing tall for the Lord god bless you bring greetings and introduce your choir Lauren oh god somebody worship the Lord tonight somebody praise God somebody shout hallelujah glory to God tonight I'm up and I feel good because I know that the God whom I serve the God whom I worship is not in the tomb but my God is alive is that him and somebody came and some are praising God that God him and some are praising a God who is not her owner but the God whom we worship they got all my praise he's a life and well somebody shout hallelujah hey glory to God he's a wonderful God you know earlier on this afternoon when I was preparing to even myself to come here my wife prepare me a very beautiful meal is Raymond cheese young missionary Chanda I hated I feel good but as I get ridden as I left old I start to become God I feel a sense of greediness coming on miss lemon and that anger and that greedy was not having enough for the natural food but tonight I'm here for double portions mmm somebody shot the proportion hi one of the proportion and Nagi demon gonna stop me I don't care who send them I don't care what's their name I'm here to praise God I'm in front of emotion because glory to God I want a muscadine before we leave you tonight I want us to know brother and sisters for us to get that the proportion who we have to be determined is an M&M and say like Jerry Papa I will not let you go until you bless me we have to be focused hallelujah let me try boy son said if my God does not deliver me I will not bow we're gonna be the champion of blood for 12 long years she said I'm gonna push myself up glory a gun because I know if I purchase garment today I'm gonna make we got to be like Paul MC Mahon I'm gonna forget those things which are behind him I suffer shipwreck ago they criticize me or they bite me Lord s porn me lock me in jail but I'm gonna I'm gonna push myself I'm gonna press myself because I want I want I want out of a portion of God Alleluia a pendulum a pendulum a shaman embrace God glory leader is a wonderful garden it is a mighty privilege for me to be here tonight a mention between this wonderful and great and marvelous convention with us tonight and a wonderful play on some wonderful short and Alou you also came in with a short Alleluia amen food logical make Madonna question as their comic Leadership Center choir has there come to minister with us tonight welcome welcome everybody god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord have mercy [Music] Jesus excellent earlier put your heads together give Jesus Spring [Music] thank you they clears your worship center would cool Mandeville god bless you came from far and you did more than justice more than justice their God bishop Granderson I intervened for the last time that is to invite bishop EF Wilson a wonderful servant of God serving the cause for many years there are no strangers brothers in the Lord started out together Jamaica evangelistic Center served with him there in Clarendon for some time and he's a true servant of God and we're delighted to have Bishop EF Wilson please come and bring us greetings sir god bless you hallelujah shall we praise the Lord everybody how excellent is thy name o Lord hallelujah my god clap your hands and give him some praise again in the home hallelujah he's all together wonderfully we give him our highest praise glory and honor in the house tonight we know that he's here we can feel its divine presence Oh hallelujah bless God and we know the best is yet to come tonight I want to amen bring greetings and congratulations to the man of God and his wife Bishop dr. Dell for Davis and minister Pechora Dimas bless God in this great convocation celebrated 36 years of ministry on the spot of ground 36 years of convention they need to be congratulated come on put your hands together at somebody hallelujah starting from nowhere and look what the Lord have done can you nut somebody and say look what the Lord oh my god you don't say it like you mean it look what the Lord have done hallelujah this is not man's work hallelujah but God said if you find a man lord have mercy he will use him can you say men and this is a man of God who made himself available to God and God of taking and make him an instrument hallelujah Effie Speas tonight bishop Davis again on behalf of my wife who is unavoidably Hopsin she wanted to be here tonight but not feeling so well bless God my Amen critics but wasn't able to make it and on behalf of the power faith deliverance ministry amen bless god hallelujah headquarters in MAPE enter in done and all the Brethren many of them are here tonight don't have the bus arrived and leave what a bit late but we thank God tonight a meant to me in fellowship once again church say Amen and this is holy invention somebody's a Holy Ghost convention yes praise the Lord hallelujah we give God thanks and praise for what you have done what is doing and what is about to do as I look at the theme it says this is double portion time can you say double portion and we can go for it somebody said go for it don't leave here let's you unless you get it somebody praise God hallelujah I must say before I sit down that in time like this it's a challenging time that we are know living in challenges all around today my god and in the church we are having some great challenges that come up against the church can the church say Amen so we don't have double portion blessing we can't make it as we are - can you say men but thank God double portion he's available and you don't have to settle for single portion I reach out and get it go after it you cook for it don't leave it it's available prostate that receive it God have that and more the pardon upon you in this convention and after God bless you in Jesus name my prayers come on put them together hallelujah glory to God and now is where we come to give we've been expected and in expecting we also come to give touch a neighbor and said given time oh you didn't say like you really mean it come on it's a given time come mister music give me a key hallelujah Russians are coming and let me help you to stand with me at this time every one of us and I want you to give a special double portion gift tonight some persons are still sitting down but if you do not come in agreement with the Word of God then we will not be able we won't be able to receive hallelujah it is in giving that we receive come on let me talk to someone it is in giving that will receive such a coat a good offering please the best you can and we're going to give it very quickly because time is against us the harshest will guide you will direct you as to how to come bow your heads with me please or gracious God and her father we thank you we thank you Lord that we can come in this fashion you said Behold oh good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity and as we unite tonight in giving I pray God that you bless the kid stand blessed big give up in the name of Jesus Christ's new promise back you will rebuke the Devourer for our sake Raj we keep tonight I bring a monkey blight back to your people I pray that your favor your people I pray your prosper your people will come against every painter spirit we come against everyone who will quit this high is giving because giving is a part of living [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] danger the Lord Jesus led to us on this nothing too hard to do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] keep the fire [Music] see keep burning [Music] Pop's me [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm foxy hi [Music] [Music] [Music] Experion you can't be back [Music] [Applause] [Music] see Oh Lord don't have his mercy praise God it was my joy sharing with you tonight praise God that moment early the choir will come the name of this quiet the voices of triumph immediately after the choir song our pastor Bishop dr. del fir Davis will come to introduce our speaker for tonight before he comes after the singing of the choir I'm going to invite you to stand to your feet and I want you to put your hands together and make welcome God's servant as he come to introduce his servant but before I go there's a beautiful decked voices of triumph sitting behind I'm gonna invite them to come down put your hands together and receive the voices of triumph in the care of the Holy Ghost [Music] five [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here my feet [Music] go down when it well listen Jesus [Music] [Applause] less let's put our hands together for the largest female choir in all of Jamaica the voices of triumph Alleluia [Music] I did see the largest female choir in all of Jamaica all of the Caribbean god bless you thank you par we see that for minutes they have been ministering since maybe he ran off ago and I've been doing a great job for the Lord amen well we're right at the preachers time but allow me to acknowledge couple of ministers who came in a little later we have bishop Carlton Russell from me and Clarendon and we bless the Lord for you sir bhishan Brussels is chopped a chairman for the Jamaica Association of Full Gospel churches from good news release and so the prophetic Church of God wonderful God blessed doing a great job and we have Reverend Weber from Starr Church of God stand up past the Weber receive our welcome god bless you and the body else came in after okay I think that's about it let me invite our pastors I just felt like doing this or pastors who are on the field with their wives or their husbands to just join me right here so you could recognize them but even more intimately please get a copy of this magazine and you will see more about them read about them information on the pastor that they serve amen so everybody needs to get one this is a collector's item souvenir item it values $2,000 but we ask you to give just a contribution way below that so please the oceans will get to you and you do so we are the pastor's they're not coming okay your wives are here and your husbands are here just recognize these servants of God out there on the field laboring for the master we've got thanks for them Minister Sharon Lawrence common stand for the Brooklyn Assembly from my extreme right we have Bishop Howard James Granderson tonight's moderator and his wife Deaconess Edith Brandis and God bless them we are Bishop Glen Rice on where they're at the bar walk assembly Bishop Glenroy Sutton in the over divisional overseer in the Goshen Assembly and is their wife not here tonight Canada we are Bishop dr. emerald Lewis and his wife in Toronto god bless them [Applause] [Music] right in the middle here we have passed the tyrone White's Grove Road assembly [Applause] his wife is taking care of the younger one okay the night spill st. Thomas we have the Reverend Clement Logan and his wife they should never join order please what a Miramar Florida we have divisional overseer Reverend Michael Hutchinson and his wife Minister Patricia hutchinson god bless st. Petersburg Florida we have pastor portney Robinson give him a hand please [Applause] Brooklyn New York we have Minister Sharon Craig Lawrence assistant pastor here y'all are doing a fine job I think knots about it and it poured more headquarters yours truly and Minister Davis then we have all our wonderful ministers here would you stand ministers those were here Minister Velma Barton or Velma Barton Grove Road assembly wonderful Maxine Murray - oddly Scott Minister Gloria Campbell - Anil Thor Minister Michael Smith Minister Vivian Miller Minister John it's small over there Minister sonia Parma Minister Bobby chambers I hope you're getting some US dollars to give him he'll be leaving on a jet plane this weekend and he don't know when he'll be back again Thank You pastors god bless you Minister Michael Murad sitting down [Applause] on mayor house the visiting Saints from the ACEF well overseas assemblies the standley's from Brooklyn from Bronx from Miramar from st. Pete's from Toronto give them a big hug please I appear to have all of you god bless you and we thank you so much for sharing and of course all the visiting Saints pastor Harlan and the ecclesia choir we bless God for you the night spell choir we bless a lot for you a wonderful prayer warriors we bless God for you with a fantastic job our elders sitting in the front there we bless the Lord for you and just about all the saints of power of faith let poor faith ministry headquarters stand and give everybody a beacon club for being here today stand and put your hands together and give everybody all our visitors all our viewers oh man abroad god bless thank you so much now finally do remember that on tomorrow in the will of the Lord we will be having an health fair on the ground huge held fair with all number of health personnel practitioners doctors dentists nurses physiotherapists everybody will be here along with other companies like Glasgow and National Health Fund and many others will be here so please come along and start sharp a ten o'clock and it goes through until about two o'clock well 9:00 a.m. it starts really until about two o'clock and then on Friday morning ten o'clock we'll be in the Sun to here in the sanctuary for a very special healing service the Lord just impressed my heart to do that a number of us pastors ministers will be here to minister to those who are sick in body we still believe what the word says anoint with oil in the name of the Lord prayer too / a fait the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up and I believe in God to raise up many persons I share this testimony in 20 seconds maybe the wonderful sisters here right now you know that God moves in mysterious ways gave out some prayer clots some times ago from one of my rules I did cut up a blue robe still have some of those prayer cloths and several persons received them as point of contact to believe God and someone shared a testimony with me today I don't need to identify you if you want to identify identified then you stand was oppressed by and evil spirits an evil spirit would literally enter a room every night every night and tried to oppress earth I say no more try to impress her she said Bishop I took the prayer cloth and I paste it on the head of my bed like this let's paste it on she came to first Wednesday and received it and went and put it on there she said the night I put it on when the evil spirit came or she's identifying herself dear lord it is so real it is so real and I'm saying it verbatim word for word as she says it please don't put the camera on her okay you see her don't let the world see her and she said to me I put it on my bed and the night the evil spirit came in as per usual and Bishop I could see when the evil spirits made his attempt to oppress me the evil spirit just do like this and looked on the bed and saw the prayer cloth and Bishop that thing pulled out of the holes and from that day on till tonight I have never been a press by that evil again you know faith is a powerful thing never been a press but an evil but when I see the blood said the Lord God bless you my sister you did enough to identify yourself what your bold god bless you no weapon formed against you shall prosper I mean she's from another congregation but this church belongs to everybody that's place for God's people so that healing service on Friday I don't want you to miss it if at all there is any need or reason for you to be prayed for to be anointed with oil minister Maharaj told you when we went to Israel last year and we went to the the factory where they produce olive oil you know what he told you he said I see Bishop walked over and looked and this one and that one or that one and Bishop went the most expensive corner and purchased the purest of olive oil the purists of olive oil specifically designed for anointing on eeling purposes we are going to be using that again on Friday the Lord tires and miracles are going to be performed everybody say of miracles start with me please unless prepare hearts to receive the Word of God from this anointed man of God we've been hearing from Bishop author grant and he has certainly set this place ablaze evangelist filbert wind came and step right into the fire he had no choice he had to burn point your hand and say dream you had no choice you had to burn and he has been burning the burnt here on last night amen evangelist pastor filbert Wynn say Lance Bay brownstone Satan his wife and those who are here with him let us pray with the man of God tonight as the Lord would speak through him to our hearts now just lift up your hands in his presence and give God praise give him some worship give him some prints open it up open it up open it up open it up hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody worship the bar somebody give God a praise somebody give God a praise let chance close your hands and open up your mouth and give God some praise in this house geez I've seen the word that to be praised geez I've said the word that Jimmy brain halle-loo keep me true Logies keep the true lodging keep it true not either keep the true teeth keep me true keep me true Oh keep the true father in the name of Jesus thank you for this atmosphere to preach thank you for the anointing in this room grab your name of ala hands father in Jesus name now release your anointing now father thank you for knowing to preach I don't want reaching to be easy I want reaching to be anointed touch the hearts of everyone tonight somebody's holding somebody God the hand that this holy is in need of a miracle but they have their Holden is what a miracle feels like I release miracle tonight I released miracles tonight before they go home miracles in their home before they go to work tomorrow miracle on the job before they leave here tonight miracles in their lives in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name good night to all the pastor's good night to the bishop and this life keep standing have you ever heard you'd with God when you want to do something and God tell you no I take a pen and paper locked up and I pound and everything God says put them down I said I'm going to convention a lot of bishops gonna be there I got to preach and impress them God said no God said don't write nothing just read the word and ask them one question saw it and try out my father my father the chariots of Israel and it's Osmund so he saw him no more the man he also took up the mantle of Elijah the fallen from him mental of Elijah that was had fallen from him he struck the what answers where is the god of light hallelujah William struck the water it divided this way lyza cross over under the inspiration of God given this bishop it's it's double portion time go after it I want you to look at your neighbor God told me to ask you levena miss a neighbor can you Andy what God's about to give you [Music] yeah look-look-look on the other neighbor said cameo and lift can you handle it Johnny ah what God's about some of you some of you already got it Lupita miss I can you have to watch your gob can you handle watch your guy don't waste it don't waste it can you handle it sit down can you and what God's about to give you we just gonna pick up from where we left of last night because it is a fact that the double portion is release it is release it is a fact that the Holy Spirit is poured out I listened to this choir sing tonight and I'm sitting there saying why is it that some of us can educate ourselves and why is it that we are God I'm gonna get myself in trouble why is it that some of us won't try to understand the scripture when whatsoever you read you find out who said it to whom was it said and is it relevant for me Bishop I look on this choir filled with woman and I said my god what if the woman were keeping silent in the churches I walked in a convention on Monday night in Colgate Assemblies of the first-born Holy Spirit empowerment for the end time harvest and you can't have the Holy Spirit to empower you if you don't believe in the Holy Spirit so I make sure I tell them it says this promise is on to you and on to your children and on to your children children and the vows who are afar off including you and me it is a fact that God is pouring out in this season a double portion but the question is can you handle it when you get it if what we really want some Sunday till Sunday coming and I have no doubt that it already started if we ever handle it right Miss Sarah vo me at all oh you're not helping me now see I'm not asking about I'm not talking about if you can't live in here we can always unlit in here I'm talking about when we finish and we go back to brownstone and we go back to Central and we go back to worship have you Hannah what club give you you pray for it you fast for it you asked for it no you get it here you handle it because one of the first thing it's going to do it's gonna carry off / in the space it has got to kill God I know some men I know some people who God gives them the double portion and they did it right the same man you know attacks he acts for it and the body was said and we finish it last night can't finish it tonight thank God the author is here for the rest of the week today with his friends he lost some friends you better watch what you say you could have fun Paulette Elijah before [Applause] you could apply a thread before you're gonna call me son that you have before but watch what you say you can even send Emma here for what I am I am Ted and I believe the time has come when Jamaica is brought to see and experience the real God where is the god of Elijah like Japan but is Gladys with me hallelujah Elijah done but i am double of what they had and i got your short jarred on that yesterday it was Elijah but who died it is like shop yesterday it was favored but not the contraction is a different boy be careful what you told me today Bishop after this contention God is good to usher the Church of God in a season where sinners with up to respect the church those sons of the Prophet love of time when he can't buck they bow down before him oh you're not feeling me that's some people in your life or your stock pasture or your stock criticize you or your stunsail Mahna Mahna gotcha God said the season as karma what they will up the stop pass your stop criticize you there were not before your laptop [Applause] [Music] dal-su Yost apollyon rates apply God is anointing his people and there are some stuff that is going to happen in our life we love Him big respect read few months ago walking my church and I said we go into the most part today for church first Sunday everybody in white is communion past the bus yes do the community in the robe same way and just march down to the bus back having change one postman coming at the park with the music turn hop then more I say young man you turn on the pasta a Bach say yo me pastor grandma garage music rock and walked over to the boss and I said me I give three lucky know what [Music] before me walk my motors a tree the doctor drive will dive over him I'm push the boat and send my own around with the pasta we were just praying in the bus spa I take a bottle of water that I was drinking I lift it up and I said God consecrate this bottle of water in the name of the Father Son mr. Huerta polity boss their witness witness one man starkers gonna be in the mind in the middle of the week he drive up in the church yard and somehow I find the pasta it's a pastor when I come back [Applause] the same the same Mossman that was passive he was driving Monday morning to school and if you know the road from brownstone to Claremont from group from court when he get to bumble between bambo to Claremont he heard us soul under the bus and he could not find he stopped going on the dare the doctor told me said pastor we couldn't find out this way they Lord about what the children drive to the school and drive back to brownstone went to the mechanic mechanic says put the bus on the round when they look under their bishop they said when did you hear this song he says on my way to school he said then you drop the children he said I didn't see anything we drive to school say with wish boss is that we drove this bus to school and chopped the children that the mechanics are come here come here look upon you would never drag this bus I don't know what they said some mechanical broke up broke up but they said you could never drive this boss any further with this he said no no but we drive and take the children to school in subasta me look for you from Monday when y'all go with the boss then the planet preacher who I know more but when we have got you must Bob dammit I'm a reverend the time is fun let the anointing that is upon your life even the data from the tourists the anointed stuff is on your life yonder [Applause] yesterday is stuck beside the lies Joe and Watson I just like Jordan but today I was but I got [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] got you Charlie and [Applause] rebecca sato one of your feel without feeling tonight the men of the city came to elijah and said our city is all right but the water but jesus top if you are not problem you are gonna call end up your seat but the car under bridge when you the anointing of God that is on your life help I respect you and ardour through your stupid order man that pipe [Applause] [Music] I want to be a myself in this college I saw that piece of junk our neurology the wad is bad and the crowd is firing what the man of God said bring some new balls put some salt in it and they brought it to him he said then he went out to the source of the water and saw some salt in it I was in a convention suffered many years ago you don't remember me don't you with all these men and the bishop dr. Petey Williams locked out in the convention he said 100 full of salt I hear somebody sing the song on them take prayers for it and tell people what I write it the Bible says when the man of God go to the source I'm poor the son said don't say the Lord I heal this one God Almighty I went the money he's the what I know the man said there shall be no more death no more Berenice the Lord says in this new season upon you life is going to come out of your mouth and there are some people around you who have some debt situation they will have no choice but to say there's a man of God who possess a special anointing and when you are told you will walk into a situation speak life no more dead Berenice more trouble July your neighbor said no more dead Berenice worries the Sun tell them your dry days are over your pirate days [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can you wonder what God's about Octavia [Applause] man of God there are some people that is gonna come to your church not for membership but they're gonna come and gods don't to help you to speak a word of life in their situation a word of the water was healed Kirsten Kirsten in this season God is reasonable people who is going to be anointed to reverse purse [Applause] listen to me this is a season that after a double portion your airman will die in your stead after you leave Convention catch this after you leave Convention the CM galas with a pity for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna say this and my left but I stand corrected even we are not this is not this is not today this is not me just tell you is that silver and gold I don't what God's about to give you but what I have not your neighbor said what I have said neighbor what in the name of Jesus what [Music] so more hapa beginning to rubella while fight against Israel our fight against God's people and gathered together and let me get Joseph at king of Judah the prese the worshipper God says in this new season of a double portion anointed he's gonna cause a spirit of worship like never before to come on the Church of God men of God hear me and hear me good with all due respect we are pastors but God says in this season of a double portion be sensitive men and women of God because they're gonna be some Sundays when the worship hit the church and God's gonna tell you put the sermon aside and a lot of church to worship the Lord somebody lift your hands and say God God [Applause] and when the Tukey said to Joseph we need help Morgan kilos if you don't help us and Jehoshaphat he knows of his experience Josephus says um where you gonna go he said anybody we can inquire we go inquire if is even see in this season of the proportion there are some places that you used to go to do your inquiry God's gonna change that some of you used to the Far East you can't challenge me Optima come from what Minister Liu agonda Farah Daniella's on the side and I come from but but when Joseph accompanied Joseph it says is there is there not a man of God around to inquire from and they said yes there is a man listen in this new season God is going to keep you in your space but is going to advertise you some people just miss what I just says you don't have to go on television for God to advertise you your name is going to call in I places there's gonna be some discussion and you want to hear all there there is a man with the mantle his name is Elijah you heard about the light job well he is two times and they said well let's find him and when these men went to Elijah look at them good light silicon diamond says if it was not Josefa I wouldn't even look at you see there are some people who is going to realize that they are in blessed company because of you [Applause] after this season your boss is going to recognize that his business is blessed because you are they Jesus help me let me talk or Thomas spirit and burn our sentence be if it were not because I have high regard for this Joseph what but because he's here because his presence is here you won't lose a battle because of Joseph but in your presence you will be victorious you going to have the tree and we shall bring a neighbor and say neighbor I'm in the company of Boreas people you miss a good place for Xiao Yan your handle can I can I tell somebody we pick position yourself because the man with the double portion is coming I don't care what your run out of I don't care what you lack in the man with the double portion is coming man of God my husband is dead the creditors are coming my husband died and leaves a lot of debt the creditors is going to take my sons and put them in slavery but man of God you know my husband your servant he did fear God the thighs of the double portion spoke what do you have in your house I feel a miracle I feel a miracle look at somebody and say what do you have in your house what do you have in your house I don't know what you have but the man of God says God just want something that we can work with doctor be somebody the man with the proportions just tell me what you see sir I have a little pool of oil I wish somebody would get ready tonight get ready it does your season your that don't be beat up it this new season ain't nobody don't take your house ain't nobody don't take your car God says I'm gonna pay up I don't know prophesied [Applause] [Music] listen preachers I don't know about you it is hard to prevail bishop were you talking about - Leon xanga bishop hardener and God tell you to prophesy over your teacher this is the season that because of your heart and because of the cruise that you have man of God the building for the College will be paid off in the name of Jesus and God says now untie him the season is coming of God when God said the body of Christ under men of God is going to do God's business that's free thank you Jesus somebody wanna get free that's right [Applause] the season has come when our people welcomed Ayad the context where your bed the tire mr. Behrman contact where your house got solid is ova I am putting you in a season because of the double portion your dad will be Chancellor your dad somebody ought to jump up on your feet lift your answer and open up your mouth and set that cancer that cancellation [Applause] none of the would present us to see em got nothing in the body from embarrass you in the name of Jesus not give you the double portion I'm gonna take away every embarrassment in the name that's all I got Tom just call it that's all I got but I heard the writer of the trade him little is much when God is in it a [Applause] neighbor what I have don't you dare call it little because little in God's hands this rose gotsegment Italia Bobcats Akbar charmer go get some paella go get some vessel I know get one I'm not that tall I'm not get three I'm not yet for money but what if I what if I what if I what if I what if I what if I what it you can somebody else a whole biological body wanted Raja Raja jaja jaja [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Macchio and if you get one drum not believe God fear one drum lesson not Jimmy Vasser never get the lapa vessel not a few [Applause] the flies at the table Portia look at the woman and say you are the vessel she say yes man of God the man of God said now stop the poor [Applause] God says men of God this season after this double portion experience is gonna be a season of pouring out and they said when the ladies start poor and our hon tired should get the first boy and the first boy stop or any hunted and then give me a deploy deploy are not tired they run on Dharam listen listen listen God is never out of resources you know you know when the I'll stop [Music] [Music] Wow the Bible says when she poured i'll i'm bored i'll and when the best on the i'll stop it wasn't the bestest he was in the aisles nothing it's topical nothing else today and the man of god says the period end sell the highland area bed and then credit us that we are control ear give them a change come on can I say something - charging this is the season when God is going to bless the people of God so much that you're going to bless some Ibaka Tyrolean don't worry you get the good preacher coming for the rest of the week I said the season a stump brother elder when God Allah will bless Sony pocket and CPR set up ourselves displeased [Music] [Applause] i prophesy in the name of Jesus some of you ministers in here the money in your church is going to double because after a double portion experience some people's aptitude of giving is going to change that's why I believe this double portion is not just about tongues because monona so I got to tell you ask them candy and some of your playing fat period tights whether you like it or not you'll notice the emn I could ignore it [Applause] you see I'll you see all them people wear them them them them salary flock to it and a flock to it the times with it no no mrs. my father said salary people I'm talking about the business people who you make $20,000 this month and you were glad to take how much what it tight so Tara mm but next month when you made 200,000 and you still put in two thousand dollars in that tight envelope thank God for double portion you don't keep what you're supposed to give that's why I believe that apportioned I hurt some people flesh stay you're supposed to steer ideas on the moon thank God for the proportion then people will work on our pian tight mm oh Jesus mm oh Jesus I'm gonna say Amen I repeat them Laden people who are a knob here that tight mm up help me to pasta mm Oh can you handle what God's about to give you lie shall we ask no time the monster reach her own jamia count how bout them on there preach I never know one then the man passed you bought more and preached there's a little mother in the church said to her husband I have to do something for the man of God oh I feel the Holy Ghost this the proportion season there are some of you that God is talking to to bless the men and the women of God and before that a portion you lock up your bowels of compassion then God for the proportion God is going to have you yes the men and women of God whether you're like it or not shaken even say stalking to you she said to her husband you know what I noticed this brother right here every time he comes and he preached he drive back the same time I mean I mean kosher but we're gonna put up a little one-bedroom upstairs you know dr. Arthur grant upstairs [Music] trust me next year midnight drive abandon me come on dear she said she said we gonna put a bed up there and a little dresser on a table and her husband says sure baby let's go and so the next time the man of God come to dawn and she she taking off him and and one day the man of God said to his servant he said he said listen to the voice of the double Portia we got to do something about this woman right here some of you don't know what it is when you pour into a man or a woman of God [Applause] now I'm going to lose many of you but you know what is this stigma why do some of us Jamaican people and they say Jamaica I'm gonna tell you why some of us Jamaican people we got this thing that we need to change who need me now mine the pasta me not mine no be shop huh if I was in brownstone how would I tell you you're not but I've watched some people blessed just porn into their leaders [Applause] and the Bible says they build the room and the man of God says something about them something about them what okay look look look find out please I said well they are with our children and the man of God was leaving and the man of God says and I love King James but they love the message Bible King James says according to the time of life but the message Bible said something like mother said nine months from today the liquor woman said listen to Minamata God not trouble me please yes immediate don't you but but brother Bishop I'm feeling good right here you got to just give me two minutes I'm a people there's something about the proportion you know that the proportion make things possible even doctor which seems to be uh let me let me just be myself but get it a little closer to you the double portion either way of just bringing back team vigor and fight and whatever they said and she said but the man of God left but the voice of the double portion came to pass the body said nine months late Bishop a lady run after me last night and she's here don't want to trouble her but she ran off to me with a picture of the twin and she said you stand in Convention and prayed for somebody who is trained and couldn't get pregnant I want to show you the result [Applause] doctor says it couldn't happen and all the trial it couldn't happen but the voice of the double portion spoke right in this church and I have the picture with a sweet twin Sabini so when when we go with me to try check it because me wonder convinced I was a man whenever or cistern of 13 of January the 14th of January the twin bond the man of God says according to the time of life and sure it is there was a baby boy that comfort in this season this is what God showed me today in the season the double portion that God gave you is going to protect what he bless you somebody missed up the double portion that God give you is going to protect what he bless you win don't limit the power of the devil crept in and kill the boy little boy was in the field working with Danny daddy my head hurts son sit down and rest may miss the sunshine but then daddy noticed that the boy was getting worst so he run home with the boy and when this liquor mama saw her boy almost left lifeless the servant and the daddy was thinking about calling one of those funeral homes but the woman said no take him upstairs take him to the place where the double portion is Shanghai take him to the place where the double portion reside take him to the place what double portion Leah dawn and the Bible says she take him upstairs put the dead boy on the bed after double portion and she said anywhere is I got to find him get the servant cycle of the chariot and I like what she said and I believe Michael Mirage was driving [Applause] Michael mirage was driving because in know Michael CIMMYT not upon the road when Michael hit hi we're mm Michael he's up because Michael see a light flash but the woman said praise the God when she got me Elijah saw her second side is not that the show tonight I believe there's about two to three hundred showing a mad woman does in this congregation you have a debt situation at home you need to jump on your feet right now it's not that that show tonight but she got claws sorry about that situation get your sand ready somebody I don't know this is what I needed to don't forget about fit because you have an experience with the price of the dollar for Shanna Shaw I about that blood but the preacher says is it well with you she say yes it is well it is well the preacher says is it well with your husband sister yes it is well but when he says is it well with the lot she never said that she never said sick but even with that situation she open about and she said it is well I don't know what kind of dance a joyous on you'll have a lollipop Ilana in a pensioner and say it is well it is well it is well they are spot dead in a Sarah father as well my son as bad but it is well my dad but it is well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know boys it convention with the debt situation but God said to tell you when I count to three lift up your eyes lift up your honor I showed it as well one boat racer [Applause] what'd you say what'd we say like preaching tonight as well as well saya the side of it as well it as well you'd be about discouraged you'd be about complex but it is well it is well it is well it is well it is well it is well it is well it is well good [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody stretch on where she is and say it as well [Applause] [Music] that developer boyle opponent to you wanted you to talk your situation I want you to talk your problem but the great forget what I'm doing true open under clear it is what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen there's certain time when you talk and your words activate fate certain thinking help or to Kiki Eliza says we got to go where is the lad is at home and you have to leave what you're doing cuz are you come on Mia control me and know that you're chopping me I'll give me son men are satisfied with that the season has come in the life of the body of Christ we are not going to settle for death we are not going to sucker for anything that there's not a god bouncing around said don't settle for it don't suffer for it don't cap you and what clot [Applause] the Bible says the man of God came for the house he went upstairs went in the room look on a dead lad stretch himself listen in this season of God's release of the double portion there's some stuff going to happen now we don't have to go to church for it to happen see some of us have to go to church wait for the praise and worship wait for the choir you know to pump us up but in this season the double portion is going to manifest man of God anywhere you are I [Music] share this the other night finished the radio program in brownstone drive down back to the charts 2 minutes from the church phone rings pastor you just lead the radio are you still up there said no I'm in the torture she said don't move my nameĆ­s baby almost died in her hands and they're crying I said go get the baby bring the baby to me I'm sitting in the church ain't no church going on no praise and worship I just leave the radio station sit right there in the church deacon where's here Deacon was there we were talking making plans to cut up chicken how we gonna do feeding program later on they drove up in the church yard with this baby I sit in there rev the baby's about 3 4 4 4 years old when they put the baby in my lap I don't see no black in the baby's eyes become is standing right there the baby in my lap red feel like about Steve he said put the baby in my lap the mother is crying I forget that there's almost a baby my love and look on her said why you crying because she's not saved so what are you crying for you need Jesus although she was kind of countenance Jim because she's expecting me to pray for the baby the baby is in the lap of origin I'm not worried about this baby going to be healed the devil the baby before it get to me I said to her you need to give Jesus a chance in your life my church is that I would say yes master because if she comes to church and I'm talking to her she was weeping drop my hands I said he can get all of her dick my hands in the olive oil baby said in the name of Jesus anything affect this meeting anyway come from above I speak life I speak life he can drop his sons and the baby both of us we rebuke everything rebukes sickness and death in the name of Jesus watch this he was there I saw the right back where it is in the highs and in less than five minutes the baby the baby shuffle up in my hands they said thank you Jesus she stopped crying the mother said you need Jesus you need Jesus we begin to witness to her while I'm talking to her the baby jump Oh Tamela dinkins little daughter was eating a liquor Tina's acid the liquor for you will went over there take the tin assassin in there are some things that is going to take place what God's about to do the Bible said the man of God stretched out and life somebody shortened life say life this is the season when life is good to purport from the double portion as a matter of fact to work until tomorrow the Bible said they were rejoicing they were rejoicing and why they were rejoicing naman naman the leper naman was suffering from leper I'm not going to I'm not going to even touch I'm the fact that somebody was working and Borah acts and acts and drop off in our water and the man of God say your member wait drop the Bible says that while they argued and somebody said where I know this man who can do this Elin and named and was a great man of stature but he was a leper and while they argued a little girl who go to summer school who experienced the experience from the double portion of Elisha the little girl said there is a man there is a man and if I was in North Carolina I would have tell him I'm getting ready to close when they heard about me men were sent to Elisha and when a man came Elisha says you got leprosy but that the proportion have an anointing to heal I wanted to go down to the Jordan Oh something about the journal yes love he had to cross the journal with Elijah he got to come back by himself but he opened up the Jordan by himself he float the ax head out of the Jordan look on your neighbor and say neighbor there is something about the journal name take your lips aside and go down and get yourself seven times in majora naman refused say we got better river where I am come from and you want me to dip myself in dirt a Jonin he refused and walk away you bet the host that you look at he refused and walk away one of the servants says this is to me if the man of God did ask you to do some grreat my advice to you do what the pastor say look at you never help me tortillas her neighbor my advice to you to what the pastor says I'm getting rid of clothes my advice to you do what the man of God says neighbor went down to the Jordan look in the China but with him proud let myself deep one time come back hope not in happy he was about to walk away but the servant said get back at something get ready drawn deep to time nothing happen yep again don't you never said deep again I wonder forget about 150 years Kris yes me just stand up on your feet tonight well you're not the stander Cuyuna have leprosy but there are those of us who want a situation 3 time come on not the huh the man of God says sadder tortured even said deep pocket [Music] sorry for some people we're in pencil so [Applause] Nagahama convinced i never know we're gone five time I'm not if I get what you're watching what's antenna or sense of the loop Russians on a look get ready adventure we're gone six times six when I get back I don't somebody answer one more one more one more a gliding for this may have to get my breath - tonight I have to get my deliverance tonight the man of God says seven one two three four five six seven get my god [Applause] yeah plus cigar yep Rossi God problem gone so stress are gone oh dear God blood pressure gone diabeetus gone said somebody say door my papa he warble it's over get sober and Saba it's all over now [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] everybody's standing us just sitting down stand up got ahold of your neighbor we're closing now here we go hold on to your name iyanya angler what God's about to do yes yes the anointing is flowing all over this house come on the anointing is all over this place come on Eva tight do the Neama tight the sub is about to release something apasa by sendin okasada squeeze a nibble squeezin Eva when I count to three I want you to shout the loudest hallelujah in this house we're going to break every spell of the double portion will be released when I don't agree squeeze your neighbor and when that loud hallelujah one two three shop [Applause] [Applause] yes yes yes [Applause] [Music] yes yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow yes the eyes [Music] [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus drop the near behind again one one one wanted me behind again now here's what we're gonna do we're going to ask the question we start with and after we ask that question you're gonna warn your neighbor and just look at them and just say receive but let's ask the question say neighbor can you handle what God's about to give you what do to receive shout at them Sarah save it Sarah say the tongue restate that there it is there it is in the house there it is in the house there it is in the house the other portion across the room all over this place you are we received a proportion we receive you're anointed yes yes look at that they were falling out all over the room IRA save your daughter Portia IRA say uh-huh [Music] receive it receded press save it challenge [Music] above us double double double double double double yes come on team come on tear yes look at somebody and they'll say receive say they can't receive the challenge when I go to three I want you to shout receipt one two three shop why don't one two three shout yes yes oh yes uh-huh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] what's the music us the music well y'all well y'all was singing the Lord the Lord was showing me there is somebody on your choir that this singing doing well on the client but the devil worm to rub them because a breathing problem shot the breath who is the person step out right now I'm not gonna waste sinner time you know who you are you're under Squire you want to do good sometimes they even ask you to do maybe leader there's a part that you're supposed to sing but there is this shortness of breath is that you lift your hands lift your hands lift your hands some somebody else somebody else you know who it is called collaborative call the person I'm not saying this is not her I'm seeing you yes yeah yes sir death why you take so long to move you don't believe God lift your hands and we got two more lift your hands lift your hand get your hands you're gonna say I said you're gonna say if they leave ask you to leave you're gonna say you're gorgeous a woman of God you are good you're gonna singer sang to the power synched in the power of the Lord come down [Music] [Music] I don't know where you are with the music and I don't even want to know but God is gonna give you a crate to understand it with the music that's even when you're musicians if they miss a note you'll know and God said that choir you're not going to stop with them until they get it and only those who are going to persevere gonna stay with you but do what God called it to do God says your musicians have to be and go to have to be anointed cuz after this next season God says he's gonna take you great and far he's gonna take you far man of God he's gonna give you a great to understand and as a matter of fact I don't know and I don't even wanna know what every music every equipment every instrument for your choir God says you will be able to play them God says you will be able to play them enough my son is over there somewhere is a musician God says you're going to play enough that when your musicians begin to move in the flesh you will have no problem to get rid of them are you hearing me because they're going to come with an attitude says if I don't play the keyboard a choir won't sing but any time they show up with their nasty attitude man of God don't be afraid to usher them out and God will anoint your hands to play on that music in Jesus [Applause] [Music] Johnny or Anton what guards about keep standing good night god bless you lift up your hands every unsaved on every bucks lighter in this house if you're not a Christian maybe you were in church but something happened I don't want to know what happened or discuss what happened it's time to come to the Lord when I count to three I want every unsaved on every box slider but this in this Ulster reached this elder when I count to three one two three if you're not a Christian anybody know your way just touch them and say give me Pascal no see don't move anybody move is coming od out come they're coming I just need a worship in church the comment everyone save every box Tyler the comment the comment the comment worship the church they're coming with the answer is they're coming with the hands R is the coming crying they coming weep is look at this look at this in this new season the double portion is gonna bring an aversive soul that is going to mess up hell they're still coming unsaved and backsliders they're coming I need a worship in church right now Oh [Music] Follow Me music I don't know what card you him but that's all like I can do it right now pass me not all chanting but my sake [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa [Music] just one more time Savior [Music] yes [Music] Oh close your eyes and lift up your hearts tetrapods [Music] this about [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] close your hands lift up your hands lift up your hands God is ready to save you ask him to see her yes cry to him he's listening father come into my life come on we're going to pray for you but pray for yourself no father forgive me of my sins father hear my cry tonight forgive me Lord and come into my life save me and deliver me lord I don't want to go to hell but tonight I bow at the foot of the cross let's pray for them no church father right now in the mighty name of Jesus I ask you in this great convention oh my god while the double portion of your anointing is still available here are men and women who don't know you as Lord and Savior here they bow their hands raised they are crying in your presence save them Jesus save them Jesus deliver them Jesus God we claim them out as sin we block them all to the ends of the devil we plead the blood we we challenge the devil tonight and we say Satan while the anointing is available rooster let them go let them go say this man say it this woman saying this boy saved this girl deliver them set them free by your grace by your power in Jesus name let the church say in Jesus name let the church say Jesus me all of you Alta stretch up behind I lifted up high pray this prayer out of your heart repeat it with pasta but mean it from your heart say Lord Jesus come on sale others a large Jesus tonight I come to you as a sinner I need a Savior Lord forgive me of my sins come into my heart wash me cleanse me change me Lord thank you for hearing my prayer in Jesus name Amen amen take your hand down take your hand down Church put your hands together church and praise God listen the time and season has come when people need to move from the place of taking God for convenient we're in the want liquor prior on Nagoya church where the pastor preached good and they want improve for me and your baba ki know where you come from that's easy dawn when you get here cry like I see some of your cry weep like some of your we the next step is to say yes Lord here is the question how many of your stand-up this are done to say tonight I am accepting Jesus as my savior live up yarn Lord Jesus look at this chart come here come here Minister arches come here come here look here look here all of you that believe in a movement movement maybe leave not bcjr now walk you know those of you pass the bigger lake hawea right here so see this man of God here we are sternum right no sir and the pastor lambda right those of you lift your arms up and send me one Jesus tonight I make up my mind for circumstan up a sir yes my god will anyone come step on step on some of your comic-con Vince I don't let me get bless God I see a people looka here looka here the church not even everytime see you gotta come with us yes ma'am come on come here so come the church heritage Pope come with the children suffer the little children to come unto me call me I'll come sister walk yourself [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well uh yep yeah when I corn Slevin yeah yeah no Christian yeah bucks terrible you look like when I concert so we use the Machado oh well me different you know we reach to the point now where if you mean God God mean business with you I'm a we understand pasta I just like a prayer minute one if that's you I in supply past a minaret if you serve God yet idyllic of prayer minute one maybe tomorrow night McCormick a church if that's you god bless you crazy yeah Jesus have mercy up more stretch out to the toilet stretch your hand to the charts No [Music] [Applause] [Music] brotherbrother preacher but I preach I feel good in a one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what you just spray with them please at this time this is a deciding moment for you you have been blocked out of the hell this moment you'll be placed in the kingdom with your with your repentance with you accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior Lord you've been knocked out of here today and place into the realm of heaven the Bible says angels rejoice in heaven over one sinner so right now at this moment there is rejoicing in heaven over you and if heaven can rejoice over you I think the church should rejoice for a moment over these souls that made a decision for Jesus shout a praise to the Lord somebody just rejoice just get crazy and rejoice for these fools hallelujah pray for you now stretch your hands everybody over them father God in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Lord you know these individually you know them collectively father they have made their decision to turn to surrender to you and God by walking from their seats to the altar and by walking from the Alta lower to the upper forum tonight they're saying Lord they mean you they are saying Lord they're surrendering to you I pray now that you will touch them I pray that you will cover them under the blood I pray that you bring peace to their hearts I pray God that whatever obstacle that they have in their lives you will cause it to be seized tonight every condition at the home every issue in the home every plan of the enemy Lord every strategy for the enemy setting up God to bring them back into sin when they leave here I pray that you break every plan of the enemy tonight in the name of Jesus Christ break every stronghold right now break every stronghold on their way to their home break every mental stronghold break every emotional stronghold break every cut some holes I pray now Lord that you will equip them Lord Lord I pray for stability lord I pray for strength lord I pray for peace of mind lord I pray for joy unspeakable lord I prayed you cover them under the blood in the name of Jesus I pray Lord that the conviction of the Holy Ghost will rest upon them tonight in the name of Jesus and they will be determined God that they will not go back to where they're coming from lord I pray that they're being told oh hell no oh to eternal damnation God that you will hold them in the palm of your hand tonight Lord Jesus you said knowing that you have Lord Coty's gone astray I pray you keep them Lord in your perfect peace in the name of Jesus therefore I speak this word against you now they're not yours they don't belong to you lose your whole tonight in the name of Jesus I command you to lose your whole lose your stronghold where bind every prisoner rapine every prisoner we bind every shackle with by never chin with rebuke it now in the name of Jesus we decree and declare that you're delivered and set free by the power of the Living God Father touch them right now father strengthen them right now father I pray that you will enter into their hearts tonight in the name of Jesus let this change be permanent let this change not be emotional let there be no emotional decision tonight but let there be a conscious warning news empowered decision tonight for each person here under perform it really clear that I will not go back but they will stand their ground and they will be clear that they are children God by their confession and they're accepting of you Father will tell you thoughts in Jesus name Amen clap your hands for the Lord as I invite or bishop or presiding bishop [Applause] [Music] Amen let's give the Lord praise oh what a wonderful move of the Holy Spirit we thank the Lord for your response to the gospel and with trust the law that all that have been said and done tonight you will follow through Jesus says come unto me all ye that our labor and heavy laden I'll give you rest we have a baptism service that is already planned for the 5th of April 5th of May 1st Sunday mates already planned we have many many persons who have been prepared and are being prepared for that baptism many of you could participate in that and I always love to say if you are by so many young people here tonight look what's happening down here those of you who are in a loving caring relationship not yet married you have enough time to do so before the 5th of May talk with me we can work things out for you or with you so you can straighten that aspect of your life out and serve the Lord amen on Sunday evening we love an instruction class at 5 o'clock so please come along all those of you can make it over the music institute 5 o'clock Sunday evening an instruction class for the many others who are already on the list I hope many of you will join them amen give the Lord a hand the praise god bless you return you can return thank you so much you can't go anybody got blessed here tonight anybody got blessed here tonight hallelujah gossips God's sending a mitre if I fall all over this land we're marching from victory to victory powering on hand start with me please everybody start with me please no I got to do this you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 43,252
Rating: 4.6324325 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Worship, Praise, Sunday, Morning, Live, God, Bishop, Delford, Davis, Petrova, Power, of, Faith, Ministries, Portmore, St. Catherine, Miracle, Cathedral, echoes, faith, voices, inspiration, dynamics, silent, worshippers, united, triumph, golden, women, worth, town, center, lot 13, michael, maragh, smith, andrew, brown, icilda, noteman
Id: jQcT7sYktNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 38sec (13718 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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